iwa north riding branch, northern navigation summer 2012

The Inland Waterways Association The Northern Navigation News Newsletter of the North Riding Branch of the Inland Waterways Association Issue 6 - Summer 2012 N N N Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina are Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina are Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina are Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina are Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina are pr pr pr pr proud sponsors of Nor oud sponsors of Nor oud sponsors of Nor oud sponsors of Nor oud sponsors of Northern Na thern Na thern Na thern Na thern Naviga viga viga viga vigation News tion News tion News tion News tion News Boaters moored at Foss Basin whilst the River Ouse was in flood during the Rivers Festival in July

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IWA North Riding Branch, Northern Navigation Summer 2012


Page 1: IWA North Riding Branch, Northern Navigation Summer 2012

The InlandWaterwaysAssociation


NorthernNavigation News

Newsletter of the North Riding Branch of theInland Waterways Association

Issue 6 - Summer 2012


Selby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina areSelby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina areSelby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina areSelby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina areSelby Boat Centre & Boroughbridge Marina areprprprprproud sponsors of Noroud sponsors of Noroud sponsors of Noroud sponsors of Noroud sponsors of Northern Nathern Nathern Nathern Nathern Navigavigavigavigavigation Newstion Newstion Newstion Newstion News

Boaters moored at Foss Basin whilst the River Ouse was in flood during theRivers Festival in July

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A SAFE HAVEN, AT LAST?What I do find worrying is the lack of communication between bodies andgroups involved in the waterways. A couple of years ago, a member of theEnvironment Agency staff visited the IWA gazebo at a Dragon Boat Festival inYork. The local IWA Section had been operating Castle Mills Lock for abouttwo years, but nobody had told the staff at the barrier, which is next door.

Paul, the man on duty on at the barrier on Friday 6th July, did not know aboutthe Flotilla or the Dragon Boat Race! Surely, the City of York Council shouldbe making a diary of events and activities on the Rivers Ouse and Fossavailable to all the other stakeholders, such as the Canal and River Trust , theEnvironment Agency, Emergency Services etc. Also, we will have another goat the contact number for operating Castle Mills Lock being prominently ondisplay on the brick block by the lock pound. The IWA has offered to pay forthe signage etc.

The boaters stranded in the lock basin by the River Ouse flooding, were a funloving bunch, and they held a barbeque on the Saturday night. On theMonday 9th July Keith Chapman and Peter Hopwood, two of the LockKeepers, let four narrow boats up the River Foss. Tony Martin, the Head LockKeeper, joined them later. The trip up the River Foss was enjoyed by all.

So, thank you SteveJackson, Lesley andChris Drayton andfriends, for yourhospitality andpatience .Also thanksto Ian Carter, thelandlord of theMason’s Arms, andChris of Yorkboat fortheir understanding

and help.

2There was a great spirit of camaraderie amongst theboaters who were trapped in Foss Basin on 9th July

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Page 4: IWA North Riding Branch, Northern Navigation Summer 2012

The Flotilla celebrating the 800 Anniversary of York receiving its City Charterfrom King John had been cancelled at the very last minute, as had theSunday’s Dragon Boat Festival. These are now going to be held on Sunday26th August and Saturday 22nd September 2012. There will be a report onboth in the next Northern Navigation News (Autumn 2012).

Many thanks are due to Liz Topi (City of York Council) and Ian Woodham ofYork Motor Yacht Club for all their hard work that they and many otherpeople did on the Flotilla.

BOOKING INTO THE FLOTILLA – SUNDAY 26th AUGUST 2012There is now room for more boats in the new flotilla,which will be on Sunday 26th August 2012, starting at1.30pm. The mooring for narrowboats will, again be CastleMills Lock Basin. Please not that the Skippers’ Briefing willbe on Saturday 25th August 2012 at 10.00am at CastleMills Lock, York. If you would like a booking form then,please e-mail Liz Topi on [email protected] or telephone

Tony Martin on 07588-236-597.

Bookings must be by Wednesday 22nd August 2012. Ifyou are interested in cruising the River Foss, pleasecall the above phone number.

