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i "Strategic Partnerships for Embodiment Design Methodology in Vocational Education (Yellow Tulip) Project", with application no 2016-1-TR01-KA202-033973, which has been implemented within the framework of Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education within the scope of ERASMUS+ Programme KA2 Innovation and Cooperation for the Exchange of Good Practices by T. R. Ministry of European Union, Center for EU Education and Youth Programs and Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design INTRODUCTION “Strategic Partnerships for Embodiment Design Methodology in Vocational Education (Yellow Tulip) Project”, with application no 2016-1-TR01-KA202-033973, entitled an agreement within the scope of KA2 - Strategic Partnerships under the heading of Vocational Education included within the ERASMUS+ program conducted by The European Union and the Republic of Turkey Center for European Union Education and Youth Programs (National Agency) began to be implemented within the body of Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering. Within the scope of the 36-month project, the institutions/organizations to take part in the project that will be implemented between 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2019 are listed as follows; TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT (TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design) [Rotterdam, Netherlands], EuropeforALL/POLITECNICO DI MILANO (School of Design) [Milano, Italy], TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA (FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (FIT)) [Sofia, Bulgaria], ARÇELİK A.Ş. (Industrial Design Center) [Istanbul, Turkey], OCE TECHNOLOGIES B.V. [Rotterdam, Netherlands], ETIMDER [Kayseri, Turkey], SHARE [Brussels, Belgium], Ayşe Baldoktu MEM [Kayseri, Turkey], Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education, Directorate General for Innovation and Education Technologies (YEGITEK) [Ankara, Turkey]. In our YELLOW TULIP project, our aim is to include the "Advanced Embodiment Design Application Method", which has been implemented, and for which training and application methods have been developed by our project stakeholders for over five years, into the VET system, to bring it into the vocational education and training system in the short term and to expand its implementation in organizations across Europe in the long term. "Embodiment Design Methodology", which is intended to be transferred under the current project, starts with the concepts of industrial design and product development, continues with the importance of design in terms of competition and its position in product development, and ends with design method and industrial design process project examples. Advanced Embodiment Design includes testing/approval and commissioning processes. At the very beginning of all these processes, product identification (self-specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based), transferring of the correct design approach from various perspectives into VET by the project stakeholder, and expanding its implementation constitute the main axis of the project. It is expected that an increase in the European Union harmonization and sustainable production quality will be achieved by increasing the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) value, which will give a significant acceleration in the European production sector, Turkey being in the first place. It is aimed that the VET implementation method that will be transferred with a strategic partnership will contribute to differentiation, added value creation, branding and cost reduction in the production sector of our country. Within the scope of the project, developing awareness and innovation process in the production sector is not the sole aim. In

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Page 1: INTRODUCTION - tulip project book_reduce.pdf · i "StrategicPartnershipsforEmbodimentDesignMethodologyinVocationalEducation (YellowTulip)Project",withapplicationno2016-1-TR01-KA202-033973,whichhasbeen


"Strategic Partnerships for Embodiment Design Methodology in Vocational Education(Yellow Tulip) Project", with application no 2016-1-TR01-KA202-033973, which has been

implemented within the framework of Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education within the scope of ERASMUS+ Programme KA2 Innovation and Cooperation for the Exchange of

Good Practices by T. R. Ministry of European Union, Center for EU Education and YouthPrograms and Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design


“Strategic Partnerships for Embodiment Design Methodology in Vocational Education (Yellow Tulip)Project”, with application no 2016-1-TR01-KA202-033973, entitled an agreement within the scope ofKA2 - Strategic Partnerships under the heading of Vocational Education included within theERASMUS+ program conducted by The European Union and the Republic of Turkey Center forEuropean Union Education and Youth Programs (National Agency) began to be implemented within the body of Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering. Within the scope of the36-month project, the institutions/organizations to take part in the project that will be implemented between 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2019 are listed as follows; TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT (TUDelft, Faculty of Industrial Design) [Rotterdam, Netherlands], EuropeforALL/POLITECNICO DIMILANO (School of Design) [Milano, Italy], TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOFIA (FACULTYOF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (FIT)) [Sofia, Bulgaria], ARÇELİK A.Ş. (Industrial Design Center) [Istanbul, Turkey], OCE TECHNOLOGIES B.V. [Rotterdam, Netherlands], ETIMDER[Kayseri, Turkey], SHARE [Brussels, Belgium], Ayşe Baldoktu MEM [Kayseri, Turkey], Republic ofTurkey Ministry of National Education, Directorate General for Innovation and Education Technologies (YEGITEK) [Ankara, Turkey]. In our YELLOW TULIP project, our aim is to includethe "Advanced Embodiment Design Application Method", which has been implemented, and forwhich training and application methods have been developed by our project stakeholders for over fiveyears, into the VET system, to bring it into the vocational education and training system in the shortterm and to expand its implementation in organizations across Europe in the long term. "EmbodimentDesign Methodology", which is intended to be transferred under the current project, starts with theconcepts of industrial design and product development, continues with the importance of design in terms of competition and its position in product development, and ends with design method and industrial design process project examples. Advanced Embodiment Design includes testing/approvaland commissioning processes. At the very beginning of all these processes, product identification (self-specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based), transferring of the correct design approach from various perspectives into VET by the project stakeholder, and expanding itsimplementation constitute the main axis of the project. It is expected that an increase in the European Union harmonization and sustainable production quality will be achieved by increasing the QFD(Quality Function Deployment) value, which will give a significant acceleration in the European production sector, Turkey being in the first place. It is aimed that the VET implementation method that will be transferred with a strategic partnership will contribute to differentiation, added valuecreation, branding and cost reduction in the production sector of our country. Within the scope of theproject, developing awareness and innovation process in the production sector is not the sole aim. In

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VET institutions throughout Europe, it is aimed to develop educational materials and e-learning applications in order to disseminate the application method trainings transferred, especially those thatsupport production, and to make them available free of charge in several languages at the end of theproject period. The Advanced Embodiment Design process implementation method includescomputer aided design (CAD), virtual prototyping and rapid prototyping. In this context, there is aneed throughout Europe for vocational education and training processes and intermediate staff who can take part in and if necessary, lead the projects that especially require interdisciplinary work, haveteamwork skills and basic VET and industry knowledge, follow technological developments and renew themselves continuously, analyze and synthesize. It is expected that the employment area of theAdvanced Embodiment Design vocational education and training process is quite extensive and thatthe demand for qualified staff with VET training application method will increase. As a result, we plan to transfer the application method of the Advanced Embodiment Design process with our strategicpartnership project, and aim to introduce various practices and activities into the VET system and theindustrial institutions throughout Europe with the contribution of the project stakeholders.

Background of the Program: With the Erasmus+ Program, implemented between 2014 and 2020, itis aimed to provide new skills for individuals, strengthen their personal development and increase theiremployment opportunities regardless of their age and educational backgrounds. Erasmus+ Programcovers fields of education, training, youth and sports. The main reason for giving this name to theErasmus+ Program is to benefit from the recognition of the previous Erasmus program, which wasrecognized more publicly, strongly associated with education abroad and European cooperation."Strategic Partnerships", one of the Erasmus programs, are country-based; while "Sectoral SkillsPartnerships"and “Information Partnerships" are central activities. Key Action 2: These two differenttypes of projects can be summarized under the title of Collaboration for Exchange of Innovation and Best Practices.- Strategic Partnerships that support innovation: These are projects aimed at developing innovativeideas and projects. Applications from all sectors will be accepted for the Strategic Partnership Projectsthat support "the Production of Innovations", which includes intellectual outputs, multiplier activitiesand budget items.- Strategic Partnerships that support the Exchange of Good Practices: Applications from sectors other

than the field of higher education are accepted for the Strategic Partnerships Projects for "TheExchange of Good Practices", which support the sharing of methods, practices and ideas as well as theestablishment of networking.

Project Details: The total budget of the project is EUR 215,778.00 and EUR 209,975.00 of the projectbudget has been awarded as a grant under the ERASMUS+ program. Our priority axis selected underthe project is: "Strengthening key competences in the vocational education curriculum"; The VET areaselected to develop curriculum and pilot applications is the implementation of the "Advanced Embodiment Design (AED)" methodology in the Industrial Design/Computer Aided Design process.Integrated Design Methodology; It starts with technical product concept or solution principles and isdeveloped according to technical and economic criteria and ends with the detailed design phase.Designers identify their plan designs (general regulations and dimensional compatibility), first formdesigns (parts, materials and materials) and production processes, and provide solutions for each auxiliary function. Technology and economic evaluation are of utmost importance during all of theseprocesses. The design is developed through scale drawings, critical reviews, technical and economicevaluations. The concept of "Integrated Design" is provided by the Industrial Design Engineering Departments/Faculties in Europe. In this context, one of the project partners Delft TU (TheNetherlands) Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Department of Industrial Design has an

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important accumulation of knowledge and experience. In our country, the "Industrial Design Engineering ”departments, which will train technical staff/engineers in this field, have a few years ofhistory and do not have sufficient level of knowledge and experience. With the YELLOW TULIPproject;- The knowledge and experience in project partner universities that apply this methodology in an integrated way with the industry in Europe will be applied to universities, industry sector and young people working in this field in our country through digital integration.- Industrial Design - Integrated Design Methodology and sample application studies to be developed with the project partners within the scope of the project will be converted into the form of Open Education Resources (OER) and made available for common use.- ICT based materials to be developed within the scope of Industrial Design - Integrated Design Methodology and sample application studies will be used in the training of trainers in our country'suniversities and then in educational studies in order to increase the rate of employment and qualified personnel in this field.

The curriculum offered in our educational support book was developed to offer solutions with an innovative approach within the scope of Industrial Design within the vocational and technicaleducation framework in our country, and was made freely available to all educational processesnotably to the Turkish Vocational Education and Training System.

I would like to thank all the project team and expert staff who supported us in our proposed study carried out under European Union norms and PRAG rules. I wish success to all beneficiaries who areand will be active in the field with this project output prepared with the intention of becoming acountry that will generate more employment and tax, and products with higher added value during theEuropean Union accession process.

Project Coordinator; Professor Dr. Cem SİNANOĞ[email protected]

For more and detailed information please visit:"Funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+Program. However, European Commission and the National

Agency of Turkey can not be held responsible for the opinions contained herein. "“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency

cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

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Project Team who contributed to the preparation and submission of thebook:

Prof. Dr. Cem SİNANOĞLU (Chapter 1-3) (Project Coordinator)Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Vice Dean, Erciyes University Head of Department of

Industrial Design Engineering

Assoc. Dr. Afsin Alper CERIT (Chapter 6-7) (Book Editor)Erciyes University Vice Head of Department of Industrial Design Engineering

Assoc. Dr. Bulent KAYA (Chapter 11) (Practical Application Coordinator)Academician in Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Prof. Dr. Derya HAROGLU (Chapter 4, 8)Academician in Erciyes University Department of Industrial Design Engineering/ERASMUS


Assist. Professor Dr. Rayna DIMITROVA (TU Sofia) (Chapter 12)TU Sofia Department Materials Science and Technology

Research Assistant Esra AKGUL (Part 1-3)Academician in Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering

Research Assistant Ozgür AKSU (Section 5,9,10) (Project Technical Coordinator)Academician in Erciyes University Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Aircraft

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Project Curriculum Advisors:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvin KARANA (TU Delft)

Prof. Dr. George Todorov Todorov (TU Sofia)Korkut AVCI (Arcelik)

Fahir Baran TIGREL (Arcelik)Sumeyye Hatice ERAL (MEB YEGITEK)

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Table of Contents:

1. Advanced Embodiment Design (AED) Curriculum

Content Title PageNo








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1. What is design?

Design; It has an ambiguous meaning, which can be either in the form of a noun or verb and

cannot be clearly defined in terms of its different functions. While the word design, as a verb,

can be defined as "to conceive and plan out in the mind, to have as a purpose: to intend, to

devise for a specific function or end (Merriam-WebsterAuthority & Innovation 2000) and

design, as a name, can be defined as "the way something is done, the picture of the form and

structure of something, decorative pattern, design process, schema, something planned

(Encarta World Dictionary, 2001).

The verb design is derived from the Latin word 'Designare', which means to show and

indicate what to do. Looking at the origin of the word, we see that it means "to show" and "to

draw". While design, meaning a purpose, defines a target and process, its "drawing" meaning

defines a sketch or visual composition of the plan (Mozota, 2006).

Design / Design = Aim + Drawing

Design; it can cause a perceptual chaos as it focuses on both an activity (the design process)

and the outcome of the activity.

There are many definitions of design. Design, in the most general sense, defines the process

of designer's envisioning the product in the mind in order to make a plan and a sketch, as the

form envisioned by the designer and as a whole of activities carried out from the designer's

envisioning until the production process (Onal, 2011). According to Cross (2006), design is

one of the most important forms in which human intelligence can be demonstrated and a

definition related to the ability of the mind. Tepecik (2002), defines design as the project of an

envisioned event or a whole of the works that a three-dimensional image can be applied to. In

fact, design can be named as the first form of a work, a thought that matures in the mind. In

this context, Bayazit (1994) defines design as an intellectual project or a schema in which

steps that prepare design are established. With a similar approach, Ulrich (2011) refers to

design as a part of human-problems solving activities that lead a plan for a new work, start

with the perception of a gap in a user experience and are concluded with the production of a

work (Gurcum and Yurt, 2016). Some design theorists from different disciplines have

explained their perception as follows (Bayazit, 2005).

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ß It is to find the physical components best-suited for the physical structure (Alexander,


ß It is the problem-solving process for this end (Archer, 1965).

ß it is a decision-making process where significant penalties are paid for mistakes in the

face of uncertainties (Asimov, 1962).

ß It is a simulation that we continue doing before evaluating that we intend to do, until

making sure of the result (Brooker, 1964).

ß It is the use of scientific technical knowledge and imagination in the engineering

design of a mechanical structure, a machine or a system that performs a certain

function with maximum economy and efficiency (Fielden, 1963).

ß It is the situation of satisfying with the relevant product (Gregory, 1966).

The International Council of Industrial Design Associations makes the following definition

for design; design is a creative activity that aims to use objects, plans, processes and various

qualities of their systems in their life cycle (

Design is what people do to contribute to and improve their lives. Again, it is the action of

problem determination and problem solving in order to achieve targets (Bayazİt, 2004).

Design is thought to be a phenomenon related to human intelligence and human skills. Design

is an essential part of the history, culture and technology of the all societies around the world.

It can also be defined as a system realized by combining technical knowledge and creative

imagination, supported by scientific views or as materializing the ideas that have never been

conceived before. Designers, carrying out the design process, discover both problem and

solution. In other words, design aims to solve problems. The solution obtained in the result

part constitutes the need itself. The result state in design is presented in a form. The form is

composed of function and the function is composed of needs.

One of the biggest problems encountered in design is to use the information obtained by

predicting the future. In this case, the success of the design is inevitable if the correct

prediction is created. The concept of design differs depending on location, time, people and

cultural structure. Various problems can arise when establishing a design. The solution phases

of the problems are accelerated by handling similar ones as a whole. The design process

emerges when all of the plan, research and shaping factors for any purpose come together. In

order to solve the problems, and create a design, we need to make them go through a process.

To summarize in the light of all these definitions; design is the most important type of

awareness that requires a good analysis of the opportunities of technology and production, as

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well as the needs of society and the environment and that reflects the past of the societies and

helps to determine the today and tomorrow of them.

1.1.Design Process

The most important step for designers when creating designs is to determine the design

process. Inputs and outputs are very important when determining this process. After analyzing

and synthesizing and determining and evaluating the inputs at the final stage, an output

product is formed (Bayazıt, 2004).

Figure 1. Design Processes (Bayazit, 2004).1

As seen in Figure 1, the design process start from first design proposal, to the first design;

continues with the analysis-synthesis-evaluation phases, and is completed with the final

product decision-making process after the detailed design phase.

Analysşs Synthesis Evaluation

Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Decision Making

Decision Making

Decision Making




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The design process is also emphasized as the arrangement of actions laid down on the basis of

design techniques and tools. The design process means the continuation, execution and

advancement of these actions (Milton et al., 2013).

Visualization Observation

Interpretation Comprehension


Following Steps

Figure 2. Design Process (Milton et al., 2013).

The rationale of constructing information in the design process is taken as a basis. In the

design process, production techniques as well as the cost and time are very important factors

to reach the solution. The process is based on the analysis of customer needs. It is seen that

the delivery times of the products produced on the request of the customer are realized on

time. The first of the necessary steps in creating a new design involves the realization of the

task distribution of designers. This distribution allows a designer to handle sub-divided parts

of the project rather than the whole. It is seen that such a division prevents the loss of time in

design formation. Designers use the information obtained from the product life cycle. Any

problem that arises during the design process is accepted as the starting point for the decision-

making phase. Criteria that are determined in the solutions found are evaluated. At the end of

the evaluation is the selection of solutions, which covers the conceptual design (Pokojski et

al., 2018).

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INPUT Analysis




Figure 3. Input-Output Relationship (Bayazit, 2004)

The main features of the design structure are as follows:

- Design is naturally integrative, not a separative.

- Design is intellectually soft, intuitive and informal.

Design is in people's lives when rearranging a desk drawer, educating a child, decorating a

house, etc. As indicated in Figure 4, design integrates all human activities in research and

industry contexts (Owen, 1990).

Figure 4. Design is Integrative (Owen 1990).

When designing and planning something in mind, professional managers, engineers,

architects, scientists etc. act as designers in the industrial context and design for a specific

function or purpose. Design is also at the center of professional education; because schools

prepare students for meeting their own needs in life.

Design, in academic context, can be used in the humanities (literature, history, philosophy,

mathematics, etc.), sciences (natural, mathematical, behavioral, physical, economic sciences

etc.), engineering (electricity, construction, chemistry, textile, human engineering, etc.) .

Art Science Engineering Human-related



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Design is the main objective of engineering discipline; because it facilitates the creation of

new products, processes, software, systems and organizations that contribute to the society by

fulfilling the needs and demands of engineering.

The duty of design has been attributed to art for many years. The discipline of art has

improved its knowledge by using design. The unifying principles of design in art are

expressed as repetition, diversity, rhythm, balance, emphasis and economy. Design is defined

by these principles in the discipline of art (Zelanski et al., 1996).

1.3.Design Types

The design area also covers many different professions that serve different industries. With

the development of technology, design disciplines are diversified, as well. In the past, four

main classifications including product design, graphic design, interior design, fashion design

and textile design were defined, while we can now see design variations in different

disciplines as follows;

¸ Graphic design

¸ Brand identity design

¸ Packaging design

¸ Product design

¸ Interior design

¸ Fashion and textile design

¸ Interaction design

¸ Transportation design

¸ Service design

¸ Architectural design

¸ Design of sales spaces (design, council, 2015)

As a result of the extensive and integrative design, the complex design of the design in the

professions can be more easily understood. Various types of design expertise are classified by

designer Dhillon as in Figure 5.

Types of Design




Process Design



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Figure 5. Types of Design (Dihillon 1985)

Engineering Design; is related to the development and analysis of basic functional features

of systems, devices etc. by applying various technical and scientific principles.

Industrial Design; creates an independent design effort by the individual with combined skills

in areas such as product design, style and engineering.

Process Design; is generally related to the design type covering the design of components,

tools, equipment, etc. (items for mass production systems).

Visual Design (Style Design); relates to the physical properties of an item.

Product Design; is especially related to the products to be sold to consumers.

In this classification, the industrial designer is considered a consultant, but not a part of the

manufacturing organization of a particular product. However, the industrial designer can be

part of a variety of product manufacturers and, as a result, can work in a team consisting of

engineers, marketers, sociologists and so on.

1.4.Types of Design Products

In the literature, design products are grouped under 7 categories (Milton et al., 2013).

1. Consumer Products

These products cover medicinal products, household appliances, motor vehicles, furniture and

designed objects that are often used in daily life. Consumer products must meet the demands

of consumers. These requests are basic demands such as functionality, aesthetic appearance,

being cost-effective. Consumer products require compliance of multiple sectors because they

contain numerous components. Having a good outer appearance, successful functioning and

the particular characteristics of the company that will produce the item should also be

emphasized among the vital characteristics of the modern consumer products.

2. One-off Artistic Works

Nowadays, the products, which are limitedly designed as one-off items, have created a wide

spectrum for designers. The main feature of such products is that they are aesthetic at first

glance and their functionality remain in the background. Many artists present their one-off

design products for trade fairs in certain parts of the world.

3. Consumable products

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Products such as water bottles, carbonated beverage cans are included in this group. Product

designer mainly designs packaging, branding and advertising designs for this group of

products. Performance and functionality remain in the background.

4. Casting Products

They are considered raw materials used in the production of other products. Plastics, sheets,

foil and laminates can be included in this group. Product designers may sometimes be

involved in the surface texture phase of the product.

5. Industrial Products

Examples of such products include products purchased for assembly, such as roller bearings,

circuit boards, gas turbines.

6. Industrial Tool Products

In industrial tool products, aesthetics, functionality and performance remain in the

background. The products in this group are products such as machine tools, commercial

vehicles and passenger aircraft, which enable the realization of complex tasks and are targeted

for the use in industry.

7. Special-Purpose Products

The products in this group include special tools, special purpose robots, equipment and

assembly machines. The production of these products is realized on demand of the customer.

They are produced as single products or mass-produced. It is expected that the people who

will design the products are highly flexible due to the customized production.

1.5.What is industrial design?

There is no one definition of design and industrial design that is accepted by everyone today.

As in design, there are different definitions of industrial design that sometimes contradicts

with each other and sometimes draw attention to different aspects of this profession (Oygur,


American Industrial Designers Association (IDSA), defines industrial design as "the

professional service for creating and developing concepts and features that will optimize the

function, value and appearance of products and systems for the mutual benefit of both the

user and the manufacturer" (

Industrial design is the area that helps to create and develop concepts and features for the user

and the manufacturer. Although always used interchangeably with the definition of product

design, the term industrial design incorporates both engineering and aesthetic design, and

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gives more importance to the attention of users. For these reasons, industrial designers can be

defined not only as those who are directly involved in engineering, but also as people who

communicate ideas to an engineer. For example, Alexander Graham Bell is the person

responsible for inventing the telephone, but Henry Dreyfuss is the industrial designer, who is

responsible for giving a form to the telephone. Therefore, creativity is essential in the context

of industrial design and plays an important role in finding ideas and solutions (Zainol et al.,


The main purpose of industrial design is to meet the needs of the users with the visual and

concrete elements within the design criteria. Since industrial design is a method that can be

applied in many industries, its impact is unlimited. Industrial design process is defined

primarily as the phases of user-defined activities rather than technology. This situation directs

the industrial design process mainly to a place between the user and the product (Abdullah et

al., 2013).

Industrial design process is primarily related to the relationship between the user and the

product, rather than the relationship with the product. Therefore, the technical aspects of the

product do not go into industrial design. Instead, these activities are often related to


In general, the industrial design process has six stages:

1) Investigation of user needs.

2) Conceptualization of design.

3) Preliminary improvement of a design.

4) The ultimate concept selection of a design.

5) Production of control drawings.

6) Coordination with functional project members

It should be kept in mind that meeting the needs of both the producer and the consumer is an

essential point at all stages of the process, taking into account the critical measures of

industrial design (Abdullah et al., 2013). However, while industrial design process is

completed; the following topics should be included in it:

ÿ Usability: Ease of use, ease of maintenance, quality and quantity of interaction,

safety, innovation of interaction, ergonomics

ÿ Aesthetics: Product differentiation, image and fashion, communication.

ÿ Costs: Cost advantages and exchanges, appropriate use of resources.

ÿ Production: Manufacturing and assembly, proper use of raw materials, packaging.

ÿ Product life cycle: Life cycle design, material selection.

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1.6.Product design

In general, the term "product design" confuses individuals in the same way as the term

"design". Product design has an indirect relationship with 'engineering design' and 'industrial

design'. In many cases, product design means engineering design (Haik, 2003, Hollins, 1990)

and is also addressed in industrial design (Lorenz, 1986, Tjalve, 1979). Roozenburg (1995),

defines product design as the process of designing and placing the plans needed for the

production of a product.

Horvăth (2004) explains that the product design is placed between industrial design and

engineering design, and these two designs overlap with product designs (Figure 6). In this

regard, despite having their own definitive features and field, engineering design and

industrial design, are involved in the product design process to a certain degree.

Therefore, neither industrial design nor engineering design can define the product design

process alone.

Figure 6. Positioning of product design (Horvăth 2004)

From another aspect, product design is not an isolated process, but a part of the product

development process. Some researchers use product design as term equivalent to product

development or see it as an embedded process in product development (Hollins, 1990, Pugh,

1996, Roozenburg, 1995, Ulrich and Eppinger, 2008). There are several different disciplines

in the product development process. Ulrich and Eppinger (2008) stated that the core team

members for developing an electromechanical product that covers a significant part of the

consumer products market are industrial designers, mechanical designers, electronic

designers, purchasing experts, manufacturing engineers and marketing experts.

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Roozenburg (1995) argued that engineering design, industrial design, ergonomics, marketing

and innovation management are almost always disciplines involved in product design. All of

these professions consist of those who support design activities rather than those directly

involved in design practice. For example, marketers are those who support the design activity

by providing market and consumer data. Purchasing specialist and manufacturing engineer are

mostly those who work in the production process, and their work focuses on the realization of

predetermined product forms and functions by engineering designers and industrial designers.

For this reason, when we talk about "product design", engineering designers and industrial

designers are those involved in practical design activities in the product development process.

Therefore, engineering design and industrial design are seen as the main elements of product

design who put effort in practical design activity.

In short, product design consists of two design types: engineering design and industrial

design. In product design; engineering design is often called mechanical design. The

engineering design in product design is responsible for the design of internal parts, therefore it

is related to the layout design. Industrial design in product design is responsible for designing

the exterior of a product, and therefore it is concerned with the external form and related user

interfaces. As the two designs are fundamental parts of product design, they focus on

incorporating engineering designers and industrial designers to develop successful products.

Product design actually requires the incorporation of different disciplines to develop a new

product to achieve a common goal. In this respect, product design, whether it be engineering

design or industrial design, should be examined as an interdisciplinary issue, rather than

considering it under a single discipline (Kim et al., 2010).

In engineering design, mechanical components and industrial plants are included in the

product category, but they are not generally considered as part of the product design process

for industrial designs. On the other hand, even though industrial design considers the crafted

works of art as products, these factors are hardly taken into account in engineering design.

Otherwise, an isolated perspective of product design will not be of significance. For such a

perspective, the disciplines related to the product design should be defined and studied.

Because different disciplines have their own characteristics, there may be different ways of

conducting product design according to different conditions, such as developing different

types of products under different market conditions.

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The competitive and volatile nature of the industrial environment requires constant changes in

the products in line with the demands and needs of the customers and forces the processes to

be dynamic. Factors such as the formation of different customer requests, the short life cycle

of the products have led the market to focus more on the concept of new product

development. New product development is a multidimensional process including cost and

time management.

The requirements of a successful product design process are listed below (Buyukozkan,


ÿ Shortening the time that a product is in the market

ÿ Increasing product quality and variety

ÿ Reducing product costs

ÿ Designing the service-maintenance conditions of the product

ÿ Working in an integrated way with the Internet and information technologies

ÿ Increasing stakeholder engagement in all information created during the design


ÿ Designing three-dimensional models

ÿ Performing product performance and manufacturability simulations

1.7.Product Design Process

The product design process is based on the combination of engineering design and industrial

design. The engineering design covers material knowledge and production knowledge, while

the industrial design represents the desired product form. The idea of product design starts

with the determination of a need and then searching for solutions provided that they meet the

needs (Yuan, 2014). After determining the ideas about the product, some methods and

methods are used to implement these ideas. These are (Milton, 2013);

ÿ Research analysis: In order for the designer to create and understand the product

model, a method should be developed in order to categorize and analyze the data and

this data should be transferred to customers.

ÿ Scenarios: Design scenarios allow designers not only to predict the future, but also to

reveal the problems related to it.

ÿ Transferring Ideas to Paper: It is the best way to show the formation and concept of

designs. Thanks to sketches, which are a key research and development tool that

allows the design ideas to be evaluated on paper and then discussed, changes to the

product can be determined more easily and errors are noticed.

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ÿ Modeling: Vaious CAD software such as SketchUp, Freecad, Meshmixer, Blender,

Solidworks, 3d Max, Rhino, UGNX etc. can be used in the modelling phase.

Additionally, 3-dimensional models created in these programs can be tested in

software such as ANSYS program, and experiments and tests can be performed on


Figure 7. Product Design Process Steps

The model that includes design steps such as analyticalness, creativity and execution is also

called the product design process. This process can be expanded by obtaining various

information. Then, the product design process is presented by addressing the sub-solutions.

Stages of all product development processes consist of; design planning, concept

development, system design and detailed design.

Product design process;

Figure 8. Steps of Product Design Process (Yuan, 2014).

• Programming• Data collectionAnalyticalness

• Analysis• Synthesis• Development

Creativity CommunicationExecution

Step 1•User need starts with the definition of the problem and data collection.

Step 2•Presenting the solutions• Designers will respond to the user needs, provide solutions to the defined problems, and handle the design

in detail.

Step 3• Concept design is produced and feasibility analysis is carried out.

• Decision making status is established.• The design concept fully emerges.

•Dimensions, production of the design with colurs.

Step 4

Step 5

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Multiple factors are considered when performing product design. The quality of a designed

product is the main factor that distinguishes the manufacturer from its competitors, and it will

provide success to the company. Creativity in product design is one of the details that

symbolize the performance quality of the design. This emphasizes the importance of creativity

both at the product design stage and at the end of the design.

