interview with monica agrawal reiki grand master

Interview With Monica Agrawal Reiki Grand-master/SpiritualCoach Hey Monica, Thanks for sharing your precious time with Social Tahelka. ST: Please share something about yourself. Monica: I am a Spiritualist, Reiki Grand-master, Tarot Reader, Coffee Reader and Trained In Many Spiritual Techniques. By Education I Am MBA From NMIMS Bombay and has spent my almost 17+ years in HR Management. I have been practicing meditation and spiritualism for more than 15 years now, and I adopted spiritualism full time around more than six years back. I am Optimistic and believes in working as per intuition guides. Right now I have dedicated myself completely to spiritual field and my soul purpose is to help as many people as I can within remaining into my honest and spiritual guidelines.

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Page 1: Interview with monica agrawal reiki grand master

Interview With Monica Agrawal Reiki Grand-master/SpiritualCoach

Hey Monica,

Thanks for sharing your precious time with Social Tahelka.

ST: Please share something about yourself.

Monica: I am a Spiritualist, Reiki Grand-master, Tarot Reader, Coffee Reader and Trained In

Many Spiritual Techniques. By Education I Am MBA From NMIMS Bombay and has spent my

almost 17+ years in HR Management. I have been practicing meditation and spiritualism for

more than 15 years now, and I adopted spiritualism full time around more than six years back. I

am Optimistic and believes in working as per intuition guides. Right now I have dedicated

myself completely to spiritual field and my soul purpose is to help as many people as I can

within remaining into my honest and spiritual guidelines.

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ST: You worked around a decade with corporate sector in human resource and training,

What made you decide to shift spirituality? From how long are you practicing


Monica: From the college time, I used to meditate, dance, have nature walk and always find

peace spending time in nature, reading lots of books on each and every topi (even I have a

complete library of books right now also). Even when I used to study, I like most studying on

terrace in open air. I was early riser and love studying early in the morning. So spiritualism was

in my soul right from the beginning. It was natural gift which helps in intuitively having a strong

sense of right and wrong. But as it said you need polishing along with GOD gifted powers, so my

start was with in 2007 when I learned basic course of ART of Living, Than Practiced Yoga for

Long time, than I came into Reiki in 2009, It was never planned from my side but yes definitely

planned by universe long time back and than there was no looking back once I entered

completely into spiritualism, I found peace and utmost satisfaction which I was searching for.

What made me decide was universal decisions, my own interest towards attaining moksha

and peace and most importantly to help people with honest guidance and advices and be a source

of happiness for them.

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ST: You did your graduation in advertising and then master in HR, then you learned

spiritualism, in which part of learning you enjoyed most and why?

Monica: Every part I enjoyed of my life, be it Advertising, Be it Management or Now

Spiritualism as I always did what I wanted and with full interest. There was no force from

anyone to do anything and yes every part of my learning is contributing into My spiritual field


ST: How did you start learning the art of spiritualism and energy healing? What all

challenges did you face during your learning period and how did you overcome them?

Monica: I used to meditate a lot, I would say word spiritualism was associated with me since

birth, I was Favorite child of my Late Nanaji Dr. P D Agarwal Who has taken Initiation From Sri

Daya Mataji, Disciple of Sri Sri Paramhansa Yoganand Ji (Who has taken Samadhi many years

back). I used to spend a lot of time with my nanaji whenever I visit them, unlike my other

siblings and cousins I used to sit with him for long hours and listen carefully every part of his life

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and experiences which are priceless. Than as I told you I started with art of living and yoga and

moved into Reiki.

As such We would not say challenges I face, as when things are inside you and you are made for

it things becomes easy for you. But Biggest Challenge is Self Improvement as I strongly believe

until you are at that level that whatever you are suggesting others, you can follow you cannot be

a Good Teacher. So First I Devoted myself to make changes in my habits which developed

during management field and was against true spiritualism like materialism, trying to have more

satvik food, practicing long hours of meditation, High patience Level Etc.

ST: You have your own banner “Divine Centre Path Towards Spirituality”, what sort of

services do you provide to clients under this banner?

