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introduction dossier Spanish Food & Drink Industry Federation 2011

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Introduction Dossier Spanish Food & Drink Federation (updated November 2011)


Page 1: Introduction Dossier FIAB

introduction dossier

Spanish Food & Drink

Industry Federation 2011

Velázquez, 64 - 3º28001 MadridT 91 411 7211 F 91 411 7344fi ab@fi

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FIABPresentationFIAB at a glance

STRUCTUREPresidencyGoverment bodiesManaging DirectorAdviser to the PresidencyFood Law Economic & International AffairsTechnical & EnvironmentInnovation & TechnologyCompetitivenessAdministration & FinancesVocational TrainingCommunications

REPRESENTATION IN THE EUBrussels DelegationEuropean Economic & Social Committee




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Presentation The Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation (FIAB) was created in 1977 to represent –through one organization with a single voice– the Spanish food and drinks industry, the foremost industrial sector of the country. At present, it encom-passes 50 sector associations representing nearly 90% of the industry’s turnover.

Its main activity is informing the sector of developments that might affect their performance and representing their interests before different administrations and decision-making bodies at national, European and international level.

FIAB was one of the leading industry associations to joined the Spanish Confedera-tion of Employers’ Organizations (CEOE). Also, in order to be able to represent the industry’s interests in the EU sphere, FIAB has maintained a permanent delegation in Brussels since 1983 and he has been a full member of EU Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries (FoodDrinkEurope) since 1986.


1. FoodDrinkEurope EU Confederation of the

Food and Drink Industries

2. CEOE Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations

3. AENOR Spanish Association for

Standarisation and Certification


5. EFLA European Food Law


6. Alimentum Foundation

7. Alimentia Foundation

FIAB and other organizations

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FIAB at a glance

Who makes up the Federation?

FIAB’s raison d’être is the representation of its group of Spanish food and beverage industries. All full right members participate in FIAB on equal footing, conforming to a system in which decisions are made in consensus at first instance or by vote in exceptional situations. The sectorial organizations associated with the Federation pass on to FIAB the position of the sector that they represent; whereas the Multi-sectorial Association of Companies (AME) transmits the objectives of their group of companies, all of them members of any of the associates of FIAB. The Federation may also subscribe to collaboration agreements with other entities and organiza-tions connected to the food and drink industry that share all or some of their objectives.

How does the FIAB management work?

The main function of FIAB is to move forward in the economic, politic and social areas in order to have a positive influence in the future. Each sector that makes up the Federation brings it their necessities and their concerns. FIAB analyses them and relays them to the

Public Administrations and national or international organisms in involved, defending at all times the collective interests of the Federation.

Today, FIAB’s specialization in the area of food is based on very concrete areas: food laws and nutrition, internationalization, economic matters, technical and environmental aspects, sustai-

nability, innovation and technology, competitiveness, administration and finance, vocational training and communication.

What does FIAB offer its members?

The added value that FIAB gives its members is the professionalism of the team that forms its Management Committee. All in all, more than 30 professionals operate on a daily basis advising each of the sector members. Our range of services is aimed at our direct members (the sectorial associations) and indirect members (the companies). Our most important services include:

Constant information on the technical regulations and legislation in force in the areas of food law, nutrition, environment and sustainability.

Monitoring and reviewing the above mentioned regulations with each of our associate members, so that their necessities are covered.

Judicial, fiscal and labour advice. Training, consultation and impulsion of the companies in the sector in terms of internatio-

nalization, innovation and technology. FIAB organises, coordinates and provides services in a series of promotion activities that are conducive to the boosting competitiveness in the food and drink sectors.

Bolstering the visibility of the sector as a strategic force in the Spanish economy.

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In what way does FIAB defend the interests of the industry?

In order to channel the necessities of each of our individual members as well as the general interests of the food and beverage industry, the usual FIAB counterparts are:

On the domestic level, the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs; the Ministry of Health, Social Policies and Equality; the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism; the Ministry of Science and Innovation; through their participation in technical committees, work groups or through their partnerships with specialised or-ganisms within government institutions such as the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency, the General Board of Interprofessional Groups, the Board of Directors of ICEX, the Council on Internationalization, the Commercial Distribution Observatory and the Agriculture and Food Price Observatory among others.

