management ayush


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Page 2: Management ayush

When these resources are sourced and exploited from the nature they are

known as natural resources.


Everything available in our environment which

can be used to satisfy our needs.

Culturally acceptable

Economically feasible

Technologically accessible

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Using our resources cleverly, to sustain the resources and conserve the environment.

Sustainable management of our natural resources is very important for developing as a country

Now we will be looking at some of the most important natural resources and confronting with the ways to use them and do sustainable development.

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Exploiting of resources in a very unthinking way can lead to many problems. And this can be faced by Awareness and by taking actions…

One such example is with Ganges (Ganga)


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• How can we make a difference???

The 3R’s to a more sustainably

developed future..


This means that we use less. We buy less and avoid creating waste. This is very simple to do as no energy is used in doing so.. Moreover it is conserved..

1. Turn off light after use and at day time.

2. Carpool or use public transports..

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This means resynthesizing things which we don’t want and making new things which we want.

This may be a bit at sometimes as we need to segregate things first and there also consumption of energy.

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REUSE:Using things more than one time. This better than recycle as there less energy consumption.

1. Instead of throwing away used envelope, reverse them and use them again.

2. Use plastic bottles that we get with food items to store thing in kitchen.

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Forest and wildlife resource management.Forest are biodiversity hot spots. The main aim

for conversation is to try and preserve the

biodiversity. Loss of diversity may lead to a

loss of ecological stability.

People also contribute in management of


The Chipko movement is one of such. This was

started in Reni in Garhwal, high up in

Himalayas in 1970s.

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Those who depend upon forest products. And also those who look after there conservation. These are the Stakeholders

1. The people who live in or around forests are dependent on forest products for their daily life aspects.

2. The “ Forest Department of the Government “ which owns the land and controls the resources from it.

3. The industrialists those who use forest products.

4. The wild life and nature enthusiasts who want to conserve nature in its pure form.

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Water managementWater is one of the most important resource in a human’s life. It is non exhaustible but most of it is saline water which is not fit for human use.

So we need to save the water we get as rain as it the only water which is fit for human use...

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DamsEnsure storage of water

Used to produce energy


Check floods

Disadvantages: Displacement of large no.

of people

Contribute enormously in

deforestation and the loss

of biological diversity

Swallow up huge amount of

public money with no

proportionate benefits.

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Water Harvesting

It is saving the water when we have for the time when we have less source of it. It is collecting and storing rain water for future use.

The common methods of water harvesting are :-

i) Digging pits, ponds, lakes etc.

ii) Building small earthen dams or concrete check dams.

iii) Construction of dykes.

iv) Construction of reservoirs.

v) Construction of rooftop collecting units in houses.

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The best to harvest water is to harvest it as ground water…

Advantages of underground water

It provides moisture for

irrigation of crops.

It does not get polluted easily.

It does not provide breeding ground

for mosquitoes and houseflies.

It does not evaporate easily.

It spreads out and recharges wells.

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Fossil fuels

Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur may lead to acid rain

Formed by decomposition of

plants and animals

Coal 200 years

When burnt release

Reserves may last for

Petroleum 40 years

Non renewable source of energy

Carbon dioxide a green house gas

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This presentation Made and Presented by

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