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Introduction Page 1 1.0. Introduction Ultrasound is the part of spectrum which ranges from about 20 KHz to 10 MHz which can be roughly sub-divided in three main regions; low frequency- high power ultrasound (20-100 KHz), high frequency-medium power ultrasound (100 KHz 1 MHz) and high frequency-low power ultrasound (1-10 MHz). The range from 20 KHz to about 1 MHz is used in sonochemistry whereas frequencies far above 1MHz are used as medical and diagnostic ultrasound. Figure 1.1: Spectrum of ultrasonic They are distinct from electromagnetic waves in the way that they need a medium to propagate. Like any other wave, an ultrasound wave is defined by its frequency, velocity and amplitude or intensity. Acoustic waves can be classified as longitudinal waves, shear waves and surface or Rayleigh waves. The particles in the longitudinal

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1.0. Introduction

Ultrasound is the part of spectrum which ranges from about 20 KHz to 10 MHz which

can be roughly sub-divided in three main regions; low frequency- high power

ultrasound (20-100 KHz), high frequency-medium power ultrasound (100 KHz – 1

MHz) and high frequency-low power ultrasound (1-10 MHz). The range from 20 KHz

to about 1 MHz is used in sonochemistry whereas frequencies far above 1MHz are

used as medical and diagnostic ultrasound.

Figure 1.1: Spectrum of ultrasonic

They are distinct from electromagnetic waves in the way that they need a medium to

propagate. Like any other wave, an ultrasound wave is defined by its frequency,

velocity and amplitude or intensity. Acoustic waves can be classified as longitudinal

waves, shear waves and surface or Rayleigh waves. The particles in the longitudinal

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waves move in the direction of displacement, whereas in shear waves the movement

is perpendicular to the movement of wave. The waves which travel very close to the

surface are called surface or Rayleigh waves.

Sonochemistry is the application of ultrasound to the chemical reactions and

processes. Acoustics is the science of sound which deals with the production of sound

from the source to the receiver, the detection and perception of sound. Acoustics has

become a broad interdisciplinary field, covering the areas of physics, chemistry, bio-

chemistry, engineering, speech, audiology, music, architecture, neuroscience and so

on. In fact, one of the oldest branches of physics, i.e., acoustic initially originated with

Pythagoras’s study of music over approximately three thousand years ago. The word

acoustics is derived from the Greek Word “AKOUEIN” which means “to hear”. The

first person to use the term acoustic to the science of sound was Sauveur1.

In the present usage, the term sound implies not only phenomenon in air responsible

for the sensation of hearing but also whatever else is governed by analogous physical

principles. Thus, disturbances with frequencies too high (ultrasound) or too low

(infrasound) to be heard by a normal person are also regarded as sound. Ultrasound is

important not only in medical science but is also useful in industrial imaging. It finds

applications in scientific researches especially in the study of solids and liquids2.

Natural phenomena are generators of infrasound. The sudden shock waves of an

explosion propel complex infrasonic signals far beyond the shattered perimeter. The

earthquakes also generate intense infrasonic waves. The faster moving primary waves

arrive at distant locations much before the destructive secondary waves. The primary

waves carry the information whereas the secondary waves carry energy. Certain

animals and fish have the capacity to sense these infrasonic waves and thus have

natural tendency to react with fear and anxiety.

Sound is considered to be older than light because the astronomical evidences suggest

that sound waves was a plasma of charged particles and opaque to electromagnetic

radiations and these waves propagated in the universe at a very low frequency in the

initial years of the existence of universe. Sound can be produced by a number of

different processes, for example, vibrating bodies, changing airflow, time dependent

heat sources, supersonic flow, etc. Unlike electromagnetic radiations, which can travel

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in the vacuum, the sound waves require a medium (for example: solid, liquid or gas)

to travel. Another important difference is that the sound travels much slower than

electromagnetic radiations. The speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately 300

m/sec which is roughly one millionth the speed of light in air.

1.1. Speed of sound in air

From earliest times, there was agreement that sound is propagated from one place to

another by some activity of the air. The Jesuit priest Athanasius Kircher was one of

the first to observe the sound in a vacuum chamber and since he could hear the bell he

concluded that air was not necessary for the propagation of sound. Robert Boyle,

however, repeated the experiment with a much improved pump and noted the much

observed decrease in sound intensity as the air is pumped out. We now know that

sound propagates quite well in rarified air, and that the decrease in intensity at low

pressure is mainly due to the impedance mismatch between the source and the

medium as well as the impedance mismatch at the walls of the container. As early as

1635, Gassendi measured the speed of sound using firearms, assuming that the light

of the flash is transmitted instantaneously. His value came out to be 478 m/s. In a

more careful experiment, Lenihan et al3. determined the speed of sound to be 450 m/s.

In 1650, G.A.Borelli and V. Viviani of the Accademia del Cimento of Florence

obtained a value of 350 m/s for the speed of sound4. Another Italian G.L. Bianconi,

showed that the speed of sound in air increases with temperature5. The first attempt to

the speed of sound in air was apparently made by Sir Isaac Newton. He assumed that

when a pulse is propagated through a fluid, the particles of fluid move in simple

harmonic motion and that if this is true for one particle, it must be true for all adjacent

ones. The result is that the speed of sound is equal to the square root of the ratio of the

atmospheric pressure to the density of the air. This leads to values that are

considerably less than those measured by Newton and others.

