isaso-ned searsmen struggle saturday; iexonians -eagerly ·...

RALLY ISSUE ~~~~~~~~j. ~Established 1 87 8 ___ *KNo. 15 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 Ten Centsi IsASO-NED SEARSMEN STRUGGLE SATURDAY; IEXONIANS -EAGERLY ENTER ENCOUNTER ~LUE BOOTERS CRU~h CRIMSON NOTABLES PREDICT CAPTAIN CLAWKS CONTENII[RS BOOTERSCRUSH RIMSON OUTCOME OF GAME INBRUISING -BATTLE AT EXETER t;Ca*cM.Fesf-tcle FACE FIERCELY FIGllTI6 FOE H. BAGG LEADS I WILL LEAD EXONIANS Captain Robert A. Sears: fWILL LEAD BLETAM CRMO CNLUE 'EA1I~MATES TO 2-0 WIN "We'll be fighting tomorrow atndI -----..- ~-... SUCCESSFUL SEASON azlieAnd Swihart Star W4-,~ill. th colsspot~~-Visitors Vaunt Vast Victories; Asiughes And Clifford rakMBetn " Two Tremendous Triumphs Count N 1 \ir.~' l ~ank genoong:te ~e3 Boasted By Blue .REASEMAN CROSS STELLAR man *S chancc." VLATVESVGRU d Ana--Gray Takes~ffense Early Nlr. Ilorace NM. P'oynter qltickly j~ d And Cay Take Offens Early tatedI " ' Shepard Suffers Serious Setback flat Visitors Come Back ~~~~~~ 'u" "pour~t orfvIo ldwsfrSince Sharrett's Sickness; In Last Half Cahners Conspicuous Although the Red and Gray iin ai esn h ters put up an uncxpectelly l~~~~~~~~~~r. Willet L. Eccles said: . P incri fromn ai eao, h .bborn defense. Coach Rvlcv's ~~~~~~~~~~"\e have had tough luck in thc fighiting" Ando\e gridsters wl tindefeatedl soccer ~~~~~~~~~~loss of iilplortant men. aNl;II teallis Exe-ter at 1:30 tomorrow aifter- lhth 'udfae ocreleven 'wbiichi wert! under-dogs ha've Won recent years carmc through to a I'' I' o' ronIruthler, F-ield in thle fifty- 1l-earned 2-0 victory on Wed- imprtn 'a~s~~it nu L. cls ewenteto ,day' Unaccustomied to the Ismhwudntlebae.I great rivals. The inlitial contest oif d, it took almost a half for An- this spirit I hope will start the boni-tuitraiinlseesw lycI 'er to get underway. ~~~~~~~~fire Saturday night." fit-evn'aragn17.lur ~~xeter -hcld an edge in the first '* ~~~Mr. Scott It. P aradise remarked : ing, thi, period Andovcr has won iod and would have scored had .:* fttwr ~aswt h 'il wny orgines. Exeter ha!, also not been for thle fine work of speed and precision that thle\ been- victorijus twenty-four times. )SS and liazeltine. The play 'V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~showe i the first half (if th 0 ( New~ and i. gamecs haive resulted in t'ies. the second quarter was more I . an. - hireH State game. we ou Thri iughuiut the encounter toinor- .n, and -the Ilume forwards (is- ~ ~-4;have a bonfire Satur'lav.-- row thle grads will bie anxious to yed their wares, giving the Red ' ee heir repctv schools grain the I Gray goalie several uneasy - e'gc in the series once more, as meats. H"etweenl the halves 1lte Red ;miid Gray~ have~ evene(l uip tch .1Rylev put mlore p)p, ilto the GREEKS TAKE CROWN thi. series '.v dlefe~aing the limite for ,n, and aside fromt a few occa- tl attreya~:b i1 l ial -sallies by the New IHamp- IN LEAGUE FOOTBALL 19last thre 6 -0 r: by32 15-12 in7 re Atvn,,ndo)ver held a de- last season. )rary ~d edge; '.\ idway through tile - Aspirations Of Romans Dashed After viewing the s'et-tip from all g d qurersame teAs Opponents Triumph possible anll es andi vantage pohints. into the Exeter nlets, while IFor Second Year the authorities have a-reed as tmiual the fford scored tile other goal lateta h aewl ecoe ,rltthe fourth pericid. (~ii thle of- SAXONS TAKE THIRD Ini six gamles tll ii~s'on E-xeter retse Medl -lzlieRbe as- totaled 75 points as, coiuparedl :knz (Continued an Page 41 - Championship Came- Characterized (Continued on Pago 3) b~e _ _ _ _ _ _ _L i.By Excited Attendance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a 3 n GAnd Fine PlayingANO R wteD ANDi GRAY SEASON (ordon Clark, Calltain I iefua aeltve hRoIbert Sears. Captain ADVRENTERS GAMEI and INCLUDES 'FOUR WINS Gree.(;ks and the Ronmans, held on IHT O ITRE and ;.pai oro ClrsElen Eee'EliMsed4 acold muddy field under a half Jack Francis To Play WT W ITRE clouded sky. brought forth a large At Tea Dance Saturday DeatdTieEenCo s Hai Suffered One Tie Yard Placement by Inches r odyv of enthusiastic students to see Back To Conquef' -And One Defeat To-dtest( ftels trie (;reeks winl by seven points in Under thle auspices of thle N. H. '38 -. - Toward last ~~~~~~~this traditional in~ter-club game of Seir ouclthscndea HRADFE MN LLERAND WARDLEY (Ilarter in 1925 Ellis of IE'xeter Phillips A\cademy.VADFEH N STAR IN BACKFIELD receiverl tiuc pigskin onl the To watch those yotlng men~f fight dac 1teurnt'snCOTS CA EL D ,hief points of interest in the forty-eight- yard linv and at- at~ tuge for their teatiln tk ~aetnori fenri fler I t~l esnae:fhy tilti lcmetkcwih wrlil te frozen toes of te Tiue lplace is tiue jtiiior l)inliil- llaving wvon two games and lost football season are: flic tempeager followers.tMr.ckichardh1Ha~ll thle itime 4 :00 to 7 :00 p. II- I%%0. an11d having scored 46 points e acuu at - total ofsev- was onh toesil \ ad its the feature attraction. Jack to- tlueir opponents' 26. the Andover accutliulatedl of sailed through Ie ai n ht *ackson wso his tosevery AIrni n t~eynpee~ iobl elicno esi ohv lr-fivd poituts to their o 1 ) 1 oileits' t-ecrs ia.[' for Iniiute. not to L-eep) them warmn Facsadhssve ic r ii op nty-five. ouit of six gamers thle Blue. th bll htue ak u ol.tta xr hreo chestra will rtnider the intiqic. haNd an altogether successful sea- ,e4haeile ceilan for l the frt iour :'n tlie L:inve enuded in a sco re- electrical energy into those fightingi '.r. Ilrancis is well-known to -il, but in the last gailie t1le\- oies -ot. tand a fr te first ftr lste.llidtiigt ilIiil dl(emlons of the gridiron. Dr. WVil An~dover's dancing mnel. havin- sholuved a illost encouragiganuu ues :t0 ten hasdereainedy tines- duain- Id'eint h inlgu let Eccles was full] of flghtinu- been here before. Thle price, 'Ifi skill and good teamwnork. '~ Modeately siccess duriil lii-~college. career at Yale. pritlng hoe rtillii aelisted at $2.50 for all hti: The first etucotinter was vidil tuts ~cordis aiuostexactly Afiter iiltei ceptiig ai lbrtiuitlian I *lure tietai' iit uccall schola rship uiten who will ik', New H amlptoni Prep, wvho took same~asthat mde las year. pa-ss lie ru 90yrsfra lowt to correct lthetll. separated fromt but a tri flte. hlOle wvith thein a 6-0 victory. 'he opening gamec, played in alI touiclud. '%it inl thle H;owl. .$1.50. s~corinlg on a 65-yard run onl an Iin- ring ftinl. w'as with tile New'_________________ (Continued on Page 5)trcpe s*Aser'inheea .. i elu Frsnet,-'loox-nM as this, Viens began to do somec esvs'difated by a cotint of 6-0. o tt his fine hurling, with Chancyv Bne'solytcoewazad SUBDUED EXOE N WEDNESDAY aw Moodv as receivers. Shar- Augu~t Beltzer in the seconld I-rvtts wvas able. in spite of the wet. od,- -io received a thirty-yard Lto get oiff long punts during this fiom~ay Wtardley and stepped gin. dite'lne for a touchdownZ. This .'i* ~ tole vtdytouek rtei-,-aft also enlivcncd' ba -- ' - );litcr. othe 1lrva w 'ethdai tw \guenc 'ard';-" by Captain Clark. -who hiigeepstPlesIo tccat 'unit forced otut of hounids oil thle - fteuete.te\esMi 'ard line. Ill the, last period pa!- comblinationi. which hail b'k ter failed by otle iilch to sectire I-i'" icnefnoil aieIox i rst down oile foot from New ti defeat the N-ale lFreshuinell 1 w li npshite's goal litle. The, visitor',;r f60.litith is ti I punted otit of d(anger. of irtailt li thistiignle ofis the ike~ played iil a drizzling (Gniudo ae6 .cVntinucd in Page 5)(CniudoPae6 £ A!~~ ExTRA!, I Eddie Casey'g Exonians V., ; Vanquished Blue 78- 7 HT 1111i.1tINAN will lptblish geextra too will-_ -Ilit 1014 Eddie Caseyvoif after til gaillc. Tllis tea l-mrcnhlb~ I icldea collplete ;tTavr.aul10 ~eIet aconto tega ,tHrvr. tileno geties cr r-__ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~colc there, carried his teamn to

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RALLY ISSUE ~~~~~~~~j. ~Established 1 87 8 ___




'EA1I~MATES TO 2-0 WIN "We'll be fighting tomorrow atndI -----..- ~-... SUCCESSFUL SEASONazlieAnd Swihart Star W4-,~ill. th colsspot~~-Visitors Vaunt Vast Victories;

