intro migration tools

Hi and welcome to video 1 of module 2 Installing Windows Server Migration Tools. I’m Andrew McMurray, Technical Evangelist for Microsoft. 5/29/2013 1

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Page 1: Intro Migration Tools

Hi and welcome to video 1 of module 2 Installing Windows Server Migration Tools.

I’m Andrew McMurray, Technical Evangelist for Microsoft.



Page 2: Intro Migration Tools


As you can see we’ve started our recording at the Server Manager product inside Windows Server 2012 and we’re going to install the Windows Server migration tools from within Server Manager, all I need to do in order to do this is to click the manage button which you’ll see within the Server Manager dashboard. When I click the manage button I will be given the option to install roles and features, I could also do this from within PowerShell, I’m going to choose add roles and features like so and we’ll click on the next button and as you can see we get to choose from between role based or desktop services. We’ll choose role based. We’ll install on the local server rather than on a virtual hard drive and when we click the next buttonwe’ll be clicking the next button again because this isn’t a role it’s a feature. Clicking on the next button now takes us to the features, we need to scroll all the way to the bottom and choose Windows Server Migration Tools. We could have done this through PowerShell as well using the install Windows features command lit. what we’ll now do is click the next button and confirm that we wish to install windows Server migration tools. As a best practice I’ll choose restart the destination server automatically if required and I’ll answer yes to the prompt to indicate that I’m aware that the destination server is going to restart if it’s required. In this case, being the migration tools we don’t need to, I can export the configuration settings to reuse them later on if I wish, I’m going to now click the install button.

Just out of interest here we have the ability from an X86 environment to migrate from Windows Server 2003 with SP2, Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008. in an X64 environment we can use Windows Server 2008 R2, Server core R2, Windows Server 2012 with or without a GUI. We’ll be showing you after having completed this demonstration how we can then take the migration tools across to our source server running Windows Server 2008 R2. As you can see our installation has now finished, we’ll click the close button and now prepare to send the machines to Server 2008.

Now that we’ve installed our migration tools on Windows Server 2012 we now need to create deployment folders for our Windows Server 2008 R2 source computer by using the SMIGdeploy.exe tool which is included with the Windows Server migration tools on the computer running Windows Server 2012. What we will then do is copy those tools to Windows Server 2008 and register them on that particular source computer.

From the command line you can see that I’m sitting at the root of the C drive, I need to change directory to Windows System 32, Server Migration tools, from that folder I will execute SMIG deploy.exe which will go ahead and deploy a package of migration tools that can be copied to Windows Server 2008. I’ll specify the architecture as x64, the operating system as WS08R2 and the path of migration tools which is a folder I’ve created on the C drive. Obviously there are switches for othertypes of operating systems as well as you saw in your reading. What I’m now going to do is I’m going to look inside that migration tools folder and you can see it’s created a server migration tools folder for the WS08 R2 on x64.

What I will now do is copy that particular folder and paste it into my source Windows Server 2008 R2 server of which I’m going to migrate the WSUS role failure soon.

Now that we’ve copied those files across to Windows Server 2008 R2 we will need to register those migration tools with Windows PowerShell we can use SMIGdeploy.exe to register these particular tools on a migration computer that’s running Server 2008 R2, 2008 or Server 2003.

From the command prompt here I will browse to the directory where we copied those files and then I will execute a SMIGdeploy command, what that will do is register these particular tools with Windows PowerShell and then from that point on we can start to work with those tools. As you can see it’s checked the prerequisites to make sure they’re in place being in the case of Server 2008 windows PowerShell 1.0 or .NET framework 2 if we were dealing with a Windows Server 2003 box. Those are in place so we register with PowerShell and open up a separate command line window, this will now allow us to start running the various migration tool command lines that we need to run.



Page 3: Intro Migration Tools

In this video we’ll be showing you basic usage techniques for the Windows Server migration tools fromPowerShell, showing you how to open those up from a single click in a PowerShell environment with the snap ins enabled through to how to add the snap ins in manually, from that point we’ll show you then how to remove those and then we’ll move on to actually migrating workloads in the next modules.



Page 4: Intro Migration Tools


Now that the Server migration tools have been installed we may need to start a PowerShell session and run the migration tool command lits after the migration is complete. There are a number of different ways in which we can do this and the first way in which we can do this can be seen in the start screen from Windows Server 2012.

As you can see we simply click the Windows Server Migration Tools option, choose to run as an administrator and that automatically starts up a PowerShell session with the appropriate migration snap ins already loaded.

Another way to do this is to open up a PowerShell session by opening PowerShell as administrator and using the Add-PS snap in command in order to load the snap ins manually. We use Add-Pssnap in and this will achieve effectively the same outcome.

On a machine running Server 2008 R2 starting up the migration tools in a PowerShell session with the snap in enabled is very similar to Windows Server 2012, simply hit the start button on programs, go into administrative tools, and from administrative tools you will find a Windows Server Migration tools folder, notice there is a PowerShell session in there, simply open to take you to a PowerShell session located in the migration tools box with snap ins enabled.

If I wish to enable a snap ins manually again I simply open up a PowerShell prompt and add the snap ins utilizing the standard add-pssnap in command. Effectively what you can see here is the procedure for both Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is extremely similar.

Finally I may want to open up Windows PowerShell together with Windows Server Migration tools from a single command prompt window using a PowerShell console file. I can also do that by simply browsing through the command prompt to the location of the server migration tools and utilizing the PowerShell.exe command with the PS console file switch endpoint to server migration.pse 1 which comes with the migration tools as they are installed. Once I fire that command it will open up a PowerShell environment, load that file which then handles the snap ins for me.



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In our final video for module 2 we’ll be looking at how to remove Windows Server migration tools from Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Once you’ve watched these particular demonstrations we’ll then in subsequent modules start looking at how we migrate individual workloads.



Page 6: Intro Migration Tools


On a server running Windows Server 2012 we can either remove the migration tools through Server Manager or in this case as an administrator through PowerShell. You’ve already seen how the add roles and features so from PowerShell instead we’ll run uninstall Windows feature run in command and get Windows PowerShell to remove that particular feature for us. As you can see it takes a couple of seconds to remove it and that’s all there is to it.

Now we need to go to the Server 2008 R2 box and deregister at that point. As we can see on our Windows Server 2008 R2 source server I can now open up a command prompt as an administrator and browse for the location of the migration tools. Having completed my migration activities I can deregister the migration tools with the system and with PowerShell by running a SMIGdeploy.exe/unregister switch. Once that’s completed I can then go into the file system, locate the directory that contains all of those files and simply remove it. And I would do this after having completed all of my migration activities. So effectively we’ll start seeing this as we do our workload migrations.



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5/29/2013 4:33 PM


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