In 1816, Pierre Simon Laplace suggested that in Newton and Lagrange’s calculations

an error had been made in using for the volume elasticity of the air pressure itself,

which is equivalent to assuming the elastic motions of the air particles taking place at

constant temperature. In view of the rapidity of the motions, it seemed more

reasonable to assume that the compressions and rarefactions follow the adiabatic law.

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The adiabatic elasticity is greater than the isothermal elasticity by a factor γ (gamma)

which is the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume.

The speed of sound should, thus, be given by c = (γ p/ρ) 1/2

, where p is the pressure

and ρ is the density. This gives much better agreement with experimental values6.

1.2. Speed of sound in liquids and solids

The first serious attempt to measure the speed of sound in liquid was probably that of

the Swiss physicist Daniel Colladon, who in 1826 conducted studies in Lake Geneva.

Colladon measured the static compressibility of several liquids and decided to check

the accuracy of his measurements by measuring the speed of sound which depends on

the compressibility. The compressibility of water computed from the speed of sound

turned out to be very close to the statically measured values7. In 1808, the French

physicist, J. B. Biot measured the speed of sound in 1000 m long iron water pipe in

Paris by direct timing of the sound travel8. He compared the arrival times of the sound

through the metal and through the air and found the speed to be much greater in

metal. Chladni had earlier studied the speed of sound in solids by noting the pitch

emanating from a struck solid bar, just as we do today. He deduced that the speed of

sound in tin is about 7.5 times greater than in air, while in copper it was about 12

times greater. Biot’s values for the speed of sound in metals agreed well with


1.3. Speed of sound in liquids

a) Liquid structure and its relation to sound speed

From an acoustical point of view, the liquid is a state intermediate between a gas and

a solid. It is gas like in that, in the absence of losses, it does not offer resistance to a

shear stress and solid like in that its bulk modulus is determined by intermolecular

bonding forces and not by external forces (e.g., gravity) or constraints (enclosure

walls), as in a gas.

This state of affairs is best explained by a modern picture of liquid structure9. The

radial distribution function (molecular number density v/s radial distance) obtained

from x-ray and neutron diffraction patterns clearly shows regions of highly ordered

structure as found in a crystalline solid. These regions, called aggregates or sometimes

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clusters, are of limited spatial extent, ranging from a few molecular diameters to

macroscopic dimensions. Liquids showing little tendency toward aggregation are

called unassociated; those containing a substantial distribution of small-sized

aggregates are called associated and those containing long chains of aggregates are

called polymerized. The prevailing amorphous matter contains an abundance of micro

cavities, called holes, of varying size and distribution which are responsible for the

fluidity of the liquid. The major impact of the holes is an enhancement of the free

volume, which plays a key role in the emergence of many equilibrium and transport

properties of the liquid.

The derivation of the sound speed of a liquid from its microscopic properties requires

realistic expressions for the equation of state and the internal energy, leading in turn

to the bulk modulus and specific heat. Successful theoretical developments in these

areas have been limited. Among the difficulties are the incorporation of the free

volume into the equation of state and the tabulation of contributions to the free

energy, which is not as straight forward as in a gas. The most successful efforts are,

for the most part, at least partially empirical.

b) The equation of state

The general form of an equation of state

,...,TfP …. (1.1)

yields a bulk modulus




…. (1.2)

As a gas condenses to a liquid, the second term becomes decisive owing to the large

increase in density.

The development of a successful equation of state of a liquid must address the issues

of molecular bonding, association and polymerization, and free volume in both the

ordered and disordered structure. The principal approaches are as follows:

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1. Semirigorous derivations based on a liquid model: These include the celebrated

Lennard Jones and Devonshire cell model, the Eyring hole model and correlation

models to determine the radial distribution function. Although these models have

had some success in predicting many physical properties of liquids, they have

been less successful in predicting sound speed.

2. Semi empirical modifications to existing equations of state: A noteworthy

example is the theory of Schaaffs10

, who modified van der Waals equation to

include an improved expression for molecular volume as well as the specifics of

bonds between various types of atoms or molecular complexes. Schaaffs’s

treatment has enjoyed remarkable success in predicting the sound speeds of

unassociated organic liquids.

3. Empirical expressions fitted to experimental data: A common procedure is to

expand one state variable in a series (not necessarily a power series) of the others.

In applications to sound speed, however, the specific heat at one reference point

remains an unknown parameter. Therefore, it is useful to expand the sound speed

itself in terms of state variables, an approach taken by Itterbeek and Dael11


cryogenic liquids.

c) Speed of sound in unassociated liquid: Schaaffs’s method

Schaaffs’s formulas10

to compute the sound speed are



.… (1.3)


ii ,MzM .… (1.4a)

B = ∑ zi Bi …. (1.4b)


iiz .… (1.4c)

where M is the molecular mass, B the external addendum (molecular volume per

mole), the internal addendum (heavy atom corrective volume), zi the number and

Mi the mass of the ith species, CR = 4450 m/s, and Bi and i contribution from the ith


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d) Speed of sound in associated liquids (water)

A successful treatment of many physical properties of an associated liquid must

account for the role of structural complexes. For illustration, one of the models of


- considered an exemplary associated liquid - assumes the liquid composition

to be a mix of the open tridymite (ice like) structure and more closely packed quartz

like structure. Another model12

assumes the structure to contain a distribution of

polymeric units, namely, the monomer, dimer, tetramer and octamer, the last of which

has the open tridymite structure. As the temperature increases toward the boiling

point, the closely packed constituents gain at the expense of the vanishing tridymite.