Asiughes And Clifford rakMBetn " Two Tremendous TriumphsCount N1 \ir.~' l ~ank genoong:te ~e3 Boasted By Blue


d Ana--Gray Takes~ffense Early Nlr. Ilorace NM. P'oynter qltickly j~d And Cay Take Offens Early tatedI " ' Shepard Suffers Serious Setbackflat Visitors Come Back ~~~~~~ 'u" "pour~t orfvIo ldwsfrSince Sharrett's Sickness;

In Last Half Cahners Conspicuous

Although the Red and Gray iin ai esn hters put up an uncxpectelly l~~~~~~~~~~r. Willet L. Eccles said: . P incri fromn ai eao, h.bborn defense. Coach Rvlcv's ~~~~~~~~~~"\e have had tough luck in thc fighiting" Ando\e gridsters wl

tindefeatedl soccer ~~~~~~~~~~loss of iilplortant men. aNl;II teallis Exe-ter at 1:30 tomorrow aifter-lhth 'udfae ocreleven 'wbiichi wert! under-dogs ha've Wonrecent years carmc through to a I'' I' o' ronIruthler, F-ield in thle fifty-1l-earned 2-0 victory on Wed- imprtn 'a~s~~it nu L. cls ewenteto,day' Unaccustomied to the Ismhwudntlebae.I great rivals. The inlitial contest oifd, it took almost a half for An- this spirit I hope will start the boni-tuitraiinlseesw lycI

'er to get underway. ~~~~~~~~fire Saturday night." fit-evn'aragn17.lur~~xeter -hcld an edge in the first '* ~~~Mr. Scott It. P aradise remarked : ing, thi, period Andovcr has won

iod and would have scored had .:* fttwr ~aswt h 'il wny orgines. Exeter ha!, alsonot been for thle fine work of speed and precision that thle\ been- victorijus twenty-four times.

)SS and liazeltine. The play 'V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~showe i the first half (if th0( New~ and i. gamecs haive resulted in t'ies.the second quarter was more I . an. - hireH State game. we ou Thri iughuiut the encounter toinor-.n, and -the Ilume forwards (is- ~ ~-4;have a bonfire Satur'lav.-- row thle grads will bie anxious toyed their wares, giving the Red ' ee heir repctv schools grain theI Gray goalie several uneasy - e'gc in the series once more, asmeats. H"etweenl the halves 1lte Red ;miid Gray~ have~ evene(l uiptch .1Rylev put mlore p)p, ilto the GREEKS TAKE CROWN thi. series '.v dlefe~aing the limite for

,n, and aside fromt a few occa- tl attreya~:b i1 lial -sallies by the New IHamp- IN LEAGUE FOOTBALL 19last thre 6 -0 r: by32 15-12 in7re Atvn,,ndo)ver held a de- last season.

)rary ~d edge; '.\ idway through tile - Aspirations Of Romans Dashed After viewing the s'et-tip from allg d qurersame teAs Opponents Triumph possible anll es andi vantage pohints.into the Exeter nlets, while IFor Second Year the authorities have a-reed as tmiual

the fford scored tile other goal lateta h aewl ecoe,rltthe fourth pericid. (~ii thle of- SAXONS TAKE THIRD Ini six gamles tll ii~s'on E-xeterretse Medl -lzlieRbe as- totaled 75 points as, coiuparedl

:knz (Continued an Page 41 - Championship Came- Characterized (Continued on Pago 3)b~e _ _ _ _ _ _ _L i.By Excited Attendance _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a 3 n GAnd Fine PlayingANO RwteD ANDi GRAY SEASON (ordon Clark, Calltain I iefua aeltve hRoIbert Sears. Captain ADVRENTERS GAMEI

and INCLUDES 'FOUR WINS Gree.(;ks and the Ronmans, held on IHT O ITREand ;.pai oro ClrsElen Eee'EliMsed4 acold muddy field under a half Jack Francis To Play WT W ITRE

clouded sky. brought forth a large At Tea Dance Saturday DeatdTieEenCo sHai Suffered One Tie Yard Placement by Inches r odyv of enthusiastic students to see Back To Conquef'

-And One Defeat To-dtest( ftels trie (;reeks winl by seven points in Under thle auspices of thle N. H. '38-. - Toward last ~~~~~~~this traditional in~ter-club game of Seir ouclthscndea HRADFE MN

LLERAND WARDLEY (Ilarter in 1925 Ellis of IE'xeter Phillips A\cademy.VADFEH NSTAR IN BACKFIELD receiverl tiuc pigskin onl the To watch those yotlng men~f fight dac 1teurnt'snCOTS CA EL D

,hief points of interest in the forty-eight- yard linv and at- at~ tuge for their teatiln tk ~aetnori fenrifler I t~l esnae:fhy tilti lcmetkcwih wrlil te frozen toes of te Tiue lplace is tiue jtiiior l)inliil- llaving wvon two games and lostfootball season are: flic tempeager followers.tMr.ckichardh1Ha~ll thle itime 4 :00 to 7 :00 p. II- I%%0. an11d having scored 46 pointse acuu at - total ofsev- was onh toesil \ ad its the feature attraction. Jack to- tlueir opponents' 26. the Andoveraccutliulatedl of sailed through Ie ai n ht *ackson wso his tosevery AIrni n t~eynpee~ iobl elicno esi ohvlr-fivd poituts to their o1)1 oileits' t-ecrs ia.[' for Iniiute. not to L-eep) them warmn Facsadhssve ic r ii

op nty-five. ouit of six gamers thle Blue. th bll htue ak u ol.tta xr hreo chestra will rtnider the intiqic. haNd an altogether successful sea-,e4haeile ceilan for l the frt iour :'n tlie L:inve enuded in a sco re- electrical energy into those fightingi '.r. Ilrancis is well-known to -il, but in the last gailie t1le\-oies -ot. tand a fr te first ftr lste.llidtiigt ilIiil dl(emlons of the gridiron. Dr. WVil An~dover's dancing mnel. havin- sholuved a illost encouragiganuu

ues :t0 ten hasdereainedy tines- duain- Id'eint h inlgu let Eccles was full] of flghtinu- been here before. Thle price, 'Ifi skill and good teamwnork.'~ Modeately siccess duriil lii-~college. career at Yale. pritlng hoe rtillii aelisted at $2.50 for all hti: The first etucotinter was vidil

tuts ~cordis aiuostexactly Afiter iiltei ceptiig ai lbrtiuitlian I *lure tietai' iit uccall schola rship uiten who will ik', New H amlptoni Prep, wvho tooksame~asthat mde las year. pa-ss lie ru 90yrsfra lowt to correct lthetll. separated fromt but a tri flte. hlOle wvith thein a 6-0 victory.

'he opening gamec, played in alI touiclud. '%it inl thle H;owl. .$1.50. s~corinlg on a 65-yard run onl an Iin-ring ftinl. w'as with tile New'_________________ (Continued on Page 5)trcpe s*Aser'inheea

.. i elu Frsnet,-'loox-nM as this, Viens began to do somecesvs'difated by a cotint of 6-0. o tt his fine hurling, with Chancyv

Bne'solytcoewazad SUBDUED EXOE N WEDNESDAY aw Moodv as receivers. Shar-Augu~t Beltzer in the seconld I-rvtts wvas able. in spite of the wet.od,- -io received a thirty-yard Lto get oiff long punts during thisfiom~ay Wtardley and stepped gin.dite'lne for a touchdownZ. This .'i* ~ tole vtdytouek

rtei-,-aft also enlivcncd' ba -- ' - );litcr. othe 1lrva w 'ethdai tw \guenc'ard';-" by Captain Clark. -who hiigeepstPlesIo tccat 'unit

forced otut of hounids oil thle - fteuete.te\esMi

'ard line. Ill the, last period pa!- comblinationi. which hail b'kter failed by otle iilch to sectire I-i'" icnefnoil aieIox irst down oile foot from New ti defeat the N-ale lFreshuinell 1 w linpshite's goal litle. The, visitor',;r f60.litith is tiI punted otit of d(anger. of irtailt li thistiignle ofis theike~ played iil a drizzling (Gniudo ae6.cVntinucd in Page 5)(CniudoPae6

£ A!~~ ExTRA!, I Eddie Casey'g ExoniansV., ; Vanquished Blue 78- 7HT 1111i.1tINAN will lptblish

geextra too will-_ -Ilit 1014 Eddie Caseyvoifafter til gaillc. Tllis tea l-mrcnhlb~

I icldea collplete ;tTavr.aul10 ~eIetaconto tega ,tHrvr. tileno geties crr-__ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~colchl there, carried his teamn to



fl-IL IIIILLIIIAN ~~~~~~Calendar of EventsEstablished 1878 Satrday. A'Ov. to Do ~Y ouAt

Memiber of ",.uthlrc Nowi England Federation of School Newspapers. 121 sers, rkeTkersand.5 Sellerschrip pr t. G tyA.-of Dadiv Prinecetnian Association of Preparatory, .i.'nzol NTowsp.aperA pre iat

1:30. Anover uivll ,ineet .~-A 'NEWLL R OWN.Cu Her atB rothenrs Ficld.: Go dA0eNEWELL BROWN ~~~~~~4:00. Tea.Dancre al Commn .

