iowa select farms selectcare newsletter, issue 2, 2015


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This issue of SelectCare brings you the stories and faces of many of our employees, contractors and production teams at Iowa Select Farms, along with a unique feature on history making Sprint Car driver McKenna Haase, Freedom Rock artist Bubba Sorensen and our outstanding Environmental Services Team. SelectCare™ is an official publication of Iowa Select Farms and is mailed to the homes of our employees, contractors and key stakeholders to highlight the efforts we make every day to fulfill our values and principles.


Page 1: Iowa Select Farms SelectCare Newsletter, Issue 2, 2015

ISSUE 2/ 2015


Page 2: Iowa Select Farms SelectCare Newsletter, Issue 2, 2015

“How are things at Iowa Select Farms?” is a common question we field from suppliers, customers, friends and even the dentist.

Inquiries about how we are handling diseases like PRRS and PEDv, what the hog markets are going to do, where we think grain prices are headed, what new technologies we’re adopting, and how overall production is faring. The short answer is – “great.”

While we know the markets will soon begin downturning this year and for most of 2016, we ended Q1 and Q2 at

104 percent of our target for pounds of pork marketed, meaning we’re well on the way to achieving our goal of producing

900,000,000 pounds of safe and high-quality pork for the year.

But a simple review of the numbers doesn’t tell the whole story. The real answer is about the tremendous contributions and efforts you’re making every day in the areas you impact the most. It’s about those of you who work the hardest to achieve daily, weekly and quarterly targets and go above and beyond what’s expected because you care and are proud of what you do.

Farming and food production is hard work and anyone who says it isn’t hasn’t done it. We are continuously grateful to everyone who keeps this business moving ahead every day—from the breeding teams on our sow farms to the supervisors who market finishing pigs. The stories of your dedication and accomplishments fill the pages of this issue of SelectCare.

This issue features many stories and familiar faces of our employees and contractors. We hope you’re as excited to read about them as we are to have them on our team. We’re proud of Farrowing Manager Brenda Riemenschneider who was nationally recognized for the excellent care and effort she makes at Sow 29 every day. And we’re always rooting for each and every farm to appear in the coveted SelectPride top ten list—congratulations to all of the GDUs, sow farms, nursery and finishing farms and finishing supervisors who push hard every day to climb to the top ten each quarter. In addition to the Q1 and Q2 SelectPride lists, this issue offers advice from some of our most successful production managers—John Hoffman, Al Schnitker, Mark Hendricks and Loren Pudenz.

You’ll also read about what we mean by Environmental Care — the fourth pillar of SelectCare which defines Iowa Select Farms’ values and beliefs. Environmental stewardship starts by having a tremendous group of people accountable and dedicated to overseeing compliance, nutrient management and maintenance of our manure storage facilities and equipment. It also means going above and beyond to continuously improve and make sound decisions through research efforts and collaborative projects with Iowa State University and others. We’re working hard to make a difference in these areas every day. Keep up the great work and thank you for everything you do.


SelectCare™ is an official publication of Iowa Select

Farms and is mailed to the homes of our employees,

contractors and key stakeholders to highlight

the efforts we make every day to fullfill our values

and principles.

Iowa Select FarmsP.O. Box 400

Iowa Falls, Iowa 50126



ISSUE 2/ 2015


Jeff HansenJeff HansenPresident and CEO Iowa Select Farms


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THE FREEDOM ROCKThe original Freedom Rock was painted 17 years ago less than 6 miles southwest of Menlo, right off Interstate 80. Though he never served in the military, the Greenfield, Iowa, native said he grew up in a very patriotic family. His uncle served multiple tours in Vietnam and his poor reception upon returning home really stuck with Sorensen. “I had a soft spot for veterans from then on out and wanted to go out of my way to say thank you,” Sorensen said.

He said his real “ah-ha” moment came when he was an art and design student at Iowa State University and he saw the movie “Saving Private Ryan.” He said watching the D-Day scene during the film’s opening was a real turning point.

From there he called the Schildberg family—owners of the Jefferson Rock Quarry and a giant boulder that sat out in the middle of nowhere just south of town. He asked permission to paint the boulder and the family gave him the green light. Sorensen proceeded to paint a mural of the flag- raising at Iwo Jima with the phrase, “Thank You Veterans for Our Freedom.” Even though patriotism had been ingrained in his mind since he was a child, he was not so familiar with painting. In fact, the Freedom Rock was the first mural he had ever done. “I’d really never painted before. I was just getting into that in college,” he said.

Since the original creation, he has painted a new mural on the Adair County rock canvas each year, linking his annual “labor-of-love” with the three-day Memorial Day weekend.

The Freedom Rock Tour lasts from April through October, and during the late fall and winter months the father of two said he paints indoor murals and does speaking appearances. However, the tour is his primary profession; one he hopes can remind people who makes our freedom possible.

Follow the Freedom Rock Tour on Twitter, Facebook and at

3VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

It’s no secret the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation is both proudly patriotic and humbly grateful to members of our Armed Services and Military veterans. Through programs such as Hams for Heroes and the Pork Care Package Project, the Foundation works to fulfill its mission to recognize the bravery, courage and sacrifices service men and women make to protect our freedom.

Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II also takes a unique approach to patriotism by painting intricate murals on giant boulders all across Iowa. “I believe we all need to be reminded our freedom is the most expensive thing we own, even if we didn’t pay for it ourselves,” says Sorensen.

So far, Sorensen has painted “Freedom Rocks” in 31 counties across the state, and just started his 32nd in Wright County, Iowa in Dows. He is trying to paint a Freedom Rock in all 99 counties in Iowa, a plan that started in 2013 and is projected to finish in 2023.

Earlier this year the Foundation contacted Sorensen to see how they could help. “The timing was perfect, Bubba happened to be in desperate need of a pick-up to pull his supply trailer,” said Jen Sorenson (of no relation), Communications Director for Iowa Select Farms. With the start of this year’s tour fast approaching the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation, in cooperation with Iowa Select Farms, was able to loan Bubba a new truck to use for the tour. The gift came complete with a patriotic vehicle wrap for both the pick-up and the trailer.

“I’m so grateful for the use of the truck and the wrap is a great addition to the Freedom Rock Tour,” said Sorensen. “Now when I’m driving from county to county the Freedom Rock message is getting out, I couldn’t be more appreciative of the Foundation for stepping up to help.”

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Q1 GDU Award Winners1st Place―Grouse 2nd Place—Davis 2 3rd Place —Conway 4th Place —Miles 5th Place —Huls 6th Place —Hemann East7th Place—Rockwood8th Place— Rockwood 9th Place —Rockwood 10th Place—Gast

Q2 GDU Award Winners1st Place—Huls2nd Place—MilesThird Place—Stalker 24th Place—Grouse5th Place—Kroeze6th Place—Roose South7th Place—Kiss8th Place—Hemann East9th Place—Davis 210th Place—Conway

Q1 Sow Award Winners1st Place―Sow 262nd Place ―Sow 1183rd Place ―Sow 294th Place ―Sow 205th Place ―Sow 276th Place ―Sow 197th Place―Sow 188th Place―Sow 1149th Place―Sow 910th Place ―Sow 16

Q2 Sow Award Winners1st Place—Sow 162nd Place—Sow 273rd Place—Sow 304th Place—Sow 185th Place—Sow 296th Place—Sow 267th Place—Sow 1188th Place —Sow 199th Place—Sow 510th Place—Sow 114

Q1 Safety Award Winners

Q2 Safety Award Winners

Sow 1 Sow 3 Sow 4Sow 5Sow 6Sow 8Sow 13Sow 14 Sow 18

Sow 19 Sow 26 Sow 28Sow 31Sow 113 Sow 115Sow 116Sow 118

Sow 1 Sow 3 Sow 4 Sow 5 Sow 7Sow 8 Sow 9Sow 10Sow 11Sow 13 Sow 18 Sow 19

Sow 21Sow 23Sow 24Sow 25Sow 26 Sow 27Sow 30Sow 31 Sow 114Sow 117Sow 118

Safety Award WinnersFor the first time in the history of the company all 38 sow farms went an entire quarter with no lost time accidents—a tremendous achievement! Congratulations to the following farms on completing all safety training for the quarter, having zero safety incidents and having zero lost time accidents. Stay safe everyone!

