integrated water resources management (iwrm) ipswat

13.06.2022 Seite 1 Page 1 Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Yemen talking private gossip gtz Dr. Michael Klingler Policy Advisor -water and infrastructure- Michael Klingler

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Page 1: Integrated water resources management (iwrm) ipswat

12.04.2023 Seite 1Page 1Michael Klingler

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Yementalking private gossip

gtz Dr. Michael Klingler

Policy Advisor

-water and infrastructure-

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12.04.2023 Seite 2

The overall problem:

• Resource under pressure• Population growth >3.5%• water resources misuse• Water governance crisis• Lack of education

Dam in Amran Governorate, North Yemen

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12.04.2023 Seite 3Page 3Michael Klingler

Water sector reform, the MDG’s(Millennium Development Goals)

Partner countries derive numerous benefits: Partners gain expertise and competence Partners create effective organizational structures Partners are strengthened in exercising their core functions

An efficient and productive water sector means: safeguarding water resources ensuring sustainable and efficient drinking water supply securing access by the poor to clean drinking water and

sanitation preventing water-induced diseases protecting ecosystems reducing user conflicts

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The main challenges: Securing water for people Protecting vital ecosystems Dealing with variability of water Managing risks Developing other job creating activities Creating awareness and understanding Supporting the political will to act Ensuring collaboration across sectors and boundaries

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IWRM: Dublin principles as a guide

The four Dublin principles: Freshwater as a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain

life, development and the environment. Water development and management should be based on a

participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy makers at all levels

Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water

Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic good

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Principle I: water as a finite and vulnerable resource

Holistic approach Resource yield has

natural limits Effect of human


Normal situation and………………………… after rain; Sana’a, Capital Yemen

Yemen: (will probably run out of water soon)• Working with different stakeholders and ministries• Promoting monitoring, change of water use and

change of irrigation techniques• Promoting decentralized solutions

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Real participation

Achieving consensus

Creating participatory mechanisms and capacity

Principle II: Participatory approach

Yemen: (in process)Pushing forward decentralization

Multi stakeholder dialog installed

Legal setup for 3 Water Basin Committees

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Involvement of women in decision making

Women as water users

IWRM requires gender awareness

Principle III: The important role of woman

Yemen: (difficult)Women associations are involved(South is different from North)

Very important but hard to approach

Women are focused in awareness, health and education

National Mascot (Rauiana & Rauian) founded by GTZ-IWRM

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Principle IV: Water as an economic good

• Water has a value as an economic good

• Value and charges are two different things

• Useful water cost concepts• The goal of full cost recovery• Managing demand through

economic instruments• Financial self-sufficiency versus

water as a social good

Yemen: (not easy to get)• Water has a religious value

• No real cost recovery

• Service gives the value• Water tariffs are in place, -

water through networks is unhealthy

• Lack of water law enforcement • Lack of political will to enforce


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What are the main steps to get aYemeni IWRM on the way

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Growing Qat is most economic for farmers

Qat field, (Qad is an Amphetamine drug, most people, particular man, are addicted to Qat in Yemen)

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Supporting alternativ adapted irrigation schemes

Pilot irrigation scheme using buried clay pots as irrigation source

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Ground water protection and monitoring

Improving a pump house, (setup for ground water protection zone one)

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Supporting water related jobs and production schemes

Construction of the first environmental friendly kiln used to produce colloidal silver impregnated ceramic filters to be used for purifying surface water out of cisterns

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Improving decentralized save drinking water supplies

Distribution of colloidal silver impregnated ceramic filters in a pilot village. In the piloted villages water born diseases were reduced during the pilot phase from 65% to under 5%. One filter serves 8 people/day with drinking water for a least 3 years.

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Always taking into account cultural circumstances……

….and needs

Hababah city view

Drinking water supply cistern

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Thank You

Use IWRM as a way....not as a goal

Traditional Yemeni“Jambia” dance

gtz English site

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Principle 4 of the Dublin Statement states that "Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic good." Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad declared that water should be, together with pasture and fire, the common entitlement of all Muslims. This is why, in many modern Muslim countries, water legislation considers that water resources belong to the whole community, that is, the state or the public domain (Caponera 1992). Based on this notion, public water in its natural state (large lakes and rivers) cannot be sold. Access to water is a right of the community.

Islamic law does, however, distinguish between public and private water. Private water includes that contained in wells, tanks, and other reservoirs. If an additional cost is incurred to convey, treat, and store water, then it is considered to be under private ownership (Zouhaili 1989). This implies that water users have to pay the cost of operation, treatment, and maintenance of water supply systems. However, special consideration must be paid to low-income users who do not have the ability to pay and, for some users, water should be subsidized. In addition, the right to use water can be separated from the land which a watercourse traverses, not by sale but by legacy. Although the water in such a canal is privately owned, everyone has the right to drink from it, but he must not trespass on the land where the canal is situated without the permission of the owner, except in case of necessity. Full private property in water exists only if it is "in custody," that is, in a container. The state has the right to recoup the cost of supplying, treating, and distributing public water.