The competition between structural redistribution and thermal expansion explains

such exceptional properties of water as the density maximum at 4 0C and the sound

speed maximum at 74 0C.

A precise expression for the sound speed in saturated water versus temperature,

promising an error not to exceed 0.05%, is given by Chavez etal.13










Tc …. (1.5)

where Tc, a and the coefficients are given in Table 1.1. Equation (1.5) yields c =

1481.8 m/s. An increase in pressure increases the sound speed14


1.4. Different branches of acoustics

Various branches of acoustics that deal with different aspects of sound and hearing

include the following:

Physical acoustics

Musical acoustics

Underwater acoustics

Engineering acoustics

Architectural acoustics

Speech communication

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Structural acoustics and vibration

Physiological and psychological acoustics.

Table 1.1: Parameters entering Chavez, Sosa, and Tsumura’s formula (Eq. 1.5)

for temperature dependence of sound speed in pure water

K bk

0 -19214.88484

1 230.1609318

2 -1.028803876

3 0.002414336487

4 -2.902395566 x10-6

5 1.4304933449 x 10-9

A 0.75

Tc (k) 647.067

Physical acoustics

Although all of acoustics, the science of sound, incorporates the laws of physics, we

usually think of physical acoustics as being concerned with fundamental acoustic

wave propagation phenomena, including transmission, reflection, refraction,

interference, diffraction, scattering, absorption, dispersion of sound and the use of

acoustics to study physical properties of matter and to produce changes in these

properties. The foundation for physical acoustics was laid by such 19th

century giants

as Helmholtz, Rayleigh, Tyndall, Stokes, Kirchhoff and others.

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As acousticians had extended their studies to frequencies above and below the audible

range, it is conventional to identify these frequency ranges as “ultrasonic” and

“infrasonic” respectively, while letting the word “acoustic” refer to the entire

frequency range without limit.

Human ear is sensitive to sounds of frequency lying between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.

The ear is unable to hear sounds of frequency less than 20 Hz and more than 20,000

Hz. The sounds of frequency less than 20 Hz are called “infrasonic”, while those of

frequency more than 20,000 Hz are called “ultrasonic”. In other words, ultrasonic is

longitudinal mechanical waves of frequency beyond the highest audible frequency

(i.e., 20,000 Hz).

In the past, ultrasonic technique has been used in the study of solute-solute and solute-

solvent interactions for amino acids, sugars, polyols, etc. in aqueous as well as in

mixed aqueous solution. Because of the complex nature of these molecules, it is very

difficult to understand the nature of interactions they have in aqueous solutions. It is

the structure of water which governs the properties of solute in aqueous solutions.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to give a brief review of structure of water and

aqueous solutions to study such interactions and various thermodynamic properties

associated with it.

1.5. Water: Structure and properties

Water is a unique, ubiquitous substance which is a major component of all living

things. Its nature and properties have intrigued philosophers, naturalists and scientists

since antiquity. Water continues to engage the attention of scientists today as it

remains incompletely understood in spite of intense study over many years. This is

primarily because water is anomalous in many of its physical and chemical properties.

Some of water’s unique properties are literally essential for life, while others have

profound effects on the size and shape of living organisms, how they work and the

physical limits or constraints within which they must operate. The structure and

properties of water at the molecular level has been studied through spectroscopic and

thermodynamic experiments. The more recent discipline of computer simulation has

also played a role, having achieved a level of sophistication in the study of water in

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which it can be used to interpret experiments and simulate properties not directly

accessible by experiment.

1.6. Basic physical properties

Selected physical properties of water are given in Table 1.2. To put these in context,

comparison is made with the organic solvents methanol and dimethyl ether, where

one and two of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by a methyl group, respectively.

Water is a small solvent, occupying about 0.003 nm3 per molecule in the liquid state

at room temperature and pressure, yet it is highly cohesive because of the strong

intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds or H-bonds) between the oxygen and

hydrogen atoms. This is reflected in its high boiling point, the large amount of heat

needed to vaporize it and its high surface tension. Replacement of one or both of the

hydrogen dramatically weakens these intermolecular interactions, reducing the

magnitude of these quantities. The strong cohesive interactions in water also result in:

(1) A high viscosity, since for a liquid to flow interactions between neighboring

molecules must constantly be broken; and

(2) A high specific heat capacity – the ability to store a large amount of potential

energy for a given increment in kinetic energy (temperature).