Sow 7 Celebrates First Safety AwardCongratulations to Sow 7 on achieving their first safety award! The farm crew has been working hard to look out for one another, be safe, and most importantly, wear their personal protective equipment. And their hard work has paid off, quite literally. Sow 7 achieved the highest incentive bonus score for the quarter which means all of the employees at the farm earned an extra $482 in their paycheck. Every sow farm employee is eligible to earn up to $500 each quarter for achieving great results in safety, biosecurity, employee retention, animal care and controlling costs.

Congratulations to the crews at the following farms on their SelectPride and safety performanceWe’re proud of our people and work to showcase their success in pork production. Providing pig care isn’t easy—our employees will tell you their job is both rewarding and fulfilling but it also can be challenging and downright intense at times. It takes an understanding of science-based principles in animal handling, nutrition, breeding, reproduction, farrowing, weaned pig care, finishing and marketing as well as a good dose of knowledge around maintaining a good barn environment through heating, cooling and ventilation. And for our employees who fill the leaderships roles of Department Managers, Farm Managers and Supervisors, they also have management and leadership responsibilities, plus the job of welcoming and training new employees. It’s tough work. We’re proud of all of you, and especially proud of the teams who are recognized for landing in the top ten of SelectPride and earning Safety Award status. Here is a recap of our winners for quarter one and two of this year.

Sow 3Quarter 2 – 2015

Sow 1Quarter 2 – 2015

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5VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

Allan Schnitker, Sow 117

“Keep Your Eye On The Target” Advises Top Sow Farm Manager for 2014After a PRRS break Sow 117 is working their way back up the SelectPride list

Last year was memorable for Sow 117 farm manager Allan Schnitker and his team when the crew captured “Farm of the Year” honors by beating out 37 other sow farms in production performance. But it wasn’t all celebratory, late in the year they broke with PRRS which bumped the farm down to the middle of the SelectPride ranking for Q1 and Q2 of 2015. As Al and his team work their way back up the ranking (by week 27 they hit the number ten spot) they have some great advice for their fellow farm teams.

Schnitker says the key to staying above water when times are tough is to “keep your eyes on the breeding target and making sure you’re hitting those numbers.”

But it’s not that simple, Schnitker explains. “The team has to be on point with all elements of breeding and farrowing, because it all feeds off of one another, so we talk a lot about keeping things tight.”

Schnitker is referring to their laser focus on breeding at the right time and executing a quality PCAI to hit breeding targets. Once the sows are moved to farrowing to give birth, the farrowing department takes over to provide great care to both the sows and their babies.

“When sows farrow and are lactating we make sure they are on feed at all times,” he says. “Not only does that feed intake help her get nutrients to her litter but it also lays the groundwork for a successful breed back.”

During and after farrowing “Day One Leads” work to assist with births and get the babies warm, dry and suckling colostrum, which sets the farm up for hitting their weaned pig goals.

Sow 117 crew

Training and DevelopmentIn addition to the PRRS break, Schnitker also had to replace his two department heads and several other employees at the farm. He advises implementing a strategy for on-boarding employees quickly and getting them trained so they could begin contributing quickly. With the turnover he faced that began with the positioning of two department heads – Eddie Hembree, Farrowing Department and Brandon O’Neil, Breeding Department – from other Iowa Select Farms’ sow facilities.

O’Neil reiterates that hitting breeding targets is crucial to farm success. Honing in on the positive pregnancy check (PCP) rate is even more critical, he says.

Effective leadershipSchnitker says he works hard to stay organized and keep the schedules tight so there are no surprises. He believes employees want to know what they’ll be doing as soon as they get to the farm, if not before. Planning ahead and keeping the team informed, he says, results in a good work environment and productivity.

Aaron Fopma, Sow Supervisor for Sow 117, says he sees tremendous leadership on the farm and that team members care about results. The three big factors that result in good production— genetics, stabilized herd health and farm management— are firmly in place, he says, “Al and his team build on that foundation to drive the production results.”

Hembree says everyone gets along; they listen to feedback and help one another out. “They are good at working together and go the extra effort to have a good working relationship on the farm,” he says.

As farrowing manager, Hembree is a strong believer in getting sows up every day to observe their condition and health and says early newborn pig care is equally critical to achieving weaned-pig goals. “Comradery and having a positive work environment drives good production results,” he says. “Fear and intimidation is useless.”

Schnitker echoes the comradery message and works to involve employees who are quiet or shy. If he sees someone is having a bad day, he’ll place them with someone who can help. “At some point, everyone needs a hand,” he says.

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John Hoffman, Sow 26

He Taught Us to Be Positive, Have Fun and Say Thanks No Matter WhatSow 26 crew reflects on Farm Manager John Hoffman

Sow 26 crew

Described as one of the most dedicated and successful sow farm managers at Iowa Select Farms, John Hoffman and his crew at Sow 26 landed in the coveted number one spot for the SelectPride Q1 2015 ranking. Since the SelectPride Program (formerly known as CyHawk Challenge) kicked off in 2009, Sow 26 has earned 17 appearances in the top ten, the most appearances from any sow farm to date.

John is modest when asked to talk about the farm’s performance, but his employees are quick to spill his secrets to success by describing a few of his leadership traits. “John thanks you at the end of each day, whether it was a good day or a bad day,” says Crystal Lantz, Farrowing Manager. “He shows his appreciation for the work everyone does.”

“John works right alongside of us and gets us enthusiastic about our contributions to the point where it becomes contagious,” said Breeding Department Head Rebecca Fiken. “Now all of our days are made over in breeding when we hear a sow farrows 16, 17 or 18 born alive. He shows us how our contributions impact performance and help the whole team succeed.”

His whole team agrees that John instills the message that every person and every contribution is important and that above all, make sure you’re supporting one another. “We’re only as strong as our weakest link, he’s taught us to be positive, have fun and encourage each other,” said Aron Kliegl, Breeding Lead. The crew is proud of the positive culture on the farm, “No one ever says, ‘that’s not my job or that isn’t something I usually do,’” adds Kliegl.