Business Monitor oiesin /cAfengA ayrte - H eitiJAMES S. COPLEY Roon'.aftC'r boinfire. A n aeHr ti

Mianagin*~ Editor cia'culioin- Atanager ~Sun da, No.1 OIfW]IllA1 . ATj. BELTON A. BURROWS 1:0Sr'C in caey BE PREPARED F R COLD WEA THER.4 ~i~r .1~ain Editor Alssisawu Business Afariaper Ci c.Rv r a c

LFONARD F2 PAINE EDWIN P. MASBACK. in. rc'tll s('cak. See our beautiful arrayeur ofa specialalyaymade eSkimad SkthH'F~iror. Ii. M.N WEISSMAN Exchange Editor,, C. C. CORY p ly eare* I~hb~ogra~a Editor. . C. CAUSEYfe 'iches below, her intended su

ASSOCIATE EDITORS ~~prey. She' leaped and landed on PI ah nd1R. Cushman. '35 J. B. Spitrer. 7.15 H. LFinich, '3 thebakof he7sppseeaiti.hR. i:rd. 35 E. A. Ballard. 2d. '36 . J. T. Shea,; 36 cbte iapitet n h-BUSINESS BOARD.~cd ffls ~ -

I.I M. Bir. W3 .C. M. Woolley. Jr. "35 R. D. Coursezi, '36teers.,omnW. P. Cire. '3 W. A. Wickwire. Jr., '35 B. T. Thompson, *36 hard.1, iiihospitable mietal. Then (lid ineIs r~ - O, 3 c(. Witschief. A.. B. Adams, '35 K.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y H. Capers, '36 the despairing alaimal, 'rsig.oilAntU* ~~T. S. Curtis, Jr.. '35 thle lowest part Of *her 'back faePNEEIG

THE PHILariAs do" not necessarily endorse statemnents expressed in communi-. abovc :the groundl belo~v, gaze' at __________________________________rsions, Communications must be signed liv the author,. the app~roacigdw andi, reflectbyTHrPniLLIPIiAt is published Wednesiday. 'and Saturdays during the v-1inol year on te futility. of life. With, sud-1 -.Pl'bvTnt PHILLIPIA-i board.. denl ikdterminationn She seized thel n AAUU A PT11' O MIlTermns: 'Subscription. $3.50 the year. $1.25 ilho term. .hlirbnatheidi. 'r; SINGSA TONIGHT1N MEETING Room 2I

Entered as. stecond class matter. at the post office at Andover. Manss.~, under tie 'jtuderneath. her chInanIstpe. . , )aEact f Mach 3. 179. . t th C~and s ~o sae attff thle fI.agpole into etrnitv. Thert ., fina

THE PHUILIPIAN is distributed- to subscriberm a te Cnmmton. n l frl ht students. of \AtIdoier. their bel- n .itgthe Phillips Inn. . Xt ~t oi eed -~.R i'<'andAdvertising rates on application. foinand, a ughi g. walked onll sisteOffice of publication: Smith & Coutts Co.. Park. Street. Andover, Efot w~hilet Kittvhung, fintiply in the' coI

morning atr byt1iAndover, Mass., November 9, 1934 an fi\ccordifig to all r eliiirtsil. ethe - fulI

suits, of rocent exp rinients in- tll'' andRevenge .chenll trv labor ihir;.I 11ve iec't

'V\: l ueiot re. se sao 1grit i 'n. 1111 fotball, eleven i5- ginig onl sNideh 1 Iti-rrqw ]etermunaed to redeem . the:~ fair natnofAe lvr 0 Ite Q.t are. here next wGI... .a' teder-ontio nut -nu.itot the hanLds of Extrin th Ini lads~ sI tighten till your inn- J kit!- 'trt ',c t.iT A. usual A\n lovvrit- te lire-gat le tnle]r log. but this bifSralu t ot hre ecort-1101d1 ic heneCialreveflnt 'the teami fromn becoming overconl- adpeaeIo h rel

.1l 11 i2- l'itv r clisastrou ill tn :hi. most hallowed of prep school 'I oersm. .. :hC(and dust; l'' thle oth, All fTht , &evei' thiat o)poses the kid iml i.(ray is a,. finegou ftot Ia ihet Ie cainie up10n thi' to] ad

Il, rlcof h* -a: :I:.vr,.as' \il-aovr Id %ev tnal i t Csvral ea ir< ed hI'v Cati o n i:a ei. b~n h en tZ *a -.~.iul% ark at au~ri fr threi asuons. are. ever, ti tdnsnccne n t heir:i)ts~TdibghdV ne ii wanted to:,aiA l-- .l\oj-i these Itninarric. are I in Vcns. the premier s'hol- The regular mneetinot , I' hi hiset of. the' E ast all(] Bi l ood;. 'n aggressive and efficient wtill lie hed Ion 'Friday. evenimg

vo6 D'~k -i-s n- \\Vi1 on h'tvi tht'.honor oft being the only two preps on ?l . Iutalo'alerrdlii )it 0'l'c e~tn Fhrou'hout the sea onl they h'iu, t nnagcd the 'right-hand te oit tilltr oudut v-

(. th linl 1 ;;ith gre-it vchectivenci'ss "i tkrains, of two campaiigns lckFut;m in'adhicio kict is followv lotg* ~ acr,1n-t m rklick and Hit e 'enter' the ir thirdI wit1i' oulstanding. r aelhtCo'r't'cu'l'. il inI thu L iCahr'.whose flashy 1erformiance ),s were aniong Nr tan heolori Roos heEa'a, t:Thigt~l~i~tvia h nw beetn shiftd(to 11k bakfield. Crahaim rnacot \r nht

*\:'r at nasa trvwi~h in the centter of the 'line,' WhieC'-M.Joit'-' pi woug-qwt-1 .11 teactv av i; nn tuvetu il goout the eason. ThisMr crd\ic t. 1 5 vhc

1 t. - lo mnrt. h i: pten mm o mke poerfu tciniMr.'Eatn OtStna CkinR. and I'lys. Faited Negro Tenor oroua

ac -i ver hi" t it r i;: uilding a ~ucs'.u'lve>\n f tdet . 'tudious I 11,irrTV Y;ick Ceco chin. of \estrs, '.';Iepard1, I)ake. Ilento'n H1agenbuckle~ Bill-'~ \licet ~e~) ~,.s RgltosCnenni:h.r.-. and F11lana~an tiiean,, aniluthng, totniorrow iVill lbe a Blue' (lay for and DiCk 'Bral4fI\'2 Exeter 'Game A nnounExeter. I n:, even, the com~binationi Of good material and good coachinig have' contributed .grtativ to Yale's '' -

make a'.victoriuseve.Teinontf'tt -ittngible sonic.- rc~itelta.'\ umudad ..N'(lay excuses will 1i')avis, b t hi e i il Iaw e - ( x tss1moi~~ knon as *:fight.'" the will:t,; win, .will Ittiniatlydtriew thrI bhrgurs '; nItnuek-dexseslightly injured] but are. itow readv grantied until after the g~A:;dov coc~Out oil Iop or not.. AndI the eleven has' fight when it ' f thr sa bifrwats t hoN- it.T can fight .~en~~ in the face i~tf -such IdmoalZHICT very.' bTO .togo gan.... ' ,'wantS, to eniora.1' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~haradle,'Cvr oy h('rct~rrrcnccs a's the oll's fKlo' n hiretfre akil ntain Kwi 'hv '.\ otalt~ Proving" of ili('stininfble ;-lmpril tes in thnti tot olrtlitoii ait IPrincetoit this fallt iseditel threa'-tav. -The--Ne Hampshire F, Ieshniatn gamne is proof of th tean Sc .i 4lodrg'on.rgtIegeho '~Ctlgs are iKre or medaey hrdrive. - ' , ' - ' ~~~~~MnLeiu h. I o Ig do%%i. te ul alry.;h skeiig-u I~ his Class Officer -in the~ It:~

I: 'laim1 bytho- h ilowu that to have -sufficient 'quanltities-of footbaill 1d aving al umnus. tlhere Ile winiigta t tla ud; fGog bahigoeFredl Petforso, litd li alntr i n no-e ill be 0postpontedtighta team:i~st ave etthusit ttc 'tckig. - o uplthis h hl all of' last ea Lr 's graduating class' atfter, the' reports ' havechoo,' will of d ti- e be o~ut. tlere cheering for the teamto: Iorrow. Pnitt J I 1' Thmnrr-. A'3 31. haII (u '' ***' ' ae

aIn a'I 1011na 'fit~ve ito 'the plaves r5ought ito be the' fact that thlertn mcu rti 's ~ h ratgi fttr sn itrC 111,1 first p1ay, of tti smst:i hI"'''Ahlotst, o)n~posuitg tite wiholl. thle movits will be hel1arIe mnany vrv *t I5 la;inq 'the school for "goold 'in the, spring,. wh') t .. Shiuttier '33 pie' h n sl a.t o~ r eai lttu -ve. tis hour.Iin the;r, tour, -therc or tw veat rs here~ have never -set't ati Antdover iies 'side of rrnimatics. atid I:.s ci ' ~Jnil RVIi'V% f trntter Jtl~I lie . After the ganti it, l'r,icjejtball: \ictor;- 0 Cr t.I \tt r 'I hcse utter: Will , be pulling with added terrd thf' 'busines', iomtpetition) C' toit, on.. 1 Viftr It r entire,pirit~± ri itice-iseltet lt: tr th vei'~l.. 'C'-- -' h ae-lleis, n l~s I ttpson, liki' Ibdiv to, reutait in thle satit

Thel( onlyoito1cal conclun-tott to bie drawnt ifroim all these facts is, that - 1wieAalRVARtosD \12D an til all Exeter' boys; htave left-, ihiang, powe.rfil ti an w ilth,-utch b-acking anid such caching cannot 'npie-othefrt he pa . de udSu ,sl 3 r( ii sad nditrhu f

- - ' 'two' 'Saturda;', of \oNrnt ( Lltn(rs Prattitr o rt-l. (hir.cheerlter ulitN-!" but tceir its way to v ictor; oiver Exeter 'tornorrow. fea. d - P i.'wh'h Aiha t 'ictioletgig -inlliAeatcer cht. ponhi wi';then leaguchh.\rbe o ,aIDartmnouth. aind MI'lcolnt Mce ocr hitponh 1 iitit tad.''h chieering section.

neut. Jr.. '33, iho hai anl oppot '.C ate g~atcs o gldnes, - tuttit;- to' itititesS a ferociotis Tige: \V h~ave aI o discoveredrl thitOf j~-ftl srprie. . '~ it: acton wee ago havar it colti Pierce '34. is out for Fresh-, Iie ~bbi

twicc bowe e edi:dfat itiCrs-oinr.,ii itV 3.M. STEWART. Propru(l ~ t e oo .. n table, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _the door. ott a - " ~~~~~~~~ ' '' - ll~~~oyd 133 has beeti elected to tht" Stri Con&~~~~~Stood apples. Oh mly'!_________________ 1937, 11ockey ManiagerialI Contc omswt r ihu' all gthroted hand fu, " - 'IN CAS O VICTORY tin. -'open thruout'the year.

