introduction to paid search by matt van wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner Getting Started on Google, Bing, and Yahoo INTRODUCTION TO PAID SEARCH

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Page 1: Introduction to Paid Search By Matt Van Wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Getting Started on Google, Bing, and Yahoo


Page 2: Introduction to Paid Search By Matt Van Wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Opening New Business Goal: Get people in store

One Month Later:

124K Ad Impressions

300+ Qualified Visitors to Site

Cost - $185

Why I Love PPC

Page 3: Introduction to Paid Search By Matt Van Wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Why I Love PPC

Page 4: Introduction to Paid Search By Matt Van Wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Why I Love PPC

Shows only to these people !!!!

This Simple Ad…

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Investment in PPC ads is measurable & scalable.

Why I Love PPC

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Why I Love PPC

PPC Allows You More Control over Messaging

Get going quickly.

Discover what words convert (in a “not provided” SEO world).

Manage risk of algorithm changes.

Predictable, dependable flow of traffic.

You write the ads that appear.

You determine what pages visitors first see.

Shows you what keywords convert !!!

PPC and SEO are Complementary

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

What is Google?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

•  Reach Audiences Worldwide •  Any Country •  Any Language

•  20+ Billion searches/mo. worldwide

•  67% of all U.S. searches are powered by Google

World’s Favorite Search Engine

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Google Search Ads

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

•  Google search powers many web properties

•  Google is default search engine - AOL - Ask

•  - Google Maps - Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Xfinity, Earthlink, Verizon, & others. Wherever Google provides search results, they can also place your ads.

More than just

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

More than just Text Ads Google places banner and rich media ads across the internet.

•  Internet users spend

95% of their time browsing /reading website content.

•  Google’s display ad network reaches 2 Million+ websites, videos, & mobile apps around the world.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

•  A Powerful, Global Online Advertising Platform

•  Puts full control in your hands!

•  Creating Ads •  Budgeting •  Scheduling •  Targeting •  Reporting •  Automation

Google AdWords

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

This is Bing

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

This is Yahoo!

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

•  Microsoft & Yahoo! Formed a Search Alliance (Jul-09) The Yahoo! Bing Network

Microsoft’s Bing Search Powers Bing and Yahoo! natural and paid search results Microsoft’s Bing Ads Unified ad serving platform to manage campaigns on Yahoo! and Bing. ** Display ads not included in the alliance.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Huge Search Market

Unique Searchers Unique searchers on the Yahoo! Bing Network.

Yahoo! Bing Network unique searchers that don’t use Google.

In the U.S. 5.6 Billion searches monthly; roughly 1/3 of all U.S. searches. 163 Million unique searchers 54 Million searchers who are not using Google

Wordwide 489 Million unique searchers 94 Million who do not use Google!

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Your Ads Reach Here

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And Here…

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

• Puts Full Control into Hands of Advertisers!

•  Creating Ads •  Budgeting •  Scheduling •  Geo-Targeting •  Reporting •  Plus….

Easy Import from Google AdWords

Bing Ads

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Paid Search Overview



Words & phrases that trigger ads to show

Really, really, short sales pitches in text or images.

Landing Page: The first page people see after they click your ad.

Optimization: Active daily management for all of the above. Testing & tracking results, increasing conversions, revenues, and returns on ad spend.

Bids: How much you are willing to pay to show your ads, get clicks & conversions.

Conversions: Actions taken by your visitors that you want to track such as leads, orders, downloads, phone calls.

Targeting: Audiences, Geo-segments, devices, day parting

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner


Time of Day / Day of Week


Device Types



Targeting Options

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Where you have an advantage…exploit it! Improve Ad Position & ROI Bid by Time Zone Target Areas by Language Choose Your Battle Zones

Geographic Targeting

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Geographic Targeting

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Time & Day Targeting

Note: Ad scheduling works differently on Google AdWords vs Bing Ads. Bing Ads: Scheduling times based on where users see the ad. Google AdWords: Schedule based on your AdWords account location.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Demographic Targeting With Bing Ads, you can bid more for your best demographic segments.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

How Do Paid Search Engines Really Work?

● How does an ad get selected?

● Does the highest bid always get the top spot?

● How much does it cost to show my ad?

● What is the best ad position?

Paid Search Auctions

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

How Search Engines Work

You Search Engine

Schumann Dichterliebe

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

How Search Engines Work

You Search Engine Advertisers

Schumann Dichterliebe CD

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

What is Best Ad Position?

In general, the higher your ads appear, the more clicks you get and the more you pay.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Your Keywords & Max Bids

User Search Query: Blue Widgets

Red Widgets $.10 Blue Widgets $.10 Blue Green Widgets $.10

Blue Widgets Buy blue widgets today. Free next-day shipping.

In Your Perfect World...

You're a Winner!!! CPC = $.10 or less!

