innovation protection

How to Protect Your Innovations Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 1

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How to Protect Your Innovations

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 1

Tangible and Intangible

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 2

Intellectual Creations

• Inventions• Music• Songs• TV Programs• Books• Articles• Dances• Etc.

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 3

IP as a property

•Can be sold•Can be bought•Can be lease or rent•Can pass under a will•Can be assigned

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 4

Intellectual Property






Other IPs

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 5

IP Sharing

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 6

Publish or Keep Secret

Copyrights and Artworks

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 7

Copyright definition

• Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by governments,

• giving the creator of an original work of authorshipexclusive rights to control its distribution,

• usually for 70 years after the author's death, after which the work enters the public domain. 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 8

Copyrights Conditions


Creative and Novel

Description of the Ideas

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 9


Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 10


• A trademark, is a recognizable sign, design, or expression

• which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others

• Registered at Trademark office

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 11

What a Trademark look like

• Google

• Siemens

• SonyWord

• MS windows

• iTunes

• Mercedes

• Audi

Figure / Label

• Nokia

• MS Windows

• ZainSound

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 12

Trade Secretes

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 13

Patents: Inventions Protection

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 14


• A right granted by the government

• To prevent others from selling, making or using your invention

• For a period of Time (around 20 years)

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 15


iPod Telephone16Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib

Patent Registration Process

Patent Application at the local

Patent Office

All Invention Details must be written

The Office will check the Patentability Conditions

The Office grants the

inventor the patent

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 17



Patent Exploitation Success

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 18

Trade Secrete

• Advantages• Longer protection period• No registration

• Disadvantages• No disclosure to others• No “clear” legal protection

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 19

Final Recommendation

The Best way to protect your innovation is to implement through a clear business model

Copyright 2016 Jamil Alkhatib 20