jargons management

Jargons Management Jargons in Advertising A Above - the –Line Advertising A kind of advertising for which a commission or fee is payable to a recognized advertising agency on behalf of its client(s). Generally press, , cinema, radio, television and posters sometimes referred to as theme advertising. Accelerated Motion It means the apparently inclined speed of movement obtained by projecting at normal speed a film that has been taken at less than normal speed when shooting. Accelerator Accelerator means little change in demand for consumer goods resulting in a comparatively substantial variation in demand for capital plant supplying these goods. Accordian fold Accordian fold means small, usually inexpensive, leaflet having alternate folds accordian like so that it will pull out into one broadsheet. Often used as give away or hand out for the purposes of sales promotion. Account

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Jargons ManagementJargons in Advertising


Above - the –Line Advertising

A kind of advertising for which a commission or fee is payable to a recognized advertising agency on behalf of its client(s). Generally press, , cinema, radio, television and

posters sometimes referred to as theme advertising.

Accelerated Motion

It means the apparently inclined speed of movement obtained by projecting at normal speed a film that has been taken at less than normal speed when shooting.


Accelerator means little change in demand for consumer goods resulting in a comparatively substantial variation in demand for capital plant supplying these goods.

Accordian fold

Accordian fold means small, usually inexpensive, leaflet having alternate folds accordian like so that it will pull out into one broadsheet. Often used as give away or hand out

for the purposes of sales promotion.


In term of sales it is an invoice. But in advertising, it means a client of advertising or other agency, that is to say, an organization providing a service in consideration of

which an income is derived.

Account conflict

It is a situation or condition in which an advertising agency or other outside service house is offered a business opportunity, which is same to that of an existing client or

account. An advertising agency handling an automobile account could not thus take on another competing and therefore conflicting client in the same field. The problem can

be overcome only partially by having a number of separate account groups. A more satisfactory solution is for there to be a separate company with no more than a fiscal


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Accounts Executive

In advertising agency it is a key career option. When he is a link between a client and his staff he is called accounts director. He is briefed by the marketing or sales or

advertising department of the client. He communicates this to the agency people.

He reaches out to various clients for seeking new business. Even clients who want an agency to work for them contact the account executive. This business development

work makes him virtually a marketing manager of the agency.

Account Group

It is a sub-unit of an advertising agency, managing a group of clients or accounts. It can be fully or partly self contained.


It means the advertising agencies operating in India are recognized by the INS – The Indian Newspaper Society, New Delhi. While granting accreditation, the services

rendered by the Agency, the accounts handled, the billings made, the organization structure and facilities, the foreign tie-ups, the creative output, the personnel employed all

these are taken into account. INS press Hand Book lists the accredited agencies together with the basic information. Press and Advertising year Book lists the accredited as

well as non –accredited agencies. Accreditation enables the media to offer 15 p.c. commission to the Agency. The media also does not fight shy of extending a certain period

of credit to accredited agencies while settling the bills. It helps the potential advertising in selecting an appropriate agency.


It is a thin plastic transparent sheet, originally cellulose acetate. It is used in graphics as an overly on layouts or artwork.

Across –the –Network

It is the schedule for a specific advertiser or programme series that specifies transmission simultaneously form all the transmitters constituting the network.


Adaptation means use of a idea, as in an advertisement, for other media, e.g. poster, point of sale, literature. Also to adapt an advertisement to another shape or size.

Address line

It is the part or a portion of advertisement or promotional material which contains the address of the advertiser, or the address to which any inquiries should be sent.

Ad Hoc

It is concerned with occasional market surveys.

Advertisement and Advertising

Advertisement means an 'public annoucement'. In earlier times, to ‘advertise’ meant merely to announce or to inform. Some advertisement today still do just that:

provide information about ‘birth’, ‘deaths,’ engagements,’ with little or no intention to persuade. The majority of classified advertisements provide useful information about

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jobs, accommodation, sales of second-hand vehicles and furniture, etc. Matrimonial advertisements, recruitment advertisements, and tenders notices and similar types of

public announcements also provide the public with valuable information, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain easily. The earliest advertisement in the first English

newspapers published in India in the eighteenth century were little more than ‘public announcements’ about the arrival of ships and merchandise from abroad.

Advertising as we understand it today, was not used until about 200 years ago. The form of advertising for the transmission of information dates back to ancient Greece and

Rome. Criers and signs were used to carry information for advertising goods and services well before the development of printing. Even during the Middle Ages, advertising

signs were very extensively used. These signs generally consisted of illustrations of symbols of the products advertised. The upsurge in advertising came after the

development of printing. When printing techniques were perfected, and as this industry developed, the signs were replaced by written words or messages.

Advertising has evolved since the industrial revolution as a tool of marketing communication. It is an art as well as a science. It is a career for many. It is rapidly getting


Advertisement Copy

Copyrighting is the single most important and critical activity for the success of the entire advertising campaign depends on it to a large extent. Copyrighting is a key activity

in advertising; indeed, a creative activity. A copywriter translates the selling points of client’s product or services into benefits for selected consumers. He is concerned with

what to say and show in an ad, and how best to say and show it. He is called upon to utilize all his creative talent to present those product benefits, which best appeal to

consumers. However, copyrighting creativity is not pure, as it is in the work of a poet, novelist or playwright. It is a disciplined creativity, as rightly termed by a well-known

author; it is not pure freedom of imagination. Certain checks are enforced on the free reins of self-expression, so essential for any creative art. Advertising copywriter writes

with the purpose of achieving his client’s objectives instead of his own. In fact, self-expression is replaced by the attributes and features of products and services which target

consumers can identify and appreciate.

Advertisement Department

It is a part or portion of a publishing or other association in the communications business related with selling advertising space or time, either to an agency or direct to a


Advertisement Manager

Advertisement Manager is a executive who is responsible for selling advertising on behalf of a publisher, television, radio station or display contractor. He is also responsible

for managing the advertisement department. Not to be confused with an advertising manager.

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Advertiser can be a manufacturer or a distributor or a public sector company or government department. It can be a voluntary agency. Technically, they are the sponsors of

the advertising. All major advertisers maintain an advertising department. Advertising manager control the advertising department. He reports to the Chief Executive or

Director – Marketing or to divisional head.

Advertising manager performs managerial as well as operational functions. He is responsible for interacting with agencies and the media. He pays attention outdoor

ads. He takes part in compaign planning, and media planning. He gives the necessary briefing to the Accounts Executive of the advertising agency. He gets point-of-purchase

material prepared. He is the man behind Sales promotion and Merchandising. He maintains press relations, and PR functions. He brings out a house journal, if there is no PR

department or corporate communications department. He is appointed on the basis of his knowledge of advertising and journalism, his knowledge of the industry, his

management background and his marketing background.

He maintains a good client-agency relationship so essential for the success of the campaigns.


It means use of paid for space in a publication, for instance, or time on television, radio or cinema, usually as a means of persuading people to take a certain course of action,

or to reach a point of view. It can be include posters and other outdoor advertising.

Advertising Agencies

It is a team of experts appointed by clients to plan, produce and place advertising campaigns in the media.

It account for billing of RS. 2000 crores per annum. It employs today 10, 000 people. In 2000 it will need twice this number. They are regularly in need of a diversity of

talents both on the creative as well as production side.

Advertising and positioning

Research has shown that there is a very real limit to how much a mind set can handle. According to George A. Miller, Harvard Psychologist, the average human mind cannot

deal with more than seven units at a time. Even in high interest product categories, the average person can rarely name more than seven brands. This is where positioning

comes in. Advertising has to establish the brand in a commanding position in the mind – sets of consumers. The image and appeals must be related to the way consumers

possibly think about a brand and thus position it in their minds. In order to develop a clear position, the communicator must somehow put together all aspects of product,

consumer, trade, competition and communication situation in a distinctive way for that brand. Good positions are difficult to maintain, and a company must be prepared to

defend its position sometimes at great cost. The competitors relate their brand to a brand that is in a dominating position. Positioning doesn’t require a head-on collision with

the leading competing brand. This is quite risky. It is better to maneuver around the leader’s position. Sacrifice is the essence of positioning: for effective positioning, a brand

has to stand for one quality or benefit in the mind of consumers, instead of being all things to all people. This involves sacrifice of opportunity to different market segments.

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Position in the consumer’s mind is the end product of the process of filtering information about:- The product attributes, The packaging, The pricing, and the image of the

product created by advertising. This may be different from the product’s functional or physical attributes. This subtle distinction is increasingly important in a competitive

market place where thousands of advertisements fight for the attention of the consumer.

Advertising and Price

Price is an important consideration in buying decisions. Every one of us would like to know the price of a product for comparison purposes before finally deciding to buy.

Indian consumers are, by and large, price conscious. Some people may not sometimes be mindful about the price of some product. AT other times the price for most of them

is an important factor in their buying decisions.

Price is also indicative of quality. Many people equate price with quality. The costlier the product, the better the quality. The reverse is also true. If a product costs,

less we immediately feel that it cannot be of good quality. Pricing a product is an important and critical activity. If a lower is fixed, it will affect the profitability of a business;

and if a higher price is fixed, the product will not be able to stand in competition and may be priced out of the market. Therefore, the right price has to be fixed. Then, there

are various pricing methods – such as the skimming and penetration pricing of a new product: the cost plus and market price for existing products; and the marginal pricing

versus the full cost pricing method.

Advertisements sometimes carry the price tag of the product. For some products, when many identical products are competing with each other for consumer

preference, the price may be an important influencing factor. Think of many cigarette ads, in which the maximum prices for a pack of 20 and 10 are given at the bottom. The

other purpose of giving the price in advertisements is to discount the possibility of higher prices being charged by the retailer from the ignorant customer.

The Price of a product is sometimes made the theme of its advertisement to inform the prospects that the total product offering is economical. Think of those ads about tours

inserted by a travel agency. Invariably, price of package tours is made an important theme in the ad, apart from its other attractions; it tells the prospect that such a good

bargain will never come again and should not be missed.

Advertising and Publicity

Publicity is defined as non-personal stimulation of demand for a product service/business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a published medium or

obtaining favorable presentation of it on radio, TV or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor. Two significant distinctions emerge. Publicity is not openly paid for. Secondly,

presentation is not programmed. Marketers have less control over publicity than they over advertising. Publicity is left to the discretion of the media in terms of whether to

present it or not, contents to presentation and the format of presentation. Publicity may be negative as well as positive.

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Advertising Appeals

Now a days advertising has become expensive, time consuming and an important marketing activity. Firms have a great stake in the success of their advertising campaigns,

for their growth and, at times, even their survival, depend on it. A vast amount of time, money and energy to into the creative work of developing advertising appeals to

influence the buying behavior of consumers. Through various appeals, advertising influence, rationally or emotionally, the prospect’s purchase decisions.

For this purpose, they take the help of varying product features or attributes in their ad appeals, or seek to influence consumer perception of, a and changes in consumer

attitude to, the advertised product or brand, Ad appeals may be product –oriented or consumer-oriented. Since there is a large number of such ad appeals, it would be difficult

to discuss them all. It would, therefore, be helpful to devise a framework for classifying advertising appeals.

Advertising Budget

It means a sum of money kept aside for spending on an advertising campaign. Sometimes represents total sum available to cover all advertising expenditure including


Advertising Campaign?

It is an advertising campaign is an organised series of advertising messages with identical or similar message over a certain period of time. It is an orderly planned effort

consisting of related but self contained and independent advertisement. Though the compaign is conveyed through different media, it has a single theme and a unified

approach. The independent ads used in campaign are similar to one another and this is deliberate. There is a psychological continuity due to a unified theme. The physical

continuity is provided by similarity of visuals and orals. In a broad sense, a compaign is a co-ordinative effort of promotion of a particular product/service during a certain

period of time to attain pre-decided objectives.

Advertising Manager

Advertising Manager is a executive who is responsible for planning and implementing his company’s advertising, he is also responsible for managing the advertising

department. He is also called as publicity manager, sales promotion manager, and Marketing Services manager.

Advertising Medium

It means vehicle of communication, which provides for some form of advertising, e.g. the press, television, Radio and transport services. Alternatively, a communication

channel planned specifically for the purpose of advertising, e.g. direct mail, exhibition, poster site, and some printed publications, e.g. catalogues.

Advertising novelty

Advertising novelty is cheap, possibly gimmicky, gift carrying advertising message, brand name or symbol. Typical examples or key rings, ball pens, scribble pads, stick or

pin-on badges.

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Advertising of New Products

It is an important activity of the marketing process. A "new product" may refer to a totally new product manufactures as a result of a technological breakthrough, which fully

replaces the old and existing product. In marketing management, however, the term " new product" refers to a product that has been modified or improved or which

completely replaces a similar product. A modification of an existing product, an imitation of a competitive product and product-line acquisitions are also included in the

broad meaning of the term "new product." The concepts of market segmentation and product differentiation are important in the achievement of better marketing results.

Advertising, when rightly employed, makes it possible for such strategies to work beautifully. In segmentation, a product is modified in such a manner that it fits the special

need which seems to exist among a group (segment) of potential buyers. In product differentiation, however, consumers have to adjust their demand to the product as it exists

or to a changed existing product. Advertising is effectively used to persuade consumers that they should purchase a particular item. In both the strategies, advertising plays a

great role. It is only through advertising that the public is made aware of product attributes, Whatever may; be the strategy adopted. Advertising introduces a new product to

prospects, and calls their attention to changes/modifications made in the old product. Without advertising, the process of informing the consumers about product innovation

will either not exist or would be slow, resulting in a disincentive for product development.

Advertising Rates

It is a charges which is made by advertising media for use of their services or facilities. See Rate Card.

Advertising Regulations

It is a conditions which is imposed upon advertising by media owners, trade associations, or government.

Advertising Research

It provide the knowledge and data about the consumer, the product and the market. These data are about who the consumers are, what their needs and wants are, what is who

the consumers are, what their buying behavior, what are the product qualities; when and where these products are bought, who are the competitors, what is the extent of the

competition; and in selecting the type of media to be employed.

Advertising-related research falls into four phases:

(I) research to facilitate idea generation.

(II) research involving idea generation leading to extended creativity. Here research observations are translated into creative copy.

(III) Pre-testing.

(IV) Past-testing of ads.

Though research can give direction to a compaign, it is no guarantee for success. The role of research in advertising process is more to provide a consumer focus than a copy

or treatment focus.

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Advertising research can give direction to a compaign, it is no guarantee for success. The role of research in adverting process is more to provide a consumer focus than a

copy or treatment focus.

Advertising research adds the dimension of a scientific approach to advertising. While the business approach is concerned with advertising as a part of the marketing mix, the

creative approach in advertising refers to the effectiveness of communication from the seller to the target customer. The scientific approach is a practical way of ensuring

against advertising failures and improving the probability of success.

Advertising Schedule

Advertising Schedule means programme of planned advertising insertions, showing detailed costs, timing, nature of media and the bookings to be reserved. See Media


Advertising Strategy

It means the scheme of an advertising compaign.

Advertising Theme

In advertising theme the advertisement is built around a core idea. This central or core idea runs through the whole copy. The same idea is sustained in the entire campaign

consisting of a series of a advertisements. The core idea is thus the theme of the advertisement. The theme is a; certain appeal and is an important unit of content analysis.

