is t reporter · reporter “thewindowonimaging” is &t *...

REPORTER “THE WINDOW ON IMAGING” IS&T * These papers were presented at CIC17, held November 9-13, 2009, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. SELECTED CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS: CIC17 CIC17 Cactus Award Winner for Best Interactive Paper In Situ Measured Spectral Radiation of Natural Objects Dietmar Wueller; Image Engineering (Germany) Abstract: The only commonly known source for some in situ measured spectral radiances is ISO 17321-1. It describes the principle of how the color characterization of a digital camera works and pro- vides spectral radiances for 14 common objects. This paper summarizes the results of a project that was started to collect several hundred measure- ments of all different kinds of objects under various illuminations keeping in mind typical scenes and ob- jects that people take photographs of. In many cases the spectral radiation of objects is not only that of the reflected light. Sometimes the light coming form ob- jects like leaves for example is a mixture of the re- flected and the transmitted light. In other cases inter reflections between the objects modify the spectral radiance in scenes and some objects like the human skin appears totally different in real live compared to the skin tones of a reflective color target. The collected data can be used as a scientific data basis for different studies related to natural objects. But the main reason to collect the data was to provide training data for the color characterization of digital cameras. Future work will show whether a carefully collected subset of the database is sufficient to create an ideal matrix or look up table for a digital camera but for the time being all app. 2500 measurements are available and used to calculate camera matrices. Winner of the MERL Best Student Paper The tangiBook: A Tangible Display System for Direct Interaction with Virtual Surfaces Benjamin A. Darling and James A. Ferwerda, Rochester Institute of Technology (USA) Abstract: In this paper we introduce the tangiBook, a tangible display system that allows realistic simula- tion and direct interaction with virtual surfaces. The tangiBook is based on an off-the-shelf laptop com- puter that incorporates an accelerometer and a web- cam as standard equipment. Custom software allows the orientation of the laptop screen and the position of the observer to be tracked in real-time. Using this information, realistic images of surfaces with com- plex textures and material properties, illuminated by environment-mapped lighting, are rendered to the screen at interactive rates. Tilting the laptop or mov- ing in front of the screen produces realistic changes in surface lighting and material appearance. Thus the tangiBook allows virtual surfaces to be observed and manipulated as naturally as real ones, with the added benefit that the material properties of the surfaces can be changed in real-time. We demonstrate the po- tential utility of the tangiBook in three application ar- eas: material perception research, computer-aided appearance design, and enhanced access to collec- tions in digital libraries and museums. With its unique capabilities and commodity roots, the tangi- Book can be broadly deployed and should be useful in a wide range of applications. To view full papers go to INSIDE THIS ISSUE Selections from Conference Abstracts ........ 1 CIC17 Conference Report ............... 3 Standards Update..................... 4 Vol. 25, No.1 January/February 2010

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Page 1: IS T REPORTER · REPORTER “THEWINDOWONIMAGING” IS &T * ThesepaperswerepresentedatCIC17,held November9-13,2009,inAlbuquerque,NewMexico. SELECTEDCONFERENCEABSTRACTS:CIC17



* These papers were presented at CIC17, heldNovember 9-13, 2009, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


CIC17 Cactus Award Winner forBest Interactive Paper

In Situ Measured Spectral Radiation ofNatural Objects

Dietmar Wueller; Image Engineering (Germany)

Abstract: The only commonly known source forsome in situ measured spectral radiances is ISO17321-1. It describes the principle of how the colorcharacterization of a digital camera works and pro-vides spectral radiances for 14 common objects.

This paper summarizes the results of a projectthat was started to collect several hundred measure-ments of all different kinds of objects under variousilluminations keeping in mind typical scenes and ob-jects that people take photographs of. In many casesthe spectral radiation of objects is not only that of thereflected light. Sometimes the light coming form ob-jects like leaves for example is a mixture of the re-flected and the transmitted light. In other cases interreflections between the objects modify the spectralradiance in scenes and some objects like the humanskin appears totally different in real live compared tothe skin tones of a reflective color target.

The collected data can be used as a scientific databasis for different studies related to natural objects.But the main reason to collect the data was to providetraining data for the color characterization of digitalcameras. Future work will show whether a carefullycollected subset of the database is sufficient to createan ideal matrix or look up table for a digital camerabut for the time being all app. 2500 measurements areavailable and used to calculate camera matrices.

