integration guide for infor ion workflows and monitors · ming.le social objects..... 28 chapter 3...

Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

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Copyright © 2020 Infor

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In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to maintain such material in strict confidence and that your use of such material is limited to the Purpose described above. Although Infor has taken due care to ensure that the material included in this publication is accurate and complete, Infor cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete, does not contain typographical or other errors, or will meet your specific requirements. As such, Infor does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss or damage to any person or entity which is caused by or relates to errors or omissions in this publication (including any supplementary information), whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

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Publication Information Release: Infor LN On-Premise FP7 or later and Infor ION 10.0 or later

Publication date: December 3, 2020

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 3


About this guide ................................................................................................................................. 11

Intended audience ......................................................................................................................... 11

Organization ................................................................................................................................... 11

Related documents ........................................................................................................................ 12

Contacting Infor.............................................................................................................................. 12

Chapter 1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 2 Setup and configuration .............................................................................................. 15

Prerequisites for ION ..................................................................................................................... 15

Prerequisites for Infor LN ............................................................................................................... 16

Installing ION content .................................................................................................................... 19

Show verb versus Sync verb ......................................................................................................... 22

Distribution of alerts and tasks ...................................................................................................... 22

Upgrading ION content .................................................................................................................. 24

Customizing Infor LN ION content ................................................................................................. 26

Document authorization ................................................................................................................. 26

Ming.le social objects ..................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 3 Monitors ........................................................................................................................ 29

Accounting entity added ................................................................................................................ 29

Anticipated payment due ............................................................................................................... 30

Billing cycle due ............................................................................................................................. 30

Call assigned ................................................................................................................................. 31

Call due .......................................................................................................................................... 31

Call overdue ................................................................................................................................... 32

Call unassigned ............................................................................................................................. 32

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4 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

Chart of accounts addition ............................................................................................................. 33

Claim closed .................................................................................................................................. 33

Claim high amount ......................................................................................................................... 34

Contract purchase expire............................................................................................................... 35

Contract sales expire ..................................................................................................................... 35

Contract service expire .................................................................................................................. 36

Corrective action plan late ............................................................................................................. 37

Corrective action plan task late ..................................................................................................... 37

Corrective action plan task not started .......................................................................................... 38

Customer activated ........................................................................................................................ 38

Customer return with high value .................................................................................................... 39

Dimension addition ........................................................................................................................ 40

DOM Document ............................................................................................................................. 41

Enterprise unit addition .................................................................................................................. 41

Fiscal period closed for general ledger ......................................................................................... 42

Fiscal period open ......................................................................................................................... 42

Generate order planning aborted .................................................................................................. 43

Inspection order pending ............................................................................................................... 43

Invoice addition with high value ..................................................................................................... 44

Job Alert ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Location addition ............................................................................................................................ 45

Maintenance notification not assigned .......................................................................................... 46

Maintenance notification not handled ............................................................................................ 47

Non-conforming material report addition ....................................................................................... 47

Non-conforming material report closure ........................................................................................ 48

Non-conforming material report late .............................................................................................. 48

Non-conforming material report waiver completed ....................................................................... 49

Opportunity activity due ................................................................................................................. 50

Opportunity due ............................................................................................................................. 50

Payable transaction blocked .......................................................................................................... 51

Planned distribution order due ....................................................................................................... 52

Planned production order due ....................................................................................................... 52

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 5

Planned purchase order due ......................................................................................................... 53

Production order blocked ............................................................................................................... 54

Production order complete ............................................................................................................ 54

Production order due ..................................................................................................................... 55

Production order projected late ..................................................................................................... 55

Production order release ............................................................................................................... 56

Project activity overdue .................................................................................................................. 57

Project activity start overdue ......................................................................................................... 57

Project bid expires ......................................................................................................................... 58

Project contract ceiling amount ..................................................................................................... 59

Project contract deliverable due .................................................................................................... 59

Project contract expires ................................................................................................................. 60

Project contract funding amount reached ...................................................................................... 60

Project contract installment amount shortage ............................................................................... 61

Project contract installment due .................................................................................................... 62

Project contract line billing due ...................................................................................................... 62

Project contract zero amount ......................................................................................................... 63

Project contract zero line amount .................................................................................................. 64

Project loss making ........................................................................................................................ 64

Project milestone overdue ............................................................................................................. 65

Purchase contract line called quantity not completely covered .................................................... 65

Purchase contract line usage does not match expected usage.................................................... 66

Purchase invoice matched ............................................................................................................ 67

Purchase invoice registered .......................................................................................................... 68

Purchase schedule line not received ............................................................................................. 68

Purchase schedule line only partially received ............................................................................. 69

Quote expires ................................................................................................................................. 69

Receivable transaction due ........................................................................................................... 70

Receive delivery due ..................................................................................................................... 71

Receive delivery quantity deviates ................................................................................................ 71

Receive delivery received late ....................................................................................................... 72

Requisition addition with high priority ............................................................................................ 73

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6 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

Requisition addition with high value .............................................................................................. 73

Requisition approved ..................................................................................................................... 74

Requisition rejected ....................................................................................................................... 75

RFQ due ........................................................................................................................................ 75

RFQ expired ................................................................................................................................... 76

Sales credit memo addition with high value .................................................................................. 77

Sales order addition with high priority ........................................................................................... 78

Sales order cancelled .................................................................................................................... 79

Sales order ship to address incomplete ........................................................................................ 79

Sales order with high value ........................................................................................................... 80

Serialized item not assigned .......................................................................................................... 81

Service order activity due .............................................................................................................. 81

Service order activity overdue ....................................................................................................... 82

Service order due .......................................................................................................................... 82

Service order emergency not released ......................................................................................... 83

Service order emergency released................................................................................................ 84

Service order not costed ................................................................................................................ 84

Service order not released ............................................................................................................ 85

Shipment due ................................................................................................................................. 86

Shipment shipped late ................................................................................................................... 86

Supplier addition ............................................................................................................................ 87

Supplier credit memo addition with high value .............................................................................. 87

Supplier invoice addition with high value ....................................................................................... 88

Supplier stage payment late .......................................................................................................... 89

Transaction type addition............................................................................................................... 90

Turnaround time document due .................................................................................................... 90

Chapter 4 Workflow models ......................................................................................................... 92

Call registered ................................................................................................................................ 92

Claim close .................................................................................................................................... 93

Claim generate supplier claim ....................................................................................................... 93

Claim submit .................................................................................................................................. 94

Company addition .......................................................................................................................... 95

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 7

Contract purchase expire............................................................................................................... 95

Contract sales expire ..................................................................................................................... 96

Contract service expire .................................................................................................................. 97

Corrective action plan approved .................................................................................................... 97

Corrective action plan open ........................................................................................................... 98

Corrective action plan submitted ................................................................................................... 98

Corrective action plan task completed .......................................................................................... 99

Customer addition ........................................................................................................................ 100

Finalization error logged .............................................................................................................. 100

Global trade compliance check result ......................................................................................... 101

High value Payable transaction to be paid .................................................................................. 102

Item addition ................................................................................................................................ 102

Maintenance notification addition ................................................................................................ 103

Maintenance notification assigned .............................................................................................. 104

Maintenance notification not handled .......................................................................................... 105

Non-conforming material report assigned ................................................................................... 106

Non-conforming material report submitted .................................................................................. 106

Opportunity lost ............................................................................................................................ 107

Opportunity won ........................................................................................................................... 108

Planning signal............................................................................................................................. 108

Production order complete .......................................................................................................... 109

Production order release ............................................................................................................. 110

Production order rework .............................................................................................................. 110

Project bid convert contract ......................................................................................................... 111

Purchase invoice registered ........................................................................................................ 112

Requisition approval .................................................................................................................... 112

Requisition conversion ................................................................................................................. 113

RFQ due ...................................................................................................................................... 114

Sales order unblock ..................................................................................................................... 115

Service order release ................................................................................................................... 115

Supplier addition .......................................................................................................................... 116

Chapter 5 Document authorization ............................................................................................ 118

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8 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

Adjustment line ............................................................................................................................ 118

Billable line ................................................................................................................................... 119

Customer claim line ..................................................................................................................... 119

Cycle count line............................................................................................................................ 120

Global trade compliance check result ......................................................................................... 120

Invoice .......................................................................................................................................... 120

Invoice-from business partner ..................................................................................................... 121

Invoice-to business partner.......................................................................................................... 122

Journal ......................................................................................................................................... 122

Payment batch ............................................................................................................................. 123

Pay-to business partner ............................................................................................................... 123

Pay-to business partner bank accounts ...................................................................................... 124

Physical breakdown change ........................................................................................................ 124

Project .......................................................................................................................................... 125

Project bid .................................................................................................................................... 125

Project contract ............................................................................................................................ 126

Project contract deliverable ......................................................................................................... 126

Project contract line ..................................................................................................................... 127

Project equipment costs .............................................................................................................. 127

Project interim results .................................................................................................................. 128

Project labor costs ....................................................................................................................... 128

Project material costs .................................................................................................................. 129

Project subcontracting costs ........................................................................................................ 129

Project sundry costs .................................................................................................................... 130

Purchase contract ........................................................................................................................ 130

Purchase invoice.......................................................................................................................... 131

Purchase order ............................................................................................................................ 131

Recurring journal.......................................................................................................................... 132

Register received invoice............................................................................................................. 132

Request to reuse a supplier invoice number ............................................................................... 133

Requisition ................................................................................................................................... 133

Revenue Recognition .................................................................................................................. 134

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 9

Sales contract .............................................................................................................................. 134

Sales order ................................................................................................................................... 135

Sales quotation ............................................................................................................................ 135

Service quote ............................................................................................................................... 136

Stage payment ............................................................................................................................. 136

Trade order .................................................................................................................................. 137

Chapter 6 Views ........................................................................................................................... 138

Drill back ...................................................................................................................................... 138

Drill to ........................................................................................................................................... 138

Views ............................................................................................................................................ 139

Dynamic Enterprise Modeler ....................................................................................................... 139

Chapter 7 Runtime usage............................................................................................................ 140

Verifying event monitors and workflow models ........................................................................... 140

Logging ........................................................................................................................................ 140

Appendix A View modeler ........................................................................................................... 141

Design time .................................................................................................................................. 141

Runtime ........................................................................................................................................ 143

Example ....................................................................................................................................... 144

Appendix B LnMessage ............................................................................................................... 145

Publishing .................................................................................................................................... 145 Standard content ................................................................................................................... 145

Company addition example ............................................................................................. 145 Custom content ..................................................................................................................... 147

Billing request example ................................................................................................... 147

ION Desk Modeling ...................................................................................................................... 149 Standard content ................................................................................................................... 149

Company addition example ............................................................................................. 149 Custom content ..................................................................................................................... 149

Billing Request example .................................................................................................. 149

Drill back ...................................................................................................................................... 150 Standard content ................................................................................................................... 150

Company addition example ............................................................................................. 150 Billing request example ................................................................................................... 151

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 11

About this guide

This guide provides information on the event monitors and workflow models that are created specifically for BODs published by Infor LN. Recommendations are given on the process to customize the standard ION content to suit specific customer requirements.

In this guide, these titles are renamed:

• Infor ERP Enterprise to Infor LN. • Infor LN FP8 to Infor LN 10.2. • Infor LN FP8.1 to Infor LN 10.2.1.

Intended audience This guide is intended mainly for system administrators who manage and customize standard Infor LN ION content, or who must troubleshoot or trace back tasks or alerts to Infor LN.

Organization This document includes:

• Setup and configuration information, which describes the installation procedure and customization process.

• Descriptions of the monitors and workflow models, which describe why and how ION content for Infor LN is created.

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About this guide

12 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

Related documents You can find these documents in the product documentation section of the Infor Support Portal, as described in "Contacting Infor" on page 12:

• Infor LN Configuration Guide for Infor ION • Infor ION Connect Administration Guide (U9693 US) • Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US) • Infor ION Installation Guide (U9658 US) • Infor ION Technical Reference Guide (U9829US) • Infor ION Business Vault Installation Guide • Infor Ming.le Installation and Configuration Guide • Infor Federation Services Administration Guide (U9663 US) • Infor Federation Services Installation Guide (U9661 US) • Infor Enterprise Modeler User Guide (U7169GUS)

Contacting Infor If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and create a support incident.

The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To access documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.

If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact [email protected].

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Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 13

Chapter 1 Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the complete integration of Infor LN with ION Process. The diagram shows the integration:

To support Single Sign On (SSO), Integrated Windows Authentication (without ADFS) or claims-based authentication is used. Every application is configured as a trusted party in Infor Federation Services.

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14 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

Infor LN is defined as an Application Connection Point in ION Desk. The typical connection information of Infor LN, such as the hostname, BSE environment, username, password, and bshell, are specified in ION.

Each Infor LN company is defined as a separate Application Connection Point, with a unique Logical ID.

When the ION Connection Model is activated, the Infor LN Adapter of ION Connect logs on to Infor LN and populates the Administration (Subscriptions) table (tlesb300). This table contains all outbound BODs for which a document flow exists. The user name and password for the Infor LN environment that is specified in the ION Application Connection Point properties are used to log on to the Infor LN environment.

BODs sent by Infor LN contain the Logical ID of the sender, as specified in ION. The Logical ID is determined by querying the Administration (Subscriptions) table (tlesb300). Receiving applications can verify the origin of each BOD based on the Logical ID.

The hostname and port number of Web UI must be configured in Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le™ to support a drill-back.

During a drill-back from another application to Infor LN, the following occurs:

1 A URL is built, which contains the SSO token, Logical ID, drill-back view name, and the document parameters. The application passes this URL to Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le.

2 Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le completes the URL with the Web UI deployment information (hostname and port number).

3 This URL is passed from Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le to Web UI, which then determines, based on the Logical ID, on which Infor LN server to start a session. This mapping is configured in Web UI.

4 Web UI logs on to Infor LN. Infor LN validates the SSO token in the URL. The Baan Login daemon performs this validation.

5 Infor LN maps the SSO user to an Infor LN user. This mapping is configured in the User Data (ttams1100s000) session of Enterprise Server.

6 Web UI starts the View Modeler runtime. Based on the passed view name, the corresponding drill-back session is started on the Infor LN server.

7 The mapping from the Logical ID to an Infor LN company is determined by querying subscriptions in the tlesb300 table for each company and matching the Logical ID.

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Setup and configuration

Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 15

Chapter 2 Setup and configuration

Prerequisites for ION To use the Infor LN ION content, the following components must be installed, active, and integrated:

ION 10.0 or later, containing:

• ION Connect • ION Event Management • ION Workflow • ION Pulse within Infor Workspace and Infor Ming.le

ION prerequisites per content pack:

• ION content pack v5 requires ION 10.2 or later. • ION content pack v6 requires ION 10.3 with ION Connect service pack 10.3.6 or later service

packs. ION Connect 10.3 service packs are available in ION Connect generic KB article 1051040.

• ION content pack v7 requires ION 11.0 or later. • ION content pack v8 requires ION 11.0 with ION 11.0.1 Service Pack or later. Infor ION v11.0.1

Service Pack is available in KB article 1410966. • ION content pack v9 requires ION 11.1. Monitor LN_ProjectContract_FundingAmountReached

additionally requires the BOD schema 2.10.2, which is provided with the ION Registry Content Pack 2.10.2 in KB article 1519262 in the Infor Support Portal.

• ION content packs v10 and v11 require ION 11.1 with the ION service pack 11.1.9 or later. See Infor ION 11.x Patch Updates - Generic solution KB article 1375582.

• ION content pack v12 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2. • ION content pack v13 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2. Monitor LN_ProjectBid_Expire

additionally requires the BOD schema 2.13.0, which is provided with the ION Registry Content Pack 2.13.0 in KB article 1619540 in the Infor Support Portal.

• ION content pack v14 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2. No monitor or workflow is defined for the process.BusinessPlan BOD but in order to route this new BOD, ION Registry Content Pack 2.13.6 is required (KB article 1950589 in the Infor Support Portal).

• ION content pack v15 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2. • ION content pack v16 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2. • ION content pack v17 is only released for cloud. • ION content pack v18 is only released for cloud.

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Setup and configuration

16 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

• ION content pack v19 requires ION 12.0 and Mingle 12.0.2.

ION 11.0 requires ION content pack v5 or later. Because ION 11.0 includes the BOD registry for schema version 2.9.0, ION content packs earlier than v5 are not supported with ION 11.0.

See the Infor ION Installation Guide, the Infor ION Connect Administration Guide, and the Infor ION Process Administration Guide.

Note: To use the Infor LN ION content, at least one Document Flow for the Infor LN Connection Point must be activated. The connection models that Infor LN provides contain a Document Flow with a single application for the Infor LN Connection Point. You can select multiple connection points in the Document Flow, if required. If a monitor or activation policy is activated, subscriptions are created for each active Infor LN Connection Point. See the Infor ION Process Administration Guide.

Prerequisites for Infor LN For detailed prerequisites for Infor LN, including drill-backs, see the Infor LN Configuration Guide for Infor ION.

