introduction of ayush


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INTRODUCTION OF AYUSH• India is a land of great ecological, cultural, political and

economic diversity. Its healthcare system reflects this diversity, both in its plural systems of health knowledge and practice.• AYUSH is a Acranomyal term that is composed of

Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unanai, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa and Homeopathy.• The term AYUSH is a Sanskrit term that denotes life or


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INTRODUCTION OF AYUSH• A separate Department of ISM&H was created in Ministry of

health and family welfare in march 1995.• Later it was renamed as department of AYUSH in November

2003. • Department of AYUSH was upgraded to Ministry of AYUSH in

November 2014.• There are around eight lakh of AYUSH practitioners, and even

more local healers of in India.

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1.AYURVEDA• ‘Ayur’ means age and ‘Veda’ denotes knowledge, so

Ayurveda defines knowledge about age or the knowledge which describe age.• The knowledge of Ayurveda is claimed to have passed

down to humans through a chain of supreme beings.• Oldest references of Ayurveda are found in Atharvaveda

that is last of four principals text of Hindu philosophy.

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AYURVEDA•Major Principals of Ayurveda are.1. Tridosha2. Triguna3. Saptdhatu4. Panchmahabhoot5. Biofire (Agni)• The principal objectives of Ayurveda is maintenance and

promotion of health, prevention of disease and cure of sickness.

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Ayurveda• Health is considered as a state of balance of tridosh and

triguna in body matrix.• Diagnosis of disease is achieved by taking care of various

internal and external factors altogether, by means of treating body as a whole. • The treatment of disease can be achieved by:1. Nidan Parivarjan (Avoidance of factor, causing disease)2. Shodhana therapy (Purification Treatment)3. Shamana therapy (Palliative Treatment)4. Pathya Vyavastha (Prescription of diet and activity)

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Ayurveda• Degree awarded for graduation BAMS (Ayurvedacharya),

post graduation MD(Ayurveda vachaspati) in 14 subjects, Kayachikitsa,Agad Tantra, Dravya Guna, Kaumar Bhritya, Maulik Siddhanta, Panchakarma, Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga, Roga & Vikrit Vigyan, Rasa Shastra, Sharir Rachana, Sharir Kriya, Shalya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra, Swastha Vritta.• Regulatory body for education and practice CCIM(1970).• Research council CCRAS.• Apex institutions NIA Jaipur, AIIAS Delhi, IPGTRA Jamnagar.• Proposed world Ayurveda Day (28 December).

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2.Yoga• The literal meaning of the Sanskrit word Yoga is ’Yoke’.

According to Maharishi Patanjali (The Father of Yoga), Yoga is the suppression of five modifications of the mind.• Yoga is one of the six systems of Astik Vedic philosophy.

Maharishi Patanjali, compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his "Yoga Sutras". • He advocated the eight folds path of Yoga, popularly

known as "Ashtanga Yoga" for all-round development of human beings.

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Yoga• Yoga is universal in character.• Yoga is an process for the development of human

consciousness. • Types of yoga• Japa Yoga-To concentrate one’s mind on divine name or holy

syllable, mantra etc. • Karma Yoga-Teaches us to perform all actions without having

any desire for their fruit. • Gyana Yoga-Teaches to discriminate between self and non-

self and to acquire the knowledge of one’s spiritual entity.

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• Bhakti Yoga- A system of intense devotion with emphasis on complete surrender to divine will. • Raja Yoga-Raja Yoga popularly known as Ashtanga Yoga .• Swara Yoga- Swara Yoga involves the systematic study of

the breath flowing through the nostril. • Kundalini-Kundalini Yoga is a part of Tantric Tradition. And

it involves awakening of potential force residing in Muladhara chakra.• Nadi- Nadis are flow of energy which we can visualize at

the psychic level as high voltage channels conducting the energy to the chakras.


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3.Naturopathy• Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living and a

drugless system of healing.• The morbid matter theory, concept of vital force and other

concepts upon which Naturopathy is based are already available in old texts. • The revival of Naturopathy started in India by translation of

Germany’s Louis Kuhne’s book “New Science of Healing”. • Naturopathy is a system of man building harmony with the

constructive principles and forces of Nature.