Table 1.2: Selected physical properties of water, methanol and dimethyl ether at

298 K

Property Water Methanol Dimethyl ether

Formula H2O CH3OH (CH3)2O

Molecular weight (g mol–1

) 18 32 46

Density (kg L–1

) 0.998 0.7914 0.713

Boiling point (K) 373 338 248

Volume of fusion (nm3) 0.0027 Negative Negative

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Liquid density maximum (K) 277 None None

Specific heat (JK–1


) 4.18 2.53 2.37

Specific heat (JK–1


) 75.2 81.0 109.0

Heat of vaporization (kJ g–1

) 2.3 1.16 0.40

Heat of vaporization (kJ mol–1

) 41.4 37.1 18.4

Surface tension (mN m–1

) 72.8 22.6 16.4

Viscosity (μPa s) 1002 550 233

Dielectric constant 78.6 33.6 5.0

Dipole moment (Cm×1030

)a, a=(gas)

6.01 5.68 4.34

In part water’s high specific heat and heat of vaporization relative to other liquids

results from its small size. More intermolecular interactions are contained in a given

volume of water than comparable liquids. When this is taken into account by

expressing the specific heat and heat of vaporization on a molar basis, methanol and

water are comparable. The surface tension of water, however, is still anomalously

large after accounting for differences in size. Water has one of the highest dielectric

constants of any non-metallic liquid. It also has the remarkable properties of

expanding when it is cooled from 4 0C to its freezing point and again when it freezes.

Both the expansion of water and its high dielectric constant reflect subtle structural

features of liquid water at the molecular level.

1.7. Biological relevance of water’s physical properties

Water, owing to its high boiling point, exists predominantly in its liquid form in the

range of environments where life flourishes, although the other two phases, ice and

vapor, play an essential role in shaping the environment. The high specific heat and

heat of vaporization of water have important consequences for organisms at the

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cellular and physiological level, in particular, for the efficiency of processes involving

heat transfer, temperature regulation, cooling, etc. Viscosity is the major parameter of

water that determines how fast molecules and ions can be transported and how rapidly

they diffuse in aqueous solution. It, thus, provides a physical upper limit to the rates

of many molecular level events within which organisms must live and evolve. These

include the rates of ion channel conductance, association of substrates with enzymes,

binding rates and rates of macromolecular assembly. It also sets an upper bound to the

length scale over which biological processes can occur purely by diffusion. In many

cases, for example, in enzyme–substrate reactions, evolution has pushed the

components of living systems to the limits set by water’s viscosity.

The high surface tension of water is relevant at two levels. First, below a length scale

of about 1 mm surface tension forces dominate gravitational and viscous forces, and

the air – water interface becomes an effectively impenetrable barrier. This becomes a

major factor in the environment and life style of small insects, bacteria and other

microorganisms. Second, at the molecular (0.1–100 nm) scale, the surface tension

plays a key role in water’s solvent properties. The high dielectric constant of water

also plays an important role in its action as a solvent. The biological significance of

the expansion of water upon cooling below 4 0C and upon freezing, though crucial, is

largely indirect through geophysical aspects such as ocean and lake freezing, the

formation of the polar ice cap and in weathering by freeze–thaw cycles.

1.8. Hydrogen bonding

Water exists in three phases: vapor, liquid and ice, the last of which has at least nine

known forms. For biological phenomena, the most important is the liquid phase. It is

useful, however, when describing its structure of which the simplest form of ice, Ice I,

is used as a reference. The structures of both are dominated by the hydrogen-bonding

interaction. The hydrogen bond (H-bond) is a strong bond formed between a polar

hydrogen and another heavy atom, usually, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur in

biological molecules. In the gas phase, the strength of H-bond between two waters is

22.7 kJmol-1

, although in liquids and solids its strength is greatly dependent on

geometry and the surrounding molecules. It is, sometimes, characterized as

intermediate between ionic and covalent bonds in character, although its energy as a

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function of the length and angle can be quite accurately described by coulomb

interaction between the partial atomic charges on the hydrogen, the heavy atom it is

covalently attached to and the oxygen, nitrogen, carbon or sulfur atoms with which it

is making the H-bond.

1.9. Different models for structure of water

Water is unique among liquids due to its anomalous physico-chemical properties

usually not found in other liquids, for example, contraction upon melting (as in

Germanium and Bismuth), density maximum, negative pressure coefficient of

viscosity, high melting and boiling points, high latent heats of fusion and evaporation,

high dielectric constant and high molar heat capacity. In spite of extensive efforts and

investigations carried out to understand the structure of water not a single completely

satisfactory self-consistent model capable of explaining all these anomalous

properties has been proposed.

The structural research on water originated in a classical paper by Bernal and


. They showed that liquid water is best described as a rather broken down and

slightly expanded (mean o-o distance: ice 276 pm, liquid water 292 pm) form of the

ice lattice. Thus X-ray and other techniques indicate that in water there is a

considerable degree of short range order which is characteristic of tetrahedral bonding

in ice.

Thus, liquid water partly retains the tetrahedral bonding resulting in network structure

characteristic of crystalline ice. In addition to the water molecules that are part of the

network, some structurally free, non associated water molecules can be present in the

interstitial region of the network (Fig. 1.2). When a network water molecule breaks its

hydrogen bonds with the network, it can move as an interstitial water molecule that

can rotate freely. The classification of water molecules into network water and free

(or interstitial) water is not static but dynamic one

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Figure 1.2: Schematic diagram to show that in liquid water there are networks of

associated water molecules and also a certain fraction of free, unassociated water



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Figure 1.3: Schematic representation of the crystal structure of ice-I at low pressure

In a classical paper by Frank andWen16

, it was argued that clusters of water molecules

co-operate to form networks and at the same time the networks break down. A water

molecule may be free in an interstitial position at one instant and in the next instant it

may become as a unit of the network. Later, the tetrahedral model was also supported

by Morgan and Warren17

which is similar to that in ice-I (Fig. 1.3). Taking this as a

starting point, various models have been suggested to explain water structure which

can be grouped into two general categories: “continuum” model and “mixture” model.

