january / enero 3, 2021...2021/01/03  · mass intentions intenciones de la misa sun., january 3 /...

Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas ALL Masses in the Church - limited to 275 individuals Misas en la iglesia - limitada a 275 personas Sunday / Domingo 10:00 am (English) 1:00 pm y 5:00 pm (Español) Tuesday / Martes - 6:00 pm (English) Thursday / Jueves - 6:00 pm (Español) Masses will be Streamed Live on Facebook Las misas se transmitirán en vivo en nuestra página de Facebook. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stcyrilhouston Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday & Wednesday / Lunes y Miércoles 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday / Martes y Jueves 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm Prayer & Meditation - Oración y Meditación The Main Church will be open for personal prayer & meditation. Iglesia estará abierta para oración y meditación personal. Tuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Tuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Tuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Martes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Martes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Martes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Daily Chapel is Closed / Capilla diaria está Cerrada Confession / Confesiones In the Chapel / en el Capilla Tuesday / Martes 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm (English Only) Thursday / Jueves 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm (Bilingual) Anointing of the Sick / Unción para los Enfermos (English and Spanish / Inglés y Español) Please call Oce / Favor de llamar a la Ocina January / Enero 3, 2021 Cycle/Ciclo I Year/Año B The Epiphany of the Lord La Epifanía del Señor Transforming Cultural Catholics Into Intentional Disciples Transformando Católicos por Tradición en Discípulos con Intención Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral 713-789-1250 Rev. Mario J. Arroyo, Pastor (Contact Sandra Russell) Fr. Scott Blick.................................... Ext. 260 Eduardo M. Dolpher.......................... Ext. 229 Deacon; Pastoral Associate; Annulments Adult Sac. & RCIA (Español), Kairos Retreat Coord. Bob Angelich, Deacon ....................... 713-789-1250 Arturo Mendoza, Deacon; Funerals .. 713-789-1250 Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, CDP ................. 713-554-1556 Pastoral Associate Adult Sacraments & RCIA (English) Sandra Russell .................................. 713-554-1562 Business Manager Anne Bennett ................................... 713-554-1552 Pastoral Support Services Fred Clay ........................................... 713-554-1555 Coord. of Liturgical & Support Ministries Meegan Dunlap................................. 713-554-1551 Mother’s Day Out Jeanette Granados............................ 713-554-1560 Bookkeeper; Marriage—English/Spanish Beatriz Green .................................... 713-554-1553 Coord. of Youth Ministry Coord. Del Ministerio Hispano Quinceaños Coordinator Aída Silva .......................................... 713-554-1563 Coord. of Children's Religious Education Lucelly Torres ................................... 281-895-3183 Coord. Ministerio Espiritual John Wincelowicz ............................. 713-554-1559 Coord. of Adult Formation—English Rejoice Counseling Apostolate......... 844-295-3167

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  • Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas ALL Masses in the Church - limited to 275 individuals

    Misas en la iglesia - limitada a 275 personas Sunday / Domingo 10:00 am (English)

    1:00 pm y 5:00 pm (Español)

    Tuesday / Martes - 6:00 pm (English) Thursday / Jueves - 6:00 pm (Español)

    Masses will be Streamed Live on Facebook Las misas se transmitirán en vivo en nuestra página de

    Facebook. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/stcyrilhouston

    Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Monday & Wednesday / Lunes y Miércoles 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

    Tuesday & Thursday / Martes y Jueves 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm

    Prayer & Meditation - Oración y Meditación The Main Church will be open for personal prayer & meditation.

    Iglesia estará abierta para oración y meditación personal.

    Tuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pmTuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pmTuesday, Thursday: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Martes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pmMartes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pmMartes, Jueves: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

    Daily Chapel is Closed / Capilla diaria está Cerrada

    Confession / Confesiones In the Chapel / en el Capilla

    Tuesday / Martes 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm (English Only) Thursday / Jueves 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm (Bilingual)

    Anointing of the Sick / Unción para los Enfermos (English and Spanish / Inglés y Español)

    Please call Office / Favor de llamar a la Oficina

    January / Enero 3, 2021 Cycle/Ciclo I Year/Año B The Epiphany of the Lord

    La Epifanía del Señor

    Transforming Cultural Catholics Into Intentional Disciples Transformando Católicos por Tradición en Discípulos con Intención

    Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral 713-789-1250

    Rev. Mario J. Arroyo, Pastor (Contact Sandra Russell) Fr. Scott Blick .................................... Ext. 260 Eduardo M. Dolpher.......................... Ext. 229 Deacon; Pastoral Associate; Annulments Adult Sac. & RCIA (Español), Kairos Retreat Coord. Bob Angelich, Deacon ....................... 713-789-1250 Arturo Mendoza, Deacon; Funerals .. 713-789-1250 Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, CDP ................. 713-554-1556 Pastoral Associate Adult Sacraments & RCIA (English) Sandra Russell .................................. 713-554-1562 Business Manager Anne Bennett ................................... 713-554-1552 Pastoral Support Services Fred Clay ........................................... 713-554-1555 Coord. of Liturgical & Support Ministries Meegan Dunlap ................................. 713-554-1551 Mother’s Day Out Jeanette Granados............................ 713-554-1560 Bookkeeper; Marriage—English/Spanish Beatriz Green .................................... 713-554-1553 Coord. of Youth Ministry Coord. Del Ministerio Hispano Quinceaños Coordinator Aída Silva .......................................... 713-554-1563 Coord. of Children's Religious Education Lucelly Torres ................................... 281-895-3183 Coord. Ministerio Espiritual John Wincelowicz ............................. 713-554-1559 Coord. of Adult Formation—English Rejoice Counseling Apostolate ......... 844-295-3167

  • Reflecting on God’s Word SEARCHING In Matthew’s Gospel today we see two extremely different perspectives, two different reasons for searching for Jesus. In some ways, this resembles the polarization of our nation in today’s time. What one group sees as good for the nation, those with opposing views think will wreck the country. The Magi were astrologers who saw a vision in the sky and were trying to find a way to follow it and discover the new king of the Jews. Herod heard about this king, and his reaction was dark and negative. He saw the birth of such a king as a threat to his power as the Roman leader of the country and wanted the Magi to pass on to him what they knew about this Christ child. Similarly, on a more personal level, we can either feel threatened or excited by changes that may come, depending on our perspective.

    GIVING HOMAGE In our minds, it is easy to mix up bits and pieces from Luke’s account of the shepherds coming to see Jesus in the stable and the story of the magi. Clearly, it has taken the magi time to get here, and the reading speaks of them coming to the house where the star led them. Nevertheless, they “prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures . . .”

    How do we do this? Do we continue looking for Jesus, even if takes a while and he is not where we expect to see him? Are we paying attention to the signs showing us the way? What gifts do we have with which to pay him homage? After seeing him, the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back the way they came. But if we have seen the Christ child, how can we go back to where we were? We must continue to respond to God’s call to move forward and grow in our lives. We must seek the right and just path and turn away from the “Herods” and inherent evils in our life.

    Nutshell: Seek God. Pay homage. Amen. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios BUSCANDO En el Evangelio de hoy de Mateo vemos dos perspectivas extremadamente diferentes, dos razones diferentes para buscar a Jesús. En cierto

    modo, esto se parece a la polarización de nuestra nación en el tiempo actual. Lo que un grupo ve como bueno para la nación, quienes tienen puntos de vista opuesto piensan que eso arruinará el país. Los Reyes Magos eran astrólogos que vieron una visión en el cielo y trataban de encontrar una forma de seguirla y descubrir al nuevo rey de los judíos. Herodes escuchó acerca de este rey y su reacción fue oscura y negativa. Él vio el nacimiento de tal rey como una amenaza a su poder como líder romano del país y pidió a los Reyes Mayos le dijeran lo que sabían sobre ese niño mesías. De igual manera, en un nivel más personal, ya sea que nos podamos sentir amenazados o emocionados por los cambios que puedan venir, dependiendo de nuestra perspectiva.

    DANDO HOMENAJE En nuestras mentes, es fácil mezclar pedazos y piezas del relato de Lucas que cuenta acerca de los pastores que vinieron a ver a Jesús en el establo y la historia de los magos. Claramente, a los magos les tomó tiempo llegar hasta ahí y la lectura habla de ellos yendo a la casa donde la estrella los guiaba. Sin embargo, “se postraron y le rindieron homenaje. Luego abrieron sus tesoros . . . “

    ¿Cómo lo hacemos? ¿Seguimos buscando a Jesús, aunque tarde un poco y no esté donde esperamos verlo? ¿Estamos atentos a las señales que nos indican el camino? ¿Qué regalos tenemos para rendirle homenaje? Después de verlo, en un sueño los magos fueron advertidos de no regresar por donde habían ido. Pero si ya vimos al niño Jesús, ¿cómo podemos regresar por donde estábamos? Debemos seguir respondiendo al llamado de Dios para avanzar y crecer en nuestras vidas. Debemos buscar el camino justo y correcto y alejarnos de “Herodes” y de los males propios de nuestra vida.

    En pocas palabras: Busca a Dios. Rinde homenaje. Amén. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

    Daily Mass Readings Lecturas Diarias para la Misa

    Mon. 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25

    Lun. 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Sal 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25

    Tue. 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44

    Mar. 1 Jn 4:7-10; Sal 72:1-4, 7-8; Mc 6:34-44

    Wed. 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52

    Miér. 1 Jn 4:11-18; Sal 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mc 6:45-52

    Thu. 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a

    Jue. 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Sal 72: 1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lc 4:14-22a

    Fri. 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16

    Vie. 1 Jn 5:5-13; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Lc 5:12-16

    Sat. 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30

    Sáb. 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30

    DISCÍPULOS INTENCIONALES – ICONOS DE DIOS ".. postrándose ante Él lo adoraron. Entonces, abrieron sus tesoros y le ofrecieron como regalo oro, incienso y

    mirra..." - Mateo 2:11 Fíjese en el orden de los eventos en la visita de los Magos. Primero, se arrodillaron ante Jesús y oraron. Entonces le

    presentaron sus regalos. Nosotros también debemos tomar un momento para orar antes de presentarle nuestros regalos al Señor. ¡Nunca sabemos lo que Dios nos está pidiendo compartir!

    INTENTIONAL DISCIPLES - ICONS OF GOD “..they fell down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold,

    frankincense, and myrrh...” - MATTHEW 2:11 Notice the order of events in the Magi’s visit. First, they knelt before Jesus and prayed to Him. Then they presented Him with their gifts. We, too, must take time to pray before we present our gifts to the Lord. We never know what God may be asking us to share!


  • Mass Intentions Intenciones de la Misa

    Sun., January 3 / Dom., Enero 3 10:00 am † Donato Tolentino 1:00 pm For All / Para Todos 5:00 pm † Diego Medina

    Tue., January 5 / Mar., Enero 5 6:00 pm † John Wincelowicz, Sr.

    Thur., January 7 / Jue., Enero 7 6:00 pm For All / Para Todos


    A Message from Fr. Mario

    My friends, as we begin this New Year I want to Thank You Very Much for all the ways you have given so generously to St. Cyril in 2020. THANK YOU!!!THANK YOU!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!

    As we begin the year with the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, we ask God to lead us closer to the kingdom. God leads us just as surely as the star led the magi to Bethlehem. The Magi – or three wise

    men – traveled far distances and made great sacrifices to bring gifts to Jesus.

    This year, before you pack away your nativity set, select one of the wise men bearing his gift for Jesus and set this statue in a place that you will see every day – maybe on your desk or your kitchen counter. When you see this gift bearer let it be a reminder to ask Jesus what gifts He would like you to give for Him each day throughout the year.

    Register for Online Giving at: https://membership.faithdirect.net/TX256 OR use the “Text-to-Give” instructions below from your cell phone.

    Mensaje del Padre Mario

    Amigos míos, al acercarnos a iniciar un Nuevo Año, quiero agradecerles mucho por las diferentes formas que tan generosamente han brindado a San Cirilo en 2020. ¡¡¡¡GRACIAS !!!!¡¡¡¡GRACIAS !!!!¡¡¡¡GRACIAS !!!!

    Al iniciar el año con la Solemnidad de la Fiesta de la Epifanía del Señor, le pediremos a Dios que nos acerque más a su reino. Dios nos guía con tanta seguridad como la estrella que condujo a los magos a

    Belén. Los magos, o los tres sabios, viajaron grandes distancias e hicieron grandes sacrificios para llevarle regalos a Jesús.

    Este año, antes de empacar tu pesebre, selecciona a uno de los reyes magos que le llevo regalos a Jesús y coloca esta estatua en un lugar para que lo veas todos los días, tal vez en tu escritorio o en alguna área de tu cocina. Cuando veas a este Mago portador de regalos, permite que te recuerde de preguntarle a Jesús, qué regalos le

    gustaría que le dieras cada día durante todo el año.

    Para hacer tus donaciones regístrate en línea: https://membership.faithdirect.net/TX256 O sigue las instrucciones que damos a continuación sobre "Donación por Texto" desde tu teléfono celular.

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  • PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY Do you enjoy working with


    St. Cyril Mother’s Day Our and Preschool (MDO) has an

    immediate opening for a teacher’s assistant.

    If interested, please call the MDO office: 713-554-1551

    Email: [email protected]


    St. Cyril MDO/Preschool is Enrolling Children need some normalcy and routine during these stressful times.

    St. Cyril MDO/Preschool is a great way for your children to learn in a small, safe, affordable and FUN environment!

    Ages 16 months-5years. Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 – 2:00.

    For more information on our program and our new safety procedures, please visit us at: https://stcyrilhouston.org/

    and click on the Grow in Faith tab or call 713-554-1551.

    St. Cyril MDO / Preescolar se inscribe Los niños necesitan algo de normalidad y rutina durante estos tiempos


    ¡St. Cyril MDO / Preschool es una excelente manera para que sus hijos aprendan en un ambiente pequeño, seguro, de bajo costo y


    Edades de 16 meses a 5 años. Martes y Jueves de 9:30 a 2:00.

    Para obtener más información sobre nuestro programa y nuestros nuevos procedimientos de seguridad,

    visítenos en: https://stcyrilhouston.org/ y haga clic en la pestaña Grow in Faith o llame al 713-554-1551.

    That’s why we use Flocknote, and we would like you to be a part of our Flock. Flocknote is very secure and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    Deacon Bob Angelich leads a ministry to combat racism.

    Prayer Not ViolencePrayer Not ViolencePrayer Not Violence

    Interested in volunteering? Call Deacon Bob at 219-808-3343


    •Continue to raise awareness to the evil of racism

    •Sustain the visibility of the sin and the need to stop it beyond the

    church walls •Our mission is to go…we will leave

    the success up to God

    Would you like more information? Contact Deacon Bob Angelich:


    Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

    Rejoice Parish Counseling provides remote counseling services (844) 295-3167


  • Interested in Becoming Catholic? In need of the Sacraments?

    Contact For Adult Sacraments and RCIA in English

    Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, C.D.P. 713-554-1556

    [email protected]

    Contact For All Other Adult Programs in English:

    John Wincelowicz - 713-554-1559 [email protected]


    Thursday Night with Fr. Mario Arroyo 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm on ZOOM

    The Word Among UsThe Word Among UsThe Word Among Us

    Join Fr. Mario each week to explore Next Sunday Mass readings. With DVD presentation by Dr. Brant Pitre!

    Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6637340367 Using the Zoom App? Join with Meeting ID: 663 734 0367

    Questions? Contact John Wincelowicz Text or Call: 713-554-1559 — Email: [email protected]

    Access the Catholic Access the Catholic Access the Catholic Faith on the GoFaith on the GoFaith on the Go GetGetGet FORMEDFORMEDFORMED™™™

    • Timely Featured Content

    • Simple & Intuitive Browsing • English & Spanish Content • Content for Adults, Youth,

    Children • A wide selection of Catholic Studies, Movies, Audio Books,


    Get the Free iOS or Android App

    FORMED Registration is a Free Gift to you from our Parish.

    Get Yours At: https://stcyrilhouston.formed.org

    Select Your Parish as: “St. Cyril of Alexandria”

    Press “Next”

    Enter your Name and Email Address and you are ready to go!

    You will receive a Confirmation email and your email address will always be your log-in, even on the Android and

    Apple Apps for your phones and tablets.

    Wednesday Night - with Fr. Scott Blick 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm on ZOOM

    New Program Begins Jan. 6New Program Begins Jan. 6New Program Begins Jan. 6 The Prophets: The Prophets: The Prophets: Messengers of God’s Mercy

    It is nearly impossible to understand the work and the message of It is nearly impossible to understand the work and the message of It is nearly impossible to understand the work and the message of Jesus without the prophetic books in the Old Testament.Jesus without the prophetic books in the Old Testament.Jesus without the prophetic books in the Old Testament.

    The Prophets: The Prophets: The Prophets: Messengers of God’s MercyMessengers of God’s MercyMessengers of God’s Mercy, examines who the prophets were, their role during their time, and the meaning of their messages for

    our own time.

    Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/99233853095

    Using the Zoom App? Join with Meeting ID: 992 3385 3095

    Questions? Want to sign Up? Contact John Wincelowicz Text or Call: 713-554-1559 — Email: [email protected]

    Monday Night - with Fr. Mario 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm on ZOOM

    Young Adults! Join Fr. Mario & Eric for an exciting 2021Young Adults! Join Fr. Mario & Eric for an exciting 2021Young Adults! Join Fr. Mario & Eric for an exciting 2021

    Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9537964319

    Questions? Contact Eric Diaz for more information Email: [email protected] - Office Number: 281-895-3183

    Follow The Young Adults on Instagram! @stcyrilyoungadults https://www.instagram.com/stcyrilyoungadults/

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