james smith training log maxs

week of 2-25 accumulation 1 I'm not listing the exercise I perform on the elliptical, bike, etc any more. Just know that I do it on off days. 2-25 Shoulder girdle warm up 1. DB bench- 60%x5x8 Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates each side- 5x8 2. DB single arm shrug- 130x2x10 3. L position lateral shoulder raise- 30x2x15 4. Reverse curl-85x2x10 Band triceps push down- 2 sets 5. wrist curl- 85x2 sets Shoulder girdle/cuff stretches 2-26 Warm up 1. Close stance squat on 13.75” box- 60% of Olympic squatx5x6 2. GHR- holding 65lb dumbbell x1x20 3. Inverted Row- 2 sets 4. Isometric support at 90 degrees elbow flexion in push up position- 1x80sec 5. Abs 6. Band stretching for hip girdle 2-28 Shoulder girdle warm up 1. DB bench- 60%x1x33 Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates each side- 1x25 2. Cable single arm shrug- 75x1x40each 3. Chest supported DB reverse fly (straight arm)- 20lbsx1x20 4. Reverse curl-85x1x25 Band triceps push down- 1xfail 5. wrist curl- 85x1x40 Shoulder girdle/cuff stretches

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week of 2-25 accumulation 1

I'm not listing the exercise I perform on the elliptical, bike, etc any more. Just know that I do it on off days.


Shoulder girdle warm up1. DB bench- 60%x5x8Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates each side- 5x82. DB single arm shrug- 130x2x103. L position lateral shoulder raise- 30x2x154. Reverse curl-85x2x10Band triceps push down- 2 sets5. wrist curl- 85x2 setsShoulder girdle/cuff stretches


Warm up1. Close stance squat on 13.75” box- 60% of Olympic squatx5x62. GHR- holding 65lb dumbbell x1x203. Inverted Row- 2 sets4. Isometric support at 90 degrees elbow flexion in push up position- 1x80sec5. Abs6. Band stretching for hip girdle


Shoulder girdle warm up1. DB bench- 60%x1x33Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates each side- 1x252. Cable single arm shrug- 75x1x40each3. Chest supported DB reverse fly (straight arm)- 20lbsx1x204. Reverse curl-85x1x25Band triceps push down- 1xfail5. wrist curl- 85x1x40Shoulder girdle/cuff stretches


Warm up1. Close stance squat on 13.75” box- 60% of Olympic squatx6x32. GHR- holding 75lb dumbbell x1x 203. Inverted Row- 1 set

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4. Pushups- 1 set5. Abs6. Band stretching for hip girdle

Week of 3-3 Accumulation 2


Shoulder girdle warm up1. DB bench- 70%x4x8Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates + 20lbs each side- 4x82. DB single arm shrug- 135x2x103. Chest supported DB reverse fly (bent arm)-2x154. Reverse curl-95x2x10Band triceps push down- 2 sets5. wrist curl- 95x2 setsShoulder girdle/cuff stretches


Warm up1. Close stance squat on 15” box- 70% of Olympic squat x 24 total reps in sets of 2-42. GHR- holding 85lb dumbbell x1x203. Inverted Row- 1 set4. Pushups- 1 set5. Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliques6. Band stretching for hip girdle


Shoulder girdle warm up1. DB bench- 70%x8, 23, 18Hammer iso-lateral row-4plates + 20lbs each side- 8, 10, 12, 10, 122. Free Motion cable shrug- full stack 2 sets3. Chest supported reverse fly (bent arm) on free motion- 2 sets4. Reverse curl-50kgx2x10Band triceps push down- 2 sets5. wrist curl- 50kgx2 setsShoulder girdle/cuff stretches


Warm up1. Close stance squat on 15” box- 70% of Olympic squat x 2x62. GHR- holding 95lb dumbbell x1x20

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3. Inverted Row- 1 set4. Pushups- 1 set5. Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliques6. Band stretching for hip girdle

