isu drumline packet 2018 (180530)

Iowa State University Drumline Packet 2018

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Page 1: ISU Drumline Packet 2018 (180530)




Page 2: ISU Drumline Packet 2018 (180530)



Individual improvement is the key to our success as an ensemble. One person does not make ourdrumlinegreat;everyonemustworktoachievegreatness.Asmembersofthisorganization,weobligateand challenge ourselves to improve our abilities as players. By striving to achieve nothing less thanpersonalexcellence,weensurethequalityofourensemble.OURPHILOSOPHY

TheIowaStateDrumlinehasthecrucialroleofprovidingasolidrhythmandtempotoanensembleinexcess of 340members. To do this, drumlinemembersmust individually play accurate rhythms andparts.There isno“hiding”one’splaying inthe line.Eachmember isexpectedtoequallycontributetotheoverallsoundofthe line.Thus, the line isabletoproducea fullqualitysoundwiththevolumetoprojectintoafullstadium.HOWTOUSETHISPACKET

Itisunadvisabletoattempttolearneverythinginthispacketinonesitting.Thepacketisgenerallysetup in theorderof the learningprocess, so it is logical tostartat thebeginningandwork throughthepacket. All the advanced concepts are fundamentally based upon the previous concepts, so anunderstandingofthecoreconceptsinthispacketisnecessaryforprogressionontoadvanceddrumming.Practicewithametronomeisrequired;thiswillpromoteaccuraterhythmsandtheabilitytoplaymuchmoreconsistentlyasan individual.Also,play in frontofamirrorandobservehowyourhandsmove.Makesureyouflowwhenyouplayandavoidawkward,jaggedmotionsthatlookorfeeluncomfortable.Feelthereboundanduseittoyouradvantage.Keepyourhandsrelaxedandfingersonthestick,turnyourwrists, andhit thedrumwith sufficientvelocity.Playwithconfidenceanddon’tbeafraid toaskquestions.Throughout the summer, the Iowa State Drumline will be hosting several clinics to facilitateimprovement among its currentmembers and potential newmembers. The dates and times can belocated on the drumline page of the website. These camps are valuable sources of information andinstruction regarding technique. It is highly recommended to attend some of these camps to get ahands-on look at technique. Technique is not something that can be learned overnight - it is a longprocess.Withenoughtimeandpractice,theconceptscoveredinthisbookwillbecomeafundamentalpartofyourdrumming.Goodluckandhappydrumming!Thefirstdraftof thispacketwaswrittenandcompiledbyBrettEbert,KelseyKnief,LukeSesker,DaveReid,andScottSzurek in2011.ThecurrentversionwasupdatedandcompiledbyLukeSeskerandTravisHattery in2018.Ourmissionistoeducateasmanystudentsaspossibleandtobetransparentwithourtechniqueandapproach.Theinformationisnotproprietary;pleasefeelfreetodistributethispacket.

Page 3: ISU Drumline Packet 2018 (180530)




used to apply more energy to the door and create a louder and more powerful knock. Using thisanalogy,placeadrumstickinyourhandandreplacethedoorwithadrumhead.Maintainrelaxationinthehandwhileplayingtopromotebetterresonanceandmorecomfortableplaying.Thestroke isawrist-initiatedmovement; thewristturndrivesthemotionofthestick.Whenturningthewristandstrikingthedrum,keepyourhandandarmrelaxed.Althoughthestrikingofthedrumisawristmovement,thearmshouldbeallowedtomovenaturally.Theweightofthearmisusedtodrivethestickintothehead,creatingafullersound.Oncethedrumhasbeenstruck,donotstopthemotionofthestick.Stayrelaxedandallowthenaturalreboundofthesticktodriveituptotheheightofthenextnote.Ineffect,youareonlydrivingthestickdown and the rebound from the head drives it back up. Your hand does not pull the stick up, butmerely follows the movement of the stick and directs its upward motion in the proper direction.Dependingonheightsandtempos,itmayseemasthoughthestickspendsthemajorityofitstimeintheuppositionasthestickgoesdownfast,comesupfast,andthenwaitsintheuppositionuntilthenextstoke.Thisisbecausevolumecomesfromvelocity.REBOUNDEDSTROKES

