issue 3 - st mark's college - port pirie | home

The Year 9s marched as one. The Bosco Sports earned many cheers. The Benedict leaders impressed and Sr Mary is lovingly remembered and special visitors arrived. Rite Journey Launch Last Monday night we held a gathering of Year 9 students and their mums and dads. Large numbers turned up at tea time gathering on the Polding Lawns. A ritual unfolded and there was a chance for reflection and connection. It became an important occasion. The Year 9 students marched in behind banners representing their life and hope. They had been created earlier. They sat themselves in front of their families. We were able to watch them shuffle in this informal march across the lawns with their friends and classmates and think a lile about their growth and potential. It was a gently moving moment. There were slightly nervous Year 9s, walking and they knew that they were being watched. They were thinking about growing up and in their pocket was a note about leaving a childlike behaviour behind. Mums and dads were quiet and reflective. It will be the first of a number of rituals that students are involved in this year that defines their transition from childhood to adulthood. The students are involved in the Rite Journey program. This is important in the school and earlier that day the Year 12s had gathered to welcome them in a similar procession. It was a proud moment for me as the 12s applauded, high fived, smiled and welcomed. The families were quieter than the 12s. The parents sat smiling. There were speeches. Me, inevitably, some students, and parents Ma Coates and Teresa Dunbar. They spoke well about the program and the impact on their older children. The Year 9s gave voice to aspiration and vision for the year. Behind the scenes Caleb Brown and Tom Gilligan were organising, teachers were cooking sausages, and things were being set up. The parents had a chance to tell some stories to their child and munch a sausage as well. It was good stuff. Aspirational. Relational. Connecting. Bosco Sports Day There was a wonderful atmosphere for the Bosco Sports Day. Teams seemed unified. Leaders had prepared banners and streamers. Colours flapped and adorned anything that could be held by sticky tape. The paper fluering predicted the fun and competition of the day. Balloons had been blown up and there was a Year 12 fancy dress enthusiasm. The day seemed streamlined. Events went on time. Students were focussed and cooperated. Some just entered for a point. Others tried very hard. The temperature was perfect and the track quite fast. The staff were very keen to make this a special day for the students and there were moments of inspiration from those students. Marshall Mieglich was quite outstanding and thrilled us with exceptional fitness and speed. Beau Bridley broke five records and emerged powerfully throughout the day. Jordan Ganley was so determined with her strong running. The sprints were mightily contested and Charlie Tiller was exceptional time and time again and the Open 100 was very fast with a power finish by Nick Wilsdon. The relays created a cohesion. We loved the intensity of the effort and the closeness of the results. Gallagher just seemed to have enough in them to take the day. They entered all the events. They had plenty of stars but they also had numbers to get that one point. The scoreboard couldn’t ignore their determination. Robert Cronin continued to describe events in that ABC Radio announcer calm enthusiasm. Kris Sjostrom kept the workers focussed and happy. John Gibson got the starter gun for the first time and it looked very comfortable in his hand. We congratulate him on his promotion. The day is always about the fun and the excellence. It is about belonging to a House and cheering and making an effort. There were big efforts and tight victories, important trophies and generous applause. Sports Day is Issue 3 5 March 2021 RECEPTION 7 3 8803 Dakota and Isabella lead the members of the ‘Father Son and Holy Sisters’ into the Rite Journey launch

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The Year 9s marched as one. The Bosco Sports earned many cheers. The Benedict leaders impressed and Sr Mary is lovingly remembered and special visitors arrived.

