interreg med programme 2014-2020 information day tirana, albania, september 16th 2015

Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 Information day TIRANA, ALBANIA, September 16th 2015

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Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020Information day

TIRANA, ALBANIA, September 16th 2015

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Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth


Fostering low carbon strategies and E.E. in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas


Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resourcesAreas


A shared Mediterranean Sea

71,7M€ ERDF2,9 M€ IPA

44,8 M€ ERDF1,8 M€ IPA

76,2 M€ ERDF3,2 M€ IPA

17,9M€ ERDF0,7 M€ IPA

Three thematic priority axes

One territorial priority axis

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Three typologies of projects

• Modular projects

• Horizontal projects

• Platform projects

In thematic axes 1,2,3

In Governance axis 4

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What is a module-based approach ?Module 1: STUDYING: designing common approaches &

strategies at transnational level

Module 2: TESTING: Pilot demonstration actions and

transferability on the territories

Module 3: CAPITALISING: Transfer, dissemination and

capitalisation at transnational level

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The different types of modular projects

Combination of Modules Single Modules

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Expected outputs(non exhaustive)

SWOT analysisState of the artBenchmarking analysisModelsAction plansStrategiesInstruments

Preliminary & feasibility studiesPilot activitiesEvaluationPlan of transferability of results

Policy recommendationsMoU / AgreementsProcedures and regulatory proposalsChartersProtocols

Duration 18 months 30 months 18 months

Budget Max 0.6 M € 1.2 – 2.5 M € 0.6 – 1.2 M €

Partnership Max 8 PP: institutional and

scientific partners

Max 10 PP: operational and

institutional partners

Max 8 PP:mainly institutional or

networks partners

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Studying & testingM2+M3

Testing & capitalisingM1+M2+M3

Integrated Projects

Expected outputs(non exhaustive)

SWOT analysis, State of the art, Benchmarking analysis, Models, Action plans, Strategies, Instruments

Preliminary & feasibility studies, Pilot activities, Evaluation, Plan of transferability of results

Preliminary & feasibility studies, Pilot activitiesEvaluation, Plan of transferability of results

Policy recommendationsMoU / AgreementsProcedures and regulatory proposalsCharters, Protocols

SWOT analysis, State of the art, Benchmarking analysis, Models, Action plans, Strategies, Instruments

Preliminary & feasibility studies, Pilot activities, Evaluation, Plan of transferability of results

Policy recommendations, MoU, Agreements, Procedures & regulatory proposals, Charters, Protocols

Duration 36 months (M1: 15 m / M2: 21 m)

36 months (M2: 21 m / M3: 15 m)

48 months (M1: 15-m / M2: 21 m / M3: 12 m)

Budget 1.8 – 3 M € 2.5 – 3.6 M € 3.6 – 6 M €

Partnership Max 12 PP institutional, operational

and scientific partners

Max 12 PP:institutional, operational partners and networks

Max 15 PP:institutional, operational and

scientific partners and networks

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How to choose?

immediate requirements

seeking quick answers


specialised partnership

Need simple implementation

medium-term vision

Combine different objectives & results

multiple skills partnership

Experience in Interreg projects

Start from M1 if no available knowledgeStart from M2 if ready to be tested

Start from M3 if mature to be capitalised

A single-module project





A multi-module project

Ask yourself: Where do I start from?How far should/can I go?

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How to continue on another module ?

In a Single-module project: Apply for another type of project in

forthcoming calls for proposals

No possibility to continue directly

In a multi-module project: Verification phase performed by the JS to pass

from one module to another

Support from an external expert

Specificities of multi-module projects: Innovations in management and monitoring

1 subsidy contract with the different modules, each module having its own

objectives, outputs, calendar and budget

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What is a horizontal project for?

A single interface for: Modular projects, united within a thematic community

Programme authorities, as a centre for thematic information

the governance platform, as a link with modular projects

Key role: 1) community building

2) joint communication

3) joint capitalisation/transfer

Focus on synergy mechanisms, thematic communities

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Horizontal Projects characteristics

Expected outputs(non exhaustive

Communication and capitalisation in the long termCommunity building / communication / capitalisation strategies and action plans, internal communication products, policy papers and recommendations, Technical Papers, Deliverables and Target groups Databases

Duration 36 months

Budget Max 1.4 M€ / ERDF: 1.2M€ / IPA 50 000 €(for Axis 2: Budget 1.18 M€/ERDF 1.0 M€)

Partnership Max 6 PP: institutional partners and networks.