Your Ad

Your Site:

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

…this would be a great set of answers. Ads Competing Against Each Other

On a search for the color blue…

What Search Engines Want

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

$ 3 $ 1

$ 2 $ 4

$.25 $10

$ .30 $ 6

If highest bid determined ad display… What Advertisers Want

Ads Competing Against Each Other

on Bid Price

…results may not be quite as relevant.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Quality Score, Bids and Ad Ranking ● Relevancy:

Relationship of Keywords à Ads à Landing page The nature of the click

● Historical Performance (CTR):

Keywords Keywords + Ads in combination Ad groups, campaigns, account

● Max Bid Price

A Hybrid Solution – Quality Scoring

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Who Wins the Top Spot?

$ .30

$ 3 $ 1

$ 2 $ 4

$.25 $6

$ 5






.25 .80


Lets Say Quality Scores look like this

AD RANK = QS x Max Bid

1.8 1.2 1.5 .95 .90

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

What Do They Pay?

$ 3 $ 1

$ 2 $ 4

$.25 $6

$ .30 $ 5






.25 .80


Lets Say Quality Scores look like this


1.8 1.2 1.5 .95 .90

$ .10

$ .96





Write relevant ads and select

relevant keywords.

Bid reasonably.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Getting Started

What is the primary goal of your campaign? ● Leads, sales, brand building?

How do you define success? ● Online vs. offline sales conversions. ● Steps on the path towards sales conversion.

Measure real world actions, not just CTR or CPC!

How do you measure success? ● AdWords and Bing Ads conversion tracking.

● Web analytics (Google Analytics, Omniture, Coremetrics, etc).

● How much the phones are ringing.

● Total company sales and profits increasing.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Campaign Ad Group

Ad 1

keywords keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 keyword4 .


Ad 2

Landing Page

Structure of a PPC Account

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Page 41: Introduction to Paid Search By Matt Van Wagner

#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Getting Semantics Straight

Keywords are not Search Queries

Keywords = what you bid on

Search Queries = what users type into a search box

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Keyword Match Types

Match types control how closely your keywords match with a user’s search query:

Broad Match: Very loose matching = too much traffic Broad Match Modifier: Loose, more control = lots of traffic Phrase Match: Tighter matching = less traffic Exact Match: Tightest matching = least traffic

Negative Match: Prevents matches, restricts traffic

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Broad Match Match Type Broad Match (DEFAULT) Syntax word1 word2 word3 What it matches to: Queries with words in any order.

Synonyms, plurals & any close variants that search engines believe could be relevant

User Search Query: Your keyword is: Can it Match? wedding cake wedding cake YES cakes wedding cake MAYBE pictures of wedding cakes wedding cake YES wedding dresses wedding cake MAYBE yellow cake wmd wedding cake YES hemarroid cream wedding cake YES

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Broad Match Modifier Match Type Modified Broad Match Keyword Syntax +word1 +word2 What it matches to: Queries containing those keywords in any order

Plurals, close variants

User Search Query: Your keyword is: Will it Match?

wedding cake +wedding +cake YES birthday cakes +wedding +cake NO pictures of wedding cakes +wedding +cake YES weeding cup cakes +wedding +cake MAYBE cakes +wedding +cake NO wedding dresses +wedding +cake NO

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Phrase Match Match Type Phrase Syntax “word1 word2 word3” What it matches to: Queries with those words together

Queries in that word order Also matches to: Misspellings, singular & plurals, acronyms, stemmings (such

as wedding & weddings) abbreviations, and accents.

User Search Query: Your keyword is: Will it Match? wedding cake “wedding cake” YES Chelsea wedding cakes bakery “wedding cakes” YES

gluten-free cakes, weddings “wedding cakes” NO wedding cupcake “wedding cakes” NO weeding cake “wedding cakes” MAYBE bride’s cake “wedding cakes” NO

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Exact Match Match Type Exact Syntax [word1 word2] What it matches to: Queries with only those words

Queries with exact word order

Optionally: Close variations

User Search Query: Your keyword is: Will it Match?

wedding cake [wedding cake] YES

wedding cakes [wedding cake] YES

white wedding cake [wedding cake] NO

wedding cup cake [wedding cake] NO

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Negative Match Match Type Negative Match

Keyword Syntax -word, or –word1 word2 word3 What it excludes: Search queries containing that literal keyword

If you want to exclude plurals, add them explicitly. Optionally: There are Exact, Phrase and Broad match negatives available


User Search Query: Your negative keywords are: Will it prevent the match

wedding cake -wedding YES birthday cakes -wedding NO pictures of wedding cakes -wedding YES weeding cup cakes -wedding NO cakes -wedding NO hemorrhoid cream -wedding NO

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Building Keyword Lists

Start with your own brain

● What words / phrases describe what you are promoting?

● What words do other people use?

● Synonyms, misspellings.

● Words that will bring the wrong people to you.