These are the additional prerequisites:

• Infor LN FP7 or later. • Infor LN 10.2 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v5, specifically for the

monitors and workflows that start with: • LN_DA (two document authorization workflows) • LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification (two monitors, three workflows) • LN_ProjectBalance (one monitor) • LN_ProjectMaster (two monitors)

• Infor LN 10.2.1 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v6, specifically for the monitors and workflows that start with: • LN_DA (six document authorization workflows) • LN_CorrectiveActionPlan (three monitors, four workflows) • LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice (four monitors, two workflows) • LN_ProjectContract (four monitors) • LN_ProjectContractDeliverable (one monitors) • LN_ProjectContractInstallment (one monitors)

• Infor LN 10.3.0 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v8, specifically for the monitors: • LN_ContractLineBillingDate_BillingDue • LN_InspectionOrder_Pending • LN_Message_BillingDate_BillingDue

• Infor LN 10.4.0 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v9, specifically for: • LN_DA (19 document authorization workflows)

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Setup and configuration

Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors | 17

• LN_Message_PurchaseContractLine_CalledQuantityMismatch (monitor) • LN_Message_PurchaseContractLine_UsageVersusExpectedUsage (monitor)

• Infor LN 10.4.1 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v10, specifically for: • LN_DA_CustomerClaimLine (new) • LN_DA_Requisition (new) • LN_DA_SalesContract (new) • LN_DA_SalesOrder (extended) • LN_DA_SalesQuotation (new)

• Infor LN 10.4.2 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v11, specifically for: • LN_DA_TradeOrder (new)

• Infor LN 10.5 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v12, specifically for: • LN_DA_TradeOrder (extended) • LN_DA_GTCCheckResult (new) • LN_Message_GlobalTradeCompliance (new) This is also for part of the content in content pack v13, specifically for: • LN_Claim_Closed (monitor added) • LN_Claim_HighAmount (monitor added) • LN_Claim_Close (Workflow added) • LN_Claim_GenerateSupplierClaim (workflow added) • LN_Claim_Submit (workflow added)

• Infor LN 10.5.1 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v13, specifically for: • LN_ProjectBid_Expire (monitor added) • LN_DA_ProjectBid (DA workflow added) • LN_DA_PurchaseContract (DA workflow extended) • LN_DA_PurchaseOrder (DA workflow extended)

• Infor LN 10.6 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v14, specifically for: • LN_DA_RequestReuseSupplInvoice (DA workflow added) • LN_Message_TurnaroundTimeDocument_Due (monitor added) • LN_Message_GenerateOrderPlanning_Aborted (monitor added) • LN_Message_SalesOrder_ShipToAddress_Incomplete (monitor added) • LN_ServiceOrder_ActivityDue (monitor changed) • LN_ServiceOrder_ActivityOverdue (monitor changed) • LN_ServiceOrder_Due (monitor changed) • LN_ServiceOrder_NotCosted (monitor changed) • LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyNotReleased (replaces monitor based on LnMessage) • LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyReleased (replaces monitor based on LnMessage) • LN_ServiceOrder_NotReleased (replaces monitor based on LnMessage) • LN_ServiceOrder_Release (replaces workflow based on LnMessage)

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Setup and configuration

18 | Infor LN On-Premise Integration Guide for Infor ION Workflows and Monitors

• Infor LN 10.7 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v15, specifically for: • LN_DA_PurchaseContract (DA workflow bugfix) • LN_DA_RegisterReceivedInvoice (DA workflow added) • LN_DA_ServiceQuote (DA workflow added) • LN_DA_TradeOrder (DA workflow extended)

• Infor LN 10.8 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v16, specifically for: • LN_DA_RevenueRecognition (DA workflow added)

• The latest version of the connection model that is associated with the content pack is required. If Infor LN FP7 is installed, use the Connection_Model_ERP_LN_FP7.xml. If Infor LN 10.2 or Infor LN 10.2.1 is installed, use the Connection_Model_ERP_LN_FP8.xml, etc. This is because content packs can include the use of new BODs and review the list of supported documents in the Connection Model. You must ensure that the custom BODs are available on your connection point for Infor LN, these are made available in zip file For content pack v6, you must ensure that the following custom BODs are available: CorrectiveActionPlan, DefectiveMaterialNotice, ProjectContract, ProjectContractDeliverable, and ProjectContractInstallment.

• ES 7.3.1 or later is required for the additional content in content pack v19, specifically for: o Monitor Job Alert

• ES or later is required for the additional content in content pack v19, specifically for: o Monitor DOM Document

• KB article 1041120 for Enterprise Server 8.7 View Modeler. • KB article 1040206 for Infor LN View Modeler. • Content packs require solutions to be installed from the generic KB article 22945150:

• Content pack v1: Solutions at least up to July 2011 • Content pack v2: Solutions at least up to September 2011 • Content pack v3: Solutions at least up to January 2012 • Content pack v4: Solutions at least up to March 2012 • Content pack v5: Solutions at least up to May 2012 • Content pack v6: Solutions at least up to December 2012 • Content pack v7: Solutions at least up to May 2013 • Content pack v8: Solutions at least up to July 2013 • Content pack v9: Solutions at least up to November 2014 • Content pack v10: Solutions at least up to June 2015 • Content pack v11: Solutions at least up to December 2015 • Content pack v12: Solutions at least up to June 2016 • Content pack v13: Solutions at least up to December 2016 • Content pack v13.1: Solutions at least up to December 2016 and solution 1894994 • Content pack v14: Solutions at least up to February 2018 • Content pack v15: Solutions at least up to February 2019 • Content pack v16: Solutions at least up to August 2019

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• Content pack v19: Solutions at least up to October 2020. Specifically, KB 2156919 is needed for Job Alerts for company 0000.

Installing ION content This section describes the process to install ION content. However, the section does not describe the process to connect Infor LN with other applications or to publish data on the connected applications.

To install for ION 11.1 or earlier

1 From the Infor Support Portal, download the Infor LN ION content from KB article 1026816, which includes the Infor LN ION content, and unzip the files.

2 On the ION server, copy the hyperlinks.xml file to the ION Pulse folder, which is ION Installation Folder\Pulse. The file that is delivered with ION is replaced. If you replaced this file with a hyperlinks.xml file from another Infor application, you can manually merge these files by copying all the hyperlink tags from Infor LN to the existing hyperlinks.xml file. The first matching entry is found, and the duplicate entries are ignored. See the Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US).

3 On the ION server, copy the standard view set xml file to the ION Registry folder: ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\ViewMetaData\Standard\ViewSets. See the Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US). If this folder does not exist, you must create the same manually.

4 Register the custom BODs:

a On the ION server, register the custom BODs to the ION Registry folder: ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\BodMetaData\Custom. Note: It is recommended that you create a backup for the folder before you extract the zip file with the custom BOD metadata. See the Infor ION Technical Reference Guide (U9829US).

b On the Business Vault server, manually copy the XML files for the custom BODs to the Noun metadata drop folder location: <BV Install Folder>\BusinessVaultRuntimeService\webapps\\WEB-INF\classes\NounmetaDrop\.

For latest instructions on configuring custom BODs in the Business Vault, see the Infor ION Business Vault Installation Guide.

c On the Ming.le server, manually copy the XML files for the custom BODs to the folder: [Infor Ming.le Installation Folder]\Infor\Mingle\Components\ShredderService\xml. Restart the Infor Ming.le shredder service in Windows Services.

For latest instructions on adding a custom BOD to the shredder service BOD registry, see the Infor Ming.le Installation and Configuration Guide.

5 You must set up the users and the distribution groups in IFS. Assign users to the distribution groups and specify the Infor LN employee codes in the Person Id field of the IFS users. In IFS

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10.3.1 or later, you can use the DistributionGroups.csv file to upload distribution groups, or create the same manually. For a list of the distribution groups that you must set up, See “Distribution of alerts and tasks” on page 19. See the Infor Federation Services Administration Guide (U9663 US) for additional information to set up distribution groups.

6 In Infor LN, you must set up the drill back authorities for the DEM users; see the Infor Enterprise Modeler User Guide (U7169GUS).

7 Check the Infor application views. On the Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le homepage, select View All Site Content on the Site Actions menu. Select Infor Application Views. Only three views with the logical ID "lid://infor.ln" prefix must exist: Home, ContextSensitiveHelp, and Documentation. Remove all other views with the logical ID "lid://infor.ln" prefix.

8 Check the Logical IDs. On the Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le home page, select View All Site Content on the Site Actions menu. Select Infor Application Deployments. The Logical ID specified for the Infor LN application must match the Logical ID as specified in ION Connect for the Infor LN Application Connection Point.

9 Log in Infor Ming.le as an administrator, select Admin on the homepage and select Manage Drillbacks. Upload the standard view set xml file. Note: You must delete files that are already uploaded.

10 In the ION Desk application, go to the Model/Event Management/Monitors menu. Click Import and select Monitors.xml from the zipped Infor LN ION content file. Import the workflows (Workflow_Models.xml) and activation policies (Activation_Policies.xml). Activate the workflow models, monitors, and activation policies. Subscriptions are created in the tlesb300 table in Infor LN. Run the Validate Publishing Data Setup (tcbod0300m000) session to print the subscriptions.

To install for ION 12.0 and Ming.le 12.0 or later

1 From the Infor Support Portal, download the Infor LN ION content from KB article 1026816, which includes the Infor LN ION content, and unzip the files.

2 Register the LN application BODs:

In ION Desk, select Settings > Registry > Standard Documents. Click Import to upload a new set of application specific BODs for LN and select the

See the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

NOTE: Manual registration is only applicable for ION on premise editions. For the ION cloud edition, LN application BODs are already registered.

You must also register the custom BODs in Business Vault and Ming.le. For latest instructions on configuring custom BODs in the Business Vault, see the Infor ION Business Vault Installation Guide. For latest instructions on adding a custom BOD to the shredder service BOD registry, see the Infor Ming.le Installation and Configuration Guide.

3 Set up distribution groups:

In Ming.le, select User Menu > User Management > Manage > Groups > Distribution Groups. Click Import to import the distribution groups for LN and select the DistributionGroups.csv.

4 Set up users:

In Ming.le, select User Menu > User Management. Select a user and specify the Infor LN

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employee codes in the ERP Person ID field.

NOTE: If IFS is configured to publish SecurityUserMaster BODs, you can automatically generate the Person ID in IFS by publishing the Person BODs from LN, as the cloud edition SecurityUserMaster BODs are always published by IFS.

5 Set up drill backs:

a Upload the drill backs

In ION Desk select Settings > Configuration > ION Service. Click Upload for Drill Back View Definitions to upload the drill backs for LN and select Upload drill backs in ION is not needed anymore from Infor OS Version 12.0.7 onwards!

In Ming.le, select User Menu > Admin Settings > Manage Drillbacks. Click Upload Drillback XML to upload the drill backs for LN and select the Views_Standard.xml.

b Set up logical IDs for the LN application

In Ming.le, select User Menu > Admin Settings > Manage Applications. Double-click the LN Application. On the Deployment Information tab, specify the Logical ID matching the Logical ID as specified in ION Connect for the Infor LN Application Connection Point.

If multiple LN companies are connected in ION, specify Logical ID Fallbacks for the other companies.

c In LN UI Admin, define the LN Environment and logical ID mapping for each logical ID.

d In Infor LN, set up the drill back authorities for the DEM users; see the Infor Enterprise Modeler User Guide (U7169GUS).

6 Import monitors, workflows, and activation policies

In ION Desk select Model > Monitors & Workflows > Monitors. Click import and select the Monitors.xml from the zipped Infor LN ION content file. Import the workflows (Workflow_Models.xml) and activation policies (Activation_Policies.xml). Activate the workflow models, monitors, and activation policies. Subscriptions are created in the tlesb300 table in Infor LN. Run the Validate Publishing Data Setup (tcbod0300m000) session, in Infor LN, to print the subscriptions.

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Show verb versus Sync verb ION’s event monitoring and workflow content evaluates BODs with the Sync verb.

From FP7 onwards, additional initial load settings are available using the the Use Show Verb and Use Process/Sync Verb options, including a field to specify Logical ID(s). You must specify Logical ID(s) for the Show verb. BODs are sent to these IDs. BODs with the Sync verb are published to all applications that are modeled in ION.

Use the Show verb to publish BODs, in case there are no real business events such as initial loading of applications, install additional applications, system failures, failed BOD messages, change of interest, and bugs/enhancements in Infor LN.

When running initial load sessions, you can use the Show verb, to prevent the creation of alerts and tasks that are not required. To monitor or start a workflow for existing data, specify Use Process/Sync Verb.

It is recommended that you select the default Use Show Verb option, and specify Use Process/Sync Verb only in exceptional situations where all connected applications must receive BODs or when the ION event monitoring and workflow must be executed.

Distribution of alerts and tasks The objects for which ION content is available:

• Monitors • Activation policies and workflow models • Hyperlinks • Distribution groups

Monitors create alerts and workflow models create tasks.

Alerts and tasks can be distributed to the specified users, distribution groups, or to persons defined in BODs. The standard Infor LN ION Monitors and Workflow Models use the distribution groups and persons defined in BODs.

Distribution groups are configured in IFS. You can change the distribution group without modifying the monitors or workflow models. The distribution groups used in the standard Infor LN content:

• LN_Admin • LN_Finance • LN_Freight • LN_Manufacturing • LN_MasterData • LN_Planning • LN_Project • LN_Purchase

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• LN_Quality (introduced in ION content pack v6) • LN_Sales • LN_Service • LN_Warehousing

In IFS 10.3.1 or later, you can use the DistributionGroups.csv file to upload the distribution groups. This file is included with ION content pack v6 or later. An administrative user in IFS can also manually create distribution groups. Each distribution group must include at least one user.

For example, a person is defined in BODs using the AssignedPerson/IDs/ID in the Opportunity BOD, which is mapped to Assigned to field in the Opportunity (tdsmi1110m000) session in Infor LN. Persons published in BODs are defined as Employees in the Infor LN (tccom0101m000) session. Specify the Infor LN employee code in the Person field of the IFS user. The UPN field of the IFS user is used to distribute the tasks and alerts. The e-mail address field of the IFS user is used to send e-mails.

The Employee field from the Infor LN Employees (tccom0101m000) session is published in BODs:

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The Person field of the IFS user must match the Infor LN Employee:

Upgrading ION content This section describes the process to upgrade the content pack. New content packs contain the content of prior packs, fixes to existing content, and new content. When you upgrade to a later content pack, you must ensure that you update the connection model to the required version.

To upgrade for ION 11.1 or earlier

1 Download the Infor LN ION content from the KB article 1026816 in the Infor Support Portal and unzip the files.

2 On the ION server, copy the hyperlinks.xml file to the ION Pulse folder, which is ION Installation Folder\Pulse. The file that is delivered with ION or prior content packs is replaced. If you replaced this file earlier with a hyperlinks.xml file from another Infor application, you can manually merge these files by copying the hyperlink tags from Infor LN to the existing hyperlinks.xml file. The first matching entry is found, and duplicate entries are ignored. See the Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US).

3 On the ION server, copy the standard view set xml file to this ION Registry folder ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\ViewMetaData\Standard\ViewSets. See Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US).

4 In Ming.le, to upload the standard view set xml file, you must log on as administrator and navigate to the Manage drill backs option on the Admin page. See Infor Ming.le Installation and Configuration Guide or Infor Ming.le Administration Guide.

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5 On the ION server, register custom BODs in the ION Registry folder ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\BodMetaData\Custom. Create a backup for the folder, before you extract the zip file with custom BOD metadata.

The content pack v6 contains the custom BODs, which are standard BODs in schema 2.9.0. This schema is included with ION 11.0. If you installed content pack v6 and upgrade to ION 11.0 or later, remove the custom BODs and custom nouns, and overwrite the v6 version of files NounIDsInstance.xml and NounRelationInstance.xml with the v7 files. The seven custom BODs are BillFromPartyMaster, CorrectiveActionPlan, DefectiveMaterialNotice, PackageLabel, ProjectContract, ProjectContractDeliverable, and ProjectContractInstallment.

See the Infor ION Technical Reference Guide (U9665C US).

6 In IFS, set up the additional distribution groups if the content pack uses new distribution groups. Assign users to the distribution groups. In IFS 10.3.1 or later you can use the DistributionGroups.csv file to upload the distribution groups, or create the same manually. For a list of the distribution groups that you must set up, see “Distribution of alerts and tasks” on page 19. See the Infor Federation Services Administration Guide (U9663 US) for additional information.

7 In the ION Desk application, go to the Model/Event Management/Monitors menu. Select and delete all prior installed monitors that start with LN_, deactivate. Click Import and select Monitors.xml from the zipped Infor LN ION content file.

8 In the ION Desk application, go to the Model/Workflow menu. Deactivate and delete all prior installed activation policies and workflows that start with LN_. Import workflows (Workflow_Models.xml) and activation policies (Activation_Policies.xml).

9 In the ION Desk application, activate the workflow models, activation policies, and monitors. Subscriptions are created in the tlesb300 table in Infor LN. You can run the Validate Publishing Data Setup (tcbod0300m000) session to print the subscriptions.

To upgrade for ION 12.0 and Ming.le 12.0 or later

1 From the Infor Support Portal, download the Infor LN ION content from KB article 1026816, which includes the Infor LN ION content, and unzip the files.

2 Register the new LN application BODs:

In ION Desk, select Settings > Registry > Standard Documents. Click Import to upload a new set of application specific BODs for LN and select

See the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

NOTE: Manual registration is only applicable for the ION on premise editions. For the ION cloud edition, LN application BODs are already registered.