The horizontal projects will essentially be an instrument of sharing thematic results, highlighting activities of each modular project in order to promote in a structured way their implementation and transferability in the MED area.

The use of a joint Internet webpage will be a determining element allowing the emergence of geographical content being recognized as transnational “MED” identity

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HP and modular projects cooperation

Advantages for MP• Support COM & CAP actions• Savings: no COM & CAP tasks

outside territory • No need for branding and

Internet site• Facilitate synergies and


Contributions to HP

• Prepare dispatches and communicate appropriate information on activities and results

• Participate in events• Designate a contact person

Each modular project is linked to a horizontal project

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Interreg MED Programme ArchitectureInnovation

Low-carbon economy








HP Green GrowthHP Green Growth

HP Energy EfficiencyHP Energy Efficiency

HP protected areasHP protected areas


IS 4

- G







4 -



























HP Blue GrowthHP Blue Growth

HP social innovation & creative industries HP social innovation & creative industries

HP Renewable energy sourcesHP Renewable energy sources

HP LC transportHP LC transport





HP sustainable tourism

HP sustainable tourism





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Interreg med 1st call for proposals

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1st Call for proposalsAxis 1 – Innovation: broad scope with 4 subthemes:

Blue Growth

Green Growth

Creative and Cultural Industries

Social Innovation

Axis 2 – Low Carbon Economy: 3 focused S.O.

2.1.Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings

2.2.Renewable Local Energy Sources

2.3.Sustainable urban Transport

Axis 3 – Environment : new themes in MED

3.1. Coastal and Maritime Sustainable Tourism

3.2. Management and networking of protected areas

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Building a MED projectFollowing key principles :

Providing objective responses to well identified challenges

Applying a result oriented-approach and the theory of change

Contributing to Programme result and output indicators

Capitalising on existing knowledge and experience

Addressing relevant target groups

Structuring the project proposal:

Choosing the right type of project depending on the scope of the project

Linking the project intervention logic to the programme intervention logic

Using the Programme list of types of activities and deliverables, with common identified


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MED Programme 2007-2013: Library

Up to know, the Library contains around 900 outputs of 101 finalised projects

And for whom? Decision makers General public Media NGO Private sector Public administration Public sector

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What kind of project we are looking for?

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Axis 1 - Innovation Specific Objective

To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the MED area

Result Indicator

Share of innovative clusters offering to their members a consolidated mix of transnational activities in key sectors of the MED area

Main Focus Blue Growth Green GrowthBlue Energy Renewable EnergyFishing & Aquaculture Energy EfficiencyMaritime Surveillance Waste Management / RecyclingBiotechnologies Smart citiesCoastal and maritime tourism Eco-innovation

Social Innovation Cultural & CreativeOpen DataSocial entrepreneurshipPublic Sector Innovation

Additional: RIS3 monitoring & evaluation , territorial & thematic data

Modules M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 2 projectsabout 6 projectsabout 3 projects

M1 + M2 M2 +M3

about 4 projectsabout 2 projects

Financial allocation ~24.3 M€ (ERDF)~1.075 M€ (IAP)

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Axis 1 - Innovation possible actions

Module 1 - STUDYING: designing common approaches and strategies at transnational level:Non-exhaustive list

- New trending topics on innovation stimulation at EU &MED levels

- Identifying, benchmarking, designing and adapting:• Decision support tools for innovation• Public policies for innovation• Innovation systems and processes using novel economic models• Supporting services for private sector in order to stimulate their innovation

capacities• Mechanisms favouring quadruple helix

- common methodology for monitoring innovation policies (e.g.: follow up of RIS3 implementation/evaluation)

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Axis 1 – Innovation possible actions

Module 2- TESTING: Pilot demonstration actions Non-exhaustive list

- Testing, evaluating and demonstrating their added value and transfer potential• Decision support tools for innovation• Public policies for innovation• Innovation systems and processes using novel economic models• Supporting services for private sector in order to stimulate their innovation

capacities• Mechanisms favouring quadruple helix

- Creating or strengthening transnational networks of networks, clusters to achieve a sustainable model of transnational cooperation of innovation actors 

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Axis 1 - Innovation possible actions

Module 3- CAPITALISING: Transfer, dissemination and capitalisation Non-exhaustive list of possible actions

