internationalizing your angularjs app

International izing Your Angular App Internationalization & Localization Basics

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Internationalizing Your Angular AppInternationalization & Localization Basics

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Internationalization Basics

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What is localization?“Localization refers to the adaptation of a

product, application or document content to meet the language, cultural and other

requirements of a specific target market (a locale).”-- W3C

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What is localization? (cont.)Detecting the user’s localeWriting text in a way that the user understands based on his

locale, whether through languages, dialects, or idiomsDisplaying data in a way that makes sense to the user based

on his localeThis includes: date formats, currency, time formats

Ensuring graphics and design elements communicate the intended message

Includes colors, symbols, and iconsAlso known as l10n

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What is internationalization?“Internationalization is the design and

development of a product, application or document content that enables easy

localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language.”

-- W3C

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What is internationalization? (cont.)Building your app with the flexibility of supporting multiple

localesMultiple languages, currencies, countries, name displays,

address displays, date and time formatsAbility to change the language, whether through browser

detection or allowing the user to choose the language of display

Offering multiple locales to the userDetermining which character sets to use (Typically Unicode)Also known as i18n

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Methods of supporting i18n and l10n1.Selecting a region and being redirected to

another page that supports that locale:a.Subdomains for each locale that serves up different

HTML contentb.Separate websites for each locale

2.JavaScript for showing/hiding or swapping out content

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Detecting the browser’s locale1. Can use the browser object:

if(navigator.language !== undefined && navigator.language !== null){ var language = navigator.language; language = language.toLowerCase();} else { //Handles IE var language = navigator.userLanguage; language = language.toLowerCase();};

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Angular i18n

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The $locale serviceAngular comes with built in support for many locales. Like many of the extra Angular services (i.e., ngRoute, ngResource, ngMocks), you’ll have to install.

bower | npm install angular-i18n

The folder installed will contain locale files for handling the date, currency, and number filters.

angular.module(‘myI18nApp’, [‘ngLocale’, ‘tmh.dynamicLocale’, ‘pascalprecht.translate’])

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Built in filters for i18ndate: Takes a string parameter which translates into a format. (like: {{dateObj.startDate | date: ‘shortDate’}}

shortDate: In en-us, formats as 09/24/2015longDate: In en-us, formats as September 24, 2015fullDate: In en-us, formats as Thursday, September 24, 2015

currency: Appends or prepends the currency symbol based on the current user’s locale, as well as manages commas and decimals.

Note: Watch out! It only translates the symbol, not the monetary value.

number: When used by itself, it defaults to formatting the number to the locale’s format. When used in conjunction with the additional parameter fractionSize, it rounds the number to the number of places specified.{{product.inStock | number: 3}} will display 1000 as 1,000

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Angular Translate

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Angular TranslateModule that aids in i18n and l10n for

language, pluralization, and lazy loadingCan be used as a directive or filter (both in the

DOM and in the controller)Allows you to move i18n from the server to

the client

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Setting up Angular TranslatePlugins: 1. angular-translate: Main plugin; contains the $translate service.2. angular-translate-loader-static-files: Helper plugin that allows

devs to specify a file name pattern for loading translation files, as well as the preferred language to fall back on.

3. angular-translate-loader-url: Helper plugin that allows for async/lazy loading.

4. angular-translate-partial-loader: Helper plugin that allows devs to load the translation files for only one module.

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Setting up Angular Translate (cont.)Steps:

1. Download the source filesa. Download from Githubb. bower | npm install

2. Include the scripts in your page3. Inject Angular Translate as a dependency in the module(s) you want translated

angular.module(‘myI18nApp’, [‘ngLocale’, ‘tmh.dynamicLocale’, ‘pascalprecht.translate’]) 4. In your app’s configuration, if you’re using the static loader, inject the $translateProvider:

$translateProvider.useStaticFilesLoader({ prefix: '../languages/', suffix: '.json' });

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Files for TranslationsShould be in JSON format

Multiple files for each locale

i.e., en-gb.json for the UK, en-us for the US, es-es for Spain, es-mx for Mexico, etc etc

Each file should be stored in a common folder, i.e., ‘locale’ or ‘languages’

Can name properties with a single word, or as ‘dot notation’ to designate sections:

{"navigation.dashboard": "Dashboard","navigation.appointments": "Appointments","navigation.addAppt": "Add New Appointment","navigation.addOneTimeAppt": "Add One Time Appointment","navigation.addRepeatingAppt": "Add Repeating Appointments","navigation.addTimeOff": "Add New Time Off",


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Inserting translations in your textCan be done several ways:

1. The translate filter<button>{{‘btn.close’ | translate}}</button>

2. The translate directive<button>

<span translate=“btn.close”>Close</span></button>

3. Using the translate filter in the controller

$translate('Home.calendar') .then(function(translatedValue){ $scope.mainTitle = translatedValue; })

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Passing parameters to translated strings1. HTML:

<div><span translate=“Calendar.title” translate-values=“{‘date’:

calendar.defaultDate}”>Today’s date is {{calendar.defaultDate}}</span></div>

2. Interpolations of the variable in JSON:“Calendar.title”: “Today’s date is {{date}}”

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Compiling translations with HTMLThere are cases where you can’t break a line for HTML changes (links, emphasis, etc) and keep it syntactically correct for all languages.

HTML:<span translate= “Text.withLink” translate-compile>

To learn more, <a href=“#”>view our documentation</a>.</span>

JSON:“Text.withLink”: “To learn more, <a href=‘#’>view our documentation.”