Continuum model

Using continuum model, one describes liquid water as still essentially complete

hydrogen bonded network with a distribution of hydrogen bond energies and


. This model considers the average strength of hydrogen bonds in water

to be weaker than in ice as a result of irregular distortion and elongation both of which

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increase with temperature. This model fails to explain the entropy data and, therefore,

also hydration properties of non-polar molecules.

Mixture model

Using mixture model, one describes liquid water as an equilibrium mixture of

molecular species with different number of hydrogen bonds per molecule22-26

. Such a

description implies the disruption of a well defined proportion of hydrogen bonds at

any temperature. Depending on the nature of species involved, a number of models

have been reported to explain structure of water.

1. Interstitial model

2. Water hydrate model

3. Flickering cluster model

Out of these three models, flickering cluster model is most important in the area of

solution chemistry, which is described briefly below.

Flickering cluster model

This model was proposed by Frank and Wen16

. They considered water as a mixture of

cluster of hydrogen bonded water molecules (bulky water) and monomers (denser

water) in equilibrium with each other. The phenomenon of formation of hydrogen

bonds in liquids is a co-operative phenomenon, i.e., the bonds are not made and

broken singly but several at a time, thus, producing short lived clusters of highly

hydrogen bonded regions surrounded by non-hydrogen bonded molecules. The

formation and dissolution of these flickering clusters of water molecules of short life

time (10-11

s to 10-10

s) is governed by local energy fluctuations. This model can

account qualitatively for various experimentally observed quantities such as density

data, relaxation times in various processes, the structural changes in solutions of non-

polar substances and the subsequent changes in thermodynamic parameters.

1.10. Review of literature

A literature survey shows that ultrasonic studies have been carried out in a variety of

binary liquid mixtures. It reveals the fact that ultrasonic has been a subject of active

interest during the recent past. Recent literature on ultrasonic studies show that

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ultrasonic still exists as a potential tool in evaluating intermolecular interactions,

energy exchange between various degrees of freedom and non-linear properties in

binary liquid mixtures.

1.10.1. Intermolecular interactions in binary liquid mixtures

Ultrasonic velocity and intermolecular interactions existing in binary liquid mixtures

are clearly explained using excess thermodynamic functions derived from ultrasonic

velocity and density measurements. Rajaguru and Jeyaraj27

studied the excess

thermodynamic functions of binary mixtures of allyl alcohol with 1,4 dioxane and

carbon tetrachloride at two different temperatures and concluded that heteromolecular

interactions exist in the allyl alcohol + 1,4 dioxane system and dispersion forces exist

in allyl alcohol + carbon tetrachloride system. Reddy et al.28

studied the volumetric

and ultrasonic behavior of ethyl acetate with some chloroethanes and chloroethenes.

The experimental data was used to explain the effect of successive chlorination and

unsaturation of ethane molecule. Belsare et al.29

determined specific acoustic

impedance and adiabatic compressibilities in binary mixtures of o-chlorophenol, p-

chlorophenol, chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene with benzene. They suggested that

only a weak interaction such as dispersion forces should be active in these mixtures.

Govindappa et al.30

measured sound velocities in binary mixtures of 1-chlorobutane

with benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene

and nitrobenzene. From the sound velocity and density data, excess compressibilities

were derived and it was concluded that weak dipole- induced dipole interactions and

dipole-dipole interactions were present in these systems. Rao et al.31

estimated several

excess functions like excess enthalpy, excess viscosity and excess Gibb's free energy

from ultrasonic velocity and viscosity determinations in binary liquid mixtures of

toluene with different alcohols. They observed that as the concentration of toluene

was increased, there was a possibility of breaking of the hydrogen bonds, which

associates the alcohol molecule. Srinivasulu and Naidu32

evaluated the

compressibility and excess compressibility from ultrasonic velocity and density

measurements in binary mixtures of l, l, l-trichloroethane with different alcohols and

observed that excess compressibilities were positive in all these binary systems which

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indicated that weak interactions, due to the structure breaking effects of 1, l, l-

trichloroethane, were present. Chennarayappa et al.33

determined the excess

compressibility values in binary mixtures of methyl cyclohexylamine with several

alcohols. From the magnitude and sign of the excess compressibilities they found that

strong hydrogen bond interactions exist in these systems. Singh and Kalsh34


various thermo acoustical parameters and excess thermodynamically functions in

binary mixtures of tetrabutyltin chloride, tributyltin chloride and dibutyltin dichloride

with tetrahydrofuran. They concluded that complex formations are absent in these

liquid mixtures and molecules interact weakly through dispersion forces. Dewan et


determined the experimental values of ultrasonic velocities in binary mixtures of

ethylbenzene with acetonitrile, butyronitrile, nitromethene and nitroethane at 303.15