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• It has great health promotive, disease preventive and curative as well as restorative potential and effect.• Types of Natureopathy-1. Diet Therapy2. Fasting Therapy3. Mud Therapy

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4. Hydrotherapy5. Masso-Therapy6. Acupressure7. Acupuncture8. Chromo Therapy9. Air Therapy10. Magnet Therapy


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Yoga and Naturopathy• Degree awarded BNYS ( Bachelor in Naturopathy and Yoga

Sciences) are called Doctor of yoga and naturopathy.•While BA, Bsc, MA, Msc in yoga are considered as yoga

professionals.• On 07.02.2014, there were 2087 registered Naturopathy

practitioners in the country. • Apex institutions NIN Pune and MDNIY Delhi.• Research councils CCRYN Delhi.•World yoga day 21 June.

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4.Unani • Unani system originated in Greece. The foundation of

Unani system was laid by Hippocrates. • In India, Unani System of Medicine was introduced by

Arabs and Persians sometime around the eleventh century. • Four humors balance theory.

(Dam (blood), Balgham (phlegm), Safra (yellow bile) and Sauda (black bile).

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Unani• Seven components makes human body.1. Mizaj (Temperament),Akhlat (Humors),Aaza (Organs),Arwah (Spirits),Quwa (Faculties),Afaal (Functions),Arkan (Elements• The Diagnostic process in Unani system is dependent on

observation and physical examination. Any illness of a person is to be regarded as a product of:

1.The kind of temperament, and strength of faculties he has;2.The type of factors operating on him from outside.

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• Unani medicine has the following main types of treatment.1.Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir)2.Dieto therapy (Ilaj-bil-Ghiza)3.Pharnacotherapy (Ilaj-bil-Dawa)4.Surgery (Ilaj-bil-Yad )• Research council CCRUM.• Regulatory council CCIM.• Proposed world Unani Day (4 October)

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Unani• Degree awarded BUMS Bachelor of Unani medicine and

surgery(Kamil-e-tib-o-Jaraha), post graduation Mahir-e-Tib (Doctor of Medicine) and Mahir-e-Jarahat (Master of Surgery) in eight disciplines; Moalajat (Medicine), Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social medicine), Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Ilmul Saidla (Pharmacy), Kulliyat (Basic Principles), Ilaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy),Ilmul Jarahat (Surgery).• Apex institutions National Institute of Unani Medicine

(NIUM) Bangalore.

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5.Siddha • Siddha system is one of the oldest systems of medicine in

India. • The term Siddha means achievements and Siddhars were

saintly persons who achieved results in medicine. • Siddha literature is in Tamil and it is practiced largely in

Tamil speaking part of India and abroad. The Siddha System is largely therapeutic in nature.

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Siddha• According to its tradition it was lord Shiva who unfolded

the knowledge of Siddha system of medicine to his concert Parvati who handed it down to Nandi Deva and he then to Siddhas.• This principles and doctrines of this system, have a close

similarity to Ayurveda, with specialization in Iatro-chemistry. • According to this system the human body is the replica of

the universe and so are the food and drugs irrespective of their origin.

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Siddha • This system considers the human body as a conglomeration

of • three humors, • seven basic tissues •waste products of the body ( faeces, urine and sweat.) • The Siddha system of capable to treating all types of disease

other than emergency cases specially skin and venereal diseases.

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Siddha• Siddha graduates with B.S.M.S Siddha Maruthuva Arignar

(Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery).• Post graduation Siddha Maruthuva, M.D. (Siddha) course in

Siddha Maruthuvam Pothu (General Medicine), Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Pillaippini Maruthvam (Paediatrics), Noi nadal(Pathology), Sirappu Maruthuvam (Special Medicine), Nanju nool (Toxicology).• Apex institutions NIS Chennai.• Research council CCIM Delhi.•World Siddha Day (14 April)

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6.Homeopathy• Homoeopathy is youngest of all these medicinal system,

yet rapidly growing and is being practiced almost all over the world. • The word ‘Homoeopathy’ is derived from two Greek

words, Homois meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. • It is based on the natural law of healing- "Similia Similibus

Curantur” which means "likes are cured by likes”. • It was given a scientific basis by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

( 1755-1843) in the early 19th century.

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Homeopathy• During illness the whole person is in a state of imbalance. • Homeopathic remedies are potentized substances

carrying information/ energy force that acts on vital force. Once that vital force is balanced, the person heals himself.• Homeopathic medicines are bio-energetic substances

with similar resonance or vibration, matched to the person’s state of imbalance.

