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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Individual Presentation


    Tech n o logies fo r Deve lop in g Sys tem s

    I n f o r m a t i o n S ys t e m s T h e o r y a n d P r a c t ic e 5 3 1

    L e ct u r e r i n c h a r g e :

    Dr. Samantha Thelijjagoda

    P r e s e n t e d b y :

    S. Sabraz Nawaz


    Technologies for Developing Systems Foundations of Systems Development

    o Structured Development

    o Fourth-Generation Languages

    o Software Prototyping

    o Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

    o Object-Oriented Development

    o Client-Server Computing

    System Integrationo ERP Systems

    o Middleware

    Inter-organizational System Development Internet-Based Systems

    o Application Servers

    o Java

    o Web Services

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Agenda Case Discussion

    o System Integration

    o Inter-organizational System Development

    o Internet-Based Systems

    Question and Discussion

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 3

    System Integration One of the major challenges for CIOs

    o Comp lex an d expensive: systems from different technologies to be


    o Risk y ; systems may crash

    Can be done in different approaches;

    o DBM S: data oriented view to integration; common database e.g., Oracle

    o ER P: application view of integration, applications can communicate (e.g.,


    o Middlew are : applications communicate via third party software

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 4

  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    ERP Systems ERP provides the means to integrate businessdepartments and functions across an organization

    o Single vend or (e.g. SAP)

    o Single set of applications

    o Single database

    If properly installed, the ERP systems will return

    considerable payback

    Many successes and failures

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 5

    Colgate PalmoliveCase Example for ERP Systems

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Colgate Palmolive 200 years old consumer product leader Decentralized structure with national or regional control

    in 200 countries

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 7

    Colgate Palmolive: Problem Decentralized structure;

    o In dependent operat ion s; expensiv e to coord inat e

    o Slow response to m arket changes

    o Constrained company growth

    Competitive crisis in the mid-1990s, and complexdecentralized IT infrastructureo Coordination p roblem s

    o Sales dropped

    o Dep rived firm gr ow th

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Colgate Palmolive: Strategy Management needed to

    to centralize the structure

    develop new products

    reduce product delivery cycle

    reduce cost of operations

    Integrate the supply chain in 80 countries; reduce the

    cost by $150million

    Integrate the distribution in 200 countries

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 9

    Colgate Palmolive: Solution

    Implemented SAP R/3 system to integrate

    worldwide operations, across business functions

    o S&D, MM, HR, and Finance modules

    Took 5 years and $430 million to complete

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Colgate Palmolive: Outcome Saved $50 million and $100 million in first twoyears

    o Savings allocated R&D for new products

    o 60% reduction in product delivery cycle

    o Improved cooperation amongst regional subsidiaries andsuppliers

    o Regained number one market position for toothpaste inUS after 34 years

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 11

    Covered System Integration

    Inter-organizational System Development

    Internet-Based Systems

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Inter-organizational System (IOS)

    Development IOSs that connect organizations; if in two or more

    countries, then called Global Information System

    Main business trend is business ecosystems; groupings

    of businesses that w ork closely

    o This trend affect the way systems are built; Supply chain m anagement

    systems (SCM)

    o Another type of IOS is Platform which provides infrastructure for the

    operation of a business ecosystem or an industry

    Exam ple: Am erican Air lines SA BRE reserv at ion sy stem

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 13

    A Sample IoS

    Source: Information Technology for Management, by Efraim Turban

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Hong Kong Exchanges andClearing (HKEx)

    Case Example for IOS Development

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 15

    HKEx Asias second and worlds ninth largest stock market

    Stock markets globalized

    o Investors are demanding and need more features; faster, cheaper and secure


    Automatic order Matching and execution System (AMS)

    handled security trading

    o AMS/1

    o AMS/2

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    HKEx: Problem AMS/1o First generation system

    o A closed system; allowed brokers to enter orders but from special terminals fromHKExs trading floor

    AMS/2o Second generation system

    o Allowed orders from dedicated terminals in brokers offices

    o Didnt connect external networks nor other computers of 500 brokers

    Wanted;o an open architecture to reach market beyond Honk Kong

    o To interconnect business partners systems

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 17

    HKEx-Solution: AMS/3 Open up the system to individual investors

    Improve the efficiency and competitiveness by

    integrating the system to enable End to End trading


    o Investors BrokersMarket

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Development of AMS/3 A daunting project;o Consumed 40 staff, 150 consultants and 500 brokers

    o Took 02 years to complete

    o Five development teams

    Network, Open Gateway, Multi-workstation system,

    Order routing system and User acceptance testing

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 19

    Development of AMS/3 (Cont.)

