interim social media strategy & statement of shows: a digital playbook how to...


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Trade Shows: A Digital Playbook How to Leverage B2B Digital Marketing for Greater Trade Show Success

Exhibiting at trade shows is often a major undertaking and expense. The exhibition

hall and the exhibit booth can cost a small fortune, not to mention the added cost of

hall services, freight, travel and accommodation expenses, entertainment expenses,

and often opportunity costs from taking top performing staff away from their day-

to-day responsibilities.

Planning The Big Event

As you know, preparation is the key to making the most of your event investment.

While at the show, you will have the opportunity to connect with new customers,

industry influencers, potential partners and potential future employees. Knowing

this, you need to be clear about what your objectives for the show are – and be clear

about how you will measure success - well in advance of the show.

Plan now, for three distinct stages

We recommend planning for three distinct

stages: Pre-show, At-Show and Post-Show –

and therefore recommend having objectives

and success metrics for each stage.

Knowing what you are trying to accomplish

and how you will measure success brings a

sharper focus to the rest your planning

process – including which digital marketing

tactics to choose, in order to achieve your objectives.

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Who Should Read this Playbook:

This playbook was developed to aid trade show exhibitors in maximizing results from their efforts. If ensuring the success of the next trade show your organization plans to exhibit at falls to you, we hope that some of the ideas in this document are valuable in meeting your objectives. If you do, it would be fantastic to hear from you: Contact us.

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Pre-Show Digital Marketing Campaign Goals: Drive Booth Attendance, Build Audience, and Generate Leads

Set a clear and reasonable objective for the number of people you want to attend

your exhibit. If this is a show you have exhibited at in the past, review your

attendance numbers, if available. Determine how will you measure the number of

attendees – and develop a strategy and tactics for how you will attract show

attendees to your booth at the show (See “At-Show Digital Marketing” for some

ideas). We strongly recommend planning with a simple editorial calendar. If you like,

please feel free to download our editorial calendar template. You may need to

modify it to suit your needs, but it will at least get you started.

Note: What follows is just one campaign example. If not a VIP event, consider some other incentive.

Email Marketing

If you have exhibited at the show previously, you likely know

who attended last year, and have some contact record. This

presents an opportunity to send a very personalized “VIP”

email campaign.

“Dear [First_Name], it was great to see you at

[Trade_Show] in [Host_City] last year. Are you planning on

attending again? Please accept our offer of VIP passes to

the show, and tickets to our customer appreciation event –

where we will be unveiling our new [Brand_Name]

technology. All we ask is that you RSVP prior to


You can also extend a slightly modified version of the campaign for any specific

customers you are targeting”. Send one or two “Friendly Reminder” and “Last Chance”

follow-ups to anyone who hasn’t registered, as the registration cut-off approaches.

Mail or email your VIP passes, but make the event tickets available for pick-up at

your exhibit.

Getting Started

Funnel Metrics

Funnel metrics for this type of campaign would include Open Rate, Click-throughs to the landing page, and Registrations.

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You might also wish to consider a drip campaign that gradually, updates your target

audience about what they can expect from visiting your booth at the show.

Depending on your email marketing software, you may be able to use the RSS feed

from your blog to run the drip campaign. Mailchimp has RSS campaign functionality.

Landing Page(s) – Optimized for Search, Conversion & Qualification

At the heart of any successful lead generation

campaign lays its optimized landing page(s).

Your VIP Registration Page also represents an

early opportunity to qualify leads – simply by

asking about interests, reasons for attending the

show, position title, number of employees. We

recommend testing 2-3 landing page variants to determine optimal conversion and


Think of Landing Pages as the hub in a spoked wheel: You’ll need at least one landing

page optimized specifically for the name, location and year of the upcoming show.

Optimized anchor-text links in your email campaign (above) will point to your

landing page, of course – and so must links from all of the “spokes”: individual blog

posts and social media status updates.

A well optimized landing page with plenty of inbound links and a steady stream of

social signals might actually compete with the show for search engine results. Don’t

forget to link from a campaign graphic and accompanying optimized text link placed

your home page and in your blog’s sidebar.

