ionosphere beacon satellite s-66 press kit

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  • 8/8/2019 Ionosphere Beacon Satellite S-66 Press Kit




    FOR RELEASE: SUNDAYAugust 4, 1963

    RELEASE NO: 63-157



    Th e National Aeronautics an d Space Administration will

    soon attempt to launch from the Pacific Missile Range,

    an Ionosphere Beacon Satelli te (S-66) into circular polar

    orbit. Designed to make global measurements of th e

    ionosphere, the scientific satellite is scheduled fo r

    launch aboard a Scout vehicle no sooner than

    August 15.


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    Th e Ionosphere Beacon Satellite's primary objective

    is to conduct measurements which will make it possible for

    scientists to plot th e form an d structure of the ionos-

    phere an d to describe it s behavior under varying condi-

    tions of solar activity, season an d time of day.

    It is the ionosphere, a region of electrically

    charged gases beginning about 35 miles above th e surface

    of th e Earth, which makes it possible fo r man to bounce

    radio signals from continent to continent.

    'n addition to th e major ionosphere experiment a

    LASER test, will be attempted by means of glass-like

    reflectors attached to th e spacecraft. This will be th e

    first time LASER experiments have been conducted on a space-

    borne satellite and chances of initial success ar e marginal.

    While th e radio beacon experiment is only on e of a

    number of ionosphere satellite experiments conducted by

    NASA, it is significant in that th e simplicity of read-out

    equipment needed (antenna, radio receiver, timing device,

    an d a recorder) to gain satel l i te information will permit

    scientists al l over th e world to participate in th e

    experiment. To date, over 40 foreign and domestic experi-

    menters have volunteered to take part in this program.

    This represents th e largest cooperative group ever to take


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    a direct part in a NASA space satelli te experiment. More

    importantly, it provides a worldwide scientific satellite

    read-out team contributing toward a long sought goal:

    to make a global survey of th e Earth's ionosphere.

    Such a survey of the ionosphere will be as impor-

    tant to predicting communications frequency variations

    and blackouts as are the Tiros weather satelli te photo-

    graphs of global cloud cover in predicting the weather,

    because th e ionosphere changes just as rapidly as does

    the Earth's weather.

    NASA will attempt to place th e satelli te into a

    near circular polar orbit, inclined 800 to the equator,

    at an alti tude of about 600 miles. In this type of orbit,

    th e Earth will rotate under th e satelli te thus permitting

    th e satelli te to view each area of the Earth's ionosphere

    every 24 hours. NASA will inform experimenters of the

    times when the satelli te is expected to be within range

    of their stations. Instruments ca n then be turned on

    to record how certain radio emissions from the satellite

    change as they pass through the ionosphere.


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    By studying these changes, scientists expect to:

    -Relate ionospheric behavior to th e solar radiation

    which produces th e ionization - vitally important, as it

    is solar activity which is believed to disrupt radio


    -Learn the bulk behavior of th e ionosphere as it

    varies in time and space.

    -Measure th e electron content in the ionosphere

    between the satelli te and Earth as related to latitude,

    season and diurnal time.

    -Determine th e geometry and distribution of small

    scale irregularities in th e ionosphere.

    LASER tests may also be made by those wishing to

    experiment. However, tests will be possible only in the

    northern hemisphere since the satelli te 's LASER reflectors

    point away from Earth as it orbits over the southern


    LASERS ar e electronic devices that generate highly

    directional light beams which remain in a very narrow ar c

    with little spreading. LASER means Light Amplification

    by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.


