intel-ge care innovations

Solution Brief for Payers Intel-GE Care Innovations ® Remote Care Management Solution Understanding the Fundamentals of Effective Remote Care Management Aging populations and rising medical costs have created worldwide challenges that call for thoughtful solutions and innovative thinking. Building on advanced, emerging technologies, Intel-GE Care Innovations TM designs solutions to meet those challenges. Our mission is to create forward-looking remote care management (RCM) solutions that assist in the management of chronic conditions and promote health and wellness. Through the intelligent use of applied technology—from data collection to wireless communication—our goal is to provide solutions that personalize and strengthen healthcare delivery techniques and that are based on a manageable, sustainable model for Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans. The Intel-GE Care Innovations TM remote care management solution represents a landmark step in that direction. The Care Innovations TM remote care management solution is an integrated platform that delivers a remote care management solution that can be delivered on a wide range of industry standard devices. Our remote care management solution helps MA plans control the costs of managing the member population that consumes the largest proportion of healthcare services by driving the appropriate utilization of care and helping members control their chronic conditions—keeping them in their home and out of the hospital. Our remote care management solution has been deployed by more than 40 customers and has been used by thousands of people to help effectively manage their chronic diseases. The road to imagining, designing and developing our remote care management solution started with extensive research to explore the needs of patients, the challenges faced by healthcare providers and the roles of caregivers. Through many years of listening to caregivers, talking with patients and discussing the problems with healthcare professionals, the solution took shape. ®

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Solution Brief for Payers

Intel-GE Care Innovations® Remote Care Management Solution Understanding the Fundamentals of Effective Remote Care Management

Aging populations and rising medical costs have created worldwide challenges that call for thoughtful solutions and innovative thinking.

Building on advanced, emerging technologies, Intel-GE Care InnovationsTM designs solutions to meet those challenges. Our mission is to create forward-looking remote care management (RCM) solutions that assist in the management of chronic conditions and promote health and wellness. Through the intelligent use of applied technology—from data collection to wireless communication—our goal is to provide solutions that personalize and strengthen healthcare delivery techniques and that are based on a manageable, sustainable model for Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans.

The Intel-GE Care InnovationsTM remote care management solution represents a landmark step in that direction. The Care InnovationsTM remote care management solution is an integrated platform that delivers a remote care management solution that can be delivered on a wide range of industry standard devices. Our remote care management solution helps MA plans control the costs of managing the member population that consumes the largest proportion of healthcare services by driving the appropriate utilization of care and helping members control their chronic conditions—keeping them in their home and out of the hospital.

Our remote care management solution has been deployed by more than 40 customers and has been used by thousands of people to help effectively manage their chronic diseases. The road to imagining, designing and developing our remote care management solution started with extensive research to explore the needs of patients, the challenges faced by healthcare providers and the roles of caregivers. Through many years of listening to caregivers, talking with patients and discussing the problems with healthcare professionals, the solution took shape.


Ethnographic Research Informs and Helps Shape Healthcare Advances

For over a decade, Intel and GE Healthcare Systems have been conducting ethnographic research, launching pilot programs, and exploring the ways in which technology can be effectively used to promote healthy, independent living around the world. The breadth and scope of this research—performed on an enterprise scale across more than 20 countries over several years—provides a rich bed of knowledge and helped inform the design and development of remote care management techniques and technologies. This research is reflected in the products and services offered through Care Innovations, including the remote care management platform.

Information gained from the Intel and GE research provides deep insights into patient treatment needs and healthcare delivery methods. For example, The Global Aging Experience Study surveyed people, their care-givers and the healthcare professionals treating them to help determine how future technology can best support independent living. The notion of social scientists driving technological innova-tion is at the heart of this approach—people- centered innovation focused on improving healthcare practices through a deeper under-standing of people’s lives and the means by which technology can enhance those lives.

Ultimately, the benefit is improved healthcare for members and more efficient workflow, accuracy and feedback on treatments for MA plans and healthcare providers. Clearly, the current system of healthcare delivery with its reliance on face-to-face clinic visits is not a practical, cost-effective approach for the future. Care Innovations presents a new vision for managing chronic diseases remotely by giving members the tools to address difficult health conditions. When integrated into a care management plan, the Care Innovations remote care management solution platform is an effective way to help control the cost of managing members with chronic conditions through the integration of proven products, processes, and protocols—enabling MA plans to offer members an engaging self-management solution that drives positive changes in behavior.

Engaging Members in Self-Management

As the platform design of the remote care management solution has evolved, the emphasis has been on ergonomic, intuitive interactivity to help encourage acceptance and use among members. The guiding principles underlying the design of the remote care management solution platform focus on the “four Es”:

Engage. Make interaction with the solution a pleasant, personalized experience to encourage long-term use and acceptance.

Educate. Give members access to relevant, timely information through videos and instruc-tional material to support lifestyle changes and the prescribed treatment plan.

Evaluate. Provide a way for clinicians to remotely assess improvements or detect setbacks in a member’s condition and respond quickly when necessary.

Empower. Give members the means to actively manage their conditions and to live as indepen-dently as possible.

These four elements combine to assist members in making the necessary lifestyle or behavior changes to successfully improve their health and to manage chronic conditions more effectively.