Content Marketing

As described above, consider planning and

publishing a steady stream of optimized blog

posts, each of should be lightly peppered with

calls to action and optimized anchor text links

to the landing page. Mix up the language used

in the anchor text to avoid the risk of being

penalized for overdoing your SEO.

Funnel Metrics

Funnel metrics would include keyword position and conversions, the number of, and traffic from inbound links, unique page views and Registrations.

Funnel Metrics

Funnel Metrics

Funnel metrics would include keyword position and conversion, social signals, unique page views, number of and traffic from inbound links, click-through to landing page and registrations and/or newsletter subscriptions.

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If you have, or can make contacts at industry trade publications or associations, see

if they would be interested in picking up any of the content you have planned. You

should also consider distributing optimized digital news releases – another spoke

that points inbound links to the landing page or blog post.

Don’t forget to tell (and remind) your prospects how and where to find you: Keeping

an updated calendar of events (with booth numbers and event info) on your website

and promoting it through all of your digital channels will help interested prospects

find you during the show.

Social Media Marketing

Pre-Show digital engagement can help you generate, nurture leads and build

relationships prior to the show.

Connecting online through social spaces such as Twitter and LinkedIn can be a first

step towards establishing a relationship with your prospects.

As part of your pre-show preparation, be sure

your social profiles have interesting bios and a

recent picture of yourself so you can be

recognized at the event.

The first rule of social media marketing is to

“listen” – in this case, listen for conversations

taking place about the show in social media.

Listen for what people are talking about and what matters to them. This information

can help you gather leads and raise awareness for your marketing campaigns in a

way that resonates with your prospects to foster growth.

Be sure to contact the show organizers early on, to find out if they have a #hashtag

planned for the show. Use the show #hashtag in your social status updates and

conversations – so that people can find and follow you – and be sure to listen for it as


Above, we suggested Gradually releasing updates about your plans for the show as a

source of information for a series of blog posts. In addition, consider mixing in

Funnel Metrics

Funnel metrics would include social signals such as shares, re-tweets and other re-shares, clicks through to the landing page or blog post, etc. You might also consider benchmarking audience size and tracking growth.

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timely, topical blog posts about other helpful topics that your audience is talking

about online, or likely thinking about.

For example:

Ideas for planning an adventure in the host city: 10 Must-See Attractions

The best strategies for taking in the show, while still having time to enjoy the

host city

5 Highest Rated Restaurants

3 Highest Rated Tour Companies

7 Clean Affordable and Nearby Hotels

Follow, connect with or friend customers, prospects, industry thought leaders,

industry analysts, journalists – and group them in manageable lists. Join the

conversations that interest you, when you have something relevant and of value to

add. Strike up relationships before talking too much about what you’re doing. Take a

genuine interest in people – ask engaging questions and listen. At an opportune

moment, if it makes sense, invite them to join you as a VIP and point them to the

landing page.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to tell (and remind) your prospects how and where to

find you: Keeping an updated calendar of events (with booth numbers and event

info) on your website and promoting it through all of your digital channels will help

interested prospects find you during the show.

Finally: You may want to consider downloading smartphone apps for networks like

LinkedIn to make connecting with new contacts easy. Many shows and exhibitions

are also offering apps to help you navigate and make connections. Be sure to take

the time to check them out as well.

It’s Showtime!

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2. At-Show Digital Marketing Campaign Goals: Drive Booth Attendance, Generate Qualified Leads

Now that you have made yourself known pre event, and have initiated some new

relationships, it’s time to carry that momentum into the show and make your

organization stand out from competition during the event. Remember to bring a list

of registered VIPs and a supply of tickets to the VIP event.

Social Media Marketing from the Show Floor

Consider bringing your social media A-team in to

support the sales and business development

team you hope will be too busy engaging

prospects to be tweeting about it. As an

alternative, sending a designated “brand


During the show your team or brand journalist will have numerous opportunities to

create new content for your blog and social channels. Videos, pictures, on site

interviews and tweets all provide interesting content and show your team in action.

