j i frztt tclosing - university of...

v w r j- TWO OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 1303 7ti EVENING STAR r C BITTINGER CO- t f C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers t > R C L BITTINGER f Editor and General Manager t < R CARROLL t 5 City Editor and Business Manager DO YOU DESIRE A COUNTY FAIR There has been considerable discus- sion i lately about getting up a coun ¬ > ty fair in Ocala for January 1 1909 Every person interested in this move will please meet at Dr Guerrants new horse hospital Sept 5th to discuss > plans and formulate methods whereby- the fair can be made a success 4 Genial Captain E B Richardson of the Homosassa Inn came up Sunday t and returned home Monday Judging from his looks he is enjoying the best of health and has found that spring of t youth so much vaunted in Florida He says he certainly has made that dis- covery ¬ at the head waters of the Ho mosasa and from the purity of its waters he calls it the Florida Poland Spring STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Tallahassee Fla August 19The State College for Women looks for ¬ ward to next school year as a season- of victorious achievements for her students The new dormitory which will accommodate one hundred and sixty girls Is finished Handsome new furnishings costing over 4000 will TIP put In soon The parlors are to be- set up In mission furniture upholster- ed ¬ in finest leather The reception f1 rooms of East Hall will also be sup- plied ¬ with attractive new furniture The many improvements now in pro ¬ gress on the campus will add greatly- to the pleasing appearance of the I grounds t Although some of our ablest teach- ers ¬ will not return to us their places are to be filled by teachers who have attained aremarkable success In their several lines of work Prof Bucholz vill be succeeded by Dr C J Heat vole a Virginian who Is a graduate ot Peabody College Nashville and of Columba University N Y He has had wide experience as superintend- ent ¬ of schools and as a lecturer be- fore ¬ teachers institutes At present- he is principalof the summer schoo- lat the University of Virginia Miss Milred Dalzell of Florence Ala will have charge of the depart- ment ¬ of expression and physical cul- ture ¬ I Miss Dalzell Is a graduate of the University of Michigan and of the Northwestern University and is wide- ly ¬ known as a reader Our new director of music will be Miss Martha Cline sister of Miss Sarah Cline our teacher of voice For several years Miss Cline has been at tilt head of the conservatory of music- in Little Rock Arkansas She is a graduate the Cincinnati Conserva ¬ tory and has studied under Dr Sher ¬ wood of Chicago When we remem ¬ ber the fine training which our last years voice class received from Miss Sarah Cline we feel specially fortun ¬ ate in adding her sister to our music faculty Miss Emma Hall Tarbet will come as teacher of pipe organ and piano ¬ forte She Is a graduate of Blackburn University and of N E Conservatory- of Music She has studied In Boston and at the National Conservatory of Music New York and she has had two years private instruction under l Dr Louis Mass and Joseffy Two years of additional study in Germany and Switzerland with experience as teacher of music In several of the Juicing colleges of the United States have prepared this lady well for the responsible position that she is to as- sume ¬ Miss Tarbet is a fine perform- er ¬ on the pipe organ Mrs Florence Dillard Hequembourg r will have charge of the instruction in violin She has studied under the mas- ters ¬ In Boston Cincinnati and New York and under famous violinists in Berlin and Brussels She has taught and concertized in New York Wash- ington ¬ City and Richmond Va 4 i The college strengthened by its new equipments and its very able faculty- is prepared to offer most excellent op- portunities ¬ for the education of Flor Idas young women George R McKean of Ocala head of the McKean Lumber Company having offices ln Tampa and Ocala and prominent as an officer in the state 4 telephone association is in Tampa to ¬ day looking after interests at this point Mr McKean will return to Ocala In a few days He established- the Tampa offices about two weeks ago Tampa Tribune I Jack McCully was in town today from the Berlin section Jack said Ed Freyermouth the well borer was sinking a drive well at the Fellowship school The well has been sunk to a i depth of 125 feet but the flow of wat- er ¬ did not meet expectations and the shaft would be1 driven deeper Mr TilcCully came in for piping Speak ¬ ing of good roads Mr McCully said he was going to work in a few days on slaying the sandy spots in the BUtch ton road and he hopes to show a piece- of work that would be pleasing to the people and county commissloners The idea is a good one taking the deep sand beds and hardening them with clay I Mr and Mrs B C Harter of yen x1 tura Calif but now on a visit to Mr and Mrs Carl Harter of Sparr are in the city for a week guests of Mr T J Owen Mr Harter is a pioneer set- tler ¬ of Marlon being one of the first to plant orange groves around Sparr Although past severityfive he bears Ills years well and is as bright and cheerful as o man of twentyfive- Little Miss Frances Liddon of Ocala who Is here spending a while with her sister Mrs J M Den Jr left yes- terday ¬ for a trip to Worthington Springs where she will be the guest- of relatives Gainesville Sun Masons meet tomorrow evening FOLKSPEDRICK- A beautiful wedding was solemnized Sunday morning at 930 at the home- of the brides mother Mrs James Pedrick of Romeo when her daugh- ter Miss Addle was united in mar ¬ riage to Mr Henry Folks Notary W 0 Brewer of Romeo performed the ceremony Miss Hilma Folks played- the wedding march The fair bride was gowned in a love- ly ¬ white silk princess dress with beautiful trimmings of laces and rib- bons ¬ The groom wore the conven- tional ¬ black The parlors were decorated with ferns and flowers After the cere ¬ mony the wedding party were invit- ed ¬ to the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs W O Brewer of Romeo where they partook of an elegant dinner