j3456 pg gender sexuality (2)

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  • 8/2/2019 J3456 PG Gender Sexuality (2)


    gender, sexualityand culturehumanities

    postgraduatebrochure 2012

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    the facts

    The UKs first dedicated research facility focusing

    exclusively on the relationships between sexuality,culture and history

    Pioneering teaching informed by the latest research

    Multidisciplinary links and resources across theUniversity

    Annual Sexuality Summer School with diversespeakers

    650 million investment in university facilities forresearch and study

    4 million books in one of the UKs best-resourceduniversity libraries

    Nationally acclaimed University Careers Service withpostgraduate support

    Exciting and diverse environment in one of the beststudent cities in the world

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    The University 2

    Gender, Sexuality and Culture 6at Manchester

    Taught course 10

    Facilities and support 12

    Contact details 15

    The Faculty of Humanities at The University ofManchester was behind only Oxford and Cambridgein the last Research Assessment Exercise (2008) forthe number of world-leading staff returned.

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    Our tradition of success stretches back over 180 years.The birth of the computer, the splitting of the atom,the founding principles of modern economics theseand many more world-altering innovations have theirroots at our University.

    Today, our research is internationally renowned acrossdiverse disciplines and we actively assist our staff andstudents in turning many research and entrepreneurialideas into commercial business ventures.

    The Russell Group represents the 20 leading UKuniversities that are committed to maintaining thevery best research, an outstanding teaching andlearning experience, and unrivalled links withbusiness and the public sector.

    Our mission at Manchester backed by an ongoinginvestment of more than 650 million in facilities,staff and buildings is to become one of the worldstop 25 universities and the preferred destination forthe best tutors, researchers and students.

    Research, discovery and innovation

    The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise placed usthird in the UK in terms of research power andassessed virtually all of our research as reaching

    international or national standards of excellence. Weresearch in a wider range of areas than any other UKuniversity, and are continuing to increase our numberof first-rate professorships, improve our strong linksto industry and public services, and invest in world-class facilities.

    Whether studying for a taught or researchpostgraduate degree, youll be directly involved withgroundbreaking research, encouraged to adoptinnovative approaches under the tutelage ofdistinguished international scholars, and to discover

    interdisciplinary ways of working that open upexciting new areas of discovery.

    Turning knowledge into enterprise

    Your postgraduate work could contribute towardsbusiness and economic development outsideacademia. Manchester has an impressive track recordof turning ideas into commercial reality, attractingworld-class academics by providing a dynamic,first-class support system for them to participate and

    succeed in commercialisation projects. More than100 spin-out companies have been created in recentyears based on our research.

    the university

    Part of the distinguished Russell Group ofuniversities, with a proud history of academicachievement and an ambitious agenda for thefuture, The University of Manchester offers you alearning experience rooted in a rich educationalheritage and boosted by cutting-edge researchand innovation all at the heart of one of theworlds most vibrant cities.

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    Career opportunitiesAs a Manchester graduate, you will be in goodcompany. No fewer than 25 Nobel Prize winners haveworked or studied here, and our alumni have animpressive track record of becoming leaders in theirfields: from philosopher Wittgenstein, to women'srights campaigner Christabel Pankhurst, and fromGeorge Richards, President of Trinidad and Tobago, torecent Nobel Laureates for Physics, Andre Geim andKonstantin Novoselov.

    More than 4,000 recruiters each year from countriesaround the globe target our graduates. Consistentlyvoted the best in the UK by employers, our CareersService offers diverse practical, innovative services many exclusively for postgraduates to make youmore employable.

    See our Facilities and Support section at the back ofthis brochure for more information on the CareersService.

    Cosmopolitan campusOne of the UKs largest and best-resourced academiclibraries, premier IT services and extensive studentsupport services are all on our campus, along withimpressive sports facilities, restaurants, bars, cafs anda shopping centre. Campus-based cultural attractionsinclude The Manchester Museum, Whitworth Art Galleryand Contact Theatre, while the Universitys Jodrell BankObservatory lies further afield in Macclesfield.

    Europes largest Students Union provides excellentsupport services, hundreds of active student societiesand four live venues, including the famous Academy,attracting the best big name and upcoming bands.

    Join The University of Manchester

    and you will become part of one of Britains mostforward-thinking universities, which builds on itssuccess year on year and invites you to do the same.

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    gender, sexuality

    and cultureat manchester

    The interdisciplinary andcross-disciplinary research Centre

    for the Study of Sexuality and

    Culture (CSSC) was launched at

    The University of Manchester in

    2003: the UKs first research

    facility to focus exclusively on the

    relationships between gender,sexuality, culture and history.