Winner of theMERL Best Student Paper

The tangiBook: A Tangible Display Systemfor Direct Interaction with Virtual Surfaces

Benjamin A. Darling and James A. Ferwerda,Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)

Abstract: In this paper we introduce the tangiBook,a tangible display system that allows realistic simula-tion and direct interaction with virtual surfaces. ThetangiBook is based on an off-the-shelf laptop com-puter that incorporates an accelerometer and a web-cam as standard equipment. Custom software allowsthe orientation of the laptop screen and the positionof the observer to be tracked in real-time. Using thisinformation, realistic images of surfaces with com-plex textures and material properties, illuminated byenvironment-mapped lighting, are rendered to thescreen at interactive rates. Tilting the laptop or mov-ing in front of the screen produces realistic changesin surface lighting and material appearance. Thus thetangiBook allows virtual surfaces to be observed andmanipulated as naturally as real ones, with the addedbenefit that the material properties of the surfacescan be changed in real-time. We demonstrate the po-tential utility of the tangiBook in three application ar-eas: material perception research, computer-aidedappearance design, and enhanced access to collec-tions in digital libraries and museums. With itsunique capabilities and commodity roots, the tangi-Book can be broadly deployed and should be usefulin a wide range of applications.

To view full papers go THIS ISSUE

Selections from Conference Abstracts. . . . . . . . 1CIC17 Conference Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Standards Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Vol. 25, No.1 January/February 2010

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AImage Quality Measures forEvaluating Gamut Mapping

Zofia Baranczuk and Peter Zolliker, Swiss Federal Laboratory forMaterials Testing and Research (Switzerland), and

Joachim Giesen, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany)

Abstract: In this paper we compare different image quality meas-ures for the gamut mapping problem, and validate them using psy-chovisual data from four recent gamut mapping studies. The psy-chovisual data are choice data of the form: given an original imageand two images obtained by applying different gamut mapping al-gorithms, an observer chooses the one that reproduces the origi-nal image better in his/her opinion. The scoring function used tovalidate the quality measures is the hit rate, i.e., the percentage ofcorrect choice predictions on data from the psycho-visual tests.We also propose a new image quality measure based on the differ-ence in color and local contrast. This measure compares well tothe measures from the literature on our psycho-visual data. Someof these measures predict the observer’s preferences equally well asscaling methods like Thurstone’s method or conjoint analysis thatare used to evaluate the psycho-visual tests. This is remarkable inthe sense that the scaling methods are based on the experimentaldata, whereas the quality measures are independent of this data.

How to Make Life More Colorful:From Image Quality to Atmosphere ExperienceIngrid M.L.C. Vogels, Philips Research Europe (Netherlands)

Abstract: Image quality and color appearance have been exten-sively studied in the past decades, which has resulted in highquality displays. Although research on image quality is still ongo-ing, most improvements have only marginal effects. A new trendin display technology is emerging that focuses on enhancing theoverall visual experience of the user. Two features that have beenproven to be effective are the introduction of stereoscopic depthand dynamic surround light. In order to further enhance theuser’s experience, the atmosphere of the entire room could beadapted to the emotional content of the video. This paper gives abrief overview of research from image quality to the emotionalimpact of light emitting devices and identifies the research chal-lenges for creating colorful and appealing experiences.

Ghosting Reflection CompensationDynamic Range Imaging

Johannes Brauers and Til Aach, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

Abstract:A compact overall design of a multispectral camera canbe achieved by placing the bandpass filters between the lens andsensor. However, internal reflections between the sensor (or IRcut filter) and the optical filters may lead to weak duplicate im-ages which impair the image quality. The duplicates called ghost-ing are especially noticeable near bright image regions and inter-fere with the surrounding image content. When using combinedhigh dynamic range (HDR) and multispectral imaging, the in-creased dynamic range is of reduced value due to the ghosting.

In the current paper, we model the ghosting effect and pres-ent a calibration setup for the characterization of the ghosting,which utilizes a backlit film calibration pattern. We perform HDRimaging to acquire the vast dynamic range of the backlit scene.Our calibration algorithm then estimates the model parametersand allows a compensation of the ghosting. As long as the lens pa-rameters are not changed, the calibration may be used for all sub-sequent images. We give detailed results for the calibration andthe effect of the compensation.