3 Set up new distribution groups:

In Ming.le, select User Menu > User Management > Manage > Groups > Distribution Groups. Click Import to import the distribution groups for LN and select DistributionGroups.csv.

4 Upload the new drill back definition

In Ming.le, select User Menu > Admin Settings > Manage Drillbacks. Click Upload Drillback XML to upload the drill backs for LN and select Views_Standard.xml.

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Note: Upload drill backs in ION is not needed anymore from Infor OS Version 12.0.7 onwards!

5 Import new monitors, workflows, and activation policies

In ION Desk, select the Model menu. Deactivate and delete all prior installed monitors, activation policies, and workflows. Import new monitors, activation policies, and workflows from the zipped Infor LN ION content file. Activate the workflow models, monitors, and activation policies.

Customizing Infor LN ION content Custom monitors, workflows, activation policies

Using the ION Desk application, you can copy and adjust standard content. Updates do not overwrite imported content. If you import a monitor, workflow, or activation policy that already exists, a message to skip or copy the same is displayed. If you select skip the import is stopped and if you use the copy option, the import is started but the imported object is renamed and the existing object is saved. To replace the content, delete the standard content before importing an upgraded Infor LN - ION content pack.

Custom drill backs

For ION 11.1 or earlier: Hyperlinks.xml file (for alerts): On the server where the ION Desk is installed, you can edit the hyperlinks.xml file that contains drill-back URLs for each noun. The hyperlinks.xml file is used for alerts.

ION 12.0 or later: Hyperlinks.xml is no longer required.

View set xml file (for tasks): To create or update the view set xml file, export views from the View Modeler. Run the Infor LN View Modeler (tlvwm0601m000) session in Infor Web UI and export the custom view set to an xml file. Select For ION.

For ION 11.1 or earlier: Copy the custom view set xml file on the ION server to the ION Registry folder, ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\ViewMetaData\Custom\ViewSets. See the Infor ION Process Administration Guide (U9694 US). If this folder does not exist, you must create the folder manually.

For ION 12.0 and Ming.le 12.0 or later: Upload the new drill back definition in Ming.le. Select User Menu > Admin Settings > Manage Drillbacks. Click Upload Drillback XML to upload the drill backs for LN and select Views_Standard.xml.

Document authorization Document authorization is the process wherein the changes made to the Infor LN system must be approved using the ION workflow, so that these changes are available for general use.

Enterprise Server 10.2 includes the Object Configuration Management module. The module is located in Tools > Integration Tools > Object Configuration Management.

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You use this module to model an application object. An application object is called an Object Type and consists of application tables. When an object type is activated for document authorization, changes to these tables are initially made in the draft mode. After approval, these changes are globally available.

The changes to an object are classified as a certain action. For each action, you can specify whether the external approval using the ION Workflow is required or whether the change can be available without approval.

When a change is made for an object that requires document authorization, the user must submit the changes. When an object is submitted, a check is performed to determine whether the action is enabled. When the action is enabled, a workflow in ION is started by the publishing the ProcessWorkflow BOD from Infor LN. When the action is not enabled, the data change is available in Infor LN, without approval.

The workflow results in an approval or a rejection. If approved, the changes are made available. If rejected, the user who changed the object can either revert the change to the original settings, or change and resubmit the object.

See “Features” in the technical notes document for the porting set, in KB article 22923520.

Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le is required to use the application session using the document authorization feature.

To set up document authorization in Infor LN and ION:

1 In Infor LN, select the Models (ttocm0101m000) session to import the standard model.

2 Review the content.

3 Select the Mappings (ttocm0105m000) session and add additional attributes as required.

4 Validate and deploy the model.

5 Select the Deployed Actions (ttocm0112m000) session and specify the required action for each object. You can start this session using the Deployments by Package Combination (ttocm0111m000) session.

6 In ION, review the content.

7 In the workflow definition, add the additional attributes you created in Step 3. Note: Root table related attributes must be added as workflow parameters. Mapping elements related to child tables must be added to the workflow structure.

8 If you require different definitions for different companies, duplicate the workflow.

9 In Infor LN, select the Deployed Actions (ttcom0112m000) session to link the non-standard workflows to the appropriate company.

10 Extend or change the workflow with additional tasks or other distributions, as required.

11 Activate the workflow.

12 In Infor LN, select the Deployments by Package Combination (ttocm0111m000) session to validate and activate the workflow in Infor LN.

See the online help in Infor LN.

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Ming.le social objects Configure and activate the ION message listener (Optional)

The integration between LN and Ming.le does not require an active message listener. However, if you want to use for example Social Objects in Ming.le you need to configure and activate the provisioned Ming.le message listener.

Warning: Activation will result in LN application companies sending all possible BODs that LN can publish to Ming.le. The list of BODs is defined on the LN connection point.

In ION Desk, select Model > Connect > Message Listener.

• Open the Ming.le message listener

• On Documents tab, mark the checkbox Sync

• Activate the message listener

Note: A new data lake connector will replace the message listener in future and allows you to define specific BODs that should be published to Ming.le for usage in for example Social Objects.

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Chapter 3 Monitors

This chapter describes the monitors, which are used to create alerts.

The naming convention used for standard monitors is LN_noun_event. For example, LN_Opportunity_Due.

Do not use the LN prefix for customizations made to standard content or for customer-defined content.

Each table describes when the monitor is introduced, the Infor LN release, the required BOD schema, ION version, the purpose, monitor name, application document, conditions/rule, action, if workflow can be started from the alert, distribution, and the drill back.

Accounting entity added Introduced in Content pack v7

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.9.0 (ION 11.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an accounting entity is created (ERPLNBD-708).

Monitor LN_ AccountingEntity_Added

Application document AccountingEntity

Conditions/rule Action code is Add.

Action Alert is sent when an accounting entity is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

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Anticipated payment due Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an anticipated payment of the type Check is due (ERPLNBD-337).

Monitor LN_Message_AnticipatedPayment_Due

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is AnticipatedPayment. • Status is Open. • 10 days after the planned clearing date. You can customize the


Action Alert is sent when the anticipated payment is 10 days overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Anticipated Payments/Receipts (tfcmg2504m000) session.

Billing cycle due Introduced in Content pack v8

Supported from Infor LN 10.3

BOD schema 2.9.1 (ION 11.0.1)

Purpose Generate an alert for the billing clerk when a billing cycle is due (ERPLNBD-954).

Monitor LN_Message_BillingDate_BillingDue

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is BillingDate. • Next billing date must be within one day. You can customize the


Action Alert is sent when a billing cycle is due.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group.

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Drill back Infor LN Create Aggregated Billable Cost (tppin1200m000) session.

Note: The LnMessage BOD must be published using the Publish Billing Dates (tpbod5230m000) session. Specify the By Billing Cycle in this session. The recommended publishing frequency is two times the billing frequency. To automate publishing, assign the session to a job that runs periodically.

Call assigned Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Calls logged must be workflow-enabled (ERPLNBD-434).

Monitor LN_CustomerCall_Assigned

Application document CustomerCall

Conditions/rule • Status is Assigned. • Support Engineer is not blank.

Action Alert is sent when a call is assigned.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Support engineer

Drill back Infor LN Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Call due Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a call must be transferred to service execution (ERPLNBD-859).

Monitor LN_CustomerCall_Due

Application document CustomerCall

Conditions/rule Status is Open, Hold, Assigned, InProcess, or Transferred.

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One day before the latest solution finish time

Action Generate an alert when a call is due in one day. You can customize the threshold.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Support engineer. • If the value of the support engineer field is null, the LN_Service

distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Call overdue Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a service call is overdue based on the agreed response time (ERPLNBD-858).

Monitor LN_CustomerCall_Overdue

Application document CustomerCall

Conditions/rule • Status is Open, Hold, Assigned, InProcess, or Transferred. • One minute after the latest solution finish time.

Action Alert is sent when a call is overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Manager of the LN_Service distribution group.

Drill back Infor LN Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Call unassigned Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Calls logged must be assigned within a specified time (ERPLNBD-1044).

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Monitor LN_CustomerCall_Unassigned

Application document CustomerCall

Conditions/rule • Status is Open. • One day after the reported time.

Action Alert is sent when a call is not assigned within one day.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Chart of accounts addition Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a ledger account is created (ERPLNBD-334).

Monitor LN_ChartOfAccounts_Addition

Application document ChartOfAccounts

Conditions/rule Action code must be Add.

Action Alert is sent when a ledger account is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.

Claim closed Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema Infor LN 13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a customer claim is closed (LND2-14233).

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Monitor LN_Claim_Closed

Application document LnClaim

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the claim is a customer claim.

• Status is Closed.

Action Alert is sent when a customer claim is closed.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

Claim high amount Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema Infor LN 13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an high amount is claimed on a customer claim (LND2-14233).

Monitor LN_Claim_HighAmount

Application document LnClaim

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the claim is a customer claim.

• Status is Free, Modified, or Pending Approval. • Total claimed amount in local currency must be greater than 1000. You

can customize the threshold. • Local currency is EUR.

Action Alert is sent when a customer claim is created, modified, or submitted with a total claimed amount greater than 1000 EUR.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

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Contract purchase expire Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a purchase contract is reaching the expiration date and requires a renewal (ERPLNBD-433).

Monitor LN_Contract_Purchase_Expire

Application document Contract

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the contract is a purchase contract.

• Contract header status is Open. • Contract line status is Open. • Contract line expiry date must be within 14 days. You can customize

the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when a purchase contract is reaching the expiration date.

Start Workflow LN_Contract_Purchase_Expire

Distribution • Buyer.

• If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Contract – Lines (tdpur3600m000)

Note: Event monitoring and workflow only evaluate Sync BODs, which are published when contracts are created, modified, or deleted. Existing contracts can be published using the Publish Order Management Transactional Data (tdbod0200m000) session. To monitor existing contracts, specify Use Process/Sync Verb in this session.

Contract sales expire Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales contract is reaching the expiration date and requires a renewal (ERPLNBD-432).

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Monitor LN_Contract_Expire

Application document Contract

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Supplier, which indicates a sales contract. • Contract header status is Open. • Contract line status is Open. • Contract line expiry date is within 14 days. You can customize the


Action Alert is sent when a sales contract is reaching the expiration date.

Start Workflow LN_Contract_Sales_Expire

Distribution LN_Sales distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Sales Contract – Lines (tdsls3600m000) session.

Note: Event monitoring and workflow only evaluate Sync BODs, which are published when contracts are created, modified, or deleted. You can use the Publish Order Management Transactional Data (tdbod0200m000) session to publish existing contracts. To monitor existing contracts, specify Use Process/Sync Verb in this session.

Contract service expire Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Contracts are reaching the expiration date and require renewal, and the workflow must be enabled (ERPLNBD-433).

Monitor LN_ServiceContract_Expire

Application document ServiceContract

Conditions/rule • Contract header status is Open. • Contract line expiry date must be within 14 days. You can customize

the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when a service contract is reaching the expiration date.

Start Workflow LN_ServiceContract_Expire

Distribution Sales representative

Drill back Infor LN Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session.

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Note: The distribution is for the sales representative, but the sales representative on the service contract in Infor LN is optional.

Corrective action plan late Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the planned due date on the corrective action plan has passed (ERPLNBD-1012).

Monitor LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Late

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule • Status is not Closed. • One day after the due date. You can customize the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when the corrective action plan is late.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Approver and Owner.

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Corrective action plan task late Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the due date on the corrective action plan task has passed (ERPLNBD-1012).

Monitor LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_TaskLate

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule • Task status is Unapproved, Open, or Active. • One day after the due date of the task. You can customize the


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Action Alert is sent when the corrective actions for one or more tasks are delayed.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Corrective action plan owner and task owner.

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Corrective action plan task not started Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the corrective action plan task status is not In progress and the task start date has passed (ERPLNBD-1012).

Monitor LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_TaskNotStarted

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule • Task status is Unapproved or Open. • One day after the start date of the task. You can customize the


Action Alert is sent when the corrective action for one or more tasks did not start on time.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Corrective action plan owner and task owner.

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Customer activated Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a customer is created (ERPLNBD-355).

Monitor LN_Customer_Activated

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Application document CustomerPartyMaster

Conditions/rule Customer status changes from Prospect to Open.

Action Alert is sent when a customer (sold-to business partner) is activated.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Sales distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.


• Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called the local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published.

• The monitor does not send an alert for new customers. The LN_CustomerPartyMaster_Addition workflow sends an alert when a customer is added.

Customer return with high value Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a high-value sales credit memo is created with conditions, for example, over amount threshold (ERPLNBD-354).

Monitor LN_CustomerReturn_HighValueEUR

Application document CustomerReturn

Conditions/rule • Status is not Closed. • BaseCurrencyAmount of type ExtendedAmount must be greater than

1000. You can customize the threshold. • BaseCurrency is EUR.

Action • A sales credit memo is created for a returned sales order. When a returned sales order is confirmed, a CustomerReturn BOD is generated.

• Manual creation of sales credit memos is not monitored. • The customer return BOD is published before the (sales) invoice BOD.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • LN_Sales distribution group. • As the return is a credit on revenue that is already recognized. This

group usually includes the accounting manager and the sales manager.

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Drill back Infor LN Sales Order – Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.


• Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

• Multiple company currencies are used only in complex environments. A single company currency is commonly used across all Infor LN companies, and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

• The limitation is that CustomerReturn BODs from Infor LN companies with a company currency, other than EUR, do not generate alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts into EUR. For example, to monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor to use USD.

• In ION you can create a model to alert the “manager of”, for example, the manager of the internal sales representative. You can set up managers for the users in the “Active Directory” application that IFS reads from.

Dimension addition Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an analysis dimension is created (ERPLNBD-347).

Monitor LN_CodeDefinition_DimensionAddition

Application document CodeDefinition

Conditions/rule • Action code is Add. • ReportingSlot is not blank. • ListID is not DIMENSIONS.

Action Alert is sent when a general ledger dimension is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back None


• The ReportingSlot field value is specified for general ledger dimension types and dimensions, as defined in the Dimensions (tfgld0510m000) session.

• ListID is DIMENSIONS for dimension types.

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DOM Document Introduced in Content pack v19

Supported from Infor LN 10.6 + tools ES

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a failure occurred for a DOM Document (LND2-32484).

Monitor LN_Message_DOMDocument

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule Message type is DOMDOCUMENT.

Action Alert is sent when an error occurred during rendering or distribution.

Start Workflow None

Distribution DOMUserIFSUser

Drill back Infor LN Documents (ttrpi3510m100) session.

Note: In the Document Output Management Parameters (ttrpi2100s000) session, you can specify if you want to publish alerts and you can specify the alert level.

Enterprise unit addition Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an enterprise unit is created (ERPLNBD-709).

Monitor LN_Message_EnterpriseUnit_Addition

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is EnterpriseUnit. • Action code is Add.

Action Alert is sent when an enterprise unit is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_MasterData distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000) session.

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Fiscal period closed for general ledger Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a general ledger is closed (ERPLNBD-360).

Monitor LN_Message_FiscalPeriod_GeneralLedgerClosed

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is FiscalPeriod. • General ledger status changes into Closed.

Action Alert is sent when the fiscal period is closed for the General Ledger module.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

Fiscal period open Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a fiscal period is not closed after X-days, when compared to the specified period end date.(ERPLNBD-343)

Monitor LN_Message_FiscalPeriod_Open

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is FiscalPeriod. • Status of AccountsPayable, AccountsReceivable, CashManagement,

Integrations, or GeneralLedger is Open. • 30 days after the period end date. You can customize the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when the fiscal period is not closed for 30 days after the period end date, for all modules.

Start Workflow None

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Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Period Status (tfgld0107m000) session.

Generate order planning aborted Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when generate order planning is aborted.

Monitor LN_Message_GenerateOrderPlanning_Aborted

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule Message Type is GenerateOrderPlanningAborted.

Action Alert is sent when an order planning run is aborted.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Planner of plan item causing abort

• If the value of planner field is null, the LN_Planning distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Statistics Generate Order Planning (cprrp8100m000) session.

Inspection order pending Introduced in Content pack v8

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.9.1 (ION 11.0.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when an inspection order is not completed after X-days, from the date of creation (ERPLNBD-1024).

Monitor LN_InspectionOrder_Pending

Application document InspectionOrder

Conditions/rule • Status is Draft, Printed, or Open. • 7 days after the order date. You can customize the threshold.

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Action Alert is sent when an inspection order requires follow up, when the order is not executed for 7 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Quality distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Order Inspection (qmptc1620m000) or Storage Inspection (qmptc2120m100) sessions.

Invoice addition with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales invoice is created with conditions, for example, over $xxx. (ERPLNBD-351).

Monitor LN_Invoice_AdditionHighValueEUR

Application document Invoice

Conditions/rule • BaseCurrencyAmount of TotalAmount type is greater than 1000. You can customize the threshold.

• BaseCurrency is EUR. • Status is not Proforma.

Action Alert is sent if an invoice amount is greater than 1000 EUR.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Open Entry Details (tfacr2525s000) session.


• Proforma invoices are published for shipments but are excluded in this monitor. Only commercial invoices are monitored.

• Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD, and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. A single company currency is commonly used across all Infor LN companies, and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

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The limitation is that Invoice BODs from Infor LN companies, with a company currency other than EUR, do not generate alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts to EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor to use a different currency, for example, USD.

