internet marketing commandments

Internet Marketing Commandments

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Page 1: Internet Marketing Commandments

Internet Marketing Commandments

Page 2: Internet Marketing Commandments

““The Ten The Ten Internet Internet

Marketing Marketing CommandmentsCommandments


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“When you are starting out trying to make money online, the platform you choose matters! Don’t think that this is a minor decision. If you dare to break this commandment, then you will face the consequences down the line. Your website won’t perform in the search engines, It will be expensive and timely to update, and your visitors will be turned off.”

I. Thou Shalt Choose The Right I. Thou Shalt Choose The Right PlatformPlatform

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I. Thou Shalt Choose The Right PlatformI. Thou Shalt Choose The Right Platform

What is A Platform?What is A Platform?

“A platform can mean many different things. For our purpose, we are talking about a website platform. Basically, this will be the tool you use to create, display and run your websites.”What Should I Consider?What Should I Consider?

•Cost•Ease of Use•Looks/Style•Search Engine Friendliness•Flexibility

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I. Thou Shalt Choose The Right PlatformI. Thou Shalt Choose The Right Platform

Why WordPress?Why WordPress?

“WordPress really shines when it comes to building content for your website. If you chose a more traditional HTML based platform when you update or add content to your website, it will involve a process in which you have to create the HTML page (using a program like Dreamweaver, or a plain text editor if you are comfortable using HTML), and then upload it via FTP to your host. This isn’t a simple process, and it can take a while to wrap your head around how to do it properly.”

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Why Wordpress?Why Wordpress?


The WordPress price point is not bad at all. It comes in at a whopping $0. Yes, it is free.

Ease of Use:Ease of Use:

There is certainly a user learning curve when learningWordPress, but it is a relatively easy platform to use. There are also a ton of free tutorials out there. You can find answers to just about any WordPress issue you have with a Google search.


Updating the style of your WordPress based website is literally as simple as a couple of clicks. WordPress themes also look great, and you can always find new FREE ones being created.

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Why Wordpress?Why Wordpress?

Search Engine Friendliness:Search Engine Friendliness:

It is no secret that Google ranks WordPress based websites higher in general. First, WordPress makes it simple to add more content, and Google loves fresh content. If you think it is important to rank in the search engines (and you should) then WordPress is the logical choice when building a website.


WordPress offers ultimate flexibility. You want to blog, then you have a blogging platform. You want a website, then you can build that with WordPress too. The smart people combine those aspects to make a super site!

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Why Wordpress?Why Wordpress?

With the use of themes and plugins, you can create any kind of website you want with WordPress...

• eCommerce• Directory• Squeeze Page• Landing Page• Sales Letter

• Membership Site• Social Network• Business Website• Company Blog• Etc...

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II. Thou Shalt Accept The II. Thou Shalt Accept The Power of FocusPower of Focus

“Jack of all trades, master of none.”

You don’t want to be the Jack! You definitely want to be the master. This commandment will ensure you are. You need to focus your efforts on one, maybe two money making strategies at once. This way you can ensure that you have given these strategies a fair shot.

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II. Thou Shalt Accept The Power of FocusII. Thou Shalt Accept The Power of Focus

Focus should not be ignored! It is the second internet marketing commandment and it carries great importance. Focusing your efforts on one money making avenue will mean you devote the proper effort and time it requires. Focusing your learning on a particular skill set, will make you a master, not a jack!

Finally, avoid costly and timely mistakes across a wide number of sites. Get your first website where it needs to be and then build others based on what you learned. Focus leads to success and helps avoid errors, embrace it!

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III. Thou Shalt be The Guru, Not Of The Guru

“The online Guru! I would like to say it is a rare species, but it isn’t. As soon as you begin trying to make money online, you will find yourself running into the online Guru. They know it all, they have made it to where you want to be and they are willing to show you how...for a price.”

