introduction to loc

Introduction to Loc A bridge between Lua and Objective-C

Upload: ider-zheng

Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Loc (Lua to Objective-C) is a bridge of type conversion between Lua and Objective-C. This presentation shows the design idea of Loc.


Page 1: Introduction to Loc

Introduction to Loc A bridge between Lua and Objective-C

Page 2: Introduction to Loc

Data Type Mapping

Lua Type Objective-C Type






LUA_TTABLE NS(Mutable)Dictionary (? NSArray)

LUA_TFUNCTION C Function Pointer (Lua Function)


(?) NSObject

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Table Lua Table type implements associative arrays.

It can be used as Array with numeric index:

local array = {0,1, "string3", true};

or Dictionary with string key:

local dict = {"hello"="world", 8="storm"};!

Pound(#) operator would return the length of table if table is Array, but it does not count string key/value pairs.

print(#array); 4

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Metatable is still a table.

It is attached to other Lua type to:

Ø  Identify a value as a “Class”

Ø  Provide default behaviors by Metamethods

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Set/Get Metatable

•  Lua API

getmetatable (object)!

setmetatable (table, metatable)!

!(In Lua, only able to set metatable on table)!

•  C API

int lua_setmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex)!

int lua_getmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex)

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Simple explain: they are a set of special keys in metatable.

The values assigned with those keys will automatically trigger in certain situation.

Technical explain: they are Operator Overloading

__add, __sub, __mul, __div, __mod, __pow, __unm, __concat, __len, __eq, __lt, __le, __index, __newindex, __call

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• Try to get value from key which does not exist in original table

Metametahod Value

• A function • A Table


• Call __index(table, key) • Return __index[key]

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• Try to set value to key which does not exist in original table

Metametahod Value

• A function • A Table


• Call __newindex(table, key, value) • __newindex[key] = value;

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Trigger • Use table as function, and call with ()

Metametahod Value

• A function

Effect • Call __call(table, …); … are arguments

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Colon(:) vs Dot(.)

Lua is not Class based Object oriented language, this or self is not reserved keyword. When call a method on object(table), inside method it don’t know which object it is using. Programmer has to manually pass it to method:


When define the method, we also need to reserve a argument for it, and we could define the argument name as this or self.

function count(self) {!

return #self;!


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Colon(:) vs Dot(.)

Lua provide a syntax sugar, we could use colon(:) to call method, and it will automatically pass the caller as first argument.


However, when define the method, we still need to reserve first position of argument for caller.

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The userdata type allows arbitrary C data to be stored in Lua variables.

void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t size)

It allocate memory with given size, and return pointer to that memory address.

It’s very similar to C void *malloc(size_t); except with above API, the memory is allocated in Lua, hence Lua GC will automatically free it, if there is no reference on it.

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Metatable on Userdata

Lua has not predefined any operations for Userdata, except assignment and equality test.

Userdata does not contain any key, hence any get/set of key would always trigger metamethod. Developer could define a custom metatable and set to userdata to provide certain functionalities.

E.g.: when set value on key, with __newindex we could redirect to set value on relative property; when compare two user data, with __eq we could compare not only the address but also the content.

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Light Userdata

A light userdata is a value that represents a C pointer (i.e. a void * value).

void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p)

Lua only hold the pointer to a memory, the program out of Lua should handle the memory manager of that data.

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Light Userdata vs Userdata

All the light userdata share the same metatable. Push A to Lua as light userdata;

Set MTX on A as metatable;

Push B to Lua as light userdata;

Get metatable of B, you will get MTX, not nil;

Set MTY on B as metatable;

Metatable of A will also change to MTY

Userdata has it’s own metatable, and programmer need to set metatable on each new created userdata

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Loc Design

1.  Create metatable, bind C functions to metamethods

2.  Create userdata, set the address of object to it

3.  Set metatable on userdata

4.  Push userdata to lua

Whenever we need to push objective-C object to Lua, we do step 2-4

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Use Light Userdata

" pushid

lua_pushlightuserdata(L, self);!

luaL_getmetatable(L, name);

lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

" toid

return (id)lua_touserdata(L, idx);

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Use Userdata

" pushid

id *ud = (id*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(id));!

*ud = self;!

luaL_getmetatable(L, name);

lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

" toid

return *((id*)lua_touserdata(L, idx));

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Loc Trigger on Setter

Lua statement

• object.propertyName = value;

Trigger __newIndex

• __newindex(object, propertyName, value);

Call to bond C Function

• Retrieve userdata back to Object, get other info

Call Objective-C

• [object setValue:value forKey:propertyName];

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Loc Trigger on Getter

Object has data members, and method members.

When using Lua syntax to request member with name, inside __index method, only the name is provided, we don’t know the result should be a value, or a function which would accept more arguments. Because we don’t know if there are parenthesis after the name or not.

So in __index, Loc always return a function (use table with __call metamethod to implement a functor). Later call on that function, if there is no argument, we treat as property.

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Loc Trigger on Method Call

Lua statement

• value = object:propertyName(); • result = object:methodName(arguments);

Trigger __newIndex

• Create new table; save Name in table; set metatable

Trigger __call • Retrieve object; get name from table; parse arugments

Trigger __call

• [object valueForKey:propertyName]; • Use NSInvocaton to reflect the method call

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Loc Function Call Process


__index(object, methodName)!

functor = { _key = methodName };!


return functor;!

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Loc Function Call Process


functor(object, arguments)!

__call(functor, object, arguments)!

methodName = functor[_key];!

selector = convert(methodName);!

invocation = NSInvocatoin(...);!


return invocation.result;!

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NSDictionary & NSArray

NSDictionary and NSArray are well-defined system class. The functionalities required are more clear than user defined classes. So we don’t need to use reflection for them.

Loc define C functions to directly map to relative instance methods.

This is done by setting table, which contains a set of C Functions, on __index of metatable, and called by colon(:) syntax.

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Selector Functions __index


get(k) objectForKey:

set(k,v) setObject:forKey:

count() count

… …

Some methods may would allowed for NSMutableDictionary

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Selector Functions __index


get(i) objectAtIndex:

add(o) addObject:

count() count

… …

Some methods may would allowed for NSMutableArray The index is 1-based, it will convert to 0-based in methods

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LocLuaLib "   It is a set of utility methods as Lua Library.

"   It register as global table loc.

Method Library loc


toclass(str) NSClassFromString()

todictionary(t) loc_todictionary()

toarray(t) loc_toarray()

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Q & A

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Privacy: Use local table as key for other table

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