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    One surface of the S-66 bolds 360 one-inch diameter

    reflectors designed in such a way that light from LASER

    devices stricking it from any angle will be returned to

    its Earth source. By measuring the time it takes fo r the

    light to go to the satellite and back, the position of

    the satellite in space might be determined with higher

    precision than through the use of conventional radio



    S-66 is an adaptation of the Navy's navigational

    satellite and was designed and built for NASA by the

    Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins


    The octagonal-shaped satellite weighs about 120

    pounds. A ba r magnet, one-half inch wide and ten inches

    long in the spacecraft) w i l l passively orient the satelli te

    along the Earth's magnetic field. This will keep the LASER

    reflectors pointing toward Earth while the satellite is

    in the northern hemisphere, and provide more stable radio

    signals fo r the ionospheric experiments.

    Four blades, covered with solar cells to convert the

    sun's energy into electricity that recharge nickel cadmium


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    The "yo-yo" despin mechanism will reduce the 160

    rpm nominal spin rate of the fourth stage and payload

    down to 40 rpm. The change in the spin axis moment of

    inertia due to blade erection will then cause the spin

    rate of the satellite to decrease from 40 rpm to 4 rpm.

    The rate will be reduced to zero by magnetic despin rods

    in the satellite blades.

    The satellite's position will be determined by NASA's

    Scientific Satellite Network. A Doppler tracking system

    developed for the Transit program also will be available

    to NASA scientists.

    Twice as many solar cells as needed fo r initial

    power have been fixed to the satellite blades. As the

    cells deteriorate because of radiation effects, reserve

    banks of solar cells will be commanded into the operating

    system to provide electrical energy.

    An automatic temperature control system for the satel-

    lite has been designed by APL engineers. Vacuum insulation

    between instruments and the shell of the satellite shields

    the interior from the great variations of temperature on

    the outside. Sight mercury thermostats trigger an on-

    board power system fed by a separate small bank of solar

    cells mounted onthe blades of the satellite. When the

    internal temperature of the spacecraft drops below the


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    desired 60 degrees F. , th e thermostats trigger th e special

    bank of solar cells which supply th e power necessary to

    maintain the desired internal temperature. Such uniform

    internal temperature should improve reliability and in"

    crease th e operating l ifetime of th e satelli te components.


    The Scout launch vehicle is a multi-stage, guided

    booster using four solid propellant rocket motors capable

    of carrying payloads of varying sizes on orbital, space

    probe or re-entry missions. Developed by NASA's Langley

    Research Center, th e Scout is currently th e only opera-

    tional solid propellant launch vehicle with orbital


    Th e four Scout motors, Algoi, Castor, Antares, and

    Altair, ar e interlocked with transition sections that

    contain th e guidance, control, ignition, instrumentation

    systems, separation mechanisms, and th e spin motors needed

    to orient the fourth stage. Guidance is provided by an

    autopilot and control achieved by a combination of aero-

    dynamic surfaces, je t vanes, and hydrogen peroxide jets.

    Scout is approximately 72 feet long and weighs approximately

    37,000 pounds at lift off.


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    -9 -

    The Scout is capable of placing a 240 pound payload

    into a 300 mile orbit or carrying a 10 0 pound scientific

    package approximately 7,000 miles away from Earth.

    Launching sites ar e now operational on both coasts of th e

    United States for either polar or east-west orbital

    launches. Because of it s relative economy, reliability

    and flexibility, the Scout is employed extensively fo r

    small space research payloads by the NASA, Department of

    Defense, and for international programs. Langley

    Research Center continues to furnish Scout project manage-

    ment services.

    The West Coast Scout launch site at Point Arguello,

    California is operated under a joint program between NASA

    and th e Department of Defense. U. S. Air Force personnel

    of the 6595th Aerospace Test Wing conduct the vehicle

    launches in cooperation with NASA personnel from the

    Langley Research Center.


    Riding the S-66 satelli te as a passenger will be a

    ten-pound array of glass-like reflectors designed to send

    back to Earth light signals aimed at it from a device called

    a LASER.


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    Mounted on top of the satellite's body are 360

    one-inch diameter glass-like (ZuseQ silica) prisms called

    "cube-corner" reflectors. These are constructed in such

    a way that light striking them frcirm any anglc will be

    returnedto its sour-e.