Effects of Image Dynamic Rangeon Apparent Surface Gloss

Jonathan B. Phillips, James A. Ferwerda, and Stefan Luka,Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)

Abstract: In this paper we present results from an experiment de-signed to investigate the effects of image dynamic range on appar-ent surface gloss. Using a high dynamic range display, we presenthigh dynamic range (HDR) and standard dynamic range (tonemapped, SDR) renderings of glossy objects in pairs and ask sub-jects to choose the glossier object. We analyze the results of theexperiments using Thurstonian scaling, and derive commonscales of perceived gloss for the objects depicted in both the HDRand SDR images. To investigate the effects of geometric complex-ity, we use both simple and complex objects. To investigate the ef-fects of environmental illumination, we use both a simple arealight source and a captured, real-world illumination map. Ourfindings are 1) that limiting image dynamic range does changethe apparent gloss of surfaces depicted in the images, and that ob-jects shown in SDR images are perceived to have lower gloss thanobjects shown in HDR images; 2) that gloss differences are lessdiscriminable in SDR images than in HDR images; and 3) thatsurface geometry and environmental illumination modulatethese effects. �

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3Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 25 No. 1 ––– January/February

Color and Movies / Color and Light Highlight CIC17by Francisco Imai and Erno Langendijk, CIC17 Technical Program Chairs

CIC17, the 17th Color Imaging Confer-ence was held in Albuquerque, NewMexico, November 9-13, 2009. The

three-day technical program included 3keynotes, 32 oral presentations, and 23 in-teractive papers, as well as two excitingpanel discussions. Conference ChairsKaren Braun (Xerox Corp.) and MosheBen-Chorin (Genoa Color Technologies)hosted 170 participants from around theworld. The technical program was preced-ed by two days of short courses.

Keynotes Look Toward FutureInteresting keynote talks set the tone foreach day. Wednesday, Nathan Moroney(HP Labs) gave a talk titled “Color Science& Imaging: Future Opportunities” raisingquestions, then answering each with cur-rent trends in color science and imagingsuch as the ubiquitousness of digital cam-eras, the progressive decrease in the ink jetdrop volumes enabling prototype flexibledisplays, the use of spectrophotometers inlarge format printers, the potential of nano-scale structure colorants and variable datatextiles, the increasing speed of color ink jetpress, and non-photorealistic rendering.

Ingrid M.L.C. Vogels (Philips Re-search Laboratories) kicked off Thursdaywith “How to Make Life More Colorful:From Image Quality to Atmosphere Expe-rience,” in which she described recent ad-

vances in the perceptual aspects of illumi-nation. She described the use fluorescentlamps and LED to create ambient lightaround a TV set, and the impact of this ad-ditional background light on the viewer. Asystem for analyzing the impact of suchillumination was then discussed. Then,she moved to describe the role of illumina-tion in creating varying atmosphere.

On the last day, attendees were askedto confront the “The Challenge of OurKnown Unknowns” by Robert Hunt (con-sultant). During the talk, Hunt discussedmany open questions in color theory andimaging. Some of these issues include thedifference between color matching func-tion obtained by Maxwell and maximumsaturation methods, why are sharpenedcolor matching functions used for adapta-tion, the inhibition of rods at high levels ofillumination, and many others.

Oral Papers ProgramExtreme Color, chaired by Brian Funt(Simon Fraser Univ.)Discussing “Reflectance, Illumination andEdges,” John McCann (consultant) de-scribed how he and his co-authors con-structed a pair of 3D color Mondrianscenes, one lit diffusely and the other viavery strong directional illumination. Theymeasured the color appearance of the col-ored patches via magnitude estimation ex-

periments and in terms of the colors usedin an artist’s rendering of the scene. Basedon results, they argue against models thatdiscount illumination to predict colorappearance.

Rodney Heckaman (RIT) presentedan analysis of the range of luminance andchromaticity found in the approximately100 HDR scenes that Mark Fairchild hadpreviously recorded continued on page 5

CIC17 (2009) STATISTICSAttendees: 155Oral Papers: 32Interactive Papers: 23Short Courses: 15Dates: Novmeber 9-13, 2009Location: Albuquerque, NM

Above: Dragan Sekulovski and Jim Ferwerda review a talk at theSpeaker’s breakfast. Right: The Albuquerque Museum of Art hostedthe Wednesday evening Conference Reception.

Conference Chairs Karen Braun (Xerox Corp.) andMoshe Ben-Chorin (Genoa Color Technologies).