Different attempts have been made to classify the advertising themes for different product groups. The late Narendra Mohan of IIM – A studied the themes of Indian ad

copies and identified the following themes:

Utilitarian Theme: The major importance was on the usefulness of the product. Rin and whiteness is a utilitarian theme.

Focused Theme: It is aimed to a certain segment of the market. Johnson directs all the messages of its baby products to mothers who love and care

for their babies.

Informative Theme: It informs about the product. All of you must have seen the informative themes of ad copies of no-frost fridge’s and micro-wave

ovens these days.

Non-Specific Theme: It is vague and diffused. An advertisement of Rayon states: Practical people wear it, busy people ride on it, industries depend on

it and smart people back on it.

Achievement – orientation Theme: Advertiser announces the achievements to its credit like export earnings, export awards, awards for excellence, awards for

productivity, any form of acclaims, The ad copy goes beyond the product features, Philips recently announced that it is the

company that gave the world the picture tube.

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Descriptive and Projective Theme: This theme is an amalgam or combination of information and achievement themes. The massage is built around the advertiser

product / service and projects an image/achievement of the advertiser. Telco is thus a movement.

New product, Service, Scheme or Idea: These themes is exploit by the new product launches, e.g. launch of an anti-ulcer product like Ranitedene ro credit cards.

Identification of Theme: Each advertisement is thus built around a primary; theme but may also have a secondary or perhaps even a tertiary theme.

The advertising themes are based on our knowledge of the market. The target audience, the product features, and the types of appeals which motivate the target audience.

Advertising Testing

The researcher is concerned with the measurement of advertisement effectiveness in advertisement testing. Now the question that arises is: what constitutes effectiveness? In

other words which variable is to be counted or measured which will indicate the degree of advertising effectiveness? Effectiveness, therefore, should be measured in terms of

a dependent variable, as weight is measured in Kilograms or height is measured in sentiments.

The ultimate criterion of ad effectiveness is of course, increased sales; but sale is an ultimate action, and a result of either change in consumer awareness, his knowledge of

the product, or a change in his attitude, or the development of certain motivating factors. Favorable consumer responses – behavioral, physiological or verbal – are employed

as measurements or advertisements effectiveness. For Example a person, after being exposed to an advertisement, visits a local dealer or dioceses the product with his friend,

or borrows it from his friend for a trial, or buys the product. These are examples of behavioral responses. The physiological responses are: a change in the heart beat.,

sweating, the movement of the eyeballs, etc. A verbal response is the answer given to a question, written or spoken.

Further, an advertisement as a whole cannot be tested with a target sample for the responses enumerated above. It has to be broken down into three parts for message, the

media and the scheduling. Each part is then tested for the response of the consumer. The message headline, is illustration, the body text, the layout and the typography are

tested for message appeal, its theme, its style, etc. The test should be carried out with ads, which are finished as possible. The more finished an ad, the more accurate are the

test results. But this procedure is often conditioned by time and the cost of testing an ad.

Testing an advertisement should be involve testing the effectiveness of media alternatives. Broad classes of media, their sub-classes, specific media vehicles, the size of space

and time (full page, half page or 30 second advertisement) employed for advertisement – all these should be tested in the form of consumer responses.

The timing of advertisements, their frequency and continuity have been rarely researched as a part of advertisement effectiveness.

Affordable’ Method

It is a way of arriving at an advertising budget, on the basis of what a company; can afford, rather than what task has to be achieved.

Agency Compensation

It is the method of paying the agency has been a subject of much discussion nowadays at almost all the meetings of advertisement agency associations and advertisement

clubs. There are, basically, three methods in practice. They are:

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(a) Commission System: It is the oldest system of remuneration. The agency is paid a fixed commission by the media on the advertising bill for the advertisement space

bought by the agency. This fixed rate of commission is 15 percent in the USA as well as in India. Thought the rate varies form country of country, the rate of 15 per cent

almost universal.

(b) Fee System: It comes into existence by following a controvers between an advertiser and an agency. The former argued that 15 per cent commission was too high

a rate, whereas the agency took the stand that it was unremunierative for the many services rendered to the client. The fee system is used in TV advertising; when once the

commercial is created, it may be used over a long time. A flat fee is paid to the agency for the specialised services performed by it.

(c) The third type of compensation consists of service charges. It is added to the cost of materials, and services bought by the agency for the client in artwork, photography,

typography, plates, etc. Normally, it is cost plus 15 per cent.


Initial for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, which denotes the progressive steps of customer reaction in the process of making a sale. Dates from the late 19th century.

AIDA Model

It is a simplified model which is based on the identical principle of sequential stages of consumer action is known as AIDA model. It stands for:

A for attracting attention

I for rousing interest

D for building desire

A for obtaining action

The first three funcitons can be effectively performed by Advertising as a communication medium. In the case of direct-action advertising, it also must translate desire into

action, unaided by any other promotional instruments . In the case of indirect-action advertising, however, the action can be aided at the time of purchase by two-way

communication between the intending buyer and the sales staff.

Aided Recall

It means prompting respondents, by inducing association of ideas to help recall, particularly of television or cinema viewing.

Air Brush

It is a instrument which sprays atomized dye paint in a controlled manner. It is used for retouching photographs and for producing artwork.

Air Date

It is concerned with the date of first transmission of a commercial or compaign via a broadcasting service.

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Air Time

It is concerned with the time devotedmount of time devoted or allocated to an advertisement on radio or television. May also refer to actual time of transmission.

Airway Bill

It is used as a contract of carriage by air. It is also known as air consignment note.

Amongst Matter

It is a position or a situation of an advertisement, where it is situated amongst editorial material.


Animation means movement added to static objects, especially in relation to cartoons.


It means periodicals which are published once a year, usually in the form of reference books.

Anonymous Product Testing

Anonymous Product Testing means testing in which various basic products are all presented in a common anonymous form, e.g., a plain pack. This complements the pseudo

product test in evaluating a consumer’s ability to perceive intrinsic product differences.

Answer Print

Answer Print is the first print of an edited colour film.


It means basis of a selling proposition or advertising message designed to match a ‘customers’ want’, i.e. the appeal identifies what customers desire and what the product or

service concerned can supply.


In advertising it refers to the total sum of money set aside for all parts of the advertising mix. Equally, there can be appropriations for other parts of marketing or general

business activity. It sometimes referred to as advertising budget.


It is a pictorial or illustrative part or portion of an advertisemt, or publication, in its finished form ready for block-making or production, e.g. a retouched and masked


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‘Arbitrary’ Method

It is the method of arriving at an advertising budget unrelated to calculation and without reference to the task to be achieved. It is still a commonplace means of determining

how much should be spent on advertising.

Area Sample

Area Sample means number of people or organisations, it is a part of a research study, situated in any particular geographical area.

Art Buyer

Art Buyer is a person who is responsible for purchasing artwork or photography, usually in advertising agency.

Art Director

It means individual charged with the task of overseeing the transforming of a creative idea into visual form.

Artist’s Medium

It is a material which is used by artist for his particular visual expression, e.g. pencil, ink, paint, photography.


It stands for Advertising Standards Authority. It is an independent body set up and paid for by the advertising industry to ensure that its system of self- regulation works in

the public interest. The authority has an independent chairman. Its members are appointed by him to serve as individuals and not as representatives of any section or interest.

Half of its members must be from outside advertising. The authority maintains close contact with central and local government departments, consumer organizations, and

trade associations and deals with complaints received through them or direct from the public.


Atmosphere means qualitative or subjective value of a medium or publication for advertising purposes.

Atomistic Evaluation

It means evaluation of certain elements or steps in advertising, particularly using indices of advertising effectiveness.

Attention Value

It means extent, to which an advertisement can secure the initial attention of a reader, sometimes expressed in quantitative in quantitative form in starch or other page-traffic



It refers to state of mind reflecting a negative or positive personal view about an object or concept; a state of indifference indicates a mid-point between these opposites.

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Attitude Change

Attitude Change means extent to which an attitude varies or differs, usually as a result of external stimuli.

Attitude Research

Attitude Research is an investigation, often by personal interview or group discussion, into the attitude of people towards an organization or its products.

Attitude Tests

It means an indirect measurement of the post testing effects of ads on attitudes towards the advertised product or brands. The change in attitude as a result of advertising is

assessed. The assumption is that favourable attitude towards the product may lead to purchases. Most ads are designed to either reinforce or change existing attitudes. An

attitude is a favourable or unfavorable feeling about a product. This attitudes are measured rating scales. Indirectly, the individual is asked to indicate his agreement or

disagreement with certain statements, thus overcoming the need of self-assessment. The score calculated on the basis of agreements – disagreements is taken as a measure of

the attitude of an individual. Certain types of indirect scales are now available to measure attitudes.


Attrition means gradual wearing away of an individual’s loyalty to a product or organization, attributable largely to competitive claims and promotions. It may occur with

advancing age but can often lead to a change of purchasing behavior for no very apparent reason.


It means group of people exposed to any of the media, but more usually associated with television, radio, or cinema. It is a passive word and does not necessarily imply

‘attention’ to an advertisement.

Audience Composition

It is a method of classification of audiences by specific characteristics, usually demographic.

Audience Data

Audience Data is the information relating to size or nature of an audience.

Audience Flow

It means gain or loss of audience during a programme.

Audience Surveys in Radio and Television.

There is a audience research unit of AIR and Doordarshan at their respective directorates in New Delhi. Further, each production centre also has a research cell

headed by an audience research officer and assisted by a staff of six to seven research personnel. Doordarshan currently has 14 such research cells whose work is coordinated

by the Director, Audience Research at New Delhi, Research in AIR and Doordarshan is, however, an in –house activity and its role is basically advisory and

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recommendatory. The findings are rarely made public, though the claim is that most producers, administrators and policy – makers are often guided by the research results.

Khurana and Malik of ARU, New Delhi, state that the resent format of the National Programme is a successful outcome of the evaluation-prompted changes that have been

incorporated, in terms of telecast time, structure, content and so forth. The changes were effected on the basis of the recommendations emerging out of the two major all-India

surveys conducted in December 1982 and June 1983 of assess viewers’ reactions to the national programme.

The main method of collecting viewers’ reactions is panel surveys, and the analysis of mail received.


It means any form or combination of visual,cine film, transparency or video and sound such as record, tape, cassette, optical or magnetic sound track.

Audiovisual Sales Aids

It means equipment incorporating facilities for communicating by sight and sound used by salesmen to simulate an actual demonstration.


Audit means formal examination of accounts or management resources.

Audit bureau of Circulation (ABC)

Circulation auditing organisations function in 25 countries. In Asia, audit bureaus function in Japan, Singapore, Malayasia and India. The Indian ABC is a founder-member

of the International Federation of Audit Bureau of Circulations.

The Audit Bureau of Circulation (of India) was established in 1948 as a voluntary effort by national advertisers, advertising agencies and newspaper publishers in their

common interest to measure circulation of publications in a true and standard manner.

Members of ABC are required to keep records to facilitate audits. An independent of Chartered Accountants, appointed by the member, conducts half-yearly audits according

to a procedure prescribed by the Bureau. The ABC panel or chartered accountant

Above – the –in a true and standard manner.

The ABC is a non-profit making company limited by guarantee, and supported solely by entrance fees and annual subscriptions from its members. Advertisers pay

an annual subscriptions on the basis of their annual press appropriations. Advertising agencies pay a fee based on their annual turnover in press advertising. And the

subscription of publishers is based on their circulation levels and frequency of pblication. The annual subscription for a daily newspaper with circulation of 5,000 copies is as

low as RS. 1000, and for a weekly publication with a circulation of 15,000 copies, it is only RS. 800. The Bureau bears 50% of the cost of Admission Audits in cases where

such audits are successful. Yet the majority of newspaper and magazine publishers are not ABC members. At the end of 1989, its membership comprised 119 advertiser

companies, 214 professional ad agencies and news associations, 137 daily newspapers, 61 weeklies and 95 magazines totalling 301 out of more than 25, 000 publications in

the entire country. Circulation wise, though, ABC membership accounts for around 50% of the total circulation of 55.4 million copies.

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The affairs of the ABC are guided by a council of Management, half of which is elected annually by the General Body on a rotational basis. Equal representation is

given to newspaper and magazine publishers (who are ‘space sellers’) on one hand, and to advertisers and ad agencies (who are ‘space buyers’) on the other. The chairman is

elected from each of the two wings alternately.

The ABC certifies the figures of Net Paid Circulation which is defined as that portion of a publisher’s circulation which has either been sold directly to and has been

paid for by the reader at normal retail prices or subscription prices or sold by the publisher through distributors at a commission not exceeding 40% of the published prices

which may reasonably supposed to be sold by them and paid for by the readers at full prices.

The certificates represent six-monthly audited periods. Members of ABC are required to keep records to facilitate audits. An independent of Chartered Accountants,

appointed by the member, conducts half-yearly audits according to a procedure prescribed by the Bureau. The ABC panel or Chartered accountants then conduct Recheck

Audits of member publications, once every four years. Surprise Checks too are carried out sometimes, where ABC auditors visit publisher organization without prior notice

to verify actual print runs and distribution of copies and supporting documentation.

Every six months ABC provides its members with audited circulation certificates of important newspapers and periodicals. Circulation data covers distribution of

copies in various States and Major cities, which are potential markets. The Certificates provide information of average figures of average circulation for the audit period,

month to month net sales and average figures for the previous audit periods. Information of single copy subscription sales, copies distributed at discounted and free

distribution is also given


Back Bench

Back Bench is a senior editorial executives in a newspaper.

Back Cover

Back Cover in advertising, means the back cover of a magazine usually available at premium rates for advertising. Special rates apply to both inside and outside back covers.

Back Ground

(1) It is the secondary information relating to a marketing campaign.

(2) Remoter part of an illustration or advertisement layout.

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(3) Sound effect or musical strain in a broadcast or film.

Backed Note

It means an authority, endoresed by broker, to master of ship arranging the loading of goods for shipment.


It is an open ended container for wrapping goods usually at the point of sale. Made from paper or plastic, and sometimes including paperboard for added protection. Often

bearing distinctive printing indicating origin, and advertising goods or services.


Banner is relating to an advertisement headline stretching across open space. Also large board or piece of fabric held or towed aloft bearing some slogan or symbol.

Base Line

It is a part or portion of an advertisement or promotional mateiral, usually containing address, company name, logotype and maybe a slogan situated at foot of page; often

conforms to common house style.


It is a container made from various materials cane, wood or paperboard, and having a carrying handle, used in horticulture mainly for tomatoes and soft fruit but also, in wire,

used in self-service stores for collection of merchandise by customers.

Battered Latter

It is a typeface which has been damaged or is in some way faulty; shows up in printing as an indistinct letter.

Behavioural Research

It means research into human behavior, singly or in groups, particularly in connection with consuming or buying habits but also concerned with wider aspects of social and

organizational conduct.

Below-the-Line Advertising

It means advertising activities which do not normally make provision for a commission to be payable to an advertising agency. These include direct mail, exhibitions,

demonstrations, point-of-sale material, sometime referred to as scheme advertising. See sales promotion with which it is often confused.