On the international level, FIAB is a member of FoodDrinkEurope (FIAB’s counterpart in Europe), through which it influences in the decisions made by the executive and legislative powers of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council in favour of the industry needs (lobby). FIAB also has a representative on the European Economic and Social Committee that actively participates in their meeting and especially in affairs concerning agriculture and food, fisheries, the environment and consumer protection.

How are FIAB’s efforts relevant to civil society?

All the technical operations that occur behind the Management team that is in constant coordination with our associates have, as its ultimate objective, to achieve the position of importance that should correspond to the food and beverage sector in Spanish society. The improvement of traceability within the food chain, the industry’s concern over food safety, balance of trade relationships, the sustainable environment, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle through a

balanced diet and exercise, the stimulation and promotion of R+D and internationalization are just some of the efforts it develops with the objective of promoting competition in the industry. To summarize, FIAB works under a model of constant improvement and endeavors to give out transparent information on all the aspects of the food industry

thereby contributing actively in civil society to the economic and social development of Spain.

Collaboration agreements with adherent entities

The Federation can sign collaboration agreements with other entities or organizations tied to the food and drink industry who share all or some of its objectives. These agreements should include the objectives, rights, and economic obligations of each party and be subject to a General Assembly for approval. The adherent entities have their own voice but will not have a vote in the government organisms.

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Born in Oviedo, Jesús Serafín Pérez has developed, since 1977, his business activity in the food and drinks industry as the CEO of Grupo de Empresas de Aguas de Fuensanta S.A. His close ties to the world of business lobbying made him assume for twenty years the presidency of the Spanish National Association of Bottled Water Companies (ANEABE) and for two terms the Euro-pean Federation of Bottled Water and the International Council of Bottled Water Association. Since April 2007, he is President of the Spanish Food Industry Employers Association - FIAB, and Vice-president of the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Associations). Since 2009, he is President of FoodDrinkEurope, becoming the first Spaniard in history to manage the largest European Industrial Sector representing 308,000 companies, 4 million jobs and € 913,000 million net sales.

Jesús Serafín Pérez

Juana [email protected]

FIAB’s Governing Bodies

The General Assembly

Objetive: It is the governing body of FIAB.

Composition: It is made up of the President, the spokesmen of the Member Associations and their secretaries/directors. The Managing Director acts as its Secretary.

Frequency: There are two types of General Assemblies, ordinary and extraordinary.

The Board of Directors

Objetive: It is the collegiate organ of strategic management.

Composition: It is made up by the President, 4 Vice-presidents, 14 Board Members, the Ma-naging Director, 3 representatives of European institution and the counselor to the President; representing the industry sector in a balanced and collegial manner.

Frequency: It meets every two months.

Director’ Committe

Objetive: It represents the Member Associations through their secretaries/managing directors.

Composition: It is made up of the secretaries and/or managing directors of the Member Associations. Its function is to inform of the negotiations that FIAB has in progress, esta-blishing a forum of debate and direct discussion with the associates and to support the Board of Directors. Through these meetings, they approve proposals that will be developed by the federation technicians.

Frequency: Monthly.


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Jorge Jordana Butticaz [email protected]

Luisa DíazSecretary

[email protected]

Horacio González Alemán [email protected]

Juana PeralesSecretary [email protected]

Managing Director In May 2010, Horacio González Alemán was appointed FIAB´s Managing Director. Up to that date he was Joint Secretary-General and responsible for all international matters. Through the different positions held, González Alemán has been linked to the Federation for over 20 years, such as managing the International Department or maintaing relationships with the different EU institutions as consultant in EU matters for the agro-food industry at the permanent Delegation of FIAB in Brussels.