Job Alert Introduced in Content pack v19

Supported from Infor LN 10.6 + tools ES 10.7.3

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a job fails (ERS_51223).

Monitor LN_Message_Job_Alert

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule Message type is Job.

Action Alert is sent when a job exception occurs or optionally when a job is created or executed successfully.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Job User, when empty LN_Admin distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session.

Note: In the Job Data session, on the Alerts tab, you can specify when a Job Alert is published. By default, only exceptions are published but Job has started and Job has been executed successfully can also be published.

Location addition Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a new location is created (ERPLNBD-363).

Monitor LN_Location_Addition

Application document Location

Conditions/rule • Action code is Add.

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• Type is not Site or Manufacturing.

Action Alert is sent when a department (location of type Office) or warehouse (location of type Warehouse) is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_MasterData distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Departments (tcmcs0165s000) or Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000) sessions.

Note: Work centers are published as the Location of the type Site, and also the department for the work center is published as the Location of the type Office. However, the type Site is excluded to prevent two alerts for a new work center.

Maintenance notification not assigned Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a maintenance notification is not assigned (ERPLNBD-936).

Monitor LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotAssigned

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • MessageType is MaintenanceNotification. • Status is Free. • Seven days after the maintenance notification was created. You can

customize the threshold. • The value of the Assigned To field is null.

Action Alert is sent when, fora maintenance notification created seven days ago, no person is assigned for the maintenance activity.

Start Workflow LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotHandled

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN session tscfg3110m000 Maintenance Notifications

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Maintenance notification not handled Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a maintenance notification is not handled (ERPLNBD-936).

Monitor LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotHandled

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • MessageType is MaintenanceNotification. • Status is Free. • Seven days after the maintenance notification is created. You can

customize the threshold. • The value of the Assigned To field is specified.

Action Alert is sent when a maintenance notification that is assigned requires follow up because no action is initiated for seven days.

Start Workflow LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotHandled

Distribution Assigned To

Drill back Infor LN Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000) session.

Non-conforming material report addition Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when non-conforming material report is closed (ERPLNBD-1011).

Monitor LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_Addition

Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule Action code is Add.

Action Alert is sent when a non-conforming material report is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Owner.

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• Material Review Board Owner when Owner is blank. • If the values of the Owner and Material Review Board Owner field are

null, the LN_Quality distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000) session.

Non-conforming material report closure Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when a non-conforming material report is closed (ERPLNBD-1011).

Monitor LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_Closure

Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule • Status is Dispositioned, Closed, or Canceled. • Status changes.

Action Alert is sent when a non-conforming material report is dispositioned, closed, or canceled.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Reporter. • If the value of the Reporter field is null, the LN_Quality distribution

group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000) session.

Note: Distribution is linked to the employee, for a user that is listed in the Reported By field.

Non-conforming material report late Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

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Purpose Generate an alert when non-conforming material report is delayed (ERPLNBD-1011).

Monitor LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_Late

Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule • Status is Open, Submitted, or Assigned. • One day after the planned review date.

Action Alert is sent when the planned review date has passed.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Owner and Reporter. • If the values of the Owner and Reporter field are null, the

LN_Quality distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000) session.

Note: Distribution is linked to the employee, for the user listed in the Reported By field.

Non-conforming material report waiver completed Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate when an alert when the waiver receipt field is completed for non-conforming material report (ERPLNBD-1011).

Monitor LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_WaiverCompleted

Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule • Status is Assigned or Dispositioned. • Receipt date exists.

Action Alert is sent when the waiver receipt date is completed on the non-conforming material report.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Owner

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000) session.

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Opportunity activity due Introduced in Content pack v10

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9)

Purpose Generate an alert when an opportunity activity is overdue or almost due (LND2-217).

Monitor LN_Opportunity_Activity_Due

Application document Opportunity

Conditions/rule • Opportunity status is In Process. • Due date must be within three days. You can customize the threshold.

If due date is not specified, the start date is used. • Status of the Activity of type Task is Not Started, In Process, Waiting,

or Deferred or status of activity of type Appointment or Call is Planned.

Action When an opportunity activity is overdue or almost due, action by the sales person is required.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Assigned to person

Drill back Infor LN Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session.


• Infor LN publishes the Opportunity BOD when activities are added, changed, or deleted only when staging is switched on for OpportunityBOD (bosmi010) in the BOD Implementation Registration (bobod1100m000) session and when you subsequently run the Publish Staged BODs (bobod2200m000) session.

• Activity type is not included as an attribute because the BOD field Opportunity\OpportunityHeader\SalesTask@type is added in BOD schema 2.12.1.

Opportunity due Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an opportunity is overdue or almost due (ERPLNBD-488).

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Monitor LN_Opportunity_Due

Application document Opportunity

Conditions/rule • Decision date must be within three days. You can customize the threshold.

• Status is Open.

Action When an opportunity is logged and overdue or almost due, a follow up by the sales person may be required.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Assigned to person

Drill back Infor LN Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session.

Note: The Opportunity BOD field DecisionDateTime is populated using the Infor LN field Expected Close Date, which is displayed in the Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session.

Payable transaction blocked Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when a purchase invoice is blocked for x amount of time (ERPLNBD-955).

Monitor LN_PayableTransaction_Blocked

Application document PayableTransaction

Conditions/rule • Status must be Hold. • Ten days after the invoice date. You can customize the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when an invoice is blocked for ten days, to avoid escalation with the vendor.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Open Entry (tfacp2100s000) session.

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Planned distribution order due Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a planned distribution order is due to start (ERPLNBD-406).

Monitor LN_PlannedTransfer_Due

Application document PlannedTransfer

Conditions/rule • Status must be Planned or FirmPlanned. • Planned start date must be within five days. Threshold can be


Action Alert is raised when a planned distribution order is scheduled to start in five days, but the order is not confirmed or transferred.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Planning distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Planned Order (cprrp1600m000) session.

Note: In Infor LN, if the Order Release field on the planned order is set to Not to be released, the Hold status is published and no alert is sent.

Planned production order due Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a planned production order is due to start (ERPLNBD-405).

Monitor LN_PlannedProductionOrder_Due

Application document PlannedProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Status must be Planned or FirmPlanned. • Planned start date must be within five days (threshold can be


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Action Alert is sent when a planned production order is scheduled to start in five days, but order is not confirmed or transferred.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Planner

Drill back Infor LN Planned Order (cprrp1600m000) session.


• Distribution is linked the planner, however for the planned order this is optional. • In Infor LN, if the Order Release field on the planned order is set to Not to be released, the

Hold status is published and no alert is sent.

Planned purchase order due Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a planned purchase order is due to start (ERPLNBD-216).

Monitor LN_PlannedPurchaseOrder_Due

Application document PlannedPurchaseOrder

Conditions/rule • Status must be Planned or FirmPlanned. • Planned start date must be within five days. Threshold can be


Action Alert is sent when a planned purchase order is scheduled to start in five days, but order is not confirmed or transferred.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Planner.

• If the value of the planner field is null, the LN_Planning distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Planned Order (cprrp1600m000) session.

Note: In Infor LN, if the Order Release field on the planned order is set to Not to be released, the Hold status is published and no alert is sent.

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Production order blocked Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when production order is blocked (ERPLNBD-441).

Monitor LN_ProductionOrder_Blocked

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type must not be Maintenance. • Status is modified to Stopped. • Must be linked to an item of the item type Product.

Action Alert is sent when production order is blocked.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

Production order complete Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a production order is not completed (ERPLNBD-441).

Monitor LN_ProductionOrder_Complete

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type must not be Maintenance. • Status must be Released or Active. • One day after the planned delivery date. Threshold can be customized.

Action Alert is sent to complete the production order

Start Workflow LN_ProductionOrder_Complete

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

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Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

Production order due Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a production order is due (ERPLNBD-441).

Monitor LN_ProductionOrder_Due

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type must not be Maintenance. • Status must be Planned, Released, or Active. • Planned delivery date or requested delivery date must be within one

day. Thresholds can be customized. • Must have an item of item type Product.

Action Alert is sent when a production order is due.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

Production order projected late Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when the production order is planned later than the requested date, and the specified date is nearby (ERPLNBD-441).

Monitor LN_ProductionOrder_ProjectedLate

Application document ProductionOrder

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Conditions/rule • Type must not be Maintenance. • Status must be Planned, Released, or Active. • Planned delivery date is more than one day after the requested

delivery date. Threshold can be customized. • Requested delivery date must be within one day. Threshold can be

customized. • Must have item of item type Product.

Action Alert is sent when the planned delivery date is after the requested delivery date and the requested delivery date is near.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

Production order release Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a production order must be released (ERPLNBD-441).

Monitor LN_ProductionOrder_Release

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type must not be Maintenance. • Status must be Planned. • Production start date must be within one day. Threshold can be


Action Alert is sent when a production order must be released.

Start Workflow LN_ProductionOrder_Release

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

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Project activity overdue Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when the project activity of TP project or PCS project is not finished on the scheduled date (ERPLNBD-450).

Monitor LN_ProjectMaster_ActivityOverdue

Application document ProjectMaster

Conditions/rule • Project status must be Open. • Milestone indicator does not exist or must be False. • The value of the Actual finish date field is not specified. • After the scheduled finish date of the activity.

Action Alert is sent when the activity is overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • For TP projects, Project manager, or LN_Project distribution group.

• For PCS projects, Project Employee, or LN_Project distribution group.

Drill back • For TP projects, Infor LN Project 360 (tppdm6500m100) session. • For PCS projects, Infor LN Project 360 (tipcs0320m000) session.

Project activity start overdue Introduced in Content pack v11.2

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when the project activity of TP project or PCS project is not started on the scheduled date (LND2-9975).

Monitor LN_ProjectMaster_ActivityStartOverdue

Application document ProjectMaster

Conditions/rule • Project status must be Open. • Milestone indicator does not exist or must be False.

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• The value of the Actual start date field is not specified. • After the scheduled start date of the activity.

Action Alert is sent when the activity start is overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • For TP projects, Project manager, or LN_Project distribution group.

• For PCS projects, Project Employee, or LN_Project distribution group.

Drill back • For TP projects, Infor LN Project 360 (tppdm6500m100) session. • For PCS projects, Infor LN Project 360 (tipcs0320m000) session.

Project bid expires Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a project bid expires (LND2-9987).

Monitor LN_ProjectBid_Expire

Application document ProjectBid

Conditions/rule • Bid status must be Free • Approved for Proposal must be true • Expiry date must be within 5 days (threshold can be customized)

Action Alert is sent when a project bid expires within 5 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives • If the external sales and the internal sales representatives are not

specified, the LN_Sales distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Bid (tpest3600m000) session

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Project contract ceiling amount Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the ceiling amount is almost reached for a project contract (ERPLNBD-953).

Monitor LN_ProjectContract_CeilingAmount

Application document ProjectContract

Conditions/rule • On the project contract line: • Approved for invoicing amount is greater than 90% of the ceiling

amount. • Ceiling amount is greater than zero.

Action Alert is sent when the invoiced amount is close to the ceiling amount for the project contract line.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives on header and line. • Contract managers on header and line.

• If the values are null, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Project contract deliverable due Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the project contract deliverable is due (ERPLNBD-949).

Monitor LN_ProjectContractDeliverable_Due

Application document ProjectContractDeliverable

Conditions/rule • Line status is Free, Active, or Released to Warehousing. • The deliverable is seven days before the confirmed delivery date.

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Action Alert is sent when the project contract deliverable is due within 7 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Project distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Project contract expires Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the project contract expires (ERPLNBD-952).

Monitor LN_ProjectContract_Expire

Application document ProjectContract

Conditions/rule • Project contract header status must be Open. • Project contract line status must be Open. • Project contract line expiry date must be within 14 days (threshold

can be customized).

Action Alert is sent to when the project contract expires within 14 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives on header and line. • Contract managers on header and line.

• If all the values are null, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Project contract funding amount reached Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.3

BOD schema 2.10.2 (ION 11.1)

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Purpose Generate an alert when the billing for the project contract line funded amount is almost complete (ERPLNBD-1026).

Monitor LN_ProjectContract_FundingAmountReached

Application document ProjectContract

Conditions/rule • Project contract line status must be Open. • 90% of project contract funded amount must be billed (threshold

can be customized).

Action Alert is sent when the funded amount on project contract line is mostly billed.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives on header and line. • Contract managers on header and line.

• If the values of all the fields are null, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Note: The Funded Amount field is available in BOD schema 2.10.2 and later. Update the ION registry with the 2.10.2 BOD schema patch to use this monitor.

Project contract installment amount shortage Introduced in Content pack v7

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.9.0 (ION 11.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when the installment schema is incomplete (ERPLNBD-999).

Monitor LN_ProjectContractInstallment_AmountShortage

Application document ProjectContract and ProjectContractInstallment

Conditions/rule • Seven days before the contract line delivery date. • Contract line status is Open. • Installment amount is less than the contract line amount.

Action Alert is sent when the total amount of installments is less than the contract amount.

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Start Workflow None

Distribution Contract Manager or LN_Project distribution group.

Drill back • Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session. • Infor LN Installments (tppin4151m000) session.

Project contract installment due Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when the project contract installment is due (ERPLNBD-452).

Monitor LN_ProjectContractInstallment_Due

Application document ProjectContractInstallment

Conditions/rule • Invoice does not exist. • Three days before the planned billing date.

Action Alert is sent when the project contract installment is not invoiced.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Project distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Installments (tppin4151m000) session.

Project contract line billing due Introduced in Content pack v8

Supported from Infor LN 10.3

BOD schema 2.9.1 (ION 11.0.1)

Purpose Generate an alert for the billing clerk, who is responsible for a number of project contracts, when billing is due (ERPLNBD-1022).

Monitor LN_ContractLineBillingDate_BillingDue

Application document LnContractLineBillingDate

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Conditions/rule Next billing date must be within one day. You can customize the threshold.

Action Alert is sent when a billing is due for project contract line.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Contract manager.

• If the value of the Contract Manager field is not specified, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) session

Note: The LnContractLineBillingDate BOD must be published using the Publish Billing Dates (tpbod5230m000) session. Specify By Contract Line in this session. The recommended publishing frequency is 2 times the billing frequency. To automate publishing, you must assign the session to a job that runs periodically.

Project contract zero amount Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when contract amount is zero on a fixed price project contract (ERPLNBD-1001).

Monitor LN_ProjectContract_ZeroContractAmount

Application document ProjectContract

Conditions/rule • Contract amount is zero. • Contract type is Fixed Price. • Status changes to Open.

Action Alert is sent when a fixed price project is activated that has a contract amount of zero.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal sales representative. • External sales representative if internal sales representative is blank. • Contract manager.

• If the value of the field is not specified, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

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Project contract zero line amount Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when contract line amount is zero on fixed price project contract (ERPLNBD-1001).

Monitor LN_ProjectContract_ZeroContractLineAmount

Application document ProjectContract

Conditions/rule • Line contract amount is zero. • Line contract type is Fixed Price. • Line status is Open. • Header status changes to Open.

Action Alert is sent when a fixed price project is activated with a contract line amount of zero.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal sales representative. • If internal sales representative is blank, then external sales

representative is used. • Contract manager. • If the values of all the fields are not specified, the LN_Project

distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Project loss making Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when project balance is negative (ERPLNBD-453).

Monitor LN_ProjectBalance_LossMaking

Application document ProjectBalance

Conditions/rule • Cost type is blank.

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• Variance at completion must be less than zero. You can customize the threshold.

• You can customize the condition to estimate during project rather than at project completion.

Action Alert is sent when project balance is negative.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Project distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Control by Project (tpppc4850m000) session (using the ProjectMonitoring View).

Project milestone overdue Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when project milestone is overdue (ERPLNBD-451).

Monitor LN_ProjectMaster_MilestoneOverdue

Application document ProjectMaster

Conditions/rule • Project status must be Open. • Milestone indicator must be True. • Actual finish date is not specified. • After scheduled finish date.

Action Alert is sent when milestone is overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Project manager

Drill back Infor LN Project 360 (tppdm6500m100) session.

Purchase contract line called quantity not completely covered Introduced in Content pack v9

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Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when the sum of the called quantities of the corporate purchase contract detail lines deviates more than n% from the total called quantity on the total line (LND-8043).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseContractLine_CalledQuantityMismatch

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseContractLine. • "Use Corporate Purchase Contracts" parameter set. • Current date and time past effective date and time. • Line status equal to Active.

Action Alert is sent when a corporate purchase contract total line status is set to Active, and the current date/time is past the effective date/time, and the total line called quantity deviates by 5% or more from the sum of the called quantities of the detail lines.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer (Contract), Buyer (Contract Line). • If buyers are not defined, the LN_Purchase distribution group is


Drill back Infor LN Purchase Contract Line (tdpur3601m000) session.

Purchase contract line usage does not match expected usage Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when the result of the corporate purchase contract line deviates more than n% from the expected result (LND-8043).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseContractLine_UsageVersusExpectedUsage

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseContractLine. • "Use Corporate Purchase Contracts" parameter set. • Current date and time past effective date and time.

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• Line status equal to either Free or Active.

Action Alert is sent when a corporate purchase contract total line with a status equal to one of the statuses listed under the Conditions/rule, and the current date/time is past the effective date/time, and either the total line result deviates by 50% or more from expected result, or the difference is more than 5% and the expiry date is less than 30 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer (Contract), Buyer (Contract Line). • If buyers are not defined, the LN_Purchase distribution group is


Drill back Infor LN Purchase Contract Line (tdpur3601m000) session.

