insights 2014


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Page 1: Insights 2014

(Before the Grand Demo)

My Lesson plan is my ULTIMATE Stressor. Hate it.

I never thought that it was really hard to make a lesson plan. I have to be creative, I have to be like a fortune teller, predict and sense what might happened during my demo day. I have to make sure that my objectives are not far – too far- from the Learning competencies. I have to be realistic. I have to managed time. I have to managed the classroom. I have to control my temper. I have to listen with them. I have to be open minded. I HAVE TO DO THINGS I NEVER DID BEFORE. I never realized things like this.

I never imagined that this would be the kind of life I would have when I teach. I thought I just have to make the day productive day. But being productive is far far far from being a fruitful day. I never realized that I need to touch lives of my students , all I know is that I need to fill theirmind and let them have the knowledge they deserve. IT WAS MORE THAN. REALLY MORE THAN THAT.

Page 2: Insights 2014

My Lesson Plan is my New BEST FRIEND

They always say that when you are in front, start teaching it would be okay and everything would be good as long as you follow your lesson plan -- “follow your lesson plan and you will never go wrong.” My lesson plan never failed me. They never leave me alone. My lesson plan is my companion There might be some instances that situations and questions would not suits in your lesson plan and you’ll get surprised because of being unprepared with those circumstances but then as a future teacher – expect the unexpected. They what to learn more.

(Like my classmates, it wasn’t see for me to catch attention and maintain my temper in terms of discussing. I’m a very jealous person and I do want the listener do nothing except listened to what I say. However, when I start to talk and teach those students I realized, I shouldn’t expect for more; that they will listened, I catch their attention. what I realize is, I have to do something to make the day fruitful. To make the day more engaging. To make them not just to learn but to EDUCATE them. They’re to timid to asked but I know they what to learn more.

(During the Grand Demo)

Page 3: Insights 2014

(After the Grand Demo)

My lesson Plan is part of my daily routine, my Day and my Life.

My perspective change. Myself change. I never see my self with these BIG CHANGES. Is this real? The effect given by the lesson plan and this experience altered my perspective towards being a teacher. I admit, I never see myself as a teacher.

These experiences was a wake up call for me and an alarm that I need to change m behavior, attitudes and VALUES that I’m holding. Teaching is more than what I think. It is actually beyond what I can imagine. I don’t want to ruins one’s life, I don’t want to be a burden to them. I AM A TEACHER. I SHOULD BE EDUCATING them not SUFFOCATING them . Learning is not killing and giving pressure to your students. As a teacher you should educate them to love knowledge and see things beyond everything.

NEVER. But when I feel those students whose willing to learn, I asked and talked to myself – will I continue teaching them though my heart is not in teaching – will I let them suffer because of the decision I made?