Benefit Segmentation

In benefit segmentation the market is segmented on the basis of the benefits people seek from the product, e.g., lowest price, durability, use on special occasions. Benefit

segmentation of toothpastes can be done on the basis a flavour, price, product appearance, brightness of teeth and decay prevention. Forhans is thus for healthy gum, Colgate

gives surakshachakra, and close-up fresh breath. Naturally, Close-up is a benefit chosen is a pointer to their demographic characteristic. The benefit segmentation thus

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requires identification of major benefits which people look for, the kinds of people who look for such benefits and the major brands, which offer such benefits. This approach

is direct and customer-oriented.


It means an invoice. (2) Short for billboard – a placard or poster in outdoor advertising. (3) Announcement listing persons in a broadcast programme.


It means total value of business handled by an advertising agency in a given period.


It is the container for bulk display of merchandise at the retail outlet. Often used in supermarkets to dispose of goods on special offer.


It is the procedure of joining together pages of a book or other publication by means of stitches, staples, canvas, plastic, glue, rings, or other such devices.

Bingo card

It is an enquiry card which bound into a magazine and containing matrix of numbers or letters which correlate with similar keys in advertisements or editorial items.

Facilitates reader enquiries and is usually prepaid for return to publisher. May also be referred to as readers, enquiry card.

Blanket Coverage

It means advertising without prior selection of specific target audience.


It is an advertisement or printed page which utilizes the entire page area, i.e. print extends beyond the margin to the edge of the page.


(1) This term in printing imdicating the impression of letters or symbols without the use of ink, but by raising the surface, i.e.embossing.

(2) It is also used in product testing, where the commercial identity of the product(s) tested is unknown to respondents.

Blind Advertisement

It is an advertisement which is anonymous, i.e. it omits the name of the sponsor as in ‘situations vacant’ where the company does not wish to disclose identity and uses a box

number or similar device instead.

Blind product Test

It means evaluation of a product in such a way that the respondent is unaware of the brand.

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It is used in advertising research to measure the frequency of a person’s blinking, so giving indications of interest or qrousal.


It means considerable enlargement of photograph or other illustration.


It is frequently used in reference to the board of Management of a firm or other organisation.


It is used in reference to the Broad of Management of a firm or other organisation.

Body Copy

It is a main copy in advertisement, as opposed to headlines or illustration.

Body Matter (Or Type)

It means small type which forms the bulk of the text in an advertisement, or indeed any piece of printed material.

Bold Face

It is a typeface in printing which is particularly heavy so that it stands out from the other printed matter. It is used especially for titles or headings requiring prominent display.


It is a exhibition Stand

Born Salesmen

It is a sales or other personnel attributed with natural qualities that result in superior selling achievement.


It is a narrow necked container, usually of glass, stoneware or plastics. The latter may be rigid, e.g. containing carbonated drinks, or pliable, e.g. for washing –up liquids,

where hand pressure assists dispensing of contents.


A organization providing a specialized advertising service rather than a full range of facilities. Usually associated with creative services.

It is also applicable to shop carrying a range of trendy feminine wear.


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Box is a rigid container, completely formed at the point of manufacture, constructed of cardboard (starboard or chipboard) and often covered with decorative paper, e.g. gift

boxes, quality chocolate boxes. It may be made from rigid plastics.


It is an intensive group discussion to stimulate creative ideas and to solve business problems ranging from new product concepts to improved sales performance, brand names

to co-operative strategies, advertising slogans to PR events. The essence of a brainstorming session is that no idea, no matter how apparently irrelevant, should be discarded

without adequate consideration and debate, the intention being to repel normal inhibitions and stimulate every kind of suggestion.


It is an established products name, wholly of a proprietary nature, and usually listed within the Register of Patents.

Brand awareness

It means extent to which a brand or brand name is recognized by potential buyers, and correctly associated with the particular product in question.

Brand Equity

It is the intrinsic value or worth of the brand in term of the kind of money a consumer is willing to pay for it in preference to its competitors. When we consider in a co-

ordinated fashion the decisions related to advertising, marketing, market research and media, they lead to brand equity.

It is the process of building up the brand by piecing together the elements like brand name, packaging, pricing, distribution and advertising. A good example of brand equity

is Wills Filter Cigarettes which has a 30-years heritage, and which has taken in its stride no less than 28 price increases. It has also faced severe competitive pressures from

king-size entries. And, yet, Wills Filter still holds its own, enjoying immense loyalty and showing sound brand equity. The brand has consistently consolidated its position.

The Wills Filter ‘Made for Each Other’ ad campaign has been nurtured, nourished and continually freshened. Another example of brand equity is Lux, which has consistently

followed a strategy of ‘beauty soap of the film stars’ position.

Branded Goods

Branded Goods means goods identified with a proprietary name, normally pre-packed by the manufacturer, for promotional, security or trading purposes. Branded goods

offer some protection to the retailer or the distributor.

Brand Franchise

Brand Franchise is apart from brand equity and brand image, a very important dimension of branding decision is to opt for brand franchise o high equity brands produced by

others. This is a piggy-back-riding approach where the manufacturer pays royalties to the franchising company to allow the use of such brand name as Walt Disney, ET,

Mary Quant, Fa, Ray Ban and others. Where it is difficult to develop our current brand name, it is suitable to accept the brand name which is well-known and pay royalty for


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For example, the cost of launching a new toiletry range is very high and the risk of its not succeeding is considerable. If, however, the range is named McEnroe,

Laura Ashley, Monroe or Habitat, depending on the target market, then it may have a better chance of succeeding and of establishing its new identity more quickly and at less

cost. Many owners of well-known brands are waking up and realising that they can put their brand on franchise in other fields too. Here the franchise giver earns without

making additional investment.

Brand Image

It means image grows out of brand positioning, but encompasses everything about the brand that gets communicated to the consumer. Image is a multi-dimensional character

to a brand that places it on any scale good and bad, rational and emotional.

Advertising’s primary job, according to David Ogilvy and Reeves, is to give an identity to the brand and make it individualized, reeves advocates USP Unique

Selling Proposition which makes the consumer remember just one thing from the ad-one strong claim or concept. A crucial part of Reeves’ theory is that the proposition or

promise made by the ad must be done that the competition has not so far made. Promises of benefit are alright but they must be supported by reasons. The gramatic format of

a USP is therefore promise-and-reasons format. Ogilvy by contrast sides with emotion, and not with reason.

According to Ogilvy, the task of advertising is to give brand ‘a first class ticket through life.’ The role of advertising is to invest a brand with a set of associations,

favourable connotations or positive psychological overtones. For the most part, these associations are independent of or external to properties inherent in the product or its

use. Brand image is engineered by advertising. Brand image is a cluster of intangible attributes rather than real qualities. The ad agency endows or invests the brand with

highly distinctive associations. These carve out a distinct identity for the brand. These associations must be inter-poeted to the fantasies, aspirations of the target market.

Brand image/values in the consumer’s mind are beneficial to the purchase of the brand. USP’s are based on rational appeals, and brand images are based on emotional

appeals. Quite a lot of appeals in advertising are manifestly a mix of reason and emotions, of USP and brand image. In some sense, virtually all advertising is form of

mythologizing. The brand mythology springs from the brand’s unique perceptual inventory of images, feelings and associations – what the brand stands for in the consumer’s


Branding Decisions

In a branding decisions the marketer has to apply his mind to the brand selection and its use by taking the following decisions:

(1) Is it necessary to brand the product at all?

(2) Who will be sponsoring the brand?

(3) What quality level should go into the making of a brand?

(4) Should there be individual brand names, or should there be a family brand?

(5) How about having some product versions in same product category?

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(6) Is it necessary to reposition the brand?

Brand Leader

It means product which holds the greatest single share of a market

Brand Loyalty

It is an active support by consumers in continuing consumption of a particular brand in the face of competition by other branded substitutes. Such loyalty is often subjective

or subconscious.

Brand Manager

He is a executive who is responsible for the overall marketing, and particularly promotion, of a specific brand. Job function ranges from a co-ordination role to one in which

profit objectives are built in. Sometimes titled product manager, especially in USA.

Brand Personality

Brand Personality takes image characteristics of a brand and renders them in human terms as seen by the consumer. Brand image is broader than brand personality because

by the time we enter the personality realm, we are dealing with feelings and emotions that the consumer takes away from communications. A well-established brand has a

clear brand personality. It may remain unstated. But it can play a strategic role in brand wars. Closely positioned brands may also acquire distinct personalities as a result of

exposure to the product, packaging, service, word-of-mouth and advertising. Brand is thought as being friendly, boring, funny, rude, caring, stylish etc. Consumers need to

think of brands in human terms. Memorability of a brand personality comes through consistency and other props.

Brand personality should not be confused with the description of target audience. The gap between these two is filled by aspirations that are sought to be addressed by the

brand, e.g., the Dettol soap user is hygiene-conscious but the brand personality is that of a person who is fastidious, clean and sensible person.

In consumer eyes, Close-up is the attractive girl next-door, Colgate is the mother, whereas Cibaca Top is some one who lived on the 17th floor and about whom no one knew.

Cibaca does have a personality problem.

Brands are much like people. They have certain physical characteristics (how they look and sound); certain skills and abilities (what they can do and how they perform), and

certain associations and attitudes: Like an individual, a brand too is a blend of all these. The brand therefore, appeals to senses, to reason and to emotion. For the consumer to

be at home with our brand, she must be conformable with its personality. Brand personality must be consistent over a period of time.

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Brand Share

It means percentage sales by (or consumption of) a given product related to its total market. It can be expressed in monetary or unit terms and, since these provide different

values, should always be defined in terms of the method used to calculate it.


Break means time period is television or radio when commercials are to be transmitted. It refers to as commercial break.


It is a detailed assembly of data within defined categories. An advertising breakdown, for instance, would show the nature, medium and cost of each item within the



It is a summary of facts, objectives and instructions relating to the requirements for the creation of a compaign, an advertisement, or any other element of a marketing



Broadcast means transmit, or transmitted message by electromagnetic radiation (over the air), e.g. radio and television.

Broadcasting Radio Commercial Spots

In a broadcasting radio commercial messages contain words, music and sound effects, which create "mind pictures" among the listeners. Of course, the formation of mind

pictures is bounded by the listeners' imagination. In TV commercials, the advertiser, in effect, may be visible on the screen, may chat with the prospects and display the

product, including a demonstration of its performance. TV advertising is very nearly face-to-face personal selling, except that the communication is one-way, and the

viewer's feedback or reaction can not be received by the advertiser while he is presenting the product benefits and its unique selling points. Though radio and TV are mainly

entertainment media’s, they are also powerful-advertising media. While preparing commercials, therefore it should be borne in mind that advertising through USP should not

merely become secondary to entertainment. We do not want the entertainment value of our commercial to obscure the sales message we must deliver. Listening and

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watching call for less effort than reading and, therefore, there are chances of carelessness on the part of the audience while listening to the radio and watching the T.V. A

copywriter for such advertising must consider these facts. While the radio gives the copywriter complete freedom of time and place the unlimited forms of amount of

physical activity, TV advertising has the added attraction of visual characters. Radio and TV commercials may have several formats. Prominent among these are humorous,

dramatized, musicals, straight sell, educational, and demonstration type commercials.

Broadcast Media

A Radio and television are public services, which allow advertising for a certain percentage of broadcast time. The national radio network, Akashwani, accepted advertiser-

produced commercial on the primary, channel from 1982, though Vividh Bharati, the commercial network accepted advertising spots and sponsored programmes from as

early as 1967. No more than ten per cent of broadcast time is allowed for commercials on television and on the primary channel of Akashwani, Commercials are permitted

only between a few network programmes such as the evening news programmes.

However, there are several conditions imposed by the broadcasting authorities with the broadcast commercials. Advertisements have to be approved of by the Ministry of

Information and Broadcasting, of which Doordarshan and Akashwani are 'media units'. The advertisement bookings have to be done well in advance, and for each quarter

rather than for the whole year. Further, the advertising rates for prime time and other segments are hiked periodically.

The advantages of advertising on television are the following:

(a) The reach and exposure are countrywide.

(b) It is believed by advertisers to be a cost-efficient medium since over a hundred million can be reached with every time an advertisement is shown.

(c) The audiovisual impact of television commercials is thought to be higher than for any other medium.

(d) Sponsorship of good programmes brings the advertiser a lot of publicity.

(e) Television advertising gives a brand a national image.

But there are several disadvantages too of advertising on television:

a. The advertiser has little or no control over the manner in which the commercial is Projected.

b. The costs are exorbitantly high: a lakh rupees for a 10 second spot at prime time. this is besides the cost of production.

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c. For any kind of 'impact', frequency of exposure is essential; hence the costs go up further.

d. Most 'spot' advertisements are shown in a cluster, say prior to or following a Programme. The risk is that with around a dozen spots shown one after the Other, the

commercial may not be noticed or easily confused with that of other brands.

e. The greatest risk is than not much attention is given to the commercial because the Viewer may have the television on but may not be actually watching the screen. She

may be entertaining a guest or be busy in another room.

f. In sponsored programmes, the viewer may sit down to watch the programme only and not bother to attend the commercials before and after it.


1. It is a printed promotional material usually with one or two folds, but opening up into a relatively large sheet.

2. It refers to newspapers other than tabloids.


Brochure is stitched booklet, usually having eight or more pages, often with a prestige connotation.


It means estimate of future sources of income and expenditure including statement of intentions within a given period of time. It can relate to individual parts of the marketing

mix, when it may include expenses only, or to the total marketing operation.

Budgetary Control

It means methodical monitoring of planned income and expenditure by issuing sales targets, placing orders and authorizing payments within the context of a previously

approved and detailed budget. Provision is made for continuous feedback, which relates to all financial commitments and projected surpluses or over-expenditures.

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(1). A brief, periodically issued, mailing or announcement.

(2). Painted outdoor sign or display.

Bulletin Board

(1). It is a poster illuminated outdoor sign, or transparency, size forty-eight sheet or even larger. Often found in city centres or on trunk roads

(2). Notice board.


It means concentration of television commercials into a short space of time.

But side

It means space on the side of a bus, available for advertising. Generally 17 ft 6 ins long by 1 ft 91/2 ins deep.


(1) Person responsible for making a final purchasing decision

(2) Executive in a company heading up the overall purchasing Function.

(3) Department head in a department store.

Buying Signals

Buying Signals means indirect indications of a prospect's growing interest in the product being presented.

Buying Syndicates

It means collective negotiating and buying group.


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It means reporter's name printed above his story.


By product means product, commodity, or service which becomes available as a result of production of some primary product.



Jargons in Advertising


Cable TV (CBTV)

It is a system wherein signals from one source are transmitted to a number of TV set via co-axial cables. Formerly, only a VCP/VCR was used to transmit Hindi/regional

movies. When the major copyright holders conceded to give the feature films for telecast to cable TV operators from May 1, 1990, this medium received a major boost.

There are cable TV associations like Encore Cable Associates, Intercable TV Enterprises whose membership against an annual fee and monthly rental fee entitle the operator

to legal copyrighted cassettes (either 30 or more per month) for showing to their viewers, with no legal hassles. With the advent of satellite TV, all cable operators who

formerly had only a VCP/VCR also installed dish antennae to show the satellite channels.