Product creativity often brings concept design with it. Concept design is a process in which

many people come together and blend their ideas with traditional, intuitive methods such as

brainstorming. The most effective situation is the clear establishment of the purpose of the

design. Another point that emphasizes the importance of concept design is its ability to reveal

the cost. Thus, if the product in the design process is not at a certain level in terms of design,

it eliminates the risk of losing money.

The performance of design processes is demonstrated by engineering in two ways. The first

one is the realistic modeling and the other is the analysis and decision making of the realistic

models. These design process performances are presented by designers. The design process

can be carried out in a very simple or complex way, while designers create a solution.

Extremely complex structures require the common solution of more than one designer

(Pokojski, 2018).

Traditional design approaches are not seen as very sufficient as a result of economic, social

and technological advancements together with the nature and boundaries of the industry, .

There is a need for a new type of designers who can understand people, enterprises and

technology and work across disciplines, and for design methods that can address these issues

as a whole (Er, 1993). Product-centered, problem-centered, user-centered approaches have

increased the importance of industrial design and have made the development of different

solution methods possible. In this case, the industrial design process needs to cover logical,

objective, analytical and subjective, holistic intuitive thinking, application and research,

problem-solving ability and aesthetic sensitivity (Alparslan et al., 2011).


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Design can be defined as a system realized by combining technical knowledge and creative

imagination, supported by scientific views or as materializing the ideas that have never been

conceived before. It is stated that design is a phenomenon related to human intelligence and

human abilities (Cross, (1999). People who realize the task of design, i.e. designers, discover

both the problem and the solution focus. Briefly, design aims to solve problems. The solution

obtained in the last part constitutes the need itself. The result state in design is presented in a

form. The form is composed of function and the function is composed of needs.

The concept of design differs depending on location, time, people and cultural structure.

Various problems can arise when establishing a design. The solution phases of the problems

are accelerated by handling similar ones as a whole.

With the industrial revolution, the concept of industrial product was introduced and thanks to

mass production, people started to buy products easily and it became easier to have products.

Industrial design can be defined as combining product design and engineering designs with

the related technologies and current design tools, and going into production after determining

whether it is economical, easy to produce and suitable to market. It is very important to

consider certain stages when creating designs, and a good research process and some basic

methods are necessary. When doing research, the community that will use the design and for

whom the design will be presented should be determined well. The cultural levels of people,

their sociocultural structures, daily needs, financial situations, activities and art perspectives

should be evaluated in the right way. These evaluations reveal multidisciplinary studies using

different studies.

Each designer starts the design process by aiming to make the best design. A benefit and

contribution is sought in every new product created by the designer. The designer should take

into account the benefits of the design as well as the design's rate of meeting suitability, costs

and expectations. After the design go through certain stages during the creating of the design,

the designed product is introduced into the market. Not every beautiful design will be a good

design and not every good design may be an optimal one that meets expectations. Systematic

engineering design concept has been developed in order to make the design in the most

appropriate and beautiful way. This section discusses the systematic engineering design and

embodiment design, which is a stage of systematic engineering design.

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1. Product Design Process in Engineering

The idea of product design starts with the determination of a need and then searching for

solutions provided that they meet the needs. The idea of product design is in fact a cycle

totally comprised of design activities. Product design process is carried out in 7 basic stages

including conceptual design, product development, embodiment design, detailed design,

production plan, distribution plan, planning for usage, planning for product discontinuation

(Bayazit, 2004).

Figure 1. Design Process (Bayazit, 2004).


Product Planning Conceptual Design

Detailed Design Embodiment Design

Figure 2. Design Process Cycle (Bayazit, 2004).

Conceptual Design• Creating alternative solutions to

design• Determination of functions• Creating design options

Product Development• The process in which products for a

certain purpose go through fromconcept development phase to theirplacement on the shelf

Embodiment Design• The embodiment design is a part of

the design process related to theproduction of the product concept,engineering and economicfeasibility.

Detail Design• Controlling the solutions• Collecting experiment and test

documents• Conducting all controls

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1.2. Creating A Product Design Specification

The product specification includes the design stages and the features of the design. There are

several issues to be considered in the product specification. The product specification

provides the guidance for the products planed to be produced in the future and for the new

points of design views. It is based on market research as a starting point. The subjects

addressed are as follows: market analysis, product status basic information, standards,

regulations, laws, product service specification (Bayazit, 2004).

Figure 3. Product Design Specification (Bayazit, 2004).



ms • Product

Performance• Standards• Legislation• Patents





ns •Quality•Test•Safety•Material•Appearance•Packaging and Service•Size and Weight•Cost•Product Number•Producibility Co





ns • Ergonomy• Consumer




tions • Market

Restrictions• Sales Potential• Competition




ses • User Training

• Design process








p • PoliticalProperties

• Environment





•Process Terms•Service -Maintenance

•Product Life Time•Shelf Life•Product Disposal








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1.3. Conceptual Design

Figure 4. Conceptual Design Process

Conceptual design is the first stage of design morphology. At this stage, the design process is

initiated by defining the problem and ends with the best, most successful concept.

À Conceptualization

À Determining customer needs

À Collection of related information

À Design, Review and Redefinition

À Selection of the Concept (Solution)

À Identifying the Problem

1.4. Embodiment Design

Embodiment design was defined by Pahl and Beitz (1996) as the fact that a product is a part

of the design process starting from the concept stage (Pahl and Beitz, 2013). When designing

a product, it must be economically and economically viable. In other words, in order to

present a purpose, production and material design are also emphasized. As it can be

understood here, it has been found out that the embodiment design is related to geometry,

production, material and function activities (Langeveld, 2011).

Determination of User Needs

Determination of Design Specifications

Determination of Problems Conceptual Design

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Mutual relations are very important in embodiment design. When we consider the

embodiment design as a tree, it is possible to treat the fruits of the tree as product design,

designer and production. It is fruits that make a tree meaningful. The product design team is

in constant communication. Design teams perform process planning with qualitative and

quantitative information they gather. The design process starts with the introduction of basic

needs. The following are some of the principles of embodiment design (Abrahamson and

Lindgren, 2014).

À Minimum production costs

À Minimum Requirements

À Minimum weight

À Minimum losses

À Optimal use

Embodiment design consists of production, parts construction and product assembly.

Figure 5. Conceptual Design Process

Embodiment Design


Parts Production

Product Assembly

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Figure 6. Designer's Needs of Hierarchy Based on Maslow (Dieter et al. 2013).

Realization of the design in order to increase the aesthetic value of the existing designs by

carrying out the sizing of the parts in the embodiment design stage, both user and

environmentally friendly designs are obtained. These features play an important role in terms

of achieving a good design (Baxter, 1995).

The embodiment design is a stage in which the design takes on a physical form. This stage

takes place in 3 steps.

1. Product Architecture: New perspective on design with physical elements

2. Configuration Design: Design of special-purpose components

3. Parameter Design: Choice of sizes or tolerances

1.4.1. Product Architecture

Product architecture is the arrangement of the physical parts of a product in order to fulfill the

required functions. Product architecture begins with the emergence of such things as function

schemes, sketches or proof of concept in the conceptual design phase. It can also be called the

first task step in the embodiment design. The parts are identified and the details of integration

with each other are created, here. The designer should consider product boundaries,

constraints and design elements for the creation of the architecture of a product. During the

development process of the product architecture, parts are placed in accordance with their

functions (UlrichandEppinger, 2004.). There are four steps at this stage:

Design Phase

Conceptual Design

Product Design

Design Tests

Knowledge Tools and Methods

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À Obtaining Product Schematic Diagram

À Creation of Product Cluster

À Forming Rough Geometry

À Determination of Interaction Between Components

1.4.2. Configuration Design

The configuration design determines the shape and overall dimensions of the components. In

this step, the aspects that are aimed at are: the function clarity, uncomplicated design, that is

simplicity, guarantee function, that guarantees the safety of the design, and giving harmful

effects to the environment at a minimum level (Dieter et al. 2013).

The following steps are followed when starting the configuration design (Ullman, 2010):

Reviewing the product design specification and all the features developed for the particular

subassembly to which the component belongs,

À Determining the spatial constraints related to the designed product or subassembly.

The vast majority of this part should be realized by the product architecture.

À In addition to physical-spatial constraints, considering the limitations of the product's

life cycle, such as the constraints of a person working with the product and the need to

provide access for maintenance or repair or removal for recycling,

À Creating and developing interfaces or connections between components. Again, the

product architecture should be fairly guiding in this regard. There is a lot of design

work on the connections between the components, because these parts are where the

failure occurs frequently in the product. The interfaces that transfer the most critical

functions should be carefully observed.

À Before spending a lot of time on the design, you need to answer a number of

questions: Can the piece be eliminated or combined with another piece? This is

because the manufacturing design shows that making and assembling fewer, more

complex parts is less costly than a design with a higher number of parts. Another

question is: Can a standard component or subassembly be used? Although a standard

component is generally less costly than a special-purpose component, two standard

components may not be less costly than a special-purpose component replacing them.

In general, the best way to get started with the configuration design is to begin to draw

alternative configurations of a component. The importance of sketches should not be ignored.

Sketches are an important help in generating ideas and are an alternative way of bringing

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unconnected ideas together in design concepts (Duff and Ross, 1995, Bertoline and Wiebe,


1.4.3. Parametric Design

The main purpose in configuration design is to start with the product architecture and then

find the best shape for each component. Qualitative reasoning about physical principles and

production processes has played a major role, dimensions and tolerances have been

temporarily determined, and the analysis is often used to "size parts", but is often not very

detailed or complex. Now; it is time for the parametric design, which is the second part of the

editing a design.

In parametric design, the properties of the components defined in the configuration design

become design variables for parametric design. A design variable is the quality of a

component whose value is under the control of the designer. This is typically a dimension or

tolerance, but may be a material applied to the component, heat treatment or surface quality.

In parametric design, exact dimensions and tolerances are determined. This aspect of design

is much more analytical than conceptual or configuration design. The aim of parametric

design is to determine values for design variables that will produce the best possible design by

considering both performance and cost (Dieter et al. 2013). The parametric design stage

consist of 5 steps.

À Formulation of Design Problems

À Creating Alternative Designs

À Analysis Process of Alternative Designs

À Evaluation of Analysis Results of Alternative Designs

À Optimization Operation

It should be noted that the process followed in parametric design is the same as that is

followed in the overall product design but is performed in within a smaller scope. This is the

proof of the repetitive nature of the design process.

The embodiment design phase precedes the detailed design phase. It constitutes the design

configuration where basic dimensioning and basic components are determined. There is no

supporting tool for the designer when the decision is made. It is a stage where product

performances are evaluated and decisions are taken according to the concept. The problems

arising in embodiment design are interpreted as the situations where the solution cannot be

established with the use of mechanical simulation tools, and problems of dissatisfaction come

to surface due to the constraints of complexities in the system. The problems at this stage are

addressed with many different problem-solving strategies (Scaravetti and Sebastian, 2009).

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1.5. Types of Embodiment Design

There are 4 acceptable types of embodiment design. They are classified as; the embodiment in

the visualization perception of the product, embodiment guided by product features such as

material and sound, and embodiment in terms of motion perception of the product (Van

Rompay and Ludden, 2015).

1.5.1. Anthropomorphism and Similarities

It is common practice to imitate human body or aspects in products. And, consumers have the

same tendency to easily identify human characteristics or properties in products. Many

designs are similar to human aspects or human body. This is called personification or

anthropomorphism. It is based on similarity (Aggarwal and McGill, 2007). Similarity of the

contours of a vase to the female figure can be given as an example for this, another example is

the likening of clouds to animal faces or features while watching them as a child. Designers

benefit from this similarity thus obtaining open designs. The anthropomorphism, which is one

of the types of embodiment design, is a part of the non-embodiment design as the product

design may resemble bodily features of a human (Guthrie, 1993). Designers encounter many

familiar figures of face in this type of design. This situation is interpreted in the art

community as the fact that people get confidence and relax when they see familiar faces.

Anthropomorphized products facilitate product-user interaction. This type of design is thought

to be highly human, familiar and reliable (Van Rompay and Ludden, 2015).

1.5.2. Relational Properties

It is a tool for the conceptual relationship between appearance and meaning based on schemas

and symbols and also after the evaluation of the research of the designers. The distance

between objects and the enclosure factors that objects provide to other objects are perceived

as the visual-spatial relations. Patterns in this format are called schemas. During the

expression of the product in this type, it is indicated that the design has arisen from the

perception of the relational characteristics that the product constitutes. Here, designers need to

continue their research by answering questions such as how schemas gain meaning in

different products (Lakoff, and Johnson, 1980, 1999).

1.5.3. Meaningful Sensory Experiences

Outside the visual field, designers can also use multi-dimensional product experiences to

create a predicted product expression. For example, designers have a large repertoire of

materials that affects the visual appearance and tactile feel of a product. In recent years,

continuous attention to the links between tactile impressions and product evaluations has

encouraged an important research group related to the design context (Ackerman et al. 2010,

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Bargh and Shalev; 2012, Jostmann et al. 2009). It addresses the effects of sensory characters

on the product. It is thought to be a source of inspiration in terms of smart designs. The sound

of a product, along with its tactile feel, is also important for establishing the characteristics of

a product. While making some designs, the harmony and relationship between the appearance

and sounds of the product were investigated. For example, when the appearance of a citrus

juicer and the sound it produces were applied to a different product, it was found that the

perceived impression of that product changed. In short, it is observed that the selection of

materials and sound to be used in that product is an important factor in shaping the impresion

a product gives and can also affect the social interaction. Here, designers should carry out

research on how features such as material and sound interact with the product (Özcan and Van

Egmond; 2012, Ludden and Schifferstein, 2007).

1.5.4. Embodiment in Product Movement

This final form of embodiment design is one of the most common design among researchers

who are interested in interaction design, who address the central concepts for design

disciplines, and who focus on new media interaction, concrete design and interaction design

in general (Dourish, 2001).

It deals with the depiction of motion perception on the product. It is important to know how to

use bodily actions to carry out sketch work on physical skills. It is the type of embodiment

design in terms of the motion in the product. Even the most ordinary motion shows its

particular meaning. In addition to the concept of motion, some designers prioritize speed and

force associations. For example, in one of their studies, designers have investigated whether

the expression of sadness or happiness is reflected in the expressions of dancers more slowly

or faster. This dance investigation was examined in order to determine the motion in the

product interaction. Other examples are the smooth and stable closure of the kitchen cabinet

lid, intelligent deceleration and click sound. In terms of the goal of the designer, creating an

impression with the movement paths of the products continues until the user changes his/her

experience with a body movement. Here, designers should carried out their studies finding

answers to questions such as how products express features that bare movements such as

speed and force, and how this situation affects the product (Von Laban and Ullmann; 1988,

Hekkert et al., 2003).

1.6. The Position of Embodiment Design in Design Process

The design process starts with the problem determination, which is the first step of the

conceptual design phase. At this stage, which is the first step of the design process, designers

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present problems making use of the problem announcements, making comparisons between

products, and with the help of quality function. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a link

where design needs and customer needs meet.

Figure 7. The Position of Embodiment Design in Design Process

In order to completely eliminate the problem, a collection of information about the problem

should be carried out. Designers can obtain this information through internet, articles,

magazines and consultants. Brainstorming, creativity and systematic design methods are used

to form a concept with appropriate information. After the evaluation of the formed concept,

concept selection is realized. Decision making, selection criteria and decision matrix are

effective in concept selection (Dieter et al. 2013). The design process carried out up to this

stage is called conceptual design.

Following the completion of the conceptual design, the next step is the completion of the

product architecture phase of the embodiment design with the arrangement and modularity of

the physical elements. In the configuration design, the pre-selection process is carried out;

material and production processes, modeling and dimensions of the component are

determined. The parametric design in embodiment design is based on excellent design and

tolerances. The final step in the design process is the detailed design. The detailed design

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phase is the stage where the engineering sketches and the design features of the product are


Figure 8. The Position of Embodiment Design in Systematic Design (Pahl and Beitz, 2013).

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1.7. Difficulties in Embodiment Design

The solution processes that are performed manually require knowledge of the variable values

of the design. Because of this, designers present initial values without addressing variable

values of design problems. At this stage, the equipment support is at a rather low level. The

realization of the sizing procedure in the design process is handled for the product life cycle

phase in the most critical situation (Scaravetti and Sebastian, 2009).

1.8. Detail Design

The boundary between the embodiment design and detailed design has been blurred and

shifted over time, with emphasis on reducing product development cycle time by using

simultaneous engineering methods provided by computer aided engineering (CAE). In most

engineering processes, it is no longer true to say that the detail design is the design phase in

which all dimensions, tolerances and details are completed. However, it is possible to define

the detail design as the stage in which the details are gathered and formed as a whole, where

the final decisions are presented in order to release the production step of the design. Every

stage of the design process is of great importance. Making good design out of a bad

conceptual design process may not be enough for the design. Detail design aims to create a

product by ensuring the designs developed in test procedure to be of high quality and cost-

effective. It is a stage based on the elimination of deficiencies (Dieter et al. 2013).

Detailed design;

À Decision Making

À Sizing Design

À Completion of engineering drawings with Product Design Specification covers:

À Prototype Testing

À Preparing a Cost Report

À Preparing a Design Report

À Design Review

À Manufacturing.


1. Abrahamson, D.,&Lindgren, R. (2014). Embodimentandembodieddesign. The

Cambridge handbook of thelearningsciences, 2, 358-376.

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2. Ackerman, J. M.,Nocera, C. C., &Bargh, J. A. (2010).

Incidentalhapticsensationsinfluencesocialjudgmentsanddecisions. Science, 328(5986),


3. Aggarwal, P.,&McGill, A. L. (2007). Is that car smiling at me? Schemacongruity as a

basisforevaluatinganthropomorphizedproducts. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(4),


4. Aymelek, Y.,&Ozgencil-Yildirim, S. (2015). Çağdaş Mimariyi Etkileyen İki Metafor:

Form Fonksiyonu İzler ve Form Akışı İzler.

5. Bargh, J. A.,&Shalev, I. (2012). Thesubstitutability of physicalandsocialwarmth in

daily life. Emotion, 12(1), 154-162.

6. Bayazıt, N. (2004). Tasarlama Süreci, Tasarım Kuramları ve Metotları. İstanbul :

Birsen Yayınevi.

7. Baxter, M., (1995). "Product design, A praticalguidetosystematicmethods of

newproductdevelopment," 2nd ed. Chapman&Hall, p. 308.

8. Bradley, D. (2010). Mechatronics–Morequestionsthananswers. Mechatronics, 20(8),


9. Bertoline G. R. andWiebe, E. N. (2007). Technical Graphics Communication, 5th

ed.,McGraw-Hill, New York.

10. Cross, N., (1999). “Natural Intelligence in Design”, Design Studies, vol: 20, p. 25-39.

11. Dieter, George E., Schmidt, Linda C., (2013). Engineering Design. New York , ISBN


12. Dourish, P. (2001). Wheretheaction is: Thefoundations of embodiedinteraction.

Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

13. DuffJ. M. andRossW. A., (1995). FreehandSketchingforEngineering Design, PWS

Publishing Co., Boston.

14. Guthrie, S. (1993). Faces in theclouds: A newtheory of religion. New York, NY:

Oxford UniversityPress.

15. Hekkert, P.,Mostert, M., &Stompff, G. (2003). Dancingwith a machine: A case of

experience-drivendesign. InProceedings of the International Conference on

DesigningPleasurableProductsandInterfacespp. 114-119.

16. Jostmann, N. B.,Lakens, D., & Schubert, T. W. (2009). Weight as an embodiment of

importance. PsychologicalScience, 20(9), 1169-1174.

17. Lakoff, G.,& Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphorsweliveby. Chicago, IL: TheUniversity of

Chicago Press.

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18. Lakoff, G.,& Johnson, M. (1999). Philosophy in theflesh. New York, NY: Basic


19. Langeveld, L., (2011). Product Design with Embodiment Design as a New

Perspective, Netherlands

20. Ludden, G. D. S.,&Schifferstein, H. N. J. (2007). Effects of visual–

auditoryincongruity on productexpressionandsurprise. International Journal of Design,

1(3), 29-39].

21. Özcan, E.,& Van Egmond, R. (2012). Basic semantics of productsound. International

Journal of Design, 6(2), 41-54.

22. Pahl, G.,&Beitz, W. (2013). Engineeringdesign: a systematicapproach.

SpringerScience& Business Media.

23. Scaravetti, D.,&Sebastian, P. (2009). Design spaceexploration in embodimentdesign:

an applicationtothedesign of aircraftairconditioners. International Journal of Product

Development, 9(1), 292.

24. Ulrich K. T. andEppinger, S. H (2004). Product Design and Development, 3d

ed.,McGraw-Hill, New York , , pp. 128–48.

25. Ullman, D. G. (2010). Themechanicaldesignprocess: Part 1. McGraw-Hill

26. Van Rompay, T.,&Ludden, G. (2015). Types of embodiment in design:

Theembodiedfoundations of meaningandaffect in productdesign. International journal

of design, 9(1).

27. VonLaban, R.,&Ullmann, L. (1988). Themastery of movement. Plymouth, MA:

Northcote House.

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The design method is to develop new product ideas in line with the needs of the society and to

link the formed ideas with the product to be produced. A systematic approach is generally

preferred in order to build this connection on sound foundations. This design process starts

with the conceptual design stage, continues with the embodiment design stage and ends with

the detail design stage. In these stages, although engineering design plays an active role, the

same terminology may not be used to express the stages of the industrial design process.

Almost everyone agrees with the idea that the first step in design is the problem definition or

the need analysis. Some consider the problem definition as the first stage of the design

process, while others consider the conceptual design phase as the first step of the design

process. The product design process includes the following activities in general:

• Determination of market needs

• Problem analysis and formulation

• Product design specification

• Concept development

• Embodiment design

• Detail design

• Design for assembly

• Life cycle assessment

• Outcome evaluation

1. Embodiment Design

The systematic approach emphasizes the question of how a function can best be performed

with a particular problem and a fixed solution principle and what will happen to each function

carrier. The embodiment design is generally known as pre-design in the process of systematic

design approach. It is also called system-level design. The term of embodiment design has

been introduced by Pahl and Beitz (Pahl and Beitz, 1996). The terminology is located at a key

point after the conceptual design and before the detailing design and systematically supports

the design solution of a product.

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Embodiment design is one of the most important stages in the design process in which the

concept of design is made by physical form. It can be called the stage in which 4 components

of design including function, form, harmony and completion are evaluated together. It is the

stage in which most analyses are made in order to determine the physical form and

configuration of the components constituting the design. In the literature, the embodiment

design is divided into three parts according to the growth trend of the design (Dieter and

Schmidt, 2008).

Establishment of product architecture; includes organizing the functional elements of the

product into physical units. The main purpose is how much modularity or integration should

be achieved in the design.

Configuration design; involves creating the general form and dimensions of components.

Design models required for the principles of producibility are applied in order to reduce the

cost of In pre-selection of materials, manufacturing processes and manufacturing.

Parametric design: Further detailing is carried out to determine critical design variables to

improve the robustness of the design. This includes the optimization of critical dimensions

and the tolerance setting.

Figure 1. Steps showing the embodiment design in the design process is carried out from the

installation of the product architecture and to the realization of configuration and parametric

design (Dieter and Schmidt, 2008).

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Upon completion of the embodiment design, a full scale working prototype of the product will

be generated and tested. This is presented as a technical and visually completed study model

used to verify that the design meets all customer requirements and performance criteria.

Figure 2. The position of embodiment design in systematic design (Pahl and Beitz, 1996).

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The embodiment design is the part of the design process in which a technical product

principle solution or technical product concept is addressed according to the technical and

economic criteria of the design, and developed according to the point where the detail design

is made in the light of further information. It can directly lead to production.

The embodiment design is a well-known concept in product development. The first person to

refer to the embodiment design is Kesselring and introduced a number of principles including

minimum production costs, minimum requirements, minimum weight, minimum losses and

optimum use (Kesselring F., 1954). These principles are usually calculated at the end of the

design process and are often used for verification. The embodiment design is to be understood

as a design step in which a product structure, a product layout and operating principle are


However, a product has other features besides technical and economic ones only. A product

can also show aspects of other values in a living creature such as emotion, beauty, charm and

happiness. If earnings are higher than the cost of basic needs, people like to pay for these


The embodiment design process is part of the design process related to the production,

engineering and economic feasibility of the product concept. Production includes components

and product assembly. In brief, the embodiment design is carried out with material,

production and geometry to fulfill a new function, and provides the updating of the function

and must meet the requirement with the physical aspects of use, interaction, ergonomics, etc.

(Langeveld, 2011).

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Request and wish program

Fuzzy information

Material Function

Concept Embodiment Design



Production Form Language Geometry

Product Design

Figure 3. Embodiment Design Model (Langeveld, 2011).

Ideas are given importance to in Embodiment Design, so a body is created in the titles that

will be explained in detail in the later parts of the design process. In the DMGP model shown

in Figure 3, the design (D), Material (M), Geometry (G) and Production (P) design

characteristics have relations defined as design activities (Kandachar et al., 2001). Design

activities can enrich existing products or product design concepts with innovative design

solutions. All product designs can be designed in a variety of design directions, which may

include several design elements. Design consists of engineering database, designer needs,

product structure, product layout, designer's role, creativity, education and culture.

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Figure 4: Areas of embodiment design (Langeveld, 2011).

In product design, embodiment design is a process that must be taken into consideration in

many different aspects. Figure 4 shows the areas of rendering and making in which the

reciprocal relationships are created. Designers use the embodiment design to follow a

structural process that depends on the design task. The result is a product design that can

actually be produced. Designers should also develop their design knowledge on producibility.

Product designs are concerned with strategic and innovative aspects of production systems

and planning facilities. In the embodiment design, decisions are made by the designer; in

detail design, properties related to the component such as the dimensions, materials,

tolerances, geometric tolerances, surface roughness and volume are formed. At every stage of

form and detail design, the uncertainty will decrease and it will most probably approach to an

accuracy of 100% each time.

2. Steps of Embodiment Design

Once the first solution has been prepared at the conceptual stage, the underlying idea can be

consolidated. During the forming process, designers should determine general layout and

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spatial compatibility, pre-embodiment designs (component forms and materials) and

production processes and provide solutions for auxiliary functions. Throughout all this,

technological and economic considerations are of great importance. The design should be

developed with the help of scale drawings, critically reviewed and subjected to a technical and

economic assessment . Often, there is a need for a number of embodiment designs in order for

a precise design to be suitably produced. So, the design, taking into account the customer

requests, should be developed according to the point where a clear control of order, function,

durability, production, assembly, operation and costs can be made. Only if this is done, is it

possible to prepare the final production needs.

Unlike the conceptual design, embodiment design involves a number of corrective steps that

analysis and synthesis continuously follow and complete each other. Design explains that the

familiar methods underlying the search for solutions and assessments should be supported by

methods that will help identify existing errors and that will help with optimization. The

collection of information about materials, production processes, repeated parts and standards

is a matter that requires considerable effort and attention for embodiment design. Therefore,

during the embodiment design process;

• Many actions should be performed at the same time.

• It should be repeated at higher levels of knowledge.

• The additions and changes in one area are reflected in the existing design in other


It is, therefore, necessary to create a flexible planning process for the embodiment design

phase. In addition, a general approach has been proposed with the main study steps as shown

in Figure 5 (Pahl and Beitz, 2013).

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Figure 5: Steps of the embodiment design (Pahl and Beitz, 2013)

Certain specific design problems may, in rare cases, require predictable deviations and

auxiliary steps. This should be planned by recognizing that more changes should be made to

match with the design problem at hand. Basically, the process will move from the qualitative

to the quantitative, from abstract to concrete and from rough design to detail designs. It is

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important to make preparations for inspections and corrections if necessary (Pahl and Beitz,

2013). The first step is to define requirements that have a significant impact in embodiment

design, starting with the principle solution and using the list of requirements:

• Requirements for determining dimensions such as output, efficiency, size of

connectors etc.,

• Requirements for determining layout such as flow direction, movement,

position etc.,

• Requirements for determining materials such as corrosion resistance, service

life, specified materials etc.

Conditions such as safety, ergonomics, production, assembly and recycling include

specific application considerations that may affect the size, shape and selection of


1. Then, spatial constraints that define or restrict the embodiment design should be

identified (e.g. gaps, axle positions, assembly requirements, etc.).

2. Once the form-determining requirements and spatial constraints are identified, a rough

pattern derived from the concept is generated, highlighting all form-determining main-

function carriers, i.e. the mechanisms and components that perform the main

functions. The following helpful questions should be answered in accordance with the

design principles:

• Which main functions determine the size, layout, and component shapes of the

overall layout? (for example, blade profiles in turbo machines or flow area of


• Which main functions need to be carried out with which functions or

separately (e.g. torque is transmitted and radial movement is provided through

a flexible shaft or rigid shaft plus a special coupling)?

3. Basic scale layouts and embodiment designs should be developed for the main form-

determining carriers; that is, the general layout, component forms and materials should

be determined temporarily.

4. One or more suitable basic layouts should be selected taking into account the relevant

items in the checklist.

5. Basic layouts and embodiment designs should be developed for the main functions

that are not yet known.

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6. Then, determine which basic auxiliary functions (such as support, retention, sealing

and cooling) are required, and if possible, use known solutions (such as repeated parts,

standard parts, catalog solutions).