    Each week project management reported to project steering


    Trading and Settlement Committee consisting of stakeholders

    o Review ed t he d evelop m ent

    o Offered opinions

    During the 02 years, HKEx kept on dialoging with interested

    partieso En sured they accep t t he s yst em

    o Got ideas to im prove the syst em

    o Used media to educate investors

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Development of AMS/3 (Cont.) Testing was done at three level

    o Com ponent testing

    o Partial integration testing between component s

    o In teg ra tion tes tin g w hich tes ted end-t o-process

    Overall testing was 40% of the project

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 21

    Three layer implementation

    o Preparation: applications were moved to production environment

    o 1st l a y e r : infrastructure was implemented

    o 2 n d l a y e r : access portions were launched; terminals, workstations, etc.

    o 3 rd l a y e r : new trading functions were introduced

    Development of AMS/3 (Cont.)

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    AMS/3: Outcome Investors can query or order from mobile phones or Internet;o their brokers should have registered with AMS3

    Brokers can enter orders like earlier and through open


    o Data can flow between AMS/3 and brokers back office systems

    Customized services for individual investors

    More transparent;

    o Timely information to members & investors

    The largest trading system with 500 exchange participants

    Now foundation of industry ecosystem

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 23

    Covered System Integration

    Inter-organizational System Development

    Internet-Based Systems

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Internet-Based Systems Internet users are sophisticated; Internet based systems;o are to be scalable, reliable

    o Needed t o be inter connected in tern ally an d externally w ith cus tom ers

    and partners

    Programming language differences have to be dealt with

    Three aspects of Internet based systemso F r a m e w o r k : application servers

    o La n g u a g e : Java

    o En v ir o n m en t: Web Services

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 25

    Application Servers A middleware to link a Web server to application on

    other company systems


    Web serverApplication



    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 26

  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Java Component-based tools with open systems for rapidInternet based systems development

    Become an standard platform for developing server-

    side applications

    o Ja va 2 En terp rise Ed ition (J2EE)

    o En terpr ise Java Beans (EJB)

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 27

    Web Services Self-contained, self-describing business and consumer

    modular applications, delivered over the Internet, thatusers can select and combine through almost any device(from personal computers to mobile phones)

    Two methods available1. Ex p os in g: existing codes wrapped in XML) and give an Internet address

    2. Using an e x pose d code

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Using a Web Service

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 29

    Service from Registry

    1. Publish theservice available

    2. Searchto find a service

    3. Service found

    4. Call the Service provider

    5. Response

    Web Service


    Web Service


    Building a Web ServiceCase Example

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    S t e p 0 1: Expose the code

    o Currency conversion code of a credit card processor is encapsulated in an XML


    Building a Web Service

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    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 32

    Building a Web Service (cont)

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  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    S t e p 0 3 : Publish the service; service description let for

    others to find

    o Done by registering it in a UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description, and

    Integration) registry; a Web Services yellow pages

    Building a Web Service (cont)

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    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 36

    Building a Web Service (cont)

  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    S t ep 0 4 : Find a currency conversion

    Web service

    o Other services can find this service. E.g., a Pricing

    Web Service

    o The Pricing w eb sends a request

    o Asks for a list ing of cur ren cy conversion Web


    o The reply is sent back

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 37

    Building a Web Service (cont)

    Building a Web Service (cont) S t e p 0 5 : Invoke a Web service

    o The Pricing Web Service can now invoke the selected currency conversion WebService

    E.g., Convert $1000 into SLR

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    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 39

    Building a Web Service (cont)

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 40

    Building a Web Service (cont)

  • 8/2/2019 ISTP Presentation - Final


    ISTP 5

    Individual Presentation by S. Sabraz Nawaz

    Sample Web Service

    Individual Presenta tion by: S. Sab raz Nawa z 41

    Covered System Integration

    Inter-organizational System Development

    Internet-Based Systems

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    ISTP 5

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