introduction to the social media life cycle, by edwin korver


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Post on 09-May-2015



Social Media

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The Social Media Life Cycle provides an insight into the stimuli that propels the process of converting content and conversations – via transactions – into recommendations.


  • 1."Social selling is essentially a transfer of feelings." Zig Ziglar 2012

2. Let's talk about .. 1) Attitude 2) Trustworthiness 3) Social Media Life Cycle 4) Examples 3. ATTITUDE 4. "If you go out looking for a friend, you're going to find they are scarce. : : Attitude 5. But if you go out to be a friend, you will find them everywhere." Zig Ziglar 2012 : : Attitude 6. With a slight alteration it will look like this: "If you go out looking for customers, you are going to find they are scarce. : : Attitude 7. But if you go out to offer your help, you will find customers everywhere. It is just a matter of attitude. : : Attitude 8. Free Hugs in Sondrio, Italy. 9. Even just watching random acts of kindness raises your level of oxytocine. It makes you happy! : : Attitude 10. Paul Zak: TEDx on morality and trust. 11. Reciprocity in social media raises oxytocine. If you give something to somebody, people feel the need (obligation) to give back. : : Attitude 12. Oxytocine lowers the level of cortisol, caused by stress. Was the financial crisis the spark of the social media? Interesting reseach: males become less empathic under stress than females due to lower levels of oxytocine during stress. (due to testosterone) : : Attitude 13. Oxytocine is the trust hormone. Oxytocine inflames empathy. It is empathy that connects us. : : Attitude Paul Zak: Oxytocine related to trust 14. TRUST 15. "It is not about who you trust, but if one is trustworthy." = Honesty (transparent, accountable) + Commitment (pledge, promise, contract) + Competence (capable, experienced) : : Trustworthiness Onora O'Neill: TEDx on trustworthiness 16. Countries with more trustworthy people are more prosperous. More transactions occur and more wealth is created. : : Trustworthiness 17. In social media: 1) Emotional drivers got us to participate, 2) Reciprocity raised our oxytocine level, 3) Oxytocine made us more empathic, 4) Empathy is what connects us. : : Trustworthiness 18. SafeInternetBanking: Just watch .. 19. Who can you trust? Edelman Trust Barometer 2013 : : Trustworthiness 20. Trust in the financial sector has dropped from 71% in 2007 to 25% in 2013. Trust your CEO? 17% Trust politicians? 7%-11% : : Trustworthiness 21. Bouwfraude, Lehman Brothers, Wikileaks, Snowden, Ahold, Alpe d'Huzes, NSA, Armstrong, bonuses, woekerpolissen, Palm Invest, Facebook, Google .. : : Trustworthiness 22. We have completely lost our trust in institutions. But we regained trust in each other through social media. So you'd better be (and behave as) one of us .. : : Trustworthiness 23. In social there is no more B2C or B2B, only H2H Human to Human. : : Trustworthiness 24. SOCIAL MEDIA LIFE CYLE 25. : : Social Media Life Cycle 26. "You will attrack those that believe what you believe." Simon Sinek : : Social Media Life Cycle Simon Sinek: The Golden Cirle (TEDx) 27. "In being amongst people with common values and believes, trust emerges." Simon Sinek : : Social Media Life Cycle Simon Sinek: First Why, then Trust (TEDx) 28. Make sure we understand who you are, what you do and why you do it. What are your believes? How are you helping others? Why do you care? : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : CORE INTENTIONS 29. If we can't see, hear or feel your core, i.e. heart, we won't trust you. Nor can we hold you accountable for your actions against your words. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : INTENTIONS 30. Seeding Plant a suggestion Nurturing Value the attention Harvesting Strive for satisfaction Spreading Fight for infection Where is your customer at? : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : GROWTH PHASES 31. Seeding Suggestion Expectation Nurturing Persuasion Consideration Harvesting Satisfaction Anticipation Spreading Retention Delightment : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : PAIRS OF ATTRACTION 32. Only 3 ways to participate: engage (chat) content (share) listen (filter) Don't just make a ton of noise, but create your own tone of voice. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SEEDING - #1 Interaction 33. If you want to connect in social media, empathic listening is critical. A way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding and trust. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SEEDING - #1 Interaction 34. Most of the time: What we need is not what we want .. Through empathic listening and engagement you'll learn what the emotional drivers are. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SEEDING - #2 Relevance 35. There are 8 emotional drivers: 1. Belonging / Love 5. Control / Security 2. Diversity / Change 6. Recognition / Significance 3. Achievement / Progress 7. Challenge / Growth 4. Excellence / Pride 8. Responsibility / Contribution : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SEEDING - #2 Relevance 36. NeedsWants 37. Inter+est will begin if your suggestion meets their wants/desires. Planting a suggestion = charging your product/service with believes. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SEEDING - #3 Attention 38. Whatever you suggest, we'll find out if it's true and if you are trustworthy. Sources: web search, social search, reviews, referrals, influencers, testimonials, press coverage, advertorials, etc. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : NURTURING - #4 Validation 39. If all's well, and others with relevant authority vouch for you: I'll trust you. Social Proof: 92% will buy from you, based on recommendations by their peers. So: who are their influencers? : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : NURTURING - #5 Trust 40. You might need to use some persuasion to get people to buy now. Scarcity: when stock is limited, we are tempted to buy sooner. Understand liking, consistency and reciprocity. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : NURTURING - #6 Transaction 41. We took the bait .. Now it's up to you to fulfil the expectations. It is your one and only chance to create an everlasting first impression. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : HARVESTING - #7 Experience 42. Did you meet or even exceeded our expectation? If not, what did you do? Failing is human, we'll understand. But make amends as soon as possible. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : HARVESTING - #8 Evaluation 43. Affection comes from underpromising and overdelivery. Time is our most valuable asset. Time spend on a customer is therefor valuated the highest: be careful and attentful. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SPREADING - #9 Affection 44. If you turned satisfaction into delightment, we're tell others to buy from you! We are risk-avoiding. A truthful recommendation is preventing others to loose time, money or certainty. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : SPREADING - #10 Infection 45. Every infection is a start of a new cycle. Understand the power of suggestion, persuasion, delightment, social proof and empathy. Don't miss out and get stuck at step 8, .. by just doing enough. : : Social Media Life Cycle : : : POWER THE NEXT CYCLE 46. Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could .. 47. The Sun: The Woman You'd Your .. 48. DollarShaveClub: Small can get big .. 49. This was the tip of the iceberg Collaboration economy Communities Crowdsourcing Crowdfunding Co-creation Content Marketing Monitoring Key Performance Indicators Trend analyses Reputation Management Mobile Marketing Social Business Strategy Social Media Strategy Content Strategy Maker Revolution Wearable Technology Crossmedia Marketing BigData Social Dashboards Multichannel Marketing etc. 50. Social is all about empathy. Mind the emotional drivers, base your stories on those emotions and start engaging. Kind regards, Edwin Korver @edwinkorver