internet marketing recommendation

Internet Marketing Recommendation Experience and insights in marketing a blog Healthy @ College http:// Presented by Sarah Ali July 25, 2012

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Experiences, insights, and recommendations in marketing an online blog.


  • 1. Healthy @ Collegehttp://healthyatcollege.blogspot.comPresented by Sarah AliJuly 25, 2012

2. Why market online? 3. 70% of Canada is online and leading in engagement 4. Canadas population well-represented across all: Ages Genders Income categories 5. Canadians online: social networks, entertainment, portals 6. What is the blog all about? 7. Health tips for collegestudents Balance school, work,family, social life - busy Lots of healthinformation on Internet but none aimed atstudent lifestyle Tailor health tips to besimple + convenient 8. 21 year old student Works part-time at Tim Hortons Babysits nephew two nights aweek Social & outgoing loves goingout shopping, to the movies, etc. On-the-go and busy Wants to be healthier but haslittle time Uses Internet for entertainment,info, connecting with friends &Sarah the college brandsstudent 9. Vitamin D Deficiency? African MangoComplete Top 5 Foods to Avoid atTim Hortons 5 Healthiest Foods toEat at Tim Hortons Favourite Ways to EatVegetables 10. 3 Best Potato ChipReplacements Simple Tips for Eating Out Healthy Snacks: How toChoose a NutritiousGranola Bar The Best (And Easiest)Superfoods for WeightLoss Top 5 Reasons WhyChocolate is Good for You 11. How did the blog perform?What actions are recommended? 12. Blog metrics:Blog metrics: Traffic & Stickiness Key Metrics -May 28 June 11, 2012 June 12 June 25, 2012 13. Blog metrics:Blog metrics: Traffic & Stickiness Key Metrics -June 25 July 9, 2012 July 10 July 22, 2012 14. Todrive visits, update social media Update social media frequently New content = increased stickiness, lowered bounce rate Post new blog content frequently 15. Makeconnections to get traffic Be active incommunities and otherblogs Find affiliates Focus on avenues that get best results Twitter, communities 16. Monthly 3-Month 17. Monthly 3-Month 18. The more tweets, the better Tweet a few times every few hours To gain followers, follow others Continuously find new users to follow 19. Shocking headlines grab attention Phrase every tweet to grab attention Tweeting others content is a must Retweet interesting tweets & aggregate content from around the web 20. Activityneeded bycompany andfollowers Encourage posting &sharing on page Ask questions Ask for ideas Hold contests Trivia 21. Facebook page requires dedicated following Increase number of followers Easierto develop for those active on Facebook Develop a personal Facebook network 22. Bestused by video creators Create and post videos relevant to blog posts Videoscan make blog posts more interesting Share videos related to blog topics in posts 23. Aggregation useful when hard to find quality videos For my topic, lots ofeasily searchable infoon reputable channels If not, make playlistsfor user as anaggregator 24. Comments,likes, repins are highly visible Like, repin & comment to be seen Extremelyactive a sea of content Be active every few hours to be seen 25. To gain followers, follow others Follow relevant pinners & boards When a pin is repinned, original pinner is shown Post original pins to increase visibility 26. How can I market online successfully? 27. Blogcan stand alone Research needs of posts are archived & target market more searchable Get more personal Createmore exclusive, original content Promote more heavily online 28. Title Images Keywords Adds them to Google 70 120 charactersImages Labels Relate to keywords Index Links Create links within site Outbound, inbound, internal 29. Body Keywords in body 250-1000 words Keywords 2-4 times, max 5% density Keywords in first sentence Keywords in last paragraph 30. Top 10 sites: Yahoo! Health SELF Magazine Everyday Health Womens Health Cosmopolitan Allure Elle Jezebel Perez Hilton Rate My Professors 31. Monthlyblog themes Twitter on broad topics Focus on tweeting ie. superfoods,theme-related contentsnacking Tie in with newsletter Youtube Make a playlist of Facebook relevant videos Post content on theme Ask questions Pinterest Encourage sharing Create board for theme 32. Useful updates, exclusive info, calls to action provide reasons to subscribe 33. Use to release press releases to spread around web 34. Use keywords & tags, integrate content, make it concise, fun to read 35. Applies to blog for anyconvenient, healthypackaged foods,snacks, restaurants,etc. Niche market Requires building alarge readership Join affiliate networks Sponsoredreviews/contests 36. Create a widget to make blog easy to follow on-the-go & busy target market 37. Create a mobile version of blog for accessibility anywhere 38. Online marketing extremely powerful Know & cater to your target market Become an expert content is king Drive traffic social media, SEO, ads, affiliates, PR Measure metrics & statistics and learn from them 39. If the web is indeed a place, it is starting tolook less like a library, and more like a river.- Peter Da Vanzo(SEO expert & creator of