    Housed in a 60-foot high tower located 20 miles

    south of NASA's Wallops Station, Virginia, a LASER device

    mounted on an 18" telescope will optically track the

    satellite during periods when the spacecraft will be

    illuminated by the sun and the tracking station is in


    In attempting to illuminate the eight-sided reflec-

    tive pyramid atop the satellite. scientists of' NASA's

    Goddard Space Flight Center will use a system fabricated

    by General Electric Company's Missile and Space

    Division, Valley Forge, .snnsylvania.

    With an orbital period of approximately 105 minutes,

    Goddard experimenters plan to attempt the first illumin-

    ation of the reflectors during the first night-time pass

    over Wallops Island. With an orbital altitude of 600 miles,

    the S-66 will be at a slant range of approximately 1,000

    miles and will appear as a star of the 8th or 9th magnitude--

    20 times fainter than a st;av which can be seen by the naked

    eye, The satellite may make two to three suitable passes

    over Wallops during the first night.


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    'The Goddard LASER system is mounted o n an IGOR

    (Intercept Ground Optical Recorder) telescope normally

    used by Wallops personnel to t rack sounding rockets.

    Onerators will aim th e telescope along the predicted

    path of the S-66 and when they see it, scientists will

    "flash" th e LASER light. If al l goes according to plan,

    th e reflector array will be i l luminated and will return

    th e light -nergy to the telescope. Th e reflected signal

    will then be automatically amplified by a photo multi-

    plie. tube. An electronic timing device (a digital counter)

    will record how long it took for the light signal to go

    an d come back. Th e measurement of time between initiation

    of the light and reception at the photomultiplier will

    g ivne the precise position of the satellite.

    Th e Goddard LASER system employs a six-inch synthetic

    ruby ro d which becomes highly energized as it gathers

    energy from a xenon gas-filled flash-lamp mounted closely

    parallel to it tn a special barrel-like metal housing.

    The ro d is designed so that both ends are pollsho! to

    ac t like mirrors.The green light excites chromium atoms

    within the ro d which re-emits red light.


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    As the re d light is .;eflected back an d forth inside

    the rod, th e bouncing rays hi t other excited chromium atoms

    and "stimulate" them to give of f more red rays. This

    stimulated emission is where th e LASER gets it s name. These

    rays are in phase with each other an d al l parallel with

    each other as they bounce back and forth between th e

    reflecting ro d endj.

    Within a ioaction of a millionth of a second this

    chain reaction builds to a powerful beam that "bursts" ou t

    of on e end of the ro d which has been made more transparent

    than the other. Th e Goddard LASER uses these waves of light

    moving precisely in phase with each other to achieve

    coherent strength in it s signal so that it doesn't spread

    out as much as ordinary light and lose its effective strength

    before reaching the target.


    Th e University of Illinois, Pennsylvania State Univer-

    sity, Stanford University, the Central Radio Propogation

    Laboratory of the National Bureau of Standards and Goddard

    Space Flight Center are the primary participants in the

    ionosphere experiment. Volunteer international stations

    will augment the United States observations.


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    S-66 is under the overall direction of NASA Head-

    quarters, Office of Space Sciences, Dr. Homer E. Newell,

    Director. The ionosphere program scientist is Dr. Erwin

    Schmerling. M. J. Aucremanne is th e project officer.

    Project management responsibliiy for th e satellite

    rests with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Frank T.

    Martin is project manager and Rcbert E. Bzurdeau is project


    The Langley Research Center is responsible fo r

    system management for the Scout launch vehicle.

    Th e LASER program is under +,he management of Dr. Albert

    S. Kelly, Director of Electronics and Control of NASA Head-

    quarter 's Cff ive of Advanced Research and Technology.

    Dr . Henry H. Plotkin, Optical Systems Branch Head, GSFC

    .s LASER project scientist.