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This issue of the Standards Update in-cludes an ISO press release concerningthree recently published TC 130

(Graphic technology) and TC 42 (Photog-raphy) standards. While we have reportedon these standards throughout their devel-opment, this press release puts an interna-tional perspective on their importance.

Also included are announcementsabout two upcoming CIE conferences.

ISO standard weathers test of time:"ISO 5" continues to deliver after 30years (released December 16, 2009)One of ISO’s oldest International Stan-dards has once again been fully updated inthe light of the latest technological innova-tions and market requirements. ISO 5:2009,Photography and graphic technology –Density measurements, is the latest editionof one of the many original ISO standardswhich more than 30 years after publicationare still having an impact today.

As its number indicates, ISO 5 was thefifth standard to be developed by ISO andis one of the oldest still actively updatedand maintained. All ISO standards are pe-riodically reviewed no later than threeyears after publication, and then every fiveyears. Voting amongst ISO members de-cides whether an International Standardwill be confirmed, revised, or withdrawn.This ensures that all active ISO standards areon par with technology and market needs.

ISO 5 is a well known multi-part stan-dard referenced in technical specificationsfor photography, graphic arts, paint, paper,image permanence and radiographyamong others. It consists of four parts:— Part 1: Geometry and functional

notation— Part 2: Geometric conditions for

transmittance density— Part 3: Spectral conditions— Part 4: Geometric conditions for

reflection density.“To meet the industry’s latest trends,

this revision enables the use of modern

spectrally based instruments, while pre-serving the validity of traditional filterbased instruments for measuring density.At the same time, it ensures compatibilityof results using both types of instruments,”says David McDowell, convenor of theworking group, which prepared this revi-sion (ISO/TC 42 JWG 21).

For the first time, all four parts wererevised in concert to achieve a new level ofconsistency in terminology and require-ments. Moreover, the review was carriedout by many of the same experts workingon two other key photography/graphictechnology standards:— ISO 3664:2009, Graphic technology

and photography – Viewing conditions— ISO 13655, Graphic technology –

Spectral measurement and colorimetriccomputation for graphic arts imagesISO 5, ISO 3664 and ISO 13655 form

the basis for viewing, metrology, colormanagement and process control withinthe graphic technology and photographicindustries.

“The joint effort to tackle the threestandards in parallel has ensured a degree ofcompatibility among the documents thathad never existed before,” says McDowell.“Our greatest achievement is perhaps theunique level of cooperation establishedamong the different technical committeesinvolved in this work (while ISO 5 and ISO3664 are the responsibility of ISO/TC 42,Photography, ISO 13655 is under the careof ISO/TC 130, Graphic technology).”

“Both technical committees are proudof this effort which symbolizes ISO’s spirittowards international harmonization atall levels, and marks a significant mile-stone in the work of both committees,”says McDowell.

ISO 5:2009, ISO 3664:2009 and ISO13655:2009 are all available from ISOnational member institutes. They may alsobe obtained directly from the ISO CentralSecretariat, through the ISO Store(

CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposiumon Spectral and Imaging Methods forPhotometry and Radiometry30 – 31 August 2010, Bern, Switzerland—The field of lighting is currently undergo-ing many historical changes. Solid statelighting is replacing classical lightingproducts, and these new devices requireadvanced characterization and measure-ment methods.

The International Commission on Il-lumination (CIE) offers a one day tutorialon state-of-the-art techniques in the fieldof photometry. Invited experts will presenttalks on basic concepts and recentadvances in photometric measurementtechniques. On the following day, a scien-tific symposium will feature contributedpapers.

The event is organized by CIE Divi-sion 2 in cooperation with the Swiss Light-ing Society (SLG), and is hosted by theFederal Office of Metrology (METAS). Itwill be held in conjunction with the annu-al meeting of CIE Division 2 and its tech-nical committees.

This meeting is open to everyone withan interest in any aspect of the measure-ment of visible radiation and color – pho-tometry, radiometry, and colorimetry.Early registration is recommended to en-sure adequate space and support, and toallow adequate distribution and review ofrelevant documents.

Authors are invited to submit two-page extended abstracts of their proposedcontributions, in English, no later than 30April 2010, by e-mail to [email protected].

The registration information, tem-plates and on-line registration form will beavailable on the symposium Check also the CIE Div.2website ( for furtherannouncements and updates.

