insights: summer 2012 installment

Personal Risk management topics brought to you by Henriott Group, Inc inSIGHTS SUMMER IN THIS ISSUE installment AUTO INSIGHTS If getting there is half the fun, don’t let a vehicle breakdown spoil your family’s summer vacation. To help, we’ve got some simple summer tune-up tips! LIFE LESSONS Do you have the right Life Insurance policy? Life takes planning and that includes providing for your family’s financial well-being in the event of a spouse’s untimely death with the right insurance coverage. HOME MATTERS The side effect of summer heat can creep up on you quickly! Learn what it takes to stay safe in the sun. SAFETYCORNER Summer is the time for outdoor cookouts, pool parties and backyard play dates – not a time for bandaging scrapes, nursing burns – or worse. Learn these important summer safety tips and make sure everyone in your family knows them by heart too. 250 Main Street | Suite 650 Lafayette, IN 47901 800.382.7875 Connect with us! We're social. Are you? Connect with us online to receive insurance updates, safety tips, local news and more!.

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inSIGHTS provides Personal Risk management topics brought to you by Henriott Group, Inc. In this summer installment we discuss tips on protecting yourself from summer heat, traveling safely - vehicle maintenance, planning for your family's financial future and more!


Personal Risk management topics brought to you by

Henriott Group, Inc





If getting there is half the

fun, don’t let a vehicle

breakdown spoil your

family’s summer

vacation. To help, we’ve

got some simple

summer tune-up tips!


Do you have the right Life

Insurance policy? Life takes

planning and that includes

providing for your family’s

financial well-being in the event

of a spouse’s untimely death with

the right insurance coverage.


The side effect of summer

heat can creep up on you

quickly! Learn what it

takes to stay safe in the



Summer is the time for outdoor cookouts, pool parties and backyard play dates – not a time for bandaging scrapes, nursing burns – or worse. Learn these important summer safety tips and make sure everyone in your family knows them by heart too.

250 Main Street | Suite 650

Lafayette, IN 47901


Connect with us!

We're social. Are you? Connect with us online to receive insurance updates, safety tips, local news and more!.

>>> Help your body out, protect yourself from the summer heat

While the summer sun can be a welcome arrival after a dreary winter, it is important to keep the summer heat from getting the best of you. The human body can do funny things when exposed to high temperatures. To diminish its effect, remember these tips next time you’re exposed to summer’s heat.

Stay Hydrated – Make sure you are drinking water continually, even if you are not thirsty. By the

time your body triggers thirst, you may already be on the way to dehydration. Avoid beverages with alcohol and caffeine as they can increase chances of dehydration.

Dress Appropriately – Lightweight clothing allows heat to escape from the body while light-colored

materials reflect the sun, decreasing heat absorption.

Avoid Overwork – Avoid strenuous activities during times of peak heat, especially midday. If

possible save outside tasks for early morning or evening hours.

Don’t forget: Fido needs your help staying cool this summer too. Check out these tips from ASPCA

>>> Summer Travel Means Summer Vehicle Maintenance You’ve got sights to see! Don’t let a vehicle breakdown or accident put a damper on your summer vacation with the following tips:

Cooling System - The greatest cause of summer breakdowns is overheating. The level,

condition and concentration of the coolant should be checked before you set out. Also, have the condition of your drive belts, clamps and hoses checked by a pro too.

Tires - Check tire pressures and inflate pressure accordingly -- an added bonus is better gas

mileage! Also, examine tires for tread life, uneven wearing or nicks and repair as needed. Don't forget to check your spare and be sure your jack is in good working order.

Windshield Wipers & Lights - A dirty windshield causes eye fatigue, which can consequently

pose a safety hazard. Replace worn blades and top off the windshield washer solvent. Inspect all lights and replace burned out bulbs; periodically clean dirt and insects from all lenses along the way.

To avoid any bumps in the road, call us today to learn more about our roadside assistance and towing coverage options. For even more cool summer driving tips, visit the NHTSA’s guide here.

