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A Report On C# With Summer Training Submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology In Information Technology 2015-2016 Submitted By:-Pooja Pandey 1250813034 Submitted To:- Under Guidance of:- Ms. Komal Asrani Ms. Preeti Singh H.O.D. (I.T.) Industrial Training

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Report On C# With Summer Training

Submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology


Information Technology


Submitted By:-Pooja Pandey 1250813034

Submitted To:- Under Guidance of:-

Ms. Komal Asrani Ms. Preeti SinghH.O.D. (I.T.) Industrial Training ( Co-Ordinator)

Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College, Lucknow U.P. (India)

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This project work automates school management system. In the system two applications are developed, Windows based (thick client) and Web based (thin client). The windows application takes most of the activities such as offline student registering, transcript and report card generation and producing the timetable. The web application facilitates attendance recording by the homeroom teachers, to view status of students by their parents and to view reports by kebele and kifle-ketema education bureau officials. Our solution of the timetable is very simple. In the high school considered for the project there are ten subjects for both grade nine and grade ten. Loads are assigned to each subject teacher and a code is given for each teacher-subject combination. A simple search technique has been used during allocation of each teacher-subject code to a time slot. A database has been used to enforce constraints and to store data. The prototype has been tested with data from Kokebe Tsebah Secondary School. It has been observed that the system successfully registers students, facilitates attendance recording by the home room teachers and generates various reports such as report card, transcript and a feasible timetable satisfying the constraints (requirements). It has also been shown that the system facilitates to view the status of students by their parents using the Internet or Intranet of the

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Department of I.T. Babu Banarasi Das Engineering college


A training work owes its success from commencement to completion, to the people

involved at various stages. I would like to express my sincere gratitude indebtedness to Ms.

Komal Asrani (H.O.D., Department of Information Technology) for allowing me to undergo

the summer training of 30/45 days at Review Technologies Company,Lucknow.

I am also thankful to all faculty members of the Department of I.T., for their true help,

inspiration and for helping me to preparation of the final report and presentation.

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Department of I.T. Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College

DECLARATIONI, Pooja Pandey,hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this

project/training titled “.Net with C# Summer Training Program” by me, in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) Degree in

“Information Technology”.

Date: Pooja Pandey 6/10/15 Roll No:-1250813034

Ms. Komal Asrani Ms. Preeti Singh (HOD I.T.) (Industrial Training)

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I. PART Introduction………………………………………………….07 IT Services……………………………………………….......08

i. Software Solutionsii. Web Solutions

iii. Search Engine Optimizationiv. Internet Marketingv. Application Maintenance and Support

II. PART-A With School Management System…………........09

Introduction to the C# Language and the .NET Framework…10i. Visual Studio 2015……………………………………..11

ii. C# Language………………………………………..11-12iii. ASP.Net………………………………………………...13

Theoretical Background……………........................................14 i. History of C#...............................................................14-16

ii. A brief version of…………………………....16-18 Features of C# with .net…………………………………...18-22 Distinguish Features of C#...................................................22-25 The evolution of C#...................................................................26 Importance of .net with C#...................................................26-30

III. PART-B School Management System Development…………….……..31

i. Theoretical Background…………………………......31-33ii. Scope of the System………………………………....33-35

iii. Operating Envirnoment………………………….......36-38iv. DatabaseManagement…………………………….....38-40

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Performance Criteria…………………………………........40-41 Screen Shots of the Project…………………………….......41-43 Conclusion………………………………………………....43-44 References………………………………………………..........44

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Review Technologies Company

1. Introduction

. Review Technologies is a Professional Web Design / Development, Consultancy/

Software Solutions Company based in Lucknow, U.P. India. We are a team of highly

motivated and hard working Professionals having rich and extensive experience in

Developing Websites and providing complete IT solutions. We specialize in creating

effective online strategies for different organizations.

Review Technologies. is a leading software company that delivers tangible value to

leading organizations worldwide by designing, developing and implementing innovative

software solutions to stream line complex business processes or replace high maintenance

legacy applications that help industry leaders remain attentive and responsive to the need

of their client.

We offer high-end creative solutions for business communication. We are technically

skilled in creative concepts, visualization, artwork, graphics, layout and copywriting with

your profile and target audience in mind

2. IT Services

With the dedicated and adroit employees at Review Technologies, it has been adept in

assisting the growth of the nation in the field of Information Technology. Review

Technologies with its vision of quality and innovation has been successful in catering the

needs of those who seek our assistance in following areas of IT enabled services

1. Software Solutions

2. Web Solutions

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3. Search Engine Optimization (web promotion)

4. Internet Marketing

5. Application Maintenance & Support

.software solutions:   IT software solution professionals always work closely with

clients to modify existing systems or create new systems. They may modify “off

the shelf” software and integrate it into the existing systems. They often work as part

of a team of software professionals responsible for the requirement specification,

system analysis and design, construction, testing, training and implementation, as well

as maintenance of a business software system.

Web Solutions: Web solutions refer to anything that helps business flourish online.

It includes website design and management, online sales management, and online


Searche Engine Optimization: Search engine optimization is the process of

organizing a website's structure and content to obtain the maximum results in the

search engines. This can also be done with link building. You can attempt this

yourself, or search engine optimization companies also help websites to improve their

rankings, through these strategies.

Internet Marketing: nternet marketing also known as online marketing, e-

marketing or web marketing is the marketing technique used online by the

companies to sell goods and services directly to consumers as well as those who

operate on a business-to-business model. 