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III. Thou Shalt be The Guru, Not Of The Guru

There is a lot to learn from them, though. Use the marketing prowess the best Gurus use to study things like:

•Sales Copy•Email Subjects•Autoresponder Series•When They Make Offers•How They Make Offers•Web Design•Email Design

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IV. Thou Shalt Honor The IV. Thou Shalt Honor The Search EngineSearch Engine

“When you are internet marketing, you can’t take the powers of search engines for granted. If you are ranking #1 in Google for your choice of keywords, that might be all you need to drive traffic to your offer. Many people make a good living just by using search engines as their traffic streams.”

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IV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search EngineIV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search Engine

How Do I Honor The Search Engines?How Do I Honor The Search Engines?


You want to pick the right platform to build your site. Search engine friendliness your site with WordPress. Google likes it. Simple as that.


Keywords are essentially the terms that people type into the search engine to find your offer. Make a list of all that you can think of. Once you have that list visit:

The Google Keyword Tool

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IV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search EngineIV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search Engine


Your web address matters when it comes to Google. Keyword rich web addresses can rank much easier than generic ones. If you can’t get a keyword rich one, then you can go with a more generic one, and we will talk later about getting keywords into your URLs...

Page Title & Post Titles:

You want to ensure that the title of your webpage includes your ideal keywords! It is the first thing that Google sees when it looks at your site, so it is an important factor in ranking in the search engines.

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IV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search EngineIV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search Engine


Backlinks are just that - links elsewhere on the web that lead to your website. One major thing to consider is anchor text. Whatever the link actually says that leads to your site is the Anchor Text.

You can find a lot of backlinking info online. A couple of places that are often used for backlinks are:

• Blog Comments• Forum Signatures• Web Directories• Article Directories• Social Bookmarking Sites• Website Profiles• Other Websites

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IV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search EngineIV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search Engine


Google’s main goal is to provide its users with relevant content. If a website has fresh content, then it usually means that the content is more current, therefore...relevant.

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V. Thou Shall Not Take The V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in VainIdea of Content in Vain

“Content really is the most important aspect of your website(s). Content is why people will visit your site, and more importantly it is why they stick around and COME BACK.

Never take content for granted..ever. It is the lifeblood of your internet marketing efforts. Without content, you have nothing!”

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V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in VainVain

What is Content?What is Content?

Web Content by definition is the text, aural and visual content that makes up the web experience.

Every blog post you make, image you create, tweet you send out, video you make etc... is content. Content is the anchor for all of your affiliate offers.

Every piece of content you add to your site will increase it’s visibility to Google. This one benefit is more than enough to make creating content worthwhile. Just as important as Google are your readers. Readers also respect and enjoy fresh content. What is a website without it?

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V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in VainVain

Creating content should never be overlooked. It is one of the cardinal sins to ignore it.

If you commit to creating great content on a consistent basis, you will reap the rewards. You will rise in the Google search rankings. You will find yourself attracting and KEEPING more visitors. You will also open yourself up to opportunities like your content going viral and naturally building backlinks (both a result of people sharing your content).

It’s true. Content is King.

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VI. Thou Shalt Embrace VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaSocial Media

Do I have to use Facebook?Do I have to use Twitter?

You can do whatever the heck you want. You don’t have to do anything. People are making money without Facebook and Twitter everyday. It is completely your choice.

That said...why not?

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VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaVI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter will allow you to network with millions of people, so if you want to build yourself as a brand - be real.

I really do think the online world is moving toward a direction where social media and interaction will be key in how people interact and find websites. So, if you choose to avoid social media, it is at you own risk.

This is why you can’t afford to ignore social media! It is revolutionary in terms of online marketing. It is the single biggest development since affiliate marketing itself.

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VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaVI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

Here are a couple social media facts to consider:

• Facebook has 500 000 000 users

• Over half of them are active at any one time

• 71.2% of the US web audience is on Facebook

• 57% of people talk to others online more than in real life

• One million links are shared every 20 minutes on Facebook

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• Since April 2010, Twitter has gained 40 million users and a 62 percent increase in mobile use of the platform (as of Jan. 2011)

• Social networking site usage grew 88 percent among Internet users aged 55-64 between April 2009 and May 2010

• In 2009, social gamers bought $2.2 billion in virtualgoods; Predicted to increase to $6 billion by 2013.

