james hubert blake high school · 1 james hubert blake high school blake blue note, april – may...

1 James Hubert Blake High School Blake Blue Note, April – May 2014 From the PTSA President Plan to attend April’s PTSA meeting on Tuesday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center. We have a full agenda at the meeting. All are welcome. Mr. Diallo K. Radway, Blake parent of six(!), will present strategies for funding that expensive college education. Mr. Radway, Marketing Director at World Financial Group, is an alumni of Springbrook High School and a certified College Consultant, with the Heartland Institute of Financial Education (HIFE). World Financial Group educates parents on college funds that exist for students who typically do not apply for financial aid, since their income may exceed $70,000-$100,000 per year. It is a common myth that these students are disqualified from any financial aid. His talk will present valuable information for seniors and juniors, and all families looking ahead at college planning. Nominations are being accepted for next year’s Blake PTSA officers. Nomination forms are available on the PTSA website, www.blakeptsa.org. Key positions needing nominations are Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, and Treasurer. Nominations also will be accepted at the April meeting. We plan to vote on our slate of officers at our May 20 meeting. The Blake Prom and After Prom are only a few days away, on May 9. The After Prom will be held at Dave and Buster’s in White Flint Mall, starting at midnight and ending at 5:00 a.m. Saturday, May 10. Donations to support the After Prom are still being accepted. Please support this excellent activity that keeps our children safe in a drug-free and alcohol-free event at a very busy time of night when accidents frequently occur. Many thanks to parents, students, alumni, and faculty that joined the Blake PTSA this year. It’s still not too late to join. Your membership dollars pay for PTSA activities such as staff appreciation events, student recognition, assist with school projects and events, support the peer-parent grade meetings, support key programs such as NAACP, and the list goes on. See the Blake PTSA website (www.blakeptsa.org) for information on how to join PTSA. I hope to see you on April 22. Paul Girolami President, James Hubert Blake High School PTSA 2013-2014 The Principal’s Perspective Christopher S. Berry April and May are always the busiest month in a high school and these months are especially hopping at Blake. Our annual spring events include The Festival of Arts and Humanities, athletics, instrumental, choral and dance concerts, HSA and AP exams, Academic Awards Night, Athletic Awards Night and, of course, Prom, After-Prom, and (this year) early graduation on May 28. As the weather turn warm, school spirit certainly runs high!

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James Hubert Blake High School

Blake Blue Note, April – May 2014

From the PTSA President

Plan to attend April’s PTSA meeting on Tuesday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center. We have a full agenda at the meeting. All are welcome.

Mr. Diallo K. Radway, Blake parent of six(!), will present strategies for funding that expensive college education. Mr. Radway, Marketing Director at World Financial Group, is an alumni of Springbrook High School and a certified College Consultant, with the Heartland Institute of Financial Education (HIFE). World Financial Group educates parents on college funds that exist for students who typically do not apply for financial aid, since their income may exceed $70,000-$100,000 per year. It is a common myth that these students are disqualified from any financial aid. His talk will present valuable information for seniors and juniors, and all families looking ahead at college planning.

Nominations are being accepted for next year’s Blake PTSA officers. Nomination forms are available on the PTSA website, www.blakeptsa.org. Key positions needing nominations are Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, and Treasurer. Nominations also will be accepted at the April meeting. We plan to vote on our slate of officers at our May 20 meeting.

The Blake Prom and After Prom are only a few days away, on May 9. The After Prom will be held at Dave and Buster’s in White Flint Mall, starting at midnight and ending at 5:00 a.m. Saturday, May 10. Donations to support the After Prom are still being accepted. Please support this excellent activity that keeps our children safe in a drug-free and alcohol-free event at a very busy time of night when accidents frequently occur.

Many thanks to parents, students, alumni, and faculty that joined the Blake PTSA this year. It’s still not too late to join. Your membership dollars pay for PTSA activities such as staff appreciation events, student recognition, assist with school projects and events, support the peer-parent grade meetings, support key programs such as NAACP, and the list goes on. See the Blake PTSA website (www.blakeptsa.org) for information on how to join PTSA.

I hope to see you on April 22.