The hardware used by a cable operator consists of a VCP/CVR, colour monitor, channel mixer, dish antennae, LNB, and amplifier.

Types of media

It means the connections are given by co-axial cables and junction boxes, the installation costs of which are recovered from the viewer. The viewer who takes a cable

connection has to pay a monthly subscription fee, which varies depending upon; the area. The government has now introduced a tax on their collections, and the district

collector is the competent authority to collect it. Recently, a bill has been introduced to control the Cable TV business.

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The Salient Features of Cable TV are as follows:

In a cable TV there are concessionaires who have advertising rights on cable channel e.g. Super Advertising and Marketing(SAM) are concessionaires for Cable Video

Corporation; and Encore Cads are Concessionaires for Cable Master Software.

A viewership data made available are not taken by ad agencies seriously. Trikay Grey is the only agency, which has taken CBTV seriously and has collected some data on

viewership. According to them, 1.6% household (HH) are connected to CBTV. 42% viewers are in RS 2500 plus income group. In the viewers there are housewives 71% of

which are in 36 plus group. It is an alternative channel mainly during non-prime time TV.

It is a good medium for test marketing and for advertising products like ceasefire meant for the Upper middle and middle classes. These days this medium has penetrated to

lower classes also just like TV.

It is definitely a better medium than video. Here, we have some idea of the target audience, and a guarantee that the ad will be shown.

It gives immediate response. The cumulative reach is higher with CBTV. The ads are more focused. Follow-up can be given by advertiser with phone calls/visits.

A medium is ideal for products that require demonstration

Call Frequency

It means frequency with which salesmen visit or contact customers. Distinguished from conventional journey cycle by customer categorizing into groups of varying


Call Frequency Schedule

It is a salesman's journey plan.


Calligraphy means handwriting, or lettering, as an art form.

Calling Cycle (journey Cycle)

It is a average period between calls on a given customer.

Call Rate

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It means number of personal contacts made with customer or prospects within a given period of time.

Call Report

It means summary, usually in writing, of visit by salesman to a customer, account executive to client, or similar business meeting.


It is organized course of action, planned carefully to achieve predefined objectives. Can relate to advertising, sales, public relations, or any part of the promotional mix.

Campaign creation, Three Phases of

In this there are three phases involved in the creation of any campaign. I. Strategy Development Phase, II. The Briefing Phase and III. The Creative Phase.

I. Strategy Development Phase

It decides the objectives and contents of communication. It analyses the research data and decides positioning of a brand. The strategy formulation is in modern day's

agencies a team effort. The creative persons form apart of this team not as a creative person but as a mind. There are brain-storming sessions. The ideas are thrown up by

the team. These ideas ultimately make up the strategy. The brilliant in the team pick up one or two ideas from the total ideas generated and develop them. Our strategy

should give us a competitive edge.

II. Advertising Brief to the Creative

As a matter of fact, the client has to brief the agency about the strategy. However, most of the time this does not happen. The agency is supposed to brief itself. The strategy

formulated is communicated to the creative people. They are briefed about how to create the advertising the product needs. The strategy should be communicated with

clarity. The strategist should be a good motivator for the creative team.

Proper briefing is going half-way as far as creativity is concerned. Bad brief to the creative team results into bad work. Good brief ensures good work.

III. Creative phase

Here the lateral thinkers come on the scene. They leap from a single Uni-directional idea of the strategist to an advertising idea that will add value to the product/brand. The

creative persons are supposed to be right-brained--lateral thinkers; unrational thinkers as against accounts director who is left-brained, i.e., logical. They make connections,

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which has not existed before. They rearrange the order of the things. They create abruptions in the consumer mind. There should be a beautiful marriage between the

strategy and the leteral thinking by the creative people.

Campaign Planning

It means campaigns, a team borrowed from military Science, is an organised and carefully planned use of paid publicity for fulfilling a definite purpose.

It is broader than mere creation of individual advertisements. The basis of any campaign is the consumer behaviour and the market profile. The demographic and

psychographic study of consumers constituting a market is a must to create advertisements for the right target audience with the right type of appeals.

Campaigns are governed by the following parameters:

i. The total advertising budget

ii. The media availability

iii The consumer profile

iv. The product profile

v. The campaign's duration and its timing

vi. The advertising and marketing objectives

vii. The distribution channels

viii The marketing environment including pressure groups and


ix A review of previous advertising/promotional effort

x. The creative considerations

xi The new plans.


It means diminutive of canister. A metal container, usually of tin-coated mild steel or aluminum, for containing, preserving or dispensing liquids or solids, especially

foodstuffs. Hence, colloquial form is 'tin'. Opened except in the case of aerosols by a metal-cutting tool.

Canned presentation

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It means any sales or advertising presentation committed to memory and used consistently for all prospects. It is used by inexperienced or new personnel not yet able to

deliver their own spontaneous presentation. May figure prominently in sales training sessions.


1. To interview a selected group either for research purposes or within a selling procedure.

2. It is used in research to indicate coverag of an entire Population rather than just a sample.

Synonymous in this sense to polling or conducting a census.

3. In form of 'cold' canvass, reference is made to salesman calls on prospects not previously contacted.


It refers to sales representative or selling agent calling direct on users or consumers. Cold canvassing is the term used to describe a salesman's uninvited (often the first) call

on a prospect.


It means short description relating to an illustration or diagram.

Captive Audience

It means audience which, by virtue of its particular situation, is likely to be exposed to an advertising message in toto, e.g. a cinema or conference audience.

Captive Market

It means group of purchasers who are obliged to buy a particular product due to some special circumstances, either where there is no other source of supply or where the

supplier is the owner of the buyer's company.


It is a popular term for paperboard.

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Career Salesman

It means sales personnel choosing selling as a career rather than as a step in the promotional ladder.


It is a International Customer document allowing temporary duty-free import of certain goods into specified; normally used for the import of sales promotional samples of no

commercial value or for works of art of capital equipment, etc. for temporary use, e.g. for exhibition purposes.

Carry-Through Rate

It means charging the higher time segment rate when a broadcast programme spans two segments.


It refers to strictly a folding carton constructed from paperboard, 'set-up' or closed by an adhesive and or by interlocking of end or side flaps. Most commonly made out of a

white-lined board, which is printed. Can contain one or a number of units, or dry goods such as powder. Sometimes wrongly used to describe a fibreboard case.

Casting Off

It means estimating space in printing required to accommodate a given number of words of a several typeface and size.


It means publication containing descriptions or details of a number or range of products.


It means BBC variant of computerized television information service being developed by collaboration between IBA, BBC and Post Office.


It means study of an entire population-a government census population is usually carried out in the UK every ten years. Other censuses, e.g. of production and distribution,

are also periodically taken in UK.

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Census Sample

It is apparently contradictory term but meaning a sample drawn from compiled census data.

Channel of Communication

It means any particular link between a communicator, e.g. an advertiser, and a receiver, e.g. potential customer.


It is the clearest and most effective method of interpreting and presenting a subject visually. It can be used to clarify complex problems, reveal hidden facts, or to detect

mistakes in statistical work.

Checked Copy

It is a typed or printed matter that has been proof read for accuracy, authenticity, or merit.


It refers to cheap quality of cardboard made from wastepaper. Most common form is white lined chip, in which a higher quality lining of white wood pulp is applied during

manufacture. This provides a good printing surface and is used widely in packaging, e.g. of cereals, toothpaste, games and hardware.


It means while it is comparatively easy to keep a tab on the exposure of ads on television, radio, and the press, it is next to impossible to check whether a company's ads being

regularly screened in cinema houses.

A further disadvantages of advertising in cinema theatres is that the movement of prints from one place to another, and from one theatre to another, is very slow, and theatre-

owners are often careless in handling them. The result is that poor quality prints are shown to the public. The expense of producing slides and high-quality film

advertisements is thus not compensated.

Yet-cinema remains the most popular medium of entertainment in India. It is also patronized by the rural folk, especially those who live near small towns. Another clear

advantage is that in cinema theatres advertisers have a 'captive' audience; the distractions of home viewing of video and cable are kept out from the theatres. And unlike the

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print media, films appeal to the literate and the illiterate, children and adults. A further advantage is that 'segmentation' is easy, since cinema films are classified for 'adults',

general audiences, and PG (parental guidance; that is, accompaniment of an adult is necessary.

Exposure to Cinema (per cent)

North 42

East 50

West 55

South 62

(Source: NRS - VI)

Merits of Cinema

Cinema ensures a captive audience: People visit a hall to see a movie of their choice. This choice ensures a higher degree of concentration (as compared to TV viewing).

TV cannot command the complete attention of the viewers.

Cinema is the ideal media for riche marketing: Hence the advertiser can be segment – specific, Market-specific, right down to a particular district, city or even a theatre.

Advertising on cinema is economical: The cost of screening an advertisement film in a theatre of average seating capacity with 50% attendance or 10000 audience in towns

of over 10 Lac Population would just cost Rs. 300 a weak.


It means piece of printed matter distributed, or circularized, to a defined group of people.


It means total number of distributed (subscribed or free) copies of a periodical or publication.

Classified Advertising

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It means grouping together into categories or classifications of advertising usually comprising small type-set or semi-display advertisements, e.g. situation vacant, properties

required or for sale.

Classified Display Advertising

It means compromise between display and classified advertising whereby a classified advertisement is presented in a display size and format.

Class Magazine

It means periodical intended for readership by people having a particular common or specialized interest.

In practice, usually applies to consumer, rather than business and professional magazines.


It means person or organization, for whom a service is performed, such as advertising, market research or public relations. It is sometimes used to refer to a customer.

Client Turnover

It means when an advertiser leaves one ad agency and switches over to an other, it is known as client-turnover. The various reasons for client-turnover are:

(i) `The account is not profitable;

(ii) The advertiser is interested in a new medium with which the present agency is not Familiar;

(iii) The client and agency perceive the ad strategy in a drastically different manner;

(iv) Lack of coordination between the top executives of the client and the agency;

(v) Change for the sake of change;

(vi) Staff changes also lead to client-turnover;

(vii) Perceived unreasonableness of the other party;

(viii) Loss of confidence;

(ix) When the client does not like the ad programme conceived by the agency;

(x) Politics and nepotism result in client-turnover

(xi) Separation of client and agency is an easy thing to bring about.

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Researchers have identified as many as 40 factors, which influence the sale of a product, advertising being one of them. But the Agency is almost always blamed if

something goes wrong, and the relationship terminates.There are three reason for this:

1. It is very difficult to measure advertisement's contribution to the success or gailure of a Product.

2. Legally, it is so simple to terminate a relationship (e.g., a few week's notice).

3. New people in the client's office might like to have a change.

Again, sometimes-creative people leave an agency. The client therefore naturally changes to a new agency, because the people who worked for him are not there.

Many times, there is a change for the sake of change. Clients prefer an agency that is currently popular. Sometimes, the agency itself voluntarily resigns from an account.

May be, there are differing perceptions. May be, the agency is accepting another competitive account. Agencies also abandon a consistently losing account. Agencies also

resign when the client is over-bearing. Many ad people resent the diktats from the client about their own professional work.


1. Shot or sequence of shots cut or slipped from a complete film.

2. Fastener for retaining connected documentation on movements or transactions.

Clipping Service

It means an agency which will extract relevant news items or advertisements concerning a product or company in return for a monetary consideration.

Closed Circuit

It means transmitting pictures to a television receiver by wire instead of radio waves. Alternatively, using a TV camera to record events on videotape, which can then be

used to reproduce the record on suitable TV receivers.

Cluster Analysis

It means grouping attitudes by tendency to agree. It is used in research to associate slightly different attitudes that, in general, have a tendency to agree.

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Cluster Sampling

It means sample units devised in local groups, often chosen geographically to reduce interview-travelling costs.

Coarse Screen

It means printing block having larger than usual screen to facilitate its use on lower quality paper, e.g. newsprint.


(1) Keying of an advertisement to enable the origin of an enquiry to be traced.

(2) Use of numbers or letters in a questionnaire specific questions in order to facilitate analysis.


It is the procedure which uses all human senses to observe the outside world and to form perceptions, attitudes, comprehension and memory. Loosely used as synonym for


Cognitive Dissonance

It means state of mental conflict caused by taking an action, which is in direct opposition to a particular belief or attitude. In marketing, an example would be pre or post

purchase anxiety as to the advisability of a particular choice, usually for more expensive goods.

Cold Calling

Cold Calling means uninvited call by a salesman with the intention of securing an interview leading to the placing of an order.

Cold Canvassing

It means calling on prospects without warning and assessing their needs without any prearrangement.


It means put together individual pages in a pre-determined order.

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Colour Preferences in Advertising Photograph

In Advertising Photograph the most preferred colour by both exes is blue, though for women 'red' sometimes is the first, and blue stands second. In general, adults have a

preference for blue and red (or any shade of red-pink, rose, crimson, maroon etc.) According to psychologists, the ranking of colours for girls runs like first, red and then

yellow, green and blue in that order. As they advance in years, blue comes up in ranking, yellow dipping down. The average adult has a liking for blue, red, green and yellow

in that sequence.

The colour used in advertising must have brightness, the right degree of contrast and an aesthetic appeal. The choice of the right colour creates an identification and makes

for the right type of atmosphere. Colour advertisement are eye-pleasing. However, colours that are chosen must give the right psychological suggestion. Colour at times gives

structural motion to the ad copy. There is no alternative to colour when advertising a premium product or a prestige product.

Colour Separation

It is a photographic procedure whereby the colours in an illustration are filtered to produce a set of three or four negative from which printing plates are made. See Four-

colour set for the application involved here.

Column Inches

It means measurement of area derived from the width of a column of type in a publication, multiplied by its depth. Column centimetres now applies under metrication and is

replacing column inches in practice.


It means printing block which combines both line and screen (half-tone) etching.

Commando or Pioneer Selling

It means intensive selling into new markets, often with an entirely new product and sometimes by a specially employed sales force instead of or agumenting existing



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It means advertisement in television (or radio) either in colour or monochrome.

Commercial Break

It means break in a television or radio programme in order to transmit an advertising message oe 'commercial'.


(1) It is a agreed financial share of a transaction accruing to a salesman or selling agent responsible for initiating or introducing business.

(2) To hire or brief another concern to undertake a defined assignment.

(3) Term used to describe discount allowed to an advertising agency by media owner in consideration of its space/ time purchases on behalf of clients:

Commitment (in Advertising)

Commitment means action whereby advertising space or time becomes chargeable at the full fee, whether cancelled or fulfilled. This occurs automatically to all bookings at a

given time prior to scheduled appearance.

Communication Media

It means vehicles used to carry messages, informative, educational, or entertaining, to large groups of people; e.g. television, cinema or radio.

Communication Mix

It refers to the combination of various media in a specific promotional campaign to reach a pre-determined target audience.

Communication Process

It means in marketing communication, there is a transmission of a message from a sender to the receiver. The end result of the communication process is the understanding

of a message. The message is transmitted through media or certain channels. The response to the message is known by receiving the feedback from the recipient of the

communication. The communication sometimes fails to accomplish its purpose - creation of an appropriate response or understanding when the message is distorted by

'noise' elements.