Week of 3-10 Accumulation 3

3-10Shoulder girdle warm up1. A)DB bench- 80%(120lb)x 3x8b)Hammer iso-lateral row-5plates each side- 3x82. DB shrug- drop set 130x20, 120x20, 110x203. DB hammer curl- 65lbs x 2sets4. Band triceps push down- 2 sets5. wrist curl- 60kgx2 setsShoulder girdle/cuff stretches

3-11Warm up1. Close stance squat on 15” box- 80% of Olympic squat x 20 total reps in sets of 2-42. GHR- holding 105lb dumbbell x1x20Short workout because I was pressed for time

3-13Shoulder girdle warm up1. A)DB bench- 80%(120lb) x 17PR, 12b)cable row- 2x82. Pull-ups- 1x203. cable shrug- 3 sets4. cable hammer curl- x 2sets5. Band triceps push down- 2 sets5. wrist curl- 60kgx2 sets

3-14Warm up1. Close stance squat on 15” box- 80% of Olympic squat x 10 total reps in sets of 2-42. GHR- holding 105lb dumbbell x1x203. Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliquesBand stretching for hip girdle

Muscles are feeling very full and strongGoal of accumulation has been accomplished

Next week I begin Transmutation Block

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Week of 3-17 transmutation 1

3-17Primary Lifts

1. 2board press- 70% x 12 total reps 3-6 reps per set2. Olympic Squat- 70% x 12 total reps 3-6 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 3 setsB)Seated cable row- 3 sets2. DB shrug w/straps- 2 sets3. A)DB hammer curl-2 setsB)Band triceps push down- 2 sets4. Wrist curls- 60kg- 2sets5. 12min walking cool down HR<120bpm6. Band stretching

The ‘money making’ exercises are the primary lifts. The auxiliary lifts are performed in order to retain a certain degree of work in the supporting muscle groups. The exercises do not have particular significance and the intensity and volume are low enough so as not to affect readiness for next workout.


20minutes cardiac work on bike HR 100-120Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliquesBand stretches for legs/hips, shoulders


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 70% x 24 total reps 6 reps per set2. Olympic Squat- 70% x 24 total reps 6 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. A)GHR bodyweight- 3 setsB) Inverted row- 3 sets2. Band stretching


20minutes cardiac work on bike HR 100-120Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliquesBand stretches for legs/hips, shoulders


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Primary Lifts1. DB shrug w/straps- 2 sets2. 2board press- 70% x 18 total reps 3 reps per set3. Olympic Squat- 70% x 18 total reps 3 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 2 setsB)Different rows- 4-5 sets2. A)curls-drop sets B)Band triceps push down- 2 sets3. Wrist curls- 70kg- 2sets4. Band stretching

Week of 3-24 transmutation 2


• DB shrug w/straps- 2 setsPrimary Lifts1. 2board press- 75% x 18 total reps 3 reps per set2. Olympic Squat- 75% x 18 total reps 3 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 3 setsB)Seated cable row- 3 sets2. A)DB hammer curl-2 drop setsB)cable triceps push down- 2 sets3. Barbell Wrist curls- 2sets4. Foam roll5. Band stretching6. 15min cold tub


1. 20minutes cardiac work on bike HR 100-1202. Isometric supports for erectors, abdominals, and obliques3. Foam roll for lower and upper4. Band stretches for legs/hips, shoulders


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 75% x 24 total reps 3 reps per set2. Below parallel Box Squat- 75%(of Olympic squat) x 24 total reps 3 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts

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1. A)GHR bodyweight- 3 setsB) Inverted row- 3 sets2. Foam roll3. Band stretching

I will be switching up the squat variation as the repeated bouts of Olympic squats just recently rendered my knees sore (which is a first). So I’m going to be smart.


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 75% x 12 total reps 3 reps per set2. Above parallel box Squat- 75%(of Olympic squat) x 12 total reps 3-6 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. DB shrug w/straps- 1 drop set2. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 3 setsB)Seated cable row- 3 sets3. A)DB hammer curl-2 drop setsB)cable triceps push down- 2 drop sets4. Barbell Wrist curls- 2sets5. Foam roll6. Band stretching

Week of 3-31 transmutation 3


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 80% x 15 total reps (3 reps per set)2. Below parallel close stance box squat w/80% of Olympic squat- 2x3 (still feel slight tweak in knees so I’m going to greatly reduce the volume of what was originally planned for this week and perhaps even eliminate the squats for the remainder of this week in order to fully restore for the next wave of transmutation after the deload I have planned next week)Auxiliary Lifts1. DB shrug w/straps- 2 sets (130lbs)2. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 3 setsB)Seated cable row- 3 sets3. A)kettlebell hammer curl-3 setsB)cable triceps push down- 3 sets4. Kettlebell Wrist curls- 2sets5. Foam roll6. Band stretching

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If anyone is curious as to what my warm up on the bench or squat looks like- here’s what happened today:Benchbar x 10-15- no board~33%x10- no board~45%x1- no board~55%x1- no board~63%x1- no board~70%x1- no boardWork sets at 80% with 2 board

SquatBar x 3-530%x3-550%x370%x180% for work sets


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 80% x 20 total reps 4 reps per set2. No squats today (taking the rest of the week off in order to allow the knees to restore to 100%)Auxiliary Lifts1. A)GHR bodyweight- 3 setsB) Inverted row- 3 sets2. Barbell wrist curls- 2 sets3. Isometric supports for obliques/abdominals/erectors4. Foam roll5. Band stretching


Primary Lifts1. 2board press- 80% x 12 total reps 3 reps per setAuxiliary Lifts1. DB shrug w/straps- 1 drop set2. A)GHR with safety bar on back- 3 setsB)Seated cable row- 3 sets3. A)Cable curl-2 drop setsB)cable triceps push down- 2 drop sets4. Barbell Wrist curls- 2sets5. Foam roll6. Band stretching

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Week of 4-7 Deload


1. A)2-way neck- 2x10B)DB shrug w/straps- 2x10Primary lifts2. Bench- 60% x 3x33. Below parallel box squat- 60% of Olympic squat- 3x3Auxiliary lifts4. A)GHR- 2 setsB)Cable Row- 2 sets5. Db hammer curl- 2 sets6. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets7. Foam roll8. Band stretch


Primary lifts1. Bench- 60%x2x32. Below parallel free squat close stance 60% of Olympic squat- 2x3Auxiliary lifts3. A) GHR- 2 setsB)Cable Row- 2 sets4. DB shrug w/straps- 1 drop set5. DB hammer curl- 1 drop set6. Triceps- 3 sets7. A) Barbell wrist curls- 2 setsB) TKE’s- 2 sets8. Isometric supports for abdominals/obliques/erectors9. Foam roll10. Band stretch


Primary lifts1. Bench- 60% x 1x32. Below parallel box squat- 60% of Olympic squat- 1x3Auxiliary lifts1. A)GHR- 2 setsB)Inverted row in gymnastic rings- 2 sets2. Behind the back cambered bar shrugs- 2 sets3. kettlebell hammer curl- 1 drop set

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4. triceps- a few sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Foam roll7. Band stretch

Week of 4-14 Transmutation 4


Primary lifts1. 2 board press- 85% x 12 total reps in sets of singles and doubles2. Close stance below parallel box squat- 85% of Olympic squat- 3x2Auxiliary lifts1. A)GHR- 3 setsB)Cable row- 3 sets2. Behind the back cambered bar shrugs- 2 sets3. DB hammer curl- 1 drop set, 6 reps per set from 80,75,70,65,60,55,504. Band triceps push downs- 5-6 sets of 10 about 10sec rest between sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Foam roll7. Band stretch


Primary lifts1. Foam press- 85% x 16 total reps in sets of doubles and triples2. Close stance below parallel box squat- 85% of Olympic squat- 5-6x2Auxiliary lifts1. A)Strong band GM- 2 setsB)Cable row- 2 sets2. Foam roll3. Band stretch

I will be replacing board presses with pressing off of some type of softer material from here on out. Never having tried this before I am now sold on it. I used two airex pads that, when depressed with the loaded barbell sank to approximately the same thickness as a 2board or perhaps even less. The movement is much more natural feeling and less structurally taxing to the joints


Primary lifts1. Foam press- 85% x 8 total reps in sets of doubles and triples2. Parallel close stance box squat- 85% of Olympic squat- 3x2Auxiliary lifts1. DB shrugs- 1 drop set, 10 reps per set- 115, 110, 105, 100, 95, 90

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2. A)Back Raise GHR Complex- 2 sets (I performed 2 back raises for every 1 GHR)B)Cable row- 2 sets3. DB curl- 1 drop set, 6 reps per set from 60, 55, 50, 40, 304. Band triceps push downs- 5-6 sets of 10 about 10sec rest between sets

Week of 4-21 Transmutation 5


Primary Lifts1. Foam press- 90% x 4x22. Low Box close stance squat- 90% of Olympic Squat x 3x2Cool down3. Cool down walk ¾ mile4. Foam roll5. Band Stretch


Auxiliary Work1. Behind the back cambered bar shrugs- pyramid from 135 to 275 back to 135 taking 30lb jumps2. A)Cable Rows- 3 setsB)Back Raise + GHR complex (2+1) x 3 sets3. DB hammer curl- 1 drop set4. Band triceps push downs- 1 multi set5. Barbell wrist curls- 2 sets


Primary Lifts1. Foam press- 90% x 2x22. Low Box close stance squat- 90% of Olympic Squat x 2x2Auxiliary Work1. DB shrugs- drop set, 15 reps per set, 120,110,100,902. A)Cable Rows- 2 setsB)Back Raise + GHR complex (2+1) x 2 sets3. Cable hammer curl- 1 set4. Band triceps push downs- 1 set5. Barbell wrist curls- 1 set6. Isometric supports front/side/back7. Foam roll8. Band stretch

That's it for the week.

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Now that I'm working at 90% and above I will only perform two primary sessions a week

Week of 4-28 Transmutation 6


Primary Lifts1. Foam press- 95%(385lbs/175kg) x 5x12. Below Parallel close stance box squat- 95%(425lbs/193kg) of Olympic Squat x3x1Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 2 sets2. GHR+Back raise 10/20 x 23. DB hammer Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset x 24. Band shrug- 2 sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Band stretch


Primary Lifts1. Foam press- 95% x 3x1 (very smooth, although did one set at the end of my warm up with 95% and only 1 foam pad and missed it. This was a technical miss, however, as the pads compress a great deal and the difference between the two pads and the one pad is probably only an inch or just over and my work sets flew up with solid consistency from a technical standpoint)

I should also note that the two foam pads (Airex) that I use probably compress to about the height of a 2board

2. Olympic Squat-95% x2x1 (very smooth)Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 3 sets2. GHR+Back raise 20/20, 16/163. Cable Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset x 24. Cable shrug- 1 drop set5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Foam roll8. Band stretch

This marks the end of my transmutation block.

Fatigue and Fitness accumulated each week.

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This has been a positive concentration of the load as I feel good, not beat up as I have in the past after certain concentrated stages of loading.

At this point my squat feels stronger than my press (relative to how 95% of my previous bests feel) and I attribute this to the fact that my press is, as is with most lifters, much more sensitive to fluctuations in bodyweight. I have to be very diligent in my eating or I lose weight very easily. As it stands, last week I managed to stay closer to 250 and this week I’ve dropped closer to the mid-low 240s. Combine this with the fatigue accumulation of transmutation and the result is what it is.

I must make it my directive to get my bodyweight back up to the 250 mark during this realization/taper block that I will commence starting next week.

Week of 5-5 Realization/Taper 1

This, ironically, is the one block of training that I don’t have planned in advance and it’s arguably the most important. I’ll be experimenting, trial and error as always. The key is that I fully recover between intensive sessions.


Primary Lifts1. Bench press- 60% x 3x32. Olympic Squat-60% x3x3Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 2 sets2. GHR+Back raise 10/20 x 23. DB hammer Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset/drop set x 14. Cable shrug- 3 sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Band stretch


Restoration TrainingProwler- unloadedWalking pacePushed until HR hit 130 then rested (walking recovery) until it dropped back down to 120HR- 120-130 x 30minCool down walkBand stretching


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Primary Lifts1. Bench press- 80% x 3x2 (bench felt heavier than expected)2. Olympic Squat-80% x3x2Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 2 sets2. GHR+Back raise 10/20 x 23. Cable Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset/drop set x 14. DB shrug- 3 sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Walking cool down8. Band stretch


Restoration TrainingProwler- unloadedWalking pacePushed until HR hit 130 then rested (walking recovery) until it dropped back down to 120 then start pushing againHR- 120-130 x 30min (covered 1200yds)Cool down walkstretching

Might do some more restorative training tomorrow.

Week of 5-12 through today (6-30)

Week of 5-12 Realization/Taper 2


Primary Lifts1. Dynamic Effort Bench press- 60% x 3, 3, 6, 6 (performed as a means of CNS stimulation albeit at a lesser load)2. Olympic Squat- up to 480x1 (PR)Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 2 sets2. GHR+Back raise 10/20 x 23. DB hammer Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset/drop set x 14. Cable shrug- 3 sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Cool down walk8. Band stretch

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Primary Lifts1. Dynamic Effort Bench press- 60% x 3x3Auxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 2 sets2. GHR+Back raise 10/20 x 23. Isometric supports- front/sides/back4. Foam roll


30minutes recovery intervals with prowlerHR 120-130

Week of 5-19


Primary Lifts1. Dynamic Effort Bench press- 70% x 3x32. Olympic Squat- wanted to work up to 500 but stopped after 475- wasn’t feeling itAuxiliary Lifts1. Cable row- 3 sets2. GHR+Back raise 8/16 x 23. DB hammer Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset/drop set x 14. DB shrug- 3 sets5. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets6. Isometric supports- front/sides/back7. Foam rollStretch


30 minutes restoration with prowlerHR 120-130

5-21 Starting Explosive work for Jumps

1. 2board up to 90%x12. Light squat warm up3. Depth jump off of 12” box 2x54. DB row 150 x 2 sets5a)Leg raise on dip bars- 2 sets5b)Back raise on GHR- 2 sets

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30 minutes restoration with prowlerHR 120-130


1. Bench Press- 225x3x32. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 53. Cable row- 3 sets4. Back raise- 3 sets5. DB hammer Curl + Band triceps pushdown superset/drop set x 16. Cable shrug- 3 sets7. kettlebell wrist curl- 2 sets8. Isometric supports- front/sides/back


30 minutes restoration with prowlerHR 120-130

Week of 5-26 First official week of explosive jump work


1. 2board Press- up to a miss at 4102. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 103. Cable row- 3 sets4. Explosive Back raise- 3x65. DB hammer Curl + neutral grip DB push up superset/drop set x 16. Barbell shrug- 4 sets7. kettlebell wrist curl- 2 sets8. Isometric supports- front/sides/back


30 minutes walk HR 95-110


1. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 62a) Pushups on barbell2b) Inverted Rows

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1. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 82. Bench- 225x27 PR3. Seated cable row- 220x27 (just to match the bench for no particular reason)4. superset cable curl with band triceps pushdown5. wrist curls—1 set6. Back raise- 2 sets7. split jumps for glycolytic capacity• 20sec on/20sec off x 8• 5 minute walking treadmill• 20sec on/20sec off x 88. Cool down walk9. Single limb vibration10. Band stretch

Week of 6-2


1. Bench- 225x3x62. Cable row- 220x3x8-103. DB shrug- 3x104. DB hammer curl/DB push up superset x 25. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 166. Back raise- 3 sets7. Wrist curls- 2 sets8. Isometric supports for side and front9. Single limb vibration10. Band stretch


Elliptical 120-130bpm x 30minOne morning session and one evening session

6-41. 3 double leg bounds up stairs x 102. Pushups in rings3. Inverted rows4. Back raise

6-61. 3 bounds up stairs x 132. DB shrug 130s

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3. Bench 225x3x34a)Chin ups4b)Back raise4c)Dips5. Isometric supports side and front6. Wrist curls7. DB reverse fly