Purchase invoice matched Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when invoices are matched but not approved (ERPLNBD-424).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Matched

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseInvoice. • Status must be Matched. • Three days after the invoice was matched. Threshold can be


Action Alert is sent when the invoices matched three days ago must be approved.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.

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Purchase invoice registered Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when invoices are registered, but not matched or approved (ERPLNBD-423).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Registered

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseInvoice. • Status must be Registered. • Three days after the invoice was registered. Threshold can be


Action Alert is sent when invoices registered three days ago must be matched.

Start Workflow LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Registered

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.

Purchase schedule line not received Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when purchase schedule line is not received on the planned receipt date (LND-8044).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseScheduleLine_NotReceived

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseScheduleLine. • Current date and time past planned receipt date and time. • Line status is set to either: Created, Approved, Disapproved,

Order Generated, or ASN Received.

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Action Alert is sent when a schedule line with a status equal to one of the statuses listed under Conditions/rule, and the current date/time is past the planned receipt date/time.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer. • If the value of the buyer field is not defined, the LN_Purchase

distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.

Purchase schedule line only partially received Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when purchase schedule line has only been partially received on the planned receipt date (LND-8044).

Monitor LN_Message_PurchaseScheduleLine_PartiallyReceived

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be PurchaseScheduleLine. • Current date and time past planned receipt date and time. • Line status equal to Partial Receipt.

Action Alert is sent when a schedule line with a status Partial Receipt, and the current date/time is past the planned receipt date/time.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer. • If the value of the buyer field is not defined, the LN_Purchase

distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.

Quote expires Introduced in Content pack v9

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Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when a quote expires (ERPLNBD-1041).

Monitor LN_Quote_Expire

Application document Quote

Conditions/rule • CanceledBaseAmount must be greater than 1000 (threshold can be customized).

• BaseCurrency is EUR. • Quote status must be Open. • Quote expiry date must be within 5 days (threshold can be


Action Alert is sent when a quote expires within 5 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution If the values of the external sales representative and the internal sales representative fields are null, the LN_Sales distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Sales Quotation (tdsls1600m000) session.

Receivable transaction due Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an AR open item is reaching the specified number of days overdue, for example, 60 days (ERPLNBD-346).

Monitor LN_ReceivableTransaction_Due

Application document ReceivableTransaction

Conditions/rule • 30 days after DueDateTime. Threshold can be customized. • Status must be Open, PartialPaid, or Dispute. • Receipt Base Amount must be greater than 100. Threshold can be

customized. • Base Currency must be EUR.

Action Alert user when invoice is 30 days overdue.

Start Workflow None

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Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Open Entry Details (tfacr2525s000) session.

Note: Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

Receive delivery due Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Genrerate an alert notifying the PO Agent, when a PO is not received on the planned and committed ship date (ERPLNBD-336).

Monitor LN_ReceiveDelivery_Due

Application document PurchaseOrder and ReceiveDelivery

Conditions/rule • Purchase order status must be Open. • Receipts with the status Received that are three days overdue

since the Required Delivery Date.

Action Alert is sent when the receipts for purchase order are three days overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer.

• If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used,

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Order – Lines (tdpur4100m900) session.

Receive delivery quantity deviates Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

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BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Generate an alert when a received quantity deviates from the ordered quantity (ERPLNBD-957).

Monitor LN_ReceiveDelivery_QuantityDeviates

Application document PurchaseOrder and ReceiveDelivery

Conditions/rule • Purchase order status must be Open. • Receipts status must be Received. • Received quantity deviates more than 5% from the ordered quantity.

Threshold can be customized.

Action Alert is sent when quantity received deviates from quantity ordered.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer.

• If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Order – Lines (tdpur4100m900) session.

Note: The monitor detects if a single receipt line deviates from the purchase order line by 5% (over received or under received). The monitor does not total the received receipts.

Receive delivery received late Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Genrerate an alert notifying the PO Agent, when a PO is not received on the planned and committed ship date (ERPLNBD-336).

Monitor LN_ReceiveDelivery_ReceivedLate

Application document PurchaseOrder and ReceiveDelivery

Conditions/rule • Purchase order status must be Open. • Receipt status must be Received. • Actual delivery date must be three days after the required delivery


Action Alert is sent when a receipt for the purchase order is received three or more days late.

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Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer.

• If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back • Infor LN Purchase Order – Lines (tdpur4100m900) session. • Infor LN Warehouse Receipts (whinh3512m000) session.

Requisition addition with high priority Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Genrerate an alert when a new requisition must be delivered and the delivery date is within 14 days (ERPLNBD-401).

Monitor LN_Requisition_AdditionHighPriority

Application document Requisition

Conditions/rule • Required delivery date on the requisition header must be within 14 days. Threshold can be customized.

• Action code must be Add.

Action Alert is sent when a requisition with a requested date within 14 days is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer

• If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.

Note: The Required Delivery Date field in the Requisition BOD is populated from the Requested Date field in Infor LN.

Requisition addition with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

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Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a requisition, with a high value, is created (ERPLNBD-401).

Monitor LN_Requisition_Addition_HighValueEUR

Application document Requisition

Conditions/rule • Action code is Add. • BaseCurrencyAmount of type ExtendedAmount must be greater

than 1000. You can customize the threshold. • BaseCurrency is EUR.

Action Alert is sent when a requisition with a value greater than 1000 EUR is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer. • If the value of the Buyer field is not specified, the LN_Purchase

distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.

Note: Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

A limitation is that Requisition BODs from Infor LN companies with a company currency other than EUR do not generate alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts to EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor, for example, to use USD.

Requisition approved Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert notifying the requestor that the requisition is approved (ERPLNBD-691).

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Monitor LN_Requisition_Approved

Application document Requisition

Conditions/rule Status must be Approved.

Action Alert is sent when the requisition is approved.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Requestor of the requisition.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.

Requisition rejected Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert notifying the requestor that the requisition is rejected (ERPLNBD-691).

Monitor LN_Requisition_Rejected

Application document Requisition

Conditions/rule Status is Rejected.

Action Alert is sent when the requisition is rejected.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Requestor of the requisition.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.

RFQ due Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a Request for Quotation (RFQ) is overdue (ERPLNBD-403).

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Monitor LN_RFQ_Due

Application document RFQ

Conditions/rule • Return date must be within three days. You can customize the threshold.

• Status is Open or Printed.

Action • The Request for Quotation is due on or before the header return date.

• Three days before the return date, an alert is sent if the RFQ status is not processed in Infor LN.

Start Workflow LN_RFQ_Due

Distribution • Buyer. • If the value of the Buyer field is null LN_Purchase distribution group

is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Request for Quotation – Lines (tdpur1600m000) session.


• Infor LN publishes one RFQ BOD per supplier. You receive an alert for each supplier. • Alerts are also sent for RFQs with return dates in the past.

RFQ expired Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Generate an alert when a Request for Quotation expires (RFQ) (ERPLNBD-1013).

Monitor LN_RFQ_Due

Application document RFQ

Conditions/rule • Return date must be within three days. You can customize the threshold.

• Status is Open or Printed.

Action • The Request for Quotation is due on or before the header return date.

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• One day after the return date, an alert is sent if the RFQ status is not processed in Infor LN.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Buyer. • If the value of the Buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution

group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Request for Quotation – Lines (tdpur1600m000) session.


• Infor LN publishes one RFQ BOD per supplier. You receive an alert for each supplier. • RFQs with a return date in the past are not excluded and alerts are sent.

Sales credit memo addition with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales credit memo is created with certain conditions, for example, over $xxx (ERPLNBD-351).

Monitor LN_Invoice_AdditionCreditMemoHighValueEUR

Application document Invoice

Conditions/rule • BaseCurrencyAmount of type TotalAmount must be less than -1000 (threshold can be customized).

• BaseCurrency is EUR. • Status must not be Proforma.

Action Alert is sent when an invoice with an amount less than 1000 EUR is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Open Entry Details (tfacr2525s000) session.

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• Proforma invoices are published for shipments but are excluded in this monitor. Only commercial invoices are monitored.

• Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often, a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

A limitation is that Invoice BODs from Infor LN companies with a company currency other than EUR never result in alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts into EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor, for example, to use USD,

Sales order addition with high priority Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a new sales order must be delivered soon (ERPLNBD-689).

Monitor LN_SalesOrder_AdditionHighPriority

Application document SalesOrder

Conditions/rule • Required delivery date on the sales order line must be within 14 days. Threshold can be customized.

• Action code must be Add.

Action Alert is sent when a sales order is added with a line that is planned to be received within 14 days.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Sales distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Sales Order – Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.

Note: The Required Delivery Date field in the Sales Order BOD is populated from the Requested Date field in Infor LN.

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Sales order cancelled Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales order is canceled with certain conditions, for example, over $xxx (ERPLNBD-1042).

Monitor LN_SalesOrder_Canceled

Application document SalesOrder

Conditions/rule • CanceledBaseAmount must be greater than 1000 (threshold can be customized).

• BaseCurrency is EUR. • Status must be Canceled.

Action Alert is sent when a sales order with an amount greater than 1000 EUR is canceled.

Start Workflow None

Distribution If the value of the External sales representative and internal sales representative fields is null, the LN_Sales distribution group is used,

Drill back Infor LN Sales Order – Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.

Sales order ship to address incomplete Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported in Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales order is created but ship to address is missing country or city (LND2-18054).

Monitor LN_Message_SalesOrder_ShipToAddress_Incomplete

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule MessageType = 'SalesOrderShipToAddress'

Action Alert is sent when sales order is created but ship-to address is incomplete. Default ship-to address was used and user should correct address.

Start Workflow None

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Distribution • Distribution Group LN_Sales

Drill back None

Sales order with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a sales order is approved with certain conditions, for example, over amount threshold. (ERPLNBD-73).

Monitor LN_SalesOrder_HighValueEUR

Application document SalesOrder

Conditions/rule • Status is Open. • BaseCurrencyAmount of type ExtendedAmount must be greater

than 1000. You can customize the threshold. • BaseCurrency is EUR.

Action Alert is sent when the sales order, with an amount greater than 1000 EUR, is approved.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Sales distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Sales Order – Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.

Note: Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

A limitation is SalesOrder BODs from Infor LN companies with a company currency other than EUR never result in alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts into EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor for example, to use USD.

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Serialized item not assigned Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a preferred engineer is not assigned for the serialized item (ERPLNBD-849).

Monitor LN_ConfiguredAssetMaster_NotAssigned

Application document ConfiguredAssetMaster

Conditions/rule • AssetType is Serial. • AssignedToPerson must be null. • Item is filled.

Action Alert is sent when a preferred engineer is not assigned.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000) session.

Note: Preferred engineer cannot be entered in Infor LN if value of the item is null.

Service order activity due Introduced in Content pack v4, revised in content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN FP7, revision Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on service order and service activity that is scheduled to be finished but not yet completed (ERPLNBD-856).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_ActivityDue

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status is Hold or Approved. • Activity Status is Open or Planned or Approved. • One day before the Planned Finish Time of the activity.

Action Alert is sent one day before the service order activity is due.

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Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Service order activity overdue Introduced in Content pack v4, revised in content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN FP7, revision Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on overdue service activity (ERPLNBD-851).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_ActivityOverdue

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status is Hold or Approved. • Activity Status is Open or Planned or Approved. • One minute after the Planned Finish Time of the activity.

Action Alert is sent when service order activity is overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Service order due Introduced in Content pack v4, revised in content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN FP7, revision Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on Overdue Service Order (ERPLNBD-853).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_Due

Application document ServiceOrder

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Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status is Open or Planned or Approved or Hold. • Three days after the Planned Finish Time.

Action Alert is sent when a service order is not complete three days after the planned finish time.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Service order emergency not released Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Alert on high priority service order (ERPLNBD-368).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyNotReleased

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status is Open or Planned or Hold. • Emergency is True.

Action Alert is sent when an emergency service order is not released.

Start Workflow LN_ServiceOrder_Release

Distribution • Service engineer.

• If the value of service engineer field is null, the LN_Service distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Note: Replaces LN_Message_ServiceOrder_EmergencyNotReleased that was based on LnMessage.

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Service order emergency released Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on high priority service order (ERPLNBD-368).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyReleased

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Emergency must be True. • Status must be Approved.

Action Alert is sent when an emergency service order is released.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Service engineer.

• If the value of service engineer field is null, the LN_Service distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Note: Replaces LN_Message_ServiceOrder_EmergencyReleased that was based on LnMessage.

Service order not costed Introduced in Content pack v4, revised in content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN FP7, revision Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on orders completed but not yet invoiced within x number of days (ERPLNBD-857).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_NotCosted

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status not changed from Completed to Invoiced within three days.

Action Alert is sent when a service order is completed three days ago, but is not costed.

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Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.

Service order not released Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on a service order that is not release yet on the planned start date (ERPLNBD-855).

Monitor LN_ServiceOrder_NotReleased

Application document ServiceOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status is Open, Planned or Hold. • Emergency is False. • Planned Finish Time is within three days. You can customize the


Action Alert is sent when a service order is not released, but is planned to start in three days.

Start Workflow LN_ServiceOrder_Release

Distribution • Service engineer.

• If the value of service engineer field is not specified, the LN_Service distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.


• Replaces LN_Message_ServiceOrder_NotReleased that was based on LnMessage.

• Emergency service orders are excluded in this monitor because another monitor, the LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyNotReleased monitor, sends alerts for emergency service orders.

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Shipment due Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on overdue shipment with threshold (ERPLNBD-417).

Monitor LN_Shipment_Due

Application document Shipment and SalesOrder

Conditions/rule • Sales order status is Approved, Modified, Open, or Hold. • Shipments with Shipped status that are three days after the

Required Delivery Date.

Action Alert is sent when shipments for sales order are three days overdue.

Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal sales representative. • If the value of the internal sales representative field is null, the

External sales representative is used.

Drill back Infor LN Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.

Note: Distribution is linked to the sales representatives, but the sales representatives on the sales orders in Infor LN are optional.

Shipment shipped late Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert on overdue shipment with threshold (ERPLNBD-417).

Monitor LN_Shipment_ShippedLate

Application document Shipment and SalesOrder

Conditions/rule • Sales order status is Approved, Modified, Open, or Hold. • Shipment status is Shipped. • Actual ship date is three days after the required delivery date.

Action Alert is sent when shipment for sales order is shipped three or more days late.

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Start Workflow None

Distribution • Internal sales representative. • If the value of the Internal sales representative field is null, the

External sales representative is used.

Drill back • Infor LN Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900) session. • Infor LN Shipment (whinh4630m000) session.

Note: Distribution is linked to the sales representatives. Sales representatives on sales orders in Infor LN are optional.

Supplier addition Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a supplier is created (ERPLNBD-355).

Monitor LN_Supplier_Addition

Application document SupplierPartyMaster

Conditions/rule Action code must be Add.

Action Alert is sent when a supplier (buy-from business partner) is added.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Purchase distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.

Supplier credit memo addition with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an AP credit memo is created with certain conditions, for example, over $xxx (ERPLNBD-344).

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Monitor LN_SupplierInvoice_AdditionCreditMemoHighValueEUR

Application document SupplierInvoice

Conditions/rule • BaseCurrencyAmount of type TotalAmount is less than 1000. You can customize the threshold.

• BaseCurrency is EUR. • Status is Open.

Action Alert is sent when a supplier invoice with an amount less than 1000 EUR is created.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Invoice (cisli2505s000) session.


• The TotalAmount (includes Tax Amounts) is used and the ExtendedAmount (without Tax Amounts) is not used.

• SupplierInvoice is published when approved in Infor LN. • Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are

published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

A limitation is SupplierInvoice BODs from Infor LN companies with a company currency other than EUR never result in alerts. This monitor does not convert amounts into EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor, for example, to use USD.

Supplier invoice addition with high value Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when an AP invoice or voucher is created with certain conditions (ERPLNBD-338).

Monitor LN_SupplierInvoice_AdditionHighValueEUR

Application document SupplierInvoice

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Conditions/rule • BaseCurrencyAmount of type TotalAmount is greater than 1000. You can customize the threshold.

• BaseCurrency must be EUR. • Status must be Open.

Action Alert is sent when a supplier invoice has an amount greater than 1000 EUR.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Invoice (cisli2505s000) session.


• TotalAmount (includes Tax Amounts) is used. ExtendedAmount (without Tax Amounts) is not used.

• SupplierInvoice is published when approved in Infor LN. • Each Infor LN company has a single company currency, also called local currency. Amounts are

published in both the transaction currency and the company currency. The company currency is published in the base currency section of the BOD and is monitored.

• Multiple company currencies are only used in complex environments. Often a single company currency is used across all Infor LN companies and a single monitor with a threshold in the company currency can be used to monitor all companies.

• Unless the company currency is EUR, alerts are not created because of the SupplierInvoice BODs from Infor LN companies. This monitor does not convert amounts to EUR. To monitor other currencies, you can customize this monitor to use a different currency, for example, USD.

Supplier stage payment late Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.3

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Generate an alert when supplier stage payment is overdue (ERPLNBD-1038).

Monitor LN_PurchaseOrder_SupplierStagePaymentLate

Application document PurchaseOrder

Conditions/rule • Purchase order status is not Closed. • Supplier stage payment exists. • It is after the due date.