When Appearance meets LightingThe Second CIE Expert Symposium onAppearance will be held in Gent, Belgium,

STANDARDS UPDATE:David Q. McDowell, Editor

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5Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 25 No. 1 ––– January/February

September 8–10, 2010, in the auditoriumof Catholic University College St.-Lieven.The symposium is for those concernedwith the measurement aspects of visualappearance and the understanding of thehuman factors of lighting. It will allowexperts to:• present the state of the art in our

understanding of the perception ofcolour and gloss, and.

• explore the possible applications ofvisual appearance knowledge toseveral aspects of lighting design andcomfort.Visual assessment of the appearance

of objects and materials is a very compli-cated process and four research areas havebeen suggested: color, gloss, texture, andtranslucency. Much work has been done to

quantify color appearance, but there is stillmuch to understand about the perceptionof gloss, while the elaboration of visualcorrelates of texture and translucency is inits infancy.

Lighting designers pay increasing at-tention to lighting comfort, which must atleast partly be determined by the spatialdistribution of the color and brightness at-tributed for example, to walls, ceiling, andfurniture.

Appearance scientists, especiallythose interested in color and gloss, couldoffer input to those attempting to describelighting comfort and it is clear that bothresearch fields could benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach.

This CIE Expert Symposium organ-ized by TC 1-72 Measurement of Appear-

ance Network aims to create a symbiosisbetween both research fields, bridging thegap between color, color harmony and col-or emotion; between gloss, lightness,brightness and glare; and between CIEDivision 1 Vision and Color and CIEDivision 3 Interior Environment andLighting Design.

Authors are invited to submit an ex-tended abstract of their proposed contri-bution to the Chair of the Technical Pro-gram of the Symposium Michael Pointer([email protected]) no laterthan April 30, 2010. The meeting websiteis suggestions for (or input to) future updates,or standards questions in general, please contact

the author at [email protected] [email protected]

continued from page 3in his photographic survey. They foundaverage contrast ratios of 3 orders of mag-nitude and maximum ratios as high as 6,and colors that came close to filling theCIE chromaticity space.

In the final paper, “A Method forDesigning and Assessing Sensorsfor Chromaticity Constancy in HighDynamic Range Scenes” SivalogeswaranRatnasingam (Univ. of Oxford) explainedthat to provide illumination independenceof surface color, he and his authors intro-duce a fourth narrow-band sensor class.Appropriate combination of the log of thefour sensor outputs yields two featuresthat can be used to distinguish colorsindependent of the color of the incidentillumination.

Color Image Quality, chaired byNathan MoroneyZofia Baranczuk (EMPA) began with a pa-per on metrics for gamut mapping andnoted the promising results achieved withthe Structural Similarity Index or SSIM.Next, a presentation by Zhaohui Wang(Gjøvik Univ. College) compared an adap-tive bilateral filter-based image differencemetric with sCIELAB and iCAM. Thethird paper by Wei-Chung Cheng (USFDA) explored the use of electroen-

cephalography or EEG forthe evaluation of artifactsof field sequential dis-plays. Finally, Keita Hirai(Chiba Univ.) proposedand evaluated a spatial-ve-locity contrast sensitivityfunction.

Color and Movies,chaired by Lars Borg (Adobe Systems)The session began with a focal presenta-tion on “Optimizing Anaglyph Colors” inwhich Thor Olson (Electronics for Imag-ing) proposed how to avoid visual artifactssuch as retinal rivalry and stereo cross talkwhile maximizing perceived color fidelityin anaglyph presentations.

In “Description and Evaluation of theVariability of the Human Color Vision inan Anti-Piracy Context,” Laurent Blondé(Thomson R&D) discussed how to copewith observer variations when using mul-ti-spectral, metameric encoding for anti-piracy. In “From Contrast SensitivityFunction Construction to Visual Weight-ings Computation for Digital Cinema”,Mohamed-Chaker Larabi (Univ. ofPoitiers) proposed an optimization of theJPEG2000 image compression quality fordigital cinema.

Color and Light,chaired by Jim Ferwerda (RIT)This session included three papers that in-tegrated color imaging and illuminationtechnologies. In the paper “Creation andRendering of Stochastic Dynamic LightEffects”, Dragan Sekulovski (Philips Re-search Laboratories) described an algo-rithm for learning the color states andtransitions in videos of natural scenes andusing this information to renderer dynam-ic light effects in a room.

Shoji Tominaga (Chiba Univ.) thenpresented the paper “Spectral Imagingwith a Programmable Light Source” thatdescribed a device that integrates a broad-band illumination, diffraction grating, andDMD to create an agile light source forspectral imaging.