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    On February 10 and 11, 1958, some 100 transoceanic air-

    planes se t up an emergency radio bucket brigade.

    Almost without warning, their usually dependable radio

    l 'nks with the airfields of Europe and North America had been

    cut. Long-distance radio communications between the hemi-

    spheres wa s blacked out. Only by l ine-of-sight relaying mes-

    sages were th e aircraft able to maintain a minimum amount of

    air traffic control.

    Because this event occurred during a highly organized

    research effort--the International Geophysical Year--a large

    variety of measurements provided a fairly comprehensive de -

    scription of what had happened. The Earth was suddenly en -

    veloped in a vast cloud of electrified gases that had been

    ejected by th e sun. This produced one of the most widespread

    geomagnetic storms on record, and th e complete shattering of

    that high-altitude radio mirror--the ionosphere-.-was but one

    of it s symptoms.

    Both as a device for long-distance radio communications

    and as an object of scientific study, th e ionosphere still

    is inadequately understood. It is, in fact, a kind of Hydra

    of th e geophysical world, constantly sprouting several new

    puzzles for each one that is laid to rest.


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    A new assault upon the complexities of the ionosphere--

    on an international scale--will begin in a fe w days when the

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration will attempt to

    place an Ionosphere Beacon Satellite into a near-polar orbit.

    Its purpose is to extend ionospheric research on a global



    Early in the 18th century, it was observed that a mag-

    netic compass needle exhibited regular daily fluctuations,

    and in 1882, Balfour Stewart, an Englishman, suggested that

    these motions of the compass needle were induced by a strong

    electric current that was located high in the atmosphere.

    This implied that there was a substantial flow of free elec-

    tric charges high above the surface of the Earth.

    In 1864, a Scotsman, James Clerk Maxwell, proposed that

    light was propagated through free space in the form of elec-

    tromagnetic waves. In 1887, a German physicist, Heinrich

    Rudolf Hertz, demonstrated that electrical energy could be

    transmitted through space in the form of electromagnetic waves.

    Both were building upon the discovery of electromagnetic in-

    duction, made by Michael Faraday, an Englishman, between 1821

    and 1824. It was a practical application of these and other

    mainstreams of research that suddenly stimulated systematic

    investigation of what only much later came to be called the



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    On December 12, 1901, as he manipulated a receiver in

    a radio shack at St. John's, Newfoundland, an Italian, Mar-

    chese Guglielmo Marconi, captured a radio signal that had

    been sent from Poldhu in Cornwall, England, a good 2,000

    miles away.

    Clearly, this experiment cast doubt upon the then gen-

    erally accepted theory that electromagnetic waves traveled

    through ai r in a straight line, for a straight line connect-

    ing Poldhu with St. John's would have to pass through a sub-

    stantial quantity of the Atlantic Ocean. Two groups of the-

    oreticians formed to offer possible explanations. One group,

    basing its position on experience with light waves, suggested

    that the radio waves had been bent over and along the curved

    surface of the Earth by a process known as diffraction. How-

    ever, the long interval of curvature of the Earth and also

    the strength of the signal received by Marconi worked against

    acceptance of this theory.

    The foremost exponents of an altogether different ex-

    planation were Dr. Oliver Heaviside, an Englishman, and an

    American, Dr. Arthur E. Kennellyi who in 1902 suggested sim-

    ultaneously that the radio signals transmitted in England

    had struck a reflecting layer in the atmosphere, which pre-

    vented them from escaping to space and instead returned them

    to Earth. The Kennelly-Heaviside layer theory generally was


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    accepted, although almost a quarter century would pass be -

    fore radio sounding techniques were sufficiently refined to

    permit measurements that accurately demonstrated th e exist-

    ence of such a reflecting layer.


    Any atmospheric model intended to explain a radio-re-

    flecting layer would have to account for a substantial quan-

    t i ty of free electrons at some region of th e atmosphere.