There are lots of benefits by using internet marketing:

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Application Maintenance and Support: as applicable Working in a

“partnership” model with clients, our teams function as extension of our clients’ own

IT teamin onsite, offshore, or mixed onsite-offshore models to exploit the time zone

differences and to provide maximum flexibility for team ramp-ups and ramp-downs.

Our teams thus maintain and enhance legacy applications as well as develop and

implement new applications and COTS.

Part II- A With School Management System

Introduction to the C# Language and the .NET Framework

Visual Studio 2015

C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a

variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to

create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-

server applications, database applications, and much, much more. Visual C# provides an

advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many

other tools to make it easier to develop applications based on the C# language and the .NET


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The Visual C# documentation assumes that you have an understanding of basic programming

concepts. If you are a complete beginner, you might want to explore Visual C# Express,

which is available on the Web. You can also take advantage of books and Web resources

about C# to learn practical programming skills.

C # Language

C# syntax is highly expressive, yet it is also simple and easy to learn. The curly-brace syntax

of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java. Developers who

know any of these languages are typically able to begin to work productively in C# within a

very short time. C# syntax simplifies many of the complexities of C++ and provides powerful

features such as nullable value types, enumerations, delegates, lambda expressions and direct

memory access, which are not found in Java. C# supports generic methods and types, which

provide increased type safety and performance, and iterators, which enable implementers of

collection classes to define custom iteration behaviors that are simple to use by client code.

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) expressions make the strongly-typed query a first-class

language construct.

As an object-oriented language, C# supports the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and

polymorphism. All variables and methods, including the Main method, the application's entry

point, are encapsulated within class definitions. A class may inherit directly from one parent

class, but it may implement any number of interfaces. Methods that override virtual methods

in a parent class require the override keyword as a way to avoid accidental redefinition. In

C#, a struct is like a lightweight class; it is a stack-allocated type that can implement

interfaces but does not support inheritance.In addition to these basic object-oriented

principles, C# makes it easy to develop software components through several innovative

language constructs, including the following:Encapsulated method signatures

called delegates, which enable type-safe event notifications.Properties, which serve as

accessors for private member variables.Attributes, which provide declarative metadata about

types at run time.Inline XML documentation comments.Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

which provides built-in query capabilities across a variety of data sources.

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If you have to interact with other Windows software such as COM objects or native Win32

DLLs, you can do this in C# through a process called "Interop." Interop enables C# programs

to do almost anything that a native C++ application can do. C# even supports pointers and the

concept of "unsafe" code for those cases in which direct memory access is absolutely critical.

The C# build process is simple compared to C and C++ and more flexible than in Java. There

are no separate header files, and no requirement that methods and types be declared in a

particular order. A C# source file may define any number of classes, structs, interfaces, and


Asp.NetC# programs run on the .NET Framework, an integral component of Windows that includes a

virtual execution system called the common language runtime (CLR) and a unified set of

class libraries. The CLR is the commercial implementation by Microsoft of the common

language infrastructure (CLI), an international standard that is the basis for creating execution

and development environments in which languages and libraries work together seamlessly.

Source code written in C# is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) that conforms to the

CLI specification. The IL code and resources, such as bitmaps and strings, are stored on disk

in an executable file called an assembly, typically with an extension of .exe or .dll. An

assembly contains a manifest that provides information about the assembly's types, version,

culture, and security requirements.

When the C# program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the CLR, which might take

various actions based on the information in the manifest. Then, if the security requirements

are met, the CLR performs just in time (JIT) compilation to convert the IL code to native

machine instructions. The CLR also provides other services related to automatic garbage

collection, exception handling, and resource management. Code that is executed by the CLR

is sometimes referred to as "managed code," in contrast to "unmanaged code" which is

compiled into native machine language that targets a specific system. The following diagram

illustrates the compile-time and run-time relationships of C# source code files, the .NET

Framework class libraries, assemblies, and the CLR.

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Language interoperability is a key feature of the .NET Framework. Because the IL code

produced by the C# compiler conforms to the Common Type Specification (CTS), IL code

generated from C# can interact with code that was generated from the .NET versions of

Visual Basic, Visual C++, or any of more than 20 other CTS-compliant languages. A single

assembly may contain multiple modules written in different .NET languages, and the types

can reference each other just as if they were written in the same language.

In addition to the run time services, the .NET Framework also includes an extensive library

of over 4000 classes organized into namespaces that provide a wide variety of useful

functionality for everything from file input and output to string manipulation to XML

parsing, to Windows Forms controls. The typical C# application uses the .NET Framework

class library extensively to handle common "plumbing" chores.

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3. Theoretical background

HISTORY OF C# (pronounced as see sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language

encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented

(class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by

Microsoft within its .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334)

and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270:2006).

C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure.

C# takes it’s name from C and C++ languages. In C language “++” operator is used to

increment an integer. That was the reason for naming a language which is an upper version of

C and supports Object Oriented programming to be named as C++, meaning C + 1. After C+

+, C# was developed with the naming convention coming from this formula: C# = (C++)++

(As # is consisted of 4 +)

Anders Hejlsberg was leading a team which they did designed C#. He also designed Pascal

and Delphi languages previously. In C#, Anders took the syntax of popular object oriented

language of that time, Java as the base.