7. For the main function carriers, detailed layouts and embodiment designs should be

developed in accordance with the design rules and forming guidelines, and be

developed paying attention to standards, regulations, detailed calculations and

experimental findings, as well as the compatibility problem with these auxiliary


8. You should continue to develop detailed layouts and designs for auxiliary function

carriers adding standard and purchased parts.

9. Layouts should be evaluated according to technical and economic criteria.

10. The first basic layout should be arranged. All layouts shall define the complete

external structure of the designed system or product.

11. By eliminating the weak points detected during the evaluation, the embodiment design

for the selected layout should be optimized and completed.

12. The embodiment design should be checked in order to investigate functional-design

errors, spatial compatibility and disturbing factors. It should be investigated which

improvements may be necessary.

13. A pre-part list and pre-production and assembly document should be prepared and the

embodiment design stage should be finalized.

14. Final arrangements should be completed and detail design phase should be started.

Many details need to be clarified, approved and optimized while preparing the embodiment

designs. The more in detail it is investigated, the more obvious it is that the right solution

concept is chosen. Thus, it can be seen whether the market requirement can be met or whether

the chosen concept is suitable for the product. When this issue is noticed during the

embodiment design, it will enable the review of the procedure adopted in the conceptual

design phase.

3. Checklist for Embodiment Design

The embodiment design is characterized by repeated discussions and verification. Each

embodiment design is an attempt to fulfill a specific function with appropriate layout,

component forms and materials. The process begins with pre-scale layouts based on rough

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analysis of spatial requirements and takes into account safety, ergonomics, production,

installation, operation, maintenance, recycling, costs and timings.

When dealing with these factors, designers will discover a large number of mutual

relationships, therefore, their approach should be progressive as well as iterative. However,

the design approach should always be such that it allows the quick identification of the

problems that should be solved.

The checklist shown in Table 1 has been obtained from general objectives and constraints.

Although the factors are interrelated, this checklist keeps them arranged through a useful

procedure and offers a systematic control for the designers for each of them. Thus, the

checklist not only provides a strong mental acceleration, but also ensures that nothing is

forgotten (Pahl and Beitz, 2013)

Table 1. Forming Design Checklist

Titles Examples

FunctionIs the intended function performed?

Which auxiliary functions are required?

Operating Principle

Do the selected operating principles provide the desired effects and


What can the disturbing factors be?


Do all of the selected layouts provide component shapes, materials, anddimensions?

Sufficient durabilityPermissible deformationAvoding resonanceBarrier-free expansionAcceptable corrosion and wear


Have all the factors that affect the safety of the components and the

operation of the enterprise and the environment been taken into



Have human-machine relationships been considered?

Have unnecessary human stress and damaging factors been avoided?

Has aesthetics been paid attention to?

ProductionHas a technological and economic analysis of production processes

been carried out?

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Quality ControlCan the required controls be applied at any time during or after


AssemblyCan all internal and external assembly work be done simply and


TransportHave all internal and external transport conditions and risks been

examined and taken into account?

OperationHave the factors such as noise, vibration and maintenance affecting the

operation been taken into account?

Maintenance/Repair Can maintenance, inspection and revision be easily done?

Recycling Can the product be reused or recycled?

CostsHave the anticipated cost limits been considered?

Are there any other costs?

TimingCan delivery dates be met?

Are there design changes to improve delivery status?

These titles and examples provide a systematic approach to the embodiment design. For

example, dealing with assembly problems will lead to a loss of time before detecting whether

the required performance or minimum durability is ensured. This checklist provides an easy

and consistent review of the embodiment design.

4. Basic Rules of Embodiment Design

The following basic rules apply to all embodiment designs. If neglected, problems,

malfunctions and accidents may occur. When used in conjunction with the checklist and

design error detection methods, they assist the designer in selection and evaluation (Dieter

and Schmidt, 2008).

There are many rules and guidelines for embodiment design in the literature. The basic

features of product design are openness, simplicity and security;

Openness; that is, the clarity or lack of uncertainty of the function of a design - facilitates

reliable estimation of the performance of the final product, and in most cases saves time and

costly analyses.

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Simplicity; usually guarantees economic feasibility. Fewer components and simple shapes are

produced in a faster and easier way.

Security; brings a coherent approach to problems of power, reliability, accident prevention

and environmental protection.

In short, by paying attention to these three basic rules, designers can increase their chances of

success. Because they help to combine functional efficiency, economy and security. Without

this combination, it is thought that the chance of achieving a satisfactory solution in the

embodiment design will be reduced.

5. Exemplary application for Embodiment Design

An exemplary application for embodiment design has been carried out by the students of

Erciyes University Department of Industrial Design Engineering. In the study, it was planned

that the mouth cushions that would keep the mouth open during the dental treatment by the

dentists, be designed as a modular product that provides ease of use for parents to the children

and that can be adjusted as desired (Akkas, 2017).

Figure 6. The mouth gag on the market

After the needs analysis and market research was made for this, sketching studies were carried

out inspired by nutcrackers for the geometry of the product to be designed. Technical

drawings were made in CAD environment.

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Figure 7. Sketches for new mouth gags

Figure 8. Technical drawings of 3 different sizes for the new mouth gag

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Material properties to be used later were investigated. Silicone and plastic are very commonly

used in mouth gags. Silicon is preferred mostly for this product. Finally, a 3-D model of the

product was formed and then simulated.

Figure 9. 3D modeling of the mouth gag planned to be produced


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1. Introduction

Development of new products in an effective and accurate way is important for companies to remain

competitive in the global environment. When Companies analyze the phase of determining customer

needs well during the new product development process, they will be able to act faster in offering new

products that will provide original benefits to their customers.

The phase of determining customer needs consists of collecting raw data from customers, interpreting

raw data in terms of customer needs and arranging them as primary, secondary, and tertiary customer

needs, and aligning needs according to order of importance (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). Focus groups,

interviews, questionnaires sent via electronic mail and related websites are mainly used for the

collection of raw data.

The Kano model, which was introduced by Dr. Kano in 1984, provides a more detailed

understanding of the customer voice by grouping customer needs as must-have, one-dimensional, and

exciting needs (Kano, 1984; Matzler, Hinterhuber, Bailom, & Sauerwein, 1996).

In this way, determining the customer needs correctly and efficiently in the first place will help to

prevent design repetitions and thus wasting time and resources.

1. Determining Customer Needs

1.1. Collection of raw data

The marketing departments of the companies can identify customer needs; or firms can outsource

market research with an outside marketing agent. Some methods used to collect customer needs:

• Focus groups: In focus groups, 8-12 customers in a private room are asked to talk about their

wishes and needs, and discussions are usually videotaped (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015; Urban &

Hauser, 1993). This process lasts 1-2 hours, moderated by a member of the new product

development team or a professional market researcher, which provides a deep understanding

of customer impressions for these products (Urban & Hauser, 1993; Eppinger & Ulrich,

2015). The cost for the room rental, fees paid to participants, video recording, and snacks can

reach $ 5,000 altogether (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015).

• Interviews: One-to-one interviews conducted by phone or face-to-face usually take 45 to 60

minutes (Day, 1993; Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). This method allows the interviewer to ask

questions until he learns the actual need of the customer (Day, 1993). However, this method

is expensive and time-intensive; which limits the number of interviews (Day, 1993). Urban &

Hauser (1993) claim that 20-30 interviews are sufficient for each customer segment in

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understanding 90-95% of customer needs. Silver & Thompson (1991) showed that a one-hour

face-to-face interview and a one-hour focus group study had the same degree of impact in

terms of determining customer needs for a group of complex office equipment. Thus,

interviewing two customers for one hour each would be much more economical than

interviewing a focus group with 6-8 clients for two hours (Griffin & Hauser, 1993; Eppinger

& Ulrich, 2015).

• Surveys by mail: This is an expensive method. However, a contradiction may occur if the

respondent fails to understand what the author really means (Day, 1993). The length of the

survey determines the response rate and motivation of the respondent and this rate is at 25-

60% (Futrell, 1994).

• Product clinics: Surveys are conducted with customers to report their preferences on different

product concepts, often involving competitors' products (Jürgens, 2000). Confidentiality is

obligatory since the products offered convey the product strategy of the company (Jürgens,

2000). The automotive industry uses virtual product clinics that save time and money to

evaluate products and that bring customers together (Jürgens, 2000).

• Murmurings and observations: Listening and observing customers experiencing the products

of both the company and its competitors in retail outlets and commercial shows may show

potential problems related to products, resulting in improvement of the product (L.-K. Chan

& Wu, 2002).

Firstly, Eppinger & Ulrich (2015) recommends conducting interviews since they allow evaluation of

the product where it is used; and then supporting this with one or two focus groups as a group of

customers can be observed at the same time. Griffin & Hauser predicted that 30 interviews for the

portable food transport vehicle would be sufficient to determine 90% of customer needs (Hauser,


Von Hippel (1986) explained that interviews would be more effective when they were made with

leading users who were defined as the precursors of future needs in the market. Leading users are

users who may have already come up with the problems associated with the current product or service

and have already produced solutions to these problems and/or will benefit from the solution of these

problems most (Von Hippel, 1986; Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). Automobile manufacturers, for

example, follow the teams in the NASCAR (The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) to

be aware of the new solutions they have developed for the challenges they face (Von Hippel, 1986;

Garcia, 2014).

Apart from these methods; complaints, warranty and sales data, and publications also help companies

to define the needs of the customers (Chan & Wu, 2002).

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The internet, emerged in the early 1970s (Paul, 1996), has been spreading rapidly since the 1990s

(Schibrowsky, Peltier, & Nill, 2007). The Internet was born as a new tool to obtain the voice of the

customer in addition to the traditional methods discussed above (Howe, Mathieu, & Parker, 2000;

Wilson & Laskey, 2003). The Internet, the ‘International electronic network’ (Paul, 1996), provides

global communication through e-mails, websites, news groups and forums (Howe et al., 2000). This

opportunity provided by the Internet allows millions of people and data to be accessed quickly and

without much effort (Wilson & Laskey, 2003). E-mail and web-based surveys make the geographic

boundaries irrelevant due to the electronic format of the data, which enables the determination of

customers needs with low costs and short customer response times (Ilieva, Baron, & Healey, 2002). A

study conducted in Spain by Barrios, Villarroya, Borrego, & Ollé (2011) showed that the customer

response rate of the e-mail surveys (64.8%) was higher than that of mail surveys (48.8%). In addition,

the e-mail survey contains less missing data than the mail survey, which determines the quality of the

data (Barrios et al., 2011). However, customer response rate and data quality may vary in terms of

survey design, attractiveness of the subject, internet use in the population, and the level of education of

the sample (Ilieva et al., 2002; Barrios et al., 2011). In the last two decades, social media that creates

interactive virtual platforms supported by users, and includes blogs (e.g., social

networks (e.g.,, forums (e.g., and video sharing websites

(e.g. is becoming increasingly important (Constantinides & Fountain, 2008;

Constantinides, Romero, & Boria, 2008). Customers can freely share their suggestions, comments, and

comments on a company's products through the common blogs and discussion forums (e.g. (Constantinides et al., 2008; Jeong et al., 2017). Companies can track changes in

customer behavior, customers' reactions to new products, requests, ideas through websites such as and where subscribers can upload pictures and videos (Constantinides et al.,

2008). Social networks first started in 1995 with; then, continued with

in 2003, in 2004, and in 2006 (Rucker, 2011). Each network contains

websites where the user shares his information with other members he is in contact with(Trusov,

Bodapati, & Bucklin, 2010). Currently,, the most popular website, has over two billion

members across the world (Statista, 2019). This situation emphasizes the potential importance of

social networks for firms. Companies can use these websites to create their own profiles and listen to

the customers' voice (Fluss & Rogers, 2011). Members can freely share their feelings about products

or services in these profiles, which will help companies fully understand customer needs (CBR

Software New Media and Search, 2009).

In addition to these, companies can observe their customers when using an existing product without

the need to ask questions about products; to contact with them directly (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015).

Companies go to the places where customers meet products or services, which is called as 'gemba' by

the Japanese, and analyze the customer voice (Lampa & Mazur, 1996; Zultner & Mazur, 2006). For

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example, Procter&Gamble observes thousands of customers each year at home or at work (Eppinger

& Ulrich, 2015). However, the observation can also take place when the company contacts the

customers and experiences the product with them (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). This way, companies

can observe the problems and opportunities they cannot normally see in meeting rooms at a time they

occur (Mazur, 2003; Zultner & Mazur, 2006). And this provides a better understanding of the

customer's wishes which are vital for making appropriate designs (Mazur, 2003).

1.2. Interpreting and Organizing Customer Needs

The new-product development team can obtain approximately 200-400 customer needs by interpreting

the descriptions by the customers collected using traditional methods (Urban & Hauser, 1993; Takai &

Ishii, 2010). When customer comments are converted into customer needs, it should be noted that the

needs should include as much detail as possible in the original data; be presented as a feature of the

product, and express what the product should do rather than how (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). In the

next step, since it will be difficult to work with a list containing about 400 customer needs, customer

requirements are categorized into primary, secondary, and tertiary requirements, mostly by affinity

diagrams, tree diagrams, and hierarchical cluster analysis tools (Griffin & Hauser, 1993; Eppinger &

Ulrich, 2015). ).

The affinity diagram method is often called the KJ method by its inventor Kawakita Jiro

(Franceschini, 2002). Affinity diagrams are created by the new-product team members instead of

customers and may not represent customer opinions (Urban & Hauser, 1993; Franceschini, 2002).

However, they do not take much time; and are economical and practical (Urban & Hauser, 1993). The

team members classify customer needs as tertiary, secondary, and primary, and eliminate duplicate

needs by building a hierarchy tree (Urban & Hauser, 1993). On the other hand, the tree diagram is

more categorical than the affinity diagram; shows any deficit in grouping; and helps the team to

determine both the lowest and the highest detail (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995). In addition, the

hierarchical cluster analysis is considered to be better than affinity and tree diagrams (Urban &

Hauser, 1993; Franceschini, 2002). The hierarchical cluster analysis is based on customers'

perspectives because it is created by customers (Urban & Hauser, 1993; Franceschini, 2002).

However, it is time consuming and costly (Urban & Hauser, 1993). In this method, similar customer

needs are grouped as a cluster; thus, various clusters are formed (Urban & Hauser, 1993). These

clusters are then categorized into the hierarchy of primary, secondary, and tertiary needs (Urban &

Hauser, 1993).

Primary needs or strategic needs are related to the Core Benefit Proposition (CBP), which describes

the specific benefits of the product (Griffin & Hauser, 1993; Urban & Hauser, 1993). Secondary needs

or tactical needs determine what needs to be done to achieve primary or strategic needs (Griffin &

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Hauser, 1993). Tertiary requirements or operational needs are detailed engineering features that meet

secondary needs (Griffin & Hauser, 1993).

Nevertheless, various digital techniques are still being proposed and developed to overcome the

thousands of customer reviews that are commonly referred to as idea mining and emerge through

social media to attract, classify and understand the useful ones, and to use the findings in product

design (Chen, Chiang, & Storey, 2012; Jin, Ji, & Liu, 2014).

1.3.Ranking of Customer Needs by Significance Level

In order to use resources such as time, money, and personnel effectively, firms eliminate unimportant

customer demands and focus on the most important ones (Terninko, 1997; Chan & Wu, 2002).

In many cases, relative importance (sometimes called rate-scale importance) ranking is used, and

customers are asked to rank customers' needs on a scale (from 1 to 5, from 1 to 7, from 1 to 9, or from

1 to 10; 5,7,9 and 10 being the most important here) through mail/electronic mail surveys (Cohen &

Cohen, 1995; Franceschini, 2002). The results are statistically analyzed, and if the distribution is

unimodal, the mean values of the rankings are taken into account (Franceschini, 2002). If the

distribution is not unimodal and there are significant variations in distribution, the distribution can

mean two different market segments (Franceschini, 2002). Therefore, respondents should be analyzed

in terms of age, gender, and socioeconomic status (Akao, 1990).

In recent years, quantitative techniques such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Analytic Network

Process (ANP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been used to rank customer needs by

importance (Carnevalli). & Amp; Miguel, 2008). In AHP, developed by Saaty in 1970, customers are

asked to compare two customer needs according to a 1-9 scale, which ranges from equally important

to extremely important (Franceschini, 2002). This dual comparison continues until all the needs are

evaluated according to each other (Franceschini, 2002). Fuzzy logic theory proposed by Professor

Zadeh in 1965 is a technique used for solving and modeling uncertain problems (Zadeh, 1965;

Guiffrida & Nagi, 1998). The fuzzy method can be used to determine the relative importance of

customer needs, which can provide a more rational ranking by minimizing the ambiguity in the

customer voice (L. K.Chan, Kao, & Wu, 1999). ANP, created by Professor Saaty after AHP, is a

multi-criteria decision-making tool not resembling AHP; a single network is created to model complex

problems (Saaty, 2004; Raharjo, Brombacher, & Xie, 2008). ANN is a mathematical model which was

developed by simulating the human brain and that has been known since the 1940s (Jain, Mao, &

Mohiuddin, 1996; Bouchereau & Rowlands, 2000). .

2. The Kano Model

To understand the voice of the customers The Kano model was introduced in 1984 by Noriaki Kano,

Japanese professor and quality expert (Kano, 1984; Matzler et al., 1996). Dr. Kano divides product or

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service characteristics into three groups (Mazur, 2003), as shown in Figure 1 to explain how to meet

customer needs.

(1) The must-have features. The lack of these features makes the customer dissatisfied (Shen, Tan,

& Xie, 2000). Therefore, these features have to be met even though they do not increase

satisfaction when met beyond expectations (Mazur, 2003). These features are essential for a

product or service and are not reported by the customer (Terninko, 1997). For example, a

vehicle owner expects the airbag to be fully opened in an accident.

(2) One-dimensional features. When these features are met, customer satisfaction occurs and

when not met, customer dissatisfaction occurs (Shen et al., 2000). These characteristics are

usually reported by the customer (Terninko, 1997). For example, the more kilometers a car

goes per liter, the more satisfied the customer is (Matzler et al., 1996).

(3) Exciting features. Although these exciting features do not make the customer dissatisfied, the

presence of them makes the customer happy (Shen et al., 2000; Mazur, 2003). Meeting these

features can lead to the emergence of innovative products (Griffin & Hauser, 1993).

Figure 1. The Kano Model (Kano, 1984; Matzler et al., 1996; Tan & Shen, 2000)

In a car, a good viewing distance is a must-have feature, the spaciousness of the rear-seats is a

one-dimensional feature, and the advanced traction system is an exciting feature (Zultner & Mazur,


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Exciting needs can also be defined as hidden needs (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). For example,

people were not aware of such a need until the camera feature was integrated into their mobile phones

(Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015).

The Kano model has a dynamic structure; today's exciting features are a must-have for

tomorrow; customer needs change over time (Lampa & Mazur, 1996; Terninko, 1997). Therefore,

companies should be in constant contact with customers to be aware of any possible changes in

customer needs (Lampa & Mazur, 1996; Terninko, 1997).

3. Result

Commercial websites such as that give particular importance to social networks (e.g., forums (e.g., customer comments, apart from methods such as

interviewing and meeting with focus groups for accurate and effective understanding of customer

voice, are becoming increasingly important.

In recent years, quantitative techniques such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Analytic Network

Process (ANP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been used to rank customer needs by

importance have gained importance.

Nevertheless, various digital techniques are still being proposed and developed to overcome the

thousands of customer reviews, to understand, classify and rank them by their importance, and to use

the findings in product design (Chen, Chiang, & Storey, 2012; Jin, Ji, & Liu, 2014).

1. References

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CBR Software New Media and Search. (2009). Twitter and Google as customer service tools.

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1. Introduction

In today's era of faster, cheaper and better products, companies focus on improving the

product development process at a higher rate. Technology that allows for new business

strategies, new organizational approaches, new business processes and are new opportunities

is being used by many forward-thinking companies to continuously improve their product

development processes. How can a company catch up with these rapid changes? Some

improvement opportunities are defined for the staff in an organization. Other opportunities

may not be open, or may contain too many objects to become a matter of where to begin.

Management often creates a number of questions in their minds: How can we compare it with

the rest of the industry? With the best ones in the industry? What are our strengths and

weaknesses? Does our development process meet our strategic goals? What improvements

need to be made? Where do we start? What are the priorities given to the resources we have?

What benefits can we expect? How can we understand this quickly so that we can get started?

These questions and answers constitute an important step in the design; Benchmarking and

Transferring the Result to Design.

2. Product Development Processes and Aspects

No organization can develop all aspects of product development process at once.

Implementation of product development best practices can best be viewed as a journey (an

ongoing process improvement) rather than a destination. Priorities should be developed to

implement the product development best practices. The organization should start by

understanding what applications should be adopted (possible). It then needs to consider its

strategic direction (for example, time to market, low-cost manufacturer, most innovative

manufacturer, highest quality/reliability manufacturer, flexibility to respond to new products

and markets), taking into account its goals. They should also consider their rivals in this

process. Then, the designer/firm has to evaluate his/its strengths and weaknesses. Priorities

can be identified to make improvements by focusing on the "gap" between where a

designer/company is and where he/it should be (identifying priorities). An exemplary

approach is presented in Figure 1 on this topic;

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Figure 1. Product development quality gap [1,2]

Within the scope of the gap in the product design process, which is intended to be identified;

corporate visits, consultancy assignments, conferences, workshops and meetings, literature

review, phone calls, technology vendors, production analysis, Software Engineering,

Competency Maturity Models (CMM) and other resource books can be used. This quest

should be constantly updated as best product is revealed and defined, and as current best

practices become a standard practice and are no longer noteworthy. Figure 2 shows the

targeted design and comparison cycle.

Figure 2. Continuous design and comparison cycle [3].

Within the continuous design cycle, applications are divided into five main dimensions:

strategy, organization, process, design optimization and technology, and the best twenty-eight

application categories (Process Areas in the CMM Terminology). Twelve different steps are

encountered when the relevant five areas are examined as an application step [4,5];

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i. STEP: PLANNING 1. Determining what to compare 2. Determination of

companies to be compared 3. Determination of data collection methods

ii. STEP: ANALYSIS 4. Determining the existing performance gap 5. Projecting

future performance level

iii. STEP: INTEGRATION 6. Evaluating the findings and making them acceptable 7.

Determination of functional targets

iv. STEP: GOING INTO ACTION 8. Development of action plans 9. Improving

specific actions and monitoring progress 10. Re-adjustment of the comparison

v. STEP: MATURITY 11. Reaching the leadership position 12. FulL integration of

applications into processes

It is recommended that the designer pay attention to the processes in five steps and take into

account stepwise theory plan presented in Figure 3 to move on to the next while developing

his design and production capability through five defined steps and twelve application steps.

Figure 3. Stepwise Theory Plan [6]

As a result of researches from past to present, an application framework that will ensure

optimum and highest performance has been obtained. The developed design and

implementation framework starts with the strategy process, continues with the organizational

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approach and operational steps, and ends with technology support through design

optimization. Figure 4 presents a pre-evaluation table for scoring and viability assessment.

Figure 4. Scoring and Viability Assessment Table [7-10].

Most of these best practices are universal - applicable to the development of any product of

any type and size. And, some of these best practices are related to specific product types or

business environments. For example, ease-of-maintenance/service applications do not apply

to consumer products, the productability design is not as important as a one-off product such

as a satellite, the applications for electrical design or embedded software are not entirely

related to a mechanical product. Therefore, a weighting is used to adapt the importance of best

practices to each company's products and business environment. The “Ishikawa Result-Effect

Diagram", in which the input data to be used to generate the absolute effect is defined, is

given in Figure 5.

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Figure 5. The Ishikawa Result-Effect Diagram [8]

The absolute input values for the result obtained according to Ishikawa are; material in

production, production technology/method, production automation capacity and production

evaluation measurements. It is emphasized, in this model that the identified data is used as

input, that the designer should make an effort for these input effects to get the basic output


In relation to each of these best practices, there are a number of questions to help with this

evaluation process. A company's product development activities are assessed in relation to

each of these best practices and a quantitative rating is developed. This rating is supported by

an oral explanation of the characteristics of the product development approach, as the

organization evolves towards a worldwide approach to IPD. An example of a worksheet for

this evaluation process is given in Figure 6:

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Figure 6. Exemplary Study for Integrated Product/Design Evaluation [9]

3. Strategic Compliance

To be successful, the manufacturing company must have a basis for the competitive

advantage. While an organization needs to do a reasonable job in various competitive

dimensions, not every possibility is possible for all people. The firm must focus on one or two

dimensions of competition to be truly successful. These dimensions are typically the

dimensions of competition listed below that are associated with product development;

• Time to Market

• Low development cost

• Low-cost manufacturer/low-cost, high-value products

• Innovation and product performance

• Quality, reliability, ease of use, ease of service, etc.

• Agility

Many of the best practices are related to one or more of these competitive dimensions or

strategies. If the practice is strongly related to one of these strategies, it can be defined as a

strategic advantage. For example, strategic advantages for time to market are as follows:

2.7 Take on a new development project only when resources are available. This makes

excessively labor-intensive projects and projects delaying the time to market a cluster of

problems. Resources can be focused on ongoing high priority projects. The next highest

priority project can be realized when it is ready to support resources as quickly as possible.

5.4 Make a full commitment to the project and start the plan quickly so that the staff can make

a good start.

8.9 Focus on the redesign of modules, components, cores, cells, component models,

requirement documents, plans, technical documentation, simulation models, toolkit materials,

and so on to minimize development costs and timing.

11.8 Manage requirements strictly to minimize changes that require redesign cycles. Consider

new requirements in the new version or in the new generation product.

13.4 Ensure early participation in suppliers' opinions and recommendations to collaborate,

use, and develop a design that is compatible with process capabilities.

23.7 Use product data management systems to control product data and facilitate the process

with workflow capabilities.

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24.4 Use electronic mock-up and assembly modeling capabilities instead of creating physical


25.1 Highlight the importance of early analysis and simulation to minimize construction and

testing cycles carried out with physical hardware.

Looking at the performance level for these strategic leverages, a competitive strategy is

aimed. The question is whether this strategy is in line with the target strategy. One way to see

the overall strategy is to look at the weighted average of performance ratings for best

practices, which are strategic leverages associated with each of the six competitive

dimensions or strategies. For a particular strategic dimension, a high weighted average

performance rating compared to weighted average performance ratings in other strategic

dimensions indicates that the product development process is strategically aligned with that

strategic dimension. Ideally, the ranking of these weighted average performance ratings

should be aligned with the intended strategy priorities. If not, the product development

process needs to be improved by implementing best practices that are strategic leverage for

the desired strategy.

4. Analysis and Improvement

In addition to the performance rating for each best practice and each top-level category, a

general performance rating has been developed by assigning a weight factor to each category

according to their importance, taking into account the nature of the work and the product. This

performance rating is an indication of the urgency of improving the development process

compared to other companies. The design analysis is then used to focus on development

opportunities that will provide the highest gain. Categories with high weighting factors

(showing its importance for your product development success) and having relatively low

performance ratings give the biggest gaps between what is important for the organization and

what it does best. These areas require the highest priority in improving the development

process and are likely to offer the biggest gain. On the other hand, categories with low level of

importance and categories with relatively high performance ratings show low priority areas

that not much interest was taken in.

Strategic compliance analysis and gap analysis form the basis for determining implementation

actions and priorities. This concept creates a manageable set of improvement initiatives to

focus your attention. Figure 7 presents an example of performance and gap analysis:

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Figure 7. Performance and gap analysis study [2,10]

Once the large gap categories have been defined, examining the best performances as having

a low level of performance will help identify priority areas that require attention. In addition,

it is important to identify and focus on the strategic lines that have low performance ratings

and are associated with the organization's intended strategy. For this reason, the executive

board, as a pre-requisite, should define the product development vision and determine the

competition development strategy as a basis for harmonizing product development practices

and developing implementation priorities. This analysis forms the basis for developing

priorities and ultimately an improvement or implementation plan. In addition, the expertise of

an internal manager or external consultant who knows a lot about integrated product

development concepts and improvement strategies can help set priorities. This expertise is

important because of the natural relationships and sequences with the application and use of

these best practices. For example, replacing paper drawings with a digital product model is

not a realistic action until a certain level of CAD capability, workstation access to the model,

product data management system, and on-site network infrastructure are found. Experience

and good project planning are necessary to transform these high priority improvement needs

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into specific actions, responsibilities, programs and assignments. Staff resources are required

to support implementation or improvement activities. If the overall performance rating is low,

a critical team of staff within the organization needs to develop an understanding of the best

practice concepts. These persons can then improve the implementation plan, perform various

application activities, and be involved in defining the desired path to develop new products,

and can help to report the best practical approaches and desired approach to the rest of the

organization. The process model is summarized in Figure 8.