Our Remote Care Management Solution: A Critical Step in the Evolution of Remote Care Management

Our remote care management solution solution may help enable MA plans to improve operating margin and deliver a competitive advantage by deploying a proven, fully integrated remote care management platform into their model of care for members with chronic conditions. Deploying our remote care management solution within a care management plan enables MA plans to offer unique, differentiated and branded disease management solutions in a member’s home to deliver more frequent touch points, engage them in actively managing their chronic diseases, and improve their quality of life. 2

Our remote care management solution features videoconferencing, a touch-screen interface, and support for capturing biometric data through peak flow meters, weight scales, pulse oximeters, glucose meters, blood pressure monitors and other input devices. Developed to assist in the treatment of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, our remote care management solution compiles and stores each patient’s history and remote care management interactions in a secure, centralized database using a standardized electronic health record (EHR) format that can be integrated with electronic medical records (EMR) and other clinical information systems.

A model of care led by a clinician using our remote care management solution has been shown to improve chronic disease patients’ knowledge of their health condition, impact behavior change and increase self-aware-ness leading to improved self-management behaviors. This model of care has also been shown to drive appropriate utilization of health-care resources.

Delivering Information and Guiding Members

The collection, storage and distribution of essential member data allow clinicians to proactively and dynamically modify a treatment plan. Our remote care management solution provides a number of ways to capture biometric data from the member and deliver information to inform and instruct the members and their caregivers, including:

Videoconferencing Clinicians and members can take advantage of videoconferencing to discuss and evaluate the patient’s condition. Members gain the opportuni-ty to express their thoughts and voice any current concerns. For difficult chronic conditions, moni-toring and frequent videoconferencing sessions allow the clinician to observe and communicate with the member. This also assists in “just in time”

interventions, which support behavior change efforts by connecting member choices with poor health outcomes.

Health Sessions Health sessions—designed by the healthcare professional and personalized for the member’s specific situation—guide the treatment. During a typical session, the member might take measure-ments of vital signs, respond to health assessment questions, receive educational information and motivational messages and complete surveys.

Education Using our remote care management solution, members have access to a variety of multimedia educational content, including text, audio and video. Healthcare professionals can add content as part of a health session, and members can access that content to help them gain a deeper understanding of their disease state, health status and care protocol.

Portability and Device Independence Through a design model that targets a wide range of highly portable and mobile computing devices, our remote care management solution makes it possible for members to conveniently access healthcare information, perform diagnostic checks, confer with a health-care professional, and report on their current health status remotely. This approach and porta-bility greatly extends access to supportive care and monitoring, giving members more freedom and confidence.


Because our remote care management solution can be configured to provide information about specific health conditions remotely, it can: help monitor progress on a daily basis; facilitate regular contact with healthcare professionals by means of video-conferencing; and help healthcare professionals ensure that the current mode of treatment is having the desired effect. Members can view a history of readings and get feedback on how well they are doing, allowing them to be more engaged in their own care. Clinicians have access to accurate, detailed data to assess long-term trends; evaluate the efficacy of prescribed drugs, lifestyle changes, or other forms of treatment; and communicate these trends to the member as required. A remote care plan facilitated by our remote care management solution may improve a member’s adherence to their care plan and improve clinical efficiency.

Benefits of a Remote Care Delivery Model

The introduction of medical loss ratio (MLR) report-ing and rebate provisions, and the expansion of the Five-Star Quality Rating System under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have led MA plans on a quest for new solutions. To achieve the 4-star and 5-star ratings needed to compete and win in this changing environment, MA plans must be more proactive in helping their members, especially those with chronic conditions.

Deploying a remote care management program can engage and empower members while fa-cilitating, encouraging, and supporting positive behavioral changes that have the potential to

positively impact star ratings. Our remote care management solution can be a valuable tool in aligning resources to address these challenges by helping move delivery of care from higher acuity settings to the home. Activated members also serve as the fulcrum for teams of “connected care” coordinators (primary care physicians, nurses, caseworkers, family members, etc.) who, by being more closely attuned to changes in the patient’s condition, can act quickly to prevent health issues from escalat-ing into more serious problems. By strengthening connections with members and their caregiving teams, MA plans will be able to improve their MA star ratings, maximize bonus payments, capitalize on market opportunities, and create the information-driven infrastructure necessary for ongoing success.

A model of care delivered by a clinician and facilitated by the Care Innovations remote care management solution may:

Improve member health behaviors Improve adherence to care plans Reduce costly emergency room visits Keep members out of the hospital Improve members’ sense of security

and connectedness.

For More InformationLearn how Intel-GE Care InnovationsTM can help your company implement an effective remote care management plan designed to improve your MA Star Ratings. Visit to see an online overview of our remote care management platform.

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The Care Innovations® remote care management solution requires an internet connection to enable communications with the patient’s care team and back-end data hosting. Our remote care management solution is intended for use by patients who are able to operate our remote care management solution in accordance with its instructions for use and are under the guid-ance of a healthcare professional. Our remote care management solution is not intended for emergency medical communications or real-time patient monitoring. Available for over the counter use.

Copyright © 2015 Intel-GE Care Innovations LLC. All rights reserved. Care Innovations, the Care Innovations logo, and the Caring Icon logo are trademarks of Intel-GE Care Innovations LLC. Intel and the Intel corporate logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries, used under license. GE and the GE Monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company in the United States and/or other countries, used under license.