    It soon became apparent that th e intense solar ultra-

    violet and X-ray radiation bombarding th e Earth was capable

    of separating atmospheric atoms and molecules from some of

    their electrons. This breaking apart of electrically neu-

    tral particles into a negatively charged electron and a pos-

    itively charged particle, called an ion, is called ioniza-

    t ion. It was with the acceptance of this theory of th e gen-

    eration of free electrons in th e atmosphere that the region

    where such electrons ar e produced came to lose th e name

    Kennelly-Heaviside layer, and became known as the ionosphere.

    The interaction between the incoming ionizing solar ra-

    diation and th e components of the atmosphere i. s a complex

    one an d is not entirely understood. At extrenlely high alti-

    tudes, th e atmosphere is quite thin. While a great deal of

    radiation is able to pass through it, this radiation encoun-

    ters relatively few atoms or molecules causes little ioni-

    zation, and therefore few free electrons are produced.


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    Farther down, where atmospheric density increases, more

    tree electrons are produced, bu t absorption rapidly reduces

    the intensity of ultraviolet and X-radiation. Comparatively

    little solar radiation in these wavelengths reaches to lower

    levels of the atmosphere, and the bottom layers of the iono-

    sphere contain relatively few free electrons and a much higher

    density of neutral atoms and molecules. The number of free

    electrons at any altitude, therefore, depends both upon the

    intensity of ionizing radiation at any level and on the den-

    sity of particles available fo r ionization.

    When Hertz performed his first experiments in the gen-

    eration of what later became known as radio waves, he did so

    by forcing a high frequency alternating current across a

    spark gap between two electrodes, and he discovered that the

    spark emitted electromagnetic waves. These waves were, in

    fact, produced by free electrons in the spark that oscillated

    at the same frequency as the applied current. In a modern

    radio transmitter, a high frequency alternating current is

    applied to the transmitting antenna, and the current causes

    electrons in the antenna to vibrate, and emit radio waves.

    The radio waves spread out in a pattern that is deter-

    mined by the shape or geometry of the antenna. When these

    waves reach free electrons in the ionosphere, they stimulate

    the electrons to vibrate at the same frequency, and these


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    density of atoms and molecules does no t permit much

    free electron vibration. During times of intense solar

    activity, when ionizing radiation reaches deeper into

    the atmosphere, this absorbing layer broadens and th e

    result is the radio blackout associated with geomagnetic


    By no means can the ionosphere be considered stable

    in it s vertical structure simply because of th e ionizing

    radiation-particle density relationship. Other phenom-

    ena ar e superimposed upon it to such an extent that the

    ionosphere is a highly dynamic and ever-moving struc-

    ture. Th e following activities occur with some


    1. At lower altitudes, great winds move and

    churn the atmosphere, keeping it s components thoroughly

    mixed. With increasing altitude, th e winds subside,

    and eventually atmospheric components begin to separate

    according to their molecular weights. Molecular Nitrogen

    predominates to about 12 0 miles, where atomic Oxygen

    becomes th e dominant component. At about 60 0 miles

    Helium becomes a dominant component, and at several thou-

    sand miles, Hydrogen dominates.


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    2. Th e gravitational effect of th e moon produces

    a t idal motion in the atmosphere. However, a much

    greater atmospheric bulge is produced by solar heating.

    Th e atmosphere tends to expand and move upward on the

    sunlit side of th e earth, while it subsides on the

    dark side. The daylight rising produces a broadening

    of th e ionospheric regions. This along with disappear-

    ance of electrons by recombination, tends to account for

    th e experienced improvement of long-distance radio

    communications at night, when the lower alsorbing layer

    is thinnest and least dense. It also has been suggested

    that th e large-scale upward and downward displacement

    of large masses of free electrons across th e lines of

    force of th e earth's magnetic field would produce a

    current that could induce the daily fluctuations of a

    magnetic compass needle, observed more than 30 0 years ago.