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The sender is the source of the message. It puts the message in symbolic from say a latter or advertising copy. It is called 'encoding'. The message is carried by the media,

say the postal department or TV or newspaper. The message is received by the receiver who shows a particular response which is communicated back to the sender.

The massage must accomplish three tasks in order to be effective:

a. It must gain the attention of the receiver.

b. It must be understood.

c. It must stimulate the needs of the receiver and suggest apropriate method to satisfy these needs.

Senders must be aware of the receivers or audiences they want to reach and the responses they want. They must be skilful in encoding the message, taking into account how

the receiver or the audience is going to decode the message. Since the sender wants the receiver to understand the message, the sender must know as much as possible about

the receiver before the message is designed. The sender puts the message through efficient media that reach the audience. The response of the audience is known by

developing the feedback channels. The noise may distort the effectiveness of communication. Noise includes poor message planning, busy audience members or careless

feedback of response.

Comparative Advertising

Comparative Advertising means drawing attention to one's own product's performance againsts those of particular competitors, in a recognizable form a measurement such as

miles per gallon or usable space.

Comparison Shopper

It means researcher often employed by a retailer, who investigates merchandising activities in (competitive) retail outlets.

Comparison Test

It means detailed comparison of competing products or services available in the market, usually by an independent third party financed by subscribing members.

Compensation (in Advertising)

Compensation means money negotiated as a refund by the agency, media or production departments for advertising which has appeared incorrectly, the faultlying, at least in

part, with the publisher or contractor.

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It is a promotional device, whereby prospects are invited to compete for prizes by submitting solutions to problems along with a required number of 'evidences of purchase.'

Nearly always involve tie-breakers in the form of apt descriptions or advertising slogans in order to limit number of applicants of applicants for prizes, though some

competitions offer a multitude of small prizes. Strictly controlled by gaming legislation.

Competitive Claims

Specific or particular benefits or values promoted by manufacturers or advertisers.

Competitive Price

It is the reduced priced compared with those currently prevailing or similar price together with additional incentive. It is sometimes offered to selected customers because of

their value at any point in time.

Competitive Strategy

It refers to determination of business objectives and policies through marketing intelligence, including pricing strategy.


It means business rival, usually offering similar products or services.

Complementary Demand

Complementary Demand means demand for one product bringing joint demand for an associated product.

Composite Demand

It means total demand for a material usable for a number of different purposes.


It is the abstract idea associated with the promotion of a product or service, or with full understanding of a particular business principle or technique.

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Concept Testing

It refers to means by which a new product idea is tested for its acceptability in the market before a prototype is made. Used as a first stage in screening a new product concept.

The potential benefits are put to prospective buyers and users to test their reactions to an idea. May also be used for pretesting advertisements.


It means one who operates a business or trade within premises supplied by another.


It is a type face which is especially narrow thus enabling a larger number of letters per inch to be used.

Conditional Sale Agreement

It is an agreement for the sale of goods, wherein the purchase price may be payable in parts and where the property in the goods remains in the hands of the seller until terms

of the agreement are fulfilled.


A holding company, generally consisting of a group of subsidiary companies engaged in dissimilar business activities, but centrally controlled.

Congruent production Diversification

It means widening of product range in line with technological or manufacturing capability or expertise as opposed to the needs and wants of the market, i.e. basis of

'production orientation 'as opposed to 'marketing orientation.'


It means in a contract, the promise of one party must be supported by the agreement of the other party to do, or not to do, some act or to pay some money. The agreement by

the other party is known as the consideration. If consideration does not pass, then no contract is enforceable. However, consideration, to be effective, must have some value,

i.e. it must be subject to some definition in monetary terms.

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Consignee is a person to whom goods are to be delivered.

Consignment Note

It is the shipping term for a document accompanying a consignment of goods often used as an alternative to a bill of lading.

Consignment Selling

It means goods sent to distributors who take possession but title remains with manufacturer until consignment is paid for.

Conspicuous Consumption

It means consumption for approbation instead of utility; tends to be inherent in all purchases. Irrespective of the actual utility of the product. Attributed to the American

economist, Thorstein Veblen.


It means any limiting factor involved with the development of an idea or venture.

Consular Invoice

It means importing countries often insist that goods destined for their country are accompanied by a supporting invoice checked and stamped by their own consul in the

exporting country. This enables the importing government to exercise some control over the flow of imported goods.

Consumer Advertising

It means loosely relating to all advertising of goods or services to the mass markets of individuals or families. It is used in contrast to industrial or capital goods advertising.

Consumer Behaviour

Consumer Behaviour means buying habits or pattern of behaviour of consuming public either in general or in specific groups.

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Consumer Buying Power

It means available discretionary income; surplus after commitments have been met, but including those amounts currently committed via discretionary agreements such as

hire-purchase, credit sale, or bank loan repayments which will eventually become available for future expenditure. Excludes taxation, rates and any other obligatory call upon

income the consumer has no power to evade.

Consumer Credit

It means loans to customers to enable them to buy the seller's output. Often the seller is helped to provide credit by the resources of a finance house or other intermediary,

such as Barclaycard or Access.

Consumer Durables

It refers to goods which are intended for mass markets, but are not in fact consumed immediately, but have a lasting life, e.g. washing machines, cars, furniture.

Consumer Goods

It means products or merchandise intended for use or consumption by individuals, as opposed to organizations, companies or businesses.

Consumer Jury Test

In Consumer Jury Test a group of consumers act as jury to show their preferences for one or two ads out of several being considered. The jury members have to rank the ads.

The jury members respond to the questions like.

(a) Which of these ads interested you most?

(b) Which of these ads provoke you to buy the product?

(c) Which of these ads received your attention first?

(d) Which of these ads are easily readable and understandable?

(e) Which of these ads are credible?

Consumer Jury Test is conducted by two methods:

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(a) Order of Merit Rating

(b) Paired Comparison

Consumer Magazines

It is a periodic publications promoted and sold to members of the population as individuals, as opposed to trades, professions, or industries or to people having a common

involvement in such working areas.

Consumer Need

It refers to any desire or requirement a consumer might have, whether existing and perceptible, or latent and unrecognized. The determination and evaluation of consumer

needs could be said to be at the root of the marketing concept from which all-subsequent activities develop. Not to be confused with consumer want.

Consumer Panels

It is a groups of consumers selected as representative of the population reporting on their purchases and purchasing behaviour.

Consumer preferences

It is a collective scales devised to indicate relative levels of preference for available goods and services.

Consumer Price

It is a accepted retail selling price for a particular type of product or service.

Consumer Satisfaction

It means satisfaction of a consumer want is an essential part of the marketing operation. Fundamentally, a person buys (acquires) a product or service for the satisfaction it

will provide. This may be tangible or intangible (as indeed will be the 'want') but providing a product gives consumer satisfaction, a main aim of the marketing concept has

been fulfilled.

Consumer Surplus

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It means the difference between the actual price of a product and its maximum worth to the consumer.

Consumer Want

It is a human physiological and psychological requirements which may be or may not be at a personal level of awareness. These are capable of generating psychic impulses,

which the 'consumer' recognizes as needs. To 'want' a product is to form a conscious desire to acquire it and is clearly different to that condition of simply experiencing a

'need' for it. The transition from 'need' to 'want' can be part of changing social behaviour as, for example, the wider use of bathrooms or it can be aided by some form of

persuasion, as has been the case with deodorants. Marketing action is highly significant in this process.


It is the movement by individuals and pressure groups designed to ensure that 'consumers' interests are safeguarded. In a society where marketing orientation is universal,

consumerism would be said to be obsolescent since, by definition, the consumers' interests would be fully catered for by the competing firms. In fact, consumerism has aims,

which may be identified with those of marketing.

Consumers' Choice

It means expression of preferences by consumers for different goods where some sacrifice is involved, or where some alternative has been foregone.


It refer to the rate at which a product or commodity is consumed or used.

Contact print

It means reproduction on photo-sensitive paper of the image from a negative by direct contact exposure which produces a print of the same size.


It is a generic term which is used to described any from of pack or receptacle containing goods, liquid or soiled. It is applicable to large units.


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Contest means a competition in which an individual is required to show that he/she is in some respect superior, whether in knowledge, memory, expertise or guesswork, and

for which prizes will be awarded for the best performance(s).


It is the repeated use of a theme, medium, script, or idea over a period of time.

Continuous Research

It is a research studies which is undertaken on a regular ongoing basis. It is used by many sponsoring companies as a performance monitoring method.

Control Group

It means identical sample to one who which is exposed to experimental stimuli but to which no such stimuli is given. Thus, its reactions, or lack of them, can be compared

with those of the experimental group giving a base point from which to make measurements.

Controlled Circulation

It is a circulation in which the method of circulation of a publication is controlled by some specific criterion relating to the status of the reader, and for which no separate

change is made.

Convenience Goods.

(1) A goods which are very widely distributed and which are bought more according to convenience of acquisition than by 'brand' or particular value, e.g. petrol, cigarettes.

(2) Goods having an element of processing historically carried out by customer or user, that given an added value to the product and for which a premium price may be


Conversion Value

It means cost of converting or assembling product plus profit. It is sometimes known as 'added value.'

Conversion Rate

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It means measure of conversion of inquiries or replies to an advertisement or mailing shot into sales.


It is a voluntary organization set up by producers and/or consumers to service their own needs by democratic control, distributing profit according to purchases, sales or fixed

return on capital.

Co-operative Advertising

(1) It means promotion by group of concerns in the same industry.

(2) Local advertising by a retail outlet in conjunction with the suppliers of a nationally advertised product.


It refers to written material which is to be set in type for the print media or spoken by announcers for broadcast commercials. The word copy is used for the simple reason that

earlier ads contained only the advertising message in words to be printed suitably. There were any pictures; and if at all pictures were shown, those were of the products of

the automobile, the gramophone, the actual photograph of the hotel building, etc. Gradually, pictures photographs, visual symbols, sketches, illustrations and action in graphic

representation sated getting an increasingly larger space in ads. Now there are hardly any ads without pictures and photographs, and rarely a small headline or a slogan. What

is communicated by the entire ad rather than the word messages of the headlines, sub-heads and the body copy.

Copy, in its present-day meaning, includes all the elements of an advertising message, whether printed or broadcast. In ads for the print media, it includes the heading,

subheads picture captions, slogans and body copy. It may even include trade marks, the company logo and mascot, borders and other illustrations and visual symbols. In radio

commercials, it includes sound effects and music, in addition to the words spoken in the ad messages. TV has the dimension of motion in addition to that of sight and sound;

and therefore, the copy of TV commercials includes the words to be spoken by the characters in the script, plus music and sound effects as well as illustrative materials,

actions and even camera cues.

Copy Brief

It is the detailed statement of aim(s) in relation to preparation of an advertisement, or series of advertisements, with the purpose of ensuring that copywriters are aware of

their purpose and that their submissions may be evaluated by continuous reference to it.

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Copy Claim

It means benefit, or value, attributed to a product or service by an organization in its promotional activities. It is generally refers to the claim(s) made for a product in

advertising literature.

Copy Clearance

It refers to the process whereby claims, or themes, adopted in advertising are given acceptance by specialist representatives of media concerned in order to avoid misleading

or offensive statements or ideas.

Copy Date

It means date by which advertising or editorial matter should reach a publisher for inclusion in a particular issue.

Copy plan

It is the statement of theme(s) and other material for the development of a copy platform.

Copy Platform

It is the main copy theme of an advertisement.


It is the sole legal right to produce, or to reproduce a work or any substantial part thereof, in any material form whatsoever.

Copy – Rotation

It means using a systematic rota of different advertisements in order to enhance attention and impact.

Copy Test

It means test of adverting copy, either before or after publication, aiming to discover readers’ comprehension, interest, brand preference, company, image, etc.

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Copy, Types Of

It means copywriting is one major task in the creation of an advertisement. Copies can be written in several forms, of which the following are illustrations.

Scientific Copy: In this copy, the technical specifications of a product are explained. The merits of the product are described in scientific terms, It gives conviction value to

the copy. Saffola-a low cholesterol edible oil makes use of a scientific copy. Many porridges and nutritional products of the babies may make use of a scientific copy. Even

durables like grinder-mixer, fridge, TV are sold using some scientific copy. Drugs and medicines also are sold through scientific copy. The data inspire confidence both

among the lay people and the rofessionals.

Descriptive Copy: In a non-technical manner, the product attributes are described. The copy uses direct sentences. There are short and pithy sentences. It looks very common-

place announcement.

Narrative Copy: Here a fictional story is narrated. The benefits of the product emerge from the story. Maybe, the narrative is humorous. Or else, it has strong appeal. It should

make an imprint on our memory.

Colloquial Copy: Here informal conversational language is used to convey the message. It could even become a dialogue. In many TV advertisements, we find the colloquial

copy. Amul Chocolates-a gift for someone you love-follow a colloquial pattern. The woman says, "I am too old for mini-skirts, too young to be a grandma.’ But says the

Man, ‘ I think you’re just right for Amul Chocolates. There are several versions of this copy, and they are all very imaginatively created.

Humorous Copy: Humor has been heavily used in advertising-especially in TV commercials. It is just as heavily suspect. But effective humour makes the advertisement


Topical Copy: When the copy is integrated to a recent happening or event, it is said to be topical copy. Many such topical copies are made by DA Cunha for Amul Butter.

Mostly Political events, national sports, world events, parliament news all get extended to the advertisement copy. These days many advertisements are featuring P.T. Usha

and Mike Tyson. So also, we can have at the time of the budget Chavan prash (from Finance Minister S.B. Chavan) to promote Chyavan prash.

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Endorsement Copy: In these copies, a product is endorsed by an opinion leader who has a large following. The choice of the opinion leader depends on the product. Mostly

celebrities are chosen to promote televisions, coffee, tyres, textiles, soft drinks, toilet soaps, and what-have-you. The consumers’ perception is heightened by the celebrity

endorsement of it. There is a definite identification of a product with a celebrity. Colgate Palmolive’s shaving cream was endorsed by Vijay Amritraj, then an up-and-coming

tennis star. Colgate always sponsors contemporary sports stars to overcome the problem of celebrity obsolescence. They roped in first Sunil Gaveskar, and then Kapil Dev.

Questioning Copy: In this copy, several questions are put forward not to seek answers but to emphasize a certain attribute. Park Avenue’s, a J.K. Concern marketing

readymade, puts a question like this : should a grown man’s clothes just conceal his body or reveal his mind: These clothes are not just a cover but a revelation of personality.

A mature view. So here the question was put for ward to emphasis an important positioning aspect of the product.

Prestige Copy: The product is not directly advertised. Only a distinguished and favourable atmosphere is created for the sale of the product. The copy is used to build an


The following table summarises the different types of copies:

Types of the Copy

1. Scientific copy : Technical details toa select target aduience. Technical details in popular science language to general readers.

2. Descriptive Copy : Non-technical matter-of-fact copy must be well drafted to succeed.

3. Narrative Copy : Appeals by a fictitious or real story may be humorour.

4. Topical Copy : Connects a recent happening to the product.

5. Celebrity Endorsement Copy : Sports people, cinema stars, political leaderes endorse a products.

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6. Colloquial copy : It is informal in tone may contain a dialogue.