• The change in social media use among Baby Boomers 55-64 rose from 9% in Dec. 2008 to 43% in Dec. 2010

VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaVI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

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• The percentage of Americans who are familiar with Twitter has surged from 5% in 2008 to 87% in 2010.

• Twitter users are far more likely to follow Brands/ Companies than social networkers in general. Twitter users frequently exchange information about products and services.

• 51% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands or products on social networks.

VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaVI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

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VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social MediaVI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

As the web grows, there has been a trend towards social media in general. Even Google has mentioned that they will be moving towards a more social based search. Already you see Twitter feeds in some trending news results. You can also find Facebook pages ranking very highly in the search results.

Embrace social media because it is the future of the internet. There has never been a better opportunity to reach millions of people with your offer. It also offers you the chance to build a community around your brand and address any potential support issues. If you don’t embrace social media, you can be sure that someone else in your niche has!

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VII. Thou Shalt Believe in the Power of the List

What is “The List”?What is “The List”?

The email list has been a staple of internet marketing for ages. It is exactly what it sounds like - a list of names and email addresses that you can send messages to. Most marketers just refer to their email list as “the list”.

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VII. Thou Shalt Believe in the Power of the List

How do You Get A List?How do You Get A List?

You have to build your list. You can accomplish this a lot of ways, but generally speaking you need to have some sort of autoresponder service like Aweber or Constant Contact.

It is usually a best practice to offer some sort of offer in exchange for a visitor’s email address. Something like “Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free eBook on...” You can either build these opt in offers yourself or purchase some PLR product to use.

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VII. Thou Shalt Believe in the Power of the List

Why Should I Care About A List?Why Should I Care About A List?

There is great power in a mailing list and this is why you can’t break this commandment. A mailing list gives you direct access to people who are clearly interested in your offers.

A list also gives you the rare opportunity to build relationships online. By sending your list members free utilities, articles and products with no offers you can build a sense of trust and brand yourself an expert. Then when you do, your offers (affiliate or your own products) will be more accepted and acted on.

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VII. Thou Shalt Believe in the Power of the List

An email list also retains interested buyers. Many people who visit a sales page end up leaving for many reasons. Of course, people who are not interested leave, but even a large percentage of people who ARE interested in the product will leave due to a number of reasons:

• Can’t find credit card

• Interrupted by phone

• Family emergency

• Net goes down

• Second thoughts

• Etc...

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationProduct Creation

What is Product Creation?What is Product Creation?

Product creation is exactly what it says. It is creating and producing a product for sale. In the internet marketing world this usually means a digital download, as that is the easiest product to create and distribute.

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationCreation

Some of the most popular products to create include:• eBooks

• Videos


• Audio Products

• Minisites

• Graphic Design

• Make Money Guides

• Offline Marketing Guides

• Article Packages

• How-To Guides

• Etc...

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationCreation

As you can see, there are a wide variety of products being made online by people just like you. Product creation is simply harnessing the skills you have and building products that you can sell.

...But I Could Never Make a Product

Uhhh what? Why not? Can you write an article? Can you write ten articles? Well if you can, congrats, you have your first product.

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationCreation

Why Create Products?Why Create Products?

Creating products, has a number of advantages. It is a natural progression for any internet marketer. If you are sick of doing other people’s marketing, or want to increase your profits then consider creating your own products. You will add value to your business and you have more chances to market and promote yourself. It really is the proverbial “no brainer”.

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationCreation

More Value:

You can make more money with products than with writing articles. For example If you create an eBook full of articles, then you can sell that over and over again, and at a higher price. You can sell that to as many people as you want to. It isn’t one and done.

Get Your Own Affiliates:

If you are selling other people’s products, then you are splitting the profit with them. If you sell your own products on your own site, then you get the full profit. Besides that, you can submit your products to sites like ClickBank and get your OWN affiliates.