    An early objective of the Centre with an affiliatedfaculty drawn from numerous academic disciplinesacross the University was to rethink the study ofsexuality itself, and to explore new paradigms andtheoretical approaches.

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    With the establishment of an innovative MA degreecourse, and the sponsorship of frequent lecture series,seminars and conferences, the Centre aims to fosterpioneering scholarship that challenges currentunderstandings of sexuality and gender byinterrogating cultural identities, cultural productionand cultural theory in relation to other power systems,such as race, ethnicity and class.

    Find out more online

    For information on the CSSC, see:


    or http://bit.ly/mWXIbO

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    Sexuality Summer School

    The Sexuality Summer School is an annual event atThe University of Manchester intended for

    postgraduates working in the area of sexuality. TheSummer School addresses current debates withinqueer studies, emphasising in particular its implicationfor the interdisciplinary study of culture. It offers youan opportunity to discuss queer debates withresearchers in the CSSC, as well as with internationalscholars brought in for the event.

    Doctoral and masters-level students from anyuniversity are encouraged to apply, as well asthird-year undergraduates interested in taking the MA

    in Gender, Sexuality and Culture at Manchester.

    Find out more online

    For information on the Sexuality Summer School, see:


    or http://bit.ly/rmiDiz

    Past and forthcoming speakers at the CSSC and theSexuality Summer School include: Lauren Berlant, RosiBraidotti, Judith Butler, George Chauncey, DouglasCrimp, Lisa Duggan, Elizabeth Grosz, David Halperin,Richard Dyer, B Ruby Rich, Joanne Meyerowitz,Annamarie Jagose and David Eng.

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    The Morgan Centre for the Study ofRelationships and Personal Life

    Founded in 2005 and based in Sociology in theSchool of Social Sciences, this Centre works to fosterinterdisciplinary and collaborative research projects inthe field of relationships, family and personal life,including issues on gender and sexuality.

    Dr Brian Heaphy in Sociology is a core member of theMorgan Centre and has worked extensively ontheories of social and cultural change, with particularemphasis on the implications of social change forsexualities, gender, families and intimacies andageing, as well as the social aspects of AIDS.

    Find out more online

    For more information on the Morgan Centre, visit:


    or http://bit.ly/qcP8ef

    Further institutional links

    Other Centres at The University of Manchester thatcoordinate with the CSSC, the Summer School and

    the MA in Gender, Sexuality and Culture include:

    Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in theArts (CIDRA)

    Feminist Theory Network

    Cultural Theory Institute

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    taught course


    MA in Gender, Sexualityand Culture

    The MA in Gender, Sexuality and Culture is aninnovative and highly interdisciplinary degree coursedesigned specifically for students interested ininvestigating gender and sexuality within culture.

    Key staff involved in your course are: Dr David

    Alderson, Dr Michael Bibler, Professor Laura Doan,Dr Monica Pearl (MA Course Director), and ProfessorJackie Stacey.

    Course aims

    Introduce new approaches to gender studies andsexuality studies as a theoretical, social, cultural,political and historical field of investigation

    Challenge current understandings of gender andsexuality by interrogating cultural identities, such as

    queer, heterosexual, homosexual, gay, straight,bisexual and transgendered

    Examine cultural production and cultural theory inrelation to other power systems, such as race,ethnicity, nation, place, generation and class

    Offer training in research methods

    Students from all academic backgrounds are invitedto apply.

    Entry requirements

    Entry is normally with an Upper Second class Honoursdegree, or its equivalent, in a relevant academicsubject, or comparable professional qualifications.Students from North American institutions normallyhave a 3.0 GPA (we do not require the GRE). Suitablyqualified students will have the opportunity toprogress to PhD study.

    What does the course offer you?

    Unique, multidisciplinary approach

    Our approach is unique within the UK, since we bringtogether scholars who offer options in a range ofacademic disciplines, including English and Americanstudies, art history and visual cultures, politics, history,modern languages, religions and theology, history ofmedicine, sociology, social anthropology, and others.

    Reputable research environment

    The research culture of The University of Manchesteris unusually rich for the study of gender and sexuality;most of the departments associated with the MA inGender, Sexuality and Culture were ranked extremelyhigh in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).The Department of English and American Studies, inwhich the MA is based, was ranked third in thecountry, while the University overall was rankedamong the top ten universities in the UK, and third inthe country in terms of research power.

    Based in the Centre for the Study of Sexuality andCulture, you can take advantage of the stimulatingresearch environment, with regular seminar seriessuch as Queer Methodologies, and conferences.

    Diverse choice of topics

    In close consultation with the course directors, youwill opt for a range of MA units drawn from offeringsin several Schools within the Faculty of Humanities.This approach allows you greater flexibility and the

    opportunity to pursue research in new areas.

    Course structure

    The MA comprises:

    One core course unit called Gender, Sexuality, andCulture

    Several course unit options, designed independentlyin consultation with the course director (see below)

    Research training

    Dissertation (up to 15,000 words)

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    Interdisciplinary course units

    An expanding number of course units across theUniversity are included in the MA. Among the unitsnormally available are:

    From the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures:

    Gender, Sexuality and Culture (Professor LauraDoan)

    The American Body: Race and Sexuality in the 20thCentury (Dr Monica Pearl)

    Queer Cinema and Beyond (Professor Jackie Stacey)

    Post-Gay Culture (Dr David Alderson)

    Power, Myth and Romance: The AmericanPlantation (Dr Michael Bibler)

    Race, Gender and Power (Dr David Brown)

    Contemporary Fiction (Dr Kaye Mitchell)

    The Archaeology of Gender (Dr Eleanor Casella)

    Issues in Art Historical Practice (Professor CarolMavor)

    Black on Screen: Issues in Representation(Dr Rajinder Dudrah)

    Filming War, Filming History (Dr Ana Carden-Coyne)

    Postcolonial Spaces: Space, Mobility and Diaspora(Dr Anastasia Valassopoulos)

    Black Cultural Studies in Post-Civil Rights America(Dr Eithne Quinn)

    Early Modern Masculinities (Dr Jerome de Groot)

    Magic and Popular Belief, c. 1200-c. 1500 (Dr AnkeBernau)

    Radicalism, Dissent and the English Novel, 1890-1960 (Dr Howard Booth)

    From the School of Social Sciences:

    Feminism and Political Theory (Dr Angelia Wilson)

    New Approaches to the Study of Family Life(Professor Carol Smart)

    Methodological Issues in Sociological Research(Dr Brian Heaphy)

    New Developments in Theories of Gender andSexuality (Dr Bridget Byrne)

    From the School of Languages, Linguistics andCultures:

    Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary FrenchCinema (Dr Darren Waldron)

    Gender, Sexuality and the Body in Modern FrenchLife Writing (Dr Ursula Tidd)

    Jewish Culture in the German-Speaking Context(Dr Cathy Gelbin)

    Turkish-German Womens Writing (ProfessorMargaret Littler)

    Portuguese Womens Writing Pre- and Post-

    Revolution (Professor Hilary Owen)

    Spanish Cinema (Professor Chris Perriam)


    For details on fees and funding at the university, see:www.manchester.ac.uk/pg

    Graduates of UK institutions should consult:www.ahrc.ac.uk


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    facilities and support

    Our University website holds a

    wealth of information on the many

    varied aspects of postgraduate

    student life. Below are some of the

    most popular topics use the web

    links for full details

    As youd expect from a world-class institution,The University of Manchester provides a widerange of comprehensive support services andfacilities dedicated to your needs. Here is a briefoutline use the web links to find out more.


    With more than 9,200 rooms, The University ofManchester has more university-ownedaccommodation than virtually any other university inthe country, almost all of which is within two miles ofcampus. A number of residences are reservedexclusively for postgraduates; in others, graduatestudents are roomed together.

    tel +44 (0)161 275 2888fax +44 (0)161 275 3213www.manchester.ac.uk/accommodation

    In addition to the Universitys halls of residence,Manchester has a sizeable stock of privateaccommodation for rent. Further details can beobtained from the Universitys only approved housingbureau, Manchester Student Homes.

    tel +44 (0)161 275 7680fax +44 (0)161 275 7684manchesterstudenthomes@manchester.ac.ukwww.manchesterstudenthomes.com

    Careers Service

    Our award-winning Careers Service offers specialistpostgraduate advice and services, including: one-to-

    one guidance appointments; talks, workshops andemployer-led events; training and developmentopportunities; dedicated websites, including AnAcademic Career, a new site for aspiring academics;and a highly rated careers blog for postgraduates.

    We are also one of the most targeted universities

    by graduate recruiters in the UK and ourpostgraduates benefit from meeting a wide range

    of employers on campus. We will help you to discovercareer options with a postgraduate degree, when to

    apply for jobs or further study, and how best topromote your experience.




    There are two nurseries close to campus for children

    aged six months to five years.

    tel +44 (0)161 272 7121 (Dryden Street Nursery)tel +44 (0)161 200 4979 (Echoes Nursery)


    City of Manchester

    One of the great benefits of being a postgraduate

    student at Manchester is that all the joys of Britainsnumber one student city are on your doorstep. Youll

    be spoilt for choice for art, culture, food, drink, music,history, nightlife, sport, festivals, shopping and muchmore with two beautiful national parks also within

    easy reach when you want to get away from it all.Find out more about our city:


    Cultural facilities

    Some of the citys finest cultural venues are right hereon the University campus.