He obtained his law degree at the Universidad de Sevilla, holds several certificates on High European Studies, Foreign Trade and Food Businesses Senior Management. Presently he is Substitute Member of the European Economic and Social Committee and President of the EU Advisory Group on the promotion of agricultural products. He represents FIAB in differents national organization such as ICEX or AESAN.

Adviser to the Presidency En 1977, when Jorge Jordana was the economic advisor to the Minister of Agriculture, he decided to abandon the Administration to organise the Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation, being its Secretary General for over 33 years, until 2010. Presently he continues his job at the Federation as Counsellor to the Presidency.

Jordana is member of numerous councils, boards and commissions of private and public entities: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología – CICYT (Interministerial Commission on Science and Technology), Governing Boards of the National Technical Centres on Food Technology and Security (CNTA), Fish Preserves (CECOPESCA) and Centro de Nuevas Tecnologías y Procesos Alimentarios – CENTA (Centre for New Technologies and Food Processes), INIA, IRTA, CECOC-PTC, among others.

He has participated, amongst others, in the creation of the University Degree on Food Science and Technology, Agro-food Inter-professional Organizations, Technological Sector Centres of national scope, Scientific Competence Centres online, Net on Food Safety Alert and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition.

Working areas

FIAB has its work structured in eight departments that are coordinated by the Management team, detailed below. Through these departments, the outline of activities of the Federation is centred on the following work areas: economy, labour and fiscal aspects, food law, nutrition, trade and export promotion, internationalization, professional training, the environment, innovation and technological development, and communication.

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Montserrat [email protected]

Izaskun YarzaSecretary [email protected]

Jaime [email protected]

Amelia PalomarDeputy-Director

[email protected]

Food Law

FIAB defends the interests of the food and drinks companies and participates in all phases of the drafting process of national, European and international (Codex) laws in this field. Likewise, it informs and advises its associates on any aspect of food law: food production, hygiene requirements, labelling, communication with consumers, manufacturing methods, legal aspects of commerciali-sation, quality, nutrition, etc.

Nationally, it permanently works with those in charge of the Spanish Ministries of Health and Social Policy; Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs; Trade and Industry and participates in the Inter-Ministerial Commission of Food Regulation (CIOA), advisory body for the drafting and interpretation of food norms. At European level it collaborates with FoodDrinkEurope. Interna-tionally it participates in the workings of the Codex (joint organization of FAO and the WHO on food), an obliged reference in the food world and food world trade.

Economic and International Affairs

The Economic and International Affairs Department centers its activities, on one hand, in fostering the internationalization of Spanish food and drink companies; and on the other, in analyzing the economic and financial situations of the principal world economies, and the exhaustive monitoring of the Spanish economy.

In the area of internationalization, it develops and organises horizontal promotion activities: group pavilions in fairs, Gastronomic Workshops, Seminars, Tastings; promotions at points of sale, market studies, etc., all aimed to boost the presence of Spanish food products in the international markets. To do this, FIAB collaborates with institutions such as ICEX (the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade), MARM (the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs) or the European Commission. FIAB also supports cooperation between companies through business meetings and trade missions, to encourage contact between Spanish compa-nies in the sector as well as with their counterparts abroad. This paves the way for agreements that allow greater internationalization for the companies.

In the area of economic affairs, the department sees through an exhaustive monitoring and analysis of the data relative to the national and international economy and studies the economic impact that certain measures may have on the industry. It participates in the Economic Commission of the CEOE, as well as in other related forums.

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Paloma Sánchez [email protected]

Mª José TocadosSecretary [email protected]

Federico [email protected]

Nuria Mª Arribas Deputy-Director

[email protected]

Technical and Environment

FIAB’s objective in this area is defending and representing its associates interests in the different phases of the drafting process of technical legislation on food and environmental legislation, both national and European, as well as informing on legal news. In this sense, FIAB works closely with the Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, the Institute for Prospective Tech-nological Studies (IPTS) in Seville, the Climatic Change Bureau and the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, among other institutions. Likewise, it actively participates in the Environment Committee of the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU (FoodDrinkEurope).

