iocci strozzi galtech

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  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    w w w . g a l t e c h . i tRan ge o f Pr odu ct s :Gear Pu m p s an d Mo t or s

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Pum ps and gear m o t o r s

    Galtech is specialized in pumps production from group 1 to group 3,divided into 29 displacements: from 0,9 to 62 cc, and up to 320 bar ofmax working pressure.

    Pumps are available with cast iron flanges and covers version to reducethe loudness level.Each pump can be assembled whether with standard flanges(European, German or SAE) or with special ones (ZF, Perkins andRenault), with conic, cylindrical or splined shafts.

    Furthermore it is possible to assemble covers with pressure relief

    valves and flow control valves. All standard pumps are arranged withback tow for one or more pumps, using the coupling kits, available alsoin the short version and or high and low pressure.

    All production lines are:Gear Pumps with alluminium flanges and covers

    Gear Pumps with cast iron flanges and coversGear Motor with alluminium flanges and covers- Gear Motor with cast iron flanges and covers- Hand Pumps- Internal Valves

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Grou p 1

    Group 2

    Grou p 3

    -0.9 cc-1.2 cc

    -1.6 cc-2.0 cc-2.5 cc-3.2 cc-3.7 cc-4.2 cc-5.0 cc

    -6.3 cc-7.8 cc-9.8 cc

    -4 cc-6 cc-8 cc-11 cc

    -14 cc-16 cc-19 cc-22 cc-26 cc

    -19 cc-22 cc-29 cc-33 cc

    -36 cc-44 cc-52 cc-62 cc

    Ava i lab le t ypes o f Pum ps o r Gear Moto r :D is pl ace m e n t s :

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    M ul t i p l e gea r pum ps

    Multiple pumps are available in two or more stadium, and can beassembled in these execution: Standard tandem Short tandem (reduced axial dimension respect standard

    tandem, shared suction between all the pumps) Short tandem for high and low pressure (with low pressurepump exclusion valve)

    The versatility of our pumps permits to assembly a multiplepump using single pumps making only a simply operation ofdisassembly / assembly, thanks to the predisposition of each

    pump to engage another pump and thanks to the availability offlange connections and accessories kits.

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Gear Moto rs

    Motors with external gears from group 2 to group 3,divided into 17 displacements from 4 to 61,1cc, up to 270bar of max working pressure and maximum speed up to4000 rpm, with hydrostatic balance to reduce the axialslack.

    Gear motors are available in unidirectional and reversibleversions (reversible motors can be used same in seriescircuit).

    Each motor can be assembled with standard flanges(European, German or SAE) or with special ones (ZF,Perkins and Renault), with conic, cylindrical or splinedshaft. Furthermore it is possible to assemble covers withtwo speed function and with pressurerelief valve.

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Ava i lab le Sha f t s and connec t ions :

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Optional Valves

    - Pr essu r e r el ief v al ve w i t h i nt er n al ex h au st

    - Pr essu r e r el ief v al ve w i t h ex t er n al ex h au st

    - Pr i or i t y Fl ow d i vi de r va lv e

    - Pr i or i t y Fl ow d iv i de r v al v e + p r essu r e r el ie f v al v e

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Han d Pu m p s

    Our factory range of hand pumps includes 4 different series featuring 10 different displacement ranges and higlyadvanced technical features to meet with most various applications.- FARMING & AGRICULTURE : Suitablefor trailer s dump body, far lifting forks, remote controls, etc...

    - INDUSTRY: Suitable far press driving, hi gh adjustment of working tables, hydraulic strippers, surge tanks, singleand double acting jacks, etc...- TRANSPORTATION: Mostly recommended far controlling small hydraulic jobcranes on trucks and operation of truckmixer tailrace. Also suitable for tilting of the truck cabin and emergency drives on crane trucks and aircraftplatforms.

    This kind of pump is essential far all emergencyoperations of any hydraulic equipment (specially ifhigh technology) when a fault ofthe main Systemoccurs likely to cause traffic disturbance ordanger to the operators.Our manual pumps are equipped with nickel-plated sliders allowingfor

    operation at the maximum pressure mentioned onrelevant technical tables and can be mountedboth vertically and horizzontally.

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    - Du ble act in g Han d Pu m ps w i t h t an k

    - Du ble act in g Han d Pu m ps

    A v ai l ab l e t y p e s

    - Si ng le a ct in g Han d Pu m p s

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    App l i ca t i ons and Re fe rences

    Our products can be employed into further applications where it is

    necessary a hydraulic implant.The main areas where there are a greater request of Directionalcontrol Valves and Gear Pump and motor are:

    Agr i co ltu r e Mach ines and Vei c les

    Bu i l d i ng and Cons t ruc t i on

    I n d u st r i a l I m p l a n t s

    H an d l i n g M ac h in e s a n d Ve i cl e s

    Spec ia l Ve ic l es

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    A g r i co l t u r e M a ch i n e s a n dVeic les

    ForestryMachines Boom

    mowers Tractors FeedersWagons Turfs Telehandlers BaleWrappers Balers

    Conveyors HarvesterMachines WoodSplitters

    H an d l i n g M ac h in e s a n d Ve i cl e s

    Cranes Naval Cranes Breakdown Trucks

    Trucks for veiclestransport Aerial Platforms Veicles whit aerilaplatform Front Loaders Fork Lifts Special veicles

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Skip andhook loaders


    Excavators eMini-excavators

    Skid SteerLoaders



    Fork lifts Compactors Dumpers and

    mini-dumpers Concrete

    Mixers Paving


    Bu i l d i ng and Cons t ruc t i on I n d u st r i a l I m p l a n t s

    Hydraulic Powerunits Coolers Mils Wind Mils

    Sweeper Machines Waste Compactors Snowgroomers Utility Veicles

    Spec ia l Ve ic l es

  • 8/2/2019 Iocci Strozzi Galtech


    Co n t a ct s / H ea dq u ar t e r s

    Gal t ech S.r . l .Via Kennedy, 10 - 42124 - Reggio Emilia - ItalyTel. +39.0522.300348Fax +39.0522.300803E-mail [email protected]

    About commercial requests :

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]