Reboundedstrokes (regardlessofheight) shouldbe themost fluid, relaxed,andcomfortablenotes toplay.Thestickisdrivendownbythewrist,strikesthehead,andthenthenaturalreboundofthestickdrivesthestickbackuptotheheightofthenextnote.Thehandstaysrelaxedthroughouttheentiremotion.The“policeknock”conceptappliestoreboundedstrokesatanyheight.Dependingonwhetherthenextstrokeisanotheraccentoratap,thestickiseitherallowedtoreboundfullyorisstoppedatalowerheighttoallowforatap.Ifthestickiskeptdownaftertheaccent,make

sure not to squeeze the implement to force a lower height; actively stay relaxed in the hand at alltimes.Do not assume playing lower means playing weakly.When playing taps, still play with a full and

powerfulsound, just froma lower initialheight.Theweightofthearmisusedtogivethetapaddedpowerandfullnessofsound.Whilethearmisusedtogiveafullsound,ensurethatthemovementofthestickismotivatedfromthewrist.DOUBLESTROKES

Double strokes require a slightly different approach depending on tempo. At slow tempos, a doublestroke consists of two individual wrist turns, one for each hit of the drum. As the tempo increases,graduallyapplymorepressuretothestickwithyourbackfingers.Thissmallapplicationofpressurewillallowthesticktoplaytwonotesfromonlyonewristmotion.Thetransitionfromindividualwristturns

toamoresingularstroke isagradualone,notatransitionataspecific tempo.Playingdoubleswithwristturn isamoreaccurateandpowerfulwayofplaying,sothismethodshouldbeusedasmuchaspossible.However,everyplayerwillreachapointwhereitisnolongerpossibletoplayeverynotefromanindividualwristturn.Practicewillallowyoutoincreasethetempoatwhichaccuratewristturnsareplayableandimproveyourabilitytoplayfullandpowerfulrolls.

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Anoften-overlookedelementindrummingisone’sposture.Goodposturehastwoimportantbenefits:itpromotes better playing andmarching, and it is aesthetically pleasing to the audience. Think of yourbodyas a seriesof pivotpoints: ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, andhead.All these points should bestackedvertically.

Whenstanding,yourweightshouldbeevenlydistributedthroughoutthebottomofyourfoot.Besureto keep your chin up and keep your eyes focused forwards. This promotes a confident, strongappearance.While maintaining good posture, actively stay relaxed in your shoulders, arms, and

hands. Avoiding excessive tension in the arms, shoulders, and backwill allow you to play better andmorecomfortablyforlongerperiodsoftime.Accurate internalization of tempo is critical to a drumline’s success. The whole bottom of the foot


AtIowaState,weusetheclassic3”-intervalstickheightsystemtodefinedynamics.Itisimportantthateveryonewithoutexceptionapproachesthesedynamiclevelsthesameway.Ifeveryoneisnotplayingwith the samevelocityat thewrittendynamic level, thebalanceandblend fromplayer toplayerwillsufferalongwithclarity.Essentiallyallstrokeshavethesameintensity,whileincreasinganddecreasingthedistanceandspeedatwhichthemalletstrikes.Ourdynamiclevelsaredefinedasfollows:pp pianissimo ½inches gracenotes

p piano 3inches flattothedrumsurfacemp mezzopiano 6inches mid-waybetweenflatand45degreesmf mezzoforte 9inches 45degreeanglewiththedrumsurfacef forte 12inches mid-waybetween45degreesand90degreesff fortissimo 15inches 90degreeanglewiththedrumsurface

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The general theory of how to strike a drummay seem complex, but once understood, it will comenaturally. Our technique is designed to produce a smooth, resonant sound; relaxation is a criticalconceptofour technique–atno timeshouldyou feel yourselfpurposely squeezingan implementortensing any muscles. The key to our technique is to maintain a high level of control over the

implementwhilebeingasrelaxedaspossible.Anyofthestrokesweplayshouldbea“beadfirst”motion,meaningagood,strongwristturnandnotleadingwith the arm.As higher heights are played,more armwill be incorporated naturally into thestroke,butthewristmotionmustbemaintained.MATCHEDGRIP(RIGHTHAND)



effort.Thestickshouldbefreetomove looselywithinyourhand.Thepadsofall fingersshouldbe incontactwiththeimplement.Thebackendofthestickstaysclosetothepalmduringthemotionasthewristdoestheworktodrivethestick,notthefingers.