CHANGES TO INSTRUCTIONSThere will be no red buoys in the middle of the River Ouse by the Guildhall. Alsothe cruise company Yorkboat will be operating 5 boats on a full service, as wellas the little hourly hire boats. These will be marshalled and instructed to saildown river towards the Millennium Bridge and away from the centre of York.

CLOSUREThe River Ouse will be closed from 11.00am to 4.00pm on Sunday 26thAugust 2012.

THE MERMAIDOn the afternoon of Thursday 12th July, the new acquisition of the BeverleyBarge Trust, the Mermaid, cruised up the River Foss as far as Huntingdon Road.

This boat was given to the Trust. It was originally a Trinity House boat,made in South Korea by Hyundai, and has a Perkins diesel engine.


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Charles and Diana had reputedly been on board, when boarding the RoyalYacht Britannia. The Mermaid was now in the Trust colours, and looks verysmart. On 12th July on one of the trips the RFS had the pleasure of thecompany of Peter Scott, IWA Regional Chairman, and Elaine Scott, IWA WestRiding Branch Chairman.

Diana Robinson has written about her experiences on the Mermaid (see page 7).

THE LAUNCH OF THE CRT – Leeds, Thursday 12th July 2012

The launch of the new waterways charity (CRT) in Leeds was wellorchestrated, with a DVD presentation by the Canal and River Trust’s firstpatron, Prince Charles, followed by a poem by Ian Macmillan.

John Horsfall, Waterways Manager, North East Region, made us all welcome,followed by two long serving members of staff. After the visual presentations, thenew Chair of the Partnership Board, Mark Penny, gave a talk about theCRT’s plans for the future. A cake was then cut, and spritzers drunk.

“Mermaid” turning around on the River Foss, just north of Monk Bridge.

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Oh, the light breakfast of croissants’ pastries andcoffee was most welcome, but it was the venue that Iwill most remember, which reminded me of a scenefrom Fellini’s film 8½, which I saw when in my firstjob in London’s West End in the late Sixties. I leavethe analogy to your imaginations.

Much more thought could have been given to the venue. Standing room only,a spiral staircase to the first floor and no lift. And if I had not spotted suitablysuited gentlemen outside an unmarked plate glass door, and a makeshiftreception area inside, I would not have found the venue easily.

The boat trip was greatly enjoyed, however, by Elaine and Peter Scott (WestRiding Branch and NE and Yorkshire Region Chairs), who then came to Yorkfor a journey up the River Foss on the Mermaid (see Diana Robinson’s articlebelow) . A much more illuminating trip!

THE PROPOSED NEW MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR THE IWA?Talking about being ‘illuminating’, we would like to start a debate about whatis the most effective way of representing boaters’ interests, and the interests ofother stakeholders? What has sparked off this debate? The proposal is that themembership fee for IWA membership is set to be £31.50 (£25.20concessions) The future membership of the CRT is going to be decided inthree years’ time (there is none at present); it may be included with annualboat fees, and then a further £31.50 plus membership of one’s local canaltrust, or navigation, is pushing matters too far. So do we now need more thanone charity nationally? Local societies are not in question, here.

Alright, so the CRT manages the system and protects the heritage, and theIWA campaigns around issues, and makes sure that bodies, such as the CRT,carry out their duties. However, let’s start a real debate about the most costeffective way (to the paying member) of protecting our interests.

E-mail: [email protected] with your thoughts. Thank you.

MEANDERING WITH A MERMAIDWhen I heard about the barge trips on the River Foss I decided to book forone on Syntan as well as one on Mermaid. Unfortunately, the heavy rain inthe previous week affected river levels to the extent that Syntan was unable to

navigate under the bridges so I had to be content with the smaller vessel,Mermaid.


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However, it was still possible to look around Syntan, moored at King's Staith,and appreciate the amount of work that had gone into its restoration.Originally connected with the tanning industry it had carried a variety ofcargo to and from Beverley and there was a fascinating photographic displayto illustrate its history.

I joined Mermaid at a small mooring point behind the old BT building inYork. The sun was shining and it was a perfect afternoon to be on the river,reminiscent of scenes from "Wind in the Willows". Indeed, as we glidedalong the Foss, expertly guided by the crew, we passed under many willowbowers. Everywhere we went people smiled and waved at us as we perchedon deck to make the most of the views. So we were greeted by tourists on thebuses and passers-by on the footpath as we made our way upstream to MonkBridge.