* ' '5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~gram and terms a~pplicEditrid hb, C. Mif Ifh'f,:much f a ood hing ' ,f there us celeration .johut 11roaca. ace lpitchttr for thle

- (;R.-\FT I , Made- stomachs rebel.'- movies will b le delayed. untilil N e; Yoark Yaiikieos. has';been seen Studio Couches - Book lb''The bubble, r O a, eotr :i'; burust 1 -N ILu rde rIWe rose in tlte morning, ho tsrprel aigaotteCuilsat ~l-Car odBsel,v-il oni Vin ''aj'leus ave ] Felin lik' - omehingte a The- repo-rt will take place In ing to variotus. 11emlbers' of tIn'. fae--. - we trotted by.eleved Sc 'gWXIh Itiltspcialy Mr. Peck. He is ParkVab

waysf~nde blicied'that the 'C ruh n- ~?Oi~ larl~ 'ii or nidd footbll -~ * ' 'ingtout I hall. Every' boy whethe'r -itt iLavcte ''F URN IT URE S HV"teati irtgtt or e grate glry Spakig ofthoe aple' i il e- 'attends the' celebration atid --

evrtr-'ire flgt fr thI ruth i of-no It-n tlemtilecarriedk-hi;'t dear. anr 'iriet:Atnrhvebee'tac t hi drmwihot etire reort- in )VER ve

'f vilainus apearnce ws pe- 'wshbains with cvaerta epae i;.(~.e;111-ws tics a'iie

plac at:the ime lnno acedl ' ouba ovr' -'fro rusir,ttermore inor ttruptais fnowtal ' detruian tutfr ity.Porrriiitc al os-histhau appltessta -ovr -Itdauenfctfo pctrs raeteama;;. Tue team, allas,o hasvoraen b it-ehsetet'f ei til heir no'i tiakets, wifthr theport Nay=, o'r-Xtr at rtlfr'HisUcNi-e~ age in-serh of iclngSehntr Paruis wall ''guests'of thle-'itbrh ''r Neasa Tertte-ltoftti'

ltvas hte lat of cter wa pe- wasdb'the ywllo gooter abvh ~ht) vl s heplacotcas doro hcg vr li tt ei're sso:a oipi- her and ~Geo;,e6 Xk'ashin tot Hall':. .eyirdimt ''oe If.r ow sYou I~gentsae awill ;ar i'intl frnt all tur eye ' and tealthil ascenddtto iraiMtvie "ttanftr - ve hitgtoht 'firste 'trp qnarSorn sAgl



F. Guild Tells About Officiating surprisingly well when inside the Captain Clark's Contenders l ability within the plalyers thiem-Recent Andover-Exeter Football Games ~~~~~Opponents' twenty-five yard line Face FiercelyFighting Foe selves to grit their teeth, mildr

and by hard taickling has caulsed (Continued from Page th)ein.d~ lg tohre tha eviremntacs

iniitteaitly (luring the past runs the ball into the center of the thThPielt oftil adhs.r Bilueithartde thae sever. ita \.Af te tree fuile.. with 23 tallied by their adversaries. TellesatdtesaoiwtififtI years the writer has' had field. An Exeter man is hurt oi rneced bal. .,r~rLJdLTeRd n ryrmic n a eteran nucleus, from which a

? so ~eypleasant and exciting ex- this play clue to a hard tackle, thle attempts to skirt the ends5 or creluounithrffh ame porlish~ed playing unit w'%vi, builtesofficiating at Andover- water boy is called, and the school through the tackle they kick- a fieldI when a heavy \Vorcester team d-Cp~i er tgad iea

football games. This great physiciati administers smelling salts, golfrtreplit.Te h etdte. Adv, tpain achle. Bunrdick and foruuwr-~,eutvrgame from an official's an]I a wet sponige onl the back of alfrtreois.T y(oth fatdte A ovrpainmt has all the imporance the neck. The ijured player gets sae thing twice again inl the see- Only four games this season, since Kellogg vying for thle quarterback

int has ll the iportancethe neck Tile inured plaer getsthe gamne with Harvard Freshmen )position, Viens playing fuillbiack.ERof~ arvard, Yale, Princeton or onl his feet at the end of a minute ond half whrlile the~ favorite teiai was calledl beas of rain, has Sliarrtt., and Chiancy in tile otheruth game. and a half, and lplay resumes after has ploughed down thle field in the scre 46pit o2 cmie yhlfakbrhMody and ( ailuve'll-coached teams come onl two minutes have elapsed. On and first few minunttes, of the third their opponents. liy these figures niers oil the ends. Graham at cen-

ab~ti d wvhile both school hands oii the blue and redl jerseys p~lay period for a touchdown and~ goal it appears that -by the method of ter, and former-back MNiller inl Ili,ae king their best music; the their well coached assignments:- atrtuhon oee.teCJi-rtv on oasEee a new guard position. \\ilsgon, a II(-%su s of 1)oth schools fill the forward passes. laterals, spinners.afe tocdw.IIevrth o aaie itttlsxtr s

mid ~stamlsof the fied with ther an~l quic kicks areuse~l. Theunderdog team with its three. field thle edge both on offensive and (IC- 11an who was destined to play .atmi tands f tile feld with heir -11d quick kcks are sed. Thefensive play. The Red and Gray both center and tackle p)o~itioii1"

0 dcheering sections. and the officials all the time are carefully goals wins the great gatne 9 to 7. has lost only otie game out of six, IDyess aind W~alker, also new%% menIIles usually captains of observing the playing for any ini- Those are the uniexpected happen- while the Blue has dropped two and substitute enrds: and Cocheraii

th r ma~~jor sport teams, clad fraction of the rules. The forward ings which make this great game gaetcs out four. In t-his way, too, at tackle, wvere to see actioli l-in rbleor red varsity letter paisser must hle five yardls hack the game it is for thle graduates,, it is possible to credit Exeter wvith (Chase inl thle b~ackfieIld did %%cll atswe sad hite flaniiel trousers. when he piasses the ball, or thefred.adsuetofbt ,-abtrte .Exercnuedilbgiiii fth-arw n v

E 1 enthusistically lead thle students iln referee will call the play for amil in fredNadsuenso )t ette telam.r Exeter coFuredhe thaed egiimor ofte the- y aear whn thf.thei Eher an og.fractio'n of the rule. The offensive stittutions.Ne Ilmshr Stt-Fsmn l'eloeofntanaerite

ers- ai~ og.6-0, however, while Andover de-' seasoil.minte beor tegaiad the defensive linemen cannot Thle players are phlysically in feated the same team 20-0; and Sr.~so-, FAIRtY SUCCES'vi -1r.9pr 1. tae paengolkc- 1101(1yeach otheir. Theyuluest blok good condition for thlis game. The Andover beat Yale Fresh 6-0, while The losing of thle jnitiol] eno1c,1le

Ming,_,1pssing. punting andI finally legallyirc with their shoulderso fo te -au'rsh1 yte t N%.- lmpon1) 60 Irunnig through signals, the last body. There canl be no crawling col'drcosophicle-EetrwnfmthElFosbytroNwIla tnby-0 e

prcg o thseirbeoeter ftrternrhahitegoud cation know each and every player, a 16-0 score. Nothing is shown rutn with anl intercepteol pass,. the*~finaI~~idoi~cr-Exeter game. Dur- and we omlit speaking of unneces- his recent injuiry, and it is; they wh'lo by these comparative scores, but calling off of the Tharvard Frr'-lh-%`n i I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that both schools have conquered ma~i game. the victory over the :'eing Will*is time the graduates, OlN sary roughness,. for in this grcat decide hwlong the boyvst tyatallctnb h ivlsho rsmnb - naps

and ~young, fathers, mothers. ganic-of gentlemen coached bly well in the game. Rih eeis ao re-ay dhv done so in about thle same Vienis to M.\oody. PBrown's siiatchiloi~ande~, brtesadsetersskilled gentlemen, we never see theatanbatnythriascolFemnby60o apsfw,aresistin, into thersas mnot s cwe rIls o efcnrl ntefobl sponsibility uJpon the official's shoul- lproportioil. But thle opinio istcgaewa frmAdern

,n nt th satsno ocersieand, should a playter get hit generally upheld that football thelathreecnstpay ihby t&istudents. Robes, fur coats field.lsthreecnsopaywhand **6ers always make a color- Ini all my years of officiating at hard liv legal contact inl a p~lay, thle gaines are not won by mathematical the aidI of a legal freak conversiroc.ful -` -re, with Andlover's blue football games for Andover-Exeter official has the privilege to call tietcal weaightoi padvantAge thprec sisftar tlngacmebwack ofe. the luand awhite flag backing the seats; I have never seen a case of flagrant onl hiinself aind ascertatin the coin min.Advraeae 7 onsclCe ~hnte wp Nell(on one 'side of the field and Fx- roughness where a pehalty wva. lit ion Of the boy. Often we officiales p)er manl, while Exeter boasts 171 TIatnipsirie State o~ff the field wviithetiT'e Ifd and gryflag on the other necessary. I hope this record will dlo this and also call the phivsiciam 'pr laegrycnine!nofiiluual fe fo h sdlnstopspiua oilinoos pe lyr noe' line aI 20-0 victory; this w~as the 1934gidi.contiue. A offiial uuallyafterfronttile idelies topass ilteris five p)otidIs heiavier per man. andl season, and it shows a team uin-i Now it is time for the referee to two teams have played ten minutes; ittdgmemit uipon thle boy's Condition. Exeter's backfield is six pounds broken in spirit, a team that i,

tdss the coin for the choice of goal canl theii tell, if he dloes not know As officials wve see the gzraduates heavier per p~layer. houdt aeEee eleo+~ir kick-off. andl the visiting team. before, the character and type of one dollar w~ill be given to thle first btn omk xtrfe