Paul Girolami President, James Hubert Blake High School PTSA 2013-2014

The Principal’s Perspective

Christopher S. Berry

April and May are always the busiest month in a high school and these months are especially hopping at Blake. Our annual spring events include The Festival of Arts and Humanities, athletics, instrumental, choral and dance concerts, HSA and AP exams, Academic Awards Night, Athletic Awards Night and, of course, Prom, After-Prom, and (this year) early graduation on May 28. As the weather turn warm, school spirit certainly runs high!


A near record number of our students will take Advanced Placement exams during the May 5-16 testing window. Specific schedules will be given to students by their teachers. We continue to be fortunate in being able to use the Peoples Community Baptist Church, just up Norwood Road, as our off-site testing center. High School Assessments (HSA) will be administered the week of May 19-23 (with make-ups the following week) to students enrolled in Algebra, Biology, NSL Government and English 10. Students not involved in testing may arrive to school on a special delayed opening schedule. Additional information will be sent home with students in a separate letter. HSA testing remains a graduation requirement for students taking those courses. Teachers work hard to prepare Blake students and they have consistently done extremely well on the HSAs.

Blake High School, along with the other MCPS high schools will participate in the pilot examination of the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) exam. Selected students and classes have been designated by the state of Maryland to pilot the PARCC exams in English and mathematics this April. This testing is important, but will not be scored for students this year. The consortium that is preparing the examinations is field testing test items for use as the exams are implemented during the 2014-15 school year. We appreciate the cooperation of all students and parents as we embark on this important measure of our student’s preparedness for college and the world of work.

With spring comes end of year activities which are of particular significance to our graduating seniors. A packet of very important information was distributed at the Senior Parent meeting on the evening of April 2, 2014. The PowerPoint presentation from this meeting is now posted on our school website. Please download this information if you did not attend the meeting and receive the presentation, as it addresses many issues specific to Senior Banquet, Prom, After-Prom and Graduation. This is a critical time of year for seniors as for a small number of students it seems to come down to the wire every year if they will graduate. Attendance still counts to the very end of the senior year. Parents need to pay attention to Student Service Learning hours, as well of completion of courses needed for graduation, including those taken in High School Plus. Counselors are the best resources for you to contact to ensure students are on track to walk across the stage at DAR Constitution Hall. But even our most capable seniors need to be reminded that “senioritis” is not a real word (even if it seems like a real phenomenon) and while they have worked hard, high school isn’t over and this is not the time to slack off and let things slide. Just ask the students who are put on academic probation and told they need to take summer programs before they enter college based on poor second semester grades.

The senior celebrations include the Senior Banquet on April 24. Academic Awards night is May 21, when many of our students are honored for their academic achievements. Final exams for seniors only are from May 19th (review day) until May 23rd, which is the last school day for seniors. Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal is Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 a.m. Any student who is not at graduation rehearsal may not walk at graduation; the rehearsal is a non-negotiable expectation. Graduation is at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28 at DAR Constitution Hall. We have been designated an evening graduation ceremony this year as determined by a lottery system MCPS uses with all of its high schools. While guests traveling to DAR to get to the ceremony should leave plenty of extra time, I have been told the trip out of town at approximately 9:30p.m. is much quicker. The PTSA has arranged for buses to take students and families to and from the event, see the form in this Blue Note for more information and to reserve your seat.


Drugs and alcohol have no place in any student activities. The stakes are particularly high at this time of year for graduating seniors. Parents are urged to talk to students to make sure they are perfectly clear about the activities (including the graduation ceremony) they stand to miss should they decide to partake in illegal substances, in addition to the high stakes for their safety, as well as legal action. Our utmost concern is to keep our students safe, providing events and activities that are drug-free and alcohol-free.

The Junior/Senior Prom is set for Friday, May 9 at Samuel Riggs IV, Alumni Center, UM-College Park with the After-Prom at Dave & Buster’s at White Flint Mall. This is a very special evening for students and a critically important time to remind them to be safe and smart. We have been very fortunate the past five years that most of our students acted responsibly and we have not had to face the potential tragedies that Prom Night can bring. Blake staff consistently reinforce responsible decision-making to students, but students need to be reminded that they are not invincible, that drinking and use of other illegal substances don’t mix with driving.