En route we sailed under a number of bridges and passed a variety oftownscape, from car showrooms (which certainly attracted the attentionof the men on board) to modern office blocks and supermarkets to

The “Mermaid” approaches Monk Bridge on its way up the River Foss

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apartments overlooking the river, where we also were granted a friendlywave as the vessel turned to return to Kings Staith. That route meant wegained a glimpse of The Merchant Adventurers' Hall before navigating thelock by Castle Mills and watching how expertly this was handled.

"After all, the best part… is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as tosee all the other fellows busy working" as Kenneth Graham so eloquentlyexpressed it.

The final stretch was up the wider Ouse before disembarking alongside Syntan.

One of the highlights of the trip for me was seeing the ducks rise en massefrom the water, creating a symphony of splashes which reflected the sunshineas they flew.

I also enjoyed seeing the water-lilies, an unexpected pleasure as we sailedalong. I gained a different perspective on my adopted city and thank allconcerned for that.

Diana Robinson, July 2012

DIARYSaturday 25th August – 10.00am York Motor YachtClub, Fulford, York – Fun Day

Sunday 26th August – 1.30pm The York 800 Flotilla –see details above.

Saturday 22nd September – York Rotary Club Dragon Boat Races.

The River Foss Society will have a gazebo on Marygate Landing, York from10.00am to 4.00pm. The North Riding Branch (IWA) will be on site as well.

Saturday 29th September – Open Day – Castle Mills Lock, York. The NorthRiding Branch (IWA) will be holding an Open Day at Castle Mills Lock, Yorkfrom 10.00am. The River Foss Society will be on site with a gazebo on theisland, and a boat will be cruising along the River Foss from 10.00am to 4.00pm.John Oxley (the City of York Archaeologist) will be conducting his popularhistory walk along the banks of the historic River Foss from Monk Bridge (endof Foss Island Road and Huntingdon Road) to the Castle. The walk commences at2.00pm and lasts for approximately two hours.

The event is organised in co-operation with York Fifty Plus Festival.

Saturday 6th October – The Scarborough Talk – this event is organisedin co-operation with East Yorkshire Branch (IWA). An afternoon of

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Page 10: IWA North Riding Branch, Northern Navigation Summer 2012


fascinating talks with Malcolm Slater giving anew illustrated talk on commercial shippingon Yorkshire’s busy waterways and MichaelBarton, the grandson of a Castle Mills LockKeeper, giving a presentation with models andphotos. Refreshment Interval followed by apresentation on the Market Weighton Canalrestoration proposals.

A small fee to cover he costs will be charged.

The venue is: The Unitarian Chapel, VictoriaParade, off Falsgrave Road, Scarborough,YO11 1TY. Parking in Sainsbury’s car parkopposite or in the side streets. A Park and Ridefacility is available and Scarborough Station is a short distance away.

The event starts at 2.00pm. For more details [email protected] or telephone on: 07588-236-597.

MESSAGE FROM THE NEW BRANCH CHAIRAt the AGM, Tony Martin stood down as Branch chair. Tony was the movingspirit behind the establishment of a separate branch, and knows everyoneconnected with the Branch's waterways. Luckily he has agreed to stay on assecretary, especially as I've been in hospital and have operations in prospect.Thanks to Tony for keeping the show on the road.

I've been asked why, with the transition of BW to CaRT, we need twowaterways charities. One answer is that out of the new body's board of 35,only 6 represent boaters' interests (though one is the IWA's formidablenational chair Clive Henderson). While obviously everyone should have asay, pressure on resources may mean that boaters will need backing overnavigation priorities as distinct from wildlife, industrial history etc. Anotheranswer is to say go to www.waterways.org.uk and have a look at what theIWA has achieved and is currently engaged in! Mike Cadoux

LINTON LOCK HYDROThe Environment Agency has finally approved the Lock Island scheme,despite opposing it in court in 2009 - probably couldn't justify risking

taxpayer's money again on a case it was likely to lose. This means theSmall Hydro/CaRT scheme can go ahead provided it's done before

Scarborough Unitarian Chapel

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River Foss Societyformed nearly 40 years ago to protect and promote

enjoyment of the river, also pleased to co-operate with theInland Waterways Association, North Riding Branch.