~ccodin totime-honored custom. a team's coach and( his standard of nerson bringing this article to thesTOG LC ran(i twrh'has W choice to call the turn of, football coaching. This is well re- ]Editor (Bartlet 15) before Sattur- W\hat thle Andover Varsity has nh. en who are mniaill resnonl-.he coin, atnd the loser, the choice tilected bv the players' attittide both day night. No strin-s attached. e-xperieinced this year may be de- fioe r this record are the follow-it the beginning of the second half. wvith their opponents and the offi- of- the's e teams inlayin- on their Scribed iii two 'Nvords : "'Tough mil,,: (Captaiii Sears. guardl. who inlAll faii'r officials meet and shake cials during the game. Often- freshmant anld varsity teams~ at 1-Tar- 1ltick." Ili~ thati outplaying of amIi Ilii, third ye-ar with thle team hasnands 1'ith the two captains, andl times one department of the game v'ard, Yale, Dartmouth, and Prince- cequallh' strong New~ I lamlpton teatil. '1bo-wn fine( leadlership. has fought.then th& teams and the officials take changes the entire forecasted re- toil-it is interesting.- for the offi- omily to have them score onl il ijl cleornl. tackled, and played a ole-heir positions onl the field and stilt. A good kicker who is ex- cials; and players have a friendly' terc'epted patss;. inl the loss of the "iedable game all year; anrltwait the referee's whistle to start pected to keep the ball in the contact over a period of years. e\( Brown gamne lby the conversion kick \Vien,. who as; fitilll~ack, calls plays;.his great game. eneniy's territory is rttshed in get - older officials see tI~e graduiates, bounlcing onl thle crossbar after the an'l 'o'ho inl his second season with

Andbver kicks off, the ball gne, tine, his kicks away. finally his kick conicl back v'ear, after vyear amid] gaine was over and falling over for th,. team has been trtte to formi in-hut of bounds inl the air onl the is blocked and recovered b~y thle finalli' see their Own soms play- thle ploimnt iii the absence of Shar- thoat hie has given a modest, ouz-ive-yard line. The teanls line til blocking team. The great kicker ing oii the sanie teaiii' we officiate'l retts. claused] by anl attack of ap- Staloling perfornlance and has con-o kick off agaiii for the ball musnt loses confidence. TI-e is told between at for the fathers,; All this; pleaISanlit p~eiloliciti-, after' thle Yale game: iii ~tantly ruin and] passedl the PIlue toiot go.out of bounds. The second the halves to stand farther hack, circle of interest in thme gailie, thle thle serious ilnjury to Kellogg dur- v'ictorv. Ini view of his spectaculardik-off goes into the end zone amid which he does, but thle center miii- rules, thle iilavers,; thet coaches. ihi'' lug, the Browvn game : inl the sha~k- throwing exhibitions he has beenhe' Exeter back touches it dowin accustomed to makinz stich a loni, fathers, and finally the sons. keep nig til) of the whole sqluad ill Il acknowledged as one of the fore-:or' a~. touchback. The hail is tiass is slowv getting the lball to the its as officials. onl the job, v'earlv' effort to) fill the vacant back-fielol most forward a,iaserq fin Eastern)lrouglt out to the twenty-yard line kicker's hands accuirately. The swudyine' oine nie'ht each week thu lierths : and inl the( cuumlstant matiior prep school football toiday. Tie wasvhere Exeter ptits it iii play fromt eileniv block again and this tioire rumles amil( their ch.-mnges. The Vame injuiries inte-ireo by the lplavers;: picked for the \ll-State team I in;crimfiage. a run arotind the end score. Xow the team considered keeps; mis votune. the players, keeol thle cl'oache.s anol untlleihers of thle 1933. Sharretts,. halfback, who'or a three yard gain. tilen a plunlge thle poorer at the start of the ganit" us voting, nIld nlay we ne-ver growv teani have haol to colpC witll Oddol iwromsed- 'to lie the most spectacti-

-brough tackle for two yards:, they' lead (s 7 to 0. Then in another 01(1in our enthu-iiismll for thle gre-i' that %vouilo have ruined the( nioral, lar ball carrier andi ptunter of the'==cick on the next play and Aildover annua1 game one team drop kicks~ game of football. of the teani, if it were not for thet (Continued on Nge 41


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Captin. Godn Clark,. fuilbaANDOVERITES: WHO:MEET EXETER-.TOMORROW is playing again with the Exett-ites. He is an outstanding pNobody' who saw last year's g.'~

can1 forget the way he reversl I'field Oil the. whole ,n(Iovert~~Chirk is a hard, fast,. shifty rlmuand anl all-around threat wlio.%%,bar watching. It is understotpli

Andover circles, that he isnting to reverse his field tn randl gcet away with it. Ante

a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~is \liller~ who;,- as'a halfak . 4score'! frequenitly for theRda mG;rav' "Ic Also is a tril-ht1man and ~a steady groud g.Ii ,

.l1Cl17ner, also halfback, wa :Mta while. with anl inj~ury u utriumivirate an i a strong bukr :'ly i stetidsa t'

hrd broken-field runner.' loIng. thle sniashing tackle:\Valker, a. f ast and competent c,Ire also to lie xvatch'ed.

Pxeter has (levclope(l a1'spread1 fon-nation onl the oifr:that is said to lie wokin1Fronm regular -and kick fornimitVthe Red, and( Gray *are rivit:dloublle ]literals ario -triple revter-Another play that will have -to'___accounted] for is the one on hPILILLWPS AND)OVEI;- FOOTBALL SQUAD . aea strw nte end i:dApass.Blue Booterts Crush Crimson . 1art . i, mdat 1-iltewere ,ironnd ix rtnig etene,.Thus with a light, 'fast.

In Brisin Batte AtExete TralsC~it Fa~rS Bue, ickimg up the forwards ell:wli ile Ctrki, Narnid ICetne Mudge, pwerful. Exeter eleven opposir.Herald Uph'olds Exeter stpnu~ u ixad~ilr rihshd'*lightly heavier and moe ill1 1 aIContinued from Page1 I zh latter -xeeliguifI i -- e.adAilr n a a la nced Andover'teamn. there rehnv~lloThe paers seni f-tior- ohisit. ut1i Ior ,I short space the mori~e otlss. successftil season, little doubt thtt e mtc wiIanld Fae starred, while Captain iiu,~ t he Blue this year: especviallv et -anid G raV took upl the offcnse haighl.teopst iesoe ls.and hard fought. s~eBa~zg.I lazetine. Ti o-s and S i th Bostont Etc inq .Transc rpft ad C2ro~ ituade tx wo beautiful ksutlhrffhgm.wt o-_____________________1hart excelled, defenszivelv. "Tit- headline of their -pagc ~ oo i t\edlte ~c xtrhat e Ilm-..tu'FtRST CU RTE e~h ticle 6n the outcome of .. rm\niioier strted tt -tnn~t he. th gamewent ~ folo~xdribledlii the ball lhi iug the sx hire ~State IFreAh by 6-0 oil ;1 for- minf6I~~ows::-A11_. %vaxxrd pass from -Wardley to Beltz- . , dMN ix( mad l nI the Red an (rat for- * rie toF!ree;leter teani anndl pas~etl to E-ames utrciqtrl\-n ehc 6 ah

ti ard. Fii g. I)OS.0oi ofte \'nigSra hyas ho barel tIvissed the goal. Cliif atxLtlnk~blzehail to ..arrv .it righ oix iitefed thht Anoerhas best it.'rJ replaced Eanmm, whld) iii turn n rc rernl \wkrpyd

T-xlrcmiinued .to, attack. aneolm.iiace of ivinning ;inv three took I L nimionds place as thle ~soeesC ~hIfr idIrs-r* tW ~ C tle bal sah~d t~t oxer te "vasY * he .publicationl gives liri) aiill mm doI wc (Ith I It(01Ireh rse\n 1,0vecr nets. . I x.)%vird cal ne mitc credit,. to 'the coaches lieor lot 1RTIi ( it\RTER - 0mii iih -m \rl) a kthronb wit aI nice lon aving "tII tuirninig out ai splendidtu

kick a lii. xc'iht't Ih~ I .; a fer $hirrets and ~e~log tedll . lw I mt forx art kpt the tiile e i eV r'txxwhik\eillrlscreds' o et]tkic are id'mad theirt fIlrl -mtIIck injured handes tal( ke llu ee atak le t ti ii et f ntice liv taking a lateral -it the eml. h>l~~t~~ak~~ . thle hirdI period anpasslcir.o -ne- amd again rccu.iving. .Ii1m i 'alr-kci- up1 by die Exeter 'sthe. .Transcript o toi .f -mother Set're. A\ sti ong passM and l)oxvie- fIullback. ran the ' E P F T e

hi-inch. I lw l~~~t I -in I i ~~rux counter ( li itit x blockitig and plung ~~~~ attacI~~ amonpa theg\ttdox eriballe acrover: lostactoss sto Worester912: 9-atlacked .ind Afenikil retali.auedi li- in I inch-" on) Buirdick- r~al~ againl laid tg)net agoal. and defeated I'lebron 25-6. as Clark Each day .d .~e* .irtbltn~rthe kil the it dl t the '" 'ht 'leve flow and( ex - cter iimde a braef Isaliv. ofl the so-do as ilrtlido* hed o'lvto llt th "i'a1 iner n mlx liinlie bck onsder I g"al buit mxva i:repulSed by buck. Cordingley. left end scoredl. Aqatc ca1 tC1imiiiute-. -I .' eI EX- n"F. inl,. Ilit- ismall statuire.. rhey I mgg. tuill ko% el ixx c ii trug a Plu amid II(y.sbttt ODS IK ... trl

t-er oaffan tcook -Ill the attamck an-I gwe luist of- the runninig credit. qt~- ~I n(lfodstCrntebl vrSwxxihart. H owxard. aild P.-ig li-d toc \Viris aiid C'imners., Ini (I'-o ae5). . xr rih-inbutrat* to makever .al niceki. t r- hbigde coacthes repairing tilt..e. Wit htcutyfeh ie

xent~c' riig.'.Sxxiliat ten cut 013) structure 'when. ISharrett~s and Captain Clark' Contenders ~ A.I M R JS Yfalavor .. * ich~a io0l1 s 1 ,al bu th hter . llot hall to drop out. thev aeFereyFgtn Fe Theto enter t hes. set to iixorkightng o-li'itjailed hnrte ie goail \tter ea Te'oc___ AISRIEStart toda ...