Q1 Finishing Supervisor Award Winners1st Place ― Mark Hendricks 2nd Place ― John Wessels 3rd Place ― Kevin Archer 4th Place ― Loren Pudenz 5th Place ― Jeremiah Hall 6th Place ― Nick Langel 7th Place ― Doug Keninger 8th Place ― Rod Winker 9th Place ― Dave Schwartz 10th Place ― Rob Bachman

Q2 Finishing Supervisor Award Winners1st Place ― Rod Winker2nd Place ― Mike Lindaman3rd Place ― Kevin Archer4th Place ― Loren Pudenz5th Place ― Nick Langel6th Place ― Daniel Lively7th Place ― Dan Roth8th Place ― Bill Lytle9th Place ― Jeremiah Hall10th Place ― Doug Keninger

Employee-Managed Nursery Sites1st Place—Nursery 1182nd Place—Jenkins South3rd Place—Miller (Eagle Pork)4th Place—Hornung & Benton5th Place—Nursery 10

Contractor-Managed Nursery Sites1st Place—Mac South2nd Place—Frances3rd Place—Reeser4th Place—SR West5th Place—Kuper

Employee-Managed Finishing Sites1st Place—Nehman2nd Place—Withum, Kruchten & Kruchten 40003rd Place—K & J4th Place—Cylinder #6 5th Place—McCutcheon

Contractor- Managed Finishing Sites1st Place—Feckers 2nd Place—Richland 3rd Place—Schipper East 4th Place—Tower 5th Place—Roose North

Finishing SelectPride Awards


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7VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

Mark HendricksFinishing Supervisor

Loren PudenzFinishing Supervisor

Mark and Loren’s Top TenBest Advice For Finishing Supervisor SuccessMark Hendricks and Loren Pudenz possess a wealth of pork-production knowledge based on their 84-years of combined experience. Loren earned top Iowa Select Farms Finishing Supervisor honors in 2014 and Mark tops the first quarter 2015 list. The following is their Top Ten list of tips for Finishing Supervisor success.

#10 Work alongside your managers. Get out to your sites and head to the barns; use every opportunity to teach and train. You can also help get them caught up on tasks that might be overwhelming a struggling manager. There’s no job that is off limits. If it’s part of the daily chores, it’s an opportunity to assess the manager’s skills, strengthen your relationship, relieve some pressure off and show them every detail is important.

#9 Say thanks. We’ve been in this business a long time, managed countless sites, territories and people. We don’t need reassurance. But when someone thanks us for our work or recognizes good results, it makes our day. Think about how that makes you feel and pass it on as often and to as many people as you can.

#8 Use your tools. “I wanted to throw this smartphone in the pit,” but now I realize it’s a lifeline to information and data that helps my farms get better, faster. The reports we get now have improved dramatically and are as fresh as yesterday’s data, not week-, month- or quarter-old. Understand what they are saying, keep the information moving and use it to make the best decisions.

#7 Recognize there are patterns. Admittedly there is some skill to marketing, but the majority of marketing success comes from deciphering patterns in the daily weights and cut dates. Information flows constantly now and is there for the taking. Analyze that information to help make decisions and be ready to make adjustments.

#6 Have the confidence to call for help. Animal health can be deceiving and sometimes production results don’t make sense. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have the answers, and definitely don’t get discouraged. Call your peers and compare notes, call your senior supervisor, call Allen Whiley, call your vet, get them out to look at your pigs and be another set of eyes; we do it all the time.

#5 Take time to help others. You can’t survive on your own, not in this business. A production system has constant needs to be met. Learn to be fluid, fill in gaps and help get the work done. Whether it’s a team on the front lines triaging a barn fire or a fellow finishing supervisor on a family vacation, remember there’s always a team in the background marking pigs and covering gaps. Appreciate one another and help each other out.

#4 Remember, there is only one way to eat an elephant, and it’s one bite at a time. There are issues in this business that can overwhelm you. Reports of high mortality at five of your sites, paired with eight inches of fresh snow; weaned trucks running three hours late and a phone call that your brand-new site manager is about to experience an unannounced audit. Prioritize and tackle the highest first, then move through them one at a time.

#3 Let no farm be an island. Show your managers they are connected and have a support system. A few turns of poor health can bring down even the most-seasoned manager pretty fast. Get your vet to the site, bring in more sets of eyes and form a medication plan. Build their team and show them they’re not alone.

#2 Emulate our leaders and pass it on. Our leadership teams cares. They are sincere, hard-working and want to help us get better. We’ve be with companies where when a major catastrophe happens, it’s ours and only ours to deal with. Here, if a rollover happens, a barn fire or a tornado, you’re immediately surrounded by your team and nobody leaves until everything is okay. Remember that catastrophes can also happen on a smaller scale and can be overwhelming for a manager. Pass along those leadership traits and rally support if something goes wrong at a site.

#1 Sometimes it’s luck. There are such things as good pigs and bad pigs, and sometimes you can’t predict what you are going to get and how it will turn out. But at the end of the week, it’s about having the confidence you did your absolute best. If you can ask yourself this and you can honestly answer “yes,” then you are going to be just fine.

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The Iowa Select Farms Nutrient Management Team assembles for a team picture, sans the southern Iowa team of Chris Franklin and Doug Tull.

“Our job is to make sure we’re compliant in all regards”Protecting the environment is one of the four pillars upon which the Iowa Select Farms’ SelectCare business culture is built and has been since the company’s founding in 1992. CEO Jeff Hansen knew early on a formal structure was needed to oversee nutrient management, regulatory compliance and to initiate proactive environmental stewardship efforts. Those efforts today are the responsibility of the Nutrient Management/Environmental Services group.

“Above all, our job is to make sure we’re compliant in all regards,” says Dwain Bankson, group director. “The company must be survivable and sustainable. To do that we have to make sure all facilities and employees and contract applicators are trained so that manure goes only where it’s supposed to go and we don’t have any non-compliant events; it’s paying attention to details.”

“Besides compliance,” Bankson adds, “we also work with production to make sure they have the tools they need to do their jobs. In our case, no news is good news. I don’t want to be on the front page. And if there is an accident, it’s our job to make things right as quickly as possible and put steps in place to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

Bankson relies on a group of Environmental Services area managers to achieve his goal of keeping the nearly 700 Iowa Select Farms (ISF) production sites in compliance. “Their role is not only to work with certain regional sites, but to also work vertically; it’s managing the site year-round,” he says. “These managers, along with our maintenance staff, support each production site in many ways such as site aesthetics, pit environment, snow removal, rock requirements, tractor and generator maintenance, landscaping and sewer and septic repairs.“

“We’ve set them up so they can complete the required manure management plans (MMP), build the plans and handle the required updates,” Bankson continues. “They communicate and coordinate with the applicators and the farmers when it’s time to haul manure, follow up to make sure it’s done appropriately, review all the paperwork to make sure we’re compliant, process all of that and enter it into our database.”

To those not familiar with the group, those tasks can seem gigantic. “We’re working with anywhere from 600 to 700 million gallons of manure a year,” Bankson says. “It may come out of a concrete vat, a pit or a lagoon. But it all goes on farm ground which is something we’re proud of— it all goes to a neighboring farmer, a community member – and that’s a large part of what we have to do in making sure we’re compliant with the site’s MMP and contributing to a sustainable food system.“ Our activities help bring pork production full circle –– feeding the crops that feed the pigs,” Bankson says. “Although ISF doesn’t own the neighboring ground that grows feed corn, we partner with those who do to protect the environment for future generations.”

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9VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

A mountain of rulesHow does Iowa Select Farms stay in compliance? “With a staff that is very good and well-trained,” says Keith Kratchmer, regulatory compliance officer. “Our main responsibility is to make sure all locations stay in compliance with Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regulations. There is an entire chapter – chapter 65 – in the Iowa code dealing with environmental compliance for confinement livestock facilities of all species.”

Kratchmer’s group has to file yearly manure management plan (MMP) updates for nearly all the Iowa Select Farms production sites and submit them to the counties in which the farms are located or an application field is located. Completely new MMPs have to be submitted every four years which must include all the general information about the site, how much manure is produced, the nutrients that are produced, application rates and the fields to which manure is applied.

Manure management plans and environmental records for every site are housed in binders and stored in the nutrient management office.

Leadership and Peer RecognitionJohn Stinn, Iowa Select Farms environmental projects manager, was recently named the recipient of three awards signifying pork industry leadership.

