innovative writing pedagogies beyond the humanities

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  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Innovative WritingPedagogies Beyond

    the Humanities

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities



    Some basics: Why use writing in non-humanities


    Some specifics: Techniques and assignment ideas.

    Some brainstorming: What you can do in your specificclasses.

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Why use writing in non-humanities classes?

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Writing Across theCurriculum / Writing to

    Learn people think ideas through most clearly by/through

    writing people comprehend and retain information best by

    writing about it

    writing makes material more relevant and students are

    more likely to see connections between themselves andthe material by writing about it

    by writing more frequently students become betterwriters and communicators.

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Writing Across the

    Curriculum / Writing toLearn Writing, then, should take place at all levels of the

    curriculum, not just in humanities courses, and not justas a final paper but in all parts of a course

    Bonus: A lot of the writing to learn strategies we willdiscuss have the added benefit of being fun, looseningup the class dynamic, and making it easier for studentsto participate in class discussion

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Specific Techniques,Assignments, and


  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Well consider: Free-writing and focused free-writing

    Reflections, journals, blog posts

    Assignments that incorporate writing in some capacity,

    in one or a few segments of the whole assignment Also, you might consult this list:
  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Free-Writing Pioneered by Peter Elbow in the 70s

    The only rule of the game is to not stop writing for anallotted period of time

    You can adjust the format in many ways, making it trulyfree (write about anything that comes to mind, i.e. afterdoing a lab) or making it focused (responding to aspecific prompt)

    See free-writing prompts in David Grubers Mutualismlab, described here:
  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Reflections, journals, blogposts

    Reflections on a difficult reading

    Reflections after a mini-lecture

    Write down questions youd like to ask the

    author/scientists/people profiled in an article, etc. Reflections in the middle of class discussion if its going

    slowly or if people arent responding: What are the mainpoints weve covered? What are you unclear on? Whatwould you like to ask a question about?

    Reflections after an assignment on the process andconclusions. See David Grubers Mutualism lab for anexample:
  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Assignments thatincorporate writing in

    some capacity, in one or afew segments of thewhole assignment

    i.e. Professor Grubers Digital Lab Reports

    i.e. The Nobel Writing Challenge

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Digital Lab Reports

    The Digital Lab Report assignments vary, though they allrequire writing at various stages.

    One Digital Lab Report is detailed here:

    Other Digital Lab Report assignments:o produce an annotated video that explains and documents a lab

    o produce a radio program like an NPR show that explains and documents a lab

    o produce a multi-media timeline that explains and documents a lab
  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Nobel Writing Challenge

    This asks students to explain highly complex math or

    science in very brief and clear terms. In order to to so, they have to understand the material so

    well that they can actually explain it in lay terms.

    challenge.html This assignment can be reworked for all fields and

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities


    Revising and Rewriting:High stakes and Low


    Note: with higher stakes Writing to Learn assignments,like the digital lab reports, giving students opportunitiesto revise and rewrite is central to the success of theassignments and to the students learning process.

    Many Writing to Learn strategies are low stakes (free-

    writing, for example). Scaffold assignments so that lowstakes opportunities precede high stakes ones.

  • 8/14/2019 Innovative Writing Pedagogies Beyond the Humanities



    Attendees: how can we bring writing practices into yourcourses and assignments?