hla~e na. 'mlencl. nd I"ti~hc- 'th reiiarkaile msons nd n a;,, 1G;lit..nfrom 1 a frontar St.gAndoerPaMss.SAtthAnodroteman.Mre('Id Inha)lwd to *it ile lt 'll~l paired'the structui-e to almost its

il-i 'the s~l'~' tintsi nlnnient foroer ~uenioritv.. . ~ asoii.via'. t~mkti dowii xiith a-II i-iTeleIhone59 Or callLaw.w51677'ihe Hosto?? Jl'iidpedes tc f i eitiicisafinr the Y thtExeter -i~~am tC~"ik up t~lt itt'i. h 'i~~mlt: STORAGE WASHING ~ ~ S~md at the ComRonE WeSHINanki l Iro~ had: to sax tixae(m ol 'xs'.Wils Andovers "galme. ThVr teani11 m1isse,; Slar'rettsI~nPmc- ggdud a niice bit tf -lU-ie- initi redI retr tacinFxer rle 'aagodsifxlrkiiBUSSES.' lfl~'

* ix e pla--uing. atnd Hurgiles szhiomied, will be 'favored." They also' Say': field runnier aild wotild 'have gained GENEALJOBIGOnd-S ng'.otle Ti~l~je skll 's the~~tr~ie "eter~ is. wel I fixed for god nriucl 'gr nmind i f lie. had conitinu(ti TUKNGMI Kac*ended' xxith .nret score. .- slilisiitintes.~ I Towever. t I~ TRipUCKING .. ien

-trri'xn QUARrT . 7rncrp j etter kilown ior Aiidovel's Strong rand hieaxvv BAGGAGE~ TRANSFER 14W\ il the beginning of thle scn its. gamle pectosthan the ltehste*ii'r octi ii~____________________ ldfirralft' is. idteltter Very teeei o h atmni hPer.i-d the 'Atldover forward 'wall alid .e laanteil* began lo . lowx signs (rif inllproi e S Ct n ~x.teBu xcep~t Oi-l ba ckfield. xx-it are alleve-iiteNlel.' eidel. and R-ohie 'wnit iti r. tnt(IOoi-'dm11 p etriene playrs LEiTHh McN YUR HOihe field_____________________uedolaes.WthhrSOLVE YU SHEPROBLEM athe iel ona Ilce pasin atak___________ ie string of .plas Sand .Outfit A

ad th( Ile Exeter gn 'alie hand to a ve ofL, pl-ivers Aitdover should haive . Th aoshrnM n ar'voiehosnalim rttEs teriII Mndl.Mu i -ngunshtbt a-as oui.ood. climnce of taking this gan. cmpse. .. . hw a., too high r'. xter tien at-Iult-amlxui nu' .tr IX ElETi i IJGIolT .iND FAST em.esas 2take wth, r-1Iir. 0 n fgai bt ul ohv i lo a eeto of styles approved:by prep schooland Ui a

''Mende~s batuti Tii l"'l 5sTiughet ch h ieo h ol \ itI\tr.tai a iml men. Fine 'calls~ins,' Scotch grainSi extra heavy soles: aeu tyiniqhadl th e ball vuic'x 'i ~Ilot (dx rm '.dfnehputgonie Now selling at a'new o price :eculI the:'m goal 6nl -t iall an thle slippc i rv str Em ames and 1-faichmine rturf.: An :\Ad I-e:' c 'rner mi~,sed both just nnxtsed] goal.. Itighgles. al $3. vn-p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fire, andi thle Exeter (i'kyen toir~k il he popi~ a olkc ad Parkette DeLuxe.

* theattac for he 'nxi. 'exy lamited it past the 'Exeter goalielt obe attackd in '(Ii h' eIes -thn___________________________tites. (n .a:.-pas~' fr-ot 'Mendel'n is oa fte ae w. $1.95, '$2.95' $3.75 t

a tfot~ The Red' and Ciray' then.p~t' ri~ th tre~lire.aill ('rn-s and With ye Out, Knpp f Parker Desk SetsAEIA' RES SHOE RETAILER*sthe Blue ba~cks werea forcedl t(, -ax An'eSty na'e$.047 se tna a hr 9

rn .rnanm- a shot. Thle whole. :\II- 43 Ese*S.,na Hapshr 549Tsa tbLFakiadHphclover fnrwmrd xxall' vas attaekmig In .' 19O - 50LO 7.00 LawfenCe, Mass. Lawrence, Mass.Sifllgx'an svea II n18 Kna~pp of; Andover. rz1%andgoo sht'although onci of his eyes w-as trWrre .11m11l(¶ed hv1 thle goalie. 'a' gouged out in pla~. remainedEaniez replaced Hall. .For diel fi- nthfiltotecopton Complete line of dollar'books ib

nal iveminne~Exetr 'ut n a of. the gamne andI continued 'to -eipowerful attack. and only the ci doal h lu' pnigpreme, work. 'o~f ross Ill the .Blue , ~

- net5 prex-ene' a: zcrcle lust be- .Th Andover: Bookstore ~1 ~foethe whitlr1. MlendelI drilhhled Nan Cabot. Irregular'Chocolates (crManndCetuSs.tha iltlW Vigih f the( field. hilt r.AanadCetW t.missed-the goal ' . ' ' ~35 'cents 'the pound. ____________ Copies of be

Tiri~n C)1xfltitR Tk CL PHOTOGRAPHSpt- Exeter Started to aitack il bTt e Harbo'rn Shop LE 0 N SDP O A

..Sxxihart'zIogkc rnfe-eItl 7MAIN STREET .(Next door to Burns) LSD P O A;.cenc' of artion to, the' other tild of __________________

'the' field. Fame.~zW.: xa lyn ~ t . . . . . For good Sandwiches D A IGivere resulting i finve al thr~s ca\lui 49 Stain StreetSo aL E T R

'orthe -.\t- -oalie.' Tile 'RedSHOE REPAIRINGFull Sole-. 5200 TH HARTIGAN PHARMACY

lint TBagg'.% nice' kick atilli(ro - 1W xi Oe i'nCHECKSIwNvo avel 'thwvarted their atte' pt xurn Reiter. Iiancrtift .1 When you trade hmere

_______________0 REPORTSA__________ muumum~~~~~~~~~~m**** ~~You Scw~e wWia& safety'PHOTOGRPAPHY W.R IL-ain atcinuit- aeb



more than once threwv their op-T~~~~~f~~~~KT THE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Padless Players Bounce ponents for a loss. Fiinding them-bAd u~iii±i T L I E U One Big Boulders In 1882 selves unable to gain much, the

xete. HO- n11E TE " Saxons let their fine drop-kicker,

lav EETE Andover twelve,,Exeter noth- 'R. llazen, kick a field goal, to the((li ing. .-That was the score in the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~surprise of all onlookers. For the

tell ~~~~~~ ~~~(26) game of 1882. It wvas a great remaining quarter the play wasrun, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clark (Capt.) gulme, too, according to Mr. fairly even, andl the score stood at

161 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Frank S. Mills, the captain of 10-0 ait thle end~, inl what was, ac-2 ~ ~ (2 (9 4)the Andover team. cordlilg to MTr. Paradise, coach of

lit Miller Wardley Beltzner It is interesting to hear him the Saxons, the best game his tdanirirr ~~~~~~161 171 169 relate the hardships of the game aTh~aei all seasdn

er~_ of football in those daoys. There Teln-p(42 (32) (47) (48) (27) (36) (17) was absolutely no padding or GAUJLS SAXONSLII a- amebosi Stokes Feeley Mudge Edmonstone Downing Walker protection of any kind. To play BHimiuell. Andlrews, endsicnye ~nn

-thre 12~~~~ 182 187 174 160 191 149 football you bad to be able to;yu badrto bejace t tackle~~ (~~9>~~~ (25) (36) (33) (27) (60) (16) "take it." Shin guards wvere in- tackles, A. Adams, Oierahl

MY--, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~troduced for football in the year Hlolihman. Shmarjld", guardsitt% Mo64y, Wilson Miller Graham Sears (Capt.) Hite Dyess after this game. guards, Bishop. Butrp186 168 ~~~~~~~~183 180 226 157 riw. ftret.lic'o

(it 156 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~'t~~~~~~~~~r. Mills, played for Andover Stevens, Costello,Dlizniok, Ciker, bark,ker (5) ~~~~~~~~~~(1) (30) for three years: '80, '81, and '82. backs. Maxwell, RI. Jfazecn, ltceew', Kahla

kt'r (5)~Clier Burdick Viens He was seventeen years old at160 139 165 the time of the game of '82,

Nit ~~~~~~~~~(7) when he was captain. In the Blue Booters Crush CrimsonChaney ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~game with Adams Academy in In Bruising Battle At Exeter

.1 173 - '81 he '~'as injure~l. A fellow (Continued from P'age 4)ig ll ANDOVER to pick him up and throw him went through an Excter fuillback's

BACKFIELD WEIGHT AVERAGE tntl i tn!I a inlhin E.toun 17Iy4ro u a ½wonerehle w A.sor-scn ad159 aly f e

elt imA WEGT-VRG . 1659 the year 182that the criss-cross Stfleg, and finated tally.t After ahruni, E.179½, E_____________16___ omtin5hihbcaes note- Red and Gray attack Chakraband-

'C TO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~worthy was first used in the An- liti went in for Hughes who in turnn wl -