7. Reason Why Copy : It is a problem solution type copy with logical behind the purchase.

8. Questioning Copy : The questions are put to drive home some point.

9. Humorous Copy : Depends upon the theme and style of the copy.

10. Prestige Copy : Creates a favourable climate for the sale of the product.


It means they are the wordsmiths who do the wording of an advertisement. They are bright and talented. They have a flair for language. They contribute to the theme of an

advertisement. Mostly language proficient students by suitable apprenticeship in an existing agency take up this as a career. Creation of successful copies for different clients

establish them in this field. The success of an ad that a copy writer has created precedes him wherever he goes. They have no elaborate degrees strung after their names. May

of them are dropouts from professional courses. Before recruitment, they have to undergo the mandatory copy-test.

Cornering the market

It means person or organization contriving to take advantage of a monopoly situation, during which prices and terms can be unilaterally controlled.

Copywriting for Outdoor and Transit Commercials

It means outdoor and transit advertising is primarily the graphic artist’s medium. People merely glance at the posters and billboards; no one stops to read them carefully.

Here, the copy has to be short as possible, mostly a catchy slogan capable of conveying at least one major idea. The copy must be simple; direct and compact, outdoor ads

generally use symbols which are easily recognized even from a good distance.

The following are the essentials of a good poster:

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Short Copy:

You cannot afford to be wordy on a poster. Hardly 5 or 6 effective words and the copy is over. In no case it should exceed 8 - 10 words.

Human interest:

It has got to be read in a jiffy. So a human interest appeal like ‘Better late than Never’ has a better chance to be understood’. Just Aim and Shoot’ a poster of Hot Shot camera

with a pretty model immediately impresses the mind. Even children form a good subject. Human tragedies are also appealing.

Single Unique Idea:

One single but most dominating idea makes a poster successful. ‘Ek Ya Do Bus’ is a good example.

Avoid Subtlety:

Moving people have less time to think, poster writers should be, therefore, direct, straight ward and down-to-the-earth.

Logo and Package:

Corporate identification marks should be kept prominently on the posters (e.g., Tiger of Goodlass Nerolac or Kangaroo of Patel Roadways). It ‘s a good communication tool

in transit medium and outdoor medium. Company’s name should be placed side by side the logo. Good logo enhances the name of the company, e.g. penguin trade marks.

Package of the company can also be prominently placed on a poster.


Poster should have high visibility. Colour combinations are used to impress the onlookers.

Posters have some special characteristics of outdoor aids. It has widespread popular appeal. These are the links between home and store and complements the TV ads. By its

very nature the medium is big and dominant. It has a long life. It has wide coverage. It is a flexible medium.

And, finally, let this be clearly understood that writing an ad is very different from writing a latter, an editorial or an article for a magazine. Advertising writing requires more

than an understanding of the techniques involved in it. It requires practice and openness to constructive criticism.

Corporate Advertising by ABB (Asea Brawn Boveri)

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It means the company has a global perspective and a local commitment. Yogesh Desai, Corporate Communications, General Manager believes in maintaining a continuous

relationship with a potential buyer. The ads make a consumer feel that with ABB it is in safe hands, since power generation is notorious for not meeting deadlines. ABB

commissioning research to evaluate its image as well as perceptions of its performance. The dividing line, so the company believes between corporate image and corporate

reputation is very thin. Ultimately, it is reduced to a system of honouring corporate commitments towards various groups with whom the company deals directly/ indirectly.

Corporate advertising is considered to be ‘nice’, rather than necessary. So when profits come under pressure, spending on corporate promotions are sacrified first.

Corporate or Prestige Advertising

It means any form of advertising which has as its objective the building up of a company’s reputation. It has a closer affinity to public relations activity than to advertising or

sales promotional activity.

Corporate Image

It means image or impression created in the public mind by the name or symbol of a company or organization. It also refered to as corporate identity and having much to do

with the reputation of the concern.

Corporate Purchasing

It means buying by an organization rather than a private individual. Implication here that the buying decision is a ‘corporate’ one, i.e. made by a number of people and that

arguably it may be made upon more objective grounds than many consumer purchases.


It is the measure of the degree of relationship found to exist between two distinct sets of data, e.g. telephone ownership with age.

Corrugated Board

It means fibreboard comprising corrugated inner fluting pasted to two flat outer paper surfaces known as inner and outer liners. It is constructed from kraft paper resulting in

a light, inexpensive and tough material much used in packaging, particularly for outer cases.


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It refers to the appearance of a medium, particularly publications: hence the use of such expressions as, ‘giving it a facelift’.

Cost Centre

It is the application of responsibility accounting; a unit or centre of activity to which costs are assigned or allocated.

Cost Comparison

It means studying the relative costs of two or more alternatives.

Cost Effectiveness

It is the measure of most economic activity in achievement of given objective.

Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF)

It is the term which is used in foreign trade contracts, indicating a price which includes the freight and insurance changes in addition to the changes incurred to transport the

goods ‘free on board’.

Cost Insurance Freight and Interest

It is term which is used in foreign trade contacts, where the exporter agrees to pay the freight, insurance, and interest (interest charges on the value of the goods) in addition to

the charges incurred prior to ‘free on board’ status.

Cost of Living Index

It means index number representing the trend of a series of prices paid by consumers for a representative sample of items, so revealing the changes in the cost to households

of typical purchase needs, known officially as the Retail Price Index.

Cost Per Inquiry

It means cost of producing a single inquiry in an advertising campaign. Most usually expressed in the form of an average, i.e. not any particular or selected inquiry but a

resultant reflecting the average cost of all inquiries received.

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Cost per Thousand

It is the means of providing some from of standardized costing of advertising to facilitate inter or intra-media comparisons. Basis of in terms of the cost of reaching one

thousand recipients, subscribers, readers viewers, or other common base.

Cost Plus

It is the pricing method whereby actual production costs, or an estimate there of is added to a profit figure to arrive at a selling price. Originally used for war contracts, the

system is still used in development work where eventual costs cannot be realistically estimated. The principle is used for war contracts, the system is still used in development

work where eventual costs cannot be realistically estimated. The principle is used widely in industry but as a pricing policy where historical costs, together with agreed profit

margin, give the selling price.


1. It is the redeemable voucher supplied to consumer as purchasing incentive, usually be allowing a price concession.

2. Part of an advertisement enabling enquirer to complete required details in order to obtain further information or place an order.

Coupon Price Reductions

It means making a price concession by providing coupons, of fixed value, sometimes printed upon the pack to encourage the initial and subsequent purchases. The coupon

may, however, appear in a printed advertisement or be distributed direct to householders and may, or may not require a previous purchase.


It is the outlet faces of a magazine usually available for advertising purposes, i.e. front, back inside front and inside back cover.

Cover Page

It means either front or back page of a publication, usually available for advertising purposes at premium prices as they constitute preferred positions.

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Cover Price

Cover Price means normal retail selling price of newspaper or magazine, usually shown on front cover page.

Coverage (in Advertising)

It means proportion (expressed in percentage terms) of a market exposed to advertising.


It is a expression which is used to described products whose performance is past their best but which remain profitable. They are ‘milked’, i.e. provide a source of funds for

new product development.


It is type of container, constructed of wood, often built around the product. It is specially in relation to bulky heavy goods.


Creaming means selling product range at a higher than average price in order to improve quality, known as upmarketing a product, whereby it becomes the accepted purchase

of the more affluent members of society. Upmarket products tend to ride the storms of economic depression better than cut-price products.


It is relating in advertising to the conceptual input upon which a compaign or an advertisement is based and incorporating the copy and Visual content-the creative


Creative Department

It is the part of an advertising agency concerned with creating ideas and expressing them in copy and design.

Creative Director

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Creative Director is a co-ordinates the copywriting and designing. He is a senior professional who is seasoned in an existing advertising agency set-up to take on this mantle.

Alyque padamsee prefers graduates of NID or J. J. School of Arts on the creative side. In many agencies, copy writer and visualizers from a creative duo.

Creative Group

It is the collection of individuals specializing in the development of creative ideas, particularly for the organisation of advertising campaigns.

Creative Salesmen

It means users or original material or ideas and their presentation in developing a sales territory.

Creative Strategy

It is the statement of advertising goals, the target audiences, the intended creative propositions and the means of expressing them in a particular advertisement or series of



Credibility means extent to which claims made for a product or firm are believed by its markets. Exaggerated claims may often destroy a product’s or even a company’s


Credibility Gap

It means difference between commonly accepted levels of performance and the expectations aroused by extravagant claims on behalf of a person, organisation, product or



1. It means supplying goods in advance of full payment.

2. Bank credit: loans and overdrafts to bank clients.

Credit Account

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1. A purchase made on credit and account settled, monthly or otherwise by agreement.

2. Regular monthly payments made by bankers’ order to retail establishment against which persons may make purchases up to an agreed multiple of the monthly instalment.

(The amount is subject to Government fiscal controls over the circulation and Velocity of cash within the economy and will therefore vary according to the level of economic


Credit Cards

It means identification cards, possession of which enables the consumer to make a range of purchases from member retailers and then settle the full amount monthly or,

alternatively over a longer period together with interest charges. It is mainly but not exclusively issued by the bank in UK. Agency cards are issued chiefly for regular

industrial purchases, e.g. petroleum.

Credit Note

It means document conveying credit of a stated amount, often against rents or allowances but most frequently adjusting or omissions related to previous charges.


It is a party to a credit transaction who is owned money by another party involved in it.

Credit Rating

It means systematic rating of customers for credit worthiness.

Credit Sale

It means sale made on credit over a short term, where the ownership of the goods passes with possession. In the case of hire purchase extending over a longer period, the

creditor retains ownership, until statutorily fixed portion of the debt has been paid. After this point the goods cannot legally be repossessed, although the buyer remains

legally liable for the outstanding portion within the statutory period.

Credit Squeeze

It means government intervention over credit facilities in order to limit the rate of consumption for fiscal purposes.

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It is the telegraphic printer by which communications are received from news agencies.


It means to cut down in size a photograph or illustration, either to focus interest upon particular features or to make most effective use of limited space available.

Cross-Elasticity of Demand

It means response of demand for one commodity to a change in the price of another, e.g. a transfer occurring as when the price of electricity increases, demand for less

expensive alternatives, possibly gas or oil, increases.

Cross fade

It means to reduce volume of one form of sound whilst simultaneously increasing volume of another, commonly used in radio, for instance, to introduce a scene or subject

change and also in audiovisual media, like TV and cinema, where usage of the term extends also to the gradual replacement of one scene by another.

Cross Tracks

It means poster site on other side of railway track and facing travelers.

Cumulative Audience

Cumulative Audience means aggregate of persons or homes reached by successive issues or broadcasts: synonym for cumulative reach.

Cumulative Reach

It means number of people in a target audience reached without duplication by a given promotional schedule over a particular period of time.

Currency of a Bill

It is the period of time between the drawing of a bill of exchange and the final date when it becomes payable.

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Current Demand

Current Demand present willingness in the market to pay the ruling price for goods.


It is made to specific individual customer specification.

Customer Group

It means classification in some form, e.g. demographic, of members of the population likely to be customers.

Customer Orientation

Customer Orientation means preoccupation with customer needs within an effort to build a sound enterprise with prospects of growth. Basis for marketing theory and practice

which dictates that competitive survival, growth and returns on investment are proper rewards for the achievement of consumer satisfaction.

Customer profile

It is a description of a group of customers in terms sufficient to make direct comparison with other groups, such as washing machine owners, owner-occupiers, professional

classes, demographic and/or socio-economic classifications.

Total list or estimate of all customers divided into pertinent categories, e.g. age-groups, with each group expressed in percentages of the total.

Customer Records

It means tabulation of inquiries and orders received. Deliveries, and any other pertinent information concerning a customer and his satisfaction.

Cut-Throat Competition

Cut Throat Competition means prices in the market reduced to the point where no supplier is likely to make a profit. It usually means all suppliers selling at prices below cost

in order to minimize possible losses, particularly of perishable or depreciating goods. Normally a result of supplies temporarily exceeding demand.

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1. It means clippings from newspapers or magazines of items relevant to company operations.

2. It is the surplus film pieces edited out of a commercial or programme shooting.


It means study of communications systems whether of human or mechanical form. It refers to means of controlling activities in order to keep them directed at a particular


Cycles of Trade

It is the repetitive periodic movements in trade, especially in relation to upturns and recessions. Cyclical analysis of industries, for example, has been found useful in sales


Jargons in Advertising



It is a title of a book advocating evaluation of advertising effectiveness by communications goals rather than sales. Acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured

Advertising Response.

DAGMAR Approach

Dagmar Approach is the task of measuring ad effectiveness will not be daunting if we clearly spell out the advertising goals. Russel H. Colley (1961) poineered an approach

known by the acronym DAGMAR – Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results, where to establish an explicit link between ad goals and ad results,

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Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used with respect to a single advertisement, a year’s campaign for a product or a company’s entire advertising


These goals may pertain to sales, image, attitude, and awareness.

Some of the goals are:

Persuade a prospect to visit a show room and ask for a demonstration.

Build up the morale of the company’s sales force.

Facilitate sales by correcting false impression, misinformation and other obstacles.

Announce a special reason for buying now’s (price, discount, premium and so on).

Make the brand identity known and easily recognizable.

Provide information or implant attitude regarding benefits and superior features of brand.

According to DAGMAR approach, the communication task of the brand is to gain (a) awareness, (b) comprehension, (c) Conviction, (d) image and (e) action.

Advertising goals should be consistent with these communication tasks. Later performance on these counts and projected goals is compared. For example, a company setting

a goal of 15 per cent increase in sales advertises and achieves this objective. Its ad then is successful and effective.

It presupposes the understanding of the dynamics of consumer behaviour without this goals cannot be set. Besides, a thorough acquaintance of market environment is called

for. DAGMAR is a planning and control tool. It may guide the creation of advertising. However, as will as appreciated, the basic inputs of DAGMAR are not so easily to

formulate and may also inhibit creativity.

Daily Report Of Calls

It is the list of interviews obtained and visits made by salesman, sometimes submitted daily but may be given in form of weekly summary to regional or head office.

Dead Freight

It is payable where the charterer is unable entirely to fill a ship with cargo and is therefore charged against empty space.


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It is the time by which a specific stage of a job must be completed, particularly in journalism, where the story becomes dead if not completed in time. Also with advertising

and broadcasting and indeed has been generally adopted as a term in planning procedure.


It is an agreement reached between two or more parties to a contract.


He is the middleman in distribution chain, buying goods in order to sell them, usually but not always to the general public: generally synonymous with ‘retailer’ but often

applied to the larger distributor. Term can apple more broadly to anyone ‘dealing’ in the transfer of ownership of goods, whether industrial, commercial, or consumer.

Dealer Aid

It means any material supplied to a dealer (retailer) in order to assist him in his task of selling merchandise, e.g. point-of-sale display items, leaflets, samples and dispensers.

Dealer Leaders

It is the promotional device providing incentives to retailers to stock a product, or range or products, at predetermined quantities.

Dear Money

It is applicable when interest rates (the price of money) are high and loans have generally become more difficult to obtain.


It is an assignment of accountability from central unit of control to individual units within an organization, involving transfer of decision-making authority and responsibility.