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VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product CreationCreation

Long Term Value:Long Term Value:

Once you create a product, it is yours forever. Youhave created a new business asset. Even if the product doesn’t sell off the shelves at first, it will still add value to your business. Create a product once, and it is yours to use how you want forever.

Marketing Potential/Expert Branding:Marketing Potential/Expert Branding:

When you create a product, you go a long way to branding yourself as an expert. You can have your logo, website and name all over it if you want. It is also another marketing opportunity. When you create a product, you can add coupons and offers for other products that you have created.

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IX. Thou Shalt Develop the Thickest of Skins

This commandment follows the last one for a reason. Once you begin to create your own products, you will be more of a target for people. Even if you don’t create products, this is still an important commandment. Whether you post on forums, use Facebook, tweet, write blog posts or create products, you open yourself up to criticism.”

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IX. Thou Shalt Develop the Thickest of Skins

Developing this thick skin will also help you deal with more legitimate complaints. When you begin dealing with your mailing list, product customers etc.. you will receive feedback, and not all of it will be great. That is just the way business goes. No business has 100% satisfaction or retention.

The fact is, you won’t be able to please everyone. Sometimes your offer won’t be a fit with certain people. Sometimes people are just whiners. You have to rise above it all and keep your eye on your end goals. Develop a thick skin and don’t take things so personally. Keep your eye on your goals and leave the negativity behind you.

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X. Thou Shalt Save Time With X. Thou Shalt Save Time With OutsourcingOutsourcing

“When you have progressed in your internet marketing efforts, you may notice that you sometimes hit a plateau. Things are good, you are making money and everything is clicking.

Once you have reached this plateau, there is only one choice: work smarter. That is when you have to begin considering outsourcing any jobs you can. Yes, it will cut into your bottom line financially, but it will free you up in order to make even more money.”

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X. Thou Shalt Save Time With OutsourcingX. Thou Shalt Save Time With Outsourcing

What is Outsourcing?What is Outsourcing?

“The transfer of a business function to an external service provider.”

Outsourcing doesn’t always have a positive connotation attached to it. There is a lot of negative talk about big firms outsourcing hundreds of jobs overseas. Outsourcing your internet marketing efforts is much more banal than that. You won’t really be taking jobs away from anyone, because it will mostly be piecework.

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X. Thou Shalt Save Time With OutsourcingX. Thou Shalt Save Time With Outsourcing

When do I Outsource?When do I Outsource?You can outsource whenever you want. It is a personal decision. In general, though, there are two times you outsource: First, you outsource when you want to avoid a time leeching, mundane task to focus on more profitable pursuits. Secondly, you can outsource when you are missing a certain skill set.

What Can I Outsource?What Can I Outsource?You can outsource just about anything you want. You just want to make sure that the task is easily explained via email or phone as that will be the only contact you really have with the people you hire.

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X. Thou Shalt Save Time With OutsourcingX. Thou Shalt Save Time With Outsourcing

Some popularly outsourced tasks include:

• Logo Design

• Banner Design

• Article Writing

• Research

• Link Building

• Promotional Writing (sales letters, press releases etc...)

• Web design

• WordPress Installation

• Software Creation

• Script Installation

• Graphic Design

• Etc...

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Follow these commandments and Follow these commandments and you will be well on your way to you will be well on your way to

online success!online success!

I.I. Thou Shalt Choose The Right PlatformThou Shalt Choose The Right Platform

II. Thou Shalt Accept The Power of FocusII. Thou Shalt Accept The Power of Focus

III. Thou Shalt be The Guru, Not Of The GuruIII. Thou Shalt be The Guru, Not Of The Guru

IV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search EngineIV. Thou Shalt Honor Thy Search Engine

V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in V. Thou Shall Not Take The Idea of Content in VainVain

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VI. Thou Shalt Embrace Social Media

VII. Thou Shalt Believe in the Power of the List

VIII. Thou Shall Not Forsake Product Creation

IX. Thou Shalt Develop the Thickest of Skins

X. Thou Shalt Save Time With Outsourcing

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