The final paper of the session,presented by Karen Braun, described a

Color and Movies was one of two panel discussions held at CIC17.There was also a session that further explored the topic.


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technique for producing watermarks forprint security that are invisible under typ-ical illumination sources but becomedetectable under narrow-band illuminants.

Spectral Color, chaired by NorimichiTsumura (Chiba Univ.)Philipp Urban (Technische Univ. Darm-stadt) described the investigation of para-meric colors under the assumption thatthey follow a normal distribution with thereference color as expectation value.Hiroaki Kotera (Kotera Imaging Lab.) pro-posed “Spectral Imaging Model byXYZ+K Four-Band Filter” where the addi-tional filter K was designed to rescue the“metameric black” and restores the spec-tral reflectance in combination with “fun-damental” captured by XYZ colorimetrictri-color filters.

Mathieu Hébert (EPFL) described theprediction of the transmittance using amodel inspired by the Yule-Nielsen modi-fied spectral Neugebauer model used forreflectance predictions. The modelworked well for semi-opaque printingsupports and duplex prints.

Printing and Color, chaired by PatrickEmmel (Clariant International Ltd.)Nicolas Bonnier (Océ Print Logic Tech-nologies) presented his work on evaluatingthe use of the perceptual reference medi-um gamut in ICC describing the evalua-tion of the effect of using the perceptualreference medium of printed images,based on a series of psychophysical exper-iments conducted with a large set of sRGBimages. In “Nominal scaling of print sub-

strates,” Nathan Moroneypresented specific measure-ment data for a collection ofdigital commercial printsubstrates, exploring thecorrelation of these measure-ments and their general dis-tribution using linguisticanalysis to determine multi-variate clustering bykeywords.

Color Enhancement,chaired by John McCann (consultant)The focal paper “Combining Visible andNear- infrared Images for Realistic SkinSmoothing,” by Clement Fredembach(EPFL), described the development of aframework that consists of capturing apair of visible and near-infrared imagesand separating them into base and detaillayers with fast bilateral filtering, showingthat a smooth realistic output image canbe obtained by fusing the base layer of thevisible image with the near-infrared detaillayer. This outperformed the equivalentdecomposition in the wavelet domain.

In “Improved Color Reproduction byHue Preservation in Integrated Multi-scaleRetinex” Wang-Jun Kyung (KyungpookNational Univ.) proposed an integratedmulti-scale retinex method in CIELAB topreserve hue, and obtain high contrast andnaturalness, while reducing color distor-tion. Wei-Chun Cheng (US FDA) gave apaper that showed solutions for the colorchanges in cholesteric liquid crystal fromvoltage-induced color shift and viewingangle-dependency.

Color Manipulation, chaired by Jon Y.Hardeberg (Gjøvik Univ. College).In a focal presentation, Benjamin A.Darling (RIT) showed us how to interac-tively manipulate the colors of images dis-played on a laptop computer with regardsto viewing direction. He guided us throughthe proposed novel approach as describedin their paper “The tangiBook: A TangibleDisplay System for Direct Interaction withVirtual Surfaces.” He then gave an impres-sive live demonstration of the system; arisky undertaking which most probablywas one of the reasons he won the MERLBest Student Paper Award.

Hamid Reza Vaezi Joze (Simon FraserUniv.) then presented the paper “Sharpen-ing from Shadows: Sensor Transforms forRemoving Shadows Using a Single Image”in which the colors of shadow regions inimages are manipulated to the extent of ac-tually removing the shadows. The next pa-per, “Shaped Local Regression and its Ap-plication to Color Transforms” waspresented by Victor Klassen (XeroxCorp.), standing in for the paper’s authors,his colleagues at Xerox, who unfortunately

The Thursday Evening Lecture on Color and Music by Brian Evans (above), Univer-sity of Alabama, was followed by an impromptu concert by Francisco Imai (right).

Hiroaki Kotera, Spectral Color Session Chair Norimichi Tsumura, andMathieu Hébert review the timing of their session.




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7Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Vol. 25 No. 1 ––– January/February

were not able to attend the conference.The color manipulation of this paper ismore commonly known as color transfor-mation, and the authors demonstrate thebenefits of applying a powerful mathemat-ical method to the problem of colorimetriccharacterization of printers.