Unfortunately, we did have incidents involving alcohol at a recent year’s Prom. This not only ruined Prom Night for a small group of students, but also involved disciplinary action, a loss of senior privileges and, in a few cases, police charges. As a reminder, any student who shows up at the prom under the influence or who has alcohol or drugs in their limo or car in which they were a passenger will have their parents called to pick them up and they will not be admitted to After Prom under any circumstances. I strongly suggest parents talk to their children about a Plan B if their children’s peers decide to drink. A phone call to come get a child is preferable to the ramifications of guilt by association. This message will be reinforced to juniors and seniors through class meetings and our SADD pre-Prom assembly.

The spring sports season is an extremely successful one; the large number of students participating in sports and supporting each other is outstanding. This investment of time and energy has positive payoffs for student athletes in teambuilding, camaraderie, skill development and most importantly good sportsmanship. I hope parents and students alike will continue to come out and cheer on our student athletes.

The warm weather may have come late this year, but we have a real need to monitor and reinforce positive student behavior for our “restless natives.” Parents are asked to help us reinforce school rules and policies such as keeping cell phones off and out of sight during the school day, which is MCPS (and State of Maryland) policy. We have had great success in the past few years with our policy of allowing students to use their phones strictly at lunchtime, but as a result we have been more adamant about having them off and away during instruction time. Unfortunately, we have parents who call students during the day on their cell phones. Please call the main office at 301-879-1300 if you need to leave a message or wait until lunchtime (10:53 to 11:42 a.m.) or after 2:10 p.m. to call your child’s cell phone. Cell phones are an ever-present issue during the school day with text-messaging, cheating on exams, inappropriate photos being taken, and the temptation for theft. Please do not set your child up to have her/his phone sent to the main office by your calling during the school day.

Other issues we encounter more often in the spring include students failing to get to class on time, and attendance problems. The tardy issue seems to grow exponentially as warm weather (and love) seems to slow down student incentives to be on time for class. Please remind your children that being on time to class is a minimum expectation that certainly would not be tolerated in the


world of work. We always stress with students that the first five minutes of class are often the most important.

Likewise, please monitor your child’s attendance in school. A student is NEVER permitted to leave campus during the school day without preapproved permission. If you receive an autodial call at night indicating an absence from one or more periods, it is always a good practice to confirm with the Attendance Office at school the nature of the absence if you can’t account for this with your child or if you have a suspicion that your children are being less than honest about their whereabouts. A confirmation call only takes a minute, whereas a conversation with a teacher and administrator about unexcused absences is difficult and embarrassing for all concerned. More problematic is that teachers are not required to accept work when a student’s absence is unexcused, which can be a serious consequence. There is no substitute for being in class.

Lastly, dress code violations become a real issue as the weather gets warmer. Halter tops, tube tops, exposed underwear, bare midriff tops, and extremely short skirts are some of the issues we deal with repeatedly from our young ladies. This, frankly, makes for an environment that is distracting and not conducive for learning. How your daughter leaves for school in the morning may not be how she appears once she gets to school. Likewise, boys should not wear sleeveless tank-tops or pants that reveal undergarments. We always have spare t-shirts for loan. In addition, the new t-shirts with double-entendre messages can be offensive and inappropriate for school, as well as shirts with drug, alcohol, or sexual implications.

I hope you and your family enjoy all of the wonderful routines of spring and the anticipation of the summer to come. Blake’s traditions, its support for students, and its dedicated parents and staff make me realize how in some ways we are rare and in others we are a unique high school. For those parents of seniors, I thank you for your tireless dedication to our school, your willingness to support what we do as educators every day and, mostly, trusting us with your most prized possession – your children.

Senior News

Assistant Principal Kevin Yates

Parents of seniors,

As we move toward graduation on May 28 at 7:00 p.m. at DAR Constitution Hall, it is important to keep students focused on their classes and grades so that they can be there with us. Please help your child by monitoring his or her Edline account regularly and engaging in conversations about school.

We had a great turnout for our Graduation Informational Meeting on April 2. We covered important topics including the graduation ceremony, Prom and After Prom, and the Senior Banquet. If you missed the meeting, my PowerPoint is available at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/schools/blakehs/students/2014%20Senior%20Class%20Meeting.pdf Some key points from the meeting are below:


Attendance is very important as we get close to graduation. Please call Ms. Bowser at 301-879-1322 if you have questions about attendance.

