iso/iec jtc1/sc7 / wg2n371 _unconfirmed... ·...

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software and Systems Engineering Secretariat: CANADA (SCC) Address reply to: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Secretariat cole de technologie supØrieure Departement of Software and IT Engineering 1100 Notre Dame Ouest, MontrØal, QuØbec Canada H3C 1K3 [email protected] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 /N3636 2006-12-04 Document Type Meeting Minutes Title Meeting Minutes, WG2, Software and Systems Documentation, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 31st October to 2nd November 2006 Source WG2 Project Status Final Reference Action ID FYI or ACT Distribution AG No. of Pages 12 Note

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Page 1: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 / WG2N371 _Unconfirmed... · ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software and Systems ... Working Drafts of ISO/IEC 26511 - User documentation

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Software and Systems Engineering Secretariat: CANADA (SCC)

Address reply to: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Secretariat École de technologie supérieure � Departement of Software and IT Engineering

1100 Notre Dame Ouest, Montréal, Québec Canada H3C 1K3 [email protected]



Document Type Meeting Minutes

Title Meeting Minutes, WG2, Software and Systems Documentation, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 31st October to 2nd November 2006

Source WG2


Status Final


Action ID FYI or ACT

Distribution AG

No. of Pages 12


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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N 371


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

TITLE: Unconfirmed minutes of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 meeting, in the Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 31st October to 2nd November 2006

SOURCE: WG 2 Convener - Richard Hodgkinson FISTC WORK ITEM: STATUS: Unconfirmed REFERENCE: WG2 N 373 (Document register) ACTION: As appropriate

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N 371


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

Unconfirmed minutes of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 meeting held in the Olympic Parktel, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 31st October to 2nd November 2006 1. Opening of Meeting

The Convener, Mr Richard Hodgkinson, called the meeting to order at 09.10 on 2006-10-31 and welcomed the experts to the WG 2 meeting.

2. Roll call of experts

The nine experts present introduced themselves (document N 369 contains the list of participating experts). Margery Watson (NZ) and Mike Unwalla (UK) were unable to attend this meeting.

3. Domestic arrangements

The convenor outlined the logistical and social arrangements for this meeting. Experts present had access to the hotel wireless LAN.

4. Minutes of WG 2 meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand from 2006-05-15 to 19 (N 366)

The minutes of the previous meeting in Bangkok were approved.

5. Conveners� Report The Convener made a brief report on WG 2-related activities since the previous meeting in

Bangkok, Thailand (15th to 19th May 2006): ! The first CD ballot of ISO/IEC 26514 � User documentation requirements for documentation

designers and developers, had closed on 12th October and been approved by the national bodies voting.

! Working Drafts of ISO/IEC 26511 - User documentation requirements for managers, and ISO/IEC 26513 - User documentation requirements for testers and assessors, had been circulated to WG 2 experts prior to this meeting.

! The work of the CEN (European) Workshop on Document Processing for Accessibility (WS/DPA) was progressing well. Mr Hodgkinson had reported on WG 2 activities at the WS/DPA meeting held in Linz, Austria on 12th July. The aim of the WS/DPA is to prepare a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA, i.e. a set of recommendations) to encourage European publishers

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to prepare their books in a common electronic format which would facilitate their reproduction into audio and Braille forms. It is primarily the types of books available in public libraries that are the target of this activity, though text books and technical manuals could also benefit. A draft of the CWA is available and the current efforts of the WS/DPA are focussed upon a series of publishers� production scenarios. SC 7 has a Category B liaison with SC 7, and Mr Hodgkinson is the liaison officer between the two organizations.)

6. National updates and publicity

Steve Moss (NZ) reported that TCANZ now provided information on WG 2 standards on its web site. He also offered to consider any articles on documentation standards from the UK �Communicator� for re-publication in the �Southern Communicator�. (Mr Hodgkinson subsequently emailed a selection of recent articles.) Phil Cohen (Australia) reported that development work on ISO/IEC 26511 was continuing at national level, and that Daryl Colquohoun would be participating in future WG 2 work.

Ralph Robinson (Canada) reported that he had �recruited� a new Canadian expert, Elizabeth Pollack, who would be participating in future WG 2 work.

Richard Hodgkinson (UK) reported that his report on the WG 2 Bangkok meeting had been published in the �Autumn� edition of the ISTC �Communicator� (September 2006) and that a report of the current meeting is planned for the �Winter� edition. He also reported that he had accepted an invitation to present on ISO/IEC 26514 at the TICAD 2007 conference in Warwick, UK on 22nd November ( The audience at the one-day TICAD conference are technical documentation managers, typically from companies such as Jaguar, BAe, Rolls Royce, Thales and Flight Refuelling.

Pr. Yoshikazu Yamamoto (Japan) reported that the Japanese IPSJ �mirror� group to WG 2 continued to hold regular monthly meetings. Annette Reilly (USA) reported that an article on standards had been published in the STC journal, �Intercom�. (Following the meeting, Mr Hodgkinson received an enquiry about participating in WG 2 standards from a US expert, Robert Schneider, who had read the article. He was put in contact with Annette Reilly)

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7. WG programme of work

The suite of WG 2 standards remains unchanged (see below).