In spite of the early summer weather, 2012 events havebeen well supported with usually one walk and at least oneother event each month. For details of events for the rest

of the year, for a copy of the latest Newsletter or for detailsof Membership please contact:-

Secretary – Tel no 01904 760871,E mail: [email protected]

Membership – Tel no 01904 768071,E mail: [email protected]



2017, and that the recently-completed smaller scheme on the south (NunMonkton) bank has priority for water usage. But coupled with therequirement to maintain a flow of 47 cubic metres/second over the weir, whichwill have to be raised by 50cm, one wonders how much water will beleft for the prospective scheme; and as well as too little water, it can't

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operate in flood either. Also, several moorings will be lost, and Lock Island,which is an currently undisturbed but unofficial nature reserve with ottersliving where the turbines are going, will have a road across it to the turbinesite. Mike Cadoux

WHY THE IWA NEEDS YOUR MONEYEvery charity needs their supporters and IWA trustees are grateful for everycharitable donation that we receive - and that includes subscriptions. Wecampaign for all the country's waterways - including all the miles that aren'trun by the Canal and River Trust.

We continue to uprate subscriptions each year with inflation, and there's aresolution at the Chelmsford AGM on 29th September at which members candebate the new rates for 2013: it's well worth attending as a weekend away,with a boat trip arranged on the navigation that IWA runs, the Chelmer andBlackwater (details are in "Waterways" magazine).

I think of my IWA subscription as something that costs me less than buying amonthly waterways magazine from the newsagents. Because IWA is a charity, itqualifies for Gift Aid, and the extra twenty-odd percent from the Government:it's our members' gift to help the waterways, and we hope to give value for itby our campaigning. Thank you. Peter Scott, Regional Chair

WE WENT TO LONDON TO SEE THE QUEEN ... AND GOT ABIT WET – a story of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee PageantAt the end of the October meeting, before the last pint, ‘Are we applying for theQueen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant?’ . ‘We might as well, we’ve no other boatingin early June, secretary to fill in formon line. Who wants another drink?’

As secretary of the group whichowns the Town Class LargeWoolwich narrow boat Fulbourne, Ifilled in the form and we thought nomore about it until January when anemail said we had a place. This wasthe first of many, many megabytesof electronic communication with

details of the Pageant and itsarrangements.

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Safety. With 1100 boats, it was to be the largest river pageant ever – andbecame a Guinness World Record. To achieve it, boat skippers would beunusually close to other boats, with danger of colliding; the related danger ofsomeone falling into the river would cause chaos. Every boater needed alifejacket, every boat had to have a sufficient anchor, firefighting equipment,and be able to bale out if needed.

Security. Everyone on the boats had to be registered two months in advance,and have their identity checked before being sent our 'Boarding Passes'. It allled to a slow build-up of ...

Enthusiasm. There were lots of boating applications rejected by January 2012,and we on Fulbourne realised how keen other boats would be to have ourspace in the forty-narrowboat convoy. For us the build-up included an April-weekend escape from our closed-for-drought winter-moorings in Aylesbury,then a weekend rehearsal followed by the real event a week later. The three-hour pageant needed two-and-a-half additional days beforehand a day-and-a-half afterwards to put the boat in the correct starting position and then todisperse afterwards.

Our two leisure activities – narrowboating and Change Ringing - somehowmerged together with the idea that a new set of towerbells destined for thechurch of St James, Garlickhythe,London, should be temporarilymounted on a barge leading thePageant, and rung while moving byan expert band from the AncientSociety of College Youths.

Was if worth it? The answer has tobe a resounding YES. It was great tobe part of such an historic event andI will never be able to wave to somany people again. The cold and therain were badly timed, but overall itwas a good boating experience.


Elaine Scott, NB FulbourneThe Fulbourne

Please note that all views expressed in “Northern Navigation News” are those ofthe authors and may not represent those of the Inland Waterways Association.

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