Make sure you’re sharing the action using these platforms while you’re there.

Use Social Channels for Real-Time Updates

o Engage in conversation

o Answer commonly asked questions raised during the event

o Provide updates on top brands, events and highlights

o Play games; “First 15 people to ______ in next 15 minutes receive a prize”

o “Live Tweet” the big crowd-pleasing seminars and other in-show events.

o Images and video drive more engagement, use them whenever possible

Getting Started

Funnel Metrics

Funnel metrics would include social signals such as shares, re-tweets and other re-shares, clicks through to the landing page or blog post, etc. You might also consider benchmarking audience size and tracking growth during the show.

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At the Booth

If building your database is one of your goals, be sure to create opportunities to

capture emails and build your digital connections through activities in your booth.

Having a lead capture system and dedicated landing pages will help you build your

list so you can provide your audience with the specific content and offers they have

expressed interest in. Use this information to create targeted follow-campaigns and

specific offers to keep your audience engaged post-show - and further demonstrate

your expertise.


WIFI is a highly sought after resource at most events. Simply offering free Wifi

from your exhibit as a courtesy that will draw traffic in and be appreciated by


Ensure that “Free WIFI” booth signage is visible from all directions

Marketing Collateral

Using collateral that drives leads to dedicated landing pages (such as a

postcard with a QR code) with a specific call to action, is an effective way to

direct prospects to your site and capture leads. Use your new content to create

white papers, surveys, product demo videos, targeted landing pages.

If you are distributing branded cloth bags (a popular trade show item) fly your

social flags on those as well... because they travel the entire show floor and

are seen everywhere.

Booth Signage:

Fly your social flags! Booth graphics should have:

o Twitter logo, @username and #hashtag(s)

o Facebook logo, page address and ‘Like’ symbol

o LinkedIn logo “Let’s connect” call to action

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QR codes directed to a landing page

o QR Codes can be sexy.

Register to receive a special offer, or download a whitepaper

3. Post-Show Digital Marketing Campaign Goals: Nurture and close leads, continue to strengthen relationships

As we stressed from the outset, preparation is the key to success. At risk of stating

the obvious, your follow-up campaign(s) should be ready to roll within 24 hours of

the show closing. Research shows that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor that

responds first. (Source:

Of course your main focus should be on initializing contact with the contacts on that

stack of business cards you’ve collected, regaining interest from those you had a

chance to chat with, and securing the business and partnerships you’ve been working

to build.

If you don’t already own a business card scanner, we recommend obtaining

one. Or scan in real-time using LinkedIn’s Cardmunch app.

At additional risk of stating the obvious, your hottest leads should receive a

personal telephone call.

Email Marketing

Your follow-up doesn’t have to be elaborate, but do personalize it:

“Dear [First_Name], It was a pleasure speaking with you at [Show_Name].

During our conversation, you expressed interest in the technologies listed

below. I hope I was able to answer all of your questions satisfactorily, but – to

be sure, I’ve asked [Account Manager] to follow-up with you in the next few

days. [Interest 1], . [Interest 2], . [Interest 3]. Thanks again for your time and


Getting Started

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Content Marketing

This is also the time to focus on your blog and leverage your trade show experience

to help you build credibility and position yourself as a key opinion leader. Talk about

trends you noticed or your top three takeaways. Share your content via social

channels and monitor your blog and social channels for comments regularly - to

make sure you don’t miss potential leads.


Using digital marketing to support your lead generation and follow up plan is key to

making your next show a success. By keeping your objectives clearly in focus and

aligning your digital strategies with your goals, you will be on track to see

measurable results that demonstrate a return on investment you’ll be impressed


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We craft digital marketing solutions that inspire action, deliver profitability and create limitless opportunity. We are vibrant, open, fun, and fearless. We are connected.

We are a full service digital marketing firm. We work with our clients to create and develop their online brand. We strengthen their brand image and web presence by providing four key services: Digital Strategy Social Media Marketing Content Marketing Search Marketing

Who We Are What We Do

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