● Start with keywords that contain 2 or 3 words (aka terms, tokens)

● Absolutely use your own brand names.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Create Keyword Lists shepherds german shepherds shepherd dogs pure-bred shepherds labrador puppies labradors black lab puppies black labs golden lab chocolate labrador brown labradors black lab puppies black labs retreivers pug dogs puppies small pet dogs

lassie dogs collies poodles toy poodles shitzo mutts weiner dogs irish retriever sheep herding dogs pure bred dobermans pit bulls vietnamese pot belly pigs dalmations dalmation puppies dalmation pups golden retrievers golden retriever

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Organize Keyword Lists

Pull them into smaller, tighter groups:

Labradors labrador puppies labradors black labs golden lab chocolate labrador brown labradors black lab puppies black labs

Shepherds shepherds german shepherds shepherd dogs pure-bred shepherds

Retrievers golden retrievers golden retriever retreivers

Pugs pug dogs pug dog pugs

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Keyword Tools Search Engine Tools Google: Search Based Keyword Tool

Microsoft: Microsoft Advertising Intelligence

Competitive Analysis Tools – Ads & Keywords AdGooroo SpyFu Keyword Spy WordTracker Ispionage

Keyword Manipulation Tools Rapid Keyword Permutator

WordStream Microsoft Excel

SEOBook Acquisio Broad Match Modifier Generator

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Write Great Ads

Note the Variety of Copy Styles:

1st Person story.

Trusted Authority – “Uses Quotes”

Price Appeal

Convenience - Call 800 #

Get Information – Medical Alert Guide

We’re different from “Them”

Which of these is the best ad?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Who are you selling to?

Who are you talking to?

Who buys? Who influences? Who is it actually for?

What motivates them?

Speak directly to one of these people.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

What are you selling?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

What are they really buying?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Features: Timer, Easy to Use, Discount, Affordable Free Shipping

Benefits: Organize pills better Take charge of your health Keep parents well connected

Are you selling what they're buying?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Stress Benefits, Not Features



Creative Benefit

Vibrating Watch Alarm

Get pill reminders even if you have trouble hearing.

Vibrating pill reminder. Works even when Mom’s TV is blaring away.

Vibrating pill reminder works even if Dad’s hearing aid is off.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Tips for Writing Great Ads

Switch from your Left Brain to you Right Brain Go for a walk Sing a song Laugh Doodle

· Do not start writing ads in Excel spreadsheets!

· Start with story-telling. Talk out loud.

· Try a “non-verbal zero draft”

· Go listen to your sales team at work.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Writing Great Ads

Headlines Use keywords in the headline when possible. Write dozens of headlines, till you find ones you like.

Key Headline Concepts Save You Money. Save You Time. Improve Your Life.

Great Words to Use in Headlines Find. Compare. Save. New. Improved. Easiest. Top-Rated.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Writing Great Ads


Ad Copy Use your keywords in the body copy, too, but don’t keyword stuff.

Same Key Concepts as Headlines Save You Money. Save You Time. Improve Your Life.

Try full sentences.

Use idioms only when appropriate

Avoid gimmicks and overly-idiomatic expressions.

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Ads Designed to Filter Clicks

- Many words have more than one meaning (homonyms).

- You need to clearly identify purpose and intent of your ad.

- You’ll get fewer clicks & CTR, but you’ll get more of the right clicks.

Home Care for Elders Need help with in-home care for an elderly loved one? Call us. California

Home Care Experienced with all aspects of home care. Call us Today! California

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Ad Extensions

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Product Listing Ads (PLAs) for Shopping

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Evaluating Ad Performance

Which of these Ads is performing better?

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Evaluating Ad Performance

Lessons: Be wary of small samples sizes. Measure against conversions, not just click-through rates (CTR).

Conversion Rate: 10.5% Conversion Rate: 2.5%

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Banner / Image Ads Image Ads Video Ads

Mobile Ads

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Bidding & Budgeting Options


Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Conversion (CPA) aka cost per action/acquisition

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Budgeting Daily, Weekly or by Campaign


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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

How Much is a Click Worth? How much is a Visitor (click) worth?

What is your site conversion rate now?

What is your offline close ratio?

How does that translate to revenues?

Clicks 20 Conversion % 5%

Cost Per Conversion (CPA) $ 5.00

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

How Much is a Click Worth? How much can you afford to pay for each click?

Cost per Click (CPC) $ .25 Clicks 20 Conversion % 5% Cost Per Conversion (CPA) $ 5.00

Target MAX Bid CPC = CPA / Clicks

= $5.00 / 20

= .$25

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Bid Modifiers

Not every click has the same value.

Bid modifiers allow you to bid up or down, depending on:



Time of Day

Retargeting Audiences

Placements, topics, and keywords (GDN).

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Landing Pages

Lobster Bisque?

Master the basics.

Get fancy later.

Any page can be a landing page Use properly built webpages:

Include Title, Description, Alt Tags, and spider-able body copy.

Get users quickly to what they want.


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Landing Pages

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Landing Pages

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Landing Pages

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

•  Process Creates Sustainable Advantage Its not just about keywords, ads, bids Plan on working in a disciplined manner

•  Use Systems-Level Thinking Align campaign goals with larger company goals. Increase sales, not visitors

•  Track Performance and Make Adjustments Be methodical, measure and test everything you can Don’t react too quickly, but don’t get analysis-paralysis

•  Set Good Goals and work towards them

Better PPC Every Day

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner

Stay Fresh & Keep Learning!

•  Books –  Advanced Google AdWords 3rd Edition

by Brad Geddes –

•  Blogs, News Sites – – – –

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#SMX #13D @mvanwagner



MARCH 1-3, 2016