Figure 8. The Solution Model [3,4]

The implementation plan should start with low-cost activities that yield high returns. It should

be noted that, in the absence of other strong and weak indicators, these initial actions should

be the product development basis for product development teams, effective product/project

planning and resource management should be created, and the use of a quality function

deployment (QFD) methodology. It should be used as a method to capture and understand the

voice of the customer. When these steps start to create savings, the organization can move to

other IPD elements and will be able to self-finance the initiative. There are two elements of

implementation planning that need to be addressed. The first is the implementation plan for

the described business activities. It is a design that covers all the actions to be formed, which

is best practice based and a cost-effective for all development projects. This also includes the

determination of an aerodynamic product development process, the development of

producibility rules, the establishment of appropriate CAD/CAE/CAM and product data

management system tools, and so on. The project delivery plan, which is the second

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planning element, is composed of the actions to be taken to support an individual product

development project. This plan is will be developed with the participation of the management

staff responsible for development efforts, such as the engineering manager, program manager,

product line manager, and so on. This plan will address a staff plan that will support the

team structure required to support the project. Early participation, training requirements,

facilities and ranking applications, required technical resources (workstations, software etc.),

quality function deployment, supplier/subcontractor participation, development methodology,


5. Result

Many organizations tend towards completely different directions in the development of the

product development process. Some of these differences are the result of differences in the

business strategies, business environments, organizations and legal, product patent and

protection rights of their products. A common problem is the lack of a common framework

for best practices in product development. With a comprehensive time investment, a firm can

develop a broad, internal experience-expertise that is necessary to produce an effective

improvement plan for product development. This requires significant participation and

comprehensive benchmarking. Based on the best 270 product development practices, the

Product Development Best Practices and Assessment methodology offers an adaptive

alternative to identifying strengths and weaknesses in a common framework of a

comprehensive set of best practices. This supports a firm/designer to develop a faster action

plan to improve the development process.

6. References

1. Benchmarking Best Practices to Improve Product Development, Product DevelopmentAssessment and our Product Development Best Practices and Assessment Software, Madigan, D., ACI, Benchmark Method, University of Bath 1997.3. Demirdöğen, O., Küçük, O., Kıyaslama Süreci ve Ürün Odaklı Kıyaslama'nın İmalatçıİşletmelerde Uygulanmasının Verimliliğe Etkisi, İktisadi Ye İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 17 Ekim2003 Sayı: 3-4.4. Fong, S.W., Eddie W.L. Cheng, ve eK. Ho Danny, Benchmarking: a General Reading forManagement Practitioners", Management Decision. MCB University Press. 36/6, 5.409, 1998.5. Bhutla S.,K., Huq F., Benchmarking Best Practices; An Integrated Approach,Benchnıarking: An Imernational Journal, MCB University Press, , Vol. 6 No. 3, ss. 256, 1998.

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6. Camp, R.C., Benchmarldng The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to SuperiorPerformance, ASQC Quality Pres, USA, s.229, 1989.7. K. Ishikawa, Guide to quality control Asian Productivity Organisation, 1976.8. K. Bemowski, The Benchmarking Bandwagon, Quality Progress, pp 19-24, January 1991.9. Bergstrom J., Kivimaki I., Benchmarking, Seminar in Industrial Management, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology, 1993.10. Vaziri H.K., Using competitive benchmarking to set goals, Quality Progress, pp 81-85.October 1992.

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Engineering design is a general problem solving process in which designer's knowledge,

experience and different methods are used to perform the specified tasks. In order for this

problem solving process to be successful, it has to follow a systematic way. A systematic

design process ensures that the design is easier, clearer and more understandable. This process

needs to have a certain order. However, this order does not mean that one cannot move to the

other after a process is complete. Therefore, feedback cycles are included in any phase of the

design process [1].


The design process is an iterative process that meets the need emerging from the market or a

new idea or that materializes an idea. Usually the following path is followed to fully define

the need: "A device is required to perform the X task." Designers emphasize that the

expression must be independent of the solution to avoid focusing on prejudices and a fixed

point. There are stages shown in Figure 1 between the need and the product specification. The

design proceeds by developing concepts to fill each of the sub-functions in the structure of the

function according to an operation principle. At this point, all options are open in the

conceptual design. The designer should consider alternative concepts for sub-functions and

their division or combination. In the layout phase, which is next, he takes and tries to analyze

the prominent concepts, tries to dimension and assign materials according to the environment

variables (temperature, load, etc.) and takes into account the effects on performance in terms

of cost. The detailed design phase starts after the layout phase. Here, technical data is

generated for each component, mechanical or thermal analyzes are performed for critical parts

and optimization methods are used to maximize the performance. Finally, production is

analyzed for the resulting form and materials; the cost is determined and the process is

finalized [2]. The design process schemes developed by design experts are shown in the

following figures.

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Market Need

Figure 1. Design flow chart [2]

• Defining the features• Defining the function structure• Studying the method of

operation• Evaluation and Selection of the


• Developing dimensions, scale andform

• Modelling and assembly analyses• Optimization of the functions• Evaluation and selection of the


• Detailed analysis of thecomponents

• Selection of production pathways• Optimization of performance and

costs• Preparation of technical drawings




Product Features


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Figure 2. Systematic approach of Pahl and Beitz [1]

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Figure 3. Pugh design process model [3]

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Figure 4. Systematic approach to the design of Verein Deutscher Ingenieure technical systemsand products [4]

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Figure 5. Johnson design process map [5]

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Figure 6. French engineering design process model [6]

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Figure 7. Dym design process [7]

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Figure 8. Haik design process model [8]

1.2.1 The Concept

In the concept stage, which is the first step of the design, a process works as described below


• The concept stage of the design process starts with the expansion of the problem and the

production of many potential solutions.

• Forming many opinions by the ideas of the design team

• Creating different concepts from different angles with a simple perspective

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• The nature has solved problems in many forms and the methods used can often be changed

in solving engineering problems.

• By releasing imagination, concepts are accepted without criticism.

• Once many concepts have been created, these concepts are brought together to create an

optimum solution.

1.2.2 Forming

The forming process is the bridge between conceptual design and detail design during the

design phases. It aims to correct and develop the drafts created during the concept stage to the

extent that detailed design and production planning can begin. The result obtained from this

stage is a clear diagram drawing accompanied by documentation such as calculations,

required tolerances and recommended materials and production processes.

Figure 9 Decision process [10]

1.2.3. Detail Design

The next stage following the layout step is to consider the individual components and to

optimize their design or selection. In the detail design phase, the design of each component

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constituting the system is finalized and necessary drawings and documents are created for the

production stage.

Figure 10. Process flow diagram [11]

2.2. Types of Design

Design does not always need to start from scratch. Original design, includes a new idea or

working principle. New materials can add unique features to the original design. For example,

the high-purity silicon transistor has been activated, fiber-optic technology has been

developed using high-purity glass. A new product sometimes suggests a new material and

sometimes leads to the development of a new material. For example, nuclear technology has

led to the development of a number of new zirconium-based alloys, space technology has

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encouraged the development of lighter compounds. Turbine technology has promoted the

development of high temperature alloys and ceramics. Adaptive or development design

adopts an existing concept and demands an increase in performance by improving the

operation principle. This is often possible with improvements in materials. The use of

polymers in household appliances instead of metals and the use of composites in sports

equipment instead of wood has bocome more common [9].

2.3. Design Tools and Material Data

Tools enable modeling and optimization of a design. It also facilitates the routine aspects of

the phases. Function modelers recommend applicable functional structures. Three-

dimensional solid modeling programs allow the creation of visual models and digitally

controllable files. Optimization and cost estimation programs help to analyze the details.

Finite element programs enable the structural and thermal analysis of the system, even if they

have complex geometries. As the design progresses, there is a natural progress in the use of

tools: an approximate analysis and modeling is achieved in conceptual phase; a more complex

modelling and optimization in the layout phase and a certain analysis and result in the detail

design phase. The concept "certain" is a situation that must be paid attention to, as a result it

must be known that nothing is certain [2].

Material selection is present at all stages of the design. The nature of the data needed in the

preliminary stages may vary greatly according to the needs in the following stages. In the

concept design phase, approximate features of the material are required. However, all options

are available for the widest range of materials possible. Even if their functions are the same,

polymer may be the best option for one, and the metal for another. There is no definitive

solution to the problem at this stage. Width (differences in terms of quality, feature) and

accessibility: The question of how a wide range of data can be presented in order to provide

the designer with the highest freedom in evaluating alternatives. It is necessary to benefit from

the selection systems that provide this.

All these operations are like choosing a bicycle. First, the best concept is determined (normal,

mountain, race, portable, etc.), the selection is limited to a subset. Then in the next detailed

selection phase; it is restricted to selections such as how many gears it will have, the shape of

the handlebar, brake type. At this point, a subset that meets not only the requests but also the

budget is identified, considering the balance between weight and cost. Finally, if the bike is

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important to the person, the most appropriate bike is selected through the researches and

information obtained on the related websites, manufacturers and forums.

2.4. Function, Material, Form and Production

Selection of a material or process cannot be independent of the selection of form. We use the

word form for the external appearance (macro form) and internal structure (micro-form) of the

product. To achieve the form, products go through a series of processing steps such as casting,

machining, etc. Function, material, form and production interact with each other. The more

complex the design is, the tighter the features are and the more interactions exist between

function, material, form and production . The interaction between function, material, form and

process is central to the material selection process.

Figure 11. Interaction between function, material, production and form [2]

References1. Pahl, G.,Beitz, W., 2014.Engineeringdesign a systematicapproach, Springer,2. Ashby, M. F., 1999.Materialsselection in mechanicaldesign. Cambridge: Butterworth-Heinemann.3. Pugh, S., 1991. Total designintegratedmethodsforsuccessfulproductengineering. Addison-Wesley.4. Sapuan, S. M., 2017, Compozitematerialsconcurrentengineeringapproach, Butterworth-Heinemann.5. Johnson, R.C., 1978. Mechanicaldesignsynthesis. Krieger.6. French, M.J., 1971. Engineeringdesign: theconceptualstage. HeinemannEducational.7. Dym, C.L., 1994. Engineeringdesign: a synthesisviews. Cambridge UniversityPress

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8. Haik, Y., 2003. Engineeringdesignprocess. brooks/cole. Thomson Learning9. Hurst, K. S., 2004. Engineeringdesignprinciples. Elsevier.10. Wang, J. X.,Tang, M. X., Song, L. N., Jiang, S. Q., 2009, Design andimplementation of an agent-basedcollaborativeproductdesignsystem, Computers in Industry, 60:520-535.11. Hasby, F. H., Roller, D., Sharing of Ideas in a Collaborative CAD for ConceptualEmbodiment Design Stage, Procedia CIRP, 50: 44-51

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Materials used mainly in engineering applications are; metals, composites, plastics, ceramics

and glass. Each type of material consists of many sub-headings in themselves. This wide

range of products has hundreds of materials that can fulfill a function. It is quite important to

determine the best material from this pool of options. Because, material selection plays a very

important role from the very beginning to the very end in the design of a product or system.

For the selection of the material, a way that can be appropriate for that design should be

followed. There are many software applications and systems for this. These tools help

designers and engineers to make the right decisions. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the

materials used in engineering over years.

Figure 1 Evolution of engineering materials over years [1]

All materials are included in the selection of materials at the beginning of the design process.

In the early stages of design, the decisive features allow a significant number of materials to

be eliminated and helps to narrow down the selection pool. Towards the final stages of design,

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a certain number of materials remain, and more information and features are needed to

determine the most appropriate of these materials. These steps are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Design flow diagram [1]

1.2 Material Selection Methods

Many parameters such as mechanical, thermal, electrical, corrosion resistance and cost play a

role in the selection of a material. Within the framework of the parameters determined for a

design, the selection process among multiple materials is considered as a multi-criteria

Market Need





Design Tools

• Modelling thefunctionality

• Sustainabilitystudies

• Estimatedanalyses

• GeometricalDesign

• Simulation• Optimization

Methods• Estimating

costs• Modelling the

components• Finite Element


Material Selection

• All materials (lowaccuracy data)

• Sub-set of materials (Highaccuracy data)

• Single material(Highest accuracydata possible)

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decision making (MCDM) problem [2]. In other words, it is developed to determine only one

alternative option according to multiple criteria. There are many MCDM methods used, which

are described in detail below.

Figure 3 Classification of screening methods in material selection [3]

1.2.1 Cost Per Unit Feature Method

Material cost is a very important criterion for selecting a specific material for a particular

application. Therefore, at the beginning of the material selection process, it is appropriate to

consider the cost as a target. In general, materials that are too expensive are excluded from

this stage of the material selection process in order to achieve the possible successful and

functional products. At the end of the material selection, there may be a compromise between

the cost and performance of the materials. However, the most valuable evaluation factor for

selecting a material is the cost per unit feature that can improve the design performance. In the

first elimination of materials for a particular application, a particular feature is often

determined as the most important service requirement to ensure functionality, this cost per

unit feature method is strongly recommended. In this case, we can estimate the cost that

provides the most important needs for various types of materials. Generally, the cost per unit

force is one of the most valuable criteria for a suitable mechanical performance of the

mechanical components, and lower costs per unit force material are desired. In this technique,

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only one feature is accepted as the most critical and eliminates others that limit its description


1.2.2 Survey Method

The survey method is used by many researchers. In terms of performance requirements, the

materials are divided into two main categories: rigid and soft. If all material types are

considered, the rigid requirements must be complied with. Such requirements are generally

taken into account in the initial selection stages of materials to eliminate the non-compliant

alternative groups. Edwards [6] has introduced some important questions to improve the

likelihood of obtaining a better design solution. These are;

Have all the specified material properties been achieved and determined?

Have all environmental issues been taken into account?

Have all economic restrictions been taken into account?

Will the design settings and requirements change over time?

Have the effects of material processing and production conditions been taken into account?

Have the results of quantities and the production rate of the components been effectively


Have the access to new raw materials been considered?

A question-oriented methodology has been developed for the properties of user-interaction of

the materials [7]. This method consists of a list of questions for different stages in user-

product interactions and a checklist of sensory features. In this technique, both customers and

product designers generally try to predict the interaction between the user and the new

product, from the first contact, to the phases of trying the product, transport, unpacking, and


1.2.3 Material in Product Selection Method

The material in product selection method (MIPS) is a method that combines the user-product

interaction in the selection of materials. This method helps users to clearly identify their

requirements related to the component and help the user and the designer to build a common

way for products at the stage of the primary material selection [8].

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2. Ashby Charts

Material selection charts established by Ashby are important for the pre-screening of

materials. Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a software program based on Ashby's

material selection procedure. In the field of mechanical design, these charts provide a simple

and quick way to evaluate whether a material is suitable for the current situation. The Ashby

charts method is easy to apply when the component design consists of a simple objective,

such as minimizing weight, and a single constraint, such as a certain hardness, strength, or

thermal conductivity. The most important limitation of the chart method is that the chart

restricts the choice of materials to a solution with two or three criteria. Thus, multi-criteria

decisions are made to solve this problem. The performance of a component depends on a

combination of features, rather than a single feature, for example, the components of a design

whose design components are lightness and heaviness are strength-heaviness and rigidity-

heaviness. According to this idea, a region in which one feature is against the other can be

drawn, this area has an area and a sub-area, the areas usually contain the material class, and in

the sub-areas are separate special materials.

For example; E, Young's modulus; ρ, plotted against density; ρ for various materials are

shown in Figure 3. This figure shows that heavy envelopes contain data for a particular

material class. It may also show preferred guides for minimizing the mass with a certain force

for a given design.

Figure 3 Ashby chart [1]

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3. Advanced Material Selection Techniques

Artificial intelligence is a computer-aided system used to solve complex structures by

processing scattered information. The working principle of this method is suitable for material

selection. Some software programs that focus on the creation of scanning algorithms that can

blend databases and optimize material selection processes have been developed for material

selection. These methods are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Material selection programs [9]

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3.1. Optimization Methods Used in Material Selection

Various mathematical modeling, computer simulations and genetic algorithms have been

developed to improve material selection processes. Some of the optimization methods used

are detailed below.

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The AHP method is one of the most commonly used methods in multi-criteria decision

making methods. It is specifically designed to optimize and select the most appropriate one

for solution from a range of alternatives. It also reduces errors while making decisions

through objective evaluation and also examines the consistency of assessments and

alternatives through a helpful mechanism used in examining alternatives. The AHP method

basically follows these three steps [10]:

Figure 5 The Typical AHP hierarchy [11]

In the problem with complex and too many parameters; the general objective should be at the

top, the criteria at the midlevel, and the alternatives showing little difference at the lowest


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The second step consists of the comparison of the alternatives and criteria. After the hierarchy

is created in the first step, the scaling process is started around in order to determine the order

of importance of the criteria. Comparisons are done in two levels in pairs and this process

starts at the second level and ends at the lowest level. These comparisons are presented in

Table 1 [7].

Table 1. Nine-Level Importance Scale [12]

After ensuring that all decisions made in the final step are consistent through the consistency

check, the alternatives to the criteria measured in the hierarchy model are specified [10].

The Analytical Network Process (ANP)

The ANP method is a method first introduced by Saaty, which includes all the factors and

criteria that determine the best decision making in the system. The ANP method consists of

two parts. The first consists of a control hierarchy or a network of criteria and measures that

address the interactions in the system. The second is the interaction network between items

and sets. This network varies from criteria to criteria and a super matrix is calculated for each

criterion [13]. The steps of the ANP method are as follows [14]:

Establishing control hierarchy and network, identifying the interaction between items and


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Creation of binary matrices related to elements and sets,

Derivation of priorities and creating a weightless super matrix with priorities,

Adjustment of weightless super matrix to weighted super matrix,

Limiting the weighted super matrix raising it to any major power by calculating the boundary


Derivation of the ultimate priorities of the alternatives.

Figure 6. The Structure of the ANP and AHP methods [15]

Preferred Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE)

PROMETHEE method, proposed by Brans and Vincle [16], is simpler than the other multi-

criteria analysis methods used. This method requires the importance of the criteria and

decision-makers' preferences. The PROMETHEE method consists of six steps. These steps

are explained as follows [17]:

As shown in Figure 7, a function is defined for the general preference of each criterion.

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Figure 7. Extended selection functions of the PROMETHEE method [18]

The relative importance of each criterion should be measured with a predetermined weighted

vector. If the decision makers in the analysis consider them to be equally important criteria,

all weights are assumed to be equal. In this case, they do not need to be normalized using

weights, but may be at the discretion of the user.

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Relationships that are more important for each alternative should be decided.

The preferred axes are used to evaluate the preference of the decision maker for an alternative

simultaneously. As a result, the preferred axis uses a weighted average function and a

function is generated as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Outranking Chart [19]

Calculation should be made to evaluate the strength of the alternative.

To evaluate the weakness of the alternative, the calculation is made using the superior


High output flow and low input flow show the best alternative performance.

Multi Criteria Optimization and Compromise Method (VIKOR)

This method determines the compromise list and the solution obtained with the first (input)

values for multi-criteria optimization. This method focuses on sorting and selecting from a

range of alternatives in the presence of contradictory criteria. It introduces the multi-criteria

ranking index based on the measure of "proximity" to the ideal solution [20].

MCDM methods have been integrated into many other tools and techniques in the last year.

These integrations are mainly made with the aim of strengthening the MCDM methods to

more effectively address various decision problems [2]. MCDM methods such as ELECTRE,

BWM, TOPSIS and DEMATEL are also available.


1. Ashby, M. F., 2011. Materialsselection in mechanicaldesign. Cambridge: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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2. M.H. Abolbashari., 2018. Thestratifiedmulti-criteriadecision-makingmethod.Knowledge-BasedSystems, 142: 127-148

3. Jahana, A.,Ismail, M.Y., 2009, Sapuanb, S.M., Mustapha, F.,Materialscreeningandchoosingmethods, Materialsand Design, 31: 696-705.

4. Al-Oqla, F. M.,Salit, M. S., 2017. MaterialsSelectionfor Natural Fiber Composites.Woodhead Publishing.

5. Kutz, M., 2002. Handbook of materialsselection. John Wiley&Sons6. Edwards, K., 2005 ,Selectingmaterialsfor optimum use in engineeringcomponents.

Materialsand Design, 26: 469–473.7. Dağdeviren, M., Yavuz, S., Kılınç, N., 2009, Weaponselectionusingthe AHP and

TOPSIS methodsunderfuzzyenvironment, ExpertSystemswith Applications, 36:8143-8151.

8. Van Kesteren, I.,Kandachar, P., Stappers, P. 2007, Activities in selectingmaterialsfromtheperspective of productdesigners, 1:83-103

9. D’Errico, F., 2015, MaterialSelectionsby a Hybrid Multi-CriteriaApproach. Springer.10. Al-Ogla, F.,Sapuan, S.M., Materialselection of natural fiber

compositesusingtheanalyticalhierarchyprocess, pp. 169-234, In: MaterialsSelectionforNatural Fiber Composites. ElsevierSciencePublishers

11. Dweiri, F., AL-Oqla, F. M., 2006. Materialselectionusinganalyticalhierarchyprocess.International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 26: 182-189.

12. Wang, J.,Yang, D., 2007, Using a hybridmulti-criteriadecisionaidmethodforinformationsystemsoutsourcing, ComputersandOperations Research, 34:3691-3700.

13. Gass, S.I., Fu, M. C., 2013, Encyclopedia ofoperationsresearchandmanagementscience, Springer.

14. Liao, H., Mi, X., Xu, Z., Xu, J., Herrera, F., 2018, Intuitionisticfuzzyanalytic networkprocess, IEEE Transactions on FuzzySystems, 26 (5) : 2578 – 2590.

15. Büyüközkan, G.,Çifçi, G., 2012, A novelhybrid MCDM approachbased on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP andfuzzy TOPSIS toevaluategreensuppliers,ExpertSystemswith Applications, 39(3): 3000-3011.

16. Brans, J. P.,Vincke, P., 1985, A preferencerankingorganisationmethod (theprometheemethodformultiplecriteriadecision-making), Informs, 31 (6): 647-656.

17. Tuzkaya, G., Gülsün, B., Kahraman, C, Özgen, D., 2010, An integratedfuzzymulti-criteriadecisionmakingmethodologyformaterialhandlingequipmentselection problemand an application, ExpertSystemswith Applications, 37(4): 2853-2863.

18. Gul, M.,Celik, E., Gumus, A. T., 2018, Guneri, A. F., A fuzzylogicbasedPROMETHEE methodformaterialselectionproblems, Beni-SuefUniversityJournal ofBasic andAppliedSciences, 7 (1): 68-79.

19. Geldermann, J.,Spengler, T., Rentz, O., 1998,Fuzzyoutrankingforenvironmentalassessment.Casestudy: ironandsteelmakingindustry,FuzzySetsandSystem, 115: 45-65

20. Sayadi, M. K.,Heydari, M., Shahanaghi, K., 2009, Extension of VIKOR

methodfordecisionmaking problem withintervalnumbers, Applied Mathematical

Modelling, 33(5): 2257-2262.

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1. Introduction

Competitive reactions and changing customer needs are applying an ever-increasing pressure

on firms to offer new superior products to the market and to reduce product development

cycle times. Firms need to increase the quality of the products and the efficiency of the new

product development process in order to offer new products to the market that will meet the

demands of customers in a quick way (Hjort, Hananel, & Lucas, 1992).

Ergonomics/human factors (used interchangeably) are based on a study of the Italian doctor

Ramazzini's bad posture and the negative effects of design on worker health in 1700s (Tayyari

& Smith, 1997). The term ergonomics was first used in an article by Polish scientist Wojciech

Jastrzebowski in 1857 (Seminara, 1979). This term is derived from the words ergon (business)

and nomos (principle or law), which means the science of business (Jastrzebouski, 2000).

Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that focuses on the health and performance of human

beings, in order to adapt more work to human beings, and aims to maximize the harmony

between human beings, the environment in which they are doing their work and the objects

they use (Tayyari & Smith, 1997; Dul et al., 2012; Pheasant, 2014). Thus, the instrument,

system, or work space design with which a person interacts is within the scope of ergonomics

(Pheasant, 2014).

In general, ergonomics is divided into three categories as physical, cognitive, and

organizational. Physical ergonomics covers anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical

properties of human being; cognitive ergonomics covers memory, perception, information

processing, logical thinking, and decision-making phenomenon between people and systems;

organizational ergonomics covers socio-technical system optimization including

organizational structures, policies and processes (Karwowski, 2012; Sun, Houssin, Renaud, &

Gardoni, 2018).

Efforts to integrate ergonomic principles into engineering design with the help of various

design methodologies have been carried out for many years (Sun et al., 2018). Of these

methodologies, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), whose final output is customer

satisfaction, emerges as an important approach (Zhang, Yang, & Liu, 2014).

QFD was first introduced to design new products by Yoji Akao in Japan in 1966 (Y.Akao,

1990). The initial costs of new products in Toyota, the Japanese automotive company, fell

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by 61% in 1984 compared to 1977 thanks to QFD; new product development delivery time

decreased by 1/3; and product quality has improved significantly (Sullivan, 1986; Herrmann,

Huber, Algesheime, & Tomczak, 2006). After Toyota's success, QFD has rapidly spread to

the rest of the world since the late 1980s (Akao & Mazur, 2003). QFD is now widely used in

Japan, Europe, and America by various industries including electronics, manufacturing,

services, and software.

2. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

QFD can be defined as a method that assures quality at every stage of the new product

development process and transforms customer needs into product characteristics (Sullivan,

1986; Lockamy & Khurana, 1995). Although QFD can be used in different stages of the new

product development process, it is generally integrated into the design stage of the system

(Sullivan, 1986; Lockamy & Khurana, 1995). Urban & Hauser, 1993; Nijssen & Frambach,


The first generation of the QFD model is the "Matrix of Matrices", with thirty matrixes and

created by Dr.Akao (Cohen, 1995; Jiang, Shui, & Tu, 2008). Second generation of the QFD

model is the Comprehensive QFD that starts with Akao and consists of seventeen matrixes,

and provides technology, cost, and reliability as well as quality deployment. This model is

less complicated than the first generation model and is generally used by Japanese companies

(Cristiano, Liker, & White, 2000). The "four-phase model", was first developed by

Dr.Makabe, a Japanese reliability engineer; it is also known as the Clausing model (Daetz,

1990; Bickness & Bicknell, 1995). This model was popular with the American Supplier

Institute (ASI), and includes four matrices (Daetz, 1990; Bickness & Bicknell, 1995).

Therefore, it takes less time to understand and apply than the first generation model (Bickness

& Bicknell, 1995). American firms generally implement this model (Cristiano et al., 2000;

Jiang et al., 2008). The first phase connects customer needs (Whats) to the engineering

characteristics (Hows); the second phase connects engineering characteristics to the

component characteristics; third phase connects component characteristics to key process

operations; the fourth phase connects key process operations to production requirements

(Urban & Hauser, 1993; Cohen, 1995). The ’Hows‘ part of a phase is the ’Whats‘ part of the

next phase; thus, the customer's voice is deployed throughout the production and is reflected

in the design (Urban & Hauser, 1993). The first phase is often referred to as the "House of

Quality (HOQ)", and is the most commonly used matrix in both Japan and America (Cohen,

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1995; Cristiano et al., 2000). This phase is critical and difficult as it requires identifying root

customer requests (Sullivan, 1986).

2.1.House of Quality (HOQ)

Sources show that a typical HOQ covers six main sections, as shown in Figure 1 (Sullivan,

1986; Hauser & Clausing, 1988; Cohen, 1995).

E. Technical CorrelationMatrix

Figure 1. House of Quality (HOQ) (Hauser & Clausing, 1988; Cohen, 1995)

A. Customer needs. The data on customer needs are collected through focus groups,

interviews, surveys and internet reviews and interpreted by the new product development

team (Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015). As a result, approximately 200-400 customer needs can be

obtained (Urban & Hauser, 1993). In the next step, since it will be difficult to work with a list

containing about 400 customer needs, customer requirements are categorized into primary,

secondary, and tertiary requirements, mostly by affinity diagrams, tree diagrams, and

hierarchical cluster analysis tools (Griffin & Hauser, 1993; Eppinger & Ulrich, 2015).

Tertiary customer needs are normally used in the house of quality (Urban & Hauser, 1993).

C. Engineering Characteristics (Hows)

B. Planning Matrix• Customer Level of Importance (Ranking

the customer needs according to priority)• Competitive Analysis• Purpose• Progress Rate• Sales Point• Raw Weight• Normalized Raw Weight

D. Relationship Matrix

F. Technical Matrix¸Ranking according to technical priority¸Technical Evaluation¸PurposesA. Customer Needs


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B. Planning Matrix. The planning matrix consists of the subsections of ranking

customer needs by level of importance, competitive analysis, objective, progress rate, point of

sale, raw weight, and normalized raw weight (Akao, 1990; Chan & Wu, 2002).

In order to rank customer needs by level of importance, customers are generally asked to rank

customer needs according to specific scale (1 to 5, 1 to 7, 1 to 9, or 1 to 10; 5, 7, 9, and 10

being the most important) through electronic mail surveys (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002).

In recent years, quantitative techniques such as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) , fuzzy

logic theory, Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) had a

growing trend in QFD applications (Carnevalli & Miguel, 2008).

The competitive analysis section includes the rating of both the existing firm and its

competitors in terms of customer satisfaction (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995). The existing firm's

rating determines the performance of that firm, and reveals whether the existing product or

service meets customer needs (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). The customer is

asked a questionnaire with a four-, five-, six-, or ten-point scale as to whether he is satisfied

with the product or service of the firm (Cohen, 1995). The weighted average performance

score for each customer is calculated and used in the HOQ (Cohen, 1995). However, the

distribution of customers' answers is important for using the correct value in the matrix

(Cohen, 1995). If distribution is unimodal, the weighted average performance score can be

used (Cohen, 1995). If the distribution is not unimodal, the weighted average performance

score may not represent all customers and the distribution may indicate a different customer

segment (Cohen, 1995).