•Transforming pilot initiatives in higher scale projects•Reformulating, complementing and improving results, activities and outputs already obtained in precedent cooperation projects approved by the Med Programme and/or other related programmes •Implementing public policies for innovation or adopting action plans by public authorities•Transferring improved transnational systems or processes to other territories or relevant sectors•Engaging Regions (beyond direct partnership) to strengthen connections and cooperation of existing smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) at transnational level (cooperation platforms…)

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Axis 1 - Innovation possible actionsModule 3- CAPITALISING: Transfer, dissemination and capitalisation Non-exhaustive list

- Creating or strengthening sustainable active networks of the quadruple helix system cooperating actors in the relevant sectors with a link to existing or foreseen European networks and platforms (e.g.: Seville S3 platform, INTERREG EUROPE thematic platforms…)- Strengthening existing clusters and networks and increasing their connectivity and synergies at MED level- Building capacity and empowering:

• Public Authorities in demand-driven innovation and novel economic models stimulating interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation

• Cluster Managers and members in demand-driven innovation and novel economic models (e.g.: ICT, Innovation Voucher Schemes) stimulating interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation

• Social actors in demand-driven innovation approaches

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Axis 2 – Low Carbon EconomySpecific Objective 2.1

To raise capacity for better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level

Result Indicator

Share of regional, sub-regional and local energy efficiency plans including adapted measures for public building stock

Main Focus 1. Assessment and Implementation of Sustainable Energy policies, urban plans and measures of the Interreg MED territory.

2.Innovative Financial mechanisms to improve EEB in a Regional and Local Level.

3.Energy Strategies, management models and Solutions for deep renovation or even Nearly Zero energy buildings in public buildings.

Types of projects M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 1 projectsabout 2 projectsabout 1 projects

M2 + M3 about 2 projects

Financial allocation ~8.6 M€ (ERDF)~0.345 M€ (IAP)

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Actions supporting the PDA concept

Benchmarking and replication

Leverage of public funds

bankable projects

Capacity Building and Enhancing skills

integrated planning of 3 adm levels

Replicating successful approaches

B.P on implementation of ROP Recast Energy

Performance of Buildings Directive

Mobilizing investments in Public buildings


Increase skills of public procurers

Sub–thematic focus.

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To take into account!.

① Urban Context② Covenant of Majors③ Use public investments as trigger to leverage

the effect to the private funds④ Go for Bankable projects⑤ Increase capacity building and awareness

raising⑥ Improving skills⑦ Involve citizens and consumers⑧ Lighthouse kind projects

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Axis 2 – Low Carbon EconomySpecific Objective 2.2

To increase the share of renewable local energy sources in energy mix strategies and plans in specific MED territories (islands and rural areas)

Result Indicator Share of renewable energy from local sources, in energy mix of MED islands and rural areas

Main Focus 1. Reinforcing the capacity of public authorities to plan, implement and monitor sustainable energy policies, plans and related measures.

2. Unblocking current technical and administrative barriers impeding a higher share of local Renewable Energy.

3. Removing market barriers aiming at facilitating the integration of large, medium and small energy supply systems mostly based on renewable energy.

Modules M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 1 projectsabout 2 projectsabout 1 projects

M2 + M3 about 2 projects

Financial allocation ~8.6 M€ (ERDF)~0.345 M€ (IAP)

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Sub-thematic focus 1/3

Reinforcing the capacity of public authorities to plan, implement and monitor sustainable energy policies

and related measures.

Examples of possible actions (non-exhaustive)…

•Establishing new networks or exploiting existing ones and other mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices on increasing the share of local renewable energy.

•Empowering public authorities and stakeholders skills to assess the definition, implementation and monitoring of renewable energy plans at local, regional and national level (this last mostly in islands contexts).

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Sub-thematic focus 2/3

Unblocking current technical and administrative barriers impeding a higher

implementation of Renewable Energy in targeted MED territories: islands and rural areas.

Examples of possible actions (non-exhaustive)…

•Benchmarking processes of good practices aiming at unblocking the current administrative and technical obstacles of RES in islands and Rural areas

•Design of transnational scenarios for the promotion and capitalisation of achieved results favouring high levels of replicability all over the MED Programme cooperation space.

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Sub-thematic focus 3/3

Removing market barriers aiming at facilitating the integration of large, medium and small energy

supply systems mostly based on renewable energy.

Examples of possible actions (non-exhaustive)…

•Supply chain assessments and socioeconomic analysis in targeted territories aiming at providing key information for public authorities, market actors and other stakeholders.

•Joint activities integrating the variety of energy market actors (e.g. regulators, operators, commercialist, distributors, end-users) and sectors (residential, industrial, services) leading to optimize the penetration of RES into the market.