He will be presented with a 2015 Superior Paper Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) at the Society’s annual convention this summer in New Orleans. The award recognizes papers published in the previous year that demonstrate exceptional timeliness, fundamental value, originality, and benefits to society.

Stinn says the paper was based on his Iowa State University Ph.D. graduate research project conducted at Iowa Select Farms Sow 26 production facility. The study focused on animal metabolic rates and heat and moisture production data which hadn’t been reviewed since the 1950s and ‘60s.

Stinn will also be presented with a 2014 Technical Paper Award from the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) at the Society’s annual convention this summer in Atlanta. The award recognizes the best papers presented each year at Society meetings.

Stinn says the paper was based on collaborative research between Iowa State University and the USDA-ARS in Nebraska. This paper addressed updating metabolic rates and heat and moisture production data for growing pigs in a production facility.

The result of Stinn’s work is the establishment of new metabolic rates for most production stages of pigs. The new data are now being used to revise ventilation design standards for ASABE and will also be included when Midwest Plan Service publications are updated. Stinn has also been announced as one of the 15 members of the 2015 Class of New Faces of ASABE. “Through the their professional and extracurricular pursuits, the group, all 30 years of age or younger, represents the best of the profession and a variety of specialties within agricultural and biological engineering, from crop handling and equipment design to environmental preservation and medical devices,” says the Association.

John Stinn,Environmental

Projects Manager

Every field also has to have a P index calculated. The P index is a risk assessment of phosphorus moving from each field to surface water based on many factors including whether the land is pasture, hay ground or crop ground, type of tillage, soil conservation measures and existing tile lines.

The Environmental Services managers deal with approximately 5,500 fields that surround the ISF production sites for which the company has application easements. There are 10,000 management zones within those fields for which soil sample reports for each zone must be included in the MMP. Those fields represent a total of about 500,000 acres.

“At a minimum every P index has to be recalculated every four years because that’s how often we have to take new soil samples,” Kratchmer says. “You also have to calculate a new P index any time there’s a change in a field’s cropping or management pattern.”

“I view a lot of what we do as training and cross-training,” Kratchmer adds. “We work hard to make sure everyone in the department can do everyone else’s job as well so that we have backup for every position.”

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Getting even better Bankson points to the company’s reduced volume of manure output in recent years even while producing more animals as one significant impact of ISF’s efforts to protect the environment. He attributes that achievement—from just under 900 hundred million gallons in 2010 to just over 600 million gallons in 2014—partly to researching and ultimately implementing the use of wet/dry feeders to conserve water. The feeders cut the average volume of water ingested by one hog from 1.2 gallons to 0.7 gallons per day. That significantly reduces the volume of manure while preserving its nutrient value as fertilizer.

Researching and resolving such issues in the future is the primary task of one of the department’s newest members, John Stinn, environmental projects manager. Stinn joined ISF last fall following the completion of his Iowa State University Ph.D. graduate research project which he conducted at Sow 26.

“My work focus will be partly environmental services and partly production,” Stinn says. “On the production side, I’ll research ventilation, air quality and animal environment. On the environmental side, I’ll work on projects such as treating foam in pits,sludge accumulation and recycling flush systems.”

“It seems that quite a few random special projects that nobody else knows what to do with land on my desk,” he smiles. “And that’s okay. It lets me use my engineering background to be a problem solver.”

Sludge accumulation in pits is a particular problem Stinn is currently researching. “We’re experiencing really thick manure in deep pits,” he says, “thick enough so that it makes it difficult to pump. We’re working with two different microbial products to help break it down so it pumps easier.”

A second problem is pit foaming. “For the last five or 10 year, foam bubbles – which are basically methane – have been growing on the manure surface in some of our deep pits,” Stinn says. “The bubbles can grow so big that it takes up storage space.”

“But if you spray on water or throw something into the pit to break the bubbles,” he says, “the methane rises to the top of the building where it can be an explosion threat if there’s a spark. We have a product that seems fairly effective at controlling the foam, but new methods of foam control continue to be evaluated.”

A third project is the development of an automatic pit-depth measurement tool in a joint project with Iowa State University. “The goal is to develop an instrument that allows the building manager to see his real-time pit depths.” “Our farms are the brick and mortar of our business,” concludes Bankson. “We take responsibility in maintaining our farms and treating them with respect. We believe in being good neighbors and work hard to protect our environment, serve as industry leaders in land stewardship and add value to our natural resources by replenishing the crop ground with essential nutrients from swine manure.”

Tim Hamilton,Environmental

Services ManagerWest Central Region

Del Johnson,Environmental

Services ManagerEastern Region

Kent Pliner,Environmental

Services ManagerWestern Region

Carl Ott,Environmental

Services ManagerNorthern Region

The Environmental Services group uses aerial imagery as the base

maps and layers are then added for contours, county tile lines, flood area, water sources and cemeteries.

Iowa Select Farms uses a high degree of technology, including geographic

information systems (GIS), to practice precision agriculture — using precisely the right amount of nutrients

needed by a specific acre of soil.

Geographical Information SystemOne area of focus for Kratchmer for the remainder of 2015 and 2016 is the continued implementation of a new and upgraded geographical information system (GIS). “We’ve had a GIS system in place since 2004,” Kratchmer says, “but have been conducting a massive upgrade over the last three years.”

Kratchmer says the new state-of-the art software allows ISF to look at all production sites as a whole; every parcel of ground under easement is mapped into the system. ISF is mapping where each field is, what it is, every management zone, any non-crop features such as creeks, building sites, terraces or tile outlets. Aerial imagery is used as the base maps and layers are then added for contours, county tile lines, flood area, water sources and cemeteries.

“We’re also mapping how far away each site is from other farms as it relates to compliance and biosecurity,” Kratchmer says. “It’s something we’ve been building and will continue. We also plan to start mapping ISF infrastructure sites this summer for things such as gas lines, sewer lines and fiber optics; anything that might be affected if we have to dig around infrastructure sites.”

Keith Kratchmer,Environmental

Compliance Officer

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11VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

The Environmental Services group supports

each production site in many ways such as site

aesthetics, pit environment, snow removal, rock

requirements, tractor and generator maintenance, landscaping and sewer

and septic repairs.

Environmental Protection Record of successIowa Select Farms became the nation’s first pork producer to proactively develop a Lagoon Assurance Program in 1996. CEO Jeff Hansen and his team created this program on the heels of a major manure release at another Iowa producer’s farm, where a manure storage structure drained due to a nearby field tile that had not been removed or capped.

Hansen and his team developed a written protocol to deal with potential tile lines around manure storage structures to prevent such an occurrence from happening again. They submitted the plan to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources which approved it the same day.

“We were proactive on this. That’s our goal, to be the leader in the protection of our environment,” Hansen told the Des Moines Register at the time. The Iowa DNR later adopted a version of the protocol, with lesser standards than the Iowa Select protocol, as a rule that now applies to all existing and new earthen manure storage structures in Iowa.

Iowa Select Farms has gained additional recognition for its environmental efforts by:• Becoming the first Iowa pork producer to receive the National Environmental

Stewardship Award in Washington, D.C. The 1997 award recognized Iowa Select’s Kielsmeiser Sow Farm near Radcliffe, IA, for exceptional commitment to the environment through innovative farm design and manure management.

• Partnering with the Northeast Hamilton High School FFA and the Blairsburg Lions Club to plant more than 1,000 trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the Arends Sow Farm in 1999 and receiving the National Environmental Stewardship Award for the second time in 2001.

• Providing training for all Nutrient Management department members on the Phosphorus Index as it became state law in 2005.

