j ing tian english project

Extraterrestrial Intelligence PERIOD2 JINGHUA TIAN

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Extraterrestrial Intelligence


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Evidence of Alien extinctionsA painting from 15th century

2003 Radio signals

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Crop Circle• Strange circles and

patterns appear mysteriously over night in farmers' field

• No human trace around

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UFO• Unidentified Flying


• Aliens' transportation vehicles.

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Ancient Architectures

Tremendous contractures was build during ancient period without advanced technology.

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World Cloud

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Interview 1(Science Teacher ) Q: How can science support the Alien Theory?

A: Temperature, moisture level, atmosphere, elements that made up the planet and etc. can determine whether the planet contains life or not.

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Interview 2(School Librarian) Q: Why do you think there is a possibility of Alien extinctions?

A: Many evidence such as ancient architectures because people still couldn’t figure out how these architectures were build.

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Article Some experts believed ancient aliens landed on Earth thousands of years ago to helped shaped human civilizations.

Ancient people thought ancient aliens as gods to helped them constructed tremendous architectures.

EX: The Nazca LinesThe Moai of Easter Island

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Follow-Up Evidence of Alien Extinctions: http://www.paranormalhaze.com/5-pieces-of-evidence-that-suggests-intelligent-alien-life-exists/

About Crop Circles: http://www.livescience.com/26540-crop-circles.html

How to make Crop Circles: http://aliens.monstrous.com/how_to_make_crop_circles.htm


The Article: http://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/articles/evidence-of-ancient-aliens

Ancient Architectures: http://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpress.com/2010/11/28/egyptian-archaeologist-admits-pyramids-contain-ufo-technology/

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When was the first Alien found?Was crop Circle created by Aliens?What can signals the aliens or UFO?

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ReferenceRadford, Benjamin. "Crop Circ les Expla ined." L iveScience.com . N.p. , 23 Jan.

2013. Web. 10 May 2013.

"How to Make Crop Circ les ." How to Make Crop Circ les . N.p. , n .d . Web. 10 May 2013.