Monica: Divine Centre is catered to people who wants to walk on path of spirituality. But every

person has their own journey and no one is same and so do paths may differ for same destination.

Hence We are providing many spiritual services like Meditation, Reiki Trainings, karuna reiki,

kundalini reiki, aura cleansing, chakra balancing, dowsing, Tarot Card reading, Numerology,

Astrology, Cermancy, Courses, Coffee Cup Reading, Tea Leaf and Wine Reading, Crystal

Healing, Crystal Solutions, Mantra chanting, bach flower remedies to heal deep emotions, spell

casting, candle healing, angel reiki, Angel therapy, Angel Reading, past life sessions, self

hypnosis, trance healing and much more. Our Courses, Consultations and Products we provide

One Can start with their field of interest and move further with proper guidance we provide as

per their interests and energies.

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ST: Beside as a Tarot reader or energy healer you are also giving training courses for the

same, so how you feel when your students are doing well in spiritualism?

Monica: Yes I am Providing Various Courses and many students are practicing it professionally

till now. I encourage them to practice as they will learn only when they put into regular practice.

I Feel very Motivated to see them performing good. Actually Any Teacher Success lies in her

students. When they do well, it is added to their performance. Here performance review is been

done by Universe as per your Karmas.

ST: Do you consider your ability a gift? How do you help people with this gift?

Monica: Definitely it is Gift. Many people who facing different kind of stresses falls into mode

of hopelessness, this gift has always make my spirits and confidence high, intuition powers has

save me a lot of time to make wrong decisions and falling into trap of negative vibes or negative


This Gift I used to help people to give them proper guidance, solutions, healing their karmas and

motivating them. Some times I use my natural gifted spiritual powers to help those people who

are really needed.

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ST: Could you share some memorable experiences you had because of this talent?

Monica: There are many but in short many times in life I felt I took decisions avoiding my brain

and following heart and I feel thankful to universe for such psychic gifts which made me sense

the danger before. Had I been taken decision other way round my life would have been totally

different and I would have been a person I am today. I have seen many miracles in my life. I

have come across with many people who helped me, appearing suddenly when I needed help and

than vanishing and to my later realization they were some spiritual powers who came into form

of human whose existence was not there on earth.

ST: What’s a typical day like for a tarot card reader? What’s your usual schedule?

Monica: Since I am involved with many things, my schedule is sometimes planned for weeks in

advance and sometimes on the day itself. Typically I got free myself from all my routine work by

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10 am including breakfast, daily routine, meditation , healing. After that I continue with my

appointments for readings, consultations, training courses till 7 Pm. Than evening is for my

Family and my own meditations. For Spiritual Practitioner it is very much required to keep some

time for their own-self to gain energies back which they have been putting in their spiritual work

and helping people.

When I don’t have appointments (I prefer to keep a day free once in week), I do with

documentation, shopping, travelling, enjoying with my family and friends.

I Just believe in going with the flow and take work in my hand as much as I can manage with

peace and satisfaction.

ST: What will you like to suggest to our readers that tarot reading, spiritualism or energy

healing is something god gift or it’s a science which needs time and practicing to learn and

anyone who can dedicate on this can learn?

Monica: It is both. Yes it is God Gifted but You might have heard even god gifted things need

polishing, training and guidance. Some people are destined for this field, some are inclined by

their own interest. Reiki, meditations and healing techniques can be learn by any one and they

can develop with regular practice, But for specifically if you talk about tarot, coffee science,

psychic reading one has to be interested in it naturally and has basic intuition power and

inclination towards the same. People who want to do just for the sake of earning as they have

mind set that this is good way to earn even they lack normal sense and intuition power due to

blockages should start with reiki first to clear energies and than move further if and when they

feel this is for them.

ST: As you are contributing some articles and blogs to Social Tahelka, what make you to

feel to get associated with Social Tahelka?

Monica: Yes I Am Contributing Articles, It is Great to be associated with Social Tahelka and

their team, their team is really hard working and making it possible for people to bring

genuine information from all fields at one platform. I wish them all the best. Will Soon Plan

Something Better on Weekly Basis to add on for the readers.

Thanks a lot Monica, we wish you all success in your life

To Contact Monica


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