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Making Locale Dynamic

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Angular Dynamic LocaleAllows users to choose and change their localeAllows developers to pass in the browser’s locale (or

stored locale) and change it from the default locale if necessary

Changes the locale at app’s runtime, which allows you to use a stored locale

Modifies the $locale object so changing the locale will change all objects relying on the $locale service

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Using Angular Dynamic Locale1. Install with bower | npm install angular-dynamic-locale2. Inject into your module: angular.module(‘myI18nApp’, [‘ngLocale’, ‘tmh.dynamicLocale’])3. In your app’s configuration, do:

app.config(["tmhDynamicLocaleProvider", function(tmhDynamicLocaleProvider){tmhDynamicLocaleProvider.localeLocationPattern(



//Default languageif(language === 'es' || language === 'fr'){ //using this format so it won't try to pull in files that don't exist, like es-mx $translateProvider.use(language);} else { $translateProvider.preferredLanguage('en-us');};


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Handling Calendars -- Angular UI Bootstrap Datepicker

Angular UI Bootstrap Datepicker: Built on top of the date filter so everything is localized. Settings include:starting-day

Adjustments through the controller, passed into the directive’s helper attributesHTML:

... <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="shortDate" ng-model="dateObj.startDate" is-open="datepickers.start" datepicker-options="{{dateOptions}}" date-disabled="disabled(date, mode)" close-text="Close" ng-click="openDT($event, 'start')" />


var firstDayOfWeek = $window.sessionStorage.getItem(‘firstDayOfWeek’);

$scope.dateOptions = {

'starting-day': firstDayOfWeek


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Handling Calendars -- Angular UI CalendarAngular wrapper for fullCalendar. Has settings which include:








To adjust for i18n, in your HTML you need:<div ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar" config="uiConfig.calendar" calendar="myCalendar"

class="calendar" ng-model="eventSources"></div>

And in your controller:var firstDayOfWeek = $window.sessionStorage.getItem(‘firstDayOfWeek’);

$scope.uiConfig = {


lang: currentLang,

firstDay: firstDayOfWeek,




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Triggering Locale Changes on the Fly

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Triggering locale change on directives

1. Use the $provide service and pass in the name of the directive to get the registered “map” for that directive

a. Providers expose the directive’s API app-wide and registers them with the injectorsb. Using the decorator method, we can intercept the creation of the directive on load.

2. Catches the $delegate (the original directive’s “map”, which can then be overwritten or monkey patched)

3. Set up listener on the directive’s scope on $localeChangeSuccess (this requires Angular Dynamic Locale)

4. Make modifications as needed (i.e., changing the first day of the week property on a calendar object)

5. Refresh the scope/alert the scope to the changesa. Call a method in the directive link (i.e., scope.move() )b. Use apply() to call the directive link with the modified scope and parameters:

originalLink.apply(this, arguments)

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Triggering locale change on directives$provide.decorator('daterangeDirective', function($delegate, $compile, $parse, $translate, $rootScope) {

angular.forEach($delegate, function (directive) {

var originalCompile = directive.compile;

var originalLink =;

if (originalCompile) {

directive.compile = function () {

return function ($scope, $element, $attributes, ngModel) {

$scope.$on('$localeChangeSuccess', function () {$scope, $element, $attributes, ngModel, $compile, $parse, $translate, $rootScope); //have to run the main fn on the directive b/c it will apply all the changes


originalLink.apply(this, arguments);





return $delegate;


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Triggering locale change on Angular UI Calendar$provide.decorator('uiCalendarDirective', function($delegate, $locale, $rootScope, uiCalendarConfig) {

directive.compile = function () {

return function (scope, elm, attrs, controller) {

scope.$on('$localeChangeSuccess', function () {

uiCalendarConfig.dayNames = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY;

uiCalendarConfig.dayNamesShort = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTDAY;

uiCalendarConfig.monthNames = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.MONTH;

uiCalendarConfig.monthNamesShort = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTMONTH;

uiCalendarConfig.lang = currentLang;


originalLink.apply(this, arguments); //This triggers the calendar to update on language change





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Storing Locale

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Methods of Storing Locale1. Session Storage: For temporary storage/only

detecting browser storage.2. Local Storage: For semi-permanent storage/only

detecting browser storage.3. Server Side: For permanent storage/when user

wants to see the app in his locale regardless of computer/browser used to signed in.

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Changing languageHTML: <li><a href ng-click="changeLanguage('en-us', 0, account)" class="flag flag-us"></a></li>JS: $scope.changeLanguage = function(language, firstDayOfWeek, account){ account.locale = language;

account.firstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek;




//Change language on server by updating the user account

accountData.updateAccount(accountId, account).then(function(data){

//Success ...

}, function(data){

//Error ...



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Setting from Saved LocaleTo set the app to the locale saved on the server or sessionStorage, in controller:

//Fetch data from the server/sessionStorage first//Will default to English, thanks to the setup in app.configif($scope.account.locale !== null){ tmhDynamicLocale.set($scope.account.locale.toLowerCase());


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Wrapping Up

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Food for ThoughtStart implementing i18n and l10n support early in developmentAs you build new pages, add translationsDetermine your app’s target markets/locales with business rulesMap out components and features that will need localization (I.e.,

calendars, date range pickers, timepickers, etc)Ask yourself how automated you want l10n to be -- i.e., browser

detection, users choosing which locale, etc

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Q&AQuestions? Comments? Fire away!

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Angular i18n guide: Translate:

Angular Dynamic Locale: W3C International:

Scotch IO Tutorial:

Reach out to me:email: [email protected]

Twitter: @SarahHudson2008