    It is estimated that 50,000 amperes of electricity flow

    between England and th e earth's Equator.

    3. Periodic influxes of electromagnetic and particle

    radiations from the sun produce localized and wide

    spread sudden ionospheric disturbances and geomagnetic

    storms. These generate great upheavals in the structure

    and functioning of the ionosphere.


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    By a convention that recognizes th e highest radic

    frequency reflected at a particular altitude of th e

    ionosphere, labels have been given to various regions,

    although they obviously ar e no t rigid. They are:

    Region Altitude

    (kilometers) (iilz3S)D0 to90 . to 55

    E 90 to 150 It 9 0I,)1 150 to 250 90 to 150F2 250 to 500 150 to 300


    TIr use of high-altitude sounding rockets and of

    earthj-orbiting satc&7 ites has opened a new er a in ionos-

    phere research. During th e past three years, th e major

    experiments were th e following:

    1. November 3, 1Q60--Explorer VIII This satellite

    made measurements along its orbital path, between altitudes

    of 258 and 1,410 miles (415 to 2,270 kilometers) of the

    electron density and energy and identified chemical

    components of t:;e atmosphere, in particular ionized oxygen,

    helium, and hydrogen.

    2. In October 19, 1961, and March 29, 1962, respec-

    ti , aytime and nighttime geoprobe vertical sounding

    ,ockets reached attitudes In the vicinity of 4,000 miles.


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    They were designed to measure electron density, ionic

    composition and the temperature of electrons, and

    afford a comparison between daytime and nighttime conditions.

    3. April 26, 1962--Ariel I. This satellite,

    instrumented by the United Kingdom and launched byth e

    United States, extended the a quisition of data alorng

    l orbital path that varied between 21 2 and 752 miles

    (390 to 1,214 kilometers), also measuring electron

    density an d temperatureand io n mass and temperature.

    4' September 28, 1962--Alouette. This satellite

    Peas built by Canada and launched by the United States,

    and, in effect, it carried miniaturized radio sounding

    equipmen:, above the ionosphere to sound its features

    from the top side. Ib was placed into a nearly circular

    621N-mile orbit that also was a near-polar orbit, so that

    it could pay special attention to polar, artic and

    auroral phenomena as they relate to ionospheric perculi-

    arities that exist over Canada.

    Alouette uses a radio sounder that varies its

    frequency-v between 2 and 12 megacycles, so that it car

    provide more accurate profiles between the satellite and

    the various z ?f]lecting layers in the ionosphere.

    D-more -

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    plans to launch a fixed frequency topside sounding satel-

    lite late this year.


    Th e primary misa'on of th e Ionosphere Beacon Satel-

    lite is to search for variations of detail or anomalies

    in the structure of th e ionosphere. It will do this by

    measuring th e total number of electrons between itself

    and th e ground. A great many such measurements will

    be possible because ground receiving stations capable

    of receivinrg it s beacon ca n be set up with a modest

    cost, with portable equipment, and since th e satelli te 's

    polar orbit will take it over almost al l of the earth's

    surface, widespread participation in this effort is


    Th e measurement of th e electron content along th e

    l ine of sight between the satelli te and th e ground station

    will be made in two ways. Both ways depend upon the

    influences thac the ionosphere will exert upon th e 3ignal

    sent out by the radio beacon.

    On e of the characteristics of a signal received from

    a satelli te moving in orbit is that it s radio signals

    ar e subject to a phenomenon called th e Doppler shift.


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    When the Eatellite mov s toward the receiving station,

    th e frequency of the received signal is slightly higher

    than that sent by the satellite. When the satelli te is

    moving away from th e station, the received frequency

    will be slightly lower than th e transmitted one. This

    shift of frequency is called a Doppler shift, an d

    varies with both the satelli te velocity and electron

    density. By comparing th e Doppler shifts at several

    frequencies, the total electron content between the

    observer and the satelli te can be obtained.