C# syntax is highly expressive, yet it is also simple and easy to learn. The curly-brace syntax

of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java. Developers who

know any of these languages are typically able to begin to work productively in C# within a

very short time. C# syntax simplifies many of the of collection classes to define custom

iteration behaviors that are simple to use by client code. Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

expressions make the strongly-typed query a first-class language construct. Let’s look at the

changelog of the languages from 2.0 to upcoming 6. complexities of C++ and provides

powerful features such as nullable value types, enumerations, delegates, lambda expressions

and direct memory access, which are not found in Java. C# supports generic methods and

types, which provide increased type safety and performance, and iterators, which enable

implementers 0 versions:

typed local variables

Object and collection initializers

Auto-Implemented properties

C# 2.0


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Partial types

Anonymous methods


Nullable types

Getter/setter separate accessibility

Method group conversions (delegates)

Covariance and Contra-variance

Static classesC# 3.0

Implicitly types

Query expressions

Lambda expressions

Expression trees

Partial methodsC# 4.0

Extension methods

ynamic binding

Named and optional arguments

Generic co- and contravariance

Embedded interop types (“NoPIA”)

C# 5.0

Asynchronous methods

Compiler-as-a-service (Roslyn)

C# 6.0 Planned/Done

Declaration expressions

Import of static type members into namespace

Exception filters

Await in catch/finally blocks

Default values for getter-only properties

Expression-bodied members

Parameter arrays for IEnumerable interfaces

Null propagator (Succinct null checking)

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Binary literals and digit separators

C# 6.0 Maybe

String Interpolation

Constructor type inference

Succinct syntax for primary constructors

A brief version history of ASP.NET and C#

.Net Version Release history




DateTool Feature

1.0 2002Visual

Studio .NetFirst release of .net

1.1 2003Visual

Studio 2003

Support for ASP.Net mobile controls

Supports side-by-side execution

Security Changes

2.0 2005Visual

Studio 2005

Generics (with generic collection)

Nullable Types

Support of IPv6 addresses in .net remoting

Common Language Runtime 2.0

3.0 2006 –

WCF (Communication framework)

WPF (Presentation framework)

WF (Workflow Foundation)

3.5 2008Visual

Studio 2008


Addin / Plugin Model (System.AddIn.Contract.dll)

4.0 2010 Visual Parallel Computing

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Studio 2010

Code Contracts

Lazy Initialization

Dynamic Language Runtime

In-process side-by-side hosting

Background garbage collection

Covariance and Contravariance

Common Language Runtime 4.0

4.5 2012Visual

Studio 2012

Enhanced regular expression support

Default culture for application domain

Zip compression

Support of array with size more than 2GB

Asynchronous file operation

Improvement in parallel computing

4.5.1 2013Visual

Studio 2013

Ability to collect diagnostics information

Ability to explicitly compact the large object heap

(LOH) during garbage collection

Additional performance improvements such as

ASP.NET app suspension

Multi-core JIT improvements.

C# Language Release


C# VersionRelease

DateTool Feature

1.0 2002Visual

Studio .NetFirst release of .net

2.0 2005 Visual Studio


Partial classes

Support for generics

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Nullable syntax

Anonymous methods

Static class

Volatile keyword


2008Visual Studio


Implicitly Typed Local Variables

Extension Methods

Lambda Expressions

Type Inference

Object and Collection Initializers

Anonymous Types

Automatically Implemented


Expression Trees

4.0 2010Visual Studio


Support for Covariance and


Optional parameters and named


Support for Dynamic and DLR

Enhanced support for COM interop

5.0 2012Visual Studio


Asyn/Await Feature

Support for caller information.

4.Features of .net with c#

.Net is a software development platform developed by Microsoft. It runs on Microsoft

Windows OS. .NET provides tools and libraries that allow developers to develop applications

and services much easily, faster and secure by using a convenient way.

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Garbage collection: The function of the garbage collector, provided by Visual C#, is to

check for the objects not being used by an application and to delete them from memory.

Value/reference type system: According to the value/reference type system, the

standard data types, enumerations, and structures are called value types. Interfaces,

classes, and delegates are called reference types. This type system provides the advantage

of eliminating a number of memory bugs and simplifying object manipulation.

Unified declaration and definition of class methods: The unified declaration and

definition of class methods alleviates you from creating multiple files — one for

declaration and the other for definition.

Delegates: A type-safe and secure object that contains a reference to a method. The

advantage of using delegates is that it is helpful in anonymous invocation, which means

that the method to be invoked is not known at compile time.

Simple thread synchronization: Enables you to create multithreaded applications.

Versioning: You need to explicitly override the members of a base class in a derived

class. This revision creates a new version without affecting the existing program.

Interoperability: Visual C# applications are platform-independent.

Access to native-code: Visual C# allows a developer to programmatically view the

native code.

Attributes: A declarative tag that you can use to describe various entities in your


Distinguishing features of C#:


By design, C# is the programming language that most directly reflects the

underlying Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). Most of its intrinsic types correspond to

value-types implemented by the CLI framework. However, the language specification does

not state the code generation requirements of the compiler: that is, it does not state that a C#

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compiler must target a Common Language Runtime, or generate Common Intermediate

Language (CIL), or generate any other specific format. Theoretically, a C# compiler could

generate machine code like traditional compilers of C++ or Fortran.


C# supports strongly typed implicit variable declarations with the keyword var, and implicitly

typed arrays with the keyword new followed by a collection initializer.

C# supports a strict Boolean data type, bool. Statements that take conditions, such

as while and if, require an expression of a type that implements the true operator, such as the

Boolean type. While C++ also has a Boolean type, it can be freely converted to and from

integers, and expressions such as if(a) require only that a is convertible to bool, allowing a to

be an int, or a pointer. C# disallows this "integer meaning true or false" approach, on the

grounds that forcing programmers to use expressions that return exactly bool can prevent

certain types of programming mistakes such as if (a = b) (use of assignment = instead of

equality ==, which while not an error in C or C++, will be caught by the compiler anyway).

C# is more type safe than C++. The only implicit conversions by default are those that are

considered safe, such as widening of integers. This is enforced at compile-time, duringJIT,

and, in some cases, at runtime. No implicit conversions occur between Booleans and integers,

nor between enumeration members and integers (except for literal 0, which can be implicitly

converted to any enumerated type). Any user-defined conversion must be explicitly marked

as explicit or implicit, unlike C++ copy constructors and conversion operators, which are

both implicit by default.

C# has explicit support for covariance and contravariance in generic types, unlike C++ which

has some degree of support for contravariance simply through the semantics of return types

on virtual methods.

Enumeration members are placed in their own scope.

The C# language does not allow for global variables or functions. All methods and members

must be declared within classes. Static members of public classes can substitute for global

variables and functions.

Local variables cannot shadow variables of the enclosing block, unlike C and C++.

Meta programming

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Meta programming via C# attributes is part of the language. Many of these attributes

duplicate the functionality of GCC's and VisualC++'s platform-dependent preprocessor


Methods and functions

Like C++, and unlike Java, C# programmers must use the keyword virtual to allow methods

to be overridden by subclasses

Synchronized and has Extension methods in C# allow programmers to use static methods as

if they were methods from a class's method table, allowing programmers to add methods to

an object that they feel should exist on that object and its derivatives.

The type dynamic allows for run-time method binding, allowing for JavaScript-like method

calls and run-time object composition.

C# has support for strongly-typed function pointers via the keyword delegate. Like the Qt

framework's pseudo-C++ signal and slot, C# has semantics specifically surrounding publish-

subscribe style events, though C# uses delegates to do so.

Property C# using attribute syntax rather than more verbose method calls

provides properties as syntactic sugar for a common pattern in which a pair of

methods, accessor (getter) and mutator (setter) encapsulate operations on a

single attribute of a class. No redundant method signatures for the getter/setter

implementations need be written, and the property may be accessed

Namespace A C# namespace provides the same level of code isolation as a Java package or a

C++ namespace, with very similar rules and features to a package.

Memory access

In C#, memory address pointers can only be used within blocks specifically marked

as unsafe, and programs with unsafe code need appropriate permissions to run. Most object

access is done through safe object references, which always either point to a "live" object or

have the well-defined null value; it is impossible to obtain a reference to a "dead" object (one

that has been garbage collected), or to a random block of memory. An unsafe pointer can

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point to an instance of a value-type, array, string, or a block of memory allocated on a stack.

Code that is not marked as unsafe can still store and manipulate pointers through

the System.IntPtr type, but it cannot dereference them.

addresses the problem of memory leaks by freeing the programmer of responsibility for

releasing memory Managed memory cannot be explicitly freed; instead, it is automatically

garbage collected. Garbage collection that is no longer needed.

PolymorphismUnlike C++, multiple inheritance is not supported by C#, although a class can implement any

number of interfaces. This was a design decision by the language's lead architect to avoid

complication and simplify architectural requirements throughout CLI. When implementing

multiple interfaces that contain a method with the same signature, C# allows the programmer

to implement each method depending on which interface that method is being called through,

or, like Java, allows the programmer to implement the method once and have that be the

single invocation on a call through any of the class's interfaces.

However, C#, unlike Java, supports operator overloading. Only the most commonly

overloaded operators in C++ may be overloaded in C#.

Functional programmingThough primarily an imperative language, C# 2.0 offered limited support for functional

programming through first-class functions and closures in the form of anonymous

delegates. C# 3.0 expanded support for functional programming with the introduction of a

light weight syntax for lambda expressions, extension methods (an affordance for modules),

and a list comprehension syntax in the form of a "query comprehension" language.

The Evolution of C# The Microsoft was released version of C # 5.0 bundles with .NET

Framework 5.0 in Visual Studio.NET 2012 at August 2012. This version introduced few

The Microsoft was released the first version of C# 1.0 bundle with .NET Framework 1.0 in

Visual Studio.NET 2002 at January 2002. C# was introduced programming language to

develop .NET Application and it’s supported managed code initially.

The Microsoft was released the second version of C# 2.0 bundle with .NET Framework 2.0

in Visual Studio.NET 2005 at November 2005. This version introduced couple of features

like Generics, Nullable type,Partial type and Anonymonus methods.

The Microsoft was released the third version of C# 3.0 bundle with .NET Framework 3.0 in

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Visual Studio.NET 2008 at November 2007. This version introduced many features like

implicitly typed local variables, Object Initializers, Lambda expressions, Extension

methods, Query expressions (LINQ), Expression trees and Automatic properties.

The Microsoft was released version of C # 4.0 bundles with .NET Framework 4.0 in Visual

Studio.NET 2010 at April 2010. This version introduced couple of features like Dynamic

binding, Optional parameters, Named arguments and more COM interoperability.


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Importance of .Net with C#: .NET is a software framework that provides a lot of system functionality to

programming languages, and applications, design to use it. It provides support for

complex data structures (lists, etc.), access to system services (files, XML

read/writing, etc.) and many many more features. This is done through a common

interface but more importantly a common run time. So, the features are implemented

exactly the same way for all. 

It's true value is that it brings languages like VB and C++ up to a common base. Now

a VB.NET developer has the same abilities as a C# developer. 

It is greatly simplifies the creating of powerful applications. Many things that I had to

code using C++ and MFC are now embedded into the framework. I can turn around

complex applications much quicker. For example, XML processing required a lot of

complex work in C++. With .NET & C# there are built in reader and writer class.

VB.NET is basically the VB language with extensions to support the .NET objects an

interfaces. ASP.NET is for building active server pages, utilizing VB.NET or


As far as Jakko's assertion that it was taken from JRE. Development of .NET was

going on before JRE became predominent and JRE only supports Java. .NET can

support multiple languages. That means there is a bit of a difference.

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Basic Features of C#:

It has native garbage-collection.

It allows you to treat class-methods' signatures as free functions (i.e. ignoring the

statically typed this pointer argument), and hence create more dynamic and flexible

relationships between classes. edit if you don't know what this means, then try assigning

a member method returning void and accepting void to a void (*ptr)() variable. C#

delegates carry the this pointer with them, but the user doesn't always have to care about

that. They can just assign a void()method of any class to any other void() delegate.

It has a huge standard library with so much useful stuff that's well-implemented and easy

to use.

It allows for both managed and native code blocks.

Assembly versioning easily remedy DLL hell problems.

You can set classes, methods and fields to be assembly-internal (which means they are

accessible from anywhere within the DLL they're declared in, but not from other

assemblieInstead of a lot of noise (EJB, private static class implementations, etc) you get

elegant and friendly native constructs such as Properties and Events.

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You have real generics (not the bad casting joke that Java calls generics), and you can

perform reflection on them.

It supports native resource-management idioms (the using statement). Java 7 is also

going to support this, but C# has had it for a way longer time.

It doesn't have checked exceptions :) (debatable whether this is good or bad)

It's deeply integrated with Windows, if that's what you want.

It has Lambdas and LINQ, therefore supporting a small amount of functional


It allows for both generic covariance and contravariance explicitly.

It has dynamic variables, if you want them.

Better enumeration support, with the yield statement.

It allows you to define new value (or non-reference) types.

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School Management System Development

1. Objective of the project :-

Review Technologies will develop Website which will be based on requirements given by

you. The website will take care of requirements relating to branch operation as well as

consolidation functions at the level of Company Head Office.

The Website will be modular and generalized in nature and will comprise of following


Student Information System:-

First Name, Last Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s name, Date of Birth, and other

personal details

Photo of Student ,Address , telephone & mobile numbers of

o Student

o Parent

o Guardian

Scholar Number

Original Branch allotment / Branch transfer details

University Enrolment number

Reports for a student can be customized for the college, topics include:

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Conduct report: Behavior in the college, involved in anti-social activities like ragging,


Activity report : Participation in games, sports, event management, social activities,

wining of awards

Performance in recognized state/nation and international level tests and competitions

College Degree Management:-

Create and manage the different degrees that are run in the college.

Define Degree Name

Define Degree Nature (Yearly, Class etc)

Define Degree Length

Enroll/Un-enroll students in a degree

Course Management:-

Create and manage courses being offered by the college.

Define Course Code, Syllabus, Books and other information related to a course.

Map courses to degrees i.e courses being offered in a degree.

Enroll students in a course and manage current and carry over courses

Extensive collaboration tools for interactivity between faculty and students and also

among peers 

Tools to manage homework, and assessments

Various communication tools including chat, discussion boards for knowledge sharing

 Teacher feedback

Grading and performance reporting system

Time Table Management:-

Generate schedule for classes, faculty and resources such as rooms, auditorium

Graphical representation of booked resources

Automatic timetable generation for students

Certificates and Document:-

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Student can request certificates that he/she wants to get issued.

 Certificate can be associated with fees with automatic linkup with fees management,

auto approval, manual approval; rejection and complete certificate/document issue

management can be done.

Print the certificates/documents directly on college stationary or pre-defined format is

also present.

Documents handed over at time of admission. e.g. Address Certificate, Birth

Certificate etc

Certificates and Documents at time of graduation. e.g. Provisional Degree, Transfer

Certificate, Character Certificate, Final year Mark Sheet, 10th/12th Mark Sheet )

Attendance Record Management:-

Attendance record for each course studied during the tenure at college

Generate reports for students and courses

Mark sheet Management:-

Create and manage different heads and sub-heads for marking scheme

Store marks for each student for each course that he/she took in the college

 Associate these heads/sub-heads with degree and courses

View/Print student mark sheets

 Announce college results on the intranet/internet. Each student can then see the

results in his/her account.

Fees Management:-

Create and manage fee heads and sub heads

Map these heads with degree and students enrolled in the academic year

Manage challans, receipts, student ledger and other accounting heads.

Manage student weavers, scholarships, fee payment in installments etc.

Manage student fines, miscellaneous collections like fees for certificates, transcripts,


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Generate reports pertaining to daily/weekly/monthly fees collections, student

outstanding amount, student statements and other accounting reports.

Ability to link this module to your existing system for seamless integration with your

accounting department

Payroll Management:-

Create and manage salary heads

Create and manage salary types

Map salary types to employees

Manage challans, receipts, student ledger and other accounting heads

Hostel Management:-

Maintain details about hostels in the college. Maintain information related to total

number of rooms, room type, warden, manager, etc.

Store and retrieve student information who avail hostel facility

Ability to link hostel management with fees management module for seamless

integration of hostel and mess fees.

Report generation for hostel occupancy and other related reports.

Library Management:-

Create and manage book records

Issue/receive books to students/faculty

Search books based on various parameters such as Name, Author Name

Generate reports on Book History, Student History, Utilization of books

Define/manage late fine.

Inventory/Store Management:-

Create and maintain list of categorized products and items

Issue/book/distribute items to departments/faculty

Generate resource utilization reports with the feature to book/block items and check


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Generate various reports to item utilization, department wise issue/pending items, and

other related reports

Alumni Management:-

Create and maintain a complete database of details of alumni

Real-time communication with and among alumni via message boards, SMS, email

and file-sharing

Alumni Search: Alumni can search the profiles of others by various parameters such

as Name, Last Name etc.

B’days / Anniversary this month: Dynamically generated information about the

birthdays and anniversaries of Alumni

Photographs can be shared by the Alumni


Various reports can be extracted from the system that gives the management access to real

time information. Some reports that can be generated are

Student listing with ability to choose any field from the profile

Student-Degree Enrollment report

Student-Course enrollment report

Student Attendance report

Student Mark sheet details

Library Book usage and student activity report

Fees collection report with ability to slice and dice fees heads

Fees Outstanding report

Resource utilization report

Hostel occupancy report

Certificate issued/requested/pending report and many more….

These are some of the features our system would. These can be tweaked to meet the

requirement of the institution with ease. The feature are not limited to what has been

mentioned above.

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Theoretical BackgroundSchool Management System The project is titled "School Data Management

System". This package once developed will help the school/institute to manage

various details pertaining to its students. This will help accounts department in

maintaining the details related to the fees & basic details like their security deposits,

conveyance and etc, it will also help management or we can say administration

department in maintaining students basic details as well as keeping a check on fees

details. This package is basically developed for the authorities of the school/institute

to make their task easier or we can say this package automate their tasks like

maintaining students personal details, marinating cash details, printing of receipts.

This package helps the administrative & accounts department in maintaining the

students personal & fees related details.

The details of the system are as follows:

It is basically a Database management package for the authorities of the

school/institute like management, accounts & administrative department. All the

details of the students & the daily work of various departments are managed by the

package i.e. Personal details, Cash details, Fees status, printing of receipts etc. The

package is by the name of School/institute Data Management Package. Package helps

the various departments in maintaining & manipulating the data. School/institute data

are divided into Personal information, Cash details, fee status.

The Package is developed to help the department maintaining the student details, earlier

the records where maintained manually, with the help of this package the concerned

departments will be able to improve the productivity, reduce the time, cost factors associated

with the system. The automation of the system will help the organization in proper

maintenance of the record, less manpower, less man-days, less cost, proper & accurate


The basic need for the package was to automate the whole procedure of maintaining of

student details, earlier it was all done manually. By developing this package lot of burden

was removed from the department, which was maintaining students details. It improved the

efficiency, reduced the cost, and reduced the time need to do the work manually. With the

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help of this package the past details of the students can assessed and reports can be generated

on this details.

In brief we can say this system was required to automate the processing of students details,

which was done manually before the development of the package. Earlier all the

information / data pertaining to the students was maintained manually or we can say it was on

paper, hence it created a problem for the organization/ school, how to manage it properly.

With the help of this system the organization/school is able to maintain the data properly &


Why System was build…?

Earlier, data pertaining to students was maintained manually.

Manual system was not efficient.

Cost of maintaining data manually was bigger or huge.

Large manpower was required.

The procedure was error prone, it was not accurate.

Manual system was not suited for electronic exchange of data.


The solution for all this problem was to automate the system, automation of the students data

maintenance would reduce the manpower, man days will result in accurate data & above all

increase the efficiency of the concerned department.

.Scope of The System:

Scope of the system measures the scope of the project, which is going to be developed.

Answering following aspects can answer the project scope:

1. Context

2. Information objective

3. Function & Performance

4. Interfaces

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The system “SCHOOL data management system” is a data management of students. All the

details of the students are managed with the help of this package i.e. their Personal

information, fees information & their report generation, with the help of this package the

organization can maintain & manipulate students data. This package has the provision for

adding new records, editing old records, viewing the database, searching facility, report

generation, help i.e. how to use the package & etc. Scope of the system can be measured with

the help of the dimensions.


This project is related to management of students data and the daily activities of the

authorities with the help of this package the user of this package, which is the department i.e.

administrative will be able to maintain the data through the computer which will help in

increasing he efficiency, accuracy of the department as well as help in electronic inter change

of the data. Administrative department can use this package to check for the details of the

students, whether they have paid their fees amount or whether it is due to them, through

which receipt no. it was paid they can study the past records analyze the trends.

Information objective:

Basically this is related to the Inputs & Outputs to the system. In other way we can say it is

related to the inputs required by the system & outputs generated by the system.

This package is basically data management package, in which the inputs given by the user is

itself the output of system it performs few calculation like the total cash received from the

students. We can say it is data management package, it provides the user with front end

which is very easy to use.

1. Inputs:

The input to the system is username & password for the system security, their

Personal details like Name, Address, Phone number, admission details, roll no for

data management, their fees details like admission fees, tuition, computer fee & etc .


The output for this system is the maintained records, personal details, fees details, fee

status & report generated. The outputs of the system are the records that were added in

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the database as well as the reports that are generated with the help of he data in the

database. Function & Performance:

This dimension measures the scope of the system with the help of functions &

performance of the system. The basic function performed by the system is of data

management & report generation.

The system performs various functions like:

1. Security:

The first function of the system is to provide security from unauthorized access to the

data, which is provided with the help of user name & password at the beginning of the

package. This system is been developed for a single user hence no rights are employed

or we can say administrator is only the user.

2. Data maintenance:

The most important function of the system is to maintain student data, the data is

maintained with the help of different menus like adding, editing, viewing, searching &

etc. There are different kinds of data in the system like personal information, fees

information & cash details with the help of the front end data is managed.

3. Report generation:

The last function of the system is to generate reports of the data like student details

report, cash report, fee status report & etc. With the help of this report the data can be

electronically exchanged as well as the reviewing of policies can be done with the help

of reports.

These are some of the basic function performed by the system “Student Data



Interfaces are the link between the user and the system, basically we can say

interfaces are the objects through which user of the system interacts with the system.

This system has different interfaces through which user interacts with the system they


1. Login interface:

This is the first interface in which user is required to enter the username & password

if the password is correct then access is granted otherwise not. User has got three

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attempts to enter the correct password; if he is not able to enter the correct password

in three attempts then the system is exited.

2. Data maintenance:

This is the most important interface in the system in which the user interacts with the

system to store the data or to retrieve the data from the database, this interface has got

many sub parts like addition of records, editing of records, searching of records & etc.

3. Reports:

This interface is the output for the system in which the user receives the results or

output, which is required in the form of reports like cash details, student details & fee


Operating Envirnoment:The system is developed in Visual Basics 6.0 / M S Access and run under windows

95/98 & upper versions.

Visual Basics:

Visual basics is event driven programming language, which is used to develop front

end for the application. This is called event driven because every action of the user is

an event & the application is driven with the help of these events, which are

programmed with the help of Visual basics. In Visual basics there are forms, Controls,

reports & many more things to provide the user with overwhelming experience of

user friendliness. Visual basics is a programming language for windows environment

& provides the user with windows like interface.

M.S. Access:

Access is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that you can use to store and

manipulate large amounts of information. Because its tools are user-friendly and because it is

a powerful development environment, Access is equally appropriate for novices and MIS


Beginners can use Access to:

1. Store and manage various types of inventories.

2. Log information such as auto repairs for cars, doctor visits, etc.

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3. Create contact management databases that can track contacts, but phone calls,

meetings, and any other interactions with contacts.

Developers can use Access to:

1. Create applications that manage survey results.

2. Manage front ends for enterprise-wide database such as SQL server.

3. Establish help-desk applications.

Access is an object-oriented program; that is, everything in Access is an object, including the

application itself. Each object has properties that define how it looks and performs. The uses

of Access are limited only by the needs of an organization and the imagination of the user or



Persistent Data Management:

Persistent data management deals with how the persistent data (file, database, etc) are stored

and managed and it outlives a single execution of the system. Information related to student

basic information, student’s attendance and grade mark, the timetable produced and other

related information are persistent data and hence stored on a database management system.

This allows all the programs that operate on the SMS data to do consistently. Moreover,

storing data in a database enables the system to perform complex queries on a large data set

The schools register students every year in thousands per grade level. For complex queries

over attributes and large dataset Microsoft SQL Server is implemented, which is a Relational

Database Management System.


Data Base:

A database is an organized collection of data. It is the collection of schemes, tables, queries,

reports, views and other objects. The data is typically organized to model aspects of reality in

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a way that supports processes requiring information, such as modelling the availability of

rooms in hotels in a way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies.

A database management system (DBMS) is a computer software application that interacts

with the user, other applications, and the database itself to capture and analyze data. A

general-purpose DBMS is designed to allow the definition, creation, querying, update, and

administration of databases. Well-known DBMSs include MySQL, PostgreSQL,Microsoft

SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase and IBM DB2. A database is not generally portable across

different DBMSs, but different DBMS can interoperate by using standards such

as SQL and ODBC or JDBC to allow a single application to work with more than one

DBMS. Database management systems are often classified according to the database

model that they support; the most popular database systems since the 1980s have all

supported the relational model as represented by the SQL language.Sometimes a DBMS is

loosely referred to as a 'database'

Sql Server :

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and

retrieving data as requested by other software applicationswhich may run either on the same

computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet).

Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at

different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to

large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users.

Microsoft makes SQL Server available in multiple editions, with different feature sets and

targeting different users. These editions are:


SQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter is the full-featured edition of SQL Server and is designed

for datacenters that need the high levels of application support and scalability. It supports 256

logical processors and virtually unlimited memory. Comes with StreamInsight Premium

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edition. The Datacenter edition has been retired in SQL Server 2012, all its features are

available in SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition.


SQL Server Enterprise Edition includes both the core database engine and add-on services,

with a range of tools for creating and managing a SQL Server cluster. It can manage

databases as large as 524 petabytes and address 2 terabytes of memory and supports 8

physical processors. SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition supports 160 physical processors.


SQL Server Standard edition includes the core database engine, along with the stand-alone

services. It differs from Enterprise edition in that it supports fewer active instances (number

of nodes in a cluster) and does not include some high-availability functions such as hot-add

memory (allowing memory to be added while the server is still running), and parallel indexes.


SQL Server Web Edition is a low-TCO option for Web hosting.

Business Intelligence

Introduced in SQL Server 2012 and focusing on Self Service and Corporate Business

Intelligence. It includes the Standard Edition capabilities and Business Intelligence tools:

PowerPivot, Power View, the BI Semantic Model, Master Data Services, Data Quality

Services and xVelocity in-memory analytics.


SQL Server Workgroup Edition includes the core database functionality but does not include the additional services. Note that this edition has been retired in SQL Server 2012.Express

SQL Server Express Edition is a scaled down, free edition of SQL Server, which includes the

core database engine. While there are no limitations on the number of databases or users

supported, it is limited to using one processor, 1 GB memory and 10 GB database files (4 GB

database files prior to SQL Server Express 2008 R2). It is intended as a replacement

for MSDE. Two additional editions provide a superset of features not in the original Express

Edition. The first is SQL Server Express with Tools, which includes SQL Server

Management Studio Basic. SQL Server Express with Advanced Services adds full-text search

capability and reporting services.

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Performance Criteria:

The part of the system to be used for the record office should have a fast response time (real

time) with maximum throughput. Furthermore, the system should not be taking up too much

space in memory. The record officer has chosen fast response time over throughput and

hence the system should try to be more interactive. In the

case of the timetabling subsystem, the system should be more reliable in order to the

constraints than fast response time.


The school needs the system to be highly dependable as it is expected to be used by nonIT

professionals. The system should be robust and fault tolerant. Furthermore, as the system is

handling sensitive data of the school, high emphasis should be given with regards to security,

as there are subsystems to be accessed through web.


The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should

also be easily modifiable to make changes to the features and functionalities.

End User Criteria Usability:

Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified

goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. From the

end users’ perspective the system should be designed in such a way that it is easy to learn and

use, efficient and having few errors if any. Trade-off is inevitable in trying to achieve a

particular design goal. One best case is the issue of security versus response time. Checking

User-Id and Password before a member can enter to the SMS creates response time

problem/overhead. The other case is the issue of response time versus quality. There is some

amount of time taken by the system to generate the timetable. So the user has to wait a little

after telling the system to generate the timetable and getting the result to get a quality


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Screenshots of Apps:

WELCOME TO USER SECTION Welcome user   Logout

STUDENT o Student Registrationo Registration Due/Clearo Roll No. Allotmento Transfer Certificateo Promote Class o Update Leaving Student

FEE o Student Fee Collectiono Student Fee Statuso Student Fee Reporto Bus Fee Collection

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o Bus Fee Report ATTENDANCE

o Student Attendanceo Edit Attendanceo Attend Search Date Betw o Attend by Class/Reg No.

RESULT o Class I to II Entry

EVALUTION I/ II/ III Co_Scholastic

o Class III to V Entry EVALUTION I/ II/ III Co_Scholastic

o Class VI to VIII Entry FA1/FA2/FA3/SPI1/SPI2 Co_Scholastic

o Report & Print Class I to II I to II Co_Scholastic Class III to V III to V Co_Scholastic Class VI to VIII VI to VIII Co_Scholastic

o Final Result Class I and II Class III to V Class VI to VIII

HOSTEL o Enter Bed Numbero Book Room o Due Hostel Fee Collection o Releasing Room o Classwise Due Stud List

TIME TABLE o Entry Time Table Detailso Teacher Wise Scheduleo Day Wise Scheduleo Section Wise Schedule

EMPLOYEES DETAILS o Employee Registrationo Employee Salary Detailso Emp Bulk Attendanceo Employee Salary

STOCK o Stock Item Mastero Stock Item Entryo Stock Report Details

ALUMNI o Alumni Details

HELP o Sms Sending Procedure

Student Registration FormRegister Student

*Registration Date : Note



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*Form No.

Session :

*Reg No.:

Batch :

Form Valid Till :

Class :

Image :


Student Phot

o with Reg No




Last Name

Middle Name *First Name


YPlace of Birth State






AddressPhone with Code


Fax Email-Id  




  School where Student is Presently Studing   Class Studing   Medium


  School Affilated to :  CBSE ICSC

State Board




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In this project, we developed an automated school management system that

facilitates the various activities taking place at schools. The system developed in the

project consists of windows and web applications. These are two different

applications on the same database. The windows application takes most of the

activities such as offline student registering, transcript and report card generation and

producing the timetable. The web application facilitates attendance recording by the

homeroom teachers and to view reports, to view status of students by students,

teachers and parents. Our solution of the timetabling problem is very simple. Data

structures are used to implement the timetable designed. The scheduler selects a

subject-teacher from the database, retrieves all the classes assigned to the teacher,

calculates the load of the teacher which cannot be greater than the maximum load and

selects one of the days randomly based on the number of lessons of the subject,

searches a free appropriate time slot and assigns the slot to the lesson. The scheduler

repeats the process until the load of the teacher becomes zero and all the teachers in

the database are visited. Finally the result generated is stored in a database. The

prototype has been tested with data from Kokebe Tsebah Secondary School. It has

been shown that the system effectively registers students along with parental

information, easily retrieves information about a student and generates the required

reports such as transcript, report card and timetable. In addition to generating a

feasible master timetable it produces a timetable for each teacher. Further more it has

been shown that the web application of the system helps attendance recording by the



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homeroom teacher and parents can view the status of their children using the Internet

or Intranet of the school.

the things that I learned for two years. I do not regret anything in this experience

and I thank all those who have allowed such a thing feasible. The training people will

remain forever engraved in my memory . The people I met here are not just

classmates, roommates and professors, they are friends, and once again I thank you all


Web Programming for PHP. MYSQL black book. SAMS teach yourself UML in 24 hours by Joseph schmuller Software Engineering by R.Pressmen-sixth edition


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