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To take into account!.

① Deep reflection on what it has been achieved already within and out of the MED Programme area

② Island and Rural Context③ Covenant of Majors, Pact of Islands and other

related initiatives

④ Empowering capacities and Improving skills of Public Authorities.

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Axis 2 – Low Carbon EconomySpecific Objective 2.3

To increase capacity to use existing low carbon transport systems and multimodal connections among them

Result Indicator

Share of urban plans including low carbon transport and multimodal connection soft actions

Main Focus Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) or measures in the Mediterranean, implementing services for tourists, passengers and freight aiming to preserve its natural-cultural heritage and social cohesion, which makes the Mediterranean cities unique and attractive.

Modules M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 1 projectsabout 2 projectsabout 1 projects

M2 + M3 about 2 projects

Financial allocation ~9.8 M€ (ERDF)~0.345 M€ (IAP)

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Assessing the performance and level of implementation of SUMP or SEAP

Testing Innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport.

Capacity building addressed to Local Authorities to implement SUMP

Framework for Data collection and performance measurement to allow comparability and replication.


Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) or measures

• implementing services for: tourists, passengers and freight.

Sub–thematic focus.

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To take into account!

① Urban Context② Covenant of Majors③ Increase capacity building and awareness

raising④ Involve citizens and consumers⑤ Improving skills⑥ Lighthouse projects

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Axis 3 - EnvironmentSpecific Objective 3.1

To enhance the development of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism

Result Indicator

Level of sustainability of tourism in MED coastal regions

Main Focus 1. How to integrate tourism development into wider strategies? Tourism in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

Tourism in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)

Tourism in integrated regional development policies

2. How to enhance sustainable and responsible tourism management? improving planning and management of coastal tourist destinations

preventing negative impacts on natural and cultural heritage

promoting an innovative, sustainable and high quality offer

Modules M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 2 projectsabout 2 projectsabout 2 projects

M1 + M2M2 + M3

about 2 projectsabout 2 projects

Financial allocation ~13.7 M€ (ERDF)~0.55 M€ (IAP)

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Increasing the level of sustainability of tourism in MED coastal regions


integrate tourism development into wider strategies

Facilitate integration of ICZM & MSP into national / regional policy


2. Enhance sustainable and

responsible tourism management

Improve knowledge /

use and expand existing tools

Diversify tourism offer

Create synergies and cooperation mechanisms for


Enhance capacity / empower /

enhance the involvement of stakeholders



Eco-system based


Manage environmental risks linked to

tourism activities


tion of

data &



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Axis 3 - EnvironmentSpecific Objective

To maintain biodiversity and natural ecosystems through strengthening the management and networking of protected areas

Result Indicator

Share of protected areas meeting their conservation goals and objectives (thanks to their improved management)

Main Focus 1. To strengthen better integration of protected areas in national, regional and local territorial development strategies through awareness raising on protection of fragile areas, including generating policy-making support

2. To strengthen networking of protected areas through supporting more intensive cooperation between competent public authorities and key stakeholders

3. To improve monitoring and management of protected areas through supporting scientific, technical and management knowledge base for the monitoring of pressures and impacts on ecosystems, including efficient governance of protected areas

Modules M1 – Studying M2 – Testing M3 – Capitalising

about 2 projectsabout 2 projectsabout 2 projects

M1 + M2M2 + M3

about 2 projectsabout 1 projects

Financial allocation ~11.45 M€ (ERDF)~0.46 M€ (IAP)

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awareness raising

generating policy-making support

Integrated management based on ecosystem base


Economic valorization of natural ressources

(&Degradation costs)

More intensive cooperation btwpublic authorities + management bodies protected areas+experts +local actors

Further dynamism

common joint actions



DataExchanges btw experts



Supporting scientific, technical &

management knowledge base


Management of pressures and impacts

Data &methodologies harmonization


(Efficient law enforcement)







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Horizontal ProjectsSpecific Objective

Communication and Capitalisation of modular projects (M1, M2, M3,

M1+M2, M2+M3)

Type of activities

1) community building, 2) joint communication, 3) joint capitalisation/transfer.

Main Focus • Ensuring the networking of the “modular" projects : ‘community’ • Facilitating synergies between the projects;• Contributing to the technical development and transferability of project results;• Ensuring the qualitative and quantitative analysis;• Animating and updating the thematic sections of the programme website • Organising thematic and capitalisation events for the ‘”community’;• Representing the ‘community’ in any relevant transnational seminar of the Interreg MED

Programme, Interact or other ETC and / or thematic programmes.• Cooperating with the Interreg MED Programme to coordinate communication activities of

all horizontal projects on an annual basis.