• Reducing the amount of phosphorus in manure by adjusting the diet of hogs and pigs allowing nitrogen to be applied at agronomic rates without excess phosphorus that can adversely impact water quality.

• Stocking a trailer with supplies and equipment that can be quickly transported to the site in the rare event of a manure release, thereby minimizing response time and environmental impact. Iowa Select even loans the trailer to nearby farmers when they need it.

• Working with Iowa State University in 2011 on a first-in-the-nation program to research air emissions, including ammonia and greenhouse gases, at one of the company’s swine facilities. This program helped establish baselines for development of mitigation techniques.

• Complying with state and federal laws and regulations regarding nutrient-rich manure, from management planning to application to maintaining good relationships with neighboring

farmers eager to buy this economical fertilizer for their fields.• Using a high degree of technology, including geographic information systems (GIS), to practice precision agriculture –– using

precisely the right amount of nutrients needed by a specific acre of soil.• Researching and ultimately implementing the best innovative production technologies, such as using wet/dry feeders to

conserve water. The feeders cut the average volume of water ingested by one hog from 1.2 gallons to 0.7 gallons per day. That significantly reduces the volume of manure while preserving its nutrient value as fertilizer.

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ADVENTURESAT ADVENTURELANDNearly 2,000 Iowa Select Farms’ employees, contracted site managers and their families enjoyed one of two adventurous outings at Adventureland Amusement Park in Altoona, Iowa. Iowa Select Farms has hosted the much-anticipated event since 1997 as an opportunity for caretakers to take a break from work, head to Des Moines and treat themselves and their families to a fun-filled day. Adventureland is Iowa’s largest amusement park and features rides, shows, games and attractions.

All active, full-time employees are eligible to attend and receive the free tickets and lunch, and many enjoy taking advantage of the half-price tickets to bring friends, neighbors, cousins and even grandparents to join in the fun.

“We give the employees who attend the day off so they don’t have to use their own vacation days to enjoy the event,” says Jen Sorenson, Communications Director. “They get to meet people from other farms along with their families, and everyone has fun planning and mapping out their day so they take full advantage of all of the rides and Adventureland Bay.”

“Our family loves Adventureland, we look forward to going every year,” said Don Hunt, Sow Supervisor for the southern Iowa production region. “This is something very unique, our managers work hard to make sure everyone gets a chance to go and that the responsibilities at the farm are covered.”

One-half of the employees on each farm journeyed to Des Moines on June 19 and the other half June 26 to ensure all farm chores were covered. Families were treated to a kid-friendly lunch featuring pulled pork sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream.


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Sow 29 Farrowing Manager Receives Honoring Caregiver AwardWhen Brenda Riemenschneider, Sow 29 farrowing manager, learned she had been selected to receive a Zoetis Honoring Caregiver Award, she was, in her words, “speechless.” But there are plenty of others willing to share their thoughts on why she has been so honored.

Zoetis, a leading animal health company, sponsors the award as a means of honoring exemplary pig caregivers for their contributions to the pork industry. Brenda was named one of five winners from more than 130 nominations across the U.S.

“We received many outstanding nominations and we are inspired by the tireless, dedicated work of pig caregivers,” said Gloria Baase, vice president U.S. pork business unit for Zoetis. “In a tough year for the industry, it was great to hear stories of many devoted caregivers.”

“Iowa Select Farms is proud of all our employees and their commitment to animal care,” says Noel Williams, Director of Production. “Brenda’s record of accomplishments, however, puts her at the top of the list. She truly cares about the animals, her co-workers and Sow 29. We couldn’t be more thrilled she was selected for the award.”

“I’ve been working in the industry for 19 years and have seen a lot of good people with varying strengths and weaknesses,” says Bert Becker, Sow 29 manager. “In Brenda’s case, she has the whole package. She cares about the animals, her co-workers and about the training that ensures everyone cares for the animals in the correct way. There isn’t a person on this farm that doesn’t respect her.”

“Brenda is always positive, always dedicated to working hard and getting the daily chores done,” Becker adds. “Her attitude and dedication have a large impact on everyone that works with her.”

Brenda, of course, credits her teammates for her Honoring Caregiver Award. “I feel really honored,” she says. “I don’t consider that I do anything special at all. I have a job to do and I just try to do it to the best of my ability. If I can help people in their personal development or in their careers and we can work together to achieve goals for themselves and the farm, that’s what’s best for me.”


Members of the southern Iowa production leadership team met at the Iron Horse in

Osceola to successfully pull off the surprise announcement to Brenda revealing that

she was not only nominated for the Caregiver Award but also that she won.

“Brenda is always positive, always dedicated to working hard and getting the

daily chores done,” Becker adds. “Her attitude and dedication have a large impact on everyone that works with her.”

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15-year industry veteranGrowing up on her family’s cattle and pig farm, Brenda never thought her career would be in pork production. She jokes that she went to college at Iowa State University to find something else to do. However, an internship experience at a sow farm changed her mind.

Following the internship, Brenda took a job in a farrowing house for a co-op. She joined Iowa Select Farms in 2009 as a front-end tech and worked at two different barns during the next three years. She was named to the Sow 29 farrowing manager positon two years ago.

In her role as Sow 29 farrowing manager, Brenda is responsible for making sure all the “i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.” That includes farrowing schedules, Day 1-3 pig care, pig flow, ensuring proper room environment, facility maintenance, staff scheduling and hands-on, comprehensive staff training.

Balancing career and homeLike all Iowa Select Farms employees, Brenda is particularly adept at balancing her home life and career. She’s a mother of three – Mattie, 11; Owen, 9; and Ronnie, 7. “They’re the reason I get up in the morning and go to work,” she smiles.

“Brenda has a passion for all animals,” Becker says. “She has instilled that passion in her own children, as well. They have their own animals for 4-H and Brenda has taught them to raise and care for their animals in the same way she cares for pigs at Sow 29.”

“What I like best about my job are the animals and the challenge of motivating people so that we get the most out of ourselves and the animals we care for,” Brenda says. “And Iowa Select is a great company with lots of benefits and caring people. I’ve had a few rough times in my life and they’ve been right there beside me in those instances.”

Brenda’s Honoring Caregiver recognition from Zoetis included a three-day trip to New York City to receive the award and a $1,000 prize. It was her first trip to the city and she describes it as “huge! I always thought New York City would be kind of littered, but it’s not. It’s very clean, very nice. A lot of culture and a lot of history. The food was amazing and we were treated like kings and queens.”

As noted in the concluding section of the nomination entry form, “From ensuring responsible treatment and disease control, to making animal well-being and proper handling priorities on and off the farm, it would be easy to say that Brenda Riemenschneider is a perfect example of what an animal caretaker should strive to be. However, what makes Brenda truly remarkable is the resounding effect she’s had on peers, managers and her entire company.”

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Brenda gets some down time to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York City after the Caregiver awards ceremony

at Zoetis Headquarters.

Brenda received her award from Eric Greiner, DVM,

a representative for Zoetis.

“Brenda is always positive, always dedicated to working hard and getting the

daily chores done,” Becker adds. “Her attitude and dedication have a large impact on everyone that works with her.”

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Employees receive pork bundles to help celebrate the 4th of July WeekendTo help employees and their families celebrate the 4th of July weekend, Iowa Select Farms organized a baby back rib and pork loin giveaway the week leading up to the holiday. Throughout the year the company delivers ribs, pork loins, ham and bacon out to regional warehouses and job sites as a unique way to say thanks and also celebrate the very products Iowa Select Farms takes pride in producing. “Our employees work very hard, and I appreciate all they’ve done and the pride they have in the work they do day in and day out,” said Jeff Hansen, President and CEO of Iowa Select Farms.