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• Payment was not released or the released date is after the due date.

Action Alert is sent when supplier stage payment is not released on time.

Start Workflow None

Distribution Buyer

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.


• Supplier stage payments are published in the PurchaseOrder BOD. To trigger BOD publishing on an insert, update, or delete of supplier stage payments, you must enable staging for the PurchaseOrder BOD and execute the Infor LN session bobod2200m000 Publish Staged BODs.

Transaction type addition Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a new transaction type is added (ERPLNBD-68).

Monitor LN_Message_TransactionType_Addition

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is TransactionType. • Action code is Add.

Action Alert is sent when a transaction type is created.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session.

Turnaround time document due Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

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BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Generate an alert when a turn around time document is due (LND2-17302).

Monitor LN_Message_TurnaroundTimeDocument_Due

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule Message type is TAT Document.

Action Alert is sent when a TAT finish date is near.

Start Workflow None

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Turnaround Time Document (tcttm01600m000) session.


Infor LN session tcttm0100m000 Turnaround Time Parameters has parameter ‘Warn when Remaining TAT is less than’ to specify number of days.

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Workflow models

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Chapter 4 Workflow models

This chapter describes the activation policies and workflow models.

An activation policy describes the conditions for the BODs and the workflow model that is started or canceled. Workflow models describe when to create task(s) and to whom these tasks must be distributed.

The naming convention used for standard activation policies and standard workflow models is LN_noun_event. For example: LN_Opportunity_Won.

By default, names of the activation policies and workflow models are similar.

Activation policies can be used to start or cancel workflows. Activation policies that cancel a workflow contains the _Cancel postfix. For example, LN_Requisition_Conversion_Cancel.

Do not use the LN prefix for customized standard content or customer-defined content.

The tables describe when the workflow and activation policy are introduced, the Infor LN release, the required BOD schema and ION version, the purpose, workflow and activation policy name, application document, conditions/rule, action, distribution, and drill back.

Call registered Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start a workflow when a call is logged (ERPLNBD-434).

Workflow LN_CustomerCall_Registered

Application document CustomerCall

Conditions/rule Status is Open.

Action Task is created to notify the user when a call is registered and must be assigned to a support engineer.

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

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Workflow models

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Drill back Infor LN Call (tsclm1100m000) session.

Note: The LN_CustomerCall_Registered_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is not Open. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Claim close Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema Infor LN 13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when a customer claim must be closed (LND2-14233).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnClaim

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the claim is a customer claim.

• Status is not Closed. • Last finish time is within 5 days. You can customize the threshold.

Action Task is created to notify the user when a customer claim must be closed.

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

Note: The LN_Claim_Close_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the customer claim is Closed. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Claim generate supplier claim Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema Infor LN 13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when a supplier claim must be generated for the customer claim (LND2-14233).

Workflow/Activation Policy


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Application document LnClaim

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the claim is a customer claim.

• Generate supplier claim is True • No supplier claim is generated • It is 5 days after the creation date. You can customize the threshold.

Action Task is created to notify the user when a supplier claim must be generated for the customer claim.

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

Note: The LN_Claim_GenerateSupplierClaim_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when a supplier claim is generated or is no longer required. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Claim submit Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema Infor LN 13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when a customer claim must be submitted (LND2-14233).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnClaim

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the claim is a customer claim.

• Status is Free or Modified. • It is 5 days after the creation date. You can customize the threshold.

Action Task is created to notify the user when a customer claim must be submitted.

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

Note: The LN_Claim_Submit_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the customer claim status is not Free or Modified. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

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Company addition Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when a new company is added (ERPLNBD-80).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is Company. • Action code is Add.

Action Task is created to notify the user when a company is added.

Distribution LN_MasterData distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Note: The LN_Message_Company_Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the company is Deleted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Contract purchase expire Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose An alert is generated when the workflow specified on the purchase contract is reaching expiration and must be renewed (ERPLNBD-433).

Workflow LN_Contract_Purchase_Expire

Application document Contract

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Customer, which indicates that the contract is a purchase contract.

• Contract header status is Open. • Contract line status is Open. • Contract line expiry date is within 14 days. You can customize the


Action Task is created to notify the user when a purchase contract must be renewed.

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Distribution • Buyer.

• If a value for the Buyer field is not specified, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Contract – Lines (tdpur3600m000) session.


• Workflow can be started using an alert that is sent by the LN_Contract_Purchase_Expire monitor.

• Event monitoring and workflow only evaluate Sync BODs, which are published when contracts are entered, modified, or deleted. You can use the Publish Order Management Transactional Data (tdbod0200m000) session to publish existing contracts. To monitor contracts, specify Use Process/Sync Verb in this session.

Contract sales expire Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Workflow on the sales contract is set to expire and require renewal (ERPLNBD-433).

Workflow LN_Contract_Sales_Expire

Application document Contract

Conditions/rule • Agency role is Supplier, which indicates that contract is a sales contract.

• Contract header status is Open. • Contract line status is Open. • Contract line expiry date is within 14 days. You can customize the


Action Task is created to inform the user that a sales contract must be renewed.

Distribution LN_Sales distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Sales Contract – Lines (tdsls3600m000) session.


• Workflow can be started using an alert that is sent by the LN_Contract_Expire monitor. • Event monitoring and workflow only evaluate Sync BODs, which are published when contracts

are entered, modified, or deleted. You can use the Publish Order Management Transactional

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Data (tdbod0200m000) session to publish existing contracts. To monitor contracts, specify Use Process/Sync Verb in this session.

Contract service expire Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose The contracts are to expire and require renewal, and must be workflow- enabled (ERPLNBD-433).

Workflow LN_ServiceContract_Expire

Application document ServiceContract

Conditions/rule • Contract header status is Open. • Contract line expiry date is within 14 days. You can customize the


Action Task is created to inform that a service contract must be renewed.

Distribution LN_Service distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000) session.

Note: Workflow can be started using an alert sent by monitor LN_ServiceContract_Expire.

Corrective action plan approved Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Corrective action plan status is changed to Approved, so that the corrective action plan tasks can be started (ERPLNBD-1012).

Workflow LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Approved

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule • Status changes to Approved. • At least one task has the Open or Approved status.

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Action Task is created to inform user that the corrective action plan is approved and the corrective action plan tasks can be started.

Distribution Owner

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Note: The LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Approved_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is not Approved. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Corrective action plan open Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Corrective action plan can be submitted after details are reviewed, tasks created and relevant non-conformance material reports are linked (ERPLNBD-1012).

Workflow LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Open

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule Status changes to Unapproved.

Action Task is created to inform user that the corrective action plan must be submitted.

Distribution • Owner.

• If the value of the Owner field is null, the LN_Quality distribution group is used..

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Note: The LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Open_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is not Unapproved. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Corrective action plan submitted Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

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Purpose Corrective action plan status is set to Ssubmitted so the review and approval process can start (ERPLNBD-1012).

Workflow LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_Submitted

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule Status changes to Submitted.

Action Task is created to inform that the corrective action plan must be approved.

Distribution Approver

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Note: The LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_ Submitted_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is not Submitted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Corrective action plan task completed Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose When a corrective action plan task status is set to Completed, the corrective action plan approver verifies the task, updates the corrective action plan task verification date and changes the relevant corrective action plan task status to Closed. (ERPLNBD-1012).

Workflow LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_TaskCompleted

Application document CorrectiveActionPlan

Conditions/rule Corrective action plan with at least one task with the status Completed.

Action Task is created to inform the user that a corrective action plan task is complete and can be closed.

Distribution Approver

Drill back Infor LN Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900) session.

Note: The LN_CorrectiveActionPlan_ TaskCompleted_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the corrective action plan status is Closed. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

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Customer addition Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Route the screens to the people assigned to add the sold-to data, shipping data, and invoice-to data (ERPLNBD-62 and ERPLNBD-78).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document CustomerPartyMaster

Conditions/rule Action code is Add.

Action • Task 1: The sales person reviews the sold-to data can send a notification about the new customer.

• Task 2: The shipping department adds the shipping data. The AR department adds the invoice-to data such as payment terms.

• Task 3: If all tasks are complete, optionally a notification is sent.

Distribution • Task 1:If the value of the external sales representative and the Internal sales representative is null, the LN_Sales distribution group is used.

• Task 2: LN_Warehousing distribution group.

• Task 3: LN_Finance distribution group.

Notification: LN_Sales distribution group.

Drill back • Infor LN Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session. • Infor LN Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session (task 2 and 3).

Note: The LN_CustomerPartyMaster_Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of the Customer is Deleted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Finalization error logged Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

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Purpose Start the workflow when the finalization errors must be resolved (ERPLNBD-429).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be FinalizationError. • Status is Open if one or more errors exist.

Action Task is created to inform the user that finalization errors occurred for a batch and fiscal year.

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Error Log (tfgld1106m000) session.

Note: The LN_Message_Company_Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is Deleted, which indicates that all errors are resolved. Distributed tasks are canceled.

Global trade compliance check result Introduced in Content pack v12

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema 2.12.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when the global trade compliance check result is set to Failure (LND2-7837).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type must be GlobalTradeCompliance. • Action code is Add. • Compliance check result must be Failure.

Action Task is created to inform the user that document failed the global trade compliance check.

Distribution Employee linked to user that created check result, else LN_Sales distribution group.

Drill back Infor LN Document Compliance Check Results (tcgtc1510m000) session.

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Note: The LN_Message_GlobalTradeCompliance_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status is Deleted or when the compliance check result is set to Success. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

High value Payable transaction to be paid Introduced in Content pack v2

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start a workflow when invoice can be paid (ERPLNBD-426).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document PayableTransaction

Conditions/rule • BaseCurrencyAmount of type TotalAmount must be greater than 1000 (threshold can be customized).

• BaseCurrency must be EUR. • Status is Vouchered or Approved.

Action After invoices are matched and approved, they must be assigned to a user who can pay the invoice.

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Open Entry (tfacp2100s000) session.


• The LN_PayableTransaction_HighValueToBePaid_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status of the Payable Transaction is Hold, Paid, Unapproved, or Deleted. Distributed tasks are canceled.

• PayableTransaction is published when an invoice transaction is finalized.

Item addition Introduced in Content pack v1 (extended in content pack v9)

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start the workflow for the new product (ERPLNBD-70).

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Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document ItemMaster

Conditions/rule • Action code is Add. • Revision does not exist.

Action When a new item is specified in general item data, a workflow task is distributed to create the associated sub items. The Workflow is started when a new item is entered. These tasks are created:

• Task 1: When a new item is specified, this task is created: “Check if all required sub items are created.” The user can create tasks to review each of the sub items such as sales data and purchase data. A task to review item sales is created only when the value of the SalesIndicator in the UserArea of the ItemMaster BOD is True. Similar tasks exist for Costing, Freight, Ordering, Planning, Production, Project, Purchase, Service, and Warehousing.

• Task 2: After ordering data is reviewed, a task to review planning data is created.

• Task 3: When all tasks are complete, a task is created to review the item costing data.

Distribution Based on the sub item, tasks are distributed to these distribution groups: LN_Freight, LN_Manufacturing, LN_MasterData, LN_Planning, LN_Project, LN_Purchase, LN_Sales, LN_Service or LN_Warehousing

Drill back • First task: Infor LN Item – General (tcibd0101s000) session. • Next tasks: Infor LN session for the related sub item.

Notes: • The LN_ItemMaster_Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of

the Item is Deleted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled. • The newly entered items are immediately available for transactions in Infor LN such as sales

order entry and production. This workflow creates and distributes tasks to review and complete settings for the new item. The workflow does not prevent the new item from being used in Infor LN.

• Workflow is only activated for new items and not for updates to existing items. When you insert an item without default values and then create sub items, the workflow is not activated.

Maintenance notification addition Introduced in Content pack v5

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Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start the workflow when a maintenance notification is added (ERPLNBD-935).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • MessageType is MaintenanceNotification. • Action code is Add. • Status is Free.

Action • Notify customer and service contact that maintenance notification was added.

• Create a task for the preferred engineer to handle the new maintenance notification.

Distribution Notifications: customer contact and serialized item contact. Task: Preferred engineer or LN_Service distribution group when the value for the preferred engineer field is null.

Drill back Infor LN Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000) session.

Note: The LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of the maintenance notification is Deleted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Maintenance notification assigned Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start the workflow when a maintenance notification is assigned (ERPLNBD-934).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • MessageType is MaintenanceNotification. • Status is Free.

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• Assigned to value is specified.

Action Task is created to handle the maintenance notification that is assigned to the user.

Distribution Assigned to

Drill back Infor LN Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000) session.

Note: The LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_ Assigned_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of the maintenance notification is not set to Free or when the assigned to field is null. Distributed tasks are canceled.

Maintenance notification not handled Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start the workflow when a maintenance notification is not handled (ERPLNBD-936).

Workflow LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotHandled

Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • MessageType is MaintenanceNotification. • Status is Free. • Seven days after the maintenance notification is created. You can

customize the threshold.

Action • If not assigned, the task is created to assign a maintenance notification.

• If assigned, a task is created to handle the maintenance notification.

Distribution If the maintenance notification is not assigned, the LN_Service distribution group is used. If the maintenance notification is assigned, the assigned to person is used.

Drill back Infor LN Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000) session.

Note: Workflow can be started from an alert sent by the LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotAssigned and LN_Message_MaintenanceNotification_NotHandled monitors.

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Non-conforming material report assigned Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Start the workflow when the non-conforming material report is submitted for an assignment (ERPLNBD-1011).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule Status is set to Assigned.

Action • Create a task to generate a disposition for the assigned non-conforming material report.

• Create a task to seek a waiver, from the customer, for the non-conforming material report.

Distribution Owner

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (qmncm1100m000) session (NCMR).

Note: The LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_Assigned_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of the defective material notice is not Assigned. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Non-conforming material report submitted Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Start the workflow when the non-conforming material report is submitted for an assignment (ERPLNBD-1011).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document DefectiveMaterialNotice

Conditions/rule Status changes to Submitted.

Action Create a task to assign the submitted non-conforming material report.

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Distribution • Owner and Reporter.

• If the values of the Owner and Reporter field are null, the LN_Quality distribution group is used .

Drill back Infor LN Non-Conforming Material Reports (qmncm1100m000) session (NCMR).

Note: Distribution is to the employee for the user listed in the Reported By field.

The LN_DefectiveMaterialNotice_Submitted_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow when the status of the defective material notice is not Submitted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Opportunity lost Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when a lost opportunity is closed (ERPLNBD-486).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document Opportunity

Conditions/rule Status changes to Lost.

Action Workflow for lost opportunity, for example, must be sent to back-office clerk to perform a loss analysis.

Distribution Assigned to person

Drill back • Infor LN Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session. • Infor LN Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.


• The LN_Opportunity_Lost_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status of the Opportunity is not set to Lost. Distributed tasks are canceled.

• With Infor LN FP7 or later, if the Infor LN status is Dead or Lost, the status Lost is published in the BOD.

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Opportunity won Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start a workflow when a won opportunity is closed (ERPLNBD-485)

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document Opportunity

Conditions/rule Status changes to Won.

Action Workflow for opportunity that is won, for example, route the opportunity to an order administrator to perform the order capture and fulfillment, and to a different user to perform the commissions or win analysis.

Distribution Assigned to person

Drill back • Infor LN Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000) session. • Infor LN Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.

Note: The LN_Opportunity_Won_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status of the Opportunity is not set to Won. The distributed tasks are canceled.

Planning signal Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start a workflow for exception messages (planning signals) (ERPLNBD-404).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnPlanningSignal

Conditions/rule • Planner is filled. • Accepted indicator is False. • Obsolete indicator is False. • Signal code is <= 60. This constant value excludes signals on

pegging and confirmed quantity. You can customize this value.

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Action • Workflow is started when a planning signal is created. • Buttons to accept or decline the planning signal, which publishes

the Process.LnPlanningSignal BOD and updates the Accepted flag in Infor LN.

Distribution • Planner.

• If the value of the planner field is null, the LN_Planning distribution group is used .

Drill back Infor LN Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000) session.

Caution: If multiple planning signals are created in Infor LN, the volume of tasks is high. It is recommended that you customize the activation policy or do not activate the workflow.


• LnPlanningSignal is a custom BOD. See “Prerequisites for Infor LN” on page 16 for information on how to register custom BODs in ION.

• LN_PlanningSignal_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the planning signal is accepted or deleted. The Accepted indicator must be True or the Obsolete indicator must be True. The distributed tasks are canceled.

Production order complete Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start the workflow when a production order must be completed (ERPLNBD-441).

Workflow LN_ProductionOrder_Complete

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is not Maintenance. • Status is Released or Active. • One day after the planned delivery date. Threshold can be


Action Task is created to complete the production order.

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

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Note: Workflow can be started from an alert sent by the LN_ProductionOrder_Complete monitor.

Production order release Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start a workflow when production order needs to be released (ERPLNBD-441).

Workflow LN_ProductionOrder_Release

Application document ProductionOrder

Conditions/rule • Type is not Maintenance. • Status is Planned. • Production start date is within one day. You can customize the


Action Task is created to release the production order.

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) or Production Order (tisfc0101m100) sessions.

Note: Workflow can be started using an alert that is sent by the LN_ProductionOrder_Release monitor.