Axis Axis 1 – Innovation:Axis 2 – LCE:Axis 3 – Environment:

3 Horizontal projects3 Horizontal projects2 Horizontal projects

Duration: 36 months (with possibility to renew the contract under conditions)

Financial allocation ~9.0 M€ (ERDF)~0.38 M€ (IAP)

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The ToRs as front door

The Terms of Reference are summary files that consolidate all the other papers :

• MED Cooperation programme• SWOT analysis• MED project Library• Operational guidelines (Programme Manual,

communication tools, etc)• MED Glossary• Other documents of interest listed in the ToRs

These documents remain essential for the applicants

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Well structured projects,

replicability, Leverage effect

1/3Do not start from scratch!

1/3 Complementarity & synergies with EU policies and programmes + MS

1/3Transnationalcooperation The Best


Active involvement of all stakeholders

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Interreg med 1st call for proposals

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IPA partners

National, regional and local public bodies YES

Public equivalent bodies (bodies governed by public law as defined in Article 2(1) of Directive 2014/24/EU)


Private institutions NO

International organisations YES

IPA partners and International organisations cannot act as Lead Partners

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• Private partners can co-finance with their own funds • Private structures can not act as Lead Partners • Private bodies have to observe the basic principles on public procurement laws

Bodies whose main scope of activities within their business profile, as well as their project role, consists of project coordination or management, or other activities that are of a mere executive or supporting character (service providers) cannot be involved as project partners.

Please refer to each ToR for further details on the expected private participationNO PRIVATE IPA


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IPA structures shall be a national, regional, local public body or a public equivalent body

Public equivalent body Article 2(1) of Directive 2014/24/EU‘bodies governed by public law’ means bodies that have all of the following characteristics: (a) they are established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; (b) they have legal personality; and (c) they are financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law; or are subject to management supervision by those authorities or bodies; or have an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law;

IPA structures shall be non-profit making

IPA partners shall be directly responsible for preparation and management of project’s activities with the partnership + Financial stability


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As a minimum requirement, the partnership must involve:

•at least 4 financing partners

•from at least 4 different countries from the MED area

•with at least 3 of the partners located in the Union part of the MED area = 3 ERDF partners within the MED area

Additional recommendations on the most suitable partnership size according to each type of project are included in the Programme Manual (section 2.1) and in each ToR.

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Shall not receive any ERDF or IPA funds

No budget

•Only possible expenditures: Travel and accommodation expenditures to be borne and claimed by a financing partner

•Cannot act as service provider

•Coming from EU, IPA and third countries

•Associated partner declaration to be signed

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Project activities should take place in the MED area.

LOCATION OF THE ACTIVITIES FOR IPAActivities financed by IPA funds should be spent in the IPA countries or for the benefit of the IPA countries

Projects’ activities outside the IPA territories, benefiting the IPA countries and non-foreseen in the approved Application Forms will be analyzed on a case by case basis by the MA/JS.

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EU rules

Programme rules

National eligibility rules


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• Simplified costs options: – Overheads = flat rate– Preparation costs = lump sum (IPA partners cannot benefit from it)

• Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 481/2014– 5 Budget Lines

Staff costs Office and administrative expenditure Travel and accommodation costs External expertise and services costs Equipment expenditure

– Exhaustive list of eligible expenditures for each Budget Line– Sub-Budget Lines not to be created– New general principles for the justification of Staff costs

• Eligibility of expenditure starts on the date of the project approval

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• Lump sum 30.000€ (i.e 25.500€ ERDF) to cover preparation cost

• Not automatic: breakdown per partners to be included in the application form

Only ERDF partners are entitled to budget and claim preparation costs.  

• Co-financing rate to be applied per partner




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BUDGET LINE 1. STAFF COSTS • Costs of staff employed by the beneficiary for implementing the

project; already employed by the beneficiary or contracted specifically for the project

• It includes salary payments + any other costs directly linked to salary payments supported by the beneficiary

• Calculated based on real costs using compulsorily one of the methods established by the Programme

• For part-time, 2 calculation methods:– fixed percentage of the gross employment cost: No time-sheet– flexible number of hours worked: time-sheet needed (standard: 1720


• Should not exceed 40 % of the project total eligible budget

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• Line automatically generated/calculated by SYNERGIE CTE

• Represents 15 % of eligible staff costs

• It covers all the operating and administrative expenses of the structure (e.g. rent, utilities, maintenance, equipment for general office use, phone, bank charges, etc…)

• No need to provide supporting documents

• No calculation method required

Direct costs falling under this budget line are not eligible

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BUDGET LINE 3. TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION COSTS • Expenditure on travel and accommodation of the staff of the

beneficiary for missions (e.g. participation in project meetings, project site visits, meetings with the programme bodies, seminars, conferences, etc.).