Concluding the session, Graham D.Finlayson (Univ. of East Anglia) presented“A Unified Approach to Colour2grey andImage Enhancement Through GradientField Integration,” in which the authorspropose a new method to perform the ul-timate manipulation of image colors,namely to remove them altogether. Thegood thing is that doing so leaves us withvery good looking enhanced grayscaleimages.

Late Breaking News, chaired byFrancisco Imai (Canon DevelopmentAmericas, Inc.) and Erno Langendijk(Philips Research Laboratories)The first of four presentations was givenby Pavel Kisilev (HP Labs Israel) who pro-posed a unified approach for problems ofcomputing color transforms, such as shad-ow removal, object recoloring, and scenerelighting using Bayesian classifiers andlinear programming. M. James Shyu(Chinese Cultural Univ.) gave a presenta-tion that introduced a model for high dy-namic range image reproduction perform-ing equivalence of perceived visualcontrast for every pixel by a relative per-ceived visual contrast function. AlexanderForsythe (Academy of Motion Picture Artsand Sciences) presented on considerationsin the design of a new printing densitymetric and encoding for contemporarymotion picture applications that proposesa new, well-defined film printing densitymetric for contemporary motion pictureapplications. Finally , Michal Aharon(HP Labs Israel) presented her work the“Estimation of Spectral Reflectance fromDensitometric Measurements Using Print-ing Model Prior.” The paper describes amethod to use characterization of printeroutput to achieve accurate estimation ofspectral reflectance from only three-channel measurements, such as providedby standard densitometers.

New at CIC17: TwoPanel SessionsThe Color andMovies panel—mod-erated by JoshuaPines (Technicolor)—began with a briefpresentation by themoderator and eachpanelist, followed by aquestion-and-answerperiod with the audi-ence. Pines gave an introductory talk onthe Technicolor technology evolution.Joseph Goldstone (Lilliputian PicturesLLC) talked about the Academy of MotionPicture Arts and Sciences’s “image inter-change format” project and how that dealsdirectly with color issues throughout themotion picture post-production pipeline.

David Stump (ASC) reported abouthis experience as a cameraman and abouta Round Robin with several high-end dig-ital studio cameras and a comparison toconventional film cameras. Rod Bogart(Pixar Animation Studios) talked aboutcolor as it pertains specifically to anima-tion and stressed that both animation, aswell as real world film, do not try to repro-duce the real world. Louis Levinson (LaserPacific/Kodak) talked about color correc-tion for motion pictures and stressed thatmany people influence the color correc-tion in a movie, that they all have differentopinions, and speak a different languagewhen talking color. Gary Demos (ImageEssence) discussed the future of color inHollywood and touched on 10-bit colorand beyond, and the OpenEXR format forhigh-dynamic range recording.

Following the Color Enhancementpaper session on Friday morning, a ColorEnhancement Panel completed themorning

technical sessions. The six-member panelwas moderated by Louis D. Silverstein(VCD Sciences, Inc.) and co-organized bySilverstein and Langendijk.

Silverstein, began with an overview ofthe rationale, methodologies, and majorissues associated with enhancement of thecolor gamut of displays. He was followedby Moshe Ben-Chorin who espoused thevirtues of multi-primary displays and dis-cussed various aspects of using more thanthree color primaries to enhance displaycolor gamuts. Michael Brill (DatacolorInc.) then gave an interesting presentationon the perils and mitigations forenhanced-gamut displays. Brill focused onthe problems of on-screen metamerismwhen synthesizing display colors withmore than three primaries and also dis-cussed profiling and color-managementissues associated with narrow-bandprimaries.

Mark Fairchild ( RIT), always an in-formative and entertaining speaker, intro-duced several important topics includingthe use and abuse of extended colorgamuts, observer metamerism and its rela-tion to color primary selection, and theimpact of the white point on perceived

IS&T 2009 Awards presented atCIC17 included Fellowships toYeong-Ho Ha, Kyungpook Nation-al University in Korea (top left),and Gabriel Marcu (above), AppleInc., and the Chester F. CarlsonAward to Santokh S. Badesha

(left), Xerox Corp. The awards were presented byExecutive VP Robert Buckley, Xerox Corp.