With the 4th of July just days away, the giveaway was well-timed with a holiday known for celebrating America’s independence with backyard barbecues and outdoor grilling. “Holiday celebrations usually mean families and friends are together, and oftentimes those festivities are centered on great food,” said Jen Sorenson, Communications Director. The ribs and pork loins were stuffed into red or blue insulated tote bags and accompanied by a card containing recipes and preparation tips for the pork.

Supervisors and farm managers played an instrumental role in executing the giveaway as they are relied upon to pick up the pork at their designated warehouse and then deliver out to the farms before the employees leave for the day. Before heading back out to the farms they stopped to share a few words of appreciation for their teams.



“I enjoy working with my teams and always appreciate their hard work!”Mark Lee, Sow 1 and Sow 2 Farm Manager

“I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the employees I work with every day.”Dana Spree, HR Supervisor

“I enjoy the variety of my job and appreciate that my employees are dedicated. They’re not afraid to stay late to finish up the work if it needs to be done.”Don Stahl, Environmental Services

“What I’m most thankful for is the teamwork and the way everyone pitches in to get the work done.”Tim Hermsen, Senior Finishing Supervisor

“I really enjoy the team atmosphere. It’s a great group of people and there is a passion for raising pigs that is evident across the whole organization.” John Jacobson, Finishing Supervisor

“I really am glad my employees are hooked up with some great ribs and pork loins to enjoy their holiday weekend, they work hard and are very deserving!”Tom Boge, Senior Finishing Supervisor

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“I appreciate the endless amount of hard work from my crew at Sow 117.”Al Schnitker, Sow 117 Farm Manager

“I am thankful to have an awesome group of farm managers helping me on a daily basis. They make my job enjoyable. I can trust every single one of them with any task at hand. From farm managers to sow farm technicians, we’ve got some of the best employees around and I am continuously impressed by each and every one of them.”Don Hunt, Senior Sow Supervisor

“I love the meat! Iowa Select Farms not only supports their employees but their families as well. Everything from the Iowa State Fair to Adventureland to free meat is extremely appreciated. Iowa Select Farms is an all-around great, supportive company to work for.”Chris Lorenz, Finishing Supervisor

“I’m lucky. I have got a great group of guys to work with. They are always up for change, which is really important when you work in transportation.”Greg Clapman, Transportation Manager

“TEAMWORK! We get along together really well and are always helping each other out.”Tysen Abell, GDU Supervisor

“What I appreciate the most are the people I work with every day.”Chris Nydegger, Sow Supervisor

“I appreciate my team’s youthful enthusiasm and love for their job.”John Hoffman, Sow 26 Farm Manager

“I am thankful for all of the extra work and effort my employees contribute on a daily basis. We’ve been able to achieve some awesome pre-wean and farrowing rate numbers lately. It’s all because of their hard work and dedication to the job.”Mike Tate, Sow 19 and Sow 22 Farm Manager

“Co-workers are like family. I really like the people I work with and enjoy the family atmosphere.” Carl Smit, Finishing Supervisor

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McKenna Haase is exactly what you’d expect of an attractive and popular incoming college freshman – mature, intelligent, self-confident, and heavily involved in school and community activities. A closer look at the 18-year-old daughter of Iowa Select Farms’ employee, Kevin Haase, and wife, Kelly, though, reveals so much more.

In addition to graduating with a 4.0 GPA and valedictorian of the 2015 class at Carlisle High School, McKenna was also co-president of STAND (Students Taking Action Not Drugs), a member of the varsity golf team, a volunteer junior-golf coach and volunteer assistant for Carlisle Community Elementary School.

She also has a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do where she “learns respect, leadership and discipline.” In addition, she has managed her own stock market accounts since age 14 and has attended the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders meeting (headed by multibillionaire investor Warren Buffet) plus two summer business academies where “I’ve learned about business, finance and leadership.” Her business education continues this fall as a freshman at Drake University in Des Moines majoring in Finance.

McKenna’s eyes sparkle brightest, however, when the discussion turns to driving sprint cars at the Knoxville Raceway in Knoxville, Iowa. Now in the sixth year overall of her racing career and second season in the Lucas Oil Championship Cup Series 305 division at Knoxville,

McKenna made history earlier this year when she became the first female ever to win a feature race at the world-famous sprint car track. Her long-term goal is competing in the top tier World of Outlaws sprint car racing series at tracks throughout the U.S.

Iowa Select Farms PartnershipAnd just as Iowa Select Farms understands the importance of teamwork in achieving success at each of its farms, McKenna knows the same is true in her work with the other members of Team Haase Racing (THR) and her sponsors—including Iowa Select Farms.

“Iowa Select Farms is a great partner for THR because the missions of both companies are aligned in a way that will allow us both to reach our goals and experience success in 2015,” McKenna says. “With Iowa being the leading corn and pork producing state, as well as the “Sprint Car Capital of the World”, I’m excited to help unify members of both industries in a way that will complement each other in a positive way. It’s truly an honor to represent Iowa Select Farms and be ‘Powered by Pork’, and I’m beyond thrilled to discover what this year has in store.”

Communications director Jen Sorenson says the partnership is a perfect match for Iowa Select Farms, as well. “We both strive for excellence in our work; we both believe in giving back to the community and in creating opportunities for youth, and we both love and celebrate the Power of Pork.”


Teen Racer and Iowa Select Farms Partner For A Sprint To Victory

“My favorite pork recipe is my mom’s brown sugar bacon:Place bacon on a rack above a foil-lined pan for about 20 minutes at 400˚. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with a solid layer of brown sugar; smooth the layer down with the back of a spoon. Return to the oven for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the bacon, so check frequently.””

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Team Haase Racing McKenna Haase – driver, mechanic

Kevin Haase – father, chief mechanic

Kelly Haase – mother

Makaila Haase – sister

Ron Wignall, Jim George, Dustin Ellis – crew

Stay Tuned!Follow McKenna’s

racing career by visiting her web site, Facebook page or Twitter page:

19VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9ISSUE 2 / 2015

McKenna believes Iowa Select Farms and Team Haase Racing possess several traits in common that contribute to each organization’s success. “First, Iowa Select Farms is extremely dedicated and passionate about all aspects of their company and employees and strives to make them the best they can be – from the well-being of the animals, to protecting the environment, to their excellent employment opportunities.”

“THR also works hard to meet the needs of our partners, fans, crew, car, and driver and to make sure we provide the many branches of our team with the resources they need to be successful,” McKenna says.

“Secondly, Iowa Select Farms is committed to the communities and people where they live and work and gives back immensely through donations to end hunger, help families dealing with childhood cancer, and show appreciation to our military,” McKenna continues. “This year my sprint car team is partnered with the Big Al Kids and Motorsports foundation to make a difference in the lives of children battling illnesses in which I will be participating in foundation fundraising events and making hospital visits. I also created a racing development program called Compass to help grow and develop youth racers and young racing fans in general.”

It Started In Third GradeMcKenna’s love affair with racing dates back to elementary school. “I was in the third grade and met NASCAR superstar Kasey Kahne in a shopping mall at an autograph signing and started following his career,” she says. “Soon after, I attended a micro sprint race in Oklahoma with my grandparents and that’s when I discovered kids could race, too!”

Two years later, McKenna got behind the wheel of an outlaw sprint kart herself for the first time. “By never lifting (taking her foot off the accelerator) and running a smooth line, I impressed not only the other drivers, but my parents, as well, and that’s when we bought

our first car. I’ve since moved up a class each year and began racing in the 305 sprint car division at Knoxville Raceway in 2014,” she says.

