international reactions

6 th of June 2011 INTERNATIONAL REACTIONS A great number of other countries supported that Islamic movement for the democracy making some campaigns to send our help to them. But there were some exceptions like France, who was the former of a colonial community in Tunisia, refused to denounce the president Zine el- Abidine Ben Ali’s act of disperse the demonstrators by force in January 2011. However, France ended up having an important role in supporting the opposition to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi in Libya. On the other hand we could talk about how it economically affected to the rest of the world. Those countries are the main producers of oil, so the unrest has caused a rise in its price causing the 2011 energy crisis. With the food prices has happened something similar (but not in the same extent). Laura Bosch Laura Bosch

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Reaccions dels paisos desenvolupats al davant dels conflictes als paisos islamics



6th of June 2011

INTERNATIONAL REACTIONSA great number of other countries supported that Islamic movement for the democracy making some campaigns to send our help to them. But there were some exceptions like France, who was the former of a colonial community in Tunisia, refused to denounce the president Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali’s act of disperse the demonstrators by force in January 2011. However, France ended up having an important role in supporting the opposition to Colonel Muammar

al-Gaddafi in Libya.On the other hand we could talk about how it economically affected to the rest of the world. Those countries are the main producers of oil, so the unrest has caused a rise in its price causing the 2011 energy crisis. With the food prices has happened something similar (but not in the same extent).

Laura Bosch

Laura Bosch