Please pay any outstanding student obligations so that your child can attend prom and pick up their cap and gown.

SSL Hours are due to Mrs. Wagner by Thursday, May 1st. Students who do not meet the SSL requirement will not graduate.

The Senior Banquet is Thursday, April 24, 2014 from 7:00-10:00 p.m. at The Ten Oaks Ballroom in Clarksville, MD.

There will be a Senior Night at Six Flags, sponsored by Six Flags, on May 16, from 3:00 p.m. to Midnight. The senior class will be organizing a bus. Students can carpool or drive themselves, but will have to pay for parking. Tickets cost is $27 plus $10 if taking the bus.

The Junior-Senior Prom is on Friday, May 9, 2014 at The Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center at University of MD College Park from 8:00 p.m. -12:00 a.m. Students must arrive by 10:00 p.m. Ticket sales end on May 1. After Prom will be at Dave and Buster’s at White Flint Mall. This is sponsored and run by the Blake PTSA. Students must arrive by 1:00 a.m.

The Graduation Ceremony will be at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, May 28 at 7:00 p.m. Seniors must arrive by 6:00 p.m.

The PTSA has arranged for transportation to and from graduation. See the bus form, below, to reserve your seat..

Students will pick up their Cap and Gown and Graduation Tickets after their first period Senior Final on Friday, May 23.

Graduation Rehearsal will take place on Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 a.m. in the gymnasium. Attendance is mandatory.

In addition, important announcements can be found on the Blake Senior Class website at http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/blakehs/students/seniors.aspx Below is the schedule for the Senior Exams. Once seniors take their final in a class, they do not need to return to that class. 2014 HSA and Bell Schedule:

Monday 5/19 Tuesday 5/20 Wednesday 5/21 Thursday 5/22 Friday 5/23




HSA- Biology


HSA – Algebra


HSA – English


Period 1


(93 min)Senior




(35 min)



(35 min)



(35 min)



(35 min)

Period 2


(30 min)


Period 1


(45 min)

Period 4


(45 min)

Period 7


(45 min)

Period 8


(45 min)

Period 3


(30 min)

Period 2


(60 min)

Period 7


(60 min)

Senior Exam

Period 4


(60 min)

Senior Exam

Period 2


(60 min)

Senior Exam

Period 4


(33 min)

Period 3


(60 min)

Period 8


(60 min)

Senior Exam

Period 6


(60 min)

Senior Exam

Period 3


(60 min)

Senior Exam



(45 min)

Period 6


(78 min)

Period 7


(33 min)

Period 8


(33 min)

2014 Senior Exam Period Schedule:

Monday 5/19

Tuesday 5/20 Wednesday 5/21 Thursday 5/22

Modified Bell


Friday 5/23

Modified Bell


Senior Exam


Period 7

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Period 4

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Period 2

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Period 1 &

Make-ups* (*All

make-up exams

must be scheduled

by appointment

with the teacher)

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period


Senior Exam


Period 8

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Period 6

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Period 3

Senior Exam –

Last day of class

for this period

Seniors Pick up

caps/gowns and




completion of 1st

period exam.




Graduation Bus Registration Form -- fill out this page and mail your check to Joan Taylor at the address below.

Graduation will be on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC. The Blake PTSA has arranged for transportation to and from graduation. Seats are available for $20 each for Graduates, family, and guests.! NOTE: The Blake staff buses DO NOT have free rides for GRADUATES!! GRADUATES MUST HAVE A PAID SEAT TO RIDE ON PTSA BUSES!! Reservations for seats on PTSA buses include the following amenities:

Light coffee at Blake, available from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., when buses will depart for DAR.

Door-to-door transportation from Blake to DAR and back by 11:00 p.m., on luxury, air-conditioned coaches. Let the bus driver handle the rush-hour traffic!

Relaxation! There is no chance your car is going to break down or get into an accident!

No hassles with traffic, construction delays, trying to find and pay for parking!

Serenity. No long-distance speed-walking from Metro to DAR in dress clothes, high heel shoes, and tropical heat!

Some families choose to send their graduates on the bus to ensure their timely arrival, while the rest of the group travels separately, so all may remain downtown afterwards to celebrate.

Please plan to arrive at Blake by 3:00 p.m. to find your bus assignment and sign in at the desk.

Buses will begin boarding at 4:00 p.m., leave Blake by 4:30 p.m., and are expected to return by 11:00 p.m.

Complete details will be included with your confirmation e-mail.

If you have any questions, please call Joan Taylor at 240-602-4404.

Seats must be reserved and paid in advance!

No extra seats will be available on graduation day!

APRIL 23 is the DEADLINE for Mailing Your Form and CHECK! PLEASE FILL IN COMPLETELY AND LEGIBLY: Name of graduate: ____________________________________________________________! Name(s) of parent/guardian: ____________________________________________________! E-mail address for confirmation: __________________________________________________! Phone number: (day) ________________________ (evening) _________________________! Number of seats needed: ____________ x $20.00 each = $_____________ check enclosed! Are there other graduates/families with whom you would like to sit? List names here: ___________________________________________________________________________! ___________________________________________________________________________!

MAIL THIS FORM AND PAYMENT TO: Joan Taylor, 1320 Sarah Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904! Checks must be payable to: Blake High School PTSA!

Orders will be filled “first come, first served”


Career and Counseling Center

Important upcoming events:

April 2 Registration deadline for May 3 SAT

April 23 Accuplacer test for Montgomery College given to students who registered with Ms. Yargici

April 26-27 Catalyst Prep SAT Boot Camp

May 1-2 Senior survey’s administered to seniors through English classes

May 3- SAT test date

May 9 Registration deadline for June 7 SAT and June 14 ACT

College Essay Writing Clinic – May 19, 2014: Juniors will meet in the Amphitheatre for a special presentation during their English 11 class. Mr. Rich Edgar has agreed to return to Blake for an all- day seminar on “How to Write a Winning College Essay.” Parents are welcome.

May 21 Blake H.S. Academic Awards Ceremony 7:00 p.m. Auditorium

June 7 SAT test date

June 14 ACT test date

Attention JUNIORS!

One last chance to prepare for the SAT before the May 3rd official test! Outsmart the SAT with Catalyst's SAT Bootcamp at Blake High School! Don't have time for weekly prep clases? In just one weekend, get every strategy you need... DATE: Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27 COST: $165 for both days & prep materials To enroll, visit http://www.CatalystPrep.com & click on Bootcamp Sign-Up on the menu bar. For more information, email [email protected] or call (800) 235-0056. Registration fee covers all 8 hours of the Bootcamp, all materials used and all take-home self-study materials.

Attention SENIORS!

Please bring your college acceptance, wait list, or denial letters to the Career Center so we can update Naviance records. Scholarship information is tracked too, so please share your scholarship offers with Mrs. Moore even if you do not plan to accept some of them. When you make your final decision on where to attend college in the fall, keep us informed!


Have you visited the Blake Career Center webpage? This resource includes lots of information for college-bound students, including a “SCHOLARSHIPS” section. Check the chronological list for scholarship opportunities and start applying. Remaining SAT dates are May 3 and June 7. Register online: www.collegeboard.org. Remaining ACT date is June 14. Register online: www.actstudent.org. Information for Juniors

Juniors should make a “senior meeting” appointment with their counselor efore leaving school this June. By appointment, counselors will meet with each student (parents/guardians are welcome) this summer to: evaluate credits for graduation, review the course schedule for the upcoming school year, learn the college application/letters of recommendation process, and discuss any post-high school plans or concerns.

Book Sale news

Orit Lowy Chicherio, Chair


This year’s PTSA BOOKS,etc Sale was the most profitable ever, despite having a new and smaller space! Many past customers said they look forward to our annual sale, so they sought us out. Of course, our success would not have been possible without the help of loyal volunteers.

Major thank yous go to Barbara Girolami and Ann King, who co-chaired the book sale. I am so grateful to both of you for your diligence, patience, hard work, and calmness.

Kara Springer, a new Blake parent this year, gets the medal of honor for working the sale almost every day, from preparation to clean-up. During the sale, she opened the store every afternoon. Kara, you were our rock.

Other parents volunteered on a regular basis or for a few hours, and so many stepped up when we put out urgent requests to fill in times that were not so convenient. Thank you Barbara Werfel, Carmen Raul Tartera, Alice Hung, Joanne Berger, Kathy Wallens, Ken Hill, Kathy Manzo, John Manzo, Lynn Lockett, Taryn Potts, Vanessa Brown-Seay, Sharon Mosley-Ramsey, Karen O’Neill, Margarita Bartley, Najma Khan, Carol Guerrera, Sheila Holmes, and students who came with or without their parents.

Special thanks to Paul Girolami, PTSA President, who filled in whenever needed and then some, making sure that we were on our toes; Brian Nockleby, who secured and transported the tables from and to St. Andrew’s Church; and Marc Hyman, who rented and drove the truck to cart the books back and forth from the shed.

A shout-out must be made to three guys from Paint Branch HS (one senior and two alums) who started out as regular customers and then were drawn in to help with packing during the last weekend and returning books to the shed. This was a grueling job for which we had few volunteers. I don’t know what we would have done without these conscientious human beings.


Finally, we are extremely grateful for the continued help and devotion of alumni parents and community members – Beth Blevins, Phil Porzel, Edith Bullard-Britt, Michelle Virjee, Ellen and David Zaika, Robina Barlow, Sue Brunsell, Talia Chicherio, and Steve Chicherio (who didn’t have much choice but helped out constantly and willingly).

If you helped out but I have not mentioned you here, please forgive me, but know that your contributions were no less appreciated.

Best wishes to next year’s book sale committee chair, Barbara Girolami!

NAACP Parents’ Council

Sheila Holmes, Chair

Congratulations to Blake student Nathan Peoples who provided an outstanding and well-received poetry reading at the 2014 local ACTSO competition on Saturday. Nathan’s poetry composition Freedom Don't Cost Much took this year’s Gold Medal in Poetry. Nathan won the opportunity to compete in the National competition this summer in Las Vegas, Nevada. When you see Nathan, wish him good luck on the next level of the competition. SPRING MEETING: Blake High School Career Center “In the Home stretch” Tuesday, April 29, 2014 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Hear about Blake mentoring programs (for students and parents), the ACT-SO competition results, recap of the year, and planning for the next year.

From the Parents' Council Executive Board: New Date for Our Monthly Meeting : “ Males in the Mix: Male Focused Programs that Work!”has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 8:45-11:30 p.m. CESC Auditorium 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville MD The Best and The Brightest

The NAACP Parents' Council is seeking nominations from students and/or parents for “The Best and The Brightest” teacher or staff of MCPS. Those nominated will all be invited to our May Parents' Council Meeting and The Best and The Brightest Celebration. What you should know: · Students may nominate one teacher/staff member only · Parents’ Council parents may nominate a teacher/staff member · To nominate a person, submit a short essay (200 words or less) describing why you have nominated them and what this teacher/staff member has done that makes them “the Best and the Brightest” staff member


· All nominees will be invited to attend our "The Best and The Brightest" celebration held during our May Parents' Council meeting on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at 8:45 am · email nominations to Patricia Williams at [email protected] Sharon Ramsey at [email protected] All entries are due by Friday, April 18, 2014

World Languages Celebrates Excellence in French and Spanish

Ms. Abuliak On Wednesday, March 19, 52 Blake students were recognized at the 2014 World Languages AAA celebration. These students received all As first semester and on their final exams in French and Spanish. The celebration began with a smooth jazz piece performed by senior Matthew Clanton, former AP Spanish Language student. Principal Christopher Berry and Resource Teacher Monica Abuliak said a few words congratulating Blake’s best and brightest world languages students before calling students up individually to receive their AAA certificates. French and Spanish students received Eiffel Tower and maraca key chains as fun parting gifts. Many thanks to Spanish teacher Ms. Annette Hamilton for coordinating the event. Thanks also to the French and Spanish Honor Societies and the Hispanic Leadership Club for providing the give-aways, food, and beverages.

Community Day with Superintendent Starr

On Monday, April 28, Superintendent Joshua Starr will be vising schools throughout the Northeast Consortium and the Col. Zadok Magruder and Sherwood clusters. He will end this Community Day with a Town Hall meeting for parents, where you can ask questions and share your thoughts and ideas. The Town Hall meeting will be held from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. at Paint Branch High School. For more information, visit the Montgomery County Public Schools website at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org and search “Community Days,” or call 301-279-3100.