Rite Journey Launch Last Monday night we held a gathering of Year 9 students and their mums and dads. Large numbers turned up at tea time gathering on the Polding Lawns. A ritual unfolded and there was a chance for reflection and connection. It became an important occasion. The Year 9 students marched in behind banners representing their life and hope. They had been created earlier. They sat themselves in front of their families. We were able to watch them shuffle in this informal march across the lawns with their friends and classmates and think a little about their growth and potential. It was a gently moving moment. There were slightly nervous Year 9s, walking and they knew that they were being watched. They were thinking about growing up and in their pocket was a note about leaving a childlike behaviour behind. Mums and dads were quiet and reflective. It will be the first of a number of rituals that students are involved in this year that defines their transition from childhood to adulthood. The students are involved in the Rite Journey program. This is important in the school and earlier that day the Year 12s had gathered to welcome them in a similar procession. It was a proud moment for me as the 12s applauded, high fived, smiled and welcomed. The families were quieter than the 12s. The parents sat smiling. There were speeches. Me, inevitably, some students, and parents Matt Coates and Teresa Dunbar. They spoke well about the program and the impact on their older children. The Year 9s gave voice to aspiration and vision for the year. Behind the scenes Caleb Brown and Tom Gilligan were organising, teachers were cooking sausages, and things were being set up. The parents had a chance to tell some stories to their child and munch a sausage as well. It was good stuff. Aspirational. Relational. Connecting.

Bosco Sports Day There was a wonderful atmosphere for the Bosco Sports Day. Teams seemed unified. Leaders had prepared banners and streamers. Colours flapped and adorned anything that could be held by sticky tape. The paper fluttering predicted the fun and competition of the day. Balloons had been blown up and there was a Year 12 fancy dress enthusiasm. The day seemed streamlined. Events went on time. Students were focussed and cooperated. Some just entered for a point. Others tried very hard. The temperature was perfect and the track quite fast. The staff were very keen to make this a special day for the students and there were moments of inspiration from those students. Marshall Mieglich was quite outstanding and thrilled us with exceptional fitness and speed. Beau Bridley broke five records and emerged powerfully throughout the day. Jordan Ganley was so determined with her strong running. The sprints were mightily contested and Charlie Tiller was exceptional time and time again and the Open 100 was very fast with a power finish by Nick Wilsdon. The relays created a cohesion. We loved the intensity of the effort and the closeness of the results. Gallagher just seemed to have enough in them to take the day. They entered all the events. They had plenty of stars but they also had numbers to get that one point. The scoreboard couldn’t ignore their determination. Robert Cronin continued to describe events in that ABC Radio announcer calm enthusiasm. Kris Sjostrom kept the workers focussed and happy. John Gibson got the starter gun for the first time and it looked very comfortable in his hand. We congratulate him on his promotion. The day is always about the fun and the excellence. It is about belonging to a House and cheering and making an effort. There were big efforts and tight victories, important trophies and generous applause. Sports Day is


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Dakota and Isabella lead the members of the ‘Father Son and Holy Sisters’ into the Rite Journey launch

a wonderful occasion. It defines us in a special way.

Benedict Leadership I had to conduct a tour of the Benedict campus the other day and Angus Hall and Eve Porta, the newly elected captains of the Junior School, were there to help me. I had a chance to show parents around and tell them about what makes us unique; what makes us special. In the end, the best thing was to ask our Captains about their experience and their opinions. Our visitors were so keen to hear of the Year 6 experience and how Angus and Eve saw the St Mark’s world. The two students were gentle and courteous in response to questions. They laughed generously at my jokes. They directed and guided with a Year 6 politeness. Really, they were outstanding ambassadors and spoke of how we organise and what we value. I think that our new parents gained a greater confidence because they met Angus and Eve. I guess that is part of what leaders do.

Parents and Friends It was 7.30am and the McBride 4 Wheel Drive arrived at the Bosco Oval. Three perfectly dressed children alighted and began to help unload with mother Kate. ‘How did she get them up and dressed so early?’ I thought. ‘How did she convince them to help so graciously?’ The Gebert Van was a minute behind. Peter had 28 bags of ice. He had lots of stuff on board so I saw. Other parents appeared. They were dressed in the P+F poloshirts. I witnessed an army like organisation – Operation Bosco began. Tents were up. Weights attached in case of wind. The P+F banner fluttered. Soft drinks were iced. Signs erected. And the sizzle of sausages wasn’t far away. They were receiving cakes, getting out a cash register, staking chip boxes and they even had Covid preparation as a priority. I needed to attach something at one stage and out came the cable ties. They

were prepared, focussed, joking, united and the Bosco Sports Day was so much better because so many of them helped generously and efficiently. Our parents are gracious and helpful. They serve. They care. I tried to say thank you at the recent AGM of the P+F. I hope that they heard it. We are very grateful.