The workings of this department concentrate in two areas. In the environmental one, it deals with subjects such as: climatic change; legislation on packaging and its waste; industrial waste and prevention and integrated control of pollution and spills. In the technical area, it informs and advices about topics related to ingredients, additives, enzymes, pollutants, pesticides, materials in close contact with food, etc.

The department has a service that provides information and updating on environmental legislation, allowing to search for norms on this field specific to the sector, including EU, national and autonomous regions’ legislation, available on the web of the Federation.

Innovation and Technology

FIAB’s mission in this area is to facilitate the information flow between the industrial sector and the different public research centres and ministries that deal with innovation and technology, transmitting the food industry’s research needs to the Administration, so that future research projects will take into consideration the needs of its companies and their necessary development.

Through this department, FIAB participates in the drafting of the different national plans while informing about live open calls of the National R&D Plan (Research, Development and Innovation), as well as of those of the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI) or similar organisations. This area also collaborates in the execution of several European projects, working with other EU national federations, members of FoodDrinkEurope or other international bodies.

Likewise, through OTRI-FIAB (Research Results Transfer Office) the public has at its disposal the results obtained through the R&D projects with public funding both for public centres and for private research centres. The Federation also leads the Sector’s Technolo-gical Platform Food for Life Spain and, recently, it has been one of the first ones considered by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology as an International Innovation Unit. The Spanish platform is one of the 34 national members of the European Platform Food for Life.

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Rubén Martí[email protected]

Aurora Gutiérrez Administration

[email protected]

Sandra [email protected]


In general lines, the department focuses its activities in the follow-up and defence of the industry’s interests, through initiatives related to the improvement of its competitiveness and the fostering of the European agro-food model. More specifically, FIAB’s activity in this area concentrates on the industry’s commercial relations with other countries and the follow-up of bilateral and multilateral agreements; the reduction of barriers and obstacles to international trade; the working balance of the agro-food chain and the relationships between its members; the fostering of the industry’s foreign scoop and the defence of the European produc-tion model; as well as the development of national and European policies.

For a good number of these actions to progress, the department collaborates with several Ministries, such as the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM) or the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (MITYC). It also has a delegation in Brussels, besides participating in the working groups of FoodDrinkEurope (Confederation of the food and drink industries of the EU) and the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations), working together with them in projects fostered by such institutions.

Administration and Finance

This department is in charge of all the administrative organization within the Federation, especially in three primary areas: economy and finance, internal organization and human resources.

In the area of economy and finance it takes charge of cost management, budgets, associates’ quotas, and technology and computer sys-tems. In the area of human resources, its main task is the management of FIAB personnel, the implantation of development programs and the management of work load according to objectives.

Professional Training

Through this area, the Federation fosters and promotes within the sector the three areas of Professional Training – initial or compul-sory, occupational and continuous –, while working together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Immigration and the Tripartite Fund for Professional Training. In this field, FIAB actively participates in several specific organs, such as the General Council for Professional Training, the National Institute for Qualification (INCUAL) or the Peer Commission on Food and Drinks of the Tripartite Foundation.

Regarding Ongoing Training, FIAB channels and manages, together with the most representative trade unions of the sector, the Tripartite Foundation’s financial aid, and it has been promoting for over ten years its own training plans (now Programme-Contracts) contributing to train over 50,000 sector workers.

Other significant working areas: trainings to managers of small and medium companies, participation in EU programmes, research and fostering of awareness activities on subjects such as the implementation of total quality systems, innovation, access to new technologies or labour risk prevention.

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Clara Pi Rodrí[email protected]

Graphic Communication & Social MediaNatalia Martínez [email protected]


The main responsibility of Communications Department is to ensure that the food and beverage sector has the visibility and exposure it deserves and the position it should occupy in Spanish society, in accordance with its relevance and strategic importance.