The Parents Guide to New Assessments in Maryland

This new resource from National PTA, in conjunction with Maryland State Department of Education, is designed to help parents understand the new standards and assessments. The Guide includes an overview of the new assessments, sample Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test items, information on what parents can expect, and additional resources to help parents prepare and support their children. The Guide can be found at http://www.msde.state.me.us/w/PTAGuide_MD_MDCCRS_042014.pdf.

Change in Policy for Retaking Courses

At the beginning of the school year, Montgomery County Public Schools revised its policy regarding students retaking a course. In the past, if a student retook a course, both grades appears on the transcript and were included in the student’s overall grade point average (GPA) and weighted grade point average (WGPA).


Beginning with the class of 2014, students in grades 9 through 12 who take a course and then repeat it, no matter the final grade, are allowed to exclude the lower of the two grades from their transcript and their GPA/WGPA. The highest of the grades received will be the only grade that appears on the transcript for that course.

The mark exclusion applies only to two occurrences of the same exact course with the same exact course code. For example, grades for on-level courses may not be used to exclude grades for honors-level courses.

Your student’s counselor will be able to provide support to you regarding retaking a course.

High School 101 – For the Class of 2018

Ninth grade is an important year because a smooth transition to high school starts a student on the path to academic success and positive social experiences. Incoming Blake students can get a running start on being ready for the challenge of high school by enrolling in our unique summer program: High School 101: An Intro to 9th Grade.

High School 101 is designed to ease the transition from middle school and build connections to Blake that will be in place when the academic year begins. New “Bengals” will be ready to learn from the first day of school, bolstered by the academic support and activities in High School 101. High School 101 is a week filled with useful information, self-discovery, skill-building and new friends – all delivered in a fun atmosphere of hands-on activities. James Hubert Blake High School invites your son or daughter to join us for this starting point towards achievement and high school success.

Features of High School 101:

Orientation to the Blake building and staff

Support towards completion of summer Reading and Math packets and optional lunch sessions for students enrolled in AP US History

Strategies for academic success


Goal Setting

Mentoring and peer connections

Session 1: July 14 – July 18

Session 2: August 4 - August 8

The program runs from 8:30 am – 12:15 pm. Cost is $120 per session with transportation available pending enrollment at designated locations. Tuition-reduction is available by contacting the program directors.

Online payment: Register online at www.payforschoolstuff.com, create an account, find Blake HS, click on HS 101 to register and enter payment information.

Check payment: Please make checks payable to “Blake Booster Club” and send them, with your registration forms, to Blake High School c/o Christina Kiedrow.


The deadline to register is June 1, 2014.

Blake’s website at: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/blakehs/hs101/index.htm

For further information, contact Program Directors:

Ms. Christina Kiedrow 301.879.1310 [email protected] Mr. Christopher Schenk 301.879.1351 [email protected]

Blake Theatre News

The Summer Musical Theatre Institute At Blake High School



June 30 – July 25, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Before and After Care Available) The Blake Summer Institute in Musical Theatre for Middle School-aged students, features the junior version of the classic musical comedy, ANNIE. Our institute has two parts to it. First, participants will be cast in the production of Annie Jr., going through a full rehearsal process, learning songs, lines, and dance numbers. Second, they will practice key theatre skills including auditioning, monologue performance, song performance, scene study, scene writing, and directing. And of course, we’ll find time to play lots of fun games. Students who would like to participate must audition for us. Auditions for the institute will be held on Friday afternoon, April 25th from 2:30 – 6 pm, and Saturday, April 26th from 9 am – 1 pm. Please choose one of the two days to audition. If needed, callbacks will be held a week or two later, date to be determined. Auditions will be held at Blake High School either in our choral room (D-150) or in our Black Box Theater, just around the corner. Auditioners should prepare a one-minute monologue as well as a song that shows off their voice and vocal range. Feel free to bring sheet music for our piano player, or a CD with a karaoke track to sing along to. In order to provide maximum opportunities for all participants, we may double cast parts in the show if the talent warrants it. Performance dates of Annie Jr. will be July 24 and 25 at 7:00 p.m.