Visitors for over the ranges A whole lot of excitement came into the College when we received a visit by the Year 6s from St James and St Joseph’s Gladstone. They came for a look at the College and had a chance to experience all that goes on in the community and the classroom. It was a special day for us. They were very welcome and I thank our teachers for their hospitality. I get a deep sense of our Catholic connection and unity when something like this happens. This educational system is powerful.

Mr Greg Hay, Principal

Sr Mary It is with sadness we acknowledge the passing of Good Samaritan Sister, Mary Howard. Sister Mary died peacefully on Monday, 1 March at Southern Cross Care in Adelaide. She was a past staff member with a great love of the College. She was a beautiful presence in the parish and unfailingly led a dutiful and holy life. She was a delightful story teller and had this deep enthusiasm for schools and learning, the potential of children and the ministry of the Church. Sr Mary was always bustling to do a job, stopping for a chat, remembering the network and connections between people in the mid north and then she was smiling. She was always smiling. Chattering. Remembering things. Her life was a deep expression of goodness. She stopped and responded just as the Good Samaritan did in the gospel. She had a sense of holiness and an intuition for the sacred just as St Benedict did. For Sr Mary, life seemed fundamentally good and people were important. She made an impression on so many. Let us be united in prayer as she now shares the fullness of life.

Gallagher Captains Alana and Max being presented the winners shield by Fr Jimmy

Key Dates and Campus Information

Benedict Campus:

Week 7: 8/3 - 12/3 Week 8: 15/3 - 19/3

Mon Adelaide Cup Long Weekend Mon Parents and Friends Meeting 7.00pm, Bosco Conference Room


SRC Liturgy and Badge Presentation Good Samaritan Hall, 9.00am

Tues College Board AGM and Meeting Bosco Library, 7.30pm (see page ??? for further information)Sacramental Information Meeting

Good Samaritan Hall, 7.30pm

Wed Wed Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews Bosco Centre, 4.00 - 6.30pm

Thu Reception and Year 1 Gymnastics Visit ThuHarmony DayReception and Year 1 Gymnastics Visit

Fri Little Lions Session 5 Fri Little Lions Session 6

• Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews are on Wednesday 17 March. These interviews are an opportunity for parents of Year 12 students to meet with key teachers and ask questions about their progress and learning. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. The interviews will be held in the Bosco Centre from 4.00pm - 6.30pm. Interview times will be made online through Parent Teacher Online (PTO). An individual letter outlining your log in and password details, as well as how to make bookings, will be emailed to parents early next week.

• Port Hughes was once again overtaken by our Year 7 students this week. We were extremely lucky with the weather with warm sunny days and refreshingly cool evenings. The students and their teachers explored the coastal area over three days and two nights. Their days were filled with challenging activities that created laughter and formed new friendships. I am sure many lasting memories were created and there will be excitement as these are shared with families on their return. I thank all the teachers involved in making this experience available for our students.

• This week our students have been undertaking their PAT-Math and PAT-Reading tests. These will be important in guiding our teachers in how to best support your child and their access to the curriculum. In the coming weeks, teachers will be reviewing this data. Please feel free to discuss these results with your child’s teachers during Parent Teacher Interviews next term.

• There is an abundance of items in Lost Property! If your child is missing any items encourage them to check at the Bosco Student Office.

Mr Marc Forster, Deputy Principal, Bosco Campus

Bosco Campus:

• Classes have well and truly established routines and expectations as they develop their collaborating, communicating, researching, self-managing and thinking skills.

• Student data is being collected via a number of assessment tools to better inform teachers about their students, both academically and pastorally.

• The 40 days of Lent has commenced with weekly Lenten Liturgies and donations to Project Compassion as we try to ‘Be More’ in 2021.

• A more secure fence and gates have been erected to ensure an upgrade in safety for the Benedict students.

• Students and staff took part in Clean Up Australia Day with a Clean Up Benedict Day.

• Semester 1 SRCs have been elected! The Liturgy and Badge Ceremony will now be at 9am, Tuesday 9 March due to Sr Mary’s Prayer Vigil.