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• Homeopathic remedies are diluted beyond Avogadro’s number so there are no chemical side –effects.• Potentization= Highly diluting a substance in alcohol or

distilled water, stirring it in fixed number of times in precise directions and striking a pestle against a mortar certain times.• Two type of treatments 1. Acute, 2. Chronic

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• Graduate degree BHMS(bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery).• Post graduation in MD (hom) with specialization’s Materia

Medica, Organon of Medicine and Philosophy, Case Taking and Repertorisation, Practice of Medicine, Psychiat, Paediatrics.• Apex institution NIH Kolkata.• Research council CCRH Delhi.• Regulatory body CCH Delhi.

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7.Sowa-Rigpa• Commonly known as Amchi system of medicine is one of

the oldest, Living and well documented medical tradition of the world.“Sowa-Rigpa” (Science of healing).• Gyud-Zi (four tantra) the fundamental text book of this

medicine• It has been popularly practice in Tibet, Magnolia, Bhutan,

some parts of China, Nepal, Himalayan regions of India.• Some scholars believes that it is originated from India,

some says China and others consider it to be originated from Tibet itself.

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Sowa Rigpa • The first Ayurvedic influence came to Tibet during 3rd

century AD but it became popular only after 7th centuries with the approach of Buddhism to Tibet.• The majority of theory and practice of Sowa-Rigpa is

similar to “Ayurveda” . • Jung-wa-nga (Panchamahabhutas); viz Sa, Chu, Me, Lung

and Nam-kha (Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu and Akash) Ngepa-Sum (Tridosa). • In most of Himalayan regions Sowa-Rigpa is practiced in

traditional way with community support with an Amchi in every village.

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Sowa Rigpa • There are all together around 1000 practitioners of Sowa-

Rigpa in India catering health care in harsh Himalayan regions.• Sowa-Rigpa is included in Indian AYUSH therapies in 2010.• The nomenclature of this six years course is Bachelor in

Tibetan Medical System, Kacupa (BTMS) or Amchi Chikitsa Acharya. This course is presently conducted in four Institutions in India.• Post graduation 'Tsojed Menrampa, (MD) & Sojed Menrampa


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Sowa-Rigpa• Specilzations- gSo Wa Rig Pa' gZhi rTsa‘

lTaGrub(Fundamentals/BasicPrinciples), Rota (Human Anatomy), Lu sKyi gNes Lugs (Human Physiology), gSo Thabs (General Medicine), Byis Pa Dang Mo Nad (Paediatrics & Gynaecology), Sems Khams Rig Pa (Human Psychology and Psychiatry), brTag Thabs (Pathology), sByor Wa sMen (Pharmacology), 'Jam rTsub dPyad (Surgery), Tha Mal Nad Med (Preventive Medicine) • Central council for Tibetian medicine CCTM Dharmshila, H.P.• Apex institution Central University of Tibetan Studies,

Sarnath, Varanasi.

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Importance of AYUSH therapies in Improving public health• The potential of Ayurveda drugs to tackle community

health problems resulting from nutritional deficiencies, epidemics and vector-borne diseases has been widely recognized • Some of the drugs have been included in ASHA kit for first

hand management of health problems at village level(Punarnavadi Mandura).• Ksharasutra therapy for anorectal disorders.

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Importance of AYUSH therapies in Improving public health• Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvenation therapy) for senile

degenerative disorder.• Panchakarma therapy unit mentioned by half of the sates

in their PIP.• AYUSH health programs - School Yoga program and Yoga

camp by Orissa, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. • Rajasthan-“Suposhanam” a community nutrition program

for tribal women with Ayurveda mobile units.

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Importance of AYUSH therapies in Improving public health• Outreach activities - Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-

Kashmir, Uttarakandh and Orissa- AYUSH doctors in mobile medical units. Madhya Pradesh and Tripura- AYUSH call center in their PIP. • Establishment of AYUSH epidemic cell – Tamil Nadu and

Kerala-prevention and control of epidemics.• Local health traditions - Activities like Ayurved Gram by

Chhattisgarh “Dadi Maa Ki Batua” in Jammu and Kashmir. “Gyan Ki Potli,”by Madhya Pradesh.

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Notable Issues with AYUSH therapies • Absence of cross referral systems.• Lack of acceptable Scientific evidences.• Cross practice.• Undemocratic pluralism.•Mirrored growth despite parallel growth, with modern

medicinal system.• Pharmaceuticalisation of AYUSH and LHT (local health


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