User Documentation Software & Life Cycle Documentation


Audience Project: Editor: Priority: Priority: Editor: Priority: Managers ISO/IEC

26511 Australia (CDR)

1 ISO/IEC 26521

(New Zealand?)


Acquirers & Suppliers

ISO/IEC 26512

New Zealand

2 ISO/IEC 26522

Tbd 4

Testers & Assessors

ISO/IEC 26513


2 ISO/IEC 26523

(United Kingdom?)


Designers & Developers

ISO/IEC 26514


1 ISO/IEC 26524

Canada 3

8. ISO/IEC 15289:2006 � Content of systems and software life cycle information products


Annette Reilly reported that this published standard had now been adopted as an IEEE-CS standard.

9. ISO/IEC WD 26511 � User documentation for managers The project editor reported that the Working Draft was finished (draft circulated before this meeting) and whilst the initial recruiting of editors and reviewers had been successful (150+ people in 10 countries), the number of people actually prepared to work on the standard had been disappointing. However, the recruitment had achieved its objective with the building of the WD. The authoring section of the �Project 11� website closed 3 months ago and the �volunteers� directed towards their national standards bodies in order to continue future involvement. The online discussion section of the website was still active. The content of the standard was discussed and it was proposed to add more content on management planning and move the clauses on process to the beginning of the standard. The plan is to send the WD to the SC 7 Secretariat for CD Registration only, by 22nd January 2007. (A 1st CD ballot is planned to follow the May 2007 meeting.)

10. ISO/IEC 26512 � User documentation for acquirers and suppliers A Working Draft for this standard was not available at this meeting.

11. ISO/IEC 26513 � User documentation for testers and assessors

The Working Draft of this standard was circulated beforehand and discussed at this meeting. The editor described how the draft had been compiled (i.e. majority of text from 26514 and 15910) and raised the issue of duplicated content between the new WG 2 standards. Subsequently it was reaffirmed that some content would inevitably be duplicated, but expanded upon in specific standards. This would ensure that the purchaser of each WG 2 standard would have access to all necessary information in a single standard and avoid the practice of havoing to purchase multiple standards to establish the full requirements and recommendations. WG 2 agreed that changes were needed to the Scope (address the audience), additional content was needed for usability testing (process & measurement), roles for usability testing and use of human subjects for testing. The plan is to submit a new WD to the SC 7 Secretariat for NP ballot to be completed by the May 2007 meeting. (SC 7 Deadline is 22nd January 2007.) (A CD Registration and 1st CD ballot should follow the May 2007 meeting.)

12. ISO/IEC CD 26514 � User documentation for designers and developers

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This standard successfully passed its first CD ballot earlier in October, with 620 national body comments received from the USA, UK, Australia and Canada. Comments from New Zealand had been submitted but were not recorded on the comments table�.they were discussed at this meeting. The new project editor from the USA, George Hayhoe, led the discussion through the Technical High, General and the majority of Technical Low comments, which were successfully resolved. The editor was instructed to resolve the remaining Technical Low and Editorial comments with the editing team, and prepare a new draft and Disposition of National Body Comments to enable an FCD ballot to commence. The SC 7 deadline for an FCD ballot to be completed by the May 2007 Plenary meetings is 22nd December 2006.

13. WG2 Project plan

The WG2 Project Plan was reviewed and updated. The revised plan is document WG2 N370. 14. Online Documentation/Dynamic Help project

Professor Yamamoto reported that development of this project led by Keio University was continuing. A proposal to WG 2 is now expected at the next meeting in May 2007.

15. Joint WG meetings

No joint working group meetings were held with WG 2 in Seoul. However, Annette Reilly described the work of WG 22 � Software and systems engineering consolidated vocabulary on ISO/IEC 24765. See

16. New project on software testing

James Moore of the IEEE Computer Society presented to WG 2 on the proposal to develop a new standard on software testing, based upon existing BS and IEEE standards. This would be a four part standard, part 3 addressing �Testing documentation�, i.e. the documentation that would record the test results. It was pointed out that the titles and scopes of this new standard and ISO/IEC 26513 should be clear and unambiguous so that there is no confusion from prospective purchasers and users. It was also agreed that WG 2 experts should monitor and review the drafts. Plan is for an SC 7 New Project ballot to commence in January 2007 and, if successful, a new SC 7 WG created.

17. Meeting with Korea STC chapter members

Prior to this meeting Ralph Robinson had established contact with members of the new Korean chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. On the evening of 31st October, four Korean STC members joined the WG 2 experts who introduced themselves. Mr. Hodgkinson then presented on the work of WG 2 and a valuable discussion followed. This discussion continued afterwards at a traditional Korean restaurant where the WG 2 experts were guests of our Korean colleagues. Following the meeting Mr Hodgkinson formally thanked the Korean experts and provided a copy of the presentation and a copy of ISO/IEC CD 26514. He also established contact with the Korean head of delegation for SC 7. It is hoped that this will lead to future Korean participation in the work of WG 2. Mr Robinson was later thanked by the WG 2 experts for his work in establishing contact and organising this meeting.