• The Year 3/4 build moves along steadily with the removal of key areas in preparation for transportables to be moved and building to begin. Please note, Week 11 (Tuesday 6 - Friday 9 April) will be a Student Free Week as power and water supplies will be cut. We return to school after the holidays on Tuesday 27 April (not Wednesday 28 April as indicated in the calendar).

• The Year 5/6 Choir has begun preparation for the Festival of Music under the talented baton of Mr Isaac Ellis.

• Year 5s have begun preparations for the Easter Reenactment under the guidance of Mrs Karen Murphy and Mr Bret Swensson.

• Year 6s have chosen a design and ordered their Year 6 tops! Many thanks to Mrs Dunning and Mrs Fantinel for your help.

• Year 6 House Leaders have been elected and have held their first official breakfast meeting to set up the 2021 Challenge Cup.

• Year 6s will participate in their first local SAPSASA Carnival next Friday. Thank you to Mrs Jo Wilsdon for organising.

• The Year 6 Sleepover has been postponed to May 7, Term 2 due to unforeseen circumstances.

Ms Melissa Gadaleta, Deputy Principal, Benedict Campus

The above schedule is subject to change with COVID-19 restrictions.

Religious Education

From the APRIMThis newsletter reflection comes to you as I share time with our Year 7 students on Camp. A time to build connections and relationships and grow in their sense of belonging and welcome to the Bosco Campus community.

Lent Our preparation for Easter continues. I have been heartened by the initiatives happening throughout the College including prayer, action and advocating. In so many ways I have seen people in our community trying to be the best person that they can be. Thank you to the Benedict classes who are leading us in prayerful reflections each Monday based on the Caritas Project Compassion stories.

Rest peacefully Sr Mary I had a heavy heart on Monday when the news came through that our dear Sr Mary Howard SGS had passed away early in the morning. We didn’t get the chance to personally say goodbye to someone who is very much at the heart of the story of this community. Fortunately, through the power of technology and friends we could communicate our gratitude and appreciation. We were able to thank her for all that she has contributed so joyfully and generously to not only the Port Pirie community but the wider Diocesan family and the Good Samaritan order. Sr Mary thank you for being a wonderful faith witness, sharing your love of life and being a supportive figure for so many of our families. Rest peacefully in God’s care.

Sacramental Information Evening Parents who are interested in their children receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion or Confirmation this year are asked to make it a priority to attend the Sacramental Meeting next week. This meeting will be Tuesday 9 March at 7:30pm in the Good Samaritan Hall, Benedict Campus.

Rite Journey Launch Our Year 9s participated in there Calling and Departure ceremony last week. This is a pivotal beginning of the journey they will undertake throughout the year in their Religious Education class groups. On that morning the students participated in a “Calling Ceremony”. This was to become one as a group on a journey of letting go of their childhood and embracing all that their journey towards adulthood holds. The

SOUTHERN CROSS: Click here for the latest edition.

group walked back from their “Calling” through Benedict Campus to the Bosco oval for morning tea. This was another symbol in this ritual that they were letting go of being young children. Significantly they were met upon their return by our former Rite Journey students who are now in Year 12. These older students offered words of advice and encouragement as they shared in morning tea together. The students were later supported to undertake this journey with a BBQ and ceremony attended by their families. It was a wonderful occasion of community and support. I am excited for what our Year 9 students will experience with their teachers Mr Tom Gilligan, Mr Matthew Munday, Ms Fiona Clarke and Ms Toni Freer this year.

Teacher Induction Teachers new to our school and the Port Pirie Diocese attended their initial induction day last week at the Port Pirie Catholic Education Office.

Year 9s symbolically throw a stone into the water, saying goodbye to their childhood and moving into adulthood

Here they gained a greater understanding of our Catholic context and also their role as a teacher of Religious Education. They also had the opportunity to meet key people in our system and explore the vocation they are undertaking as a part of our College community.

Enhancing our Catholic Identity This year we are gathering some data and exploring how our Catholic Identity is expressed here at the College. Students, staff and parents will be asked to contribute their feedback around our work as a Catholic community. Surveys will be distributed this term and your input is greatly appreciated. Please keep an eye out for communication from Mr Hay.