In order to ascertain and guarantee the correct attainment of these objectives, the functions of the department can be summarized as follows:

Media relations Corporate communications Social Media Bulletins, reports and publications Internal communications Corporate image and visual identity

General Management organization chart

Toda la actividad de la Fedración disponible en la red

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José María [email protected]

Bruno [email protected]

Alba Ridao-Bouloumié Deputy-Director

[email protected]


Brussels Delegation In 1983 FIAB established a delegation in Brussels to represents its interests before the EU bodies. This permanent delegation keeps contacts with the Spanish Permanent Representation (REPER), EU institutions, while acting as link between the Federation and the Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU (FoodDrinkEurope).

European Economic and Social Committee Through the CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations) business representation, FIAB has a Counsellor on the European Economic and Social Committee, Mr. José María Espuny Moyano, who participates in all EESC activities, especially in the NAT Sections (Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development), INT Section (Inner Market), as well as in the Communi-cation Group.

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1 List of member associations before November 1, 2011

ASEMESA Association of Producers and Exporters of Edible Olives [email protected] President: Carlos Jiménez Secretary General: Antonio de Mora

UNIADE Spanish Union of Rice Industries [email protected] President: José Luis Pons General Manager: Sergio Tomás

ASOLIVA Spanish Olive Oil Exporters Association [email protected] President: José Pont General Manager: Rafel Pico

ANEABE National Association of Bottled Drinking Water Companies [email protected] President: Francisco Vallejo Secretary General: Irene Zafra

ANEO Spanish Association of Olive-Pomace Oil Extractors [email protected] President: Jesús Fernando General Manager: Jaime García

AGFAE General Association of Sugar Manufactures [email protected] President: Juan Luis Rivero General Manager: Martín Zabala

ANIERAC National Association of Edible Oil Industrial Packaging Companies and Refiners [email protected] President: Jaime Carbó General Manager: Primitivo Fernández

INFAOLIVASpanish Federation of Olive Oil Industries and Producers [email protected] President: Luis Gallardo General Manager: Enrique Delgado

AFOEX National Association of Companies that Foster National Oil Industries and its Extraction [email protected] President: José María García General Manager: Jorge de Saja

ANEV Spanish Association of Producers and Distributors of Vermouth, Bitter-Soda and Wine Aperitifs [email protected] President: Enrique Fabregat Secretary General: Pedro Miró

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Member Associations

FEC Spanish Coffee Federation [email protected] President: Juan Camín Secretary General: Eileen Gordon

ANFABRA National Association of Soft Drinks Manufactures [email protected] President: Íñigo Madariaga Secretary General: Ana Escudero

CERVECEROS DE ESPAÑA Brewers of Spain [email protected] President: Juan Gervás General Manager: Jacobo Olalla

Spanish Association of the Packaging Industry of Tea-bags and Herbs [email protected] President: Javier Giménez General Manager: Eileen Gordon

FEBE Spanish Federation of Spirit Producers [email protected] President: Pelayo de la Mata General Manager: Bosco Torremocha

AESI Spanish Association of Cider Producers [email protected] President: José Cardín Secretary General: Miguel González

FEDEJEREZ Sherry Wineries Association [email protected] President: Evaristo Babé General Manager: Patricia de la Puerta

ASEPRHU Spanish Association of Egg Producers [email protected] President: Medín de Vega General Manager: Mª. del Mar Fernández

Cocoa Industrial Association [email protected] President: Javier Almela Secretary General: Antonio Escuder

ASOZUMOS National Association of Fruit Juice Manufactures [email protected] President: Óscar Hernández Secretary General: Alfonso Mena

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Member Associations

HUMAÍZ Association of Transformers of Corn through Wet Method [email protected] President: José María Mateo General Manager: Luis Felipe Albert

PRODULCE Spanish Association of Confectionery Sector [email protected]; President: Olga Martínez General Manager: Carmen Rico

CAYCHI Candys ands Gums CHOCAO Chocolate y Cocoa productos APROGA Biscuits PPM Bakery and Confectionery brand TUMA Nougats and Marzipans

AFEPADI Business Association of Food Supplements and Dietary Product Manufacturers of Spain [email protected] President: Robert Sanahuja Secretary General: Camil Rodiño

AEFC Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Flakes or Expanded Cereals [email protected] President: Mauricio García Secretary General: Jorge de Saja