Her plan now is to step up to the 360 sprint car division at Knoxville in 2016 and then take the big step to the 410 division as results warrant.

“I relate most of my success to all of the incredible people in my life,” McKenna says. “First off, my parents gave me a good start to my education at a young age and instilled a love of learning within me that hasn’t died to this day.”

“In racing, I’ve been supported by incredible partners, such as Iowa Select Farms, that have made each and every one of my racing accomplishments possible, in addition to great fans, tracks, and fellow racers,” McKenna continues. “Personally, all of my ventures and success have built upon one another because they have taught me that with each of my dreams, I might be my only believer in the beginning, but I should work until I reach a day when others have no choice but to believe with me!”

“For me, the love of the sport is the most important thing,” McKenna concludes. “I truly believe racing is what I was meant to do even though I haven’t known it my whole life. I’m determined to take my love for the sport as far as I possibly can, go where others haven’t ever gone, and do things people never thought I could do.” McKennaHaaseTHR


“My favorite pork dish is pulled pork, particularly from the pork

tent at the Iowa State


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22 TONS OF PORK DONATED TO FOOD PANTRIESDeb and Jeff Hansen Foundation Donates 22 Tons of Pork To Replenish Rural Food PantriesEmpty freezers in Iowa food pantries are now full again as the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation completed a donation of approximately 44,000 pounds of fresh, boneless pork loins to help feed Iowa families in need. The pork was delivered mid-June to local community organizations, food shelves and pantries across the state.

“We focus on helping Iowa families who need a helping hand,” says Jeff Hansen, President and CEO of Iowa Select Farms. “The pork loin donation helps bring families together for a good meal, which is especially important now that kids are on summer break and without school lunch programs to help them make it through the day.”

One in eight Iowans, nearly 390,000 individuals, face the risk of hunger every day, according to Cory Berkenes, Executive Director of the Iowa Food Bank Association, so the donation, valued at $126,800, comes at a time of great need. “There is no one face of hunger—it affects children, adults, and seniors; knowing that many of these hard working families will be receiving this generous gift is simply wonderful,” Berkenes says.

Each community has their own unique needs, so the Foundation works with local pantries to determine how they can best meet those needs. In total, 820 cases of pork loins will be distributed during this round of donations, and with the great need for lean protein, pantries exhaust their supply very quickly. Whether the pork is used to meet immediate needs or stored in the freezer for future needs, the loins help ease the stress for families wondering where their meals will come from.

“You have no idea how much this donation helps,” says Carol Clayton, a representative of Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank in Mason City, Iowa. “We oftentimes find our pantries are short of meat, dairy and fresh produce, food items that many families in need simply cannot afford.”

Each donated pork loin is being accompanied by a free 16-page booklet intended to provide families with information about how to properly store, handle and prepare the pork. The booklet also contains a collection of economical recipes for families to easily turn the pork loin into a full meal with leftovers.

The boneless pork loins are approximately 4.5 pounds each and feed 24 people a 3-ounce serving of pork. The 820 cases of pork loin roasts donated by the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation and Iowa Select Farms will provide approximately 234,700 servings to Iowa families.


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State Center Community Cupboard Doing Great ThingsWhether it’s every day, every week or once a month, food pantries and shelves throughout Iowa find ways to support food insecure families in their local communities by offering a hot meal, assembling a grocery-filled box of food staples, operating a mobile food shelf or opening their pantry doors to invite families to select food items to help sustain them until they get back on their feet. As part of an effort to donate 22 tons of pork to over 85 food pantries in Iowa, Iowa Select Farms had the opportunity to see first-hand how food pantries are making a difference.

One pantry in particular is making a huge impact. The Community Cupboard, a faith-based food pantry located in State Center, Iowa, is a food pantry that opens its doors once a month to welcome those who need a helping hand. The pantry volunteers come together to cook and serve a free hot meal to families and also offer their guests staple food items such as meat, milk and eggs, as well as fresh produce during summer months.

Over 55 percent of food pantries are faith-based, and many waive the formal application process and instead sit down with the clients one-on-one to listen and assess their family food needs. “You never know what people are going through, what their job situation is, or how many people they are caring for in their household,” said Mara Edler, Food Pantry Coordinator. “People can be employed full-time and still not have enough money to feed their family, we don’t judge. We simply help make things better so they can get back on their feet.”

After the discussion, volunteers help the families complete a food item checklist of essential items. More volunteers help pull the food items from shelves and freezers and bag the groceries. “Some months I get by and others are harder,” says a young mother who receives periodic assistance from the pantry. “I visit the pantry when needing help filling my refrigerator. It is reassuring knowing that I’m always welcome at the Community Cupboard and that I can get what I need to push forward.”

John Stinn, Environmental Projects Manager for Iowa Select Farms lives in State Center and volunteers his time to run the Community Cupboard along with other community leaders, many of which are also involved in agriculture and farming. “We all work hard to produce food, and as farmers we’re challenged to become more efficient and produce more to feed a growing population, says Stinn. “It’s fulfilling to be able to come together and help out in this small way, to do our part to give back and make a difference. The fact that my company also cares about the same things I do gives me great pride.”

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“Meat is always a tough item to obtain and keep stocked and these pork loins will give our families a huge boost for several meals.”

-Karen Frisch, Chickasaw County Food Pantry

Ackley Food PantryWright County Food PantryFirst Baptist Church—Webster CityAlden Food Pantry/Hilltop VillageQuakerdale—EldoraZearing/McCallsburg Food PantryCalgary UMC Food PantryThe Salvation Army—AmesHuxley/Kelly Food PantryState Center Christian Community CupboardLoaves and Fishes Food Pantry – Story CitySlater/Sheldahl Food PantryMid-Iowa Action Group-AmesFood at First—AmesNevada Community CupboardRiverbend Childcare—Iowa FallsRuth Project Food Pantry—Iowa FallsHardin County Friendship Club—Iowa FallsHawkeye Harvest Food Bank—Mason CityJordan River Inc. Messiah’s Food Pantry—Charles CityNashua Area Food PantryChickasaw County Food PantryHoward County Community Action NetworkMN-Leroy Area Food ShelfOur Savior’s Lutheran Church—Lyle, MNMitchell County Food Bank—OsageRiceville Food PantryFranklin County Food PantryFranklin County Public HealthFranklin County Home CareMinisterio Manos Al Arado St. Patrick’s Catholic Church—HamptonDumont-Aredale Food PantryAllison Food PantryButler County Visions of Well-Being—AllisonClarksville Food PantryShell Rock Community Food PantryNew Hartford Food Pantry - UMCAplington/Parkersburg Food PantryGrundy County Food PantryHamilton County Upper Des Moines OpportunityTrio SSS—Iowa Central Community CollegeThe Salvation Army— Fort DodgeHoly Trinity Catholic Food Pantry—Fort DodgeLord’s Cupboard—Fort DodgeRiverside United Methodist ChurchHumboldt County Ministerial Food PantryPocahontas County Upper Des Moines OpportunityPalo Alto County Upper Des Moines OpportunityEmmett County Upper Des Moines OpportunityCentro Cristiano Vida NuevaDows Food PantryWright County Upper Des Moines OpportunityInter-Church Council Food BankSCICAP – Clark County Food PantryClark County OutreachLamoni Food PantryMATURA Ringgold County OutreachMATURA Taylor County Neighborhood CenterMATURA Adams County OutreachLenox Ministerial AssociationLenox Neighborhood CenterClearfield/Diagonal School DistrictMATURA Action CorporationEast Union ASPIRE Food PantryLorimor Food Pantry


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Ten years, 10 fundraising records set. Led by the Hansen’s personal contribution of $125,000, total funds raised through cash donations, dinner tickets, silent and live auction, Drive for $5, checkerboard raffles and sponsorships at the mid-May event in Des Moines was $943,800! That’s a new record for the 10th consecutive year and $200,000 more than 2014.