,.d And Gray Season A\ heavy and powerful Worcester two kicks with the chance of conm- dlover-Exeter game. replaced Clifford. Mendel andIncludes Four Wins .cdm lvnpoe ob x ing out with broken bones, the Robie then worked a. nice llassing

Greeks were able to bring the pig- -offiel'ive, and~ Kerr replaced Robie.St . -1' nudfrom Pae1 eter's Waterloo in the next engage-Haetndrbldhealtrog

po~~ir: ment. defeating the New Hanap- ~~~~~~skin deep into Roman territory. As heartening shock was given to theHaeiedrbldtealthogexpin and~'with a field, the shire on their own the reporter later learned, Wolfe Gauls as the Saxons tcldte thed ewtir sxtperb theam bgtahis. fine

ex-iinanwit amuddy fedth ieaggregation onteronon catching a pass, made the first .ve biof stpedt tegole.Orcnr Ilowi~ng Saturday's engagement field with the score of 19-2. Most six paints of the game for thle receiec o h kick-off nerhs a 1 luglic corner Kerr just missed

suited in a 16-0 victory over the outstanding feature of the gamle Greeks. Mlore than onc was i O irstgoal.Theyp wer hedofi heading the sphere into thc netsle'8tean: at New Heaven. Chief was the spectacular runs of An- B'ower cheered for daring to thi ispatmt o Iiet eer-; Stott. Reed, and Hoblbs

~~tur~~1~0f the ganie were yard- is. le ocse ak l plunge head first after the air balarsshuefnraGu tit211 rep~lacedl Kerr. 'Mendel,..,,atur ns- lthuioughl bravely attempting to hold filled skin to bring his side in they brought themselves into seor 11fl1ies. -and F--amles. The play re-

iningInsb Clark, Beltzner. their own, the Exeter team was possession of the ball. Reed, Gun- inmoiino ascuh y i'icd~t faiirly- even until the ref.d Mille"r, and rlcltzner's repeate I hopelessly outclassed in every way. iiingliam, Knapp. and 11renner all -'a11l n e ly te rcswistle sounded a 2-0 vic-'ashes .'ff tackle. The initial Clark's kicks were repeatedly mla h a o tertodw n aze iking fo the tou rv

ichdowin was registered by Ileltz- blocked because of the weakness Of touchdowns. Crane, Rafferty, and poivntFo and mHose kicknigfre taehe 1 ar1ipwho pluged though te linethe line. First score was made Striti uf the Roman team many poit.ForalEstthEXetieTgER

Wdr Sevefl yards after a blocked Eli Wreer bokd a-isthring pass- thefbugthi G aul harrir' B~ro. r gr f I ,. IE atoni,,tenipted kick out of danger on the ing. catching, and carrying the ball ansd although they fougt ashardperf-k Yale began to show their 25-v'ard line, and Ananis crossed for long runs. tihabey toulacce omlshr eee antith mardli,i cflii h. e

Z wlysigns of ant efficient offensive the line after a forward pass. In thaomlshaytigif lat.ribrb.Dhatthe seicond half wvhen they forced the third period Ananis made the During the second hal of the against the Saxon defens , on agg (Cane . limb li b. LC~~ on#n

ball dowvn to Exeter's 9yrlcr ngpayothgmewe Gamek tbe Romans, palthoughthle w~hich the center of the line wvas Hal (iff,,rdl. rof nit. Mtanninge. I th fial prio th ReI hie raced from his goal line for particularly strong. On a long pass Hann~mmond. rif nif. Miottrr d Gray ,again nlade a drive for a ninety-two yards, and finally beinz to ulake the score 13 to 0, had the by Stevens of the Gauls, from his huiie)(-. ef cf. Hart

)re.Dowingbroke through andi tackled by \Valker on Exeter's 20- more hpep mande fiht. AfedSore- own end of the field, to Boutwell, Mendel. lit It. B'Meekrjr

)cked his third Y'ale kick of the yard stripe. Only once dlid Exeter loghdmd h eodsoethe ball wvas brotight to the Saxon Time.: F4,ur etghiteen minute yleritids.* terno'on, recoveriilg the ball onl tove into enemy territory, when for the Greeks, Crane, of the Ro- five-yard line as 'Maxwell just bare- 1l'-ferec: T. Cairnq. flo-;ton' ncferee's a,

* a pass o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n natis, passedI to Gates, who mnade ly prvne otelfo rs-i,~tfYale 6-yard line. Miller thet: Jaineson intercepted thirfisttochow.on y er ingetelnted Botoeven the scrore. This ti

the line oin a double reverse plav W\orcester's 4-yard line. The Re,'terfrttuhon rywr igteln oee h cr.Ti*. scrUh i ons lr i rysol cr ae h nuisuccessful, however, in winning was the only opportunity the Gauls

ash 'ked for the conversions of both Ananis was tackled behind his own the iuextr p raineurn threw last asosoe n lhuhte CENTRE CAFETERIA:lchdowns. goal line,.w iueCaetrwaps advanced to the one-yard marker.

Thete't gmeplayed with the The final preliminary game of tatlneonnaumbiepr-that was as far as they got.Ih thesxto wsgatearseeex-ed near the cage. Another time the Sna ih pca

tan varessd-Feadlock. Tensped of ea rbaigHbrnAaeyb players came charging out of The Gauls, fighting gamely Sna ih pcatan relss.dealock. Te seedof eer eatng ebro Acdem bybounds, knocking over a pail of against a hletter team, dlid well in

a backs was hopelessly cut down the count of 25-6. Tn this the New that they halted several possiblethe slow andl muddy field, aldI Hampshire team scored once in wtheGrees.i giadwt e0ri:g(rvs er n Fruit Cup or Tomato Juice.

tons", e lines-of both- teatnis were im- each period. The initial touch- -u:Sharpies worked well onl the right Minute Sirloin3vale gaist he epeteddow wa reistredby ean, o Ihis line-p Fresh 'Mushrooni Sauce3vable gainst the reeated lown ws regitered y mean. of (REEKS -ROMANS si(IC of the Gaul line as they allow- Mie SadorGenPs

unges. Harvard threw up a a forward td Captain Clark on the Lyford, Berry, Bower, Ballard, ends ed few gains through them an, Muixedn Poatoes or Green Potatosance to score in the first quarter ten-yard line, and the second wvas ends, Cates, Eurenius ___innePotatoesorF._F._Potatoe

,ien Alex Kevorkian, giant Grim- made by Dale Miller. who plunged Reed, Brenner. tackles Rolls and flutterntackle and former Exeter star, through the line for eight yards. Cnnga.tackles, J. Ginsberg, Miller DRL ADELBERT FERNALD Ice Creamled tseue, atpt fe Drgth seo qatrpa- unnla.Knapp, guards ORTHODONTIST Coffee or Milk

ininile toscrgnatmtdfedDrigteweodqatrpa- ris, Masback, Williams. Harris, wUb nAdvrWdedy hr A scoring opportunity' also tically the whole first team was C. Ginsberg sweilibe in thdoer Wtranghsenyn owherethe a 17cet

-_-me to Exeter wvhen Walker, hay- substituted by seconds. Hoyt and Browning, Hart, centre seilz ntesriheigo et tt'7 etMillercarrie off he nex two ~iiwars, Wole. F. centre, Groblewskii Main Street. Telephone Andover 466W~ or _____________________

g recelvedI a short l)ass from Milrcridoftenx w ~ at.Wle .Davis, Boston office. 29 Conmmonweaith AvenuE. Ken- - - - WEM rleyilthrewv a lateral to Beltz- touchdowvns. One spectacular pla "'eiie ak bcs afry more 6275. Office houns 9:30 to 3:00. 'O -N -. G E O

rfor ,the longest gain of the dluring the game was that made by Crane, Van Home, Smith, Harrows GREPNYOEPElt atternoon, oinly twenty-four yards. Elliot, Hebron quarterback. who I tl te dlispttte over third place EE EXPAND WACMAEitEs.The- Bowdoin yearlings were near the end of the last period ran inl the club football rating the LO E OM A Y JTEWEE ANDgs WATClHMAK~ER

*sastronsly defeated to the tune eighty yards for the visitors' only Saxons triumphed over the Gauls DU TSStore its time States'liver sit' 26-0 onthe following Saturday, scr.with a touchdown and a field goal. DRGGST MAIN' ST. ANDOVER. MtASS.

St -on g score.seof__awell thle latter almost unprecedented- Agents for Whitman Candies

ecuted'air attack. The light but Greeks Take Crown in club annals, making the finalrappy''Maine eleveti held their In League Football score 10-0. Ye ANDOVER MANSE! REG. NORTONvn Suecessfully for the first (Cntinued frmm Page' 7 Early i til first quarter a dis- STUDENT'S DINNER, $1.00! THE PARAGON SHOE STORE~riod, but were Scored on threenes in the second quarter. The Now it so happens. because of a Steak and Chicken HIGH GRA-DE REPAIRIN~G'st toitdicdown was made by-JaY habit or custom of TnE PHILLIP- SAY IT WI`TH FLOWERS Week End Guests Accommnodated SHINES

ar.eafter -a double reverse JAN' Boardl. that a heeler totally Telegraphed Anywhere, Anytime 109 Main St. Tel. 8965 Andov'er* Shoes called for and delivered.ap id a. spjinner play. Dale Miller ignoraint of his task was sent uponlT

ored *ile next two touchdowns, the field to write this, article, but J. 111. PLAYDON'St on,4a forward from Jameson, even though he was in a "fog"

ampshii5 en, shil plays later, again going most of the time, as many students 60 Main Street Tel. 70-er tlewline after receiving a for- politely told him, he wa's able to ewe_____to___Abe______

zm-ward,-*im Wardley. During the ascertain that the ptlayers did someab~omove the ball beyond grim determination on every face. R 11Beaux-A r'~ 307-31O E 44th St.

eir own 40-yard marker, but, al- In the first quarter, by blocking BI1LiLi LobaiND.

ough-,,,, numerous opportunities _ _____________whmT you may cit-

!re-o,:,ered, Exeter failed to PE NTDSuccessor to Atrcie- o fotbyFm*ore. ,,;',0he entire second team REETDI H. F. CHASEAtr tie Co ora y Frnse!tnt into action in the last quarter, Every Wednesday mornhng by Sie f123ro sa o ia

WMid* Frank Downey wvas no- The Andover Steam Laundiy Tariffs by day, week, month, season.ble f6Frhis kicking and for mak- .ABnl5fSaifcin Fl ieog the list touchdown after the re- " BudeoSaifcinFulLeofSome of the interesting features are:-ption of a fumble on the 4-yard Agents-CATES & CAPERS FO T AL RATES the some for one or two poiasons.1pe. FO TB L 41____________ S UAICFAST served In the roomns at no euo. chru~.