CONFECARNE Confederation of Business Organizations of the Spanish Meat Sector President: Jaume Blancafort

ANICE Spanish National Association of Meat Industries [email protected] Secretary General: Miguel Huerta

FECIC Catalan Federation of Meat Industries [email protected] Secretary General: José Collado

ANDI National Association of Manufactures of Dietetic Goods for Children [email protected] President: Juan Camín Secretary General: Jorge de Saja

ASEMAC Spanish Association of Frozen Dough Manufacturers [email protected] President: Felipe Ruano Secretary General: Jorge de Saja

AFHSE Spanish Association of Flour and Semolina Manufactures [email protected] President: José Ignacio Belenguer Secretary General: Ramón Sánchez

AENE Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Enteral Nutrition [email protected] President: Ignacio Mora Secretary General: Jorge de Saja

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Member Associations

ANIMPA National Association of Honey and Apiculture Products Industries [email protected] President: Bernardo Sorribes Secretary General: Teresa Lara

AEFH Spanish Association of Ice-Cream Manufacturers [email protected] President: José Abad Secretary General: Teresa Lara

Spanish Association of Ready-Cooked Food Manufactures [email protected] President: Ángel Matamoro Sec. Gral.: Álvaro Aguilar

AEFAA Spanish Association of Food Fragrance and Aroma Manufacturers [email protected] President: José Sola Secretary General: Ricardo Gómez

AFCA Association of Manufacturers and Marketers of Food Additives and Complements [email protected] President: Andrés Gavilán

AEPA National Association of Potato Chips and Snacks Manufacturers [email protected] President: José María Magriñá Secretary General: Carmen Rico

FENIL National Federation of Dairy Industries [email protected] President: Pedro Astals General Manager: Luis Calabozo Morán

Liquid milk and dairy products long-term Concentred milk, powder and butter Cheese manufacturing Yogurt and fresh dairy desserts

Spanish Association of Chilled Dishes Manufacturers [email protected] President: Fernando Fernández Secretary General: Agustín Roqué

ASPRIME National Association of Manufacturers of Raw Materials and Enhancers for Bakery, Patisserie and Ice Creams [email protected] President: Joaquín Pérez Secretary General: Agustín Roqué

PRODELIVERY Spanish Association of Prodelivery Foods Manufacturers [email protected] President: Enrique García Secretary General: Agustín Roqué

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Member Associations

ANFAAC National Association of Pet Care Manufactures [email protected] President: Paolo Ongari Secretary General: Santiago de Andrés

FNACV National Federation of Industrial Associations of Vegetable Preserves [email protected] President: José Salcedo Secretary General: Arturo Díez

APROMAR Business Association of Marine Farming Producers [email protected] President: Fernando Torrent Bravo Manager: Javier Ojeda

ASEVEC Spanish Association of Frozen Vegetables [email protected] President: José Félix Liberal Secretary General: Álvaro Aguilar

ANIE National Association of Transforming Industries of Sea Products [email protected] President: José Ángel Mozos Secretary General: Almudena Rodríguez

Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Sauces, Broths and Soups [email protected] President: Sergi Vidal Secretary General: Teresa Lara

CESFAC Spanish Confederation of Animal Food Industry [email protected] President: Joaquín Unzué General Manager: Jorge de Saja

AGRUCON Spanish Association of Vegetable Preserves Manufactures [email protected] President: Manuel Vázquez Secretary General: Carlos Gervás

FEICOPESCA Spanish Federation of Associations of Transforming Industries and Marketing of Fishing and Aquaculture Products [email protected] President: Álvaro Pérez-Lafuente Secretary General: Juan Vieites

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Headquarters C/ Velázquez, 64 - 3º28001 Madrid(+34) 91 411 72 [email protected]

Brussels Delegation

14, Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée,boîte 7 B-1040 Bruxelles(+32) 22300484

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Further information

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introduction dossier

Spanish Food & Drink

Industry Federation 2011

Velázquez, 64 - 3º28001 MadridT 91 411 7211 F 91 411 7344fi ab@fi