Mrs Katie Pole, APRIM

Mr Gilligan congratulates Morrie and all of the Year 9s on the beginning of Rite Journey

Meg and Emmerson lead the Gilmore Girls back to Bosco Campus

Congratulations to our Benedict House Leaders:Ryan and Leana (Polding), Emily and Jake (Bosco), Lilli and Joel (Gallagher) and Peyton and Noah (McNally)

Year 6s ‘busting a move’

Ada and Tarisai find out more about each other during the Year 6 Leadership Program

Cruz and Charlie discuss their similarities and differences during the Year 6 Leadership

“I am looking forward to being a leader for the school and helping others around the school yard. This role means a lot to me because I have always looked up to

the school captains and now it is my time to be a good role model for my peers. Something I am passionate about is

playing sport for my school and helping others with their schoolwork.”

Angus, School Captain 2021

“When I was told that I was the School Captain I couldn’t believe it. I was very

excited and happy. I look forward to planning school activites and

representing the school at events.

I hope that I can be a leader that the school will be proud of.”

Eve, School Captain 2021

Congratulations to our Benedict School Captains Angus and Eve

Student Leadership Program Year 6 students have built their confidence and skills in leadership. We congratulate the new leaders who have been elected.

Around Benedict Campus

CongratulationsStar Salesian Students

6B Cruz Salvemini

6R Ella Caddy

6G Peyton Wright

5B Dylan Spence

5R Grace Bailey

4B Mariana Kambanos

4R Caleb Cameron

3B Lexie Camporeale

3R Archie Reddaway

2B Isabelle McInerney

2R George Olsen

1B Jacob Massner

1R Hunter Maynard

RB Delta Smith

RR Jameson Cable

RGr Bastian Loizeau

RGo Ted Fetherstonhaugh

Star Samaritan Students 6B Alyssa Paparella

6R Charlie Waters

6G Mohamed Hendy

5B Kailee Lack

5R Sherwin David

4B Riley Pisani-Yuke

4R Thomas McBride

3B Braxton Camporeale

3R Anna Frkic

2B Harper Sard

2R Poppy Clarke

1B Mia Saler

1R Khadija Hendy

RB Olivia Wood

RR Ainslee Ferme

RGo Rory Bowman

Faith in ActionEden Roros

Jack Cole

LITTLE LIONS > Little Lions visiting the library and borrowing their very first book

INDIGENOUS STUDENTS > Students enjoying morning tea with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Focus Teacher, Miss Camporeale

LITERACY > 3 Blue have been learning about ‘dge’ and ‘ge’ sounds by becoming spelling rappers

INDIGENOUS STUDENTS > Eva, Xavier and Riley having fun in the Indigenous Garden

LITTLE LIONS > Year 6 Paige with her Little Lions buddy Elsie

ARTWORK > Tabitha and Flynn with their polar bear artwork

Jackson sprinting to the finish line

Ready, set, GO! Open Boys 100m

Bosco Athletics Day


1st Gallagher

2nd McNally

3rd Bosco

4th Polding


• Beau Bridley U13 Boys Javelin- 26.63m; Long Jump- 4.72m; 200m- 00:28:40; Shot Put- 11.38m; Triple Jump- 9.31m

• Finlay Roberts U13 Girls Javelin- 17.24m• Alyssa Ganley U13 Girls Long Jump 3.65m• Chloe Pilkington U13 Girls 800m- 3:13

INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONS: U13 Alyssa Ganley and Beau Bridley

U14 Violet Jackson and Kobi Ganley

U15 Lilly Bowyer and Marc Richards

U16 Charli Tiller and Kalan Hayes

Open Jordan Ganley and Nick Wilsdon

Olivia, Charlie, Matilda, Sienna, Kyleah and Finley

Ben and Henry in the relay Sarah and Meg

Our Gallagher Year 12s celebrate with Mr Munday

Archie, Ethan, Kale, Rafael and Bailey

MATHS > Year 7 students have been using a range of maths skills through the ‘Four Operations’ card game, created by Mr Gibson. The range of rules requires the students to calculate whole numbers using multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Fun while learning!

Around Bosco Campus

BOARDING > Several of our Boarders visited Riding with the Disabled this week. Georgia is pictured with one of the horses.