>>> Planning for your Family’s Financial Future Starts Today

Wi-Fi Weaknesses:

You’re not browsing alone

Coffee shops, airports or hotel lobbies with free Wi-Fi may be convenient spots for shopping or conducting business online, but hackers find them convenient spots to obtain your private information, too.

If you conduct private online business in public, it’s smart to take the following precautions:

Keep your anti-virus software up-to


Use public Wi-Fi only with security

encryption (look for ―https‖ in the site’s Web address)

Ensure that your computer’s

firewall protection is on

Many people mistakenly make no effort to secure their Wi-Fi systems from hackers and even the best current security procedures can be circumvented by thieves. For safety’s sake, experts advise that it’s best to avoid transmitting confidential information while on a Wi-Fi network.

4 in 10 households with children under

the age of 18 say they would

immediately have trouble meeting

everyday living expenses if a primary

wage-earner died today—yet 41% of US

adults have no life insurance at all!

Source: Limra Facts about Life 2011

Cycle through life safely with our

insurance solutions

We like to look on the bright side when it comes to life planning – the right Life Insurance policy means you can rest easy knowing that your family will be free from financial burdens at a time when they will need it the most.

Based on some basic financial information, such as your current annual gross salary, the number of years until retirement, and your family’s short-term and long-term expenses, we can help you figure out how much your family will need to replace lost income over a specified length of time should something happen to you or your spouse. We’ll also help you determine what type of policy makes the best sense for your situation—and make it affordable too!

Planning for your family’s future starts today! Call us today to learn more about the protection and peace of mind that the right Life Insurance policy can provide.


>>> Our favorite recipe for grilling is safety

There’s nothing like a flame-broiled steak, hamburger or hot dog right off the grill on a summer evening. In fact, many backyard gatherings are centered around the grill and the family’s resident chef who is creating all the enticing aromas.

In spite of how great grilled foods taste, gas and charcoal grills account for approximately 900 structural fires and 3,500 outdoor fires on residential properties. These fires result in combined property damage exceeding $30 million for those home owners.

Click here to view more of our grilling safety precautions. BUGSAFETY

>>> Don’t become bug bait! Spending time outdoors is a wonderful way to bond with family and friends and enjoy nature. Before you head out into the great outdoors, you need to be aware of a danger lurking not so deep in the woods — Lyme disease. Take the following precautions to prevent coming in contact with a deer tick while outdoors:

Propane and charcoal BBQ grills

should only be used outdoors.

The grill should be placed well

away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.

Keep children and pets away from

the grill area.

Keep your grill clean by removing

grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.

Never leave your grill unattended.

Visit the CDC’s website for more information on reducing your chances of tick-borne disease.

Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when in

wooded areas and tuck your pant legs into socks or boots for added protection.

Wear light-colored clothing to make identifying

ticks easier.

Spray yourself with insect repellent that contains

the chemical DEET.

Walk in the center of trails to avoid overhanging

trees or bushes.

Wash your body and clothing and inspect your

body for ticks if you have been in bushy areas or worked in a garden. Inspect your dog’s coat too if he/she has been playing in a tick-infested wooded areas.

Avoid sitting directly on the ground.

Keep long hair tied back so that ticks cannot

climb up your hair and attach themselves to your scalp

Pool Tips:

Stay safe while cooling off

Whether you’re taking a trip to the community pool or using the one in your own back yard, swimming can be the perfect cure to a hot summer day. However, to keep a good time from going bad it is important that you and your family exercise caution when enjoying the water.

Do not dive into shallow pools.

Do not run on the pool deck.

Never swim alone.

Use properly fitted and secured

lifejackets on children who do not know how to swim.

Supervision – It only takes a few minutes for the worst to happen. Keep your children in eyesight at all times so you can react if they get into trouble. Remember, even when lifeguards are present it is important that you do your part to ensure your family’s safety.



250 Main Street | Suite 650

Lafayette, IN 47901