• Participation in events organised by the MED Programme, National Authorities, Horizontal Projects, other projects working on the same subjects, etc.

• In the case of travels outside of the MED area: – indicated in the approved Application Form – authorised by the MA/JS prior to the travel

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• Costs of external expertise and services provided by a body outside of the beneficiary organisation (e.g. studies and surveys, translation, promotion and communication, services related to meetings and events, audits, travel of experts).

Sub-contracted In-house companies

• Full respect of EU, Programme and national (including stricter institutional) public procurement rules and compliance with the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment.

• Should not exceed 50% of the total eligible budget, as beneficiaries of a project should be the actual implementers of the project.

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• Equipment purchased, rented or leased by a beneficiary which are essential for the implementation of the project.

• Full respect of EU, Programme and national (including stricter institutional) public procurement rules and compliance with the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment.

• Need to be specified in the application form (C.8)

Equipment for general office use not used exclusively for the project covered by the budget line OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURE = cost not eligible under equipment budget line

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Some budget thresholds must be respected:

– the most important partner: 30% of the total eligible budget (ERDF + IPA + national co-financing)

– the most important country: 40% of the total eligible budget (ERDF + IPA + national co-financing)

SYNERGIE CTE will block the submission of proposals not observing those limits.

The ERDF spent outside the Programme area cannot exceed 20 % of the total ERDF contribution to this project

No budget modification will be allowed during the first year of project implementation.

VAT recoverable by any means: not eligible = cost not to be included in the budget

VAT non recoverable: eligible = cost to be included in the budget

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Levels of rules to be applied: EU rules National rules Interreg MED Programme rules

Shall apply to IPA partners •Title IV, Section 3, Chapter 3 of Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 (Financial Regulation) •Part Two, Title II, Chapter III of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012, rules on external action procurement


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Opening of the Call: 1st September 2015

Closing of the call: Closing of the Call:1st deadline: Validation of the application form by: November 2nd, 2015 at noon – 12.00 (GMT + 1). 2nd deadline: Upload of compulsory annexes by: November 9th , 2015 at noon – 12.00 (GMT + 1).

Evaluation (2 assessment phases): 1st semester 2016

Expected starting of the projects: 1st September 2016


Application in 2 phases:

Pre-application phase: 10th November 2015– 11th January 2016

Evaluation and negotiation: March (indicative)

Full-application phase: April-May 2016 (indicative)

Possible selection: June-July 2016

Projects expected to start: Sept-Nov 2016

Thematic Call (modular projects) Horizontal Call

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From 1st September1st deadline: November 2nd2nd deadline: November 9th

AFAnnexesSynergie CTE

February 2016*


June 2016*

June – July 2016*

Cooperation with the JSLP SeminarSubsidy Contract & Partnership Agreement

September 1st, 2016*




One AFTwo phasesSteering Committee decision

* Indicative date


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• Read the relevant documents: CP, Programme Manual and ToR

• Visit the Interreg MED Programme website:– Presentations of the kick off conference– FAQ section – under construction

• Participate to National events

• Contact the Joint Secretariat : [email protected]

• Contact your National Contact Point

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Check Interreg MED Kick-off participants list in our website Interesting MED project founded in our library… Contact us for

partners contact details!

Interreg MED


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More info:

Contact details per Specific Objective

• Specific objective 1.1 Specific objective 1.1

Nicolas EspitalierNicolas [email protected]

Nuno Vaz SilvaNuno Vaz [email protected]

• Specific objectives 2.1 & 2.3Specific objectives 2.1 & 2.3

Mercedes Acitores FranzonMercedes Acitores [email protected]

• Specific objective 2.2 Specific objective 2.2

Javier GomezJavier [email protected]

• Specific objective 3.1 Specific objective 3.1

Sophie ScarvelisSophie [email protected]

• Specific objective 3.2Specific objective 3.2

Blanca Lopez BassaBlanca Lopez [email protected]