Production order rework Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose Start a workflow when a production order must be reworked (ERPLNBD-441).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document ProductionOrder

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Conditions/rule • Type is ShopFloor. • Status is Planned, Released, or Active. • Rework indicator is True.

Action Task is created to rework the shop floor production order.

Distribution LN_Manufacturing distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Production Order (tisfc0101m100) session.


• The LN_ProductionOrder_Rework_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the ReworkIndicator is False or if the status of the ProductionOrder is not Planned, Released, or Active. Therefore, the distributed tasks are canceled.

• Only shop floor orders can be reworked.

Project bid convert contract Introduced in Content pack v13.1

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.2

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when project bids are accepted and must be converted to contracts (LND2-16652).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document ProjectBid

Conditions/rule • Bid status must be Accepted

Action Task is created to convert the project bid.

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives • If the external sales and the internal sales representatives are not

specified, the LN_Project distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Bid (tpest3600m000) session


• The LN_ProjectBid_ConvertContract_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the bid status is not Accepted. Therefore, the distributed tasks are canceled.

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Purchase invoice registered Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start the workflow when purchase invoices are registered and must be matched (ERPLNBD-425).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document LnMessage

Conditions/rule • Message type is PurchaseInvoice. • Status is Registered.

Action Task is created to match the registered purchase invoice.

Distribution LN_Finance distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Authorize Purchase Invoices (tfacp1142m000) session.


• Workflow is started using the LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Registered activation policy. • Workflow can also be started using an alert that is sent by the

LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Registered monitor. The alert is sent three days after the invoice is registered.

• The LN_Message_PurchaseInvoice_Registered_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status is Matched, Approved, or Deleted. Therefore, the distributed tasks are canceled.

Requisition approval Introduced in Content pack v1 (LN_DA_Requisition is introduced in content pack v10 as

a successor)

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start a workflow to approve/reject requisitions (ERPLNBD-398).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document Requisition

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Conditions/rule Status is Open.

Action • Workflow is started when a requisition is open. • Tasks offer a button to approve or reject the requisition. • Rejection results in a Process.Requisition BOD to update the status

in Infor LN to Rejected. Approval results in: • If the total amount is not above 500, Process.Requisition BOD to

update the status in Infor LN to SpendApproved. • If the total amount is above 500, a new task for another user to

approve or reject is created. The second approval results in a Process.Requisition BOD to update the status in Infor LN to SpendApproved. Rejection results in a BOD to update the status in Infor LN to Rejected.

Distribution LN_Purchase distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.


• LN_DA_Requisition workflow is introduced in content pack v10 for Infor LN 10.4.1. Ensure that not two workflows are used to approve and reject requisitions. Deactivate the LN_Requisition_Approval workflow, when the LN_DA_Requisition workflow is active.

• Requisition approval in ION workflow can be enforced by selecting the External Approval check box in the Infor LN Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session. If this check box is selected, purchase requisitions are approved outside Infor LN. Therefore, the purchase requisition approval process is unavailable in Infor LN.

• Infor LN 10.4.1 or later does not include the External Approval anymore; LN_DA_Requisition document authorization workflow is introduced that succeeds LN_Requisition_Approval workflow.

• The LN_Requisition_Approval_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status of the Requisition is Approved or Rejected. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

Requisition conversion Introduced in Content pack v1

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Start the workflow to convert requisitions (ERPLNBD-398).

Workflow/Activation Policy


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Application document Requisition

Conditions/rule Status is Approved.

Action Workflow is started when a requisition is approved, a task to prepare conversion is followed by a task to convert the requisition.

Distribution LN_Purchase distribution group

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition – Lines (tdpur2600m000) session.

Note: The LN_Requisition_Conversion_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the requisition is converted. The status must be Converted. Therefore, the distributed tasks are canceled.

RFQ due Introduced in Content pack v3

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose Workflow on an overdue Request for Quotation (RFQ) (ERPLNBD-400).

Workflow LN_RFQ_Due

Application document RFQ

Conditions/rule • Return date must be within three days (threshold can be customized).

• Status must be Open or Printed.

Action • The Request for Quotation is due on or before the header return date.

• Three days before the return date, a task is created to take action on the RFQ.

Distribution • Buyer.

• If the value of the buyer field is null, the LN_Purchase distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Request for Quotation – Lines (tdpur1600m000) session.


• Workflow can be started using an alert that is sent by the LN_RFQ_Due monitor. • Infor LN publishes one RFQ BOD per supplier. You receive a task for each supplier. • RFQs with a return date in the past are not excluded and tasks are created.

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Sales order unblock Introduced in Content pack v7

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.9.0 (ION 11.0)

Purpose Workflow for the Sales Order must be unblocked (ERPLNBD-1025).

Workflow LN_SalesOrder_Unblock

Application document SalesOrder

Conditions/rule Status must be Hold

Action Task is created to unblock the sales order. Blocking reason is mentioned.

Distribution • Internal and external sales representatives.

• If all the values of the fields are null, the LN_Sales distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Blocked Sales Order (Lines) (tdsls4520m000) session. Notes: • Blocking can due to the various customer-defined hold reasons. The activation policy can be

easily customized to start the workflows only for specific hold reasons, such as hold reasons of the type credit check, margin check, promotion check, or general.

• The LN_SalesOrder_Unblock_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the sales order is approved. The status must be not be Hold. Therefore, the distributed tasks are canceled.

Service order release Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Workflow for a Service Order must be Planned/Released (ERPLNBD-850).

Workflow LN_ServiceOrder_Release

Application document ServiceOrder

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Conditions/rule • Type is FieldService. • Status must be Open or Planned or Hold. • Emergency must be True or Planned Finish Time must be within

three days (threshold can be customized).

Action Task is created to release the service order.

Distribution • Service engineer.

• If the value of service engineer field is null, the LN_Service distribution group is used.

Drill back Infor LN Service Order – Lines (tssoc2100m100) session.


• Replaces workflow LN_Message_ServiceOrder_Release that was based on LnMessage.

• Workflow can be started from alerts that are sent using the LN_ServiceOrder_EmergencyNotReleased and LN_ServiceOrder_NotReleased monitors.

Supplier addition Introduced in Content pack v4

Supported from Infor LN FP7

BOD schema 2.5.1 (ION 10.0)

Purpose New Vendor/Creditor Creation must be workflow enabled (ERPLNBD-65).

Workflow/Activation Policy


Application document SupplierPartyMaster

Conditions/rule Action code is Add.

Action • Task 1: The buyer reviews the buy-from data and can send a notification about the new supplier

• Task 2: The shipping users add the shipping data. • Task 3: The AP department adds the invoice-to data.

If all the tasks are completed, a notification can also be sent.

Distribution • Task 1: Buyer or distribution group LN_Purchase when buyer is blank

• Task 2: Distribution group LN_Warehousing • Task 3: Distribution group LN_Finance

Notification: Distribution group LN_Purchase

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Drill back Infor LN Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session. Infor LN Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session (task 2 and 3).

Note: The LN_ SupplierPartyMaster _Addition_Cancel activation policy cancels the workflow, when the status of the Supplier is Deleted. Therefore, distributed tasks are canceled.

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Document authorization

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Chapter 5 Document authorization

This chapter describes the workflows for document authorization.

The naming convention used for standard workflow models is LN_DA_object. For example: LN_DA_ProjectContract. By default, the standard model in the Object Configuration Management module uses standard workflow models.

Do not use the LN prefix for customized standard content or customer-defined content.

The tables describe when document authorization is introduced, the Infor LN release, required BOD schema and ION version, the purpose, workflow name, application document, conditions/rule, action, distribution, and drill back.

Workflows are distributed to the submit user. When first starting to work with document authorization this is a convenient default, but the distribution must be modified to the user or group of users who are responsible for approval.

Adjustment line Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose To write off the inventory, document authorization is required (LND-9491).

Workflow LN_DA_AdjustmentLine

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the created or modified adjustment line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the adjustment line.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Adjustment Order (whinh5120m100) session.

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Billable line Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Confirming a billable line requires document authorization (LND-9589).

Workflow LN_DA_BillableLine

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Confirm the billable line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the billable line.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Billable Lines (cisli8110m000) session.

Customer claim line Introduced in Content pack v10

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.1

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9)

Purpose Approving the customer claim line requires document authorization (LND2-291).

Workflow LN_DA_CustomerClaimLine

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created or changed customer claim line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the customer claim line.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Customer Claim (tscmm1600m000) session.

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Cycle count line Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose To count inventory, document authorization is required (LND-9491).

Workflow LN_DA_CycleCountLine

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the changed cycle count line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the cycle count line.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5110m000) session.

Global trade compliance check result Introduced in Content pack v12

Supported from Infor LN 10.5

BOD schema 2.12.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Global trade compliance requires document authorization.

Workflow LN_DA_GTCCheckResult

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the global trade compliance result.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the global trade compliance result.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Document Compliance Check Results (tcgtc1510m000) session.

Invoice Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

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BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Composing the invoice requires document authorization (LND-9590).

Workflow LN_DA_Invoice

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Compose the invoice.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the invoice.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Invoice (cisli3605m000) session.

Invoice-from business partner Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Creating or changing the invoice-from business partner requires document authorization (ERPLNBD-1008).

Workflow LN_DA_InvoiceFromBP

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the created or changed invoice-from business partner. Changes to an inactive invoice-from business partner are automatically approved. Other possible conditions are available in the workflow definition.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the invoice-from business partner.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.

Note: Invoice-from business partner information can be created by department. Changes to the general definition of the invoice-from business partner result in updating the department specific definitions when the approval is received. A department specific change must be approved before approving the general change.

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Invoice-to business partner Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Creating or changing the invoice-to business partner requires document authorization. Changes to credit limit and other attributes cannot be made without the required authorization (LND-7548).

Workflow LN_DA_InvoiceToBP

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the created or changed invoice-to business partner.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the invoice-to business partner.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session.

Note: Invoice-to business partner information can be created by department. Changes to the general definition of the invoice-to business partner result in updating the department specific definitions when the approval is received. A department specific change must be approved before approving the general change.

Journal Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of a journal requires document authorization (LND-9598).

Workflow LN_DA_Journal

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created journal.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the journal.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Document History - Transaction Lines (tfgld0618m200) session.

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Payment batch Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of a payment batch requires document authorization (LND-9599).

Workflow LN_DA_PaymentBatch

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the payment batch.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the payment batch.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Payment Advice (tfcmg1609m000) session.

Pay-to business partner Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Creating or changing the pay-to business partner requires document authorization (ERPLNBD-1008).

Workflow LN_DA_PayToBP

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the created or changed pay-to business partner. Changes to an inactive pay-to business partner are automatically approved. Other possible conditions are available in the workflow definition.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the pay-to business partner.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000) session.

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Pay-to business partner bank accounts Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Creating or changing the bank account by pay-to business partner requires document authorization (ERPLNBD-1008).

Workflow LN_DA_PayToBPBA

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the created or changed bank account details by pay-to business partner. Changes other than a changed bank account are automatically approved.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the pay-to business partner bank account.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Bank Account by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4125s000) session.

Physical breakdown change Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Submit the physical breakdown change. To modify the physical breakdown document authorization is required (LND-8359).

Workflow LN_DA_PhysicalBreakdownChange

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit the physical breakdown change.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the physical breakdown change.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Physical Breakdown – Change Lines (tscfg2141m000) session.

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Project Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose To change the status of the project document authorization is required (ERPLNBD-1014).

Workflow LN_DA_Project

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Status change of the project.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the project.

Distribution If the value of the contract manager field is null, Project manager or submit user is used.

Drill back Infor LN Project 360 (tppdm6500m100) session.

Note: Approval tasks are created when the project status is changed to Active, Finished, or Closed. Other changes submitted in Infor LN are automatically approved.

Project bid Introduced in Content pack v13

Supported from Infor LN 10.5.1

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose To change the status of the project bid, document authorization is required (LND2-1793).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectBid

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Status change of the project bid.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the project bid.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Bid (tpest3600m000) session.

Note: Approval tasks are created when the Project Bid field, which is approved for proposal, is set to ‘yes’. Other changes submitted in Infor LN are automatically approved.

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Project contract Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose To change the status of the project contract header document authorization is required (ERPLNBD-950).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectContract

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Status change of the project contract header.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the project contract header.

Distribution If a value for the contract manager field is not specified, Contract manager value or submit user is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

Note: Approval tasks are created when the status of a contract header is changed. Other changes submitted in Infor LN are automatically approved.

Project contract deliverable Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose To change the status of the project contract deliverable document authorization is required (ERPLNBD-947).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectContractDel

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Status change of the project contract deliverable.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the project contract deliverable.

Distribution If a value for the contract manager field is not specified, Contract manager value or the submit user is used.

Drill back Infor LN Contract (tpctm1600m000) session.

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Note: Approval tasks are created when the status of the project contract deliverable is changed to Active, Released, Warehousing, or Canceled. Other changes submitted in Infor LN are automatically approved.

Project contract line Introduced in Content pack v5

Supported from Infor LN 10.2

BOD schema 2.7.0 (ION 10.2)

Purpose To change the status of the project contract line document authorization is required (ERPLNBD-950).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectContractLine

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Status change of the contract line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the new version of the contract line.

Distribution If a value for the contract manager field is not specified, the Line contract manager value or the submit user.

Drill back Infor LN Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000) session.

Note: Approval tasks are created when the status of a contract line is changed. Other changes submitted in Infor LN are automatically approved.

Project equipment costs Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project costs requires document authorization. Booking costs to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9345).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectEquipmentCosts

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created cost line.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the project costs.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Equipment Costs (tpppc2151m000) session.

Project interim results Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project interim result requires document authorization. Booking results to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9342).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectInterimResults

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created interim result.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the interim result.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Interim Results (tpppc3150m000) session.

Project labor costs Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project costs requires document authorization. Booking costs to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9345).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectLaborCosts

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created cost line.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the project costs.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Labor Costs (tpppc2131m000) session.

Project material costs Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project costs requires document authorization. Booking costs to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9345).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectMaterialCosts

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created cost line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the project costs.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Material Costs (tpppc2111m000) session.

Project subcontracting costs Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project costs requires document authorization. Booking costs to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9345).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectSubcontrCosts

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created cost line.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the project costs.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Subcontracting Costs (tpppc2171m000) session.

Project sundry costs Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the project costs requires document authorization. Booking costs to a project cannot be done without the required authorization (LND-9345).

Workflow LN_DA_ProjectSundryCosts

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created cost line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the project costs.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Sundry Costs (tpppc2191m000) session.

Purchase contract Introduced in Content pack v9 (extended in content pack v13 for Infor LN 10.5.1)

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Activating the purchase contract requires document authorization (LND-9526).

Workflow LN_DA_PurchaseContract

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Activate the purchase contract header.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the purchase contract or purchase contract change request

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Contract (tdpur3600m000) session or Infor LN Purchase Contract Change Request (tdpur3600m100) session.

Purchase invoice Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Creating the invoice requires document authorization (LND-4651).

Workflow LN_DA_PurchaseInvoice

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approving the created purchase invoice.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the purchase invoice.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100) session.

Purchase order Introduced in Content pack v9 (extended in content pack v13 for Infor LN 10.5.1)

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approving the purchase order requires document authorization (LND-6709).

Workflow LN_DA_PurchaseOrder

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created or changed purchase order.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the purchase order or purchase order change request.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session or Infor LN Purchase Order Change Request (tdpur4600m000) session.

Recurring journal Introduced in Content pack v6

Supported from Infor LN 10.2.1

BOD schema 2.8.0 (ION 10.3.6)

Purpose Creating or changing a recurring journal requires document authorization (ERPLNBD-1009).

Workflow LN_DA_RecurringJournal

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule The recurring journal is ready.

Action Task is created to accept or reject a new version of a recurring journal.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Recurring Journal (tfgld0140m100) session.

Register received invoice Introduced in Content pack v15

Supported from Infor LN 10.7

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Workflow gives an approval/rejection possibility before the open entry is created by Invoice Scanning.

Workflow LN_DA_RegisterReceivedInvoice

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Register a received invoice.

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the registered invoice.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Received Purchase Invoice (tfacp1610m000) session.

Request to reuse a supplier invoice number Introduced in Content pack v14

Supported from Infor LN 10.6

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Request to reuse a supplier invoice number requires document authorization (LND2-18528).

Workflow LN_DA_RequestReuseSupplInvoice

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Submit request to reuse a supplier invoice number.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the request to reuse a supplier invoice number

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Requests to Reuse Supplier Invoice Number (tfacp2106m000) session.

Requisition Introduced in Content pack v10 (succeeds the LN_Requisition_Approval workflow that

was introduced in content pack v1)

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.1

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9)

Purpose Approving the requisition requires document authorization (LND2-710).

Workflow LN_DA_Requisition

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the submitted or changed requisition.

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Document authorization

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Action Task is created to accept or reject the requisition.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Requisition (tdpur2600m000) session.

Note: Prevent that two workflows execute approval and rejection of the requisitions. Deactivate workflow LN_Requisition_Approval when workflow LN_DA_Requisition is active.

Revenue Recognition Introduced in Content pack v16

Supported from Infor LN 10.8

BOD schema 2.13.0 (ION 12.0)

Purpose Workflow gives an approval/rejection possibility for revenue lines.

Workflow LN_DA_RevenueRecognition

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve a revenue line.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the revenue line.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Revenue Line (cirrc1620m000) session.