• Weighted Average Performance =

Although difficult to determine, the new-product development team must understand how

well competitors meet customer needs (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995). If the team knows the

firm's strengths and weaknesses against its competitors, the firm's strategic goals can be better

determined and the firm becomes more competitive (Chan & Wu, 2002). The data can be

obtained through mail, telephone, electronic mail, and web-based surveys. The performance

can be rated using a numerical scale; however, both the customer and the competitive

performance data need to be seen in the same way in QFD to be able to make a comparison

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(Cohen, 1995). The performance values can be seen in the planning matrix either numerically

such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or graphically (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). Graphical

presentation provides a rapid visual assessment (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995).

On the basis of the values obtained in the competitive analysis in the section Objective and

Progress Rate, the team decides to which customer needs more attention should be paid and

determines the strategic objectives accordingly, which is very important in QFD

(Franceschini, 2002). The company's resources, costs, and time targets, and the current

technology should be taken into account when determining objectives (Chan & Wu, 2002).

The rating scale to be used for strategic objectives should be compatible with the competitive

analysis (Franceschini, 2002). The rate of progress is achieved by dividing the objective by

the existing firm rating, and this rearranges the importance of customer needs (Franceschini,


Progress Rate = Objective / Current Company Ranking (2)

However, there are some contradictions associated with this formula (Cohen, 1995). When the

current rating of the firm is too low, the progress rate will be quite high, which will make the

final significance higher (Cohen, 1995). In other words, bringing the firm rating from 4 to 5 is

more difficult than bringing it from 1 to 2, but it increases arithmetically with ratings of 1, 2,

or 3 (Cohen, 1995). Thus, from an alternative point of view, some QFD teams skips the step

of objectives and enters three values into the Progress Rate (1-no change, 1.2-medium

difficulty progress, 1.5-hard progress) (Cohen, 1995).

The point of sale identifies the best opportunities to improve sales and demonstrates that if

certain customer needs are met, the firm will gain a competitive advantage (Bickness &

Bicknell, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). Usually, three values are used for points of sale: 1: no

competitive advantage or no sales; 1.2: little competitive advantage or moderate sales; 1.5:

strong competitive advantage or strong sales (Akao, 1990; Chan & Wu, 2002). No

competitive advantage means no selling opportunity; little competitive advantage means no

big sale opportunity (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). A strong competitive advantage

suggests big sales opportunities; which means the company and its competitors are poorly

rated in terms of performance levels (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002).

In the raw weight section, the raw weight for each customer need can be calculated with the

following formula (Akao, 1990):

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RawWeight = (Customer Level of Importance) * (Progress Rate) * (Point of Sale) (3)

Raw weight helps the new-product development team sort their customer needs by their

importance and allocate resources to customer needs that will bring high profits to the firm

(Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002).

In the normalized raw weight part, the calculated value varies from 0 to 1 or can be explained

in percentage (Cohen, 1995).

Normalized Raw Weight = Raw Weight / Total Raw Weight (4)

C. Engineering Characteristics. In this step, each customer need (What) is turned

into one or more engineering characteristics (Hows) (Day, 1993; Urban & Hauser, 1993). If

time is a critical factor, this process can be initiated without waiting for the completion of the

planning matrix (Day, 1993).

First, the team determines the possible characteristics that respond to the customer's voice

using a fishbone diagram by brainstorming; the aim here is not to find the possible reasons for

solving the problem but to record the characteristics (Day, 1993; Cohen, 1995). There may be

too many engineering characteristics, which can increase the number of columns and the

complexity of the matrix (Day, 1993). Furthermore, the competitive technical evaluation data

will require many tests and relationship matrices will require a lot of effort (Day, 1993). As a

rule of thumb, the ratio of engineering characteristics to customer needs must be between 1

and 1.5 (Day, 1993). Thus, the team can utilize affinity or tree diagrams to create a

hierarchical structure with various levels in organizing engineering characteristics (Cohen,

1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). The affinity diagram organizes functions in ascending order while

the tree diagram organizes them in descending order (Cohen, 1995). Accordingly, the team

can select the appropriate level of functional detail that they want to work with (Cohen, 1995).

Higher levels lead to a less detailed, faster analysis, which could be an advantage in the

strategic analysis (Cohen, 1995).

The engineering characteristics must be measurable and entered into the matrix with

measurable units such as gr/m2, seconds, volts, miles/gallons (Day, 1993; Chan & Wu, 2002).

Thus, many design concept alternatives can be analyzed simultaneously without making

prototypes, which accelerates the decision making process (Day, 1993).

Additionally, the aspects of goodness such as "More is Better’, "Less is Better",’ "We target

the best" must be determined (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). The team can target infinity

in the case of "More is Better" (Cohen, 1995). However, it is not possible to reach high

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numerical goals like eternity in practice (Cohen, 1995). Thus, the team must determine both

achievable and competitive target values (Cohen, 1995). In the case of "Less is better", the

target is zero; rarely minus infinite (Cohen, 1995). "We target the best" means reaching

exactly the closest possible value to the nominal value (Cohen, 1995).

D. The Relationship Matrix. The relationship matrix provides a link between

customer needs and engineering characteristics; wherein each cell represents the strength of

the relationship (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). The first adapters of QFD used the scale of

0, 1, 3, 5, or 0, 1, 2, 4, from zero to stronger (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). However, this

scale did not sufficiently emphasize a strong relationship with others, and the final order of

importance was crucial in this new-product development process (Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu,

2002). Therefore, the "0, 1, 3, 9" measurement scale has been developed, and commonly used

(Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002). In the scale; 9, represents a strong; 3, a moderate; 2, a

weak relationship, and 0, indicates that no relationship exists (Day, 1993; Cohen, 1995; Chan

& Wu, 2002). The Japanese prefer the numerical values of 0, 1, 3, 5, or 0, 1, 2, 4 (Bickness &

Bicknell, 1995). Symbols can also be used to represent the impact of each engineering

characteristic on each customer's need (Day, 1993; Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002).

Symbols that can be used for a four-degree relationship are; <space> - no relationship, D-

weak relationship, O- moderate relationship, and ù- strong relationship (Chan & Wu, 2002).

An engineering characteristic may positively affect a need, but have a negative impact on

another, which could contribute to the complication of that characteristic (Cohen, 1995).

Cohen (1995), proposed to use the scale "-9, -3, -1, 0" to demonstrate negative effects on the

relationship matrix; here -9: strong negative, -3: medium negative, -1: weak negative, and 0:

no relationship. The total value is entered both in algebraical and absolute value for each

column in the matrix (Cohen, 1995). If the difference between these two values is large, the

team cannot ignore the negative effects; may neglect negative effects if small (Cohen, 1995).

However, the best solution is to find the potential characteristics that have a positive effect

rather than negative characteristics (Cohen, 1995).

E. The Technical Correlation Matrix. The technical correlation matrix shows how

and to what extent the HOQ's roof, and engineering characteristics (Hows) influence each

other, and the direction of this interaction (Day, 1993; Cohen, 1995). This effect can result in

serious effects on the development effort (Cohen, 1995). The negative effect of a

characteristic on others leads to a barrier in the design process; which can be overcome by

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findings (Cohen, 1995). Symbols used to determine the correlations in general are: √√- strong

positive effect, √- medium positive effect, <space> - no effect, X - medium negative effect,

XX - strong negative effect (Day, 1993; Cohen, 1995; Chan & Wu, 2002 ). The symbols can

be shown with an arrow indicating the direction of the effect (Cohen, 1995). Related arrows:

Æ- left to right, ¨- right to left,1 - bidirectional effect (Cohen, 1995).

In the new-product development process; the team will discuss, in this part of the matrix in

the design, the trade-offs and potential barriers that may go undetected later (Bickness &

Bicknell, 1995). Moreover, in the later stages of the new-product development process, design

changes could cause rework, and double the costs in terms of money, resources, and time

(Bickness & Bicknell, 1995).

F. The Technical Matrix. The technical matrix consists of the sub-sections of

technical prioritization, technical evaluation, and objectives.

In the technical prioritization sub-section, after finishing the relationship matrix, the

contribution of each engineering characteristic to total customer satisfaction is determined and

entered into the lower part of the HOQ matrix (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). In

order to calculate the absolute weight, first; the degree of importance of normalized raw

weight or related need for the relevant customer need is multiplied by the impact value of the

related engineering characteristic corresponding to the relevant need; which gives the value of

the relationship of that cell (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). The same logic is used

to calculate all relationship values (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). Then, all

relationship values are added up for each characteristic (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen,

1995). Thus, the team can determine the key engineering characteristics and make better

decisions on resource allocation by considering these values (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995;

Cohen, 1995). It would be best to normalize the resulting contribution so that they can be

more workable in the next matrix (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995).

In the technical assessments section, before setting goals, the team should determine how well

the competitors meet their engineering requirements and compare the performance of their

products with those of their competitors for each engineering characteristic (Bickness &

Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). Thus, the team can recognize any potential technical deficiency

or superiority and decide on the strategy they need to follow (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995;

Cohen, 1995). Usually, the five-point scale is used and the resulting values are placed after

the technical prioritization under HOQ (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). Since the

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data is normally kept confidential by competitors, firms can purchase and review competitors'

products to obtain technical performance data in the assessment (Chan & Wu, 2002).

The objectives section follows the technical prioritization and assessment (Bickness &

Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). The team can set goals to better allot the company's resources,

to be better at competition, to follow the competition, or to allow competition leadership

(Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). It is better not to continue the project for the team

when they realize that the target values for key engineering characteristics that direct a design

or service cannot be achieved (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995; Cohen, 1995). Each target should

have a range or a specific value, and be measurable (Bickness & Bicknell, 1995). The

experimental design can be used to validate the target value and the methodology behind it

(Bickness & Bicknell, 1995).

3. Integrating Ergonomics to the New-Product Design through the Quality Function

Deployment Approach

The ultimate goal of QFD is to design customer-oriented products with a cross-functional

team perspective by reducing product development cycle time and cost and improving quality

(Clausing, 1992; Cristiano et al., 2000). The QFD helps to prevent the redesign of products

and production systems, waste effort and time until the needs are met with the full

understanding of customer needs at the first time (Clausing, 1992). The QFD also causes a

common language between units of an organization thus increasing communication between

units (Terninko, 1997; Herrmann et al., 2006).

Zhang et al. (2014) used QFD's house of quality to reveal critical design problems by

integrating ergonomics into the design of a ceiling hood and hob. Zhang et al. (2014)

identified fifteen ergonomics-oriented customer needs, including criteria such as safety,

comfort, ease of use, appearance, form, adequacy, effectiveness and functionality, and

developed four ergonomic design alternatives at the end of their work.

Marsot (2005) developed five different kitchen knife designs using QFD's house of quality. In

this study, house of quality has allowed the ergonomics-related customer expectations (no

harm to the person, no pain, suitable for use with food, etc.) and ergonomic characteristics

(shape of the knife, etc.), as well as other engineering characteristics to be integrated into the

design, and enabled ergonomics to be considered more in product designs.

Prasad, Prasad, Gireesh, & Chaitanya (2018) designed an ergonomic drawing table for

students suffering from musculoskeletal disorders while using the existing desks by using

their anthropometric data, with the help of QFD's house of quality. In this study, the Nordic

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Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)

questionnaire were used to determine user needs and design requirements (engineering

characteristics) (Prasad et al., 2018). NMQ and RULA are commonly used in ergonomic

studies to analyze musculoskeletal disorders in humans and to determine the level of disorder

(Prasad et al., 2018). As a result of the study, the RULA assessment for the newly designed

drawing table was found to be better than the previous one (Prasad et al., 2018). Demirbilek &

Demirkan (2004) has designed an ergonomic inner door knocker by using QFD's house of

quality, forming a team of designers and engineers as well as ergonomists.

However, Sun et al. (2018) reported that the integration of ergonomics at the early design

stage can result in a satisfying product, but that too much time could be lost in terms of data

collection and analysis. Additionally, they explained that the later ergonomics is integrated

into the design, the more design repetitions it causes, and that design changes can become

more complex over time (Sun et al., 2018).

The main difficulties with the QFD are too large matrices contained in the QFD, the lack of

QFD experience, lack of understanding of key customer needs and the lack of necessary

support for the QFD by the top management since they consider the QFD as a cost (Griffin &

Hauser, 1993; et al., 2000; Augusto & amp; Miguel, 2003).

According to a 1986 study by the Japan Quality Control Association, companies in Japan

need about 6 years to spread the QFD to the whole organization and 2 years to systematize it

(Cristiano et al., 2000; Augusto, Cauchick, & Carnevalli, 2008). This means a long time

(Cristiano et al., 2000; Augusto, Cauchick, & Carnevalli, 2008).

4. Result

Studies show that QFD increases communication between team members by allowing a

common language between ergonomists and other members of the new-product development

team (designer, engineer, etc.) (Demirbilek & Demirkan, 2004; Marsot, 2005; Zhang et al. ,

2014; Prasad et al., 2018). In addition, it is reported that ergonomic principles are considered

more in product design thanks to the QFD (Demirbilek & Demirkan, 2004; Marsot, 2005;

Zhang et al., 2014; Prasad et al., 2018). However, the QFD applications in the literature end

with the completion of the first phase HOQ (Cristiano et al., 2000; Demirbilek & Demirkan,

2004; Marsot, 2005; Prasad et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2014). This causes to gain less benefit

from the QFD (Cohen, 1995; Cristiano et al., 2000). Too large matrices, failure to understand

key customer needs and spending too much time are the main downsides of the QFD

(Cristiano et al., 2000).

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As a result, QFD has emerged as a methodology to assist the new-product development team

in integrating ergonomic knowledge into product design with the positive and negative sides it


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Hauser, J. R., & Clausing, D. (1988). The house of quality. Harvard Business Review, 66(3).

Herrmann, A., Huber, F., Algesheime, R., & Tomczak, T. (2006). An empirical study of quality function deployment on company performance. International Journal of Quality & ReliabilityManagement, 23(4), 345–366.

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Jastrzebouski, W. (2000). An outline of ergonomics or the science of work based upon the truthsdrawn from the science of nature. In the Occasion of the XIVth Triennial Congress the InternationalErgonomics Association and 44^< th> Annual Meeting of the HFES, 2000. Commemorative Ed.

Jiang, J., Shui, M., & Tu, M. (2008). QFD’s evolution in Japan and the west. Quality Control and Applied Statistics, 53(3), 283.

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Prasad, K. D., Prasad, M. V., Gireesh, C. H., & Chaitanya, V. (2018). QFD-Based Ergonomic Design of Drafting Table for Engineering Students: A Case Study. In Ergonomic Design of Products andWorksystems-21st Century Perspectives of Asia (pp. 139–153). Springer.

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Smart designs and smart systems are as old as humanity. The Millennia before the invention

of writing, the first producers benefited from the characteristics of locally available materials

to make things that make their lives better. The oldest known arrowhead is more than 60,000

years old, and was found in the territory of Armenia today; it was made cutting off flint and

sticking it to a wooden shaft with marrow glue. To make this object, the human designer took

several steps: to anticipate an object to serve a purpose; to plan a series of actions to do this;

to collect and operate raw materials; to gather, test and reprocess these materials until they

serve they purpose; and, finally, to put them together for good use. These fundamental

actions, which turn an intangible idea into something concrete, are the essence of making and

the design-product cycle. Designs and the science related to it has gradually evolved to the

present day. The first instrument was made about 42,000 years ago; ceremonial masks, 9,000

years ago; and leather shoes, 5,500 years ago. The designers have developed more functional

inventions, and used more sophisticated tools and materials, and they created things that met a

range of human needs such as warmth, protection, shelter, comfort, luxury and joy when they

coordinated with others. Today, production has become transformed into a network of

materials impossibly connected to each other, and a network of designers' predictions for

architects, engineers, manufacturers, builders, installers, distributors and retailers.

Collectively, global production and construction sectors use one fourth of the world's

population and produce more than $ 30 trillion each year. From where and how does

everything come? When you look around; each object you see - the table, the chair, the floor,

the window, the lanterns, the physical book or the electronic device you hold - is designed,

produced, assembled, and now have reached the place where it is located. Human beings have

a remarkable ability to make the best decisions about broad environmental knowledge. The

research is concerned with creating computational models that simulate abstraction, reasoning

and creation skills of humans during architectural design, and this is important for two

reasons; the first point is that the computational models allow better understanding of the

processes occurring in the human mind, enabling a better understanding of each design's

functionality. The second point is that it supports a human decision maker with strong and

”smart” assistance during difficult tasks that are beyond the decision of human. Decisions in

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design and engineering, in particular, are difficult to make because of the increasing

complexity of the following three problems [1]:

The softness results from the need to represent a number of detailed features of an

environment through a few quantities, so the models include many nonlinear relationships

between variables. Some objects take relatively short journeys made of one or two simple

items. Carved wooden parquet or glass vases have passed through a narrow course along the

supply chain, handled by only a few people. These objects, which are considered simple and

original, are very useful for crafting. Other objects emerge from supply chains that resemble

complex spider webs. A refrigerator needs hundreds of components from dozens of

manufacturers. Modern cars can have more than 30,000 individual components, with each of

which hundreds or thousands of miles are produced. Figure 1 shows the design factors of a

clock within the scope of smart design. It contains the factory floor, mobile phones and more

than half of the periodic table including unimaginable elements such as yttrium, lanthanum,

praseodymium, and neodymium from remote locations.

Figure 1. An Example of "Smart “Approach in the Smart Watch Concept [2]

The inclusion of several independent variables that make up a solution means an excess of

possible solutions to be investigated within a limited period of time. These issues make it very

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difficult to reach the most appropriate solutions. When advanced computational methods are

used to address the complexity that is the subject of computational intelligence-based study

presented here, it is emphasized that this difficulty is reduced. In particular, the methods in

computational intelligence field, such as evolutionary, neural, and fuzzy computing, are used

to deal with soft and contradictory targets, rigid constraints, and vast areas of solution. As a

result, the solutions are guaranteed to achieve the goals while eliminating the restrictions. This

quality assurance is highly desirable in the face of resource depletion and increased demand

for engineering and design products, and will become more important in the future, in

proportion to the increase in the complexity of real-world designs and decisions. Figure 2

shows the historical development of key in terms of smart design.

Figure 2. Rationalism and Development in Design Approach [1,2]

Smart design means a community of scientists, philosophers and other scholars who seek a

scientific research program as well as evidence of design in nature. The theory of smart

design shows that certain features of the universe and living things are best explained through

a smart reason, but not through an unguided process such as natural selection. Through the

study and analysis of the components of a system, a design theorist can determine whether

various natural structures are coincidental products, naturally-made, smart design or a

combination of these. Such research is carried out by observing the types of information

generated when smart agents act. Scientists then try to find objects of the same kind of

knowledge that we know. The smart design has been applied to determine these scientific

methods, the design in irreducibly complex biological structures, the complex and determined

information content in DNA, the life-sustaining physical architecture of the universe, and the

origin of geologically fast biological diversity in the fossil records in the Cambrian period.

Figure 3 presents the design-centric products, smart system development stakeholders.

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Figure 3. "Smart" in Design-Centered Product Development [3]

The smart design theory, empirically and in random variations, tries to determine whether

"the visible design" (the product of a smart reason) in nature, accepted by almost all

biologists, is real design or it is only a product of a non-oriented process such as natural

selection. Creationism typically begins with a religious text and tries to see how scientific

findings can be compatible with it. Smart design begins with the empirical evidence of nature

and tries to determine what implications can be drawn from this evidence. Contrary to

creationism, the scientific theory of smart design does not argue that modern biology can

define whether the smart reason determined by science is supernatural or not [3].

The honest critics of smart design recognize the difference between smart design and

creationism. Ronald Numbers, the historian of science at the University of Wisconsin,

acknowledges that smart design is of critical importance, but "the creationist tag is wrong

when it comes to the ID [Intelligent Design] movement" according to the Associated Press.

"Why are some Darwinists holding them? Are you trying to combine smart design with

creationism? According to Dr. Numbers, these claims are “the easiest way to underestimate

the reputation of smart design". In other words, the claim that smart design is "creationism" is

a rhetorical strategy of Darwinists who want to authorize [1].

The scientific method is generally defined as a four-stage process that includes observations,

hypotheses, experiments and results. Smart design begins with the observation that smart

agents produce complex and specific information (CSI). Design theorists assume that, if a

natural object is designed, it will contain a high level of CSI. Scientists then conduct

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experimental tests on natural objects to determine whether they contain complex and defined

information. An easily testable CSI type is the irreducible complexity that can be

experimentally explored by reverse engineering biological structures to see whether it requires

the operation of all of the parts. When identity researchers find irreducible complexity in

biology, they conclude that such structures are designed [2].


In order to be effective, smart systems must be instrumental, interconnected and intelligent.

Instrumentation enables timely, high-quality data collection through built-in sensors that

communicate over wireless or wired networks. Instrumented devices such as smart meters for

gas, electricity and water continuously monitor the supply and demand of these plants and can

mobilize strategies developed by smart components. Interconnection creates links between

data, systems, and people. A high degree of interconnectivity makes smart systems a reality.

The links between people, objects and systems provide new ways of gathering, sharing and

acquiring information. New computing models, algorithms, and intelligence in advanced

analytics format will provide better decisions and results for intelligence, businesses,

governments, non-profit organizations and individual users and allow complex systems to

respond to emerging demands. Connected smart objects will produce tremendous amount of

useful data to enable the development, implementation and use of intelligent products and

services, whether they are embedded, mobile, or wearable. These data must be combined with

analytical models in order for them to be useful. Public safety, e-commerce, transportation,

production, energy and water management, environmental sustainability, medical diagnostics

and treatments, and models that can boost education and training provide better results and

lower costs. Indeed, the Internet of Things and smart cities are becoming the main areas of IT-

assisted innovation, with destructive capabilities for innovation and competitive advantage. IT

Professional focuses on intelligent systems by applying it to four areas related to systems. It

can provide a type of intelligence that can obtain, model and use data from real-time or near

real-time data. It covers an intelligent content-conscious suggestion system for e-commerce,

intelligent expert-based systems powered by semantic technologies, intelligent systems for

information modeling and energy management in a smart city context, and ultimately the

smart poliglot health information system. Figure 4 illustrates the development and interaction

of smart systems in design branding.

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Figure 4. Branding Process with Smart Design Approach [3]


E-commerce recommender systems (RSs) are widely used by online vendors to facilitate

purchasing decisions. The user's real-time state-of-mind and budget considerations are

contextually relevant to the decision-making process for consumers with purchasing

experience. In their article "Context Adaptation for Smart Recommender Systems", Fanjuan

Shi, Chirine Ghedira and Jean-Luc Marini propose a smart suggestion model that can

determine the state of mind and budget targets of users based on their click-status data. Their

models have been distributed on a French e-commerce site for comparative A/B testing.

Modern SCs can offer personalized suggestions based on past searches and shopping

behavior. Such suggestions can increase the sales of design-related websites and improve

customer satisfaction. However, efforts to improve RS-driven click-through rates (CTRs) and

purchasing rates for suggested products are typically lower than expected. Researchers

explain that RS's effectiveness is not only related to recommendation algorithms and user

interfaces, but also to contextual factors that mediate purchasing decisions of users. In a

marketing context, content is the relevant information that characterizes the state of the

person, place, or object in relation to the interaction between the user and the application. This

study defines the context as users' real-time state of mind (RSOM) and current budget. An

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approach to RSOM and budgeting using click data constitutes the main focus of this research.

Click-through data is a record of the online behavior of the users, which uses other measures

to evaluate the times, browsing methods, previous website visits, page requests, mouse

actions, keystrokes and intentions and decision-making process of the users, and which is

collected without notice during web browsing. The e-commerce site in question sells a wide

range of consumer products. The study includes CAMARS, a content-sensitive version of the

MARS RS. CAMARS adds a real-time state-of-mind detector (RSOMD) and a user's budget

estimator (UBE) to the current recommender system (RS). To validate their models, the

researchers conducted a live A / B experiment to measure the performance of MARS and

CAMARS. In any case, the trial confirmed that integrating users' state-of-mind and budget

contexts into RS could significantly increase the use of RS. Additionally, the users looked

through more actively proposed items, and the CTR of MARS fluctuated while the CTR of

CAMARS continued to improve. The context-sensitive smart recommender system approach

should be considered by online marketers who want to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty

and sales performance. Figure 5 shows the design-related smart system relationship.

Figure 5. The Big Picture In Smart Design [3]


The study on Smart Design, conducted by Edoardo Patti, Amos Ronzino, Anna Osello,

Vittorio Verda, Andrea Acquaviva and Enrico Macii, highlights the smart system example of

a real-time District Information Modeling and Management (DIMMER) framework for

Energy Reduction in the chapter "Regional Information Modeling and Energy Management ".

It covers the heterogeneous use of energy for buildings in the district, the distribution of

heating and the use of the electricity grid, data processing and remote visualization. The data

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is accessed through common devices and sensor networks used in every building that

monitors and manages energy use. Middleware, considering the integration of information

one of the main obstacles in energy management systems, provides interoperability for

information exchange between various data sources. Information is collected, analyzed and

stored in a distributed smart digital archive that provides intelligence for energy management

across the district. In this way, regional energy production and consumption data are

generated to inform about the control policies that may benefit from local building features

and usage patterns to increase the awareness of energy using behavior in users and to reduce

energy use and carbon emissions. In a smart city context, this information supports the

development of innovative business models for sustainable energy production and use. A

similar approach can be applied to the district-level water resources. The application of such

smart systems requires a distributed architecture that enables a combined use of regional

energy sources and that generates data on environmental conditions and user feedback data.

The integration of these real-time data provides widespread and real-time feedback that could

have an impact on new policies and business models in terms of energy use behaviors. In

order to achieve the relevant objectives, the study presents the DIMMER platform from the

perspective of architectural infrastructure. DIMMER, requires real-time data collection,

advanced middleware software for data integration, synchronized communication, user social

behavior profile, energy efficiency and cost analysis engine and a web interface that includes

sustainable user services and sustainable energy. Researchers report that a successful

implementation of the DIMMER model reduces energy use for heating by 80 MWh/day.


The production environment is rapidly changing with the increase in real-time information

from smart production management systems. The advantage of such systems is the dynamic

resolution of unexpected destructive events that can greatly affect production efficiency.

Interruption can be caused by industrial accidents, earthquakes, tsunamis, massive storms and

other weather events. However, over a longer period of time, it is competitive dynamics and

technological change that can have a greater impact on production, more precisely, the

viability of the company that can ruin the market. Figure 6 presents the development of smart

data collection devices from past to present.

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Figure 6. Development of Smart Information Sensors [2]

Despina Meridou, Andreas Kapsalis, Maria Eleftheria Papadopoulou, Emmanouil Karamanis,

Charalampos Patrikakis, Iakovos Venieris and Dimitra-Theodora Kaklamani are discussing

the ARUM project for tactical and operational planning, scheduling and real-time

optimization systems in their study "Smart Production Management Systems Based on

Ontology". The aim is to support efficient, real-time event management that can affect

production, including availability of employees, high priority or large orders, accidents and

failures. The ARUM project uses a multi-component technology to develop a complex system

(SoS) that serves as a mass of programmers. The principles of mass simplify the system

design by organizing multi-factor planning tools in a holonic way to coordinate

interconnected programs across a factory or company. A holonic production system is a

paradigm emerged for the agile production. 2 In general, these multi-component systems

consist of a number of individual agents that contribute to the system through autonomous

calculation within each agent and through communication between agents. The resulting joint

functionality aims to exceed the independent movement capacity of each factor. The

intelligence of the system is a function of trusting a common dictionary shared by all tools

and services distributed on the ARUM platform. the ARUM is an smart production

management system that aims to fill the gap in real-time decision-making capacity for

resource allocation.

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It provides programming and optimization in existing enterprise resource planning solutions

that cannot handle highly complex customized products and variable production

environments. The ARUM platform is directed to address three using scenarios: new product

growth in Infineon Technologies, production in small lots and timing of wafer production.

The performance of ARUM is analyzed in comparison with the existing old systems [2].



In "A Smart Polyglot Solution for Big Data in Health", an important study on smart systems,

Karamjit Kaur and Rinkle Rani argue that the health sector cannot rely entirely on traditional

data storage methods. It is clear that the diversity and high volume of data, usually part-time

or unstructured, requires a new approach, when coupled with trust that is critical to real-time

information. Database solutions that support scalability, schema-free storage, and analytical

processing should be designed to improve the capacity of relational databases. Non-relational

databases are more suitable for modeling and storing clinical data in electronic medical

records (EMRs). Non-relational (NoSQL) or cloud databases are ideal for storing large

amounts of semi-structured data in nested structures with high amounts of detail, scalability,

and real-time properties. Relational databases, with ACID properties, are reported to be more

suitable for financial transactions such as patient billing, payroll, pharmacy records, and other

business-related data [2]. Researchers propose a multi-platform system that can integrate data

from various formats and query modes. A software that can use multiple types of data stores

is called multi-group persistent software. It provides a detailed view of the PolyglotHIS

architecture as well as SQL and NoSQL databases and applications. Researchers comment on

disadvantages of the design and application of the complex PolyglotHIS system as well as its

advantages to sustain the consistency across many basic performance data analytics on data

stored in multiple data stores, and to review other use cases where polyglot persistence may

exist. Michael Porter emphasizes that smart systems serve the third wave of emergence of

products and IT-driven products. The first wave in 1960s and 1970s was characterized by the

automation of individual activities in the value chain. The power of the second wave was

derived from the Internet, which is immanent and provides the integration of each activity

with its inexpensive connection. In the third wave developing, Porter argues that embedded

sensors, processors, software, storage, cloud connectivity, IT with mobile and wearable

features are a part of the product itself. However, it should be noted that smart systems are

more related to service innovation.

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1. Sendpoints, SMART PRODUCT DESIGN, ISBN 9789887757283, 2017.

2. WUJEC T., THE FUTURE OF MAKING, Melcher Media, 978-1-59591-019-6, 2017.

3. Harmon, R.R., Corno, F., Castro-Leon, E.G., Smart Systems, IEEE Computer Society,2015.

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In terms of design, the scope of engineering can be divided into two: "forward engineering"

and "reverse engineering (RE)". The process in forward engineering is matured by the

development of the solution from the definition of the problem, and testing and optimization

of the solution. The process of RE, which is the subject of this chapter, consists of the stages

of studying and analyzing an existing solution and redesign, development and production of

this solution. From the viewpoint of RE , it includes the systematic redesign, development or

manufacturing of the product after the analysis of design and engineering knowledge for the

current product or model. The need for RE begins in the product development and design

process and continues throughout the entire life cycle of the product. RE addresses a wide

range of designs, different interdisciplinary design approaches and can be used directly as a

design development tool. In the RE process, the designer digitizes/examines the existing

product, or improves the design by redesigning it to have better features. To this end, it is

important to use knowledge management systems in a good way and to benefit from

engineering knowledge effectively. This section presents the information in line with the

target needs.


The most important phase of the reverse engineering process is to ensure that the current

object is transferred to the computer environment by taking reference dimensions from an

existing physical model. Therefore, in order to create a CAD model from the physical model

for reverse engineering activities, 3D scanners are needed in order to digitize and quantify

primitive reference elements such as dots or lines. Nowadays, in reverse engineering systems,

3D scanners are classified into two groups as contact-based and contactless. Coordinate

Measurement Machines are the oldest and most common contact-based measuring devices.

CMMs are precision CNC machines that move at multiple axis and have a touch-sensitive

probe on them. The CMMs produce a point output at each touch on the model by means of the

probe. Lines, circles, arcs, or curves that cross two or more points must be defined by the

user. CMMs, which are the most sensitive of contact-based measuring devices, have the

following disadvantages despite their advantage at precision in single point scanning [1-4]:

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a. CMMs are not effective and efficient measuring devices if the reverse

engineering component has complex surfaces or combined curves on different


b. Costs are high since long periods are needed for the installation and

measurement processes.

c. Even when used for quality control purposes, it is still not effective when the

entire surface area of the component is desired to be controlled.

d. It cannot be used in the case that the component is not rigid enough for contact

control (such as sponges, ceramic doughs, clay models).

e. The component needs to be secured in the CMM workbench.

f. Most of the time, it requires the use of precision fixtures to fix the component

on the CMM workbench.

g. Long-term training for the effective operation of complex CMMs - including

basic CAD software training - is required.

Figure 1. The Reverse Engineering Model

Contactless optical scanners offer the following advantages over contact-based ones:

a. They can be easily used for scanning the parts that have very complex

geometries or that are too large to be placed on the workbench of a CMM

machine (such as the reverse engineering of an aircraft wing).

b. In cases where it is impossible or too difficult to fix a part with any fixture,

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c. They provide an undisputed advantage over CMMs when the component must

be measured on-site in environmental conditions.

Figure 2. General flow chart of reverse engineering operations [1-4]

In addition, contactless optical 3D scanners allow the entire part surface to be defined by a

high density dot cloud (16 Megapixels = approximately 16 million dots) regardless of the part

complexity of the part surface within a very short period of time (e.g. 100,000 dots per

second). Additionally, measurements can be carried out independently of the density or

rigidity of the part and even under dynamic conditions. The software that is integrated into

these devices is very easy to use since it focuses more on the form of dot cloud than on the

control of the device. Contactless optical 3D scanners are classified under two separate

technologies as laser and structure light. They have several advantages and disadvantages

compared to each other.

Figure 3. The CAD model process of the product [



Data Collection

Pre-process(Elimination ofnegative sides)






CAD Model CAD/CAID/CAEApplications

Production FinalProduct

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The biggest drawback of optical scanners compared to CMM is that their dot sensitivities are

dependent on environmental factors and operator capabilities. This sensitivity is much higher

for devices using white light (structural light) and lower for devices using laser. Laser-based

scanners are unaffected by environmental light interference and are more suitable for modular

(portable) use (

inspection). The CMM accuracy values is at the range of 0.1 ( to

0.05mm (, for workbenches using laser scanners, and at the

range of 0.018 to 0.008 mm (in form measurement support with probe) for machines using

high-level white or blue light technology.

Figure 4. Trigonometric interaction between the projector, the camera and the object [10].


The design method is to develop new product ideas in line with the needs of the society and to

link the formed ideas with the product to be produced. A systematic approach is generally

preferred in order to build this connection on sound foundations. This design process starts

with the conceptual design stage, continues with the formalizing design stage and ends with

the detailed design stage. In these stages, although engineering design plays an active role, the

same terminology may not be used to express the stages of the industrial design process.

Almost everyone agrees with the idea that the first step in design is the problem definition or

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the need analysis. Some consider the problem definition as the first stage of the design

process, while others consider the stage of conceptual design as the first step of the design


The most common causes for the reverse engineering to emergence, an important subject of

design, can be listed as follows:

a. The fact that a manufacturer does not produce a part for a long time and wants to

produce it again,

b. Inadequate documentation of the original design,

c. The fact that the original manufacturer of a product is no longer available, but customers

need this product,

d. The fact that the original documentation of the product has been lost or has never


e. The need to redesign some of the product's bad features,

f. Strengthening the good features of the product based on long-term use of the product,

g. Analyzing the good and bad features of the competing product,

h. Exploring new ways to improve the performance and features of the product,

i. Obtaining competitive benchmarking methods for understanding competitive products

and developing better products,

j. The inadequacy of the original CAD model for changes or current production methods,

k. The inadequacy or unwillingness of the original manufacturer to provide

additional/spare parts,

l. High costs demanded by the original manufacturer for providing parts,

m. Updating outdated parts or old manufacturing processes with current and cheaper


Due to these common reasons mentioned above, Reverse Engineering activities are an

indispensable element of the industry. Reverse engineering activities allow the modeling of

any model (target part) in the computer environment, i.e. the creation of a CAD model. Thus,

the model digitalized in computer environment (the CAD model) can now be subjected to

various analyzes in the computer environment (e.g. Finite Element Method) . Thus, the

product will be digitalized throughout the process from design to analysis and to computer-

aided production, covering all the phases in the life cycle process through Reverse

Engineering [10].

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As a result of the research conducted within the scope of RE, a new product design method

called Reverse Innovative Design (RID) has been developed. For this purpose, an additional

software tool called ScanTo3D, which is connected to the SolidWorks CAD system, has been

developed. RID is defined as an integrated digital design method which includes 3D

digitalization, 3D CAD, Computer Aided Industrial Design (CAID), RE, Computer Aided

Engineering analysis and rapid prototyping (RP) methods [6]. All 3D CAD systems utilize the

element-based design approach. This system has an element-based and parametric structure,

which record the history and store the changes in design under the product tree. Compared

with 3D CAD systems, CAID systems can perform direct surface modeling has forming

flexibility, can visualize adaptive material, and yield more realistic graphics. RE and RID

Modeling strategies are described as follows:

1. Automatic creation of free-form surfaces

2. Creation of solid models based on elements and parametric features

3. Curve-based surface modeling

RID aims to implement the modeling process more effectively by performing different

operations in RE based on the geometric shape of the product. RID includes 3 different

modeling strategies:

1. Tangent or curve matching solid models are automatically generated from the network

model for organic shapes. They can be used in application scenarios such as solid models,

model references, data transfers, realistic graphic presentations and rapid prototyping.

2. For analytical forms, the network model is divided into pieces and divided into functional

parts called sub-networks. The feature identification technique is used to create the form

elements in the 3D CAD package; and high-quality shape properties (cylinder, sphere, cone,

stretching/rotating surface) and natural shape parameters (radius, length, height and angle) are

obtained. Non-analytical subnets are formed as B-spline surfaces. All these surfaces are

stretched, trimmed or stitched and converted into solid models in 3D CAD software.

3. If a more precise model is required, the curve-based modeling strategy is used. After the

2D/3D drafts are created in the network model, the boundary curves and element lines are

formed. Then, using these curves, intersection transition surfaces are created directly in 3D

CAD software. In addition, the basic steps of RID are explained in detail as follows:

1. A clear network model is obtained by performing 3D data transfer from a physical or clay

model, point cloud processing, networking and network operations.

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2. By obtaining the quality natural shape or product definition parameters, a 3D solid model is

created using the existing network, even from objects with free geometry. As a result, an

element-based parametric model including the design purpose and function of the original

physical object or clay model is formed in the CAD software.

3. Quality shapes and product definition parameters, the network structure and surfaces are

formed, and corrected and a new product model is created. The forms can be regional or at a

broader scale. On some surfaces, the forming process can be at high levels and while at low

levels in others. Additional features can be added to the new product model in 3D CAD

software. As a result, a new digital product model is created for a new design.

Step 4 CAE analysis is applied and the desired design changes can be made in the previously

obtained model according to the analysis result. This is a repetitive process and small changes

are made at each step.

At the end of the repeated process, the most appropriate digital model that can be used for

rapid prototyping of the new design is obtained. Then, Numerical Control (NC) software

codes and technical drawings can be developed. Traditional RE and RID processes are

presented comparatively in Figure 3. Although the process of digitalizing the physical object

or model of both methods is similar, the main difference emerges after the start of modeling

from the numerical data of the parts. RID contains different modeling strategies and uses

different methods according to the geometry and complexity of the part. The choice of

different modeling strategies according to the part geometry is made because the methods that

give good results in the parts with organic shapes do not give accurate results in the smooth

geometric parts. After being formed, the solid model can be modified according to design

improvement and computer aided engineering analysis process. The parametric model

facilitates the parameter controls, allowing the changes in the model to be made in a better

way. The analysis and solid model development process continues until the best solution is

found. When the best solution is found, this cycle is completed and the new design is created.

Thus, the production of the new product can be started.

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Figure 5. Comparison of RE and RID processes [5].


Since RE Designer does not always aim to manufacture the same product, the designer can

also develop a different design that can operate under the same conditions and perform the

same functions in the same degree or more functionally. He can design a more economical

product that can be manufactured with lighter, more durable, more different materials and

through different processes. The design process model for manufacturing presented in Figure

4 is intended to provide the tools the designer needs to achieve this goal. This design process

model consists of five main stages: information collection, data processing, design, analysis

and solution. These stages partially function as parallel or backward processes, as well.

Information collection begins with the information from the existing product or product

documentation, if any. Some information such as operating conditions and function of the

product can be taken from the existing product and this information is also transferred to the

product documentation. The information in the product documentation can be used directly or

modified and transferred to the designer inputs. Information such as operation conditions,

function of the part, surface quality, production quantity, material is entered by the designer.

The designer also updates the product documentation when he enters new information.

Additionally, the information on manufacturing processes is stored in the design system

database for use in all studies.

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In the second stage, the process of transferring the existing product, for which RE is desired,

to the digital environment in 3D is performed. For this, contact-based or contactless methods

are used. With the developments in contactless methods, these methods have been

indispensable especially for complex shaped geometries. The data obtained from the product

during the 3D digitalization are filtered and the combined point clouds are used to obtain a 3D

solid model containing the surface and elements. These operations are performed in the sub-

process of reversed geometric modeling. The 3D solid model includes geometric data and

manufacturing data. Since the elements of the 3D solid model are geometric data, they are

converted into manufacturing elements for later use. The shape complexity of the geometry is

analyzed and the width, depth, height and volume data are saved in separate parameters. The

unprocessed, full volume of the part is calculated using this data. In the third stage, the data

obtained from the 3D solid model in the second stage and the designer inputs in the first stage

are transferred to the design criteria database and the 3D solid model of the part is created. If

there are deficiencies in the 3D solid model, they are eliminated at this stage. In the fourth

stage, engineering calculations and analyzes such as function, strength, stress, deformation,

deflection, stiffness, weight, friction, thermal features, abrasion, corrosion are performed by

using the design criteria and the 3D solid model. For this reason, the operating conditions and

function of the product must be well understood. Manufacturing elements such as material,

manufacturing tolerances and surface quality can only be determined this way. In the fifth and

final stage, the design is reviewed and solutions are produced based on the results obtained

from the calculations and analyzes. In order to determine the material, tests can be carried out

on the existing product, and the operating conditions and function of the part can be examined

and engineering calculations and analyzes can be used, as well. In other words, the initially

determined material can be changed as a result of the analysis. All the designer inputs and the

design criteria obtained from the geometry can also be modified by evaluating the design at

the review stage. If the solution is found to be sufficient, the determination of the

manufacturing process can be started but if the solution is not sufficient, corrections are made

in the 3D solid model or the design criteria. These corrections require the process to be started

over and the creation of a new design. The design criteria are updated again until the best

result is obtained, the calculations and analyzes are repeated. The design review is performed

by the simultaneous improvement of designer inputs and the 3D solid model. After deciding

on the best design, the manufacturing process is determined. At this stage, raw material

shapes and dimensions, process tolerances, process surface qualities, tool costs, unit costs and

unit time data are recorded in the manufacturing operations database. Measures of the

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unprocessed full volume of the part and the shares of the production are taken into

consideration and a study is conducted in order to determine what dimensions of raw

materials are suitable for the production of the part. Thus, the raw material usage status

having a log, llama or existing standard profile is determined. In order to achieve this,

manufacturing processes database should include standard raw material measures according

to the materials and this information should be up-to-date and available for use. Once the

appropriate manufacturing operations, processing costs, processing times and waste rates are

calculated, the single and combined manufacturing processes are reported comparatively.

Even after the production process reports are obtained, the design can be reviewed and the

designer inputs and 3D solid model can be modified. To this end, the reformatory questions of

design should be reviewed:

• Can the mechanical properties of the part be reduced?

• Should the part tolerances be so sensitive?

• Can more rough surfaces perform the same function?

• Can the dimensions be reduced?

• Can the dimensions be increased?

Data Collection Data Processing Design Analysis Solution

Current Product Reverse Geometric Modelling 3D Solid Model

Product Documentation Geometry Analysis

Formation of Production Elements

Design Criteria Engineering Calculations and analysis Review of Design

Designer Inputs


Rejected Accepted/RejectedProduction processes database Production process data calculation Production process determination Accepted

Reporting production processes Accepted/Rejected

Selection of Production Process Accepted Rejected

Figure 6. Design process model for reproduction in Reverse Engineering process [4, 6-9].

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With these questions, the design is reviewed again and the design inputs and the 3D solid

model are modified and this time, the design is optimized for production. The comparative

reports are then updated and the differences between the current and previous situations are

illustrated comparatively. The designer reviews the updated reports and selects the most

appropriate manufacturing process, taking into account the existing opportunities.

Manufacturing outputs are generated for these selected manufacturing processes and the

product is manufactured. The product documentation is updated after selection of the

manufacturing process. Manufacturing process data is processed and if necessary, the

manufacturing operations database is updated. Thus, in every study, the manufacturing

process database is developed and it is possible to reach the design results with higher



1. P. M. KUMAR A.; JAIN, P. K. & PATHAK, “Reverse Engineering in Product

Manufacturing: An overview”, Daaam Int. Sci. B. 2013, pp. 665–678, 2013.

2. S. Batni and M. L. J. A. Tiwari, “Reverse engineering: a brief review”, Int. J. Emerg.

Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 73–76, 2010.

3. W. B. Thompson, J. C. Owen, H. J. De St. Germain, S. R. Stark, and T. C. Henderson,

“Featurebased reverse engineering of mechanical parts”, IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom., vol. 15,

no. 1, pp. 57–66, 1999.

4. T. Türkücü, H. R. Börklü, "Tersine Mühendislik Yaklaşımına Dayalı Yeni Bir İmalat İçin

Tasarım İşlem Modeli", GU J Sci, Part C, 6(1):91-104, 2018.

5. X. Ye, H. Liu, L. Chen, Z. Chen, X. Pan, and S. Zhang, “Reverse innovative design — an

integrated product design methodology”, Comput. Des., vol. 40, pp. 812–827, 2008.

6. Kalpakjian S, Schmid SR, "Manufacturing engineering and technology", New York;

Toronto: Prentice Hall; 2010.

7. A. C. Telea, "Reverse Engineering – Recent Advances and Applications", InTech, 2012

8. R. Messler, "Reverse Engineering: Mechanisms, Structures, Systems & Materials", 1st ed.

Mc Graw Hill, 2014.

9. G. Boothroyd, P. Dewhurst, W. A. Knight, "Product Design for Manufacture and

Assembly", 2002.

10. B. Kaya, "TR72/16/GS2/0004 Kodlu Kayseri Sanayisinde Tersine Mühendislik Uygulama

Kapasitesinin Geliştirilmesi (Alt Yapı Güçlendirme) Projesi", nihai raporu, 2018.

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Prototyping is used to quickly identify end-user opinions about any design. Prototyping

initially allows answering to the following basic questions about design and gives an idea to

the designer:1

❖ How does the design look (Physical properties, dimensions, texture, Material


❖ How does the design feel?

❖ Is the design functional (Does it function properly)?

❖ How can I produce the design (What are the cheapest and most effective

manufacturing methods)?

Although the technologies in today's digital age offer extremely useful advantages for

prototyping, many prototyping processes can develop as a long, tedious and costly process.

Again, this process can be virtual or physical. As a tool used by an architect or industrial

product designer at the starting point, sketch is actually a simple virtual prototype including the

transfer of ideas about the design. Today, virtual prototyping is carried out by digital

technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE) and

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software and Product Lifecycle Management-(PLM).

Even though prototypes in a certain physical form, that is, physical prototypes are produced for

some very large design projects, which are produced singly or in limited bulk numbers such as

ships, planes, stadiums, buildings, rockets, etc., prototyping for such projects are prepared

digitally on a virtual environment, i.e. on computers, in a very detailed fashion. However, for

many design projects today, physical prototyping is performed in an integrated way with

virtual prototyping and can be realized quickly in parallel to them. These physical prototyping

processes, called rapid prototyping or 3D printing, involve highly complex design process and

allow us to quickly and easily manufacture the physical prototype in a way that cannot be

compared with traditional methods.

1 "RapidPrototypingandEngineering Applications: A Toolboxfor ...." Access date: Feb 27, 2019.

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The rapid prototyping adventure, which began 30 years ago, has changed the production

process, especially prototype production, in an incredible way. Unlike traditional

manufacturing methods, 3D printing technology has revolutionized the way physical objects

and parts are produced in the last few years, and this is why it was described in April 2012

issue of the Economist magazine as 3D printing, the 3rd Industrial Revolution. Today, it is

possible to manufacture prototypes or final products of the parts that are designed with 3D

printers - in a relatively fast and efficient manner. Additionally, the rapid prototype printing

process is as simple and easy as printing out a text document with a single click. Designer can

send the rigid model in the CAD (computer-aided design) software with little or no pre-

processes or directly to the 3D printer and immediately start prototyping.2

Figure 1.

3D printing is can be performed within the snap of a finger!3

The main advantages of rapid prototyping, along with many others, are:

❖ Ensuring fast and easy production of solid, concrete and functional prototypes.

❖ Allowing for the concurrent design and providing design-related feedback while

design activities are in progress.

2Mazumder J., Song L. (2010) “Advances in Direct Metal Deposition”. In: Hinduja S., Li L. (eds) Proceedings of the 36th InternationalMATADOR Conference. Springer, London.

3 "Printer 3D Technology -Freeimage on Pixabay." Access date: Mar 5. 2019.

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❖ Utilization of rapid prototyping methods in the production of the final product

depending on the demands and expectations.

❖ The fact that it positively affects the design process and sets the designer free as it

allows for the production of organic designs developed with topology optimization

and highly complex geometries .

According to the definition in ISO/ASTM 52900:2015, 3D printing is the activity of producing

an object by stacking any material through a print-head, nozzle or other printing technology.

This manufacturing method, which started in the 1980s and is called rapid prototyping (RP),

now defines a new production method called Additive Manufacturing (AM) because of the

developments that have been achieved as a result of improving the printing time and

functionality of the final product output. Therefore, these technologies work with the same

logic whatever we call them either additive manufacturing, direct digital production, rapid

prototyping or 3D printing. Accordingly; 3D printers print 3D physical objects layer by layer

using a variety of materials from thermoplastics to metals, from glass to ceramics, paper, and

even to composite, just like using ink on paper. The printing materials used vary according to

the applied AM printing methods. Accordingly, the materials used for the additive

manufacturing are in the form of liquid, powder and solid (filament or plate) and classify the

additive manufacturing processes according to the material used. Prototypes are generally not

expected to be as durable as final products. Therefore, polymer materials in liquid resin or solid

filament are commonly used. In addition, polymers offer the advantage of recycling. Some

rapid prototyping systems allow the printing of products which can also be used as final

products through various engineering polymers (such as Nylon11, Nylon6) and various alloy

metals. Such 3D printers use laser in various powers. Rapid prototyping or 3D printers allow

for a wide variety of prints to meet prototype expectations. Accordingly, although each 3D

printing technology has its own set of variations, the general workflow for the production of

prototypes is as follows for all these technologies:[4]

❖ Converting 3D modeling-digital CAD data into STL (Stereolithography) data

❖ Verifying the STL file and planning the printing paths by separating it into segments

❖ Printing of the part on the buildplate

❖ Cleaning the prototype product and final operations

4 "ISO/ASTM 52900:2015 -Additivemanufacturing -- General principles ...." date: Feb 18. 2019.

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With the advances in the prototyping process over time, specialized staff or technicians are no

longer needed for most 3D printing technologies. With the improvements in software and

hardware, except for the cleaning of the prototype product, the other stages are automatically

carried out independently of the user. The construction phase of a prototype product on the

build plate is a long process lasting a few minutes to a few days. The duration of this process

varies in proportion to the size of the geometry.



Since invented by Hull Charles W. and Deckard C. and others in the late 1980s, the first rapid

prototyping or a derived term, the 3D printing techniques have been played a vital role in

countless commercial RP (rapid prototyping) technologies in the market today, such as

aviation, marine, automotive, medicine, dentistry, architecture and art. Commercial RP

technologies enable fast production of products through similar but different approaches.

Therefore, it is important to select the appropriate RP technology according to the specific

industrial need and the product range in the terms of the materials used. According to

December 2015 ISO/ASTM 52900 standards; rapid prototyping processes are classified into 7

categories under heading 2.1.[5-6]

In rapid prototyping methods, prototyping materials may be in the form of liquid, solid (wire or

sheet) or powder, depending on the techniques of stratification of the material used. Although

ISO 52900 additive manufacturing standards are divided into 7 categories, two classifications

have been made in this document depending on whether the rapid prototyping devices and

consumables are accessible and inexpensive, and accordingly the widely-available office-type

materials are given more place here. Accordingly, the rapid prototyping methods are examined

under two categories: office type and industrial.

5Hull Charles W, `Methodforproduction of three-dimensionalobjectsbystereolithography`, Patent No:US 51749436Deckard; Carl R., Beaman; Joseph J., Darrah; James F.,`Methodforselectivelasersinteringwithlayerwisecross-scanning`, Patent No: US 5155324

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Figure 2. Rapid prototyping processes according to ISO 52900 standards 7

Figure 3. Classification of rapid prototyping technologies for this resource

7 "ISO/ASTM 52900:2015 -Additivemanufacturing -- General principles ...." Access date: Mar 30 2019.

Desktop Printers


Industrial Applications

















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For desktop applications, it is important that rapid prototyping devices or consumables are

widespread and accessible. Therefore, the filament extrusion method, liquid resin

polymerization and laminated object stacking techniques were investigated under this category.

In the filament extrusion method, the prototyping process is performed by using solid filaments

or cartridges which are turned into wires. The methods in which filaments are used are known

as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). The prototyping process in which a foil or sheet is cut

and stacked up is called Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM). In Liquid Resin

Polymerization, an ultraviolet light-sensitive photopolymer resin in a resin tank is cured layer

by layer through projecting the light onto certain areas in a controlled way, and the prototype

printing is performed.


Figure 4. Filament Driver diagram of a 3D printer (FDM) . 1 Filament. 2 Filament Driver(Extruder). 3 Heated Nozzle. 4 Print. 5 Build Platform.8

According to Figure 4, in the FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) method, a thermoplastic

material (1) wrapped in a reel called a filament is pushed into a movable nozzle (3) which is

8 "File:Filament Driver diagram.svg - WikimediaCommons." Jan 9. 2017, Access date: Mar 13. 2019.

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heated by an extruder (2) in a controlled manner. This molten plastic is again cooled in a

controlled manner, and is stacked layer by layer along a path determined on the printing plate

or tray (5). The 3D printer nozzle usually does most of the work by moving only in the X and

Y plane. However, to adjust the layer thickness, i.e. to go up to the next level in the geometry

(4), it is again positioned by the layer thickness in the Z axis. Dimensions of 1.75 and 3mm are

accepted for the filament diameter used for FDM printers.

Figure 5. Filament used in FDM technology

Nowadays, filaments are produced by many commercial companies for a variety of purposes.

The most commonly used thermoplastic material is PLA which provides biodegradability and

easy printing properties, however, plastics such as ABS, PETG, Nylon, TPE, TPU, HIPS can

also be used. Filaments are offered with a wide range of color options, such that even metal-

and wood-filled, carbon fiber attached and even glowing filaments are available. Detailed

information and comparison can be accessed from the reference.9

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) is a method patented by S. Scott Crump in 1989 and has

been commercialized under Stratasys company since 1990. Today, FDM is perhaps the most

recognized rapid prototype production form for modeling, prototyping and manufacturing

applications. The reason for this is that the FDM patent owned by Stratasys was no longer valid

9 "17 Type of 3D Printer Filament | Buyer's Guide &Review (Mar. 2019)." Access date: Mar 29. 2019.

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in 2009 and the emergence of low-cost 3D printers that use FDM technology shortly

afterwards. The most popular of these is the Makerbot startup that has reached stunning sales

figures in the 3D printer market. However, it was purchased by Stratasy in 2013.[101112]

Figure 6. Stratasys - DimensionuPrint with a professional dual extruder at $ 14 900, and

MakerBot FDM 3D Printer, on the right

Today, a large number of young companies produce and sell their own 3D printers, and even

students produce such FDM printers at various levels. The fashion here has been set by The

RepRap project that provides open hardware and open software. This project is growing and

spreading every day with its supporters. Today, if you want to build an FDM-based 3D printer

with different constructions (and even without a distinct construction), you can obtain all

construction details from this project page. To make a 3D printer in the Reprap project, parts

printed from a 3D printer are used.[1314]

10 "US5121329A -Apparatusandmethodforcreatingthree-dimensional ...." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

11 "Stratasys." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

12 "3D Printing CompanyMakerBotAcquiredIn $604 MillionDeal - Forbes." Jun 19. 2013, Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

13 "RepRap." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

14 "Hangprinter -Wikipedia." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

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Figure 7. RepRap v2 'Mendel'. Self-replicating fused deposition modeling (FDM) machine15

RepRap project developed: Prusa i3 printed parts16

Prusa i3 assembly, ready for printing!

Figure 8. Prusa i3 printer parts and assembly, (Source/creditby John Abella)[17]

FDM printer construction is plain and simple. The extruder head carrying the nozzle is light.

For this reason, X and Y positions within the build-table limits are provided by a total of 2

small stepper motors (usually NEMA 17) for each axis of the extruder head. Layer thickness is

provided by positive Z-direction motion in the build table.

15 "RepRapproject -Wikipedia." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

16 "File:Prusa i3 Printer parts.jpg - WikimediaCommons." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

17 "Prusa i3 3D Printer -Reprap - Completed | Partsused - Roug… | Flickr." Jun 5. 2013, Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

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The filament should be slowly pushed into the nozzle at a certain speed between 180 and 250

C. Again, a controlling stepper motor and a mechanism that holds the filament are used here.

Consequently, low-power stepper motors, basically controlled by open loop, and the slideways

moved by these motors and the construction with ball screws can be produced even from


Figure 9. Ultimaker filament feeder mechanism

Of course, though not as much as the RepRap, especially the open source Cura and Ultimaker

3D printers, with more than 2 million users worldwide, have made a great contribution to the

widespread use of 3D printing technology.[18]

18 "UltimakerCura." Access date: Mar 11. 2019.

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Figure 10. Ultimaker, laser cutting with wooden construction.

RepRap and Ultimaker led the way for the emergence of 3D printers with FDM technology

under $ 200 today thanks to their copied constructions and software. As with all 3D printers,

the filament type FDM printers also require a digital CAD model of the prototype, which is

intended to be printed, first. This digital model in STL format is then sliced layer by layer with

the slicer software of the 3D printer. Nowadays, many software applications perform the

slicing function free of charge. There are proprietary slicer software applications, provided by

3D printer manufacturers just like MakerbotPrint, and slicer software applications like Cura

that allow to set up about 200 parameters, as well. a list and a general comparison of 3D

printing slicer software tools can be found in reference [192021].

19 "MakerBotPrint." Access date: Mar 18.2019.

20 "UltimakerCura." Access date: Mar 18. 2019.

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Figure 11. Ender 3, among the top 3D printers under $ 200 (Source Aliexpress) and ABS

plastic parts produced with Ender 3 on the right.

Figure 12. A fan model in STL format appears in the Makerbot Print software [22]

A 3D printing slicer allows for the production of numerical control codes that allow the CAD

model, which is intended to be produced from the 3D printer, to be cut into specified layer

thicknesses and allow to prepare layers in cross-sections and to control the print head.

21 "Best 3D Slicer Software for 3D Printers in 2019 (MostareFree) | All3DP." Access date: Mar 18. 2019.

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Figure 13. Layers created for the fan in the MakerbotPrint software. The boundaries of a

section formed within these layers are also indicated with a dark green line (highlighted with

green boldline).

Figure 13 shows the layers created for the fan in the slicer MakerbotPrint software. For

example, the fan model is divided into 1118 layers with a total thickness of 0.3mm. Each layer

forms a section in the geometry. Figure 13 shows such cross-sectional limits. In this area,

within limits of this cross-section; the moving head, on which the extruder nozzle is, moves.

With appropriate algorithms, a G-code tool path file is generated for each layer limit.

For all rapid prototypers, there are several parameters that determine the 3D prototype quality

and that need to be set in the slicer software. The layer thickness, which is a parameter that the

user can adjust, affects part precision, detail or resolution. Low layer thickness means more and

higher detail in the prototype, while also increasing the printing time. Therefore, appropriate

layer thickness should be selected according to expectations.

The use of support geometries for many 3D printer technologies is the most important way to

get successful printing from a 3D printer. As with the fan printing shown in FIG. 14, the

sections varying greatly from the bottom to the top require the use of supports.

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Figure 14. The whole fan model sliced from bottom to top. The bottom part of the marked

layer is empty, so the geometry must be supported from the bottom.

Figure 15. The bottom part of the marked layer is empty, so the geometry must be supported

from the bottom.

Supports are structures that are placed under the layers that are not supported or insufficiently

supported by the constructed model, as in the figures above, and that are not actually part of the

target model. Therefore; although support structures adversely affect material costs and

printing times, it is not possible most of the time to produce prototypes without supports. For

example, as shown in FIG. 16, the bottom of the layer to be made is blank , so these layers

must be supported with a support structure as in the figure below.

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Figure 16. Supporting layers with support geometry.

Figure 17. Fan printing with Makerbot. Support structure printing.

Support structures should be printed after the prototype has been printed. Therefore, in the

slicer software, the support structures are modeled in a minimum volume lattice structure to try

to achieve the optimum balance of printing cost, finishing and support capability. The typically

recommended use condition for 3D printing is to support overhangs over 45 degrees. However,

for the production of an unsupported prototype, the success of the model geometry can be

achieved up to certain limits by reducing the print speed, temperature and layer width


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Figure 18. A prototype in the Zortrax edition [23]. On the right, easily removable support

structures; on the left, supporting structures in/behind the main geometry on the same part.

The support structures inside the prototype model cannot be easily removed or such structures

cannot be easily interfered with. Especially for the prototypes with functionality expectation,

the FDM 3D printers that can print with two separate filaments with double extrusion head can

offer an alternative. In this case, a soluble material such as HIPS and PVA can be used as the

support material in one of the extrusion heads.

Figure 19. Dual-extruder UPrint 3D printer. With Support PVA (1) and ABS main material (2).

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Figure 20. The printing of a wrench from a dual-extruder UPrint 3D printer.

Figure 21. The wrench printed by UPrint 3D printer and water soluble support structure.

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Since HIPS, limonene and PVA can be dissolved with water, the prototype is put together with

the support materials in a suitable solvent. According to this simple logic, the solvent solves

the support material, thus leaving the effortlessly-obtained prototype. In this method,

prototypes containing mechanical systems, such as the wrench shown in Figs. 20 and 21, are

operative after the support material has been dissolved. The most important parameter

affecting the strength and weight of a prototype output is the concept of infill. If the

functionality is not a significant expectation for a rapid prototype printing, the prototype infill

rate can be kept to a minimum. The infill parameter can be set as a percentage in the slicer

software. For strength, the infill rate can be set at 60% or more, or at 10% for visual inspection

purposes only. Depending on the prototype requirements, minimum weight and high speed

printing can be achieved with suitable adjustments. Below is the internal structure infill of the

fan model slicer (MakerbotPrint).

Figure 22. The infill of the Fan model calculated in the slicer (MakerbotPrint) software

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Figure 23. Hexagonal infill printing moment of the fan model with Makerbot 3D printer.

The geometry of the infill is also a parameter that affects the strength of the part. The inside of

the part shown in Figure 23 is filled with a hexagonal infill. Slicer software applications offers

a wide variety of filler samples for infill geometry.

Figure 24. Infill type examples for Makerbot Print slicer

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Another parameter affecting the prototype part strength is the shell thickness. The shell forms

the visible face of the prototype geometry. Therefore, there must be at least one shell of each

prototype printing. The thickness and number of the perimeter walls forming the shell

thickness can be adjusted with the slicer software. For most prototype prints, two or three

shells are sufficient.

Figure 25. Shell structure and number. Shell adjustment with 2 pieces on the left and 5 pieces

on the right.

Figure 26. Prototype fan model produced by FDM.

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Materials in the form of sheets or foil are used in this rapid prototyping method introduced by

Helisys company in 1991. The foil or sheet of paper, plastic or metal materials with adhesive

coated on is laminated to one another in a successive operation by cutting with a knife or laser

layer by layer and joining with one another. The most common material used for lamination is

paper. The use of roll paper or polymer film materials as material makes the method

advantageous in terms of supply and cheapness of consumables. Moreover, it is faster than

other methods of additive manufacturing, since only the cross-sectional outer frames are

processed. However, complex and hollow parts cannot be produced with this rapid prototyping

method. Furthermore, the geometric accuracy of the prototype model is worse than that of

other methods.

Figure 27. Laminated Object Stacking Method [23]

Figure 27 shows the method of laminated objects. Accordingly, while the rolled material,

indicated with number 1, is being wound around another reel numbered 8, it has suitable

tension for cutting with laser (5) or knife. The hot roller, indicated with number 2, combines

each layer and a sublayer through its pressing and adhesive effect. With the numerically

controlled (NC controlled) galvo reflectors, indicated by number 4, each layer is cut from the

defined cross-sectional limits by means of a laser or a knife. After the layer cutting process is

finished, the platform is lowered so that the layer thickness becomes the thickness of the foil

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material. Reels 1 and 8 move for the new layer. These operations, respectively, continue until

the production of prototypes is realized.

This method, developed and introduced by Helisys, revealed itself in 2012 with a different

point of view proposed by Mcor Technologies. An inkjet printer is included in addition to

lamination in the rapid prototyping devices offered by Mcor Technologies. Thus, full-color

prototypes can be printed on standard roll paper. In addition, the prototypes produced are

similar to wood in terms of mechanical properties. Due to its inherent nature, the paper is

absorbent, the prototype printouts can further be strengthened with various chemicals after

printed [23-24].

Figure 28. Fruits obtained with McorArke [26]


This rapid prototyping technique is formed by the photopolymer, i.e. the process of solidifying

the UV light-sensitive liquid resin in a controlled manner in a tank. Basically,

Stereolithography (SLA) and Direct Light Processing (DLP) are two techniques for liquid resin

polymerization. Highly precise, complex prototypes with very fine details are obtained with

the SLA and DLP technologies. Additionally, such rapid prototyping devices are reachable at

very reasonable prices.

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The method known as stereolithography or SLA is the first rapid prototyping method

developed by Charles W. Hull. Hull commercialized this technology in 1986 as the founder of

3D Systems, which currently operates. Along with the SLA, Charles Hull also developed the

STL file format as a protocol currently used in all rapid prototyping systems. Any 3D CAD

solid model in the STL file format is represented by thousands of small triangles connected

together in the form of a mesh. In SLA rapid prototyping method, photopolymerization is

applied to specific regions of a special polymer resin. Accordingly, a source of UV laser under

the liquid photopolymer reservoir focuses on the area to be solidified and solidification is

achieved in these regions. Galvoservomotor-integrated mirrors are used to reflect the UV laser

to the areas determined on the liquid photopolymer. By positioning these mirrors in the X and

Y axis to form a series of lines with the laser in the positions specified in the print area,

scanning is completed. In this way, solidification is carried out in the regions over which the

light passes. The areas that the light does not pass over remain in liquid form. After the laser

scanning process is finished in a layer, the printing tray embedded in the liquid tank is lifted up

by the specified layer thickness and this laser scan is performed for the new layer. Thus, this

process continues in a loop until a prototype is created [22].

Figure 29 shows the Form2 SLA printer of Formlabs. The liquid resin (3) filled into the

chamber 1 is exposed to laser light by means of the galvonometer mirrors located in the control

unit under the printer. The laser scanning process is performed by the slicer software for each

layer in specific regions [23].

22 "Charles W. Hull - 3D Systems." Access date: Mar 26. 2019.

23 "Form 2: Desktop Stereolithography (SLA) 3D Printer | Formlabs." date: Mar 27. 2019.

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Figure 29. Formlabs Form2 SLA Printer. 1 tank, 2 printing table, 3 liquid photopolymer resin


Figure 30. Formlabs Preform [25] Slicer. Two objects in the printing area and their supports.

Figure 30 shows positioning of two objects on the table prepared for printing on the Preform

slicer software. In the SLA method, the prototypes are built by attaching them upside down on

top of the table just like bats. In this case, keeping the parts suspended at a certain angle

increases the printing success. In addition, support structure should be used for almost all

printing jobs.

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Figure 31. Placement of the piece at a marked angle on a pad in order to increase the success of

SLA printing.

Figure 32. Layer 313 and section boundaries in the Preform slicer.

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Figure 33. Printing moment of Layer 313 on Formlabs Form2 printer.

Figure 34. The prototypes suspended in the SLA print table.

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The Preform slicer automatically makes the parts layout and support structure. However, the

supports on the functional surfaces can be located to other points. Some supports may be

erased to reduce print speed and cost. For such cases, Preform has a tool (printability) that

analyzes the printing success of the printing geometry and informs the user.

It is possible to produce high-resolution prototypes of highly complex and highly detailed

geometries by means of the Form2 printer, which is very good in terms of price, performance.

No problem is experienced even with the printing of hollow geometries, which constitutes a

problem for production with other rapid prototyping methods. The dimensional accuracy of

SLA prototype prints is also superior to other prototyping methods. Therefore, the designer can

design with narrower tolerances. With SLA rapid prototypers, it is possible to get high-

accuracy prototype prints with a resolution of 25~200 microns.

Figure 35. Prototype prints produced with Formlabs Form2.

In all technologies that print with SLA or DLP liquid resin, the product should be cleaned with

alcohol after the product is removed from the printing table and be left to cure for a certain

period of time. To this end, it is enough to leave the prototype for a while in the sun, along with

special curing devices. The resolution and detail provided by printers with SLA and DLP

technology have made a revolution in the jewelry and dental sectors, where precision casting is

applied in particular. A special polymer exhibits casting wax property and can be subjected to

direct casting process. There are of course various types of engineering resins suitable for the

purpose [24].

Although the prices of SLA and DLP printers are cheaper compared to their performance, the

price of photopolymer material is 10 ~ 20 times more than that of FDM filament. Additionally,

24"Materials -Formlabs." Access date: Mar 27. 2019.

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the resin has a given shelf life. and loses its chemical functionality in a much shorter time after

opening for use. In cases where the prototype does not adhere to the resin printing table, the

residues remaining in the tank may cause a bad construction of the prototype, which will

adhere to the tank bottom. In this case, it may be difficult to clean the bad output that adheres

to the tank bottom. The resin tank base is transparent and smooth. External interventions to be

made here may prevent re-use of the resin tank. As a result, it is very difficult to substitute

printers with SLA and DLP technology.

Figure 36. Transformation of the SLA prototype to metal (silver).

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DLP (Direct Light Processing)

In the SLA (stereolithography) method, the UV (ultraviolet) laser is focused on the

photopolymer liquid resin in the tank with movable mirrors, layer-by-layer solidification is

provided. Similarly, a source of photopolymer UV is used in the DLP method. However, this

source consists of a projector, array LED or an LCD panel, instead of laser.

Figure 37. DLP printing diagram

In DLP technology, an entire layer is projected onto the liquid photopolymer resin as an image

in one go. Thus, faster prototype prints can be taken than when the laser moves in X and Y

coordinates. This is especially advantageous in sectors where more than one product are placed

in the printing table. Although there are comparisons on the internet that the DLP method does

not yield as much detail and high resolution as the SLA, it can be seen that the sample outputs

examined are as good as those of the SLA. Moreover, 3D printers using DLP technology are

partly cheaper.

Figure 38. Novafab DLP 3D printer [25]

25 "VEGA 3D Yazıcı -Novafab." Access date: Mar 30 2019.

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Figure 39. Digital dentistry application, Dental prototypes taken with NovaFab.

Figure 40. Dentistry applications Upper and lower jaw partial applications

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Figure 41. Dentistry applications, prototypes on the NovaFab printing table.

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Figure 42. Jewelery applications, Lion figured rings printed with Novafab printer

Figure 43. Jewelery applications, the ring waiting to be casted with a Novafab printer

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Figure 44. Jewelery applications, jewellery prototypes on the printing table printed with

Novafab printer


Printers that require a significant cost of use are categorized under this title because both the

printer and the consumable prices are expensive. Accordingly, there are two types of rapid

prototyping printers under this group. These are rapid prototyping technologies such as

powder bed fusion or material-jetting in which various powders are used.

Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion Technique

In the laser-based powder bed fusion technique, the powdered polymer (e.g. Nylon 11) or

various metals and alloys are used as the printing material. Laser is used as a thermal energy

source in certain regions on the material in a powdered state, in these regions dust is adhered to

each other. Since, in this method, prototypes can be produced with durable engineering

materials consisting of polyamide and various metals, prototypes can be used as final product

after printing.

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Although there are several different techniques, the most common source of heat is laser in

these systems. The process called selective laser sintering (SLS), is usually performed with low

power lasers on the polymer materials. In the SLS method, the powder does not completely

melt in the regions where the laser passes over, but is only energized to bond with the adjacent

particles. Another technique used in powder bed fusion is to provide a complete melting in a

certain area of the powder with a similar logic but with a stronger laser beam of 100 W or

higher. In this method, called Selective Laser Melting (SLM), the powder material in this

melting pool formed in a local area is fused. Regardless of the method used, as in laser SLA

method, galvo mirrors are used to project the laser onto the marked areas of the powder laid in

the bed. After the laser is projected on certain sections on a layer and the solidification is

achieved on the powder in these regions, another layer of powder is laid on the powder treated

at the determined layer thickness. This process is continued until a layer-by-layer solid

prototype of the digital model is created.

Figure 45. ConceptLaser's SLM metal printer [26]

26 "ConceptLaser - Metal 3D printersforparts." Access date: Apr1. 2019.

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Figure 46. Powder bed on ConceptLaser: 1 powder container, 2 printing table, 3 waste powder


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The figure above shows the powder container of ConceptLaser, which has a powder bed

system. The areas 1 and 2 in the powder bed given above are powder chamber. This chamber

is filled with 10 ~ 30 microns of metal powder, as shown below.

Figure 47. Powder bed filled with powder (ConceptLaser)

In the figure, area 1 is reserved for continuous powder supply, while laser is projected on area

2 and fusion is performed in the region where the laser is passed over this area layer by layer.

Figure 48. The operation of the laser on the layer in the printing area and the layer formation

with the smelting effect

FIG. 48 shows the projection of laser onto certain regions on the layer in the model and its

effect on the powder. Accordingly, after the process has been carried out on a layer, it is

necessary to lay the powder on the printing area for another layer. For this, as shown below, a

scraper plate (4) exposes the powder of certain thickness from the powder chamber 1 onto the

printing area 2 and retracts.

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Figure 49. Scraper plate (4) motion.

Thus, a new layer of powder is laid on the printing plate and everything is ready for the laser to


Figure 50. After the scraper movement is completed, the new layer is ready for processing.

When all the layers are completed with a cycle mentioned above, the resulting prototype is

cleaned of the powder on it. In systems that produce with metal powder, because the prototype

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product is produced on the printing table, it is removed from this table. This table is cleaned

and ground, if necessary, and thus reused.

Figure 51. ConceptLaser printing plate

Figure 52. Various prototypes on SLM Solutions Metal 3D printer printing table [27]

27 "SLM Solutions." Access date: Apr 1. 2019.

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Figure 53. Prototype removed from the printing table. Supports should also be cleaned.

Today, metal prototypes from commercialized printers are essentially produced from a few

metals and their alloys such as Inconel 625, titanium and its alloys, aluminum alloys and

stainless steel. However, studies on this subject continue intensively. EOS,

SharebotSnowWhite, FormlabsFuse 1, Sintratec S1, Sinterit Lisa, offering commercialized

products, use polyamide (PA12, PA 11) material fiber or CO2 laser in laser-assisted polymer

powder bed fusion technology. [2829303132]

28 "EOS P Systems –Industrial 3D Printing of plasticparts." date: Apr 1. 2019.

29 "SharebotSnowWhite." Access date: Apr 1.2019.

30 "Fuse 1: BenchtopSelectiveLaserSintering (SLS) 3D Printer | Formlabs." Access date: Apr 1. 2019.

31"Sintratec S1 -Sintratec AG." Access date: Apr1. 2019.32 "Lisa SLS 3D Printer -Sinterit - Manufacturer of highqualitydesktop ...." Access date: Apr 1. 2019.

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Figure 54. Sintered polymer material produced with EOS 3D printer. It can be folded by hinges

thanks to monolithic printing. It is possible to produce working mechanisms.

Prototyping by Jetting Technique

In this method, the material that enables the prototyping process to be performed is sprayed

onto the printing table, just like an inkjet printer spraying ink on the paper. Jetting techniques

can be examined in two categories as Material jetting and Binder Jetting. In the Material

Jetting method, photopolymer resin or wax is jetted from the inkjet heads instead of ink. In a

layer, this resin, which is sprayed only at certain points in the section, is again exposed to

ultraviolet (UV) light for a short time. In this way, the prototype is produced by solidification

in the regions where the resin is sprayed layer by layer and accumulated. In the material jetting

method, the material can be stacked in the designated areas of the section along a line, since the

material can be sprayed simultaneously from the micro-pumps placed in a series. This makes

printing speed much faster than that in other methods. In this prototyping method, all

prototypes are produced with at least two different materials, one of which is soluble support

material. It is also the only method that allows the use of different types and colors of

materials. Prototypes can be produced in full color.

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Figure 55. Model car body manufactured with 3D printing. The organic design of the front set

obtained by topology optimization. (Parts produced with StratasysPolyjet Printing Technology

by Infotron) [3334]

In Binder Jetting method, a binder material is sprayed onto the powder in the powder bed. This

process allows the powder to be bonded together layer by layer, thus producing the prototype.

This is the combination of the material jetting process with the aforementioned SLS method.

The binding jetting method is commercially applied to sand and metal powders. In this method,

which allows full color printouts, very complex metal parts can be produced. For this purpose,

the metal powder is bonded together with a bonding chemical sprayed onto it. The metal

powder that is bonded together layer by layer with the principle of powder bed, is then cured in

a furnace and given the final form by sintering. A special casting sand is used for the metal

casting process in the binder jetting method. In this method, mold halves and cores are formed

for casting by the binder sprayed on the silica sand. The molten metal is poured into this mold

coming out of prototype printing, and the traditional casting work is carried out. In this way,

complex and large metal parts are produced at a relatively low cost.

33 "infoTRON."

34 "What is PolyJetTechnologyfor 3D Printing? | Stratasys." date: Apr 3. 2019.

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There are several risk elements in developing of new design procedures. One of them

is the increasing complexity of the modern design. A large set of new requirements are

assignedto the designers, such as new materials and devices (for example electronics) that

become available, new issues related to security requirements or new customers’ needs. Many

of the products and machines available today did not exist until recently, so previous designer

experience for these tasks cannot be generally applied. Therefore, new, more systematically-

oriented approaches are needed to provide quick and error-free design of increasingly

sophisticated products.

The sophistication of modern design has its advantages, but also its risks – for

example the necessity for teamwork with many specialists who are collaborating and

contributing to the different phases of design. In order to facilitate team coordination, there

must be a clear, organized approach for designing, engineering, and creating test procedures

so that individual specialists are involved in real time in the process. Dividing the general

problem to sub-problems and system procedures also means that the design work itself can be

distributed to the individual team members.

The work of the modern designer is becoming more and more complex and often has

particularly high risks and costs associated with it. For example, many products are intended

for mass production and the costs for equipment manufacturing, the purchase of raw

materials, etc. are very high. Therefore, the designer cannot afford to make mistakes - the

project must be validated and tested before massive investments and before it is put into

production. This means that every new product has to go through a careful design and

validation process. On the other side, there are large, one-off or unique projects such as

complex manufacturing or energy facilities, planes, etc., where a very detailed process is also

needed to ensure that there are no flaws in the design. These are prerequisites that ensure

reliable operation and prevent catastrophic consequences of malfunctions.

And last but not least - there is a great need for improving the efficiency of the design

process. In all cases, it is desirable trying to prevent errors and delays that are often

encountered in conventional design procedures. The introduction of CAD / CAM / CAE and

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PLM technology is offering an efficient way to improve the design process efficiency, as well

as creating a more systematic way of working with fewer errors.

One of the most important aspects for improving the design process is the

development of new design methods that need to meet the new requirements and

implementation capabilities.

Any systematic way of working with content and design procedures can be considered

as a design method. The most commonly used design method isnamed "Design by

Sketching". Most designers rely heavily on sketching as a basic starting tool in conceptual


Although some design methods may be conventional, modern 3D tools make significant

progress in implementing jointly new and non-standard procedures, which are usually

grouped in “design methods”.

A new point in using these methods is that they are trying to implement rational

procedures in the design process. Sometimes it seems that some of them may be quite

formalized. They may seem too systematic to be useful in the delicate, and often very fast,

world of the design activity. For these reasons, many traditional designers still have doubts

about the idea of system design based on formal rules. But the practice develops faster than

the theory and many modern design projects are too complex to be resolved in a satisfactory

way by using the old, conventional methods. Practice also shows that many mistakes are

made with the conventional techniques of working, and that they are not very useful when

teamwork is required. New design methods attempt to overcome these problems, deliver

better results through new design processes, including decision-taking theory, management

methods, formalization of informal techniques and many others. For example, informal

methods of requesting catalogues by manufacturers or requesting counselling from colleagues

can be formalized in the "searching for information" method or an informal cost saving

procedure with the detailed redesign of apart can be formalized in the "value- analysis ".

Since the industry is adapting and changing to global markets, processes in many industries

are transforming mostly through digitalization. The synergy of technological, economic,

geopolitical and demographic aspects will generate new categories of companies, while

othercompanies will be partially or wholly displaced due to inadequate innovation strategies

and business models. The technologies, methods and approaches in the innovation

development in the majority of industries will also be changed. The vision for further

development includes most of the processes to be developed simultaneously. The modern

product development involves multiple various processes executing at the same and taking

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place over several different product development phases, including design, prototype

production, product development economics, project management, and much more.

Fig.1 depicts the main activities of the product development process [1].

Fig.1: Main product development activities and possible development methods

Prototypes are used to aid the communication and integration between designers and

stakeholders. They are also used as training tools during the product development process.

Prototypes are primarily used to demonstrate the physical and functional properties of the

product, allowing the study of various alternative solutions and the validation of technical


From point of view regarding integration, prototypes enable different design team

members to coordinate with each in order to work in sync with up-to-date levels of readiness.

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Thus, prototypes are important at different levels and in different activities during the product

development process. Prototyping is not only proceeded during the final stages of the product

development process. The prototype is an evaluation tool for solutions that seek to present one

or more product dimensions that are of interest in the various stages of development.

Prototypes have different purposes throughout the product development process; during the

early stages of development, prototyping helps communicate and share information with

stakeholders involved in the product development process. When the process passes to the

final product development phases,the prototypes help validate product requirements and

identify different aspects of possible problems in the upcoming phases, including the

industrialization and production expansion[2]. Prototyping with a full physical prototype is

usually followed by a 0-series, which aims to tackle the final problems of the upcoming serial

production of the product.

Taking into account the rapid pace of change, the turmoil in existing models and processes of

developing new products and innovations requires systematic efforts, new methods and

adaptation approaches. The professional debate on these transition processes is sharply

polarized between those who envisage significant new opportunities and those who foresee

corporate centralization with multiple fragmented subcontractors. The reality is likely to be

very specific to the industry, region and engineering environment.

Trend analysis shows a development of individual thinking and actions towards a

comprehensive, general and corporate-oriented direction of work, which is an essential

element of this methodology. The pursuit of design guidelines’ validity in different industries

is realized in accordance with the instructions as abstract terminology and formulation of

(technical) logically bound processes. Design research results are performed in accordance

with the guidelines, as the individual designers co-operating with the requirements and their

descriptions, or the entire team is responsible for the entire project, not each for its own part.


The model of the process of creating the conception (See Fig. 2) is a generalized

approach for describing the process of building a concept, describing and taking into account

the whole process of developing, producing and distributing a new product. The aim is to

make a systematic analysis based on the relationships between the different elements that

form the product model and the environment for its development. Thus, conceptual clarity is

introduced in the study and further methodological steps are clarified. This process is central

to the model and shows the sequence of stages in product development, production and

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distribution. The conceptual model consists of separate elements that interact with each other

and describe the product in its entirety. Generating ideas is a key component of the conceptual

model. In essence, this is the first stage in the process of developing new products and is a key

prerequisite for successful innovation. Ideas arise as a result of creative thought or are

determined by customer requirements. This necessitates the knowledge of the sources of

ideas, their stimulation and effective motivation. There are a variety of classifications, but

here, for the purposes of the study, the following three groups are used: scientific sources,

technology sources, and sources from the market perspective. They also can be divided in

external and internal.

Fig.2: Model of process of creating the conception

The idea as a product of intellectual property is subject to legal protection. This

determines the existence of the "legal environment" component in which the manufacturing

process of the product develops. The rights of the sources offering their ideas, the rights they

provide to their clients' distribution channels and the legal regulation of intellectual property

rights should be considered.

As a separate block, a systematized sequence of steps that illustrates the stages of the

research process is presented.In general, the conceptual model creates a framework that

focuses on various important aspects regarding the individual elements of the product.

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An attempt to seek synergy between the requirements of today's users and the dynamic

environment in the development of new products through virtual engineering and prototyping

can be presented as an interactive matrix for the development of new products (Fig. 3).

Customer requirements

Technological means Hig
















n /






















1. Virtual Prototyping VV VVV VVV VV V VV VVV VVV2. Virtual and augmented reality VV VV VV3. Cloud-based technologies V V4. Multiphysics simulations (FEA) VV VVV V VV VV VV5. Additive technologies (3D print) and

Rapid PrototypingV VV VVV VVV VV

6. Big data and analysis VV VV V V VVV V7. Digital twins and cyber-physical systems VV VV VV V VV V8. Expert Systems and Artificial

IntelligenceVV VV VV VV VV VV

Fig.2:Interactive matrix for the development of new products

The analysis of the technological environment in the development of new products

through the tools of virtual engineering and prototyping unambiguously shows that

prototyping becomes a decisive factor for the success of a project. The virtual prototyping is

particularly important as a tool for validation of conceptual, architectural, functional and

technical solutions as early as possible (Fig. 4). Unlike other authors [3] referring to a

structure of VP with three or more elements, here an additional element of differentiation of

functional study with VP (requiring solid models) from behavioural simulation (eg. external

loads, temperatures, etc.) requiring modelling through susceptible models and FEA

simulations is introduced. According to this vision of the author, the VP has a connection

between its individual elements and a possibility for evaluation of its elements.

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Fig.4: Virtual Prototyping in the development of new products

VP plays an extremely important role in studying the "human-product" relationship. Every

aspect of human involvement in the operation and / or maintenance of an item can be

"verified" by specialized VP technologies. Very often, this analyses lead to the emergence of

new requirements concerning design, ergonomics and functionality of the product: a user-

specific feedback is obtained from the product.



The methodology of design does not contradict creativity, imagination and intuition.

On the contrary, applying different methods and techniques is more likely to reach new design

solutions from informal, internal and often underestimated thinking procedures inherent in

conventional design processes.

Some design methods are essentially special techniques to support creative thought.

Design methods can be classified into two major groups: creative methods and rational


Formalization is a common feature of design methods, as they attempt to prevent

mistakes typical of informal methods. The process of formalizing procedures also attempts to

• Functionalsimulation

• Behaviorsimulations

• Visualisation• 3D geometryand



Virtual realityand product-


Functionaland functional


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expand the use of appropriate solutions, encourages and allows thinking in a complex and far

ahead of the first solution that comes to the engineer's mind.

This is also related to other basic aspects of the design methods that express design

thinking. They try to present thoughts about the processes of their ideas and put them into the

methods of design, which is a significant help in dealing with complex problems, but it is also

an integral part of the team's work, i.e. resources are provided to help track what all members

of the team are doing and to contribute to the design process.

Presenting system work outside leading engineers' minds to systems of procedures or

rules also means that engagement with repetitive procedures can be substantially reduced to

meet creative tasks with more intuitive attitude and imagination.

In recent years, it has been noticed that the growing variety of products, the reduction

of the volumes produced by each particular model, has led to the emergence of modular

platforms and variant systems, different client configurations, specific performances for

different markets, and many others, making the products multivariate and branched.

On the other hand, the lifecycle of the products over time is getting shorter. This leads

to the need of upgrades of the products after a short period of time due to market requirements

or normative/legal reasons. In this regard, the iterative methods and development approaches

are adequate to highly integrated and accelerated development processes, especially when the

task is creating innovative products.

In sequential-iterative methods and approaches to computer-aided design, the

following stages are usually included [1]:

1. Product Planning

2. Identification of customer needs

3. Product Specifications

4. Creating concepts

5. Validation of the concept

6. Product architecture

7. Design of the product

8. Design for production

9. Prototyping

10. Economic evaluation of product development

11. Industrialization

This process is widely applied in design practice and describes homogeneous product

development. In the author's practice, a family of hammer drills has been developed. This

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approach is valid in a business model of production with a high technological depth (Most

parts of the product are produced with own resources). So, it is essential to identify customer

needs and create product specifications.

The process of creating the product specification can be determined by the following steps:

• Exploring customer needs and attitudes;

• Develop indicators for each need, possibly quantifiable;

• Defining the best and acceptable values;

• Setting a priority level for each indicator;

• Transforming customer needs into technical indicators and technical specification.


The project aims at creating an innovative family of high-performance drilling hand-

held power tools, with an innovative impact system based on the principle of controlled

resonance. This family of hammer-drill machines is designed for drilling and breaking

concrete, brick, stone, etc. by means of drills, cutters, shears, chisels, etc.

In more than 95%, the impact is generated by pneumatic vacuum mechanisms, which

are a major component of this type of machine (ISO 14001, 2004). The propulsion of the

power tools is carried out by an electric motor which, by means of gears and a mechanism for

converting the rotary motion into a reciprocating drive, drives the pneumatic-vacuum impact

mechanism. The construction and methods for calculating this type of mechanism is the

know-how of the companies producing impact and impact drilling machines. For this reason,

it is difficult to find literature or publications on this topic. A large part of the publications are

about the study of harmful vibrations, their impact on the health of the operator and the means

to minimize them. The existing literature describes primarily the principles of action, but not

the methods for calculating and optimizing the parameters of pneumatic vacuum shock

mechanisms [4, 5, 6].

The family takes into account as much as possible of the specifics of the different

types of processes and customer needs profile for different climatic and geographic areas, as

well as application, productivity, ergonomicsand more special requirements.

Definition of the product: Drilling tools

Description of the product:Hand-held power drills

Primary Market:

• Users "do it yourself";

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Secondary Markets:

• Random users;

• Semi-professional;

Possible solutions:

• Low to medium weight machines;

• Wired;

• Wireless - rechargeable battery with lithium-ion technology;

Target groups:

• Users;

• Distributors for individual markets;

•Retail chains;

• Service Centres;

• Manufacturing companies;

•Legal department.

It is important that the process focuses on customer needs and requirements from the

start of the development project; otherwise there is a high risk that the product may not meet

customer needs. Multiple interpretations of the requirements may lead to uncertainties; it is

not possible to check whether the product meets the needs of the customers and the planned

development resources.Money and time could be lost in developing the wrong product. The

definition of requirements requires a lot of resources at the beginning of product development,

but on the other hand, efforts are being recovered in the later stages [7, 8]. Moreover, the

requirements are based on new technologies for future products, management of requirements

may also be a way for companies to focus on innovation.


In order to conduct a survey of client attitudes and assessments, it is necessary to

create a systematization of objectives and tasks for the product and its development strategy.

On the basis of surveys and mainly on the basis of internal company practices, the following

steps are proposed for identifying customer needs:

• Determining the functional range of the product

- Definition of product goals

• Collecting raw data from different stakeholder groups

- Interviews

- Discussions

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- Market surveillance

• Interpreting raw data

- Analysis of consumer interests

- Analysis of market statistics

• Organization and structure of customer needs by interested groups

- Hierarchy of Needs in Importance

• Evaluating the importance of each necessity

- Additional studies

- Quantification of needs

• Coverage of the knowledge gained during the product development process

• Continuous improvement of the product specification.


In order to conduct a customer needs and assessment study based upon the mentioned

methodology it is necessary to create a system of product indicators in the context of its

market strategy to consumers. Based on a large number of analysed sales data of drilling

machinesof leading manufacturers49 indicators of client needs stand out. The following table

(Table 1) outlines these systematized needs as well:

Table 1: Table of customer needs

No System Designation of customer needsImporta


1. Hammer drill Provides enough energy for impact drilling. 1

2. Hammer drillHas low level of vibrations. The operator does not get tired even after many

hours of work.1

3. Hammer drill Lasts several hours of heavy use. 2

4. Hammer drill Can drill holes in hard materials. 2

5. Hammer drill Has a hanging system. 3

6. Hammer drill Has a tool magazine. 3

7. Hammer drill Can be used for drilling of a pilot hole. 3

8. Hammer drill Fast charging. 1

9. Hammer drill Can be used during recharge. 2

10. Hammer drillCan use different systems such as SDS Plus, SDS Max. hexagonal heads and


11. Hammer drill Can use different tool lengths and diameters. 1

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12. Hammer drill Can reach narrow angles. 2

13. Hammer drill Has a long life. 2

14. Hammer drill The grip of the tool is heavy. 2

15. Hammer drill Can be used on a ladder without the risk of leakage. 2

16. Hammer drill Tools in poor condition can be used. 3

17. Hammer drill Allows the user to work with painted or rusty tools. 3

18. Hammer drill Can be charged during breaks. 3

19. Hammer drill Resistant to corrosion. 2

20. Hammer drill Keeps charging after long storage periods. 3

21. Hammer drill Keeps its charge and working capacity when it is wet.

22. Hammer drill Prevents damage to the work surface when starting work. 2

23. Hammer drill Prevents damage to the carbide insert when fitting. 1

24. Hammer drill It's warm in touch in cold weather. 3

25. Hammer drill Prevents scratch surfaces from being subtracted. 2

26. Hammer drill Easy to set up and use. 1

27. Hammer drill It's easy to plug into the power supply. 1

28. Hammer drill Prevents accidental shutdown. 2

29. Hammer drill The user can adjust the maximum torque. 1

30. Hammer drill Provides easy access to bits or accessories. 2

31. Hammer drill Facilitates the start of drilling with a smooth start. 1

32. Hammer drill Power is sufficient and comfortable. 1

33. Hammer drill It's easy to charge. 1

34. Hammer drill Works with different tools. 1

35. Hammer drill The batteries are ready for use when new. 3

36. Hammer drill The user can manually apply torque to drive a non-rotating tool when clamped. 2

37. Hammer drill It can be maneuvered in narrow areas. ** 2

38. Hammer drill It's easy to store (does not require orientation). 1

39. Hammer drill Easily fit into the toolbox. 2

40. Hammer drill Feels good in the user's hand. 1

41. Hammer drill Convenient when the user pushes it. 1

42. Hammer drill Convenient when the user is opposed to twisting. 1

43. Hammer drill Good balance. 2

44. Hammer drill Equally easy to use with the right or left hand. 2

45. Hammer drill Weight is well balanced to reduce vibration. 1

46. Hammer drill It remains comfortable when it is in the sun for a long time. 2

47. Hammer drill It's easy to handle when drilling. 1

48. Hammer drill It's easy to handle while hammer drilling. 1

49. Hammer drill Nice sound. 2

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The next important step in the development process is to transform client needs into

technical requirements. They are defined by the technical specifications of the product in

measurable parameters. Here the basic idea of QFD is used, which allows to transform

internal and external needs into product specifications. QFD can be used to prioritize

requirements, find correlations, evaluate solutions and compare the concept with competitors


In the first phase of the family definition, the most commonly used percussion

mechanisms, patent solutions for such mechanisms, as well as tools used in this class of

machines for rapid tool changingareanalysed. Appropriate electronic systems for controlling

and stabilizing the rotation speeds and increasing the comfort of work with machines of this

class are considered. Data on the growth of sales of hand-held power drills by leading

manufacturers, market shares, price levels and development trends were collected and

analysed. Various variants of systems have been explored to increase the impact energy and

energy efficiency of machines, as well as various vibrating and balancing systems.

The analysis of marketing, patent and sample studies of competing leading companies

outlines the main frameworks of the family of hammer drills.

Almost all tools from this range have vertical motors. In most machines, the tool

change system is SDS, respectively Max or Plus. Some machines use hexagons.

Representatives of the machines in the range of 3 to 5 kg have capacities ranging from

500 to 1050 W and impact energy from 2 to 12 J. For other larger machines the power reaches

1250 W and the impact energyis up to 17 J.

The following graph (Fig. 5) gives an idea of the dependency between the impact energy and

the weight of the machine.

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Fig. 5: Dependency between the impact energy and the weight of the machine

It can be seen from the graph that with the machine's weight increase the impact

energy is greater but the connection is not linear - this is determined by the type of grip used -

SDS Plus up to 3.5 kg and SDS Max above this limit on the one hand, and, on the other hand,

the type of the impact mechanism and its propulsion system. Another interesting dependency

is that between the impact energy and the power of the machine (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6: Dependency between the impact energy and the power

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The observed trend shows that with the increase of power the energy of the impact

also increases, however, for 1000W the energy is from 2.5 to 10 J. In the course of the study,

it was noted that most machines in this class are not equipped with electronic speed control.

Models which have this feature include Makita HM 1100 C and HM 1140 C models and

Metabo MHE 65 models. Other models may also have electronic controls, but no information

is provided. There is no information for presence of controllable resonance frequency.

Some models have an anti-vibration system, for example Makita HM0810 C, DeWalt

D25830 K, Hitachi H45 SR and H45 FRV. The hammer drills between 3 and 4.5 kg will be

examined in detail.

There is a tendency to seek ways to increase the impact energy of machines by

reducing the cost of materials, respectively the mass and cost of machines and increasing the

comfort of the worker. The increase of the impact energyoftenleads to a number of harmful

effects such as high vibrations, the impact of which should be reduced or eliminated. The

industry is searching new vibrating and balancing systems.



The family architecture is designed with maximum coverage of customers' needs. At

the same time maximum level of unification of the drives is achieved.

The propulsion of the power tools is carried out by an electric motor which, by means

of gears and a mechanism for converting the rotary motion into a reciprocating drive, drives

the pneumatic-vacuum impact mechanism. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show family of hammer drills.

The hammer drill tools are in a wide range with various parameters and purpose. They include

machines from 2 to 15 kg and larger with energyfrom 1.5 to 40 J generated by impact


In more than 95% of these, the impact is generated by pneumatic-vacuum impact

mechanisms, which are a major component of this type of machine. To achieve the wide

impact energy range, a large set of impact mechanisms with pneumatic chamber diameters

from 16 mm to 35 mm is needed.

The approach proposed by and further developed by the author with the addition of

non-quantifiable indicators was used [10]. The structure is matrix and horizontally develops

in weight classes 2, 3, 5, 7 and 15 kilograms. This structuring is determined by the market

traditions of drill tools (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8).

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The forecasted techno-economic indicators of the family are prerequisites for very

good market positioning and high competitiveness in both traditional and new markets and

with a view to expanding market shares. It is envisaged to use two types of grip - SDS Plus

and SDS Max. The purpose is to unify both types of grip for use in different machine classes

and to ensure thatthe tool change could be done with one hand. This would improve the ease

of using the machines.

Another important aim is to use spindles of the same diameters if possible. This will

lead to similarity in the mechanics of different machines and to the possibility of their


Unification is also sought in electronic systems. Machine control is essential for

comfortable and safe operation of machines.

Based on this, it will be possible to use whole nodes in the different types of family

members. For example, the motor group, together with the handle of the BP540, will

eventually be used in the 3 kilogram (II A) machine. In this machine, a gearbox of the

BPR300 (II B) machine will also be used. The handgrip from this machine is also used in a

hammer drill of the same 3 kilos K34 class. In this class can also be developed a cordless

machine from unified elements, which is not currently foreseen as a member of the family.

Fig. 7:Family of hammer drills with Pneumatic Vacuum System

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Fig. 8: Family of hammer drills with Pneumatic Vacuum System - Design

The main advantages of this family are:

• Innovative Resonance Shock Mechanical / Pneumatic Vacuum System –First on the World


• Optimal range of the family which provides flexibility, maximum satisfaction of consumer

needs and efficient production;

• High performance improved operating comfort (through reduced weight) and improved

ergonomics, especially in terms of reducing harmful vibrations affecting the operator and

overall fatigue reduction;

• High ecology through conditions for full recycling after decommissioning;

• High reliability and reduction running costs during operation, which benefits the client by

reducing the total cost of ownership;

• Economy of energy and raw materialsthrough total weight reduction of machines, with equal


The use of controlled resonance frequency, which is a novelty in the world practice, increases

significantly the productivity, which in terms of labour costs will form a noticeable saving of

resources for the clients.

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• On the basis of the marketing researches, it has been found that most manufacturers are

expanding the range of hand-held power drills, so the expanding of Sparky's range is

warranted. This would significantly improve the market position of the company.

• Electronic systems for controlling and stabilizing the speeds and the impact also show

development. The aim is to improve the comfort of these machines and to ensure consistent


• The lack of patents for the use of resonance in impact drill machines shows that this is an

unexplored area. The use of controlled resonance in the impact system provides a unique

weight / performance ratio and price / quality that will ensure a significantly increased

competitiveness of the export-oriented family, expanding the brand's popularity and imposing

a Bulgarian end product on a leading international market.

• As a final result, the goal is to define the technical specification of a family of high

performance tools with an integrated electronic control and diagnostics system based on an

elementary technology combined with high-tech know-how for realization and control of

resonant mode of operation. The surplus valueis added through an innovative intelligent

product with a new level of performance / own weight / ergonomics and attractive price for

the market.

• The next stages of development of the product family according to (Eppinger, 2004)

mentioned above will be substantially modified by the virtual prototyping methods to the


- Creating concepts and choices by developing a virtual prototype

- Validation of the concept through a virtual prototype

- Product Architecture with Integrated Management System

- Detailed design of the product family

- Production design

- Physical Prototyping using additive and other methods

- Economic assessment of product development

- Industrialization.

• The main difference in this approach is the use of virtual prototypes at the earliest possible

stage. This applies to a very high degree to the development of an innovative resonance shock

system. This is a new concept based on a well-known physical effect, which however is

generally considered harmful in the technique, and here it is proposed to use resonance to

increase the effectiveness of the impact system. The lack of sufficient information and

experimental research necessitates the use of VP as the main tool for the research and

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conceptual development of a resonance shock system as well as for the creation of family

architecture as a function of this system and its associated electronic drive system for

resonance mode.




A virtual prototype has been built that consolidates various physical processes. It has

incorporated the mechanical processes - the dynamics of the movement of the components of

the compensating system combined with fluid-thermal processes with the opposite in the

pneumatic cylinder.

The basis for the virtual model is a study of task 1 pneumatic-vacuum resonance

mechanism. Subsequent separate components are added to it:

• Gearbox (referred to the scheme as GBOX);

• Electric motor (referred to the scheme as MOTOR);

• Handle (referred to the scheme as H).

Additionally, some relations between the various components are presented:

Elastic connection between the spindle and the gearbox (referred to the scheme as CYL);

Each element is characterized by its mass (if known or roughly determined by expert

judgment) and has been constrained to obtain real degrees of freedom. In this way, the virtual

mathematical model is most closely approximated to the real physical model and the accuracy

degree of the obtained results will be as close as possible to those measured when testing the

test samples.

Schema designations are like indices of the basic parameters involved in the system.

A basic scheme of the built virtual prototype is shown on Fig. 9. It is clearly visible that the

kinematic action of the whole machine, as well as all the basic elements and the

corresponding constraints, joints between them, are clarified. Building on this principle

scheme, a 3D model (Fig. 10) is built into the PTC Creomodeller.

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Fig. 9:Scheme of the consolidated multi-physical virtual model

Fig, 10: 3D model of hammer drill

Thus, the conception system can be performed simultaneously impact during the

rotation. This is accomplished by the electric motor (pos.1), through a gear the rotary motion

is transmitted to the crank (pos.2) and from there by the rocker (pos.3) is transformed into

reciprocating piston movement (pos.4). On the other hand, through the air gap, the hammer

(pos.5) and the intermediate hammer (pos.6) hit the tool.The rotary motion through the gears

(pos.8 and pos.9) and the safety clutch (pos.10) is transmitted to the spindle of the machine

and through the chuck reaches the tool.




kB, cB

kM, cM kCYL,



kV, cV








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After developing a representative design based on the 3D model and the consolidated

multiphysic virtual model, dedicated CAE software creates a stimulating virtual prototype,

which provides the necessary analyses.

All the necessary requirements regarding degrees of freedom, interconnections and

contacts between the individual elements are taken into account. The body parts are set with

their mass properties to evaluate all the influences on the calculated computational model.

This makes it most realistic and close to the real one to be verified later.

Careful analysis of results has shown that using this computing technology is not a

sufficiently effective way. As a result, some theoretical considerations have been made and

the necessary dependencies for defining the substitution spring parameters are derived.

When operating the mechanism, a process can be considered as isothermal, wherein:

V . (P ) / . = V . (P ) / . ,where:

V1, P1 - initial volume and pressure of air volume;

V2, P2 - volume and pressure of the air volume after time t.

The grade is determined by air properties. Two cases are considered:

Under vacuum:

The resulting force remains relatively constant, in which:

F = −P . π. R , където:RSP – radius of the bore in the spindle.

For the spring constant we obtain:

c = − P∆ . (π. R )

Under compression:

P = P = 101325.2 PaV = L . π. R ,m

P = Fπ. R , Pa

V = (L − ∆ ). π. R ,m ,

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where, LINI = 0.0256, m – initial distance between the front face of the hammer and the


After conversion for the resulting force, the following result is obtained:

F = π.R .P . LL − ∆

wherein the spring constant is determined by:

c =π. R . .

∆The dependence between the spring constant and the spring deformation is shown on

Fig, 11. The values correspond to the pneumatic-vacuum mechanism of a drilling machine of

medium size and are exemplary. The graph shows that the function is highly non-linear in the

area of compression. This non-linearity has a strong influence on the resonance of the system,

as well as on the amplitudes of oscillations in resonance.

This has been taken into account in further research conducted using virtual models.

Fig. 11:Variation of the stiffness of the substitute spring

The determined spring constant refers to the cylindrical air volume considered. An

option to adjust this constant is to add a radial hole. Its function is, on the one hand, to

compensate for the losses of air through the seals and, on the other, to "soften" the spring,

thus guaranteeing the required characteristic.

When moving the piston forward (towards the intermediate cylinder) the volume of air

is thickened and the pressure rises repeatedly due to the presence of high pressure, the









1,E+08kAIR, N/m kAIR…

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resistance of the passage of air through the radial hole also increases repeatedly, which in turn

prevents the exhaust of large amount of air through it. It reaches a stage where the piston's

forehead closes the radial hole and virtually completely exits the air from there. Upon

reaching the upright position, the piston starts to move in the opposite direction, a low

pressure is created in the cylinder after the plunger head releases the radial hole, through

which air enters. The air compensates for losses resulting from gasket leakages.



The physical prototype is created for the purpose of physical verification, as well as

for determining additional values of some of the model parameters (friction, heat load) from

the mode of operation. The prototype has used available components from an existing,

manufactured machine, as well as produced additional new components. A picture of the

assembled machine is shown on Fig. 12. The physical prototype has been tested in real-life

conditions and the vibro acceleration values in the handle have been measured in order to be

compared with the values determined by the computational model.

Fig. 12: The produced physical prototype

In the tests with the physical prototype, the following vibration values were measured:

• The main handle - 8 m / s2;

• The side handle - 14 m / s2;

Compared to the calculations made in the virtual model, there are small differences that

are due to the damping values set in the individual links and will be subject to subsequent

incremental settings of the computational model.

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In parallel to the tested prototype, hammer drill from leading manufacturers in the same

class of power tools has been tested.

The design has a lot to do with the marketing of the range products. Another requirement

for the design is the use of the company's color solution configuration as well as the

uniformity of the machine shapes with the existing ones.

The design of the family of power tools has been created by a team of designers directly

involved with the overall development of the manufacturer's products. It is based on the

dimensions and shapes defined in the construction of the conceptual models for the respective

machine. Other criteria are the ergonomic requirements laid down in European standards as

well as the safety requirements. Machines must also meet the intended functional parameters.



Stylistically, this family of hammer drills follows the line of other power tools of the

manufacturer. Different designs have been developed for every machine.

Again, one or more representatives of low, medium and high class machines of the

developed range of power tools have been examined.


In the lighter class the design solution for the K306E hammer drill shown onFig. 13 is

considered. The machine is elongated, which is determined by the coaxial motor and the

mechanics of the impact group. At its front end it is shaped as a cylindrical surface, gradually

passing into a prismatic shape, allowing user convenience of operation. There is a front

handle not shown in the figure below. For the lighter class it is also characteristic that a

minimum distance from the spindle axis is sought to an end point at the upper end of the

machine. This configuration would allow work near a wall. Also characteristic of this power

tool are the stylish air ducts at the front end of the machine. Besides their functional

significance for creating airflow along the gearbox, they add elegance in the design and

reduce the visual effect of the long spindle. Their effect is emphasized by three sloping ribs on

the plastic casing of the machine. Another component of the design is the contrast between

the recess in the rear handle area and the convex contour - passing to the gear box. This

convex contour creates the connection between the front and rear air slots. Another design of

a machine from the lighter class is shown on Fig. 14

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Fig.13:Design of a machine from the lighter class - К306Е

Fig. 14: Design of a machine from the lighter class - ВРR280Е Variant В


“Medium” class of the developed family of power tools is represented by two

machines - BP330CE and BP540CE. The main stylistic feature of these machines is the open

metal casing, which is different for the other hammer drills of the family. Another significant

feature of the medium class compared to lower class is the vertically positioned electric

motor. It determines the design of the machine and the deployment of its components. The

vibro insulation system, on its part, uses a rear-mounted grip, which also brings a stylistic

accent to this class of machines.

• Fig. 15 below shows a solution for shaping BP330CE (class "3kg"). There are several key

elements of the design:

• External ribbing of the metal gearbox;

• Airborne slots at the front end of the engine body;

• Incline of the rear wall of the engine body;

• Macrogeometry of the rear handle;

• Elastomeric component - geometry and positioning of the rear handle;

• A gear element of the handle to the gearbox;

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• The electrical hammer used;

• Other elements of design.

The latest version is also shown with the styling solution for the front handle. The

front handle is intended to be common to the "middle" and "high" classes.

Fig. 15:Design project for a medium class machine ВР330СЕ

Another mid-class power tool is presented with some of the design variants developed

for it. The two options shown are the initial and final versions. Again design elements are

changed, according to the ones listed for the previous machine (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16:Design project for a medium class machine ВР540СЕ

For the final version, a model of the external surfaces defining the design of the

machine is also made. A photo of the model is shown on Fig. 17 below. The designed model

is used for initial primary assessment of grip comfort, design ergonomics, and gives a better

idea forthe aesthetics of the power tool. Discovered disadvantages are removed in the next

step to obtain suitably shaped outer surfaces.

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Fig. 17:A design project for a medium class BP540CE. Model of the final version


Power tools from the high-class range are represented by the BP750CE. A

characteristic feature of the construction is that it is from the so-called "shell" type.

Mechanical elements are enclosed in two semi-handles that fully predeterminate the design of

the power tool. Again, a vertically installed electric motor design solution is used.

Additionally, there is a difference in the front handle as compared to the "medium" class, Fig.


Fig. 18:A design project for a medium class punch BP760CE. Model of the final version

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The best method for evaluating the handles is using a physical prototype to get sense

of grip comfort. Such models are produced by the Rapid Prototyping method. The evaluation

is carried out under uniform conditions through expert evaluation from the design specialists

and questioning of users working with such machines.

For the purpose of this project, several 3D printed handles (Fig. 19) were produced to

discover an optimum result that willreflect in the design members of the family.

Fig. 19: Prototype handle


For the comfortable handling of hand-held power toolsweight balance is of great

importance, especially for those with battery power and increased weight due to the battery

pack. On Fig. 20 is shown the battery distribution.

Fig. 20:Battery location

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The optimum battery pack location or the machine's total weight balance (center of

gravity and inertia characteristics) were subject to separate modeling for the rechargeable

machine by the developed family.


This type of impact system is driven by rotation about an axis perpendicular to the axis

of the impact system.

Prototypes of the Type 5/7 kg elements and the nodes for this type size are shown on Fig. 21

to Fig. 24.

Fig. 21:Prototype of gearbox set of machine driven by slider-crank mechanism

Fig. 22:Prototype of housing-spindle of machine driven by slider-crank mechanism

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Fig. 23:Prototypes of the kinematic elements of the actuating and impact systems

Fig. 24:Prototype of the housing

The remaining components of the structure - axes, O-rings and bushings - are

relatively more simple as design features. However, their use in the pneumatic vacuum

mechanism requires their compatibility with the above criteria - in particular, this applies to

the original features.

Fig. 25 and Fig. 26 show the prototypes of the gearbox, the air spring and impact

systems elements of the 3 kg type.

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Fig. 25:Gearbox prototype

Fig. 26:Prototypes of the kinematic elements of the actiating and impact systems

The produced prototypes gave the full scope of all the necessary tests and tests that

followed in the implementation of the project.


According to the initial separation of the components of the power tool by individual

systems, the examination of the other groups continued. Detailed design concepts are also

considered, according to the machine class, each type being represented by a representative

machine. The main objective is to obtain adequate functional prototypes. The prototypes

allow functional tests of the design concepts. Also, they will be used as the basis for

constructing design documentation for a productiontest series.

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The gearbox set is an important unit of the actuating system. It includes gears, which

are producing the necessary reduction of the revolutions of the electric motor and are driving

the spindle and the impact group. (Fig. 27)

Another important element of the gearbox is the safety clutch designed to limit the

transmission of high resistance torque to the motor to permissable value. The safety clutch is a

separate node from the machine. For large machines, the clutch design is radial roller type.

The prototype of the clutch is shown in Fig. 28.

Fig. 28:Prototype of the safety clutch

Fig. 27:Gearbox set

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In the case of machines with coaxial motor, the most common safety clutch was used.

In them, the sprocket transmits its torque to the spindle through a housing pressed by a tilted

cylindrical spring located on the spindle.

An important feature of the connectors is their ability to tare during assembling. In the

radial roller connectors, this is achieved by placing of spacers under the springs, and in the

front coupler by placing the washers to the cylindrical spring.Front cam coupler is also used

for machines with a vertical electric motor, the design of which is a combination of the two

above-mentioned ones.


The elements of the support system differ mainly by the machine class, which defines

conceptually the type of body elements. In general, the hulls can be divided into low-class

machines (2kg and 3kg), medium-sized machines (3kg and 5kg) and high class (7kg or more).

Prototypes of 3 carrier systems from low and medium class were made.

The housings of the electric motor in the low-class machines are characterisedwith the

longitudinal horizontal positioning of the engine. This also determines the structure of the

body of the motor. It carries the stator pack and the rear bearing of the anchor shaft. The stator

package is located on ribs on the inside of the body and the rear bearing in a specially

designed socket. The gearbox is attached to the front end of the motor body, and to the rear

there is a pair of half-handles. Motor body for power tool with coaxial motor is shown on Fig.


Fig. 29:Motor body for power tool with coaxial motor

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In the middle class machines, the housing elements of the motor are vertically

positioned and are the main part of the machine's outer surface. In this way, they are also

subject to stylistic shaping, following the general line of the machine. Again, the gear housing

is attached to the upper end of the machine, and in the lower part the rear bearing of the rotor

shaft is based. There are also structural elements for attaching the brush holders as well as

functional elements related to the attachment of the electronic block. A diffuser is provided in

the motor body, and there are also slots for blowing the airflow created by the fan. For

connection of the stator pack and the gearbox there are provided columns for tightening the

screws and forpositioning of the components. One of the sidewalls is suitably designed to

attach the rear handle.

Fig. 30 shows a prototype of a motor unit for a vertical motor machine made using the

SLS prototype technology (Selective Laser Sintering).

Fig. 30:Prototype of a motor unit for a vertical motor machine made using the SLS




The individual elements were prototyped using different production technologies, and

a clasification of accepted and implemented technological processes were made:

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• Mechanical components that are produced with the same technology as serial

production, but usinganother machines (mostly universal);

• Aluminum / Magnesium Alloy Body Elements - mostly made by machining using a 5-

axis machining center. Regardless of the complex surfaces, this method is more

adaptable compared to other methods for obtaining precise thin-walled parts;

• Plastic housing elements (mainly PA6 material) such as bodies, handles and others -

they are mostly produced through Rapid Prototyping technology. This method allows

production of complex shapes regardless of the complexity of the surfaces.


The results of previous BP400E hammer drill tests were compared with corresponding

result of competitive machines - AEG PN400E; GBH5-40DE and GBH7-40DE produced by

Bosch; DW745 produced byDeWalt. The studies are presented sequentially below.

The comparison was initially made at constant speed drilling, common to all the machines,

and with different diameters of the used tools. Data from the tests described above were used,

with SPARKY's BP400E data collected from the final machine structure (hammer and spindle

revolutions). The results are shown on Fig. 31.

Fig. 31:Comparison of BP400E and competitive machines


Through the VP and PP an innovative resonance impact mechanical / pneumatic

vacuum system - a novelty on the world market, protected by an international patent, was








16 25 32 40







Diameter of the drill, dd, mm

BP400E PN400EGBH5-40DE GBH7-40DEDW745

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The optimal range of the family is defined as an area and a dimensional order allowing

for flexibility, maximum satisfaction of consumer needs and efficient production;

High performance (best worldwide performance), improved work comfort (through

reduced weight) and improved ergonomics for the operator and overall fatigue reduction are


Energy savings and raw materials through total weight reduction of machines, with

equal performance.

The envisaged technical and economic indicators of the family are a prerequisite for

very good positioning on the market and achieving high competitiveness.


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