“We started the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation in 2006 because we believed we could make a difference in our communities, and as leaders and business owners we owed it to our employees and ourselves to try,” said Deb Hansen. “Today we continue the tradition of the annual spring gala and every dollar raised at the event goes directly to Foundation programs.”

“The Foundation works in three core areas,” Deb said. “We support food pantries, the Backpack™ program and the pork loin giveaway because we believe in alleviating hunger and that everyone deserves a good meal.”

“We support Hams for Heroes, provide pork care packages to every single Iowan in the Armed Services and also provide care packages to families with loved ones who are deployed,” Deb said, ”because we believe in showing our support to those who serve and their families.”

“And we contribute to the expansion of the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Blank Children’s Hospital because we believe in improving the quality of life for children who have cancer and helping find a cure for diseases like leukemia and lymphoma,” Deb said.


Randy AbellTysen AbellSteve AbramsMerrill AhrensGary AlbrechtRonald AllenLili AlonzoGustavo AlvarezJose AlvarezAndrew AndersonKevin ArcherLarae BachmanRob BachmanGerhard BadenhorstDwain BanksonCraig & Tina BanwartDoug BatesMelissa BatesJoseph BeckerRoberta BeckerSusan BeenkenChad BesemerChristopher BessmanJaclyn BierleDanny BlairMike & Julie BlaserTom BogeWendy BohlmanTracy BorkowskiDean BormannEric BottorffAshley BouskaJerry BrownShamus BrownDerick BruhnMara BudwegMadeline BunnRick ChamberlinShawn ChaplinGreg ClaphamAnthony ClaytonTeresa CordleOrin CoxAdam CrossJulie CrouchThomas DailyDaniel DeanElzette DeanJames DeJarnettJulieta Del Valle ZuviriAllison DelkerJeffrey DeWeeseJordan EberlineAndrew EekhoffTerry EnglandNicole FarrellDean FeikesMolly FenskeFrances FolandAaron FopmaEdward Fry

Michael FurmanAraceli GarciaPedro GarciaEthan & Allison GischNorma GonzalezKalen GreinerMegan GriffinRyan GrummerKevin HaaseChad & Kelly HaberlJeremiah HallTimothy HamiltonPage HansenSteve & Gail HansenJulie HaseShawn HeitlandMark HendricksAdriana HernandezChristopher HernandezJuan HernandezRobert HerrmannChad HillElizabeth HinesJohn HoffmanTrent HoldgraferLaurie HorneRandall HorneDaniel HornungJane HornungRandy HosfieldStephanie HosfieldBradley HouserDouglas HoveJeffery HumlicekDarrell HuntDonald HuntJohn JacobsonCassandra JassJeff or Scott JensenJeff JeskeRyan JohnsonDelano JohnstonSusan JonesDebbie KellerDouglas KeningerMichael KingJim KoenigsTerry KondoraDerek KoppenMary KraftKeith KratchmerAllyson LaddNicholas LangelLindsay LarsonCarrie LastLarry LastSeth LastLance LawrenceJesse LeeMark LeeIan Levis

Lisa LindamanMichael LindamanJames LintDaniel LivelyChristopher LorenzShannon LoydShaun LukesLouis LumbardJoe LyonJohn LytleWilliam LytleValerie MaasDarren MartinMartin MasonMonty McIntireDylan MckeeKristi McKeeGabriel McWilliamsBrad MeintsPatty MeyerJason MeyersTricia MitchellGordon MooneyPatrick MorrisCraig MullenbachWilliam NaveClint NelsonDennis NelsonAngela NicholsonRick NikkelJolene NohrenbergChris NydeggerFrancisco OlivasRamon Orozco TorresRodney OsbornCarl OttHeather PageErin PattonJason PaysenDomingo PedroJose PerezAaron PerryCassandra PetersRodolfo PlancarteKent PlinerKaci PohlmanHans PollardLoren PudenzBrian QualleyDean ReddelChristopher RenihanChad RetterathLori RiceAngel RichardsonChristopher RichtsmeierAndrew RinikerReuben RinikerMelissa RoethlerNolan RolleneIsaac Roque CastroDaniel Roth

Shelby RowsonDean RundeRonald RushDenise SadlerDonald SadlerBruce SchlichtingAllan SchnitkerTiffany SchnitkerGary SchradArthur SchwabDavid SchwartzJanea ShannonTravis ShekaAdam SheltonMichael ShieldsAdam SissonCarl SmitBenjamin SmithChris SmithKarter SmithJen SorensonHarry SponenburgDana SpreeJohn StinnThad StrueckerAdam SwallaKerry SweeneyMichael TateNathan TaylorDallas ThomasJean ThompsonJaime Thompson- KeningerAmanda TixIsaac TorresPat TraskDouglas TullDouglas Van WykGabina VillanuevaMichael WachlinRobert WallaceRobert WebbRoberta WeideCraig WhalenAllen WhileyDanielle WhileyJohn WibholmEric WiechmannTrever WillemsHadley WilliamsHarvard WilliamsHayden WilliamsHayley WilliamsNoel WilliamsLarry WillmsRex WinkerDavid WintersMitchel WittWayne WurstCynthia Ziegler

Thank You Employees and Contractors!

2015 DRIVE FOR $5!

DRIVE FOR $5!Speaking on behalf of all Iowa Select Farms employees and contractors, Finishing Director Allen Whiley also announced a donation from them to the Foundation of $14,030, more than double the $6,680 raised in 2014!

“Last year,” Whiley said, “we launched the ‘Drive for $5’ as a response to fielding inquiries from employees and contractors who asked how they could help with the Foundation’s activities. We were overwhelmed by their generosity.”

“This year’s response was truly heart- warming. We saw representation from all full- and part-time employees. From contractors and CDL drivers to maintenance technicians, manure pumpers, sow, nursery, finishing and GDU technicians – every single department at Iowa Select Farms and New Modern Concepts was represented.

“And every $5 donation has a meaningful impact,” Whiley said. “For a needy child enrolled in the BackPack Program, that’s 25 ham sandwiches; for a soldier it’s his family gathered around the table for a pork feast; for a struggling family that needs a helping hand it’s over 10 servings of nutrient-rich pork.”

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Never QuitKeynote speaker for the evening was former U.S. Navy Seal Robert J. O’Neill. One of the nation’s most decorated veterans, O’Neill has received more than 52 honors, including two Silver Stars and four Bronze Stars with Valor awarded for extraordinary and heroic gallantry in action.

Having trained more than 800 special operations and tactical operators, O’Neill offered his unique insight on leadership, decision-making and how to become ‘the best of the best.’ He challenged Gala attendees to “never quit,” saying that is the single most important factor in determining success, both personally and professionally.

Other celebrities participating in the evening’s activities included Master of Ceremonies Bob Quinn, WHO radio farm broadcaster; Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and his wife, Christie; Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds and her husband, Kevin; Iowa State University head football coach Paul Rhoads and his wife, Vicki; and Bubba Sorensen and his wife, Maria.

Sorensen is the creator of The Freedom Rock, a 60-ton boulder located in rural Iowa that is repainted every year with a different thank you for our nation’s Veterans.


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SelectCare™ PO Box 400

Iowa Falls, IA 50126








To our employees, contractors and interns—thank you for a great summer filled with fun, food and great memories! We especially appreciate those who volunteered to help us staff outreach events and walk in community parades.