Sales contract Introduced in Content pack v10

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.1

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9)

Purpose Activating the sales contract requires document authorization (LND2-708).

Workflow LN_DA_SalesContract

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Activate the sales contract header.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the sales contract.

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Document authorization

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Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Sales Contract (tdsls3600m000) session.

Sales order Introduced in Content pack v9 (extended in content pack v10 for Infor LN 10.4.1,

extended in content pack v19 to handle sales order change requests)

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1 for content pack v9, ION 11.1.9 for content pack v10)

Purpose Approving the sales order requires document authorization (LND-9525).

Workflow LN_DA_SalesOrder

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created or changed sales order.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the sales order.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Sales Order – Lines (tdsls4100m900) session.

Sales quotation Introduced in Content pack v10

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.1

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9)

Purpose Approving the sales quotation requires document authorization (LND2-1693).

Workflow LN_DA_SalesQuotation

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created or changed sales quotation.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the sales quotation.

Distribution Submit user

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Document authorization

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Drill back Infor LN Sales Quotation (tdsls1600m000) session.

Service quote Introduced in Content pack v15

Supported from Infor LN 10.7

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Approval of the quote request requires document authorization. (LND2-22280).

Workflow LN_DA_ServiceQuote

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the created service quote.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the quote request.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Quote Request (tsepp1600m000) session.

Stage payment Introduced in Content pack v9

Supported from Infor LN 10.4

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1)

Purpose Releasing the supplier stage payment requires document authorization (LND-9527).

Workflow LN_DA_StagePayment

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Release the created supplier stage payment.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the stage payment.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Purchase Order – Lines (tdpur4100m900) session.

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Document authorization

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Trade order Introduced in Content pack v11 (extended in content pack v12, v15, v19)

Supported from Infor LN 10.4.2 (extended in Infor LN 10.5 and Infor LN 10.7)

BOD schema 2.10.0 (ION 11.1.9) (extended with ION 12.0 that comes with BOD schema 2.12.0)

Purpose Approve the trade order requires document authorization (LND2-7155).

Workflow LN_DA_TradeOrder

Application document Workflow

Conditions/rule Approve the trade order.

Action Task is created to accept or reject the trade order.

Distribution Submit user

Drill back Infor LN Intercompany Trade Order - Purchase (tcitr3600m300) session. Infor LN Intercompany Trade Order – Sales (tcitr3600m200) session.

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Chapter 6 Views

This chapter describes the process to use views to drill back or drill to Infor LN.

Drill back Infor LN publishes BODs to ION, Reporting, and other applications. Elements in these BODs can then be used to drill back to Infor LN using a URL.

ION supports drill back from tasks and alerts. For each noun, you can define a single URL that uses a placeholder for the DocumentID. The hyperlinks file is part of the ION Infor LN content pack that Infor LN delivers. The drill back must be defined in the hyperlinks.xml file on the ION server.


<Hyperlink noun="PurchaseOrder">javascript:infor.companyon.client.sendPrepareDrillbackMessage(&quot;?LogicalId=lid://infor.ln.nlbaudv1-422&amp;Location= DV1-422&amp;AccountingEntity=DV1-422&amp;ViewId=PurchaseOrderView&amp;PurchaseOrder=BPO000041&quot;);</Hyperlink>

Drill to Applications can also drill to Infor LN without receiving a BOD. For example, an application can drill to a session in the ERP product to create a sales order.

ION supports the drill-to functionality from tasks. Standard views are delivered in a PMC solution and loaded when the view modeler is started or when a drill-back or drill-to is executed. The views in the view modeler in Infor LN contain drill-to samples. You must export views from the view modeler to the ION Registry folder (for ION 11.1 or earlier):

ION Installation Folder\Desk\bin\RegistryData\ViewMetaData\Standard\ViewSets

And upload the file in Mingle.

You can link views to tasks in ION.

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Views Infor LN manages both drill-back and drill-to functionality views. ION invokes a URL that specifies the view name and view parameters. The view is located in the view modeler. Conditions are defined which describe, based on view parameters, the Infor LN session that must be started. Filters are defined which describe, based on view parameters, the data that must be displayed in the Infor LN session.

To use the view modeler, Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le and FP7 or later must be installed.

See “View modeler” on page Error! Bookmark not defined..

Dynamic Enterprise Modeler To authorize the Dynamic Enterprise Modeler (DEM) users to drill back to LN, you must ensure that your DEM users are assigned the appropriate drill back authorities.

DEM provides mapping between a View ID and a default authorization level and mapping from the View ID to an activity within a Business process.

Infor Enterprise Modeler User Guide (U7169GUS) describes the process to set up drill back authorization for DEM users.

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Runtime usage

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Chapter 7 Runtime usage

This chapter provides specific information to verify and troubleshoot the integration process.

Verifying event monitors and workflow models After installation, you can send data from Infor LN to ION and drill back from alerts and tasks.

To verify event monitors and workflow models, publish two BODs from an initial load session: one BOD that creates an alert and one BOD that creates a task. Start ION Pulse to view the alert and task. If ION is configured to send e-mails, verify if you received the e-mails.

If the alert, task, or e-mail is not displayed, check the Manage menu in ION Desk to verify if the BODs were transferred and if the conditions are met. You can also check the log files in ION.

From the alert, test the drill-back, which uses a hyperlinks.xml file and the view modeler.

From the task, test a drill-to, which uses a standard view set xml file and the view modeler.

Logging After the integration is complete, if the data flow is not as required for across the system, use these troubleshooting tools:

• ION error functionality to identify failures related to the BOD structure. For example, a message with an invalid format or missing a mandatory field.

• Message tracker log to display processed BODs. Set logging to Debugging in the ION Desk.

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View modeler

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Appendix A View modeler

This appendix describes the view modeler. See “Overview” and “Views” for a description of the interaction between the view modeler and ION.

You use the view modeler to model views that can be used to drill back and drill to Infor LN.

Design time The view modeler in Infor LN allows you to view the standard and customize standard views, and define your own custom views. You can export the standard content and custom content using XML files. You can also import content to the view modeler.

The Infor LN View Modeler (tlvwm0601m000) session runs within the Infor Web UI and is also available in Infor Workspace and Infor Ming.le. The view modeler session is a composite session with a navigation tree on the left and a properties pane on the right.

Overview of the view modeler:

• The view modeler has a standard set and a custom view set. A view set consists of several views.

• Views of the standard view set are loaded using Infor LN code. • Views of the custom view set are loaded using the Infor LN tables in the vwm module of the tl

package. Data is stored in company 000. View modeler tables tlvwm001 (View Sets), tlvwm002 (Views), tlvwm003 (View Parameters), tlvwm004 (View Sessions), and tlvwm020 (View Set by Package Combination) must exist in company 000.

• The standard view set is available in an Infor LN library, which means that a standard view set is applicable for a package combination. For the custom view set, you can specify a list of applicable package combinations in the View Set by package Combination (tlvwm0120m000) session.

• A view set can be exported and imported. You can export a complete view set or export a view set for ION, which means only the views and parameters are selected.

• When the view modeler session is started, the standard and the custom view sets are loaded to a single xml file, which is in the view modeler session.

• A view includes parameters and sessions. The view and parameters must be specified by applications external to Infor LN that must drill back or drill to Infor LN.

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View modeler

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• A view can be simulated. The view parameter value must be specified. Optionally, the logical ID can be specified; if it is not specified, the current company is used. The simulate button starts the session for the specified view parameter value.

• View parameters can be composed and be decomposed to its elements, which are called calculated parameters.

An example of a composed parameter is AdjustmentOrderNumber of the AdjustmentOrderView. Infor LN publishes InventoryAdjustment BODs for adjustment orders and for cycle counting orders. For cycle counting orders, the order number is concatenated with the count number, order number_count number.

You can specify the decompose function tcbod.dll0003.decompose.adjustment.order.number to decompose the view parameter AdjustmentOrderNumber to the calculated parameters Source (“CycleCount” or “Adjustment”), OrderNumber, and CountNumber.

A diagram of the view parameters.

• For a session, you can specify the session code, mode, condition, and filter. • Mode is the start mode for the session and can be SINGLE_OCC, MULTI_OCC, or

MULTI_OCC+MODAL. • The condition allows you to specify the parameters values to start the session. • The filter allows you to specify which data filter to apply when the session is started. • The view modeler sets the WHERE clause extension that is used to start the session. • A Check button is available to test the conditions and filters for the correct syntax. • In the AdjustmentOrderView example, the condition in the Cycle Counting Order

(whinh5600m000) session:

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View modeler

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Source = "CycleCount" and filter "whinh500.orno = OrderNumber and whinh500.cntn = CountNumber."

When the AdjustmentOrderView is started and the AdjustmentOrderNumber parameter is decomposed to the Source = "CycleCount" calculated parameter, the cycle count session whinh5600m000 is started. The session displays the cycle count order and cycle count as specified in the AdjustmentOrderNumber view parameter that is decomposed to the OrderNumber and CycleNumber calculated parameters.

• The view sessions:

Runtime An application can invoke a URL that specifies the view name and view parameters.

The same xml structure that the view modeler session displays is loaded during the first drill back or drill to Infor LN.

The view is located in the view modeler xml.

Conditions and filters are evaluated to determine, based on view parameter values, which Infor LN session must be used to start the session and the data that must be displayed.

The regular session authorization is effective. If a user does not have access to a session, the sessions are not started.

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View modeler

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Example An example for a purchase order drill-back:

Drill-back for a purchase order is fetched using an alert in ION Pulse that is embedded in Infor Workspace and Infor Ming.le.

ION Pulse verifies the URL that must be invokes and identifies the hyperlinks.xml file:

<Hyperlink noun="PurchaseOrder">javascript:infor.companyon.client.sendPrepareDrillbackMessage(&quot;?LogicalId=lid://infor.ln.nlbaudv1-422&amp;Location= DV1-422&amp;AccountingEntity=DV1-422&amp;ViewId=PurchaseOrderView&amp;PurchaseOrder=BPO000041&quot;); </Hyperlink>

Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le is used to manage the URL:

First, the Infor Application Deployment for logical ID lid://infor.ln.nlbaudv1-422 is located.

Deployment consists of hostname, port, context, and whether or https must be used.

If the view name exists as an Infor Application View in Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le, parameters ID1, ID2, and so on, are replaced by the specified parameters.

The Infor LN plug-in must only contain these standard views, Home, ContextSensitiveHelp, and Documentation. This plug-must should not contain any other Infor application views.

Infor Workspace or Infor Ming.le constructs the URL that contains the Infor Application Deployment for Infor LN.

The view modeler loads all views and searches for the view that is specified in the ViewId parameter.

The purchase order view consists of only one session and filters the data for the specified purchase order.

The session is started with a filter on the purchase order.

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Appendix B LnMessage

This appendix describes the LnMessage custom BOD, which is used to send messages from Infor LN to the users. The ION Desk modeling functionality is used with this custom BOD. The LNMessage BOD does not send messages to systems, such as other ERP or reporting applications.

The LnMessage BOD consists of a generic setup that you can use for events, when standard BOD cannot be used and when creation of a specific custom BOD is not required. The LnMessage BOD is used to send alerts or create workflow tasks without customizing BODs or using Business Studio.

This appendix describes the Publishing, ION Desk Modeling, and the drill back tasks.

Publishing LnMessage BOD is published from Infor LN to the ION Process.

Sending the LnMessage BOD to Infor LN is not implemented.

Standard content Several use cases are implemented such as the adding of enterprise units (master data) and monitoring of anticipated payments (transactions). See Infor LN BOD Mapping and Descriptions.

The trigger to publish the LnMessage for these standard use cases is implemented in the DAL scripts, which results in LnMessage BODs when a monitor or workflow is activated which utilizes the LnMessage BOD.

Company addition example To publish fields using the Companies table, tcemm170 table, the standard DAL is changed. The tcintdlltcbod library is linked.

The handle.publish.ln.message function publishes the LnMessage and is called when the companies are added or deleted.


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"ActionCode", action.code,

"MessageType", "Company",

"DocumentID", tcemm170.comp,

"Description", tcemm170.desc,

"Status_Code", trim$(status.code),


"Status_ArchiveIndicator", false,

"CompanyType", enum.descr$("tcemm.ctyp", tcemm170.ctyp, "2"),

"CurrencySystem", enum.descr$("tcemm.depe",tcemm170.csys, "2"),

"BaseCurrency", tcemm170.fcua,

"ReportingCurrency", tcemm170.lcur))

The following BOD is generated:



<ID accountingEntity="DV1-422" location="DV1-422"


















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Note: • The DocumentID is updated with the prefix, Company, and the separator character is appended.

The default separator is the underscore. If the DocumentID already contains the default separator, the next available separator from the list of alternate separators is used. For example, DocumentID 670 is changed to Company_670_. This convention is required to drill back from the ION Process.

• The DisplayID is the readable version of the DocumentID without the prefix and appended separator. For example, the DisplayID is 670.

Custom content You can generate your own alerts or create your own workflow tasks by using the LnMessage BOD. You can trigger the publishing of the LnMessage for custom workflows or tasks by using a User Exit DLL or by customizing the standard software (DAL.)

As the User Exit DLL is external to the standard software, no rework is required when standard scripts are updated. The User Exit DLL can be used for any table with a DAL and for scripts that use dal functions such as or in combination with

A developer license is required to create User Exit DLLs. Before you customize standard software, contact your Infor representative for additional information.

The LnMessage contains the MessageType field that you can use to select a value. It is recommended that you use a company prefix such as CP_ so that the standard use cases are not in conflict.

Billing request example To publish fields from the Billing Requests cisli200 table, create the User Exit DLL cisli200ue and link the tcintdlltcbod (Integration DLL for BODs) and cislidll0996 (Functions for Exceptions) libraries.

User exit dll’s include template code that you can extend.

Write a table declaration and include:

table tcisli200 |*Billing Requests

#include "itcmcs2000“

Add the code to the hook:

domain tcyesno exception.yn

if cisli.dll0996.exceptions.exist(cisli200.scmp,cisli200.brid,true) then

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exception.yn = tcyesno.yes


exception.yn =



"MessageType", "BillingRequest",

"DocumentID", cisli200.scmp,

"DocumentID", cisli200.brid,

"Description", cisli200.dsca,

"Status_Code", enum.descr$("cisli.brst",cisli200.brst,"2"),

"UserAreaName", "Exceptions",

"UserAreaType", "StringType",

"UserAreaValue", enum.descr$("tcyesno",exception.yn,"2")))

This produces the following BOD:



<ID accountingEntity="DV1-422" location="DV1-422" lid="lid://infor.ln.nlbaudv3_422">BillingRequest_422_000000734_</ID>


<DisplayID>422 000000734</DisplayID>



<Code>On Hold</Code>





<NameValue name="Exceptions" type="StringType">Yes</NameValue>




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ION Desk Modeling The custom BOD LnMessage must be stored in the ION registry. After registration, you can model monitors and workflows for the LnMessage BOD similar to any other BOD.

Standard content Several use cases are implemented in the content pack v3 that introduce the LnMessage. The content pack v3 includes monitors, workflows, and activation policies that you can import and activate.

Company addition example For a description, see workflow Company Addition.

When a company is added, an LnMessage BOD is published with the MessageType field set to “Company”. The activation policy uses the MessageType field to filter out the LnMessage BODs for company additions.

DisplayID (and not DocumentID) is used in the workflow message to indicate the company that is added.

Custom content You can model your own monitors and workflows using the LnMessage BOD. You can copy standard monitors and workflows and customize the same.

Billing Request example Application Document: LnMessage

This table shows the monitor attributes:

Name Path Filter

BillingRequestID LnMessage/DocumentID/ID

BillingRequest LnMessage/DisplayID

Description LnMessage/Description

Status LnMessage/Status/Code

MessageType LnMessage/MessageType

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Exceptions LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name = “Exceptions” Yes

This table shows the conditions where the Combined condition is used as the monitor rule:

Name Expression

BillingRequest [MessageType] = 'BillingRequest‘

Exceptions [Exceptions] = 'Yes‘

Combined BillingRequest AND Exceptions

Alert message: Exceptions exist for billing request [BillingRequest] with status [Status]

Distribution: LN_Finance Group

Drill back Drill backs can be modeled in the View Modeler that specify the conditions that must be used to start an Infor LN session and the records to filter. Using the View Modeler, you can add drill back sessions without modifying the Views_Standard.xml drill back file for workflows or the hyperlinks.xml drill back file for the monitors that is on the ION server.

Standard content The standard view set includes the LnMessageView and sessions for each standard use case. Content packs contain the hyperlinks.xml and Views_Standard.xml files. You must copy these files to the ION server; however, you are not required to update these files when use cases are added.

Company addition example Properties

Session: Companies (tcemm1170m000)


Condition: MessageType = "Company"

Filter: tcemm170.comp = IDpart1

The DocumentID is decomposed to the elements. The separator is appended and is used to determine the MessageType and ID elements. For example, “Company_670_” decomposes into message type “Company” and IDpart1 = 670 and contains only one IDpart.

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You can add sessions for your use cases by copying the LnMessageView from the standard view set to a custom view set and then adding a session to the LnMessageView custom.

Billing request example Properties

Session Billing Requests (cisli2100m000)


Condition MessageType = "BillingRequest"

Filter cisli200.scmp = IDpart1 and cisli200.brid = IDpart2