18. WG 2 website

It was noted that the website from requires updating. The convenor will provide guidance to the host organisation.

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19. Future meetings

The strategy of holding interim WG 2 meetings in conjunction with (and presenting on WG 2 work at) a technical communication conference was discussed and it was agreed that our 2007 meeting would be held in the USA. Contact has been made with the organisers of both the IPCC 2007 Conference (Seattle, USA, 1st to 3rd October) and the STC Northeast Ohio (Cleveland) chapter regional meeting in mid-October. The convenor will investigate both contacts and report back to the WG 2 experts. The following is the WG 2 meeting calendar: ! SC 7 Plenary and WG Meetings, Montreal, Canada, 20th to 25th May 2007. NOTE: At the time of

preparing this report this has yet to be formally announced. ! WG 2 Only meeting, USA, October 2007 (Dates & venue to be decided). NOTE: The SC 7 Joint

WGs meeting was planned for Montreal, Canada at this time and may be changed due to the likelihood of the Plenary being held in Montreal in May 2007.

! SC 7 Plenary and WG Meetings, Berlin, Germany, May 2008 ! SC 7 Plenary and WG Meetings, India, May 2009?

Richard Hodgkinson FISTC Convener, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 � Software & Systems Documentation [email protected] 2006-11-21

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N370


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441

Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

TITLE: WG 2 Project Plan 2006-11-02 SOURCE: WG 2 Convener � Mr Richard Hodgkinson FISTC WORK ITEM: All WG 2 Work Items STATUS: Final REFERENCE: WG2 N 373 ACTION: As appropriate

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N370




07.03.02 2000-01 IS 6592 07.18 2001-02 2002-04 PDTR 2003-05 DTR 2005-02 TR TR 9294

07.03.01 1999-10 2001-05 2001-05 2001-10 2003-10 IS 9127R 07.03.39 2000-05 2000-10 2003-10

2004-10 CD 2 2003-10 2004-10




IS 15289

07.03.40 2004-05* IS 15910 07.45 1999-10 2000-01 2001-01 2001-10 2001-12 2003-03 2004-02 IS18019

2006-09 (2006-11) (2007-05) (2007-10) (2007-12) (2008-05) (2008-10) IS 26511 (AUS) (2007-06) (2007-10) (2007-10) (2008-05) (2008-10) (2009-05) (2009-10) IS 26512 (NZ) 2006-10 (2007-06) (2007-10) (2008-05) (2008-10) (2009-05) (2009-10) IS 26513 (UK) 2006-04 2006-06 2006-06 (2006-11) (2006-12) (2007-06) (2008-05) IS 26514 (US) (2007-10) (2008-06) (2008-06) (2008-10) (2009-05) (2009-10) (2010-05) IS 26521 (NZ) (2008-10) (2009-06) (2009-06) (2009-10) (2010-06) (2010-10) (2011-06) IS 26522 (TBD) (2008-10) (2009-06) (2009-06) (2009-10) (2010-06) (2010-10) (2011-06) IS 26523 (UK?) (2007-10) (2008-06) (2008-06) (2008-10) (2009-05) (2009-10) (2010-05) IS 26524 (CAN)

* ISO/IEC 15910 reconfirmed at SC7 Plenary (Brisbane)

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N 369


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

TITLE: Experts attending WG 2 Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2006-10-31 to 2006-11-02

SOURCE: WG 2 Convener - Richard Hodgkinson FISTC WORK ITEM: N/A STATUS: Final REFERENCE: WG2 N 373 ACTION: None

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N 369


ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom British Standards Institution (BSi) 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

EXPERTS ATTENDING WG 2 MEETING AT OLYMPIC PARKTEL, SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 2006-10-31 to 2006-11-02 Phil Cohen Australia phil.cohen at George Hayhoe USA george at Richard Hodgkinson United Kingdom richard_hodgkinson at Cery Giddings United Kingdom CGIDDIN at Tom Kurihara USA tkstds at Steve Moss New Zealand steve at Annette Reilly USA annette.d.reilly at Ralph Robinson Canada r2inovatns at Pr. Yoshikazu Yamamoto Japan yama at

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

TITLE: WG 2 Document Register SOURCE: WG 2 Convener - Mr. Richard Hodgkinson FISTC WORK ITEM: WG 2 Documents WG 2 N369 to WG 2 N373 (inclusive) STATUS: Final REFERENCE: ACTION: FYI

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 N 373

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ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 2 Software and Systems Documentation Secretariat: United Kingdom (BSi) British Standards Institution 389 Chiswick High Road LONDON W4 4AL United Kingdom Tel: +44 020 8996 7441 Fax: +44 020 8996 7448

WG 2 DOCUMENT REGISTER (2006-11-13) N 369 Experts present, WG 2 Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2006-10-31 to 2006-11-02 N 370 WG 2 Project Plan, revised 2006-11-02 N 371 Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2006-10-31 to 2006-11-02 N 372 Notice of meeting and draft agenda, WG 2 Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 2007-05-21 to 2007-05-25 N 373 WG 2 Document Register 2006-11-13 (this document)