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    Manchester Museumwww.manchester.ac.uk/museum

    Whitworth Art Gallerywww.manchester.ac.uk/whitworth

    Contact Theatrewww.contact-theatre.org

    Jodrell Bank Observatory and Visitor Centrewww.manchester.ac.uk/jodrellbank

    Disability Support Office (DSO)

    If you have additional needs arising from a medicalcondition, a physical or sensory disability, or a specificlearning difficulty, you are strongly encouraged tocontact the Universitys Disability Support Office todiscuss your needs, any arrangements that may benecessary and the extent to which appropriatesupport is available.

    tel +44 (0)161 275 7512fax +44 (0)161 275 7018minicom +44 (0)161 275 [email protected]/dso

    International postgraduates

    We welcome a community of 7,900 students, frommore than 150 countries, into postgraduate study atthe University every year. A range of facilities and

    services are available to make your application andmove to Manchester go smoothly, including an in-depth arrival guide, a free airport collection serviceand an orientation programme.


    IT facilities

    When you become a postgraduate student at

    Manchester, you will have an IT account that lets you

    access the Universitys main computing services. These


    Personal email account

    Free internet access from your room in University-

    managed halls of residence

    More than 3,200 computers on campus

    More than 630 WiFi access points on campus

    An online learning environment, accessible from

    your mobile, with course materials and interactive

    learning activities

    Full IT support via our IT Service Desk: online, over

    the phone, or face-to-face


    Library and information services

    The John Rylands University Library is widely

    recognised as one of the worlds great research

    libraries. The breadth and depth of its electronic and

    traditional resources makes it one of the best-

    resourced academic libraries in the UK. If you live

    some distance from campus, youll be able to access

    its databases, e-journals and e-books from home.

    Many of its services, such as document supply, are

    also available online via My Manchester. The Library

    offers specialist training in research information skills

    and has dedicated staff to assist you in your studies.



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    Get to grips with your future home and take a closerlook at our campus, the city and Universityaccommodation by viewing our maps:



    Our 2012 postgraduate prospectus offers a

    comprehensive overview of The University ofManchester. You can view a copy online:


    Religious support

    There are two chaplaincy centres for the majorChristian churches. St Peters House provideschaplains for the Anglican, Baptist, Methodist andUnited Reformed Churches, while the Roman CatholicChaplaincy is at Avila House. Hillel House provides

    facilities for Jewish worship. There are prayer facilitieson campus for Muslim students and student societiesfor many religions.


    We have an active Athletic Union, a diverse CampusSport programme and a huge variety of health,fitness and wellbeing classes, as well as volunteeringand scholarship opportunities.


    Student support

    Whatever the issue financial, academic, personal, oradministrative we have experienced and sympathetic

    people, support groups and advice centres to helpyou. Find out about counselling, academic advice andvarious other student support services online:


    Students Union

    The University of Manchester Students Union(UMSU) is the largest Students Union in Europe,offering everything from student representation to

    live bands. UMSU has some of the largest and mostactive student societies in the country andcomplements the Universitys overall provision ofsupport and welfare services.


    Video library

    Watch and listen to our students and staff introducingvarious aspects of student life and The University ofManchester with our selection of online videos:


    How to apply

    Our preferred method of application for allpostgraduate programmes is via our onlineapplication form:


    If you are unable to apply online and require a printedapplication form, contact the Postgraduate

    Admissions Office:

    tel +44 (0)161 275 [email protected](remember to include your postal address)

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    For further information about the courses, or aboutqualifications, please contact:

    addressPostgraduate AdmissionsSchool of Arts, Histories and CulturesMansfield Cooper BuildingThe University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLUnited Kingdom

    tel +44 (0)161 306 1259email [email protected]

    For the most up-to-date course information,please visit our website:www.manchester.ac.uk/cssc


    This brochure is prepared well in advance of theacademic year to which it relates. Consequently,details of courses may vary with staff changes. TheUniversity therefore reserves the right to make suchalterations to courses as are found to be necessary. Ifthe University makes an offer of a place, it is essentialthat you are aware of the current terms on which theoffer is based. If you are in any doubt, please feel freeto ask for confirmation of the precise position for theyear in question, before you accept the offer.

    contact details


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    Postgraduate AdmissionsSchool of Arts, Histories and CulturesMansfield Cooper BuildingThe University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLUnited Kingdom

    +44 (0)161 306 [email protected]/cssc