j i the be icy 1m n f j jpratt baine wl uti judg1ratt r...

1 t fj i J f 1 J t- r I N f wW L Q THE BE EARLYNGTON Icy I y 1M n e 5 T LfNuE w S J Clifton JPratt speaks ttf nrgl Dalton 111r F wjllcpbmpariy Judg1ratt and wills eak also s f KIss EthelEYlnsw8s8urprlse- dlastFrayoienlugbyqultea I nu- mjberofher ¬ young lady frlfcnds chap r hire Jennie L Moore r paying her acall which proved eoneiottbemostenJorable afia of the season iHIcgamos a refreshments were the order of tile Y evening and beautlf ulvfcosmos we given to each guest sallouvenlr from f x tbshosteseBaptIt Dedication f AI LT1 M fatonatyBapttst church plac was dedicated last Sun rG Bow of Louisville rpresohtng the 4e3leatory sermon f An immense congregation listen s to ows 8ermontwhio was o fofthelllnelJtever delivered in The music was splendid a the dedicatoryservice interesting It WM ttr day for Earllng J ton Baptists = loads Newsa Squire Fra Charleston neighborhoodrare vlei inrhere yi 1 j irs iHogan had returned from an f tended visit to her daughter in Louis Chills seem to take hold on t people very freely Among the t who have been troubled Jatelyare JoiiQ Hogan Mamie Ford Daisy Borders Mary Murdook and ElIza bath Lindle Blanche Wilson who has been confined to her bed with foyer for four weeks is convalescent v George Carpenter has returned t 1ic ti a few weeks visit in Christian ty a lt tmgesAgnes and Sue Burr called i g D v1 Frances Young Monday J t p 41 Burr Llndle Is quite sick a Frances Young accompanied t1l s Y a ernoon d cjuitea merry time- r Grape Vine items Elmo Martin of Earles was a Sunday visitor I I T SLsTodd and mother Mrs Ag nM JB TPdd went Greenville Sit n day lf j t The farmers of this section have bean taking advantage of theta > 1 baeoo seasons lately and are strip ping out their crop t J Several have bas sold in this vicinity toM hleI1bergj + buyers Ben Laffoon spld his tobacco crop to Chas Martin ctEarles for Stf arid 2 I < vJLySlatpnandlamily visited at f J Slurtfls last week 6 + kisses Vic WyaCt and May H rI ITo dwere InJDalton last weekc Chess Hampton had the misfor r woolx t < time has broken bono f The meetingat Liberty closed la 1J Wednesday J IPBen Greer and mother of Nob- ljw and Mrs Albert Booth and Ml sa Cofdle Greerf of Veazey visited at erOtt r A F Todd tore off a roof Of black walnut shingles that had peen on t Cipr forty years The rafters and t cloths of which were sawed with a < He used 90000 he rI PERSONALiw < tMrs MBIiongacd little daught t i 4 er Elizabeth have been visiting v relatives in Evansvillo and MtVor onWLn- dI Mrs Ed Haefer pont Monday in i1i1J MadisonvlllS v James H> Cromwell of Render JsonspeJt Sunday waning with I J friendttnonr town > f Mrs Winfrey Parrish and a yannteAshby have Men visiti f11 ttiefamily of SX Stevens > isdhtsrlfeWehbwaslnMadieonvif- B f3ungaY afternoon I f > tJ E Fawciptt apd family and yi9r I spentTuesday + > I i Charles B McGKry and Qeor > fr9Y attended i Grand LQc go Wbrl a f 1w tr9mr VlatorJti1Zpdgo ErJngtoni do yRev + JO Jw I < f yi1loattelldod tlio dedfatory se I Sundaf y BJIClllyQt ate visited the familyofher eon Erne at 1 Ii Basis Sunday > A Mrs B Conellyof Memphis h- i ast b en fisiin old frIids inrthe bor verallay ifllehere pitt r JLipa Biswa colt 2 tcGt atiry woe J 1Ai tdi sp YI1 rucatlsy i r p nightS c UI jr j i r M food rikMeddkkMis evH MMM rawwt ee Mw of1op cit z6ns died of Brights disease an Mrr and wits a goad citizen Ho was an oxConfederato soldier and his burh at Odd Fellows ceikotery at Mad- at soiiviilo Tuesday afternoon wascpn ducted by his old comrades DufhtM Cannotbe Cured odylotl applications as thoycannot nese bycOI1stltud by an Inflamed condition of ti lchlanTube you have a rumbling sound or Im ¬ perfect when it is en 8ulhandunIt61 tuberestoradt to 1 ofout an Inflamed Stcoiiditionoftllomucous surfaces Dollarsfor bso cuIarsfrlJo 0Sold Halls Family Pills are the best Died Monday Tho soventeonmonthold child of Mr and Mrs Nick Asliup of Muh lonburg county died at the residence of Sampson Platt at Barnsley la t Monday morning Tho had been a sufferer for quite awhile THK BBS sympathizes with rife bo reavedt Barents Hb Life Was Saved- e Mr JE Lilly a prominent cit zen of Hannibal Mo lately had wonderful deliverance from a trlght flaysHI er + that ran into pneumonia My lungs became hardened X was so weak I NothIng i ¬ Hearof continuoto d d strong I cant say too much in its praise This marvellous medlpine is the surest and quickest cure in th e world for all Throat and Luu g trouble Regular size CO cents And Boen r ¬ antoed guap i Jerrold Joiaon Nominated Jerrold A Jbnson a prominent young attorney formerly of this place but now of Madlsonvllle was nominated Saturday by the omcrj Surveyorme db coaled NQ Right to Usliriess The woman who Is lovely in face t arid temper w1Ualways have alat she is sicklyand all ru she will be nervous and irr i otable If she has constipation blocat oomploion medicine In the world to regular bright oyos smooth velvety skit + complexion It a tgood charming tn uof a rundown invalid Only 50 cents nt Bernard Drug Store f Protracted Meeting protracted meeting g n at the Misslonary11nptfst church Sunday night Tho pastor Boy Alex Mo Chord Is being assisted by the Rov Mr Wood of Elkton who is a splen ¬ did preacher The meeting will continue for several days < Volcanic Eruptions I tess ugcursor tom also Old Ruunin nnd Sores Ulcers Boils Felons t Burnlo est > ldorV Pains Cure guaranteed Sold bySt Bo nard Druggist B orn dT ag A Powder Mill Explosion Removes eYerytl in drastic mlnoral pillsbutboth are mighty qangbirous tiylraml bedr s pillrf whops Kings Nev Lifo gjr Only iagp t StI3erilardBru8tbie Is officially reportgd that tho ui1d s aa r iQgQd 31rri Sae r I L > l BaiNe 1 Wl estl lIndl Shimmclnd purlIly WiH Bartlett Dead Will Bartlott one of MadisonvlUes ledd at wookd stricken down with rover follows d paralyi fag and although he was given every ppsslblb attention deat6 claimed hirivss its victim iTr Bartlott was anwas if f silveraIyeArsA1onnd now the wl owed moth3rlsJth only remainin bin many friends who deoplymour his early demise To after which lie was burled with the honors of the Knights of Pyt 1tas which order he was a prominent Jo 1489PEPSIN OeutlemenPfeol itmydutyt express to you r what your wbJHWful r6mody has UndownwJth 7jXc operating oft mt litahtf ing nothing short of an opewiiwn for appendicitis would euro moA Cald3wems lilrstdoso I began to improve an slnco1have am enjoying the very best of heAlth T never fail to say a good word for Iknowwhat d O for Others Gratefully CFiARLBaCUBRYs Poll of Traveling Men Davenport IP Oct 1DOutof BOO tr avelingmen who have recently at the St James Hotel I this city eachotvl1omhafJex pressed his political preferences votes were cast for McKinley and 50 f6r Bryan Stung by a Centipede MrsThpsSaundoniBlufltonIOJ doctor was sent for but before wetface a JttoAe vices were not needed for the Defeo wasnoutrallzed or killed by t Wonderful Eight Mrs S did n suiJer1rom the wound iFree trial I bottles at Campbell s PoS The Baldwin Locomotive tiPar has booked one order for this freight locomotives for the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad and another for thlrtyrtwo engines Y the Union Pacific Company ONTBE deceived or humbugged din known herb or root in swamps or on td ho s doctor or druggist will tell llntFOl t ¬ rains remedies that are recognize f1best bo Campbefo Ho who looks With contempt the pursnitat the farmers is u worthy of a place on earth J IICon Df Ottos Spruce Quni Balsam Iftakenln with a slight cough or bold This is consumption gets its SFSpluce the cough heal the lungs and throat and avoid tho most droadod of all M 1llnybmttondlng sizobottlePrice t Ber11ard Drugstore A haridful of hour theblpoctipI era cut Dui often stop rCouldnt We received a TranslateltI were unablp Qr dotermttie thp woreble Xndlgosilea barssp ic I jJ > f J TIiizi linerSalvp hhvo nu r c lgned to iul havetttoneybookIPit bQllCo iiHro were r0 h s in 1eAualrala in 1000 there trrd a hr aldw1l1 k 0901 iou for salphy st Brtrnsrd Ctordp a J tr > LLdLY DMihsMHlern On Tuesday morning at the Cati andMias marriage Rev AM Coonenofflol sting The newly wedded pair left on the afternoon train for Cincinnati and other points arid will return In a few days They are dosejftlrig young people and havethQ cohgratu1 = offriends illations and wishes for them a happy life AOEY O U 1 1 PTa inheatth cofistitutioriUnderminedbyex travaganceritating bydisre a Ungte JaW afnatureto r < physical capital all gone jCsof NEVJ3R DESPAIR youd S tier stomach malaria t torpid biliousnesn n d ufts Liver Pill l an absolute cure Tho total post of the PanAmerl caliExpositionto leipfdinBuffalp next year Isestimatedati01OOCUO 1and John Nr Scaipherd who Is of the executive commit We says that the resources now in igh tamoun ttoabout6OOOOOO workoYconstructtox u workmen now being employed Th exposition wiHopen May 1 1901 IjEat What You Like When yQu take Motleys thondysf breath dizziness And the long tai 10tslmUar troubles will dls your cleansed and awaK system will demand food Sours digestion and sound nppetltegQto gather and both the use of bYCampbell wonM k of Klondiko this your Votersn young men your you4i4 Constipotion and Trouble At St Bernard Drug Store Partial payments puzzle the school moth FOODto e4 fe createsn poIo an noble to aUBOtt am disease the liaman iy ttem Liet Cat the rood eSecU after oae doss Give it K idol exd be COI1T4aceclPrlce 26c0 Dr Ottoa Sini e Gum B Mm Cura0 YwrCwifh Jwtth MwlMM Chliinnty St Bernard Drug Store whoor 1 one cleansing f the buttermilk from thE butterr Headachi and dizziness are quickly forBii0U8P80P Li er work off tlio BILE and car Copstipation Ono a dose Sold by Campbell Co Earllngton S Seven feet and six Inches is th- eatest height known to bo cleared a horse Brights Disease High living intemperance ¬ brinn g kidl1 y or bladder disorders if lakeii Campbell ¬ Piano chickeris It Is predicted willfiQonibcpme extinct in Kansas Money to patent good Idea by dby ournfd Address THE ATDNT RECORD Baltlmpro Md 1 Y MmN Y hMrNN NNN iihWYrNiLhi Bicycle Repairs ti Bicycle Sundries I 1L S opln EnrIt g tOll and 111 repair Blcy d1e5 filing hrid PJlBtpls In a thorough manner and prpinptlyauci will > kp repairs fOr all on bald f J N A U 5 NJ Ji MaIA Slrr West rti8 Railreii k t a 1 i fi ti 0 J ti ti Ou- rPriors fi Will = = PleasoYou tri tri ti o- I ti p f i 1 1 = In Y j J j Ut WRAPS i bit v lJt 4 1 For Ladies Misses and Children = J 7 1X and Ladies Tailor MadB Suits = i > pethisdepartinenl efforts InjtyQu pan see ThoSh looselalron Captor Blue and Black The Plush cw with Jet trimmings the Kersey Ma Coats with fur qollAr ana revers the titf PluSh Coat made the Auto y mobile In black ll lllgli anlOol larettes andSoarfs to please anybody We must not fall to mention the f superb assortment of Golf Capes made Vand 1 Is to bo quite a factor this winter Wp lIt are creating quite a flubdub with our 7 Ta They tell us W y havo no equal In town In thlBbrlef yg I rour r 1OP J aVpd d 1Ji i You Our Entire 5tockt + 1 as lIt BI 110Pco 1 lit MADISONVILLE KENTUCKY = i ii iiiij it i ir J A J ec t a Papersd M OneTMrd Less Than City Prices 0 0 eCiGJi Ins i n Decoraios F- BuggiR ATP Sj 6CfQ iJJt r Ii l od On Exhtbiton IFOt ff r s clf c last summer be = 1 fore the ada vance a i Forbis r ftrn r- r r HOPKINSVILLE KENTUCKY t r J tl = tt t t j fi SUBSCRIBE TO THE iii Cumberland Telephone iand Telegraph Corn panrs f JR LOCAL AND LONGDJSTANCE SERVJCEv il H r I C 4t Residence eTelephones as low as C1 4QL25 iC = per mouth Q i OW Business J b n Telephones = aS Jtor pi4h0 jor r rb bit Y per mon t blt bIi ILs Ifl W v yr = i t We Discs ran in commumca- V < J b fi < f S tloil Wl th cr J A V > 0 W1 VVvyWi1 A r 1I 08- t Cl 0 V r Q OOO OOO PeoP ie 1 1 P tM W1 if > 1 J 0 et1 1i wh trnnf3actaneDCrmQut tf J b daily > businesa < b 0 oJ II cr LLW1 0 tt 4 Whioh OUJ51 hot otherwise 1 t oue rof GALLCENTRAL FOn INFORMATION HO COHTR OJS REQUIRED > t 4 h blt ji fi Ii fi jj IJi 1 j Subscribe for TheBOLO- ne J Dotlar x erYealv > i ll < i rt- l4 y L x u 11 t r 4 Ii

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Post on 25-Jun-2020




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Page 1: J I THE BE Icy 1M N f J JPratt BaiNe Wl Uti Judg1ratt r ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52f8j3h/data/1078.pdf · 1 t fj i J f 1 t-r JI N f wW L Q THE BE EARLYNGTON Icy I y1M n e 5 T LfNuEwS

1 t fj iJ f1




y1Mne 5


J Clifton JPratt speaks ttfnrgl Dalton 111r Fwjllcpbmpariy Judg1ratt andwills eak also


KIss EthelEYlnsw8s8urprlse-dlastFrayoienlugbyqulteaI nu-mjberofher


young lady frlfcnds chapr hire Jennie L Moore

r paying her acall which provedeoneiottbemostenJorable afia

of the season iHIcgamos arefreshments were the order of tile

Y evening and beautlfulvfcosmos wegiven to each guest sallouvenlrfrom f

x tbshosteseBaptIt


f AI LT1 MfatonatyBapttst churchplac was dedicated last Sun

rG Bow of Louisvillerpresohtng the 4e3leatory sermon

f An immense congregation listens to ows 8ermontwhio was o

fofthelllnelJtever delivered inThe music was splendid a

the dedicatoryservice interestingIt WM ttr day for Earllng Jton Baptists

= loads NewsaSquire FraCharleston neighborhoodrare vleiinrhere yi 1

j irs iHogan had returned from anftended visit to her daughter inLouis

Chills seem to take hold on tpeople very freely Among thet who have been troubled JatelyareJoiiQ Hogan Mamie Ford DaisyBorders Mary Murdook and ElIzabath Lindle

Blanche Wilson who has beenconfined to her bed with foyer forfour weeks is convalescent

v George Carpenter has returned

t 1ic ti a few weeks visit in Christianty

a lttmgesAgnes and Sue Burr calledi g D v1 Frances Young Monday

J t p 41 Burr Llndle Is quite sicka Frances Young accompaniedt1ls Y a ernoon dcjuitea merry time-

r Grape Vine items

Elmo Martin of Earles was aSunday visitor IIT SLsTodd and mother Mrs AgnM JB TPdd went Greenville Sitn daylfj t The farmers of this section havebean taking advantage of theta >

1 baeoo seasons lately and are stripping out their crop

t J Several have bassold in this vicinity toM hleI1bergj

+ buyersBen Laffoon spld his tobacco crop

to Chas Martin ctEarles for Stfarid 2


<vJLySlatpnandlamily visited atf

J Slurtfls last week6+ kisses Vic WyaCt and May

H rIITo dwere InJDalton last weekcChess Hampton had the misfor rwoolxt < time has broken bono fThe meetingat Liberty closed la

1J WednesdayJ IPBen Greer and mother of Nob-ljw and Mrs Albert Booth and Mlsa

Cofdle Greerf of Veazey visited aterOttr

A F Todd tore off a roof Of blackwalnut shingles that had peen on

t Cipr forty years The rafters andt cloths of which were sawed with a

< He used 90000 herIPERSONALiw< tMrs MBIiongacd little daught

t i4 er Elizabeth have been visitingvrelatives in Evansvillo and MtVor



Mrs Ed Haefer pont Monday ini1i1J MadisonvlllS


James H> Cromwell of RenderJsonspeJt Sunday waning withI J friendttnonr town >

f Mrs Winfrey Parrish anda yannteAshby have Men visiti

f11 ttiefamily of SX Stevens >

isdhtsrlfeWehbwaslnMadieonvif-Bf3ungaY afternoon

If> tJ E Fawciptt apd family andyi9rI spentTuesday+ >

I i Charles B McGKry and Qeor> fr9Y attended i Grand LQc goWbrl a

f 1w tr9mr VlatorJti1Zpdgo ErJngtoni doyRev + JO Jw

I<f yi1loattelldod tlio dedfatory se

I SundafyBJIClllyQt

ate visited the familyofher eon Erne at 1Ii Basis Sunday > A

Mrs B Conellyof Memphis h-

i astb en fisiin old frIids inrthebor verallay ifllehere pitt

r JLipa Biswa colt 2tcGt atiry woe J 1AitdispYI1 rucatlsy i

r p nightSc

UIjr j


r M food rikMeddkkMisevH MMM rawwt ee Mw


z6ns died of Brights disease anMrrand wits a goad citizen Ho was anoxConfederato soldier and his burhat Odd Fellows ceikotery at Mad-

at soiiviilo Tuesday afternoon wascpnducted by his old comrades

DufhtM Cannotbe Curedodylotl applications as thoycannotnesebycOI1stltud

by an Inflamed condition of ti

lchlanTubeyou have a rumbling sound or Im¬perfect when it is en

8ulhandunIt61tuberestoradt to1ofoutan Inflamed

Stcoiiditionoftllomucous surfacesDollarsforbsocuIarsfrlJo0SoldHalls Family Pills are the best

Died Monday

Tho soventeonmonthold child ofMr and Mrs Nick Asliup of Muhlonburg county died at the residenceof Sampson Platt at Barnsley la tMonday morning Tho hadbeen a sufferer for quite awhileTHK BBS sympathizes with rife boreavedt Barents

Hb Life Was Saved-e Mr J E Lilly a prominent cit

zen of Hannibal Mo lately hadwonderful deliverance from a trlghtflaysHI er


that ran into pneumonia My lungsbecame hardened X was so weak INothIng i


Hearofcontinuoto dd

strong I cant say too much in itspraise This marvellous medlpineis the surest and quickest cure inthe world for all Throat and Luu gtrouble Regular size CO cents AndBoenr¬

antoed guapi Jerrold Joiaon Nominated

Jerrold A Jbnson a prominentyoung attorney formerly of thisplace but now of Madlsonvllle wasnominated Saturday by the omcrjSurveyorme dbcoaled

NQ Right to UsliriessThe woman who Is lovely in face t

arid temper w1Ualways havealatshe is sicklyand all rushe will be nervous and irr iotable If she has constipationblocatoomploion

medicine In the world to regular

bright oyos smooth velvety skit +

complexion It atgood charming tn uof arundown invalid Only 50 cents nt

Bernard Drug Store

fProtracted Meeting

protracted meeting g n at theMisslonary11nptfst church Sundaynight Tho pastor Boy Alex MoChord Is being assisted by the RovMr Wood of Elkton who is a splen¬

did preacher The meeting willcontinue for several days <

Volcanic EruptionsItessugcursor tom also Old Ruunin nnd

Sores Ulcers Boils Felons tBurnloest >ldorVPainsCure guaranteed Sold bySt Bonard Druggist

B orndTagA Powder Mill ExplosionRemoves eYerytl indrastic mlnoral pillsbutboth are

mighty qangbirous tiylramlbedr spillrf whops Kings Nev LifogjrOnly iagpt StI3erilardBru8tbie

Is officially reportgd that thoui1d saar

iQgQd 31rri Saer





BaiNe 1

Wlestl lIndlShimmclnd


WiH Bartlett Dead

Will Bartlott one of MadisonvlUesledd at

wookdstricken down with rover follows dparalyifag and although he was given everyppsslblb attention deat6 claimedhirivss its victim iTr Bartlott wasanwas if


silveraIyeArsA1onnd now the wlowed moth3rlsJth only remaininbinmany friends who deoplymourhis early demiseToafter which lie was burled with thehonors of the Knights of Pyt 1tas

which order he was a prominent


1489PEPSINOeutlemenPfeol itmydutytexpress to you r

what your wbJHWful r6mody has

UndownwJth7jXcoperating oft mt litahtfing nothing short of an opewiiwnfor appendicitis would euro moACald3wemslilrstdoso I began to improve an

slnco1haveam enjoying the very best ofheAlthT never fail to say a good word for

IknowwhatdO for Others Gratefully

CFiARLBaCUBRYsPoll of Traveling Men

Davenport IP Oct 1DOutof BOO

travelingmen who haverecently at the St James Hotel I

this city eachotvl1omhafJexpressed his political preferencesvotes were cast for McKinley and 50f6r Bryan

Stung by a Centipede

MrsThpsSaundoniBlufltonIOJdoctor was sent for but beforewetface a

JttoAevices were not needed for the Defeowasnoutrallzed or killed by tWonderful Eight Mrs S did nsuiJer1rom the wound iFree trial I

bottles at Campbell s PoSThe Baldwin Locomotive tiPar

has booked one order for thisfreight locomotives for the ChicagoBurlington and Quincy Railroad andanother for thlrtyrtwo engines Y

the Union Pacific Company

ONTBE deceived or humbuggeddinknown herb or root in swamps or ontdhos

doctor or druggist will tellllntFOl t¬

rains remedies that are recognizef1bestboCampbefoHo who looks With contempt

the pursnitat the farmers is uworthy of a place on earth J

IIConDf Ottos Spruce Quni BalsamIftakenlnwith a slight cough or boldThis is consumption gets itsSFSplucethe cough heal the lungs and throat

and avoid tho most droadod of all M

1llnybmttondlngsizobottlePrice tBer11ard Drugstore

A haridful of hour theblpoctipIera cut Dui often stop

rCouldntWe received a TranslateltIwere unablp Qr

dotermttie thpworebleXndlgosileabarsspic I jJ>

f JTIiizi linerSalvp

hhvo nu r c lgned toiulhavetttoneybookIPitbQllCo

iiHro were r0 h s in1eAualrala in 1000 there trrd a

hr aldw1l1 k 0901iou for salphy st Brtrnsrd

Ctordp a



DMihsMHlernOn Tuesday morning at the Cati

andMiasmarriage Rev AM Coonenofflolsting The newly wedded pair lefton the afternoon train for Cincinnatiand other points arid will return Ina few days They are dosejftlrigyoung people and havethQ cohgratu1

= offriendsillations and wishes for them ahappy life


1PTainheatthcofistitutioriUnderminedbyextravaganceritating bydisre

a Ungte JaW afnatureto r<physical capital all gone jCsof

NEVJ3R DESPAIRyoudStier stomach malaria t torpid

biliousnesnn d

ufts Liver Pill lan absolute cure

Tho total post of the PanAmerlcaliExpositionto leipfdinBuffalpnext year Isestimatedati01OOCUO

1and John Nr Scaipherd who Isof the executive commit

We says that the resources now inigh tamounttoabout6OOOOOO

workoYconstructtox u

workmen now being employed Thexposition wiHopen May 1 1901

IjEat What You Like

When yQu take Motleysthondysfbreath dizziness And the long tai10tslmUar troubles will dls

your cleansed and awaKsystem will demand food Soursdigestion and sound nppetltegQtogather and both the use ofbYCampbellwonMk

of Klondiko thisyour

Votersnyoung men youryou4i4Constipotionand Trouble At St Bernard DrugStore

Partial payments puzzle the schoolmothFOODto e4 fecreatesn poIoan

noble to aUBOtt am disease the liaman iyttemLiet Catthe rood eSecU after oae doss Give itK idol exd be COI1T4aceclPrlce 26c0

Dr Ottoa Sini e Gum B Mm Cura0YwrCwifh Jwtth MwlMMChliinnty

St Bernard Drug Store


one cleansing f thebuttermilk from thE butterr

Headachi and dizziness are quickly

forBii0U8P80PLi er work off tlio BILE and carCopstipation Ono a dose Sold by

Campbell Co EarllngtonS

Seven feet and six Inches is th-

eatest height known to bo cleareda horse

Brights Disease

High living intemperance ¬brinngkidl1 y or bladder disorders if lakeiiCampbell ¬

Piano chickeris It Is predictedwillfiQonibcpme extinct in Kansas

Money to patent good Idea bydby ournfd Address THEATDNT RECORD Baltlmpro Md

1 Y MmN Y hMrNN NNN iihWYrNiLhi

Bicycle Repairsti

Bicycle Sundries I1LS opln EnrIt g tOlland 111 repair Blcy

d1e5 filing hrid PJlBtplsIn a thorough mannerand prpinptlyauci will

> kp repairs fOr all onbald f

J N AU5 NJ JiMaIA Slrr West rti8 Railreii



1 i

fiti0Jtiti Ou-



== PleasoYou









In Y

j J jUt

WRAPS ibitvlJt


For Ladies Misses and Children = J7

1X and Ladies Tailor MadB Suits =

i>pethisdepartinenlefforts InjtyQu pan see ThoShlooselalronCaptor Blue and Black The Plush cw

with Jet trimmings the Kersey Ma

Coats with fur qollAr ana revers the titfPluSh Coat made the Auto ymobile In black ll lllgli anlOollarettes andSoarfs to please anybodyWe must not fall to mention the fsuperb assortment of Golf Capes madeVand1Is to bo quite a factor this winter Wp lItare creating quite a flubdub with our 7

Ta They tell us W y

havo no equal In town In thlBbrlef yg Irour r



i You Our Entire 5tockt +1as lIt

BI 110Pco 1lit

MADISONVILLE KENTUCKY =i ii iiiij it i ir

JA Jec t a

PapersdM OneTMrd Less Than

City Prices 00

eCiGJi Ins in DecoraiosF-


Sj 6CfQ iJJtr Ii

l od

On Exhtbiton IFOtff r s

clf c last summer be=1 fore theadavance ai Forbis r ftrn


r r


rJ tl

= tt t t jfi SUBSCRIBE TO THE iii

Cumberland Telephone

iand Telegraph Corn panrs fJR LOCAL AND LONGDJSTANCE SERVJCEv ilH r I




as low asC1


= per mouthQ


Business Jb


Telephones =aS Jtor

pi4h0 jorr rbbit Y

per mont bltbIi

ILsIfl W v


= it We Discs ran in commumca-


< J b

fi < f S tloil Wl th crJ A V >0W1 VVvyWi1 A r 1I 08-tCl

0 V r Q OOO OOO PeoP ie 11


tMW1 if >


et1 1i wh trnnf3actaneDCrmQut tf J bdaily >businesa < b

0 oJ IIcrLLW10 tt4 Whioh OUJ51 hot otherwise


4 h bltji fi Ii fi jj IJi 1


Subscribe for TheBOLO-neJ Dotlar xerYealv > i

ll <i rt-






r 4Ii