74 ~~~~~~~~~~~~AND SOCCER * "VI ON4 TAXI FARES I FREE BUS SEMC 1,j,&%84 LY~~LE M. PHILLIPS Center (shopping and theatre zones) and Grand Centirlal fro.IL-L BARBER SHOP RIDING ISU P1LIES eardy morn till neacrly dawn.

At POO-7, SALES 0 SERVING PANTRIES - no need to ring for lke.S NOT TUB USUAL bedroom and bait,, but a complee ,sall

THE PHILLIPS INN RIDING asa '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~3 ~with living room for entertaining.>'B-$AM DE LUCCA JUMPING LESSN Developing Printing SON OUR "PENSION PLAN- we can serve you, 3 measI

______________________________________ ~~~~~~day for $10 a week. Those who cannot utilize all ofth'PHONE 903 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enlarging luncheons of dinners, may invite a like number of guestv.

RTSA~SECA Tr-M PLE'SOuftefoalECIAL MU I"S O utite oral'Do you realize that 2 prosmyhv

AY BREAKFAST BOYS' HEADQUARTERS PhlisAaeyTasan attradtively furnished apartment

co.. ~~~35 For PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS 48 MANST.,boewhnalfr 4 awekURTT HOUSE ~~~Vicor Coumi and ABOrunswiJHck OBEMg.'~ra Hl - 0


PAGE SIX ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FRIDAY, NOV. 9, 19~

of chance.' Exeter, however, finl- It was not. util 1881 that Anw-N Mr. Minet T. Pattonsa:

Andover ~Fullback Eludes: isle oThesaobysonldvc riitdthstdtstgo Ithk:nocrilrse to. un, Bill Odli rp ikExeter Men With Grease trouncing them 34-0. fLikewise An-to xertowchheanl exp)ected1 heights and will crush thle Fo 0Yr iei

(lovrhad, inI 1921,' an undefeated Red 'and Gray by. about 12 to 7."tn I rec II~~~~~~~~~~rcm ltoghte w had Prob-

In a recent .~~~iiover-exet~~r season 'i~~ii~~i was again I~~eateilh/-fl. . . "Billy"io Bi dlinOcaptainptafnfootball ganme Bradford, a Blu ab *. lyl b)(ii 6i~forcedl as, a precato-M.WifedfSde rt: Bu sudfrto er n~

fullba'ck~ appeared on thc.field I it irst 1 .. A. football game on ri masr aist violece, t~ giiAdvrmes'xtreryegte, n one

stripped from the waist up. re~o (I w, is oine that took place b (.istntothe othr handi theN' tinder usual .heavy hlndictips. YearfotbllaDrmutaeWhen askedhsrao o lig twici t he tipper 'class and the se- llIi s(liloe, difficulity getting enough h~y year Andover schooled b ucesu paekikfr ;1so. he replied 'that hle nlihrs in 1856. It is chronicled that studeits. to atId.I a ars hve been ' obliged to acccpt tis (lIr fomte fit-ardnilgrease hilnelf to baffle his the( seniors won the, gamei, played liiii'i teeaprsnclichlene As. for' this game, Tvie- in ~one of hisgie gistacklers, which hie proceeded to behind Bartlet 11a11,. and as a prize torial redn:..tofrV is p)osiblek. ledadGryta(lo andl proved' most illusive. were awar'ledl a. woodenetihorii. '"Ever Itiln na c~el lr Lklm eakdi

dlaubed with gayly colored 'paint. likc~ this 'should hle interested il Ii r.Ceea(1rmre____________________________________ . . * ~~~~~~~~ . athletic sports. 717he very s.chlojafly, hurry Blue's strongest punter and

MOVI -%C~~~I *Exter. in 1892;- had~..jCrfected 'stujeiit o ften maeIh xcs h~ I hve been, to. the gaimes for the

f)unmas's The *Cua ofwone~ hich me11IC1s. they wecre able to -aines and. lias n1ot ltime fort shall 1)1 so busy, wvith thle tea caller, ontit while, in the game it~,* Cristo, . in' (oniat of 'Monte ~~crry off-a v'ictory 'of 201 fronti *NVbI~. ditli. Ilall ilot Ile abto go*elg..efcient heavy k~

0-itoin tsscreen vesois~t ut atr smltiitidoe )o brokeIi ankle'.. This was aconfront iii0~~ ie goers Sdt .10(nd hitter stru gile Subsequently OtcoeO Game thl' V win . citing* gamec, the score 7-7 ait

tirdav evening. Aloinheac id'' ~ .- half being enlArged to a 21 7Ohamrges~ were lbrotight against the-2

The Count of 'Monte Cristo and .w I amjlishiire- school for tile use 'IItffIn f40 Page i i arc\ I [iii i tory for the Freshmen by the e.* 'liked it will he.agree. Ab3 ipesd, ~fsiia~adii ute ndovetr is thle under (log. but 'in tre 1 hoigpse

lby the c incema- transcrijition of iies were pl. .,II\ has m nrdth. amntles it : she fights. harItw of the' Andover. tallies ,what many) consider the best oof fh Ye~u uni 86 \aee te eutmyh Iih running the third acrosshi' .

tales by thle creator ofDTrann n~~~n stcshdl f.n ehoi.i.i asces h i n tie last ..fewv minutes ti f

Thl~y will-find' Dantes fulrly as. ex- . b' \icor' dveflam will give a. finle hip 'lr. I arrows:Bon crd-tieo aBtcIcitin as tl'e fiery (Gasconi 10 of sportsmnanship.."' ... \\ihgobrasndton cnanigmysu. Te

wlont whl tlsa~nishtRkberte\idvr2 Botn.M.CA.0 ak: ~i~1: lat Epek:. tht-asitrwnd his'to Mreds.cThted o hi inovr60 orhstr \ Ae "t lay aksi i ttoma sp .A ilrve:*t. stWdsh hewinngpinI

l~artitilarclo~mkai~l-laggc l~iL~ \iidver27 . H. \olleg 0 1'Nr. Theresa win.Th (i t oune'afr'thtchdowv. n itreasure. aii~~l' revenge, and is ',',dlr 24N dhi'stodon. .Te e HapsirFrlr

nat wileElssZ.'nditaes il\ndover 54 Deatn AcadeM. CA0 that lastbfr theona Exter)l"

pa*;f .c ' Tl )lotloferis1M Exetervi14 . teok The hoer wininninginclassic Football.RI ary \nuluver' 23~ 111otrchevilerA A.0 -iNo.1vsem aer .18 fime htoesolte hl Maaii'ld 1d1isI urdit kt undt teln-p>

* ~~~~ath istlarv coa'k.andovrdagg pnin 'oerrnn-heot in hilp. h i eV t' ('dlt'lIv, uddy kik ing' Tdue! omd Oiil se o. hnc ngame-i sho~v thatanything i. lik Al~idther.27880 geTHe'.uo(ri~''jiII ii'I igwlth n~tI rcollege 0 ' Mon 'iik ud. .aso' ram thle bl

togluethe. prisn 1918 pendo urhiedm ' r o i ,,icEeermi-te, tf'iell~ fii ighlin sirit hiwithe 'te. Ir"i\d~rmdetefnlp(ltiii~~ht'fi~~uit('(I L~~~ t i i~love iiia Tuftste n'Isv pik r ions fo me etpla E eteyi

trasre ad.reveorwe and' wtis wel t0ttegaeeie Th m m e0' il'epltl NeI l mrt~' h or w H camphih.r-A

er e 'arne~~~~~~~~~~~~eas

ment one gels from Camel's fine flavor 'is andoer jinpor-t Gme ith wo ictrie

tarn pycholoicat actorAnd maintainig poise. '!e ortTEetri)How to gt back vm' and eergyDwenpaye out" Thou - UEI!CMLCAAA ihGe Ga' aaL

I rsands oFacsmoer An'ut veifdfo teir own Yaexpeiece hepoptOchetr, Wltr 'KefecAnetrHashw, ndottrh Aular suggestion get a lift wit ar Camel. EWhentired, 14el tookalinrt- ovroWABrColwbia Ntwork kick

wlsill maeyufeFrfehda oodbl.iar as ew. Andties2d-a encvle add TUveSDAY.2. 10pm.ES. On THUSDAY . 9pll.m.11 whS.T. t 'il di ellay imikreune~o h

"sweetish," either. You can smoke Camels steadily. Their finer, ' ~~~ded vcrs lit rthM O hetrE EXENSIVEw i TOACO neviil ergestong thenerves!ake

slan .. ,1iiwi~,cd henseves MOUNTA.IN CLIMBeER.t i t Missi 'ci.,Vo3mime I hve tough 'Ican't go an

the historv i, I oter stp.' hen Icall hal and .ur

of ndoer-xetr oinin cntruen over n over that. ahCamel , asss to C4 a gar a l I

g. a. -is ikely of, tie I W and. g Tives me Atheoeergy to push on." orrofC00111).~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ake

to happell t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ticlidow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~irstfamiliar th result, wasa 26 came w( Inic f~~~~~~~~~ the th:or

dowil if :\ildovel, 1\ ler(~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~.anetogeter,. li I(8.A1~l()vr~ht1 Ili victov -fr he.' whle Ex te il' I'e Ill1r, v, I .ndove insde4 t fiea P vthev were deeattd.1w a.Superio .ij"' wlrh si-

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