introduction cam followers

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  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers


    NADELLA cam followem are designed to tun directly on various types of surface such ascams, ramps and slideways.In order to satlsfy the operating eonditions irnposed On thls type o i bearlng - eavy radlalbads usually accornpanled by substantial and repeated shocks, he various N A D U arnfollowers have these cornmon advantages:+ heavy sectlon outer ring of high strength steel hardened to 58-61 -5 HRC

    outer ring possesdng no oil hole or lubrication groove, thus preventing the inlmductlan ofimpurittes nto the bearlng and scaling and galling of the bearlng track

    convex outer ring tolerang out-of-parallellsm of contact surfacesoil holes situated under the needtes enabling lubrlcant replenishment through the shallfull complement of needles providing maximurn dynamic and static load capacitles.

    Although the use o l a convex outer ring is advisable in many Gases, cam followers are alsoavallable with cyllndrical outer ring for special applicaons or for use as radial bearings.

    For the use of Garn followers with convex outer rlng as bean'ngs, please consult NADEUATechntcal Department.

    I Convex oder r b g I Cyllndrical outer rlng I

    FG ..


    G C ..GCR. ..

    I withoutseslei

    RNAll00086RNAB11 000

    FG ...EEMFGU ... MM

    QC...MMGCR ... EEMGCU ...MMGCUR ... MM

    d l h 1s wllhout w l k A l sIFGL.. .FPL ...GCL.. ,QCRL...


    RNAL11 000

    meta1 seals plastlc 1 rnetal

    GCL.. .EGCRL... E f



    Dynamle wpaciiy Cg NADELLA: lt is the constant radial Ioad which a follower can suppodduring 1 000 000 revoluons b e b e the first signs of fatigue appear on a ring or rolltng ele-ment

    This dynarnic capacliy enables ta calculate the llfe of a eam follower.

  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers


  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers


    W A Y ~ ~ ~ ;The stress capacliy of the r a c e w y on whlch the followerrotates depends on several factorssuch as toad and speed, possibllityof shoek and wldthof follower.In the case of high loads,raceway stress may be calculated approxlmatelyby the formula:

    R > 45- , , here:R in megapascals 11P in newtonsDe In mmL in rnm

    = raceway stresc= applied load on follower= outer dlameter of follower= wirlth of follower

    nmmmatmmThe deslgn of NADELLAfull~omplemsnt eedle or rollerfollowers providesappll~ations iththe high degree of rlgidity necessary for precise rnotion.

    This is essentially due ta the rlgldiiy of the stud and the rallingelements, to the bendlng un-der load of the outer rlng, to the rlgidcontact between the outer rlng and the cam, and abovealIto the thickness of the outer ring.Owing to thelr Inner design, ihe fullcomplement followers type$ GC, FG .. lrnItthe Imd on therollingelements and consequsntly ths load on the outer ring.For K vatues, please See tabte of dimenslons.

    miiE6 OH.ASSE~BLY

    Positioning of the radial lubricatlon hole

    In cases where the follower is subjected to high loads, shock or vibmtlon, the lubrlcatlonhole situated under the needles should be posioned outslde the loaded Zone. Ttie lubrlca-tion hole which Is not visible on the cam followerwith threaded stud is parallelto the screw-driver slot in the head of the stud. nhs GC 13 does not possess a lubrlcatlon hole.) Whereihe head of the stud has a hexagonal socket, the posltlon of the lubricatlon hole 1s indlcated

    by the marking NA.F Lateral support of FG type fDIlawers

    Shoulders on the shaft or othu parts servlng to retaIn the follower on the faces of the innerring should have an outer diameter no t l e a ha n dimensions Dt. Where there Is conslder-able axIaI load or Operation is subject to vibration,this outer diameter should be equal to di-mension M.

    Mounting cam fol!owers wilh threaded studs type GC , GCR,and derivatives

    The stud should fit easiiy into the hole In the mating member havlng a bore of toterance H?.To ensure contact over the entire surface area of the yoke, the supporng face of the rnatlngmember should have a diameter of at least equal to dlmension M.The locking torque applledto the nuts, as shown In he table of dirnensions, Is catculated to provide effectlve fixing of the


    ACCE99ORtH EOR ~ . Q W E ? $ G Eh p C*Garn followersGC and GCR withthreaded studs are supplied with the parts:

    The ~ t u df GC 10 to 15 has no axial hole. The stud of types GC and GC R up to De = 28 mmincluslvehas a single threaded hole at Its top end for a grease nlpple. If thls grease nlpple 1snot used, an additlonalplug can be supplied an request as a subsiitute.

    Type GC

    two nuts

    Type GCR

    one nutone lock washar

    - one nat washar-one grease nlpple for k ers up to Da= 28mm (except QC 10 to 15$ -

    - ---

    ane greasa nlpple and ona plug k rfollowers Imin De m 30 mrn

  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers


  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers



    -F .YOUR CAM FOUOWE - - - - - - =

    lmproved caill follower design for better

    This is what NADELLAotrives for with its "made to measure" cam iillowers which it manufac-tures when the quantities nvolved are sufficient to justify series production.

    mr ~ L L O W I I U QAY 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ F I I E U U I R -A a. The stud

    b. The types of mounting usedC. Lubrication method

    3 a. Garn follower designb. The shape of the outer ring

    A 1. Milled mounting points on stud2. Threads cut along entlre stud length3. Clip mounting in blind hole4. Sealed with smooth, threadless stud5. With tapped hole for central lubrication6. With tapped hole for eentral lubrication7. Blocking flais or square8. Hex-socket, long stud, special threading9. Hexagonal M square blocklng head

    B 10. Cam follower with thrusl bearings for high axial loads1 1. Simplified, non sealed carn follower12. With eccentric collar and blocking square13. Double ring cam follower14 . Cam ollower with polyurethane collar15. Specially shaped outer ring16. Carn follower with halbcircle, vee or other type groove17. Garn follower with long outer ring

    A given cam follower may comprise several modifications

    Exarnples: GC 53584 5 andlor 6 + 7GCR 53584 1 2 + 7 + 5 andlor6GC 53830 7 + 5 andlor 6

  • 8/6/2019 Introduction Cam Followers