ENGLISH > Students in 9M English have developed a range of campaign messages to spread the word about anti-bullying. Working in groups the students interviewed peers and teachers about bullying, and then created promotional materials (badges, posters, short films, picture books and songs) to help raise awareness that bullying is not ok.

Left- Amelia and Matilda making campaign badges

Right- Jaxon, Jessica, Zara and Lucas create their own promotional video

AGRICULTURE > Ag students have been involved in a two day Crutching and Wool Handling Course at McNally Farm on Thursday and Friday this week. Thanks to SWI Trainer Dave Reichelt for delivering the Training, that was delivered, fee free, under Australian Wool Industry Funding.Special thanks to Heath Tiller for providing sheep for the course and also to Gary Smith who transported the sheep. Their ongoing support is greatly appreciated.

TEXTILES > Year 10s, including Adele, Harper and Jerrylee have been busy making coin purses in a range of bold patterns.

Port Football and Community Sporting Club

Open daily from 9.00am

Online Canteen Orders for Benedict and Bosco:

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who supported our P+F stall at Bosco Athletics Day:

• Woolworths who donated sausages for the sausage sizzle

• All volunteers who helped on the stall

• Everyone who donated baked goods

Your support is greatly appreciated!

AGM The P+F would like to congratulate the following Office Bearers:

• President- Kate McBride

• Vice President- Peter Gebert

• Secretary-Sarah Freer

• Treasurer-Maxie Schoeman

Thank you to all our general members again for putting your hands up to help. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Kate McBride, P+F President

Community Notices

REMINDER: Hot Cross Buns orders are due by

Monday 22 March.

Return your order form and money to one of our Administration Offices. Order forms still

available at Bosco Student Office. Support the P+F and enjoy some delicious

Bakers Delight buns over Easter!

Parents + FriendsCatering Contract St Mark’s College invites suitably qualified catering contractors to tender for the supply and management for the following services:

• Benedict Canteen

• Bosco Canteen

• Salesian House (5-Day Boarding) Catering

The contract will be for a period up to 3 years with a further 2-year option upon agreement between the parties on completion of the initial contract period.

Tenders Close: 4pm on Friday 26 March 2021

For further information please contact the St Mark’s College Business Manager Jo Court at [email protected]

College Board AGM The College Board’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 March, 7.30pm in the Bosco Library.

Need help with English speaking? English Reading? English Writing? TAFE SA Port Pirie Campus now offers Certificate I and II in English Proficiency FREE for eligible SEE clients. Visit TAFE SA on Mary Elie Street to book an appointment for an assessment.

2021 Diocesan Assembly Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 March at the Port Pirie Sports Precinct Registrations are open for the Port Pirie Diocesan Assembly, featuring Guest Presenter Fr Frank Brennan SJ. A suggested donation of $40 is requested to assist with costs. If that amount makes it difficult for you to attend, please come as our guest. For information or a registration form contact Martine at the the Diocesan Office on 8632 0550. Registrations close Friday 12 March.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter Liturgies

• Friday 19 March Solemnity of St Joseph- 12.00pm Mass

• Wednesday 24 March 11.30am Chrism Mass, Cathedral

• Sunday 28 March Palm Sunday, Masses as scheduled

• Monday 29 March Parish Recollection, Cathedral- 6.00 - 7.00pm

• Tuesday 30 March Second Rite of Reconciliation, Cathedral- 6.00pm

• Thursday 1 April Holy Thursday Mass, Cathedral- 7.00pm and Crystal Brook- 7.30pm

• Friday 2 April Good Friday, Stations of the Cross, Memorial Park- 11.00am Redhill- 3.00pm Mass, Cathedral and Crystal Brook, 3.00pm

• Saturday 3 April Easter Vigil Mass, Cathedral- 8.00pm

• Sunday 4 April Easter Sunday Mass, Crystal Brook- 8.30am, Redhill- 10.00am, Cathedral- 10.30am, St Anthony’s- 5.00pm

Supa Kids Easter at Memorial Park Family Fun Day Enjoy songs, games, crafts and Bible stories at the Supa Kids Club Easter event: Sunday 28 March, 3.00 - 5.00pm at Memorial Park (Gertrude Street)

All welcome!