We ask everyone to make an appointment by e-mailing: Artistic director, Mike D’Anna – Michel_D_D’[email protected] OR Middle School Director, Michael Kelley – [email protected]. Our phone and answering machine in the theatre is 301-879-1335. Tuition for our institute is $600 and there are no scholarships available. At this cost, we would remind you that our institute is not only outstanding but also the cheapest in the region. Please email us with any questions. We would love to hear from you!

The Summer Musical Theatre Institute At Blake High School



June 19 – July 23, 2014

Our Summer Institute in Musical Theatre, this year features Cole Porter’s classic musical comedy ANYTHING GOES! This highly regarded summer program and institute features concentrated training for performing in a musical as well as developing personal skills in musical theatre. Besides being a part of ANYTHING GOES!, students have the option of also preparing a song or individualized performance for a special Portfolio Night at the end of the five-week session. This is Blake’s seventh year of producing outstanding experiences in musical theatre. Some of our past shows have been partnerships with Disney Theatricals or Musical Theatre International. Other years, like this year, we simply pick a show that we think will both challenge young people and bring all participants lots of fun. Students should prepare a one-minute minimum comedic or serio-comedic monologue as well as a song that shows off your voice and vocal range. We will not need to hear the entire song, but do want to hear the sections/measures that challenge your voice. For students interested in major/featured roles, please be very prepared. Most of our people have memorized their monologues and are quite familiar with their music. We will supply accompaniment via piano. In order to provide maximum opportunities, we will double cast parts in the show if talent warrants it. Performance dates are July 17, 18, 19 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, July 20 at 2:00 p.m.


Auditions for the institute will be held on Friday afternoon, April 25, from 2:30 – 6:00 pm., and, Saturday, April 26 from 9:00 am – 1:00 p.m. Auditions will be held at Blake High School either in our choral room (D-150) or in our Black Box Theater, just around the corner. When entering for auditions, come to the right side of the school into the parking lot. Enter at the double doors next to the brown roll-up doors and follow the signs to our audition room. Parents may come and wait for you to complete your audition. We ask everyone to make an appointment by e-mailing artistic director, Mike D’Anna, at Michel_D_D’[email protected]. Our phone and answering machine in the theatre is 301-879-1335. Tuition for our institute is $600 and there are no scholarships available. At this cost, we would remind you that our institute is not only outstanding but also the cheapest in the region. Instructors include Mr. D’Anna, and he has both directed shows/musicals at the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland (the first high school performance selected from America in 1995); at the ETA International Festival (for four consecutive years on the Main Stage --- a festival record); at the World Drama Festival in New Zealand, and have several students working in the biz: Michael Mayer, Director of SPRING AWAKENING (Tony Award) and AMERICAN IDIOT (Tony Nomination); SMASH and the Met’s acclaimed opera RIGOLETTO. Chris Carmack, Broadway: ENTERTAINING MR. SLOANE with Alec Baldwin; TV: THE OC and, currently, NASHVILLE , as

Will. Jason Kravits, Broadway: THE DROWSY CHAPERONE, CABARET. TV: THE PRACTICE, SMASH, Larry David Show. Larry Kaye, New York Producer of AMERICAN IDIOT, HOW TO SUCCEED w/Daniel Radcliffe, THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN.

Staff includes professionals from the Signature and Olney Theatres, Gentlemen’s Rule and various other professionals. Questions? Appointment time? Just e-mail back! Michel_D_D’[email protected].

AFS Host Families Needed

AFS International Student Exchange has opportunities for about 12 Montgomery County families to host international high school exchange students for the 2014-2015 year. Won't you consider it? These are great, carefully screened kids. They come from over 90 different countries, and are eager


to learn about America and take part in the activities of the host family and local high school. When you welcome a student from another country into your home, your children and family learn about the world, your AFS student takes home a part of America, and you make a personal contribution to world peace and understanding. Two and single parent households, with or without kids, are eligible. The family provides a place to sleep (not necessarily a private room) and provides meals. Students bring their own spending money and have excellent health insurance. Now is the time to start making the arrangements. Working with an AFS volunteer, you’ll select your student from several who are a good match for the family’s interests and lifestyle. All AFS students are above average scholastically and speak English. To learn more, talk to current Blake exchange student Rebecca Puccini (ITA), contact AFS volunteer Bob Rushing at 301-236-6809 ([email protected]), or visit the AFS website at www.afsusa.org/