Page 8: IS T REPORTER · REPORTER “THEWINDOWONIMAGING” IS &T * ThesepaperswerepresentedatCIC17,held November9-13,2009,inAlbuquerque,NewMexico. SELECTEDCONFERENCEABSTRACTS:CIC17

IS&T Reporter8

www.imaging.orgVol. 25 No. 1 ––– January/February 2010

color gamut. Langendijk then provided aninsightful comparison between the view-ing environments and color requirementsfor cinema and television and linked theseideas to the current state-of-the-art in wide-gamut display technology for television.Jan Morovic (Hewlett-Packard EspañolaSL) concluded the presentations with afascinating glimpse at color enhancementfor today’s color printing technology anddiscussed the importance of content- andapplication-dependent image and colorenhancement. The presentations werefollowed by an interesting and livelyquestion- and-answer period which facili-tated an interactive discussion with theaudience.

Interactive SessionTwenty-three Interactive papers were giv-en at CIC17. Each was initially presentedat a two-minute preview, followed by theInteractive Session. The Cactus Award forBest Interactive Paper was given to “In situMeasured Spectral Radiation of NaturalObjects” to Dietmar Wueller (Image Engi-neering). This paper describes a databaseof real objects measured under real lightsources and shows examples of how this

data can be used and differences com-pared to a simple reflective target. Thefirst runner-up for the Cactus Awardwas “LED Illumination: The Future ofImage Appraisal” by Michael Gall andEric Dalton (JUST Normlicht) and thesecond runner-up was “Real Repro-ducing of 3D appearance with Multi-projectors and Cameras” by SayuriKamimigaki1, Shoji Yamamoto2, KeitaHirai1, Norimichi Tsumura1, ToshiyaNakaguchi1, and Yoichi Miyake3

(1Chiba Univ., 2Tokyo MetropolitanCollege of Industrial Technology, and3Research Center for Frontier MedicalEngineering).

Musical EveningCIC17 featured a very entertaining lectureon Thursday evening by Brian Evans(Alabama Univ.) on “Visual Music: SeeingSound, Hearing Color” that showed thepotentials of mapping music to color im-ages using some of his own compositionscomplete with compelling visuals.

CIC18: November 2010CIC17 reaffirmed that the Color ImagingConferences are a great place to develop

new ideas and meet fellow color re-searchers and engineers. All papers fromthe conference are available from IS&T aseither a hardcopy proceedings book andCD or as downloadable PDFs; the latterare free to IS&T members.

The next color imaging conference(CIC18) will be held in San Antonio,Texas. General Conference Chairs FranciscoImai and Erno Langendijk, and TechnicalProgram Chairs James Ferwerda andGeoff Woolfe (Canon InformationSystems Research Australia) are hard atwork on the November program. �

CIC17 Technical Program Chairs Francisco Imai (far left)and Erno Langendijk (far right), seen here with RobertHunt, have already begun planning for next year’s CIC.

IS&T REPORTERExecutive Editor: Peter BurnsManaging Editor: Donna SmithStandards Editor: David McDowell

The IS&T Reporter is published bimonthly by IS&T, the Society forImaging Science and Technology.

Articles and letters to the editor published here do not necessarily con-stitute endorsement or reflect the opinions of the editors or IS&T.Advertising and copy are subject to acceptance by the editor.

IS&T ( is an international organization dedicated tokeeping constituents aware of the latest scientific and technologicaldevelopments in the broad field of imaging through conferences,journals, and other publications. focuses on all aspects of imaging, with particular em-phasis on digital printing, electronic imaging, image perception,photo fulfillment, color imaging, image preservation, digital fabri-cation, and the physics and chemistry of imaging processes. Formore information, visit

IS&T publishes the Journal of Imaging Science & Technology and(with SPIE) Journal of Electronic Imaging.

Please send inquiries to: [email protected]©2010 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

All rights reserved.

June 1–4, 2010; Den Haag, The NetherlandsArchiving 2010General Chairs: Simon Tanner and Astrid Verheusen

June 14–17, 2010; Joensuu, FinlandCGIV 2010: 5th European Conf. on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and VisionGeneral Chairs: Jussi Parkkinen and Timo Jääskeläinen

September 19–23, 2010; Austin, TexasNIP26: 26th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies/Digital Fabrication Processes 2010General Chairs: Gerhard Bartschar (NIP26) and Reinhard Baumann (DF2010)

November 8-12, 2010; San Antonio, TexasEighteenth Color Imaging Conference (CIC18)General Chairs: Francisco Imai and Erno Langendijk

January 23-27, 2011; San Francisco Airport Hyatt RegencyElectronic Imaging 2011Symposium Chairs: Sabine Süsstrunk and Majid Rabanni


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