Decision-Making Unit

It is a group of people who together contribute to a decision on whether or not, and what to purchase (DMU). It is used more in industrial marketing but can apply for

example, to a consumer situation, e.g. the multiple household.

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Decision Tree

It is a display of events, past, present and future, leading to any effecting the outcome of a business decision.


It is the subsidiary section of a headline.

Deck Cargo

It means cargo stowed on deck rather than in the ship’s hold. Deck cargo may often be of a hazardous nature and must, therefore, be easier to jettison in a situation of


Decreasing Returns

It occur when economies of scale cease to operate, because of the counter-acting effect of increasing average costs and resulting in a decrease in profitability. See

diseconmies of scale.

Deep-Rooted Demand

It means continuing loyalty to a product or brand, even where its original competitive advantage or value may no longer be significant. It may sometimes be the result of

cultural or traditional beliefs.

Deferred Rebate

It is the rebate or discount on goods accumulated for an agreed period; used as an incentive to customers to remain loyal to supplier or to buy all needs from one supplier. It is

a form of contract where the discount allowed is conditional upon both the total and period of the purchases.


Definition in communications, this refers to the clarity or fidelity with which an illustration or image is reproduced.


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It is the reduction in the amount of available money causing incomes to fall and unemployment to grow.

Delayed Response

It is the reaction to marketing initiative at a later time but often within the expected period of time.

Delivered Price

It is the ex-works selling price plus all costs involved in freighting or transportation.

Delivery Note

It is the document accompaying goods on delivery to buyer. It is used as a means of checking delivery, dealing with claims for shortage, damage and empties and

subsequently clearing the invoice for the goods.


It is derived from economics, its usual reference in marketing is to the aggregate of effective purchasing intentions in a community regarding a particular product or service.

Demand Analysis

It means study of demand for product or service in order to establish reasons for its success or failure or in order to discover how sales performance may be improved.

Demand Curve

It is the statistical distribution of demand expressed in the form of a graph.

Demand Forecasting

It means undertaking a series of value forecasts at different selling prices to establish the optimum profit opportunity. It is based on the principle of elasticity, whereby

demand increases at lower prices and decreases at higher prices.

Demand Function

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It is the relationship between demand and the determinants of demand such as price, substitute products, income, or credit facilities.

Demand Pull

It is the resultants of demand stimulants applied in marketing: works in conjunction, for example, with sales push.

Demand Theory

It is the branch of economic theory devoted to the analysis of demand determinants and consumers/users scales of preferences.


It is the science of social stistics, particularly population; statistics, essential to market research and effective campaign planning.


It means showing the product or service in action. It is sometimes used to refer to an artificial situation where audiovisual equipment is used instead of the actual

product/service itself.

Department Store

It is the large store selling a wide range of commodities, particularly clothing where merchandise is segregated into different departments, each having a specialist manger,

usually wholly responsible for own buying and selling but subject to central control. Frequently offers credit and delivery facilities to customers and usually will be located

only in urban marketing centres.

Dependent Variable

It is the statistical term describing a factor which changes as a result of some other directly linked factor another variable – which in independent, e.g. sales, which may

increase3 as a result of advertising. Advertising is then the independent variable and sales the dependent variable.


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Depreciation means deduction in the value of an asset due to use and /or lapse of time. Normally, such reductions in value are charged against the profit and loss account with

an accounting formula, which spreads the value of the asset over its expected life, in order to show a more realistic cost of operations to the business. In most cases, the

amount written off in put into reserve in order to provide for a future replacement.


It is the period during which a nation’s productive resources are persistently underemployed; often manifests ifself through a long period of high unemployment among a

community’s about force.

Depth Interview

It is the informal conversation between interviewer and respondent but with underlying cross examination following clearcut objectives. Intended to discover facts which

might not emerge from direct questioning.

Derived Demand

It is the indirect demand for capitol goods, material or other factors of production which are used to provide goods for which there is direct demand.


Descender is the lower case letter in which the stroke drops down below the base line, e.g. g, p, q, y.


Design in marketing, used as a generic term embracing all types of visual work, e.g. roughs, typography, graphics, finished art, for all kinds of application-advertising,

exhibitions, print work, house styling.

Design Factor

It is the measurement of relative efficiency of sample design against a reading of 1-0 for a completely random sample.


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It is the expression of human appetite for given object of attention.

Desk Research

It is the study of mainly external published data and material but including other already available internal information, e.g. company records.


A factor which determining, limiting, or defining, a decision.


Devaluation means reduction in the value or price of one currency or commodity relative to other currencies or commodities.


It is the paired comparison test involving informants reporting on tow products or advertisements, once against the other.

Diary Method

It is a research technique in which respondents keep a regular written record of events such as reading a publication, viewing television or purchasing certain goods.

Die Stamping

It is the raised impression on a sheet of paper of a design or symbol, produced by compressing the sheet between two dies. It is also known as Embossing.

Differential Advantage

It is the perceived benefit of a product, whether real or imaginary, compared with a competitive product. With undifferentiated products particularly, there is a need to build

in a differential advantage in order to produce a motivation for purchase.

Differential Sampling

It is the weighted samples adjusted to allow for known bias in penetration or spending power.

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It is the measurable quantity which is used in marketing research to compare responses at different levels or in regard to platforms.

Diminishing Returns, Law of

It states that where one ‘factor of production’ is increased while others remain constant, output will increase by steadily decreasing amounts.

Direct Costing

It is the method of producing a statement of costs which are directly attributable to a particular product, brand, or function. Especially significant at extreme ends of the

product life cycle, e.g. during the growth and declie stages.

Direct Expenses

Direct Expenses means all cost directly attributable to a product, a project, or an accounting centre.

Direct Mail/Direct Marketing

The direct mail advertising takes the form of letters, circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, folders and brochures which are sent by post to potential buyers. The intention is to have a

‘direct’ or personal approach to consumers. This type of ‘direct marketing’ (now also termed ‘Direct Response’) needs to be distinguished from mail order advertising where

the intention is to elicit immediate orders via the mail. ‘List shops’ like Datamatics Direct, Diner’s club, Synergy Consultants and Word-plus offer companies and ad agencies

lists of select prospective customers for a wide range of products and services. Further, several ad agencies have set up separate ‘direct response’ units. The direct marketing

system was pioneered by Lester Wiendesman in the seventies in the United States.

Direct mail advertising gives consumers a sense of importance since the letters are addressed to them personally, and sent to their residence by post. Since Indian consumers

(unlike those in the United States) have not begun to be swamped by ‘Junk mail’, they are likely to read what comes in with the mail.

Book publishers use this publicity media most extensively in India. Financial advertisers too have found this medium effective. This is because both book publishers and

financial advertisers have good mailing lists of consumers. Direct mail is an inexpensive, quick and effective way of selling in the Indian context. However, it can be used

only for some products.

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Pharmaceutical concerns frequently send out literature about new drugs to doctors. But since doctors are flooded with so many promotional letters that they treat them a ‘Junk

mail’ and dispose of them at once, without as much as glancing at them.

Direct Mail Shot

It is a one single batch or mailing in a direct mail campaign. One mailing shot might therefore comprise a large number of items and a campaign might consist of several

mailing shots.

Direct Marketing

It is an attempt to approach the customers directly. It is a personal approach to consumers. This direct approach may be through sales letters and circulars. It may be through

leaflets, folders and brochures. All these are routed through post and so are called direct mailings. Distributions are bypassed in direct marketing. For demonstrations, sales

people may call in on the prospects.

Certain companies cut their advertising budget and increase the direct marketing budget.

Direct Questioning

It means either the whole ad or its different elements are tested by asking direct questions to a consumer jury, numbering 12 to several hundred individuals. Alternative ads

may also be tested. Sometimes there is one single question only: ‘which of these ads would most influence you to buy the product? ‘Sometimes, an elaborate questionnaire is

prepared to assess attention strength, read-through strength, affective strength and behaviour strength of the ad. For each component, out of maximum points, the copy is

allotted some points. The jury looks at each ad, and starts rating with the best and comes down to the worst.


It is the published source o f reference, usually on annual basis but possibly more frequent, setting out comprehensive coverage of companies and services in a particular area

of business and/or their range of products, e.g. Advertiser’s Annual and BRAD.

Direct Response Marketing

It means selling by means of press advertisements, which invite a direct placement of orders without further negotiation or intermediate channels of distribution.

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Direct Selling

It means selling without the use of a retail outlet, distribution, broker or wholesaler or any other form of middleman.

Discount Store

It means retail outlet-offering goods at reduced price by limiting or eliminating the range of customer services at the point of sale. Compare with discount house, an

alternative term.

Discrete Data

It is the research information used in stochastic process, where data or numbers are discontinuous. it refers to evidence bearing on charges in brand preferences by users.

Discrete Data

It is a research information which is used in stochastic process, where data or numbers are discontinuous. It refers to evidence bearing on changes in brand preferences by


Discretionary buying power

It is that part or portion of an income which remains after essential purchases have been made, and which thus can be retained as savings or disposed of in the purchase of

non-essential goods i.e. at the discretion of the buyer.

Discretionary Income

It means amount of income left over after fixed regular outgoings have been paid. It constitutes the amount of money not yet committed and therefore its expenditure is

subject to persuasion techniques.

Discrimination Test

It is an investigation aimed at discovering the incidence of customer differentiation for a product or package.


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It means fiscal control in which excess purchasing power is being syphoned off by the government in taxation.


It is the degree of scatter shown by observations in statistical analysis, usually measured against a central tendency or average, using a mean or standard deviation.


This term is used in retailing to refer to an exhibition of merchandise, whether in store or in window. Also describes panels-display boards. It may also refer to arrangement

of control dials, meters, and switches for industrial products.

Display Advertising

It is an advertising other than simple typeset lineage advertisements of the classified kind. It is also implies an element of design, e.g. use of display type facts as opposed to

uniform body matter.

Display Outer

It means outer container for protecting goods in transit, which converts into a display unit at the point of sale. It generally containing a convenient small quantity for counter

show and dispensing.

Display Pack

It means pack which, in addition to performing a ‘packaging’ function, also serves as a means of displaying the product at the point of sale. Generally applicable to single

items as opposed to the display outer.

Disposable Income

Disposable Income means residue of personal income after statutory deductions at source.


Dissolve means in which a projected image fades and is simultaneously replaced by another, usually by use of two linked projectors. It also refers to as cross fade.

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Distribution Check

It is a survey taken at retail outlets to measure levels of distribution being achieved.

Distribution Network

1. It is a type and extent of coverage of the consuming market through appropriate outlets.

2. Logistics of physical distribution.

Distributive Trades

It is a collective term for wholesalers and retail firms, especially those directly involved in selling to the public. Often abbreviated colloquially to ‘The Trade’.


It means firm which purchases and sells on its own account but which deals in the goods of certain specified manufacturers. Common in trades where special representation,

stocking and service facilities are required, e.g. motor transport.

Distributors Brand

1. A brand name used by a retail outlet. Generally referred to as ‘Own Label’ or private label goods that are usually competitively priced and are intended to promote outlet

loyalty, rather than brand loyalty.

2. It is sometimes used to include brands marketed by a collection of retailers such as MACE, or VG.

Divergent Marketing

It means setting up separate organizations for each of a company’s products or product groups; thus each has its own individual marketing goals and is in itself a profit centre.


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It means introduction of new products into existing markets or of existing products into new markets to extend life cycles and offset decline. Rarely involves introducing new

products into new markets. Also to hedge against a company’s future being tied too closely to a small number of products/outlets. Achieved either by new investment or



It stands for do it yourself. It is used as indicative sign for shops specializing in the supply of construction, repair, decorative or assembly goods or materials mostly used by

skilled artisans but made available in convenient qualities for people wishing to do the work themselves.

Dock Dues

It means toll on all vessels entering or leaving a dock.


Documentary means cinema or television film or radio programme, dealing with actual facts of a situation as opposed to fiction. Often used as part of a public relations plan.

Sometimes referred to as sponsored promotion, i.e. where its purpose is primarily or wholly commercial.


It is a expression which is used to describe products retained in production for sentimental reasons but whose retention is not justified by any contribution to profitability.


1. it refers to situation of market leader, with significant share of total market.

2. Concentration of promotional effort in one area or medium so as to deominate that area or medium.


It is a practice of selling by calls upon householders, may also be distribute promotional material.

Dormant Accounts

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It means accounts once active as customers but not now buying, for whatever reason.

Double Crown

It means basic unit of size in posters, a sheet, size 20 ins wide by 30 ins deep.


Double Decker means two outdoor advertising panels sited one above the other.

Double Front

It is a twin poster siters arranged to utilize both sides of the front of a bus or other commercial vehicle. Generally each a ‘single sheet’ or smaller.

Double Page Spread

It is the two facing pages in a magazine or newspaper, used in advertising as if they were one single sheet, i.e. the design carries right across the gutter in the centre.

Down Time

It is the period during which a machine is not operative due to mechanical failure, machine adjustment, nonavailability or materials, labour or maintenance work. Average

down-time is built into product prices to ensure that such hidden costs are covered by sales revenue.


It means rebate on duty paid for imported goods when used in the manufacture of products for export.

Drawing Accounts

It means credit made available to salesman in anticipation of future earnings most usually operative where a substantial part of remuneration derives from a commission on

sales. Particularly related to industrial goods, for example, where the number of sales over time is low but the value of each is comparatively high.


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It is a advertising campaign covering a long period of time-usually over twelve months.

Drive Time

It means in radio broadcasting, the time during which many listeners are driving to or from work.

Drop shipment

It describes arrangement where goods are not shipped by person or organization receiving the initial order; commonly a despatch by wholesaler, retailer or agent on advice

from manufacturing or marketing company.


It means preetransmission television rehersal where action, lines, cues, etc. are perfected.


It is a superimposing sound upon an already completed film, as opposed to simultaneous recording.


It is the simplified representation of a proposed publication, package, or other promotional item.

Dump Display

It is a unit of fitbreboard or woven wire into which a quantity of products is exposed in random order for self-selection at a retail outlet. Particularly associated with super

markets in connection with product launches or clearances and carrying special price or other offers.


It means distribution of goods overseas at a price much less than the equivalent in market of origin and which would not normally be expected to make a full contribution to

the recovery of overheads.

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Duplication (in advertising)

It extent to which the audience of one medium or vehicle overlaps that of another.

Durable Goods.

Durable Goods are those which provide service over a period of time rather than extinguished at the moment of consumption. Includes goods like TV, motor car,


Dustbin Check

It is the survey at consumer level to establish level to establish level of purchases over an agreed period according to brand and pack. Emptied containers are retained in a bin

known as a dustbin. It is a form of household audit for which greater reliability is claimed because tangible evidence of consumption is provided.

Dutch Auction

It means bidding starting at a high price and reducing until a bid is made. Most often associated with charities but may be used as a method of sales promotion, which gains

an audience for a required exposure or demonstration.

Duty Free Shop

It is a retail establishment in which selling prices do not include customs and exercise duties and may, therefore, be fixed at a lower level than those prevailing generally

within a particular country. Most often located at air or seaports where operators can, as a result take a higher margin of profit than other retailers.

Jargons in Advertising


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It is an advertising space at top left or right of a newspaper's front page.