K. The experimental velocities were compared with the theoretical values calculated

by Flory, Jacobson and Schaaffs theories. They observed that the velocity values

computed using Schaaff's theory10

agreed well with the experimental values of

ultrasonic velocity in these binary mixtures. Rajendran and Benny36

measured the

ultrasonic velocity in the binary mixtures of triethylamine with different alcohols and

evaluated the compressibility and its excess value. From the magnitude and sign of

excess compressibility values they suggested that strong hydrogen bond interactions

between NH2 group of triethylamine and OH group of alcohols were present in these

binary systems. Ramanjappa et al.37

evaluated excess sound velocity and excess

specific acoustic impedance in binary mixtures of di-n-propylether + n - heptane, 3, 6-

dioxaoctane + n-heptane and 2, 5, 8-trioxanonane + n-heptane. In these studies, they

concluded that due to inductive effect several oxygen atoms weakens the C-H bonds

and enhance the hydrogen bonding and this leads to self association of molecules. Rao

et al.38

studied ultrasonic speed and isentropic compressibilities of binary mixtures of

acetonitrile with some amines of n-butylamine, sec-butylamine, tert-butylamine, n-

pentylamine, n-hexylamine, n-heptylamine, n-octylamine, and cyclohexylamine at

303.15 K. In such studies, the excess isentropic compressibility was found to be

negative for the binary mixtures of n-butylamine, sec-butylamine and tert-butalamine

with acetonitrile while positive excess compressibilities were found in the mixtures of

hexylamine, octylamine, pentylamine and heptylamine with acetronitrile. From these

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observations, they suggested that positive excess compressibility is an indication of

weak interaction (due to loss of dipolar association), which contributes to increase in

the interspace between molecules in the mixture and negative excess compressibility

is an indication of strong interaction between electrostatic forces of dipoles.

Padmasree and Prasad39

studied ultrasonic behavior in binary mixture of ethylacetate

+ n-butanol at 303.15 K, 313.15 K and 323.15 K. Jacobson and Schaaff”s theories

were successfully applied to these binary mixtures. From the characteristics of excess

functions, they found that interactions between unlike molecules are predominant in

the binary mixtures besides interstitial occupation which dominates other types of

interactions. Reddy et al.40

evaluated the excess thermodynamic functions of three

binary mixtures of acetophenone, 4-chloro acetophenone and 2-hydroxy

acetophenone with isopropanol as the common component by measuring ultrasonic

velocity, density and viscosity. They observed that there was no complex formation

but a strong molecular interaction was present in those binary systems which were

due to the interstitial accommodation of acetophenone molecule in the H-bonded

alcohol structures and orientational ordering leading to more compact structures. Siva

Prasad and Venkateswarlu41

determined ultrasonic velocity in the binary mixtures of

2-butoxyethanol with benzene, toluene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, chlorobenzene,

bromobenzene and nitrobenzene at 303.15 K. The excess compressibility curve

showed a positive deviation for the binary mixture of 2-butoxyethanol with three

xylenes and a negative deviation for other mixtures. The positive deviation of excess

compressibility revealed that structural effects predominated over the effects of

complex formation between ᴨ electrons of benzene ring and oxygen in 2-

butoxyethanol and the negative deviation was attributed to the decrease in free length

due to complex formation through charge transfer and dipolar association between the

component molecules. Pandey et al.42

measured sound velocity and density in six

binary mixtures namely n-heptane + toluene, n-heptane + n-hexane, toluene + n-

hexane, cyclohexane + n-heptane, cyclohexane + n-hexane and n-decane + n-hexane

at 298.15 K. The calculated isothermal compressibility was compared with the

theoretically calculated values using hard sphere equation of state and Flory's

statistical theory and a satisfactory agreement was found. Kalra et al.43

studied the

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molecular interactions in mixtures of quinoline with some aromatic hydrocarbons

using ultrasonic, dielectric and viscometric methods. From the study, they concluded

that strong specific interactions resulting from H-bond formation, closer molecular

arrangement, donor acceptor interaction and self association of quinoline exists

between unlike molecules. Chauhan et al.44

studied ultrasonic velocity and viscosity

in a binary mixture of acetonitrile with propylene carbonate. The excess

compressibility was evaluated and the negative nature of excess compressibility

revealed that strong dipole-dipole interaction existed in the binary mixture. Rout and


studied the molecular interaction existing in binary mixtures of

acetylacetone with isoamyl alcohol, benzene and carbon tetrachloride at four

temperatures. The excess thermodynamically functions were evaluated from

ultrasonic velocity, viscosity and density measurements. The nature and sign of

excess functions indicated that strong dipole-induced dipole interactions were present

in acetylacetone + carbon tetrachloride mixture while the interactions present in the

other two systems were weak. Rajendran and Marikani46

measured ultrasonic

velocities in liquid mixtures of aniline with methanol, ethanol and phenol at 303.15 K.

From nature of excess compressibility and excess internal pressure, they found that

hydrogen bond interaction was present in aniline-methanol and aniline-ethanol binary

systems while a 2: 1 complex formation was predominant in aniline-phenol mixture.

Lafuente et al.47

studied the excess compressibilities of binary mixtures of several

isomers of chlorobutane with isomers of butanol. From these observations they found

that negative excess compressibility values might be due to better packing of the

molecules in the mixture that could lead to a smaller compressibility than that of the

ideal mixture. Chauhan et al.48

calculated several acoustical parameters in the binary

mixture of acetonitrile + propylene carbonate by measuring ultrasonic velocity and

density. The nature and behavior of acoustical parameter like Rao's constant, Wada's

constant, etc. revealed the absence of any complex formation and the presence dipole-

dipole interactions in this system. Nikam et al.49

studied the acoustical properties of

nitrobenzene with several alcohols at 303.15 K. The excess functions like excess

compressibility and excess intermolecular free length were found to be negative in all

these systems, which showed the presence of strong dipole-dipole type molecular

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interactions between nitrobenzene and alcohols. Chauhan et al.50

measured ultrasonic

velocity, density and viscosities in the binary mixtures of methanol with dimethyl

sulphoxide and dimethyl formamide, and dimethyl sulphoxide with dimethyl

formarnide at 298 K, 308 K and 318 K. The excess functions revealed that hydrogen

bond interactions were present in methanol + dimethyl sulphoxide and methanol +

dimethyl formamide systems where as both dipolar and hydrogen bonding

interactions were present in dimethyl sulphoxide + dimethyl formamide systems.

Gupta and Shukla51

studied molecular association in binary mixtures of dioxane with

formic acid, salicylic acid and benzoic acid using ultrasonic velocity data. The non-

linear variations of velocity, intermolecular free length, specific acoustic impedance

and Rao's constant supported the existence of complex formation in these binary

systems. Rajendran52

carried out volumetric, viscometric and ultrasonic behaviour of

binary mixtures of n-heptane with some isomeric alcohols at 298.15 K. In these

measurements they found that the strength of intermolecular interactions decreased

with increase in size of alcohol molecules and complex formation was absent in these


1.10.2. Intermolecular interactions in solutions of amino acids

In the last chapter (Chapter –VII), work has also been reported on solution containing

amino acids. The survey of literature in this field suggests that vast amount of work

has been done on aqueous and mixed aqueous amino acid solutions. Many


investigated the solubility of amino acids in terms of activity and

osmotic coefficients in water. Solubility of amino acids as a function of temperature

and pH was reported by Amend and Helgeson56


The determination of the factors governing the conformational stability of

biopolymers is of fundamental importance for many biological phenomena. Solute-

solvent and solute-solute interactions are of primary importance in the maintenance of

native conformation of proteins and nucleic acids. Thermodynamic and transport

properties such as partial molar/molal volume, heat capacity, free energy, enthalpy,

compressibility, viscosity, surface tension, etc. have been shown to yield valuable

information regarding the relative magnitude of various solute-solvent and solute-

solute interactions.

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Millero et al.57

determined the apparent molal volume and adiabatic compressibility of

several amino acids in water and calculated the number of water molecules bonded to

the charged centers of α-amino acids. The number of hydrated water molecules,

electrostriction partial molal volume and compressibility were also determined from

partial molal volume and compressibility data. They have also estimated various

group contributions for the partial molal volume and compressibility by different

methods for the studied amino acids.

Cabani et al.58-60

reported the volumes, compressibilities, expansibilities and heat

capacities of α-amino acids, ω-amino acids and polypeptides in the temperature range

of 298.15 – 328.15 K. The volume change in the formation of zwitterionic structures

are estimated and correlated with distance between the NH3+ and COO

- groups and

with the nature of the chain separating them. It was also shown that partial molar

volumes of amino acids were less than those of neutral molecules and approaches

those of ionic species of similar size. Similar studies on α, ω amino acids were also

carried out by Shahidi and Farrell61



reported the apparent volume of fourteen amino acids in aqueous solutions

within the temperature range of 288 - 328 K. The decrease in volume of polar and

charged atomic groups as well as the temperature dependences of the partial volumes

was analyzed. The differences in behavior between charged, polar and nonpolar

atomic groups were determined. The surface area of the molecule, in addition to the

van der Waals volume, was considered as an essential parameter in comparing polar

and nonpolar molecules.


also measured apparent adiabatic compressibilities of twenty one amino

acids over a wide temperature range. Partial compressibilities of atomic groups have

been determined as function of temperature and interpreted in terms of hydration and

intramolecular interactions between different parts of a molecule.

Jolicoeur and Boileau64

discussed apparent molar volumes and heat capacities of

glycine, alanine, serine and their oligopeptides at 298.15 K. The data was described in

terms of contributions from amino acid side chains –CH3 and –CH2OH and end group

hydration effects. Yayanos65, 66

reported the volumes and compressibilities of aqueous

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amino acids at 298.15 K. The volume change at 1000 atmospheric pressure was also

reported and it was observed that apparent molar volume of dipolar amino acids

increases with pressure. Electrostriction decreases with increasing pressure and

appeared to be dependent on the dipole moment of amino acids.

Partial molar heat capacities and volumes of transfer of some amino acids and

peptides from water to aqueous NaCl and CaCl2 were studied by Bhat and

Ahluwalia67, 68

. The transfer properties were positive because of dominant interactions

of Na+, Ca

2+ and Cl

- with charged centers of amino acids and peptides. The peptide

group is strongly salted in or stabilized by CaCl2 and less so by NaCl. The results

were rationalized by co-sphere overlap model. Positive transfer compressibilities were

also obtained in presence of NaCl and glucose solution by Banipal and Sehgal69

. A

detailed study of apparent molar volumes, compressibilities and refractive indices of

glycine (full concentration range) in aqueous NaCl, KCl, KNO3 and NaNO3 at 298.15

K was also carried out70, 71

. The positive transfer properties obtained indicate glycine

has larger size in aqueous electrolytes than in H2O. This effect was attributed to

doubly charged behavior of glycine and formation of physically bonded ion–pairs

between charged groups of glycine and ions.

Mishra and Ahluwalia72

determined partial molar volumes of zwitterionic α-amino

acids and peptides in aqueous solutions. They have observed deviations from apolar

group additivity up to a distance of four consecutive -CH2 groups remote from the

hydrophilic groups which indicate the long-range of zwitterionic hydration on the

contributions of apolar groups to the volumes.

Taulier and Chalikian73

reviewed the results of compressibility studies on proteins

and low molecular weight compounds that model the hydration properties of these

biopolymers. These analyses were used to define the changes in the hydration

properties and intrinsic packing associated with native to-molten globule, native-to-

partially unfolded and native-to-fully unfolded transitions of globular proteins.

Singh and Banipal74

reported positive partial molar adiabatic compressibility of

transfer at infinite dilution and B-Coefficient of transfer of some amino acids in

aqueous glycerol solutions at 298.15 K. They also calculated activation energy of

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viscous flow in aqueous and mixed aqueous glycerol solutions from B-Coefficient

and partial molar volume data. They also reported hydration number, interaction

coefficients and results had been discussed in terms of solute-cosolute interactions.


has reviewed the viscosity B-coefficients and standard partial molar volumes

of amino acids at various temperatures. He discussed the effect of organic solutes and

various ions on the viscometric and volumetric properties in terms of their

kosmotropic (structure making) and chaotropic effects on the hydration of amino

acids and also interpreted their role on protein stability. In addition to this, he also

reported the volumetric behavior of amino acid ions (cations and anions) because

these ions have been incorporated as a part of novel ionic liquids which have wide

applications in biocatalysts and protein stability.

Pal and Chauhan76

determined partial molar volume, partial molar adiabatic

compressibility, transfer volume, transfer B-coefficients, hydration number and

interaction coefficients of L-alanine in aqueous carbohydrate solution at different

temperatures. These parameters have been discussed in terms of solute-solvent


Some data is also available for the thermodynamic properties of amino acids in

presence of aqueous sugars. Uedaira77

reported the activity coefficients of α-

aminobutyric acid and glycylglycine in aqueous sucrose. Bhat


densities and heat capacities of some amino acids and peptides in aqueous glucose. It

was found that at low concentration of solute salting in of amino acids takes place,

whereas at higher concentrations salting out of amino acids predominates.


proposed a simple statistical theory called Cluster Integral Expansion

theory for the quantification of interactions between like and unlike charged ions. In

order to derive the theory he used Mayer’s ionic solution theory80

. It has been possible

to compute the excess Gibbs free energy of mixing in terms of contributions made by

pairs, triplets, quadruplets and high order mixing terms. The limiting laws of mixing

of two ions of the same sign have been accurately derived and demonstrated


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1.11. Aim of research work

The knowledge of thermo acoustic properties is of great significance in

understanding the physico chemical behavior and molecular arrangement in

various liquid mixtures and solutions. Ultrasonic study of liquids and liquid mixtures is

of considerable importance in understanding intermolecular interactions

between the component molecules and finds applications of such mixtures in

several industrial and technological process81-86

. Speed of sound itself is highly

sensitive to the structure and interactions present in the liquid mixtures as it is

fundamentally related to the binding forces between the constituents of the


. For the qualitative estimation of the molecular interactions in solutions,

the ultrasonic velocity approach was first studied by Lagemann and Dunbar88


The experimental results of ultrasonic speed and density are used to

calculate acoustic and thermodynamic parameters that are found to be very

sensitive with regard to molecular interactions89-99

. The excess properties of the

acoustic and thermodynamic parameters will give the information about the nature and

strength of molecular interactions and are sensitive to the intermolecular forces as

well as to size of the molecules100

. Hence, such measurements are useful to study

the strength of molecular interactions in liquid mixtures.

The thesis is, thus, aimed to seek the following objectives:

(1) To collect a new set of experimental data on various physicochemical properties

such as density, speed of sound and viscosity for the binary liquid systems

containing higher alcohols and the aromatic hydrocarbons as one of the

components at different temperatures and compositions.

(2) To evaluate various thermodynamic functions for the individual properties from

the measured data on pure and mixture components.

(3) To examine the sensitivity of the composition dependence of various

thermodynamic properties to variations in temperature, size, shape and the nature of

the components.

(4) To understand the nature and extent of patterns of intermolecular interactions in

the binary liquid mixtures from the knowledge of the corresponding experimental

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(5) To measure the volumetric properties of amino acids in mixed aqueous solutions

and to study the various parameters like partial molal volume, partial molal

compressibility, etc.

(6) To gather information about interactions in amino acids-water-THF/Methanol.

(7) To study viscous behavior of the binary solutions as well as amino acid solutions

using Jones-Dole equation.

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