james & judy dye - special august issue

Special Points: 7 New Believers Baptized! Making the most of a special holiday for Children. John and Zandra return. Lots of fun at camp! Leadership and church growth. JAMES DYE MISSION TO CARACAS SUMMER HIGHLIGHTS This summer has been full of exciting events bringing a lot of new life to the church. In the last 2 months we have had 7 baptisms! And we Praise God! We started out the summer with one of our leaders, Natasha, bring her blind friend, Irene, to Christ. Irene is a very active person and participates in most of the meetings during the week. This gave us the impetus so several other members proceeded to bring their friends to Christ. Below are some of the pictures. AUGUST, 2013 Left: James baptizing Irene con su amiga Natasha Right: James baptizing Vanessa. More Pictures on page 4

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Special Points:

7 New Believers Baptized!

Making the most of a special holiday

for Children.

John and Zandra return.

Lots of fun at camp!

Leadership and church growth.




This summer has been full of exciting events

bringing a lot of new life to the church. In

the last 2 months we have had 7 baptisms!

And we Praise God! We started out the

summer with one of our leaders, Natasha,

bring her blind friend, Irene, to Christ. Irene

is a very active person and participates in

most of the meetings during the week. This

gave us the impetus so several other

members proceeded to bring their friends to

Christ. Below are some of the pictures.

AUGUST, 2013

Left: James baptizing Irene con su amiga Natasha

Right: James baptizing Vanessa. More Pictures on page 4

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Taking advantage of the Venezuelan holiday –

Children’s Day – we opted to celebrate with the

children at church. The children invited their

friends to accompany them and we had several

stations to visit. They enjoyed, games, face

painting, crafts and hotdogs and cupcakes.

People donated so many cupcakes that we served

them after church to the adults as well.

This summer has been such a very enjoyable

time. There has been plenty of work but exciting

work. We challenged the church to take on new

responsibilities and formed 12 new ministry

groups to help in the church. These include new

groups of greeters, visitor follow-up, social

events, publicity, computation, and many more.

We were able to incorporate some about 1/2 of

the membership to become active. We asked the

leaders to take on more challenges to help train

up the rest of the church. God has been blessing

the church and the people and they have all been

growing spiritually. We are so pleased to see

how God is working in Caracas.

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July 21

Face Painting Station and Game Station.

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We are glad to welcome back our family, John

and Zandra. We really missed them a lot. The

work load was a bit heavy but as the leaders

began their new development and put what they

have learned into action it was a little better for

us this summer. They arrived just in time to

begin the camps

.Each year our churches set aside the month of

August for camp for all of the youth. John and

Zandra led the first week for young adults. The

theme for the week was” Unstoppable” and that

is exactly how they came back- ready to jump in

with both feet to serve wherever they could! On

the last day, John had 2 baptisms! The next

camp was the smaller kids and there were so

many kids that they reached capacity. One of

our boys was baptized, on Sunday before he left

for camp. This week is the last week and we sent

some of our adolescents. They too were filled to

capacity! We are so thankful for how the Lord is

blessing the Churches in the Caracas area.

Welcome Back


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Contact us at:

James and Judy Dye

Res. Union Apt 27

4Ta Avda de los Palos Grandes

Caracas 1060, Rep. Bol. De Venezuela

International Telephone: 1-513-898-1858

Email: [email protected] or

[email protected]

Financial Forwarding Agent

Mrs. Lee Dye

P.O. Box 192

Horsepen, VA 24619

5555 Street Address

City, State 55555