Economy Size

1. It is used to describe a larger than usual size package in order to encourage an increase in consumption.

2. Best value for money in available package choices.


It means to modify an original manuscript, text or film in such a way as to make the meaning clearer, improve the grammar, reduce the size, or in some other way prepare it

for multiple reproduction and distribution.


1. Preparing written copy or film for publication

2.Critical analysis or censorship of material to be published.


It is a particular issue of a publication.


It is a leading article in publication or broadcast, usually explicit statement of editor’s views. It is used to distinguish news or feature items from advertising content.

Editorial Advertisement

It is a advertisement which is designed in the form of a piece of editorial matter. Such advertisements must, however, be clearly labelled ‘advertisement’.

Editorial Columns

It is that part of a publication devoted to non-advertising matter, i.e. containing editorial matter.

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Editorial Matter

It is a news or entertainment section of publication or broadcast, i.e. excluding any advertising matter it may carry.

Editorial Mention

It is a reference to an individual, or a company, favourable or otherwise, in the editorial columns.

Editorial Publicity

It is a space in a journal or newspaper in which a product, service, or company is discussed or publicized at the discretion of the editor.

Editorial write-up

It is a news story or feature about an individual, product, service or company.

Educational Advertising

1. It refers to educational matters.

2. It denotes to improving consumers’ knowledge about a product or service in order to render them more favorably disposed towards it, particularly if it involves some

change in beliefs or attitudes.

Effective Cover

It is known otherwise as the ‘4 plus syndrome’, whereby the members of a target market will have seen a commercial at least four times on average. Compares with simply

‘Cover’ which means the same coverage but limited at least once only.

Effective Demand

It means willingness and resources to pay the price asked for a product.


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It is a term which is borrowed from psychology, indicating an individual’s conception of himself, often having an influence over his purchasing behavior patterns.

Electronic Media

It means an advertisements making use of neon sings or lights, and capable of movement by electric impulses.


It means duplicate of an original printing block; produced by electrochemical deposition onto a matrix. It is commonly known as ‘Electro’.


1. It means restriction on the import of certain specified goods into a country. The embargo may be imposed either by the importing country or the exporting country.

2. In relation to news releases, a time or date before which a particular item of news must not be published.

Emotional Appeal

It means product advertising appealing to emotional desires rather than logic, economy or utility.


Emotions are arguably defined as bodily changes, together with mental change, influencing one’s decisions, sometimes out of the normal pattern for the individual, used

particularly in reference to buying behavior.


It means identifying oneself completely with the problems and aspirations of others; often used in connection with the necessity for a salesman to see his task through his

customer’s eyes and to establish a reciprocity with them effective in concluding business agreements.


It means data based upon observation or experiment as opposed to theory.

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It stands for Evening Newspaper Advertising Bureau. Sales organization designed to promote the use of local evening newspapers by national advertisers.


It means object inserted into envelope or package, usually in addition to the main or principal content.


Endorsement means transfer of the property in a bill of exchange by the signature of the owner. Increasingly used to indicate some amendment to the original composition of

a contract or legal document.


It means reproduction in size larger than the original, particularly with reference to photographic print.

Enquiry Tests

It is a couponed advertisements of consumer durable and they invite the consumers to seek more details/demonstration. The number of inquiries reveal the effectiveness of

the ad.

By this method, the organisation offers to send something complimentary to the reader, if he writes for it, e.g., Goodlas Nerolac offers a book, "All About Paints," to those

who put in a request for it, generally by filling up a coupon. It gives the advertiser an idea about the readability of his ad copy. In the split Run Test, there is some

modification. The ad copy is prepared in two ways, and then run in one medium; 50 per cent of the medium carrying one copy and 50 p.c. carrying another copy. Then the

coupon response gives an evaluation of the ad copy. In the split run test, the medium must have the necessary arrangement to print different copies in the same edition.

Entrepot Trade

A business consisting of re-exporting of imported goods, with or without any additional processing.


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It means individual with talent for creative business activity, exercising initiative and pulling together the various multi-functional activities into one co-ordinated and usually

profitable enterprise.


It refers to surrounding conditions of an activity, particularly in marketing, the social, physical and psychological conditions.

Error -in-Recognition Measurement

It is subject to reporting errors by the respondent. We have referred to the false claim at times made by the respondent to the effect that he has seen the advertisement. Such

errors in the measurement of recognition are due to the respondent guessing the answers to the question the interviewer has asked; when he cannot recall the advertisement

with certainty, he is more likely to give a positive answer to confirm that he has seen the advertisement. At times, respondents do indulge in deliberate exaggeration.

Sometimes, they are eager to please the interviewer. It is also possible that there may be some confusion as to which magazine or which issue actually contained the

advertisement; or the advertisement itself may be confused with another advertisement. In short, there are valid reasons for the recognition measurement to be erroneous.

How to control this error is the subject matter of the next few paragraphs.

The tachinstoscopic method is one, which improves the accuracy of recognition claims. Advertisements are shown to the respondent, either in whole or part, at high speed;

and he is later asked to furnish further information on these ads. The accuracy of the information so furnished will enable the interviewer to finally certify the recognition

claim. The screen method uses several screens put over an ad which are then removed one by one and recognition is obtained at various levels of visibility.

Two more method have been devised by researchers in advertising to arrive at more reliable recognition scores. These are pre-publication control and confusion control

methods. The pre-publication control method requires a recognition survey of previously unpublished advertisement to be conducted before the advertisements actually

appear in print. These advertisements may be presented in a portfolio, together with the already published advertisement, in a dummy magazine, or in an old issue of a

magazine. The scores of false recognition for the unpublished advertisement are to be subtracted later from the scores obtained from the real recognition survey conducted

after the ads have been published.

To confusion control method, as the name itself suggests, is by adding confusion to the survey. Some unpublished advertisements are mixed up with real ads, usually in a

portfolio, and then recognition claims are measured as usual.

There are certain variations of the method described above for improving the reliability of claimed recognition scores. However, since such scores are employed only in the

relative evaluation of different advertisements in an issue, error control in a recognition survey beyond a certain limit is neither necessary nor desirable.

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Escalation Clause

It means device to enable companies to pay rising rates of commission for higher levels of sales turnover by agents, salesman, etc.

Escalator Cards

It means an advertisements placed alongside underground escalators.

Established Brand, Image, Market, Product

It is widely acknowledged and accepted in the market place. Sometimes may be prematurely described as such in order to secure early credibility.


It strictly producing an estimate of the cost/price of an activity particularly in one-off jobs and in contracting. This term is sometimes applicable to the calculation of a price

upon which a firm quotation is based. Almost entirely confined to industrial goods and services but also used in the case of some consumer durables.

Ethical Advertising

It means advertising of ethical pharmaceutical products addressed to the medical profession. It also applicable generally to describe honest, informative advertising, as

distinct from unscrupulous and misleading practice.


It is an american currency (dollars) held either by individuals or organizations outside the United States.

European Economic Community

It means signatories to the Treaty of Rome for the creation of a customs union or common market.

European Free Trade Association

It is a association of several European countries, not members of the European Economic Community, set up in 1959 to develop free trade between members.

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Ex Ante

It means Ex are demand is the level of demand for commodities which are expected to be bought at a certain given price.

Excess Capacity

It means existence of more productive capacity than is warranted by the demand existing at any given time.

Excess Demand

It means existence of more demand than presently existing productive capacity is able to satisfy.

Exchange Rate

It means fixed price at which one currency may be exchanged for another or for gold. A floating exchange rate exists when the rate is not fixed but is allowed to find its own

level in trading negotiations.

Excise Duty

It means tax on the production of particular or specific goods in high general demand, such as alcoholic drinks, tobacco and petroleum goods.


Exclusive in press relations, relates to a story and or illustratory photographic or other material, which is supplied to one publication alone.

Exclusive Agency Agreement

It bind two parties, one as principal, the other as agent, involving a product, a market, or a geographical area, being limited in availability to the agent for a period, and fully

supported by the principal.

Ex Gratia

Ex Gratia as a matter of favour. Generally refers to payments which are made where no legal obligation exists to make them.

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It means putting on display a company’s products or services for promotional purposes. Particularly the gathering of a number of such displays which are either on view to

the public in general or merely to invited guests. May be commercially or privately sponsored.

Expanded Type

It is a typeface in printing which has wider dimensions than is usual. Its use is intended to exert a greater dominance or legibility.

Expert Agencies

It is those organizations independent of advertisers, ad agencies and the media that offer a specialized research service. They are usually held in esteem and trusted by all

three wings of the advertising industry.

So, the Audience Research Units (ARUs) of All India Radio and Doordarshan would be considered ‘expert agencies’ where audience composition and audience response to

radio and television programmes are concerned. They would also be able to provide reliable data on the reach and coverage of the broadcast media.

An ‘expert’ service which All India Radio provides is a Time Budget Survey which is a kind of profile on how people in different regions of the country spend their time. The

activities are grouped under 12 categories and cover the period from 5.00 a.m. to 12.00 midnight. Such data is useful to the media planner in scheduling ads at the most

appropriate times of the day.

Other ‘expert’ agencies would include the market research organisations such as ORG, IMRB, MARG, MRAS-Burke, and veys, while MARG and MRAS-Burke conduct

opinion polls regularly for advertisers and the media. NCAEA does surveys of the market-share of various products; pathfinders keeps track of the ‘advertising salience’ of

several products. The ORG has a Centre of Media Studies, which carries out media survey regularly.

Exploded View

It is a special type of drawing in which a complex object is shown ‘opened up’ or with internal components illustrated separately and outside the main drawing.

Exponential Smoothing

It is a statistical procedure which is applicable to moving averages, to reflect most recent changes in a series of data.

Export Declaration

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It means details to be submitted within six days, of the export of all goods from the country.

Export House

It is an organization specializing in selling into foreign markets. Originally called Forwarding agents, they now provide a large range of services to exporters big or small.

Representative body is the institute of Freight Forwarders.


It is sometimes used as synonym of ‘exhibition’, but usually to imply a larger or more serious event, often accompanied by a conference or seminar.


It means actual value attributable to a variable factor. Export demand, for example, is the actual quantity bought at the price realizable.

Extended Use Tests

It is Similar to placement tests but used, especially in industrial marketing, where it is necessary for findings to be derived from use of the product in a work situation over a

long term period.

Extensive Selling

It means selling Products through every conceivable distribution channel, stocking in every possible retail outlet, and promoting sales to every likely market segment.

Ex Works Price

It is the basic price of a product at the point of manufacture, i.e. excluding delivery and insurance, and sometimes packaging.

Eye Movement Camera

It is used in advertising research, this equipment tracks the movement of the eye over press advertisements, showing the path which the eye takes and indicating the sequence

of interest that the features arouse.

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Eye Observation Camera

It is a equipment which is used in advertisement research to measure pupil dilation, so giving indications of arousal of informant.


It is a exaggerated Claims.

Jargons in Advertising



Face means in printing, a particular design or style of lettering upon which a typeface is based. Two broad categories, ‘serif’ and ‘sans serif’ distinguish between the more

and less intricate characters.

Face-to-Face Selling

It is a personal selling usually on a one basis, i.e. a personal meeting between buyer and seller in which each can state a case and /or hear the other’s point of view. Vulgarly

referred to as ‘belly-to-belly’ selling.

Face Value

It means nominal value or price of a commodity.


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Facia in exhibitions, means the headboard above a stand. Sometimes used for advertising, purposes, e.g. featuring a brand-name, but usually caries the identity of the


Facing Matter

It is a positioning of an advertisement so that it appears opposite an advertisement so that it appears opposite an editorial page.


It is strictly an exact copy of writing or an illustration.

Factor Analysis

It is a study of the component parts of an attitude research programme interview with the aim of discovering more meaningful conclusions than are apparent from the data

taken as a whole.


1. It means discounting of bills.

2. Middlemen acting as go-between for sellers of commodities without a common interest. The factor arranges for the sale of products of both companies and then settles the

accounts. Factors are often involved in processing as well as the usual wholesaling operations. Otherwise, they would be purely marketing agencies.


It is usually a fashion adopted quickly by a number of people who subsequently lose interest as quickly as they originally gained it.

Family Budget

It means total family income devoted to expenditure for housekeeping purposes.


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It is a manner or style or living which is adopted by a family according to its background, income, or aspirations. Is becoming subject to closer scrutiny in the development of


Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

It means repeat selling, low unit value goods normally in universal demand.


It expresses the degree of practicality, usually in financial or economic terms, of a product or business venture’s success.


Feature in press relations, is an article or story which is written in some depth and at some length; usually exclusive.


It means to supply information to another, particularly on sales leads.

Relaying transmission of a broadcast from one station to another.


Feedback is a response or reaction to a message, indicating to its communicator how the message is being interpreted.


It is a two or more sheets of paperboard pasted together to form a stronger, thicker material. Usually a combination of kraft and chipboard. Solid fibreboard is a

straightforward laminate often used, for example, as a book cover. Corrugated fibreboard comprises two outlet ‘liners’ in between which is sandwiched a corrugated ‘fluting’.

Both types of fibreboard are used extensively in the construction of ‘cases’, sometimes referred to as containers or cartons.

Fibreboard Case

It means container constructed from either solid or corrugated fibreboard, intended for protection of goods during transit. A transit outer.

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Field force

It is a team of interviewers used for gathering information direct from respondents in or around the respondent’s usual habitat. To be carefully distinguished from sales force.

Field Organization

It means structure governing the operation of a field force, which may be for purposes of marketing research or act as a promotional device.

Field Research

Field Research is that part of a market research survey involving contact with customers, potential customers, or a representative sample of the population.

Field Sales Manager

He is an executive who is responsible for organization, direction, control, motivation and training of the field selling force in whole or in part.


Fieldwork is that part of a market research survey which involves face-to-face interviews with respondents by research investigators, as compared with other means of

obtaining data, such as postal or telephone enquires and the searching of relevant published material.


It is a pre-prepared advertisement by publisher used to fill the gap left in a page after make-up.


It is the first print of cine film sequence; produced immediately after shooting in order to see whether a retake is necessary.

Film Strip

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It is the jointed sequence of positive transparencies either black and white but more usually in colour. Each strip consists of a limited number of exposures, which together tell

a story or put across a message. Often produced in conjunction with a sound script which can either be spoken during showing or coupled electronically for automatic



A means of eliminating unnecessary information.

Receptionist or secretary protecting executive (s) from unexpected callers.

Question in research questionnaire intended to redirect interview.

Filter Question

It is a question which is used in a market research survey to identify required respondents. Interviews may be terminated if the respondents do not provide indicative answers.


It means proof or pull of the corrected, locked-up printing form or of a block, showing the printed corrected work, as it will eventually appear. It is thus distinguished from

initial proofing which is for checking and correcting purposes only.

Financial Advertising

It is an advertising activity which is undertaken by companies, firms, or organization involved in financial markets, such as Unit Trusts, Assurance, Building Societies, or


Financial Advertising on Satellite Television (ST)

It is an financial advertising which accompanies financial programmes since the viewers of such programmes form the target audience. Financial programmes are niche

audience directed programmes, and are not dependent on TRP ratings. The message becomes focussed.

Satellite channels are viewed by middle class, upper-income bