inspire his love for you’s 7-part introductory course part 1 _ inspire his love for you

Home Inspire His Love for You Newsletter Inspire His Love for Y ou’ s 7-P art Introductory Course P art 1 June 13, 2012 by admi n Welcome to the Inspire His Love For You 7-part pre li mi nary course on Reasons Men Fall In and Out of Love… and What You Can Do About It! In this course you will be privy to powerful yet practical tools that you ca n apply to your re lationsh ip to turn things around. Y ou’ll l earn “ Ah Ha” insi ghts that wil l gi ve you a clearer picture of your behavior and a better understanding of why you currently may not be getting the love life you deserve. Thi s is advice you won’t typicall y see a nywhere else. Most advisors are telli ng wom en to do even more tha n they already are to save their relatio nships, and frankly , we know you are already exhausted. We are here t o tell you to do less and teach you how to do put only effective energy into your relationsh ip. Plus, our advice unique blends spirituality concepts with sassy, sexy tips to give you a whole variety of tools to make you into the complete package of good woman/li’l minx. It’s free advice you c an’t afford to mi ss! Check out an overview of the course material covered in the next few days: Part 1- Signs a Man is Drifting Out of Love and the WRONG W ays to Respond. Part 2- Sex: Why He Isn’t a Pig For Needing It and How You Can Be More Sexual Part 3- What It REALL Y Means to Have an Emotional Connection & Three Ways to Improve Yours Part 4- Comm on Fighting Styles B etween Couples and How to Stop Playing Producer to the Show.

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Inspire His Love for You


Inspire His Love for You’s 7-Part Introductory Course Part 1

June 13, 2012 by admin

Welcome to the Inspire His Love For You 7-part preliminary course on Reasons Men Fall In and Out of 

Love… and What You Can Do About It!

In this course you will be privy to powerful yet practical tools that you can apply to your relationship to turn

things around. You’ll learn “Ah Ha” insights that will give you a clearer picture of your behavior and a better

understanding of why you currently may not be getting the love life you deserve.

This is advice you won’t typically see anywhere else. Most advisors are telling women to do even more than

they already are to save their relationships, and frankly, we know you are already exhausted. We are here to

tell you to do less and teach you how to do put only effective energy into your relationship. Plus, our advice

unique blends spirituality concepts with sassy, sexy tips to give you a whole variety of tools to make you intothe complete package of good woman/li’l minx.

It’s free advice you can’t afford to miss!

Check out an overview of the course material covered in the next few days:

Part 1- Signs a Man is Drifting Out of Love and the WRONG Ways to Respond.

Part 2- Sex: Why He Isn’t a Pig For Needing It and How You Can Be More Sexual

Part 3- What It REALLY Means to Have an Emotional Connection & Three Ways to Improve Yours

Part 4- Common Fighting Styles Between Couples and How to Stop Playing Producer to the Show.

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Part 5-Your Baggage and How It Effects the Way You Relate With Men

Part 6- Some Common Types of Toxic Men & How to Know For Sure

Part 7- Be His Escape & Not His Headache—Improving Your Perspective on Life!


This free course will get you started on the right track with your man but everything you need to know can’t

possibly be covered in 7 courses. We have, however, written Inspire His Love For You to cover

EVERYTHING you’ll need to know to capture your man’s heart.

It’s jam-packed with exercises and insight that are carefully designed to give women a system that’s easy to

follow and highly effective at changing relational behavior. Many books are a pleasant, fun reads but are not

applicable.  Inspire His Love For You is a step-by-step program that you can apply to your relationship

immediately for drastic results. You’ll learn ways to boost your self-confidence along with getting smart,

proactive, specific behaviors to use with men that will change his feelings AND his treatment of you. 


Let’s start today’s lesson!




 Reasons Men Fall In and Out of Love… And What You Can Do About It — Part 1.

Signs a Man is Drifting Out of Love and the WRONG Ways to Respond.

By Kristina Marchant


If your man is acting like driftwood floating out to sea and away from you, you first need to know the signs to

look for to know for sure that he is losing interest and isn’t just preoccupied with work or other life-stressors.

Relationships require consistent, constant effort. The connection is constantly in flux and it’s very easy for a

small gap to quickly widen and put a fatal strain on the relationship. Therefore, it’s best to be clear about the

fact that your man seems distant so that you can quickly fix the issue and not have it end your relationship.

Signs of a man drifting aren’t always easy to spot. A lot of women are surprised when their man starts fallingaway, having failed to see signs earlier.

The key to strong love is constant growth as opposed to stagnation. Over time, relationships either grow

stronger or weaken. They don’t stay the same. Remember Woody Allen’s Annie Hall in which his character

compares a relationship to a shark—constantly having to move forward or it dies? That was sound advice and

something to ALWAYS remember. If you think that your relationship has been solid, yet the same, for a while

and now you are a bit shocked to recently discover that your man seems to be drifting “out of nowhere”,

chances are he’s been emotionally drifting for a while now.

 Here are signs a man may be distancing himself :

1. Things are not better than ever!

This goes along with what I just wrote above—if your relationship isn’t growing stronger over time, chances

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4. You feel like you are out of his mind when you are out of his sight.

If he acts like he doesn’t ever miss you when you two are separated, chances are he is emotionally drifting.

Usually this scenario happens in friends with benefits situations where there is no commitment. I knew a man

who loved to spend time with me (and we had a lot of fun together), but when we are not together in the same

room, he was hard to track down and never seemed like he was eager to see me or hear from me. The truth

was that he wasn’t in love with me and was seeing other women.

A devoted man will never:

Repeatedly not call you back 

Make excuses not to see you

Not take an interest in hearing about your life and what you are up to

Not want to know your family and friends

Break plans and not feel REALLY bad about it or even worried he upset you.


If you are married and your husband is no longer: calling you from work, following through with errands and

forgetting about them instead, or is not returning your texts and making his time away from you seem way

more fun than his time with you, you have a problem. And it doesn’t mean that he is thinking of other women,

he may actually be trying to get you to notice his resentment toward you. Either way, the relationship is not

getting the respect it deserves. And I don’t care if your excuse is that he has always been an inconsiderate

person and never has had a good track record of returning your calls– if he was madly in love with you, he

would respect and honor your relationship enough to pick up the phone!


What You Should Never Do In Response to His Distancing

If your man is behaving in one of the above ways, don’t worry– you can still change everything around. You

can still make him want to step up and treat you better. However, you probably won’t get to that place with

him if you act in the following ways:

1. Compensate for his lack of Investment

It’s human nature to fight for the things we want, and being madly in love with a man can make us fight harder

than we ever thought possible. However, fighting for a man usually won’t win him for you.

Most smart and successful professional women know what it takes to get ahead in business but putting in

sweat, blood and tears won’t win you a man like it will a job promotion.

When you start “ filling in the spaces” where a man has gone lax, you are working too hard for love. If you

feel that your man is drifting away, please don’t start:

Planning dates

Helping him complete his life responsibilities (doing things for him that he should be doing like job

projects or making his appointments)

Catering to him (cooking, cleaning his house, massaging his back)

Buying him things and paying his bills

Now I’m not saying he won’t appreciate your efforts. He may truly be grateful for your help and attention,

but when you start doing and doing for a man as he drifts away from you, you are indirectly rewarding him for

bad behavior.

You have to reward men for good behavior, not try to get close to a man when he has started actingunaccountable. This sends him the message that you not only don’t care enough about yourself to not accept

poor treatment, you actually will do more for him when he acts less interested in you.

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It makes him think that he has a free pass to slip away from you at the pace he pleases and not have to ever

worry about you leaving him. When we humans know that another person will always be available as a last

resort, we don’t appreciate them and think they are just doormats. We end up moving on to people who keep

us “in check.”

So don’t be his doormat and break your back trying to please him when he is doing very little, if anything, to

fix things between you.

2. Act passive aggressive or even downright bitchy

More bees with honey than vinegar, or so the saying goes. Well, no amount of hostility and irritability is goingto make a man step up and break his back to be close to you. He may temporarily mind his ‘p’s and ‘q’s and

behave better for a bit when you toughen up or pout your lip; however, making a guy afraid of your

disappointment in him won’t last forever. Eventually he will tire of your foul attitude, even if it is deserved.

It seems obvious that no woman who wants a man to come closer to her heart should act mean, self-entitled,

stoic or short-tempered, but I see it a lot, especially in relationships where it’s hard for the man to just up and

leave. Many women know (even if it’s unconscious knowledge) when a man feels too responsible to just walk 

out the door—usually this is when children are involved. This knowledge makes many angry women think 

they have a free pass to be difficult to their drifting men; however, it doesn’t do anything to actually fix the


Relationships are not power plays; “He is distancing himself so I can act like this and make him suffer a

little.” If a man is starting to fall away from you, this is the time to be very aware of your behavior and make

sure that your feelings of resentment, bitterness, insecurity, uncertainty and fear don’t start dictating the way

you behave with him, or you may push him even further away.

3. Brushing His Behavior Under the Carpet

If his distancing is like the white elephant that’s constantly in the room, you cannot go on acting like nothing is

wrong in the relationship. You have to be honest and clearly share your suspicions and feelings with him.

Ever see the movie, “One Hour Photo” where Robin Williams’ character exposes a cheating husband to his

wife only to be shocked that she does nothing about it? Well, that response is pretty common. Many women,torn up inside with feelings of betrayal and heartbreak, desperately try to act like nothings wrong in hopes that

maybe the problem will disappear on its own and the pain will vanish.

This usually never happens. If a man is distancing himself from you or just doesn’t seem interested in getting

any closer to you, you cannot pretend like you don’t notice and that you don’t care. This response will

actually push him even further away because it will make him feel like you and him are not well matched. He

will feel like you don’t even know him enough to know when something’s up.

Now that you know some of the signs of a drifting man and some reactions you should avoid, you can now

begin to shed more light on your relationship and get a clearer picture of his level of commitment to you.

In Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is admitting you have a problem. If you have noticed some behavior

in your man that makes you uncomfortable or even if you just have the gut feelings that things aren’t right

between the two of you and that he is unhappy, the first step is accepting these feelings inside you and

accepting that your relationship needs guidance. Even if he feels good about things, if YOU don’t, that’s an

issue. If you aren’t happy where things are at, then things need to change.

The best part, though, is that you can start making those changes without his initial participation. You can get

him wanting to change by first changing yourself.

Want to Know More Ways To Rescue Your Relationship and Inspire Him?

Don’t waste precious time because relationships are fragile. Get Inspire His Love For You and learn a systemof becoming the best version of you to bring out the best version of him! With our help, you could bring a

drifting man back quickly and with little effort. After all, we already mentioned that your efforts don’t work!

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You can be on your way to a happy love life minutes from now. Just click on the image below:


Get that man’s heart where it needs to be—belonging to you!

All My Belief In You,

Kristina Marchant


About the Author

Kristina Marchant has always been fascinated by human behavior. She grew up an only child with lots of 

lonely alone time on her hands, which made her eager to understand the human connection she deeply craved.

When she was older, she got a BA in psychology at Barnard College at Columbia University and now has

found her way into the romantic-love relationship niche, as a relationship coach who advises women on men

and healthy relationship skills.

The decision to focus on dating and relationship advice for women came when she started having problems

within her own marriage. She had spent years with her nose in academic books about the science of the

human mind, and she couldn’t figure out her own husband’s head … or heart, at all.

Through the wisdom found in spirituality books and through strange life experiences, she began to see a light

at the end of a painful, soul-searching tunnel. She began to realize that love wasn’t about games and power

plays but about pure motives, honesty, trust and vulnerability. She then took her new discoveries into her

dating relationships with men, and began to see amazing results.

She is now in the best relationship of her life! And… the man she’s with now, who treats her like gold and

loves to service her every request, was once a self-proclaimed “emotionally unavailable commitment phobe.”

She changed everything around for herself and took a seemingly doomed dating relationship and made it into a

committed, loving, years-long relationship.

Come take a gander at Inspire His Love for You where you’ll learn common mistakes most women make inrelationships.

Kristina has helped many women turn “impossible” relationships into fairytale romances! Don’t wait precious

time. Your man needs and wants the kind of relationship you do, it’s just a matter of a little supple, sweet,

feminine inspiration!

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