    The second method of electron density measurement

    takes advantage of an effect known as th e "Faraday


    This is a rotation of the plane of polarization of

    the radio waves that is produced by th e waves passing

    through the ionosphere. What this means, in general

    terms, is the following: Th e reason why American tele-

    vision antenna loops ar e se t horizontally, like bird

    roosts, is because th e transmitting antennas at the

    television stations also ar e positioned horizontally.

    The plane of polarization of the TV signals is horizontal

    with respect to the earth's surface, and this is done.

    by choice an d convention. If one were to set a tele-

    vi.sion receivirg antenna vertically, or - 1ould receive


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    Variations in the received signal strength also

    may reveal a patchiness in the ionosphere. Th e study

    of such variations should reveal new information on

    the sources of these localized variations of electron


    Thus, with simple radio receivers and antennas,

    a great deal of data can be acquired on the ground

    The extent to which variations in the vertical

    profile of electron deisities ca n be measured then is

    l imited only by th e number an d locations of ground

    stations. And, each station will be able to make a

    real-time measurement each time the satelli te passes

    within radio range.

    More than 40 scientists in some 20 countries have

    advised NASA of their willingness to participate in this

    research effort, It is anticipated that data from widely

    scattered geographic locations, taken over extended peri-

    ods of time and 4.ncludin g many measurements from each

    station, . ill provide a mine comprehensire picture of

    th e ionosphere than it has previously been possible to


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    Investigator Station Location


    Sandro M. Radicella Tucuman Argentina


    E. B. Armstrong Camden AustraliaB. H. Briggs Adelaide South AustraliaC. N. Gerrard Woomera AustraliaG. R. Munro Sydney Au3traliaH. C. Webster Brisbane Australia


    0. Bunkard Graz Austria


    Fernando de :Mendonca Belem BrazilNatal BrazilSan Jose Brazildo s CamosConcepcion ChileUshuaia Argentina


    A. Kavadas Saskatoon, CanadaSaskatchewan


    .1. apet-Lepine Villepreux FranceE. Vassy Paris France


    W. Dieminger Lindau GermanyH. Kaminski Bochum GermanyK, Rawer Breisacn Germany


    M. Anastassiades Athens Greece


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  • 8/8/2019 Ionosphere Beacon Satellite S-66 Press Kit



    Investigator Station Location


    W. J. Beynon Aberystwyth EnglandB. Burgess South Farnborough EnglandG. N. Taylor Jodrell Bank EnglandK. deekes Sidmouth, Devon EnglandA. F. Wilkins Slough England

    SingaporeHong KongBangkok


    J, Arons Harhjiltori MassachusettsP. R. Arendt Deal New JerseyC. M. Beamer Cedar Rapids IowaW. W. Bernig Aberdeen MarylandL. J. Blumle Blossom Point Maryland

    Johannesburg S. Africa0. K. Garriott Palo Alto California

    Honolulu HawaiiJ. P, German College Station TexasR. E. Houston Durham New HampshireJ. D. Lawrence Williamsburg Virginia

    Ft . Meade MarylandR. S. Lawrence Boulder ColoradoE. A. Mechtly Huntsville AlabamaW. J. Ross University Park Penna.

    Huancayo PeruG. S. Sales Weston Mass.

    Hanover New HampshireThule Greenland

    F. Teifeld Palo Alto CaliforniaG. W. Swenson Adak Alaska

    Baker Lake CanadaHoughton MichiganUrbana Illinois


  • 8/8/2019 Ionosphere Beacon Satellite S-66 Press Kit






    August 1, 1963


    Please make the following change in NASA News release

    NO: 63-157, a press kit on the Polar Ionosphere Beacon

    satellite, for release Sunday, August 4, 1963:

    On page one, line six, change "no sooner

    than August 15" to "late September."

    The change in launch date is necessary because of

    difficulties with the launch vehicle.
