intro to managerial eco

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  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Managerial Economics

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    What is Management ?

    Duties ,functions and role of manager

    What is Economics? Definition of Managerial Economics

    Relationship to Economic Theory

    Relationship to decision science

    Business environment and managerial economics Scope of Managerial economics

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Modernbusiness worldis characterized bydynamism ,computerization,

    Economies are no longer self-sufficient, inward-looking; added is the pressure of severe

    competition due to globalization. Darwins principle applies even today nay more


    Big corporates follow military strategies involvingsurprise, security and unity of command.

    Business units aim at a variety of goals /objectives.

    Problem of economizing and choice are mostimportant for firms.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Decision-making is a must at every stage.

    Survival amidst uncertainties is no doubtchallenging. Managerial Economics helps themto plan and implement decisions in such a

    complex and dynamic atmosphere. Business Economics or Economics of firms

    provides managers with different tools.techniques and principles enabling them make

    optimum use of resources within constraints.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    The term Managerial Economics involves 2 terms;

    former refers to acts and decisions of manager

    later to a subjectmatter.

    What is management ?

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    What is Economics ?

    It is a science of earning and spending wealthas defined by the Father of Economics AdamSmith in his classic work An enquiry into

    nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations. In the opinion of Alfred Marshall it was study of

    mankind in ordinary business of life.

    Lionel Robbins gave us the most acceptedscarcity-oriented definition of Economics. Hesays Economics is a social science whichstudies human behavior as a relationshipbetween unlimited wants and scarce meanswhich have alternative uses.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Definition of Managerial


    According to Mansfield ,managerial economics isapplied microeconomics.

    Whether profit or non-profit making organisations

    and whatever may be their goals , they have all toface constraints which may be internal & /orexternal.


    All managerial decision problems are solved withthe help of tools ,concepts and principles in.a)Economic theory; b) Managerial economics c)Mathematical economics.

    Role of economic theory----

    In any business, the businessman has to decidewhat , how ,when ,how much , whom , where etc.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    There arises question of choice at every stage of production.

    eg. Choice regarding selection of project, location of plant

    ,inputs , funds etc.

    The manager has to study environment atMicro as well as Macro levels.

    Micro economics here the subject-matter

    is individual consumer ,firm market , industryetc. Theories under micro-economics are:Theory of value, theory of distribution,theory of economic welfare etc.

    Macro-economic environment is generaleco-pol-social condition of the larger systemwhich may be at domestic & /or internationallevel.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Business environment and

    managerial economics--

    Business environment refers to all those forceswhich influence functioning of business.

    Two types of factors are relevant here-1)Internal

    factors :these are controllable; either altered ormodified. 2) External factors- these are beyondcontrol

    Example of internal factors: corporate philosophy,physical assets , management structure, humanresources , R &D , FINANCE , technology etc.

    Example of external factors :Customers , suppliers, competitors , natural factors ,demographicchanges , political situation , eco-social condition ,government policies etc.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Scope of managerial economics-

    Studies 8 different areas


    Cost Analysis

    Pricing policies Profit management

    Capital Management

    Inventory management Marketing and advertising

    Whether it is setting of new machinery/plant

    or recruiting /laying off labor-

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Basic Concepts


    Positive and Normative Economics

    Alternative economic systems

    Value and price

    Utility and demand Marginalism / Marginal analysis

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    RationalityMany casual observers of the subject argue thatthe relevance of the subject hinges on the selfish

    nature of the humankind since it deals only withsatisfying the material desires. But economist

    recognize that people act for variety of reasons,some selfish some humanitarian. The point is thatthe action of whichever type will be influenced bythe cost and benefit. As an activity becomes morecostly it is less likely to be chosen.

    Person is likely to try to save the life of the boyin three feet swimming pool rather than the rapidcurrent approaching Nigara Falls.

  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


  • 8/13/2019 Intro to Managerial Eco


    Alternative economic systems

    What to produce?

    How to produce?

    For whom to produce?

    Market economy

    Command economy

    Mixed economy