After the social hour the newly mar- ried ¬ pair boarded the A C L train in the midst of showers of rice and good wishes for their home in Jack- sonville ¬ Mrs Folks is an accomplished young lady and was one of Romeos fair belles She will be missed by all of her friends Mr Henry Folks Is the son of Rev and Mrs W J Folks of Juliette a young man of sterling qualities He has a position with the Folks Lumber Company of Jacksonville Only a few friends and relatives were present to witness the happy oc- casion ¬ i RELIEVING MUSCULAR STRAIN- Of the eyes that rob the vigor of the rest of the body is our profes ¬ sion Glasses are intended for more than the aiding of vision Some of the most distressing diseases have been relieved by glasses after doc ¬ tors and surgeons had doctored and cut to their hearts content Do not procrastinate in the matter of having your eyes examined by me DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Florida Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 tnd 4 Gary blocs ACKNOWLEDGED BY ANNIS Just Before His Death that he Had Been Guilty of a Great Wrong New York August 19New light is expected to be thrown upon the Bay Side Yacht Club tragedy at the in ¬ quest into the death of William E Annis who was killed Saturday by Captain Peter C Haines Jr United States Rrmy- Dr Henry Houghton the physician who was at the side of Annis when he lost consciousness was quoted today- as intimating that Annis in his last moments acknowledged he was paying with his life for a wrong he had com- mitted ¬ He told certain things to me Dr Houghton is quoted as saying which- no one else heard and which I have told to no one When I am called upon- to testify before the coroners jury I probably will make it public That there was absolutely nothing in the attitude of either of the Haines to indicate that they were laboring under any delusion or great excitement at the time of the shooting was asserted- by the doctor It was understood that Mrs Haines intends to take some ac- tion ¬ I I towards compelling the return of her children to her HERBINE- Will overcome indigestion and dys ¬ pepsia regulate the bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints- It is the best blood enricher and in vigorator In the world It is purely vegetable perfectly harmless and should you be a sufferer from disease you will use it if you are wise Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- FOR SALE- I am offering ten choice lots for sale at Eastlake These lots have a front- age ¬ of seventyfive feet on New York avenue and 198 feet in depth Locat- ed ¬ on the summit between the depot and postoffice and command a view of the entire lake This avenue extends- to the waters edge and is paved from the depot to the property Buy a lot build a cottage occupy it in summer and rent it for the winter Prices reasonable titles perfect James R Moorhead owner ACTIVE AT EIGHTYSEVEN- This would be unusual news if men and women would keep themselves free from rheumatism and all aches and pains as well as keeping their muscles and joints limber with Bal lards Snow Liniment Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- A SHOCK- Is something awful here is no dan- ger ¬ of being shocked if I do your elec- trical ¬ work Everything electrical Drop a card W H Morris 159 Magnolia St DISAGREEABLE AT rOME Lots of men and women Who are agreeable with others get cranky- at home Its not disposition its the liver If you find in yourself that you feel cross around the house little things worry you just buy a bottle- of Ballards Herbine and put your liver In shape You and everybody around you will feel better for it Price 50 cents per bottle Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore NOTICE- Are you employed If you desire a position that will give you a good compensation it would be to your In ¬ terest to comunicate as directed be ¬ low Business Box 177 Gainesville Fla Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold under a positive guarantee to cure constipation sick headache stomach trouble or any form of Indigestion- If it fails the manufacturers refund your money What more can any one do Sold by all dealers FEARFUL CRIME NEAR DADE CITY- H A Lane Shot Dead and His Wife Accuses Her Brother of the Deed Special to the Tampa Tribune Dade City August IS Struck by throe bullets from ambush one of the leaen missiles striking and breaking his neck H A Lane was killed about 5 oclock yesterday afternoon as he was driving along the road five miles from this city With Lane at the time he was shot was his wife The horse frightened at the shots started to run away and the woman and the lifeless body of the man were hurled to the roadside- Mrs Lane however was not seriously hurt and she rose from the fround In time to see at least one of her hus bands assailants well enough she de clared at the inquest to identify him as her own brother Eth Ethington Inquest Still in Session Sheriff Sturkie and County Judge Wallace were notified at once of the murder and they went to the scene A coroners jury was impaneled at once and the taking of the evidence of Mrs Lane brought out such sensational features that they took a careful note of the scene of the tragedy and re turned to Dade City where the inquest was continued today This afternoon- the inquest had not been completed- and it is expected that another ses- sion ¬ will be held tomorrow morning when important developments are ex- pected ¬ Mrs Lane testifies that when she raised herself from the ground she caught a glimpse of her brother peer- ing ¬ through the bushes She could not tell whether he had a revolver or rifle but she held firmly to her statement- that she could not he mistaken as to his identity he declared further that she saw others but was unable to tell who they were At 4 oclock this af ¬ ternoon no arrests had been made but- it was thought the officials would make arrests before night Lane Was Unpopular- There had been bad blood in the neighborhood in which the Lanes lived and about two weeks ago he was noti- fied ¬ to leave the community This he did but returned last Saturday night and declared he intended to reside in his old home Whether this will be found to have a bearing on the murder- is not at present known to the pub- lic ¬ but it was given as a significant- fact at the inquest today WHAT SHALL WE- HAVE FOR DESSERT- Try JELLO the dainty appetizing economical dessert Cat be prepared instantly simply add boiling water and serve when cool Flavored just right sweetened just right perfect- in every way A lOco package makes enough dessert for a large family- All grocers sell it Dont accept sub ¬ stitutes JELLO complies with all Pure Food Laws Seven flavors Lemon Orange Raspberry Straw ¬ berry Chocolate Cherry Peach 1 REPROACH WILL BE REMOVED From the Name of High SpringsThe Good Citizens Determined to Drive Out the Thugs Thoroughly aroused over the man ¬ ner in which the reputation of their home town has been blackened by the operation of a thieving and murder- ous ¬ gang of thugs for years past the good people of High Springs are do ¬ ing everything in their power to have the gang broken up and bring to jus ¬ tice the murderer or murderers of W H Mooreland the traveling man The state is also aiding in the movement in every way possible and there is hope that at no distant date the High Springs gang will be made a thing of the past Prominent Citizens Here W A Bexley justice of the peace at High Springs and father of Will Bex ley the young man arrested with one Troupe Osteen on suspicion of having murdered Mooreland visited the Me- tropolis ¬ office this morning and asked to be shown the original of the threat- ening ¬ letter published yesterday after ¬ noon and his request was granted Mr Bexley who is one of the best known citizens of High Springs was somewhat perturbed over the fact that the writer of the letter stated that Billie meaning his son had killed Mooreland and declared the letter was nothing less than an attempt of guilty j parties to place the stigma of guilt on his SOI- lThere is not a man living said Mr Bexley who is as deeply interest- ed as I in learning who murdered Mooreland for my son has the charge hanging over his head I am working- on the case to the very best of my ability and will not rest until my boy- is proven innocent and the real mur- derer ¬ discovered The good people of High Springs are also aroused on the subject and wll do everything possi- ble ¬ to solve the mystery Regarding the recent fire to which the anonymous writer alluded Mr Bexley stated that he was the heaviest individual loses of the town his loss amounting to nearly 5000 He hoped tr get some clue from examining the handwriting in the anonymous letter but was unable to do so Publication of the anonymous letters- in the Metropolis has served to arouse- he state more thoroughly than ever by reason of which it is believed the murderous gang will eventually be done away with by course of law Jacksonville Metropolis ISth HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLDS Victims of hay fever will experience great benefit by taking Foleys Honey and Tar as it stops difficult breathing immediately and heals the inflamed- air passages and even if it should fail to cure you It will give instant elief The genuine is in a yellow package Sold by all dealers WANTED Lady canvassers Call- at Carlton House 630 to 730 evening 1230 to 130 noon Ask for Taylor DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pills made They are the well known pleasant gentle prompt little liver pills Insist upon Early Risers We sell and recommend them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore DETERMINED TO DIE- A t Desperate Young Woman of Pitts burg Tried to Ride to Destruction PiU burg August 19Lying on I Beechwood boulevard at the edge of j a precipice the unconscious body of a I goodlooking young woman was found last night by Congressman James i Francis Burke and several friends- i Standing near by quivering in every j limb was a riderless horse and it was j at first supposed that the young wo- man who was dressed in a riding habit I had met with an accident- I She was hurriedly lifted into the au- I tomobile in which the party was rid- ing and a record run was made to r I the country club There on a table in i the dining room Dr J H Williamson j who was among the guests gathered- for a banquet worked over the girl i for two hours before he brought her- i back to consciousness Society men and women in evening dress acted as- I nurses and several of them had their I clothes splattered with blood which streamed from several wounds on the j girls head From a note found in her dress it j was learned that the girl was Miss Elizabeth Russell aged twentyfour- years j daughter of J W Russell of i Homestead From this note which i was addressed to her mother and also from her rambling talk it was learn- ed ¬ I that the girl had attempted suicide She had selected a remarkable way to end her life Seating herself in the saddle astride her favorite horse Miss Russell had whipped the animal into- a mad gallop Then at the edge of a I precipice she plunged head foremost j from the galloping animal Instead of going over the precipice however she I struck with her head against a stone wall She sustained several terrible cuts and her skull is fractured but prompt work on the part of the ban ¬ queters at the country club undoubted- ly ¬ saved her life The only motive known for Miss Russell attempting the deed was that she had quarreled with her mother yesterday afternoon BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE WINS Tom Moore of Rural Route 1 Coch ran Ga writes I had a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklens Arnica Salve Less than half a 25 cent box won the day for me by affecting a perfect- cure Sold under guarantee at all drug stores NOTICE TWO COWS MISSED Marked smooth crop in left ear crop and half crop in right ear Brand- on light red cow L D Brand on cream colored cow G L I will pay any one for information leading to their discovery Missing since Aug 11th 190S Gee W Lattimore LOW RAILROAD RATES From Ocala via the Atlantic Coast Line 30 60 Toledo Ohio and return G A R encampment Tickets on sale August 27th 2Sth 19th and 30th Good returning Sept 15th Priv- ilege ¬ extension until Oct 15th by paying fee of Sl- ey4160 Fort Worth Texas and return Tickets on sale Aug 29 30 31 Good- to leave Fort Worth Sept 30th 2435 Lexington Ky and return Tickets on sale Sept 13 14 and 15 Good to leave Lexington Sept 23 4970 Boston Mass and return via Savannah and steamship Tickets- on sale dally until Sept 30th good returning Oct 31st 4570 New York and return via Jack- sonville ¬ or Savannah and steam ¬ ship Tickets on sale dally until September 30th good returning Oc ¬ tober 31st 5115 Chicago III and return Tick ¬ ets on sale dally until Sept 30 good returning Oct 31st 4185 Hot Springs Ark and return Tickets on sale daily good return ¬ ing 90 days from date of sale Low excursion rates are also au- thorized ¬ to a great many other points For further information call on ticket agent or J G Kirkland division pas ¬ senger agent Tampa Fla Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25c Sold by all druggists MONTEZUMA BARBER SHOP IS AGAIN OPEX i New and modern furnishings Elec- tric I masiage machine and electric I fans Skilled workmen guarantee satis- faction ¬ i to all customers j R A DETTERICH i Proprietor j i HERE U R I THEY R FRESHG- RAHAMCRACKERS f I i I 10 = I SOCIAL TEAS lOc j MARSHMALLOWS lOc I ARROWROOT 10c NABISCO 10c I FIG NEWTON 10c I SALTINES We CHEESE SANDWICH 10c OATMEAL CRACKER 10c II ROYAL LUNCH 10c BUTTER THINS lOc AND ALL THE REST O K Grocery Clark Bros Proprietors I PHONE 174 Staple and Fancy Groceries 11 f YOUR CREDIT IS GQOD I tt AT THE BOSTON STORE- See ASHER FRANK Manager- One t t dollar a week will clothe t you and yoarfamily X MX XX XwlMXwX l XKXX Xfc X XX X XMX X XXX X frZtt t- tClosing J t I Out Summer i i V MILLINERY r Throughout the month of August I will sell all of my TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS- S and certain other items in the store at x ACTUAL FACTORYCOST j The stock is the very newest and most fashionable f Summer Millinery and as the season is just at its height this is a rare opportunity for the people of this section to secure new millinery at most un heard of prices I must have room for the New Fall Goods to arrive in a few days i MISS MARY AFFLECKS- outh Side Ocala House Block Ocala Florida j M B H SEYMOUR K MacPHERSO Marion Development Co DEALERS IN Real Estate and Buildin MaterialW- OOD LUMBER SHINGLES S PURE WHITE SAND Proberties Bought and Sold- Lotsfor Sale Cash or Easy Terms- P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Florid SOLDIERS MUST STAY SOME TIME IN SPRINGFIELDI- II Feeling Towards Negroes is Sup ¬ pressed Only by Their Presence Springfield 111 August 19One more victim was added to the death list of the Springfield mob last night when G W Scott succumbed to a gunshot wound in the lungs sustained Friday night Scotts death brings- the total fatalities to six and is the fourth chargeable to the disorder in the black belt near Twelfth and Madison streets It was there that the hunted negroes made their stand firing on the mob from the windows- and roofs Walt nntil the troops go is the word that has been passed around town An attack upon the pickets and the forced hegira of 150 negroes from the corn fields on the outskirts of the city to the state arsenal kept the militia busy yesterday morning Fir ¬ ing upon the sentries and their an- swering ¬ shots occurred less than two blocks from the headquarters of Gov- ernor ¬ Young at the county jail No one was injured in the affray but flying bullets from the carbines of the troops caused consternation in the district Th > trouble followed an attempt to set fire to a factory building The clearing out of corn fields southeast of the city where negro refugees had camped was the result of a succes- sive ¬ night of terror in Harvard Park The Chamber of Commerce and Busi ¬ ness Mens Association are support- ing ¬ the governors appeal for the fast- ening of the responsibility of the riot on the ringleaders Rewards have been offered by the governor in each of the cases of violent death during- the rioting The governor is deter mined to punish all proven to have participated in the deeds of violence- and plans for the prosecution have been completed and it is stated that- it will be swift certain and impartial When asked today what he thought would be the probable duration of the stay of his troops in Springfield the general In charge shook his head He could put no limit on the time- Remedy for Diarrhoea Fail Never Known- to I want to say a few words for Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬ arrhoea Remedy I have uses this- preparation in my family for the past five years and have recommended it to a number of people in York county and have never known it to fall to effect a cure in any instance I feel that I cannot say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world- S Jemison Spring Grove York County Pa This remedy is forsale- by all druggists- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired INSOMNI OIl have ben n lne CaacareU for Iniomnta wit which I Lave been afflicted for over twenty years and I can say that Caacareti have given me mor relief than any other remedy I have ever tried shall certainty recommend them to ay friends being alt they are represented Thoi GHlard Elgin Ill Best For The bowels CANDY CATHARTIC I Pleasant Palatable Potent Tad Good Do Hood Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe lOc 25c Me Nave sold In balk The genuine tablet tamped C CC Guaranteed to cure or your money Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 597 ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXE CHAMBERLAINS < f lJ liX T- i D i i- I f L 1 t J i i tl L Q r wR1JJl1fPi1 f V A few doses of this remedy will in ¬ I variably diarrhoea- It cure an ordinary attack of can always be depended npon I even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera inorbus I It is equally successful for summer diarrhcea and cholera infantum in children and is tha means of saving- the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy it now PRICE 25c LARGE SIZE Cue woo- A > Big Load for J eASII- B H SEYMOURP- hone I J85

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Page 1: j i frZtt tClosing - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00926/0171.pdfJuicing colleges of the United States have prepared this lady well for the responsible

v wr






tf C L Bittinger and R R Carroll

Proprietors and Publisherst >


f Editor and General Manager

t < R CARROLLt5 City Editor and Business Manager


There has been considerable discus-sioni lately about getting up a coun ¬

> ty fair in Ocala for January 1 1909Every person interested in this movewill please meet at Dr Guerrants newhorse hospital Sept 5th to discuss

> plans and formulate methods whereby-the fair can be made a success


Genial Captain E B Richardson ofthe Homosassa Inn came up Sunday

t and returned home Monday Judgingfrom his looks he is enjoying the bestof health and has found that spring oft youth so much vaunted in Florida Hesays he certainly has made that dis-covery


at the head waters of the Homosasa and from the purity of itswaters he calls it the Florida PolandSpring


Tallahassee Fla August 19TheState College for Women looks for ¬

ward to next school year as a season-of victorious achievements for herstudents The new dormitory whichwill accommodate one hundred andsixty girls Is finished Handsome newfurnishings costing over 4000 willTIP put In soon The parlors are to be-set up In mission furniture upholster-ed


in finest leather The receptionf1 rooms of East Hall will also be sup-


with attractive new furnitureThe many improvements now in pro ¬

gress on the campus will add greatly-to the pleasing appearance of the

I groundst Although some of our ablest teach-


will not return to us their placesare to be filled by teachers who haveattained aremarkable success In theirseveral lines of work Prof Bucholzvill be succeeded by Dr C J Heatvole a Virginian who Is a graduateot Peabody College Nashville and ofColumba University N Y He hashad wide experience as superintend-ent


of schools and as a lecturer be-


teachers institutes At present-he is principalof the summer schoo-lat the University of Virginia

Miss Milred Dalzell of FlorenceAla will have charge of the depart-ment


of expression and physical cul-



Miss Dalzell Is a graduate ofthe University of Michigan and of theNorthwestern University and is wide-ly


known as a readerOur new director of music will be

Miss Martha Cline sister of MissSarah Cline our teacher of voice Forseveral years Miss Cline has been attilt head of the conservatory of music-in Little Rock Arkansas She is agraduate the Cincinnati Conserva¬

tory and has studied under Dr Sher¬

wood of Chicago When we remem ¬

ber the fine training which our lastyears voice class received from MissSarah Cline we feel specially fortun ¬

ate in adding her sister to our musicfaculty

Miss Emma Hall Tarbet will comeas teacher of pipe organ and piano ¬

forte She Is a graduate of BlackburnUniversity and of N E Conservatory-of Music She has studied In Bostonand at the National Conservatory ofMusic New York and she has hadtwo years private instruction under

l Dr Louis Mass and Joseffy Twoyears of additional study in Germanyand Switzerland with experience asteacher of music In several of theJuicing colleges of the United Stateshave prepared this lady well for theresponsible position that she is to as-


Miss Tarbet is a fine perform-er


on the pipe organMrs Florence Dillard Hequembourg

r will have charge of the instruction inviolin She has studied under the mas-ters


In Boston Cincinnati and NewYork and under famous violinists inBerlin and Brussels She has taughtand concertized in New York Wash-ington


City and Richmond Va

4 i The college strengthened by its newequipments and its very able faculty-is prepared to offer most excellent op-


for the education of FlorIdas young women

George R McKean of Ocala head ofthe McKean Lumber Company havingoffices ln Tampa and Ocala andprominent as an officer in the state

4 telephone association is in Tampa to ¬

day looking after interests at thispoint Mr McKean will return toOcala In a few days He established-the Tampa offices about two weeksago Tampa Tribune I

Jack McCully was in town todayfrom the Berlin section Jack saidEd Freyermouth the well borer wassinking a drive well at the Fellowshipschool The well has been sunk to a

i depth of 125 feet but the flow of wat-er


did not meet expectations and theshaft would be1 driven deeper MrTilcCully came in for piping Speak¬

ing of good roads Mr McCully said hewas going to work in a few days onslaying the sandy spots in the BUtchton road and he hopes to show a piece-of work that would be pleasing to thepeople and county commissloners Theidea is a good one taking the deepsand beds and hardening them withclay

I Mr and Mrs B C Harter of yenx1 tura Calif but now on a visit to Mr

and Mrs Carl Harter of Sparr are inthe city for a week guests of Mr TJ Owen Mr Harter is a pioneer set-tler


of Marlon being one of the firstto plant orange groves around SparrAlthough past severityfive he bearsIlls years well and is as bright andcheerful as o man of twentyfive-

Little Miss Frances Liddon of Ocalawho Is here spending a while with hersister Mrs J M Den Jr left yes-terday


for a trip to WorthingtonSprings where she will be the guest-of relatives Gainesville Sun

Masons meet tomorrow evening


A beautiful wedding was solemnizedSunday morning at 930 at the home-of the brides mother Mrs JamesPedrick of Romeo when her daugh-ter Miss Addle was united in mar ¬

riage to Mr Henry Folks Notary W0 Brewer of Romeo performed theceremony Miss Hilma Folks played-the wedding march

The fair bride was gowned in a love-ly


white silk princess dress withbeautiful trimmings of laces and rib-


The groom wore the conven-tional


blackThe parlors were decorated with

ferns and flowers After the cere ¬

mony the wedding party were invit-ed


to the hospitable home of Mr andMrs W O Brewer of Romeo wherethey partook of an elegant dinnerAfter the social hour the newly mar-ried


pair boarded the A C L trainin the midst of showers of rice andgood wishes for their home in Jack-sonville


Mrs Folks is an accomplishedyoung lady and was one of Romeosfair belles She will be missed by allof her friends

Mr Henry Folks Is the son of Revand Mrs W J Folks of Juliette ayoung man of sterling qualities Hehas a position with the Folks LumberCompany of Jacksonville

Only a few friends and relativeswere present to witness the happy oc-




Of the eyes that rob the vigor ofthe rest of the body is our profes ¬

sion Glasses are intended for morethan the aiding of vision Some ofthe most distressing diseases havebeen relieved by glasses after doc ¬

tors and surgeons had doctored andcut to their hearts content Donot procrastinate in the matter ofhaving your eyes examined by me

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FloridaOffice Hours 8 to 12 a m and

130 to 430 p m Optical office andlaboratory rooms 2 tnd 4 Gary blocs


Just Before His Death that he HadBeen Guilty of a Great Wrong

New York August 19New light isexpected to be thrown upon the BaySide Yacht Club tragedy at the in ¬

quest into the death of William EAnnis who was killed Saturday byCaptain Peter C Haines Jr UnitedStates Rrmy-

Dr Henry Houghton the physicianwho was at the side of Annis when helost consciousness was quoted today-as intimating that Annis in his lastmoments acknowledged he was payingwith his life for a wrong he had com-mitted


He told certain things to me DrHoughton is quoted as saying which-no one else heard and which I havetold to no one When I am called upon-to testify before the coroners jury Iprobably will make it public

That there was absolutely nothing inthe attitude of either of the Haines toindicate that they were laboring underany delusion or great excitement atthe time of the shooting was asserted-by the doctor It was understood thatMrs Haines intends to take some ac-tion

¬ I


towards compelling the return ofher children to her

HERBINE-Will overcome indigestion and dys ¬

pepsia regulate the bowels and cureliver and kidney complaints-

It is the best blood enricher and invigorator In the world It is purelyvegetable perfectly harmless andshould you be a sufferer from diseaseyou will use it if you are wise Soldby AntiMonopoly Drugstore-


I am offering ten choice lots for saleat Eastlake These lots have a front-age


of seventyfive feet on New Yorkavenue and 198 feet in depth Locat-ed


on the summit between the depotand postoffice and command a view ofthe entire lake This avenue extends-to the waters edge and is paved fromthe depot to the property Buy a lotbuild a cottage occupy it in summerand rent it for the winter Pricesreasonable titles perfect James RMoorhead owner

ACTIVE AT EIGHTYSEVEN-This would be unusual news if men

and women would keep themselvesfree from rheumatism and all achesand pains as well as keeping theirmuscles and joints limber with Ballards Snow Liniment Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore-

A SHOCK-Is something awful here is no dan-ger


of being shocked if I do your elec-trical


work Everything electricalDrop a card W H Morris

159 Magnolia St

DISAGREEABLE AT rOMELots of men and women Who are

agreeable with others get cranky-at home Its not disposition its theliver If you find in yourself thatyou feel cross around the house littlethings worry you just buy a bottle-of Ballards Herbine and put yourliver In shape You and everybodyaround you will feel better for itPrice 50 cents per bottle Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

NOTICE-Are you employed If you desire a

position that will give you a goodcompensation it would be to your In ¬

terest to comunicate as directed be ¬

low Business Box 177Gainesville Fla

Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is soldunder a positive guarantee to cureconstipation sick headache stomachtrouble or any form of Indigestion-If it fails the manufacturers refundyour money What more can any onedo Sold by all dealers


H A Lane Shot Dead and His WifeAccuses Her Brother of the Deed

Special to the Tampa TribuneDade City August IS Struck by

throe bullets from ambush one of theleaen missiles striking and breakinghis neck H A Lane was killed about5 oclock yesterday afternoon as hewas driving along the road five milesfrom this city

With Lane at the time he was shotwas his wife The horse frightenedat the shots started to run away andthe woman and the lifeless body ofthe man were hurled to the roadside-Mrs Lane however was not seriouslyhurt and she rose from the fround Intime to see at least one of her husbands assailants well enough she declared at the inquest to identify himas her own brother Eth Ethington

Inquest Still in SessionSheriff Sturkie and County Judge

Wallace were notified at once of themurder and they went to the scene Acoroners jury was impaneled at onceand the taking of the evidence of MrsLane brought out such sensationalfeatures that they took a careful noteof the scene of the tragedy and returned to Dade City where the inquestwas continued today This afternoon-the inquest had not been completed-and it is expected that another ses-sion


will be held tomorrow morningwhen important developments are ex-pected


Mrs Lane testifies that when sheraised herself from the ground shecaught a glimpse of her brother peer-ing


through the bushes She could nottell whether he had a revolver or riflebut she held firmly to her statement-that she could not he mistaken as tohis identity he declared further thatshe saw others but was unable to tellwho they were At 4 oclock this af¬

ternoon no arrests had been made but-it was thought the officials wouldmake arrests before night

Lane Was Unpopular-There had been bad blood in the

neighborhood in which the Lanes livedand about two weeks ago he was noti-fied


to leave the community This hedid but returned last Saturday nightand declared he intended to reside inhis old home Whether this will befound to have a bearing on the murder-is not at present known to the pub-lic


but it was given as a significant-fact at the inquest today



Try JELLO the dainty appetizingeconomical dessert Cat be preparedinstantly simply add boiling waterand serve when cool Flavored justright sweetened just right perfect-in every way A lOco package makesenough dessert for a large family-All grocers sell it Dont accept sub ¬

stitutes JELLO complies with allPure Food Laws Seven flavorsLemon Orange Raspberry Straw ¬

berry Chocolate Cherry Peach1


From the Name of High SpringsTheGood Citizens Determined to Drive

Out the ThugsThoroughly aroused over the man ¬

ner in which the reputation of theirhome town has been blackened by theoperation of a thieving and murder-ous


gang of thugs for years past thegood people of High Springs are do ¬

ing everything in their power to havethe gang broken up and bring to jus ¬

tice the murderer or murderers of WH Mooreland the traveling man Thestate is also aiding in the movement inevery way possible and there is hopethat at no distant date the HighSprings gang will be made a thing ofthe past

Prominent Citizens HereW A Bexley justice of the peace at

High Springs and father of Will Bexley the young man arrested with oneTroupe Osteen on suspicion of havingmurdered Mooreland visited the Me-tropolis


office this morning and askedto be shown the original of the threat-ening


letter published yesterday after¬

noon and his request was grantedMr Bexley who is one of the best

known citizens of High Springs wassomewhat perturbed over the fact thatthe writer of the letter stated thatBillie meaning his son had killed

Mooreland and declared the letter wasnothing less than an attempt of guilty j

parties to place the stigma of guilton his SOI-

lThere is not a man living saidMr Bexley who is as deeply interest-ed as I in learning who murderedMooreland for my son has the chargehanging over his head I am working-on the case to the very best of myability and will not rest until my boy-is proven innocent and the real mur-derer


discovered The good people ofHigh Springs are also aroused on thesubject and wll do everything possi-ble


to solve the mysteryRegarding the recent fire to which

the anonymous writer alluded MrBexley stated that he was the heaviestindividual loses of the town his lossamounting to nearly 5000 He hopedtr get some clue from examining thehandwriting in the anonymous letterbut was unable to do so

Publication of the anonymous letters-in the Metropolis has served to arouse-he state more thoroughly than ever

by reason of which it is believed themurderous gang will eventually bedone away with by course of lawJacksonville Metropolis ISth


Victims of hay fever will experiencegreat benefit by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar as it stops difficult breathingimmediately and heals the inflamed-air passages and even if it shouldfail to cure you It will give instantelief The genuine is in a yellowpackage Sold by all dealers

WANTED Lady canvassers Call-at Carlton House 630 to 730 evening1230 to 130 noon Ask for Taylor

DeWitts Little Early Risers are thebest pills made They are the wellknown pleasant gentle prompt littleliver pills Insist upon Early RisersWe sell and recommend them Soldby AntiMonopoly Drugstore




Desperate Young Woman of Pittsburg Tried to Ride to

DestructionPiU burg August 19Lying on


Beechwood boulevard at the edge ofj a precipice the unconscious body of aI goodlooking young woman was foundlast night by Congressman James

i Francis Burke and several friends-i Standing near by quivering in everyj limb was a riderless horse and it wasj at first supposed that the young wo-man who was dressed in a riding habit

I had met with an accident-I She was hurriedly lifted into the au-

I tomobile in which the party was rid-ing and a record run was made to r

I the country club There on a table in i

the dining room Dr J H Williamsonj who was among the guests gathered-for a banquet worked over the girl

i for two hours before he brought her-i back to consciousness Society menand women in evening dress acted as-

I nurses and several of them had theirI clothes splattered with blood whichstreamed from several wounds on the

j girls headFrom a note found in her dress it

j was learned that the girl was MissElizabeth Russell aged twentyfour-yearsj daughter of J W Russell of

i Homestead From this note whichi was addressed to her mother and alsofrom her rambling talk it was learn-ed


that the girl had attempted suicideShe had selected a remarkable way

to end her life Seating herself in thesaddle astride her favorite horse MissRussell had whipped the animal into-a mad gallop Then at the edge of a

I precipice she plunged head foremostj from the galloping animal Instead ofgoing over the precipice however she

I struck with her head against a stonewall She sustained several terriblecuts and her skull is fractured butprompt work on the part of the ban ¬

queters at the country club undoubted-ly


saved her lifeThe only motive known for Miss

Russell attempting the deed was thatshe had quarreled with her motheryesterday afternoon


Tom Moore of Rural Route 1 Cochran Ga writes I had a bad sorecome on the instep of my foot andcould find nothing that would heal ituntil I applied Bucklens Arnica SalveLess than half a 25 cent box won theday for me by affecting a perfect-cure Sold under guarantee at alldrug stores


Marked smooth crop in left earcrop and half crop in right ear Brand-on light red cow L D Brand oncream colored cow G L I will payany one for information leading totheir discovery Missing since Aug11th 190S Gee W Lattimore


From Ocala via the Atlantic CoastLine

30 60 Toledo Ohio and return G AR encampment Tickets on saleAugust 27th 2Sth 19th and 30thGood returning Sept 15th Priv-ilege


extension until Oct 15th bypaying fee of Sl-

ey4160 Fort Worth Texas and returnTickets on sale Aug 29 30 31 Good-to leave Fort Worth Sept 30th

2435 Lexington Ky and returnTickets on sale Sept 13 14 and 15Good to leave Lexington Sept 23

4970 Boston Mass and return viaSavannah and steamship Tickets-on sale dally until Sept 30th goodreturning Oct 31st

4570 New York and return via Jack-sonville


or Savannah and steam ¬

ship Tickets on sale dally untilSeptember 30th good returning Oc ¬

tober 31st5115 Chicago III and return Tick ¬

ets on sale dally until Sept 30 goodreturning Oct 31st

4185 Hot Springs Ark and returnTickets on sale daily good return ¬

ing 90 days from date of sale

Low excursion rates are also au-thorized


to a great many other pointsFor further information call on ticketagent or J G Kirkland division pas ¬

senger agent Tampa Fla

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran-teed


Price 25c Sold by all druggists




New and modern furnishings Elec-tric

I masiage machine and electricI fans

Skilled workmen guarantee satis-faction

¬ i

to all customers








I 10 =









O K GroceryClark Bros Proprietors


Staple and Fancy Groceries




See ASHER FRANK Manager-




dollar a week will clothet

you and yoarfamily


frZtt t-


I Out Summer i



Throughout the month of August I will sellall of my TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS-

S and certain other items in the store atx ACTUAL FACTORYCOSTj

The stock is the very newest and most fashionablef Summer Millinery and as the season is just at its

height this is a rare opportunity for the people ofthis section to secure new millinery at most unheard of prices I must have room for the NewFall Goods to arrive in a few days


outh Side Ocala House Block Ocala Floridaj



Marion Development CoDEALERS IN

Real Estate and BuildinMaterialW-


S PURE WHITE SANDProberties Bought and Sold-

Lotsfor Sale Cash or Easy Terms-P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Florid


II Feeling Towards Negroes is Sup ¬

pressed Only by Their PresenceSpringfield 111 August 19One

more victim was added to the deathlist of the Springfield mob last nightwhen G W Scott succumbed to agunshot wound in the lungs sustainedFriday night Scotts death brings-the total fatalities to six and is thefourth chargeable to the disorder inthe black belt near Twelfth andMadison streets It was there thatthe hunted negroes made their standfiring on the mob from the windows-and roofs

Walt nntil the troops go is theword that has been passed aroundtown An attack upon the pickets andthe forced hegira of 150 negroes fromthe corn fields on the outskirts of thecity to the state arsenal kept themilitia busy yesterday morning Fir ¬

ing upon the sentries and their an-swering


shots occurred less than twoblocks from the headquarters of Gov-ernor


Young at the county jailNo one was injured in the affray

but flying bullets from the carbines ofthe troops caused consternation in thedistrict

Th> trouble followed an attempt toset fire to a factory building Theclearing out of corn fields southeast ofthe city where negro refugees hadcamped was the result of a succes-sive


night of terror in Harvard ParkThe Chamber of Commerce and Busi ¬

ness Mens Association are support-ing


the governors appeal for the fast-ening of the responsibility of the rioton the ringleaders Rewards havebeen offered by the governor in eachof the cases of violent death during-the rioting The governor is determined to punish all proven to haveparticipated in the deeds of violence-and plans for the prosecution havebeen completed and it is stated that-it will be swift certain and impartial

When asked today what he thoughtwould be the probable duration of thestay of his troops in Springfield thegeneral In charge shook his head Hecould put no limit on the time-

Remedy for DiarrhoeaFail

Never Known-to

I want to say a few words forChamberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬

arrhoea Remedy I have uses this-preparation in my family for the pastfive years and have recommended itto a number of people in York countyand have never known it to fall toeffect a cure in any instance I feelthat I cannot say too much for thebest remedy of the kind in the world-

S Jemison Spring Grove YorkCounty Pa This remedy is forsale-by all druggists-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

INSOMNIOIl have ben n lne CaacareU for Iniomnta witwhich I Lave been afflicted for over twenty years

and I can say that Caacareti have given me morrelief than any other remedy I have ever triedshall certainty recommend them to ay friendsbeing alt they are represented

Thoi GHlard Elgin Ill

Best ForThe bowels



Pleasant Palatable Potent Tad Good Do HoodNever Sicken Weaken or Gripe lOc 25c Me Navesold In balk The genuine tablet tamped C CCGuaranteed to cure or your money

Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 597



f lJliX T-

iD i i-I f L 1 t J

i i tl L Qr

wR1JJl1fPi1 f V

A few doses of this remedy will in ¬



cure an ordinary attack of

can always be depended nponI even in the more severe attacks of

cramp colic and cholera inorbusI It is equally successful for summer

diarrhcea and cholera infantum inchildren and is tha means of saving-the lives of many children each year

When reduced with water andsweetened it is pleasant to take

Every man of a family should keepthis remedy in his home Buy it nowPRICE 25c LARGE SIZE Cue



Big Load for J


honeI J85