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Intraditiongrip,themotivationofthestickmovementstillcomesfromthewrist.Whilematchedgrip“knocksonthedoor”, traditionalgrip“turnsthedoorknob”.Thestickshouldsit inthepocketofskinbetweenyourthumbandindexfinger,andrestontopofthefrontknuckleoftheringfinger.Thepinkyshouldremainconnectedtotheringfinger.Connectyourthumbtothefirstknuckleofyourindexfinger,anddon’teverbreaktheconnection.Finally,themiddlefingercurlsinslightlyandrestscomfortablyontopofthestick.

Besuretoalwaysleadwiththebeadwhenplaying,andnotthearm.Thethumbiswhereasignificantportionofthepowercomesfromwiththistypeofstroke.Trytokeepthegapsbetweenallyourfingersclosed, but don’t squeeze them together; it should be comfortable when playing. Be aware of thetendencytostrainyourmiddlefinger,orallowittoawkwardlycurlinwhileplaying.Thisisreferredtoas“theclaw”andcancausediscomfortanddoesnotlookgood.Themiddlefingerdoesn’tdomuchduringthestroke; itsimply isalongfortheride.Also,trytokeeptheringandpinkyfingersclosetothestickwhenplaying,especiallyathigherheights.SETPOSITION

When standing at set,you will have the sticksin and they should beheld the same way asthe normal grip. Theright stick will befurthestfromyourbody.This way, when thesticks are brought out(to tacet position),nothinginthegripchanges.Atset,thesticksshouldbeheldparalleltothedrum.Theleftpinkyshouldbegentlytouchingthetopoftherim,andthemiddlefingeroftherighthand,iffullyextended,shouldbeable to touch the topheadof thedrum.Thiswill ensureyour sticksarenotawkwardlyangled,orunparalleltotherim.

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Thisposition is howyoustand with the sticksout. The best way tostart is with sticks inyour hands and let yourarmshangbyyoursides,relaxed.Make sure yourshoulders are relaxedand down with notension.Whenyoubringthesticksup,yourleftarmshouldnotbeparalleltotheground,butslightlyangleddownward.Thiswillbe theheightyouadjustyourdrumto.Whenyouholdyoursticksout, theyshouldbeangledslightlydownward,withabouttwofingersworthofspacebetweenyourstickandtherim.PLAYINGZONES

The snare drum utilizes 4 playing zones: center, halfway, edge, and gut edge. Each zone provides aspecificsoundandvolume.Mostmusicthatisplayedwillbeplayeddirectlyinthecenterofthehead.CENTER–Ifyoudrewastraightlineconnectingthe3o’clockand9o’clocklugs,thebeadsofthesticksshouldbeinthecenterofthisline.HALFWAY– If youdrewa straight lineconnecting the2o’clockand10o’clock lugs, thebeadsof thesticksshouldbeinthecenterofthisline.EDGE– Ifyoudrewastraightlineconnectingthe1o’clockand11o’clocklugs,thebeadsofthesticksshouldbeinthecenterofthisline.GUTS–Thisposition isthesamedistancefromtherimasEdge,but is locatedatthe2o’clock lug,ordirectlyoverthesnaresthatlinethebottomofthedrum.

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Page 9: ISU Drumline Packet 2018 (180530)

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ã œ> œ œ> œ œ> œ œ œBucks

∑ œ œ> œ œ> œ œ> œ> œ>Invert Bucks

ã ∑ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œR R L sim...

Diddle Sticking

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œR L L sim...

ã ∑ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ œ ‰ œ3 3 3 3

R R R sim...


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R R R sim...

∑ œ> œ œ> œ> œ œ> œ> œ œ> œ> œ œ>3 3 3 3

R l R sim...

Swung - tap fill in

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R l R sim...

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R L R sim...

Swung - Accent fill in

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R L R sim...



Variations on a Theme

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For the 'VMB Drumline

Page 11: ISU Drumline Packet 2018 (180530)

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downsticks via


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Tasty TreatsHattery



For the 'VMB Drumline

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alternate sticking 2nd time only

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LegacyDan Kelly

©2008 Dan Kelly

Snare Drum Part I

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Homey the JamISU Traditional

Snare Drum