6-7Elliptical 120-130bpm x 30min

Week of 6-9

6-9Primary work1. Bench- 245x6x32. Depth Jumps up onto a 30” box (landing as straight legged as possible on 30” box)- 4x5 raised drop height each set (12”, 18”, 21”, 23”)Auxiliary work3a)Cable row- 240x 2x83b)Back raise- 2x104. DB shrug- 130s5a)DB hammer curl- 70s5b)Close grip ring pushups- 2 sets6a)DB wrist curls- 60s6b)Cable reverse fly- 2sets7a)Isometric supports side and front7b)Single leg eccentric squat heel elevated- 2x10


Primary work1. Depth Jumps up onto a 30” box (landing as straight legged as possible on 30” box)- 4x5 raised drop height each set (12”, 18”, 26”, 26”)Auxiliary work2a)chin ups- 2sets2b)dips- 2sets2c)back raise- 2sets3. Isometric supports front/side/back4. single leg eccentric squat heel elevated- 1x10


Primary work1. Depth Jumps up onto a 30” box (landing as straight legged as possible on 30” box)- 4x5 raised drop height each set (12”, 12”, 18”, 26”)

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2. Bench Press- 255x17 or 18 can’t remember (was shooting for 20)Auxiliary work3. cable row in scapular plane on lat pulldown- 250x18 total in two sets4. Back raise- 2sets5. Single arm cable shrug- 2 sets6. Barbell curl- 2 sets7. Dips- 1 set8. Cable rear delt- 2 sets9. Barbell wrist curl- 2 sets10. Isometric supports- side

Week of 6-16

Primary Work1. Depth jump to vertical jump- 4x5 (drop height- 18”, 18”, 26”, 26”) after all sets I took a couple regular vertical jumps and made 34” which is already a 2” PR even after performing the 20 depth jumps/being in a greatly fatigued state2. Bench Press- 255x20 total reps, 3-5 reps per setAuxiliary Work3a) Cable row in scapular plane on lat pulldown- 250x 20 total reps in 3 sets3b)Explosive back raise- 3x64. Single arm cable shrug- 3sets each no rest in between5. Rear delt dumbbell exercise on incline bench- 2 sets6a)curls6b)close grip push ups7. Wrist curls with dumbbells8. Isometric supports- side


Primary Work1. Depth jump to vertical jump- 4x5 (drop height- 18”, 18”, 26”, 26”)Auxiliary work2. DB Row- 150s 2 sets3. Explosive back raise- 2 sets


Primary work1. Bench press- 290x10Auxiliary work2. Yates row- 225x 3 sets3. Rear delt dumbbell exercise on incline bench- 2 sets4. Barbell curl (135,115,95) superset with push ups5. Wrist curl6. Isometric supports- side

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Week of 6-23- Final Taper


Primary work1. 2-3 short sprints2. VJ x 6-10 up to 34.5”3. SLJ x 2-3 in the low 9 foot range4. 2 Bounds up stairs x 2-35. (2)airex pad bench press- up to 415x1Auxiliary work1. Yates row- 275 x 4 sets2. DB shrug- 130s x 2 sets3. Explosive back raise- 3x64. Rear delt dumbbell exercise on incline bench- 2 sets5. Barbell curl (185,155,135) superset with board push ups6. Wrist curl7. Isometric supports- side


Primary Work1. 3-5 10yd flying sprints and 5yd 3pt starts2. VJ x 63. SLJ x 6 into foam pad4. (2) airex pad bench press- 60% of Monday x 3x3Auxiliary Work1. Cable row- 3 sets2. Back raise- 2 sets3. Isometric supports- side


Primary work1. VJ x 42. SLJ into foam pad x 4

Week of 6-30


Test VJ and SLJ

1. VJ up to 34.5”

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2. SLJ out to 9’73. Into weight room for stimulation method for VJ4. half squat up to 405x35. 7min rest6. VJ up to 35Auxiliary work1a. DB Bench1b. pull ups2. DB Shrug3a. DB hammer curl3b. Push ups4. DB rear delt5. Side isometric supports

- 35” VJ was a 3” PR and 9’7” SLJ was a PR although I’m not sure by how much because the last memory I have of testing it is not so clear- My power index is now in the low 90’s which places me in the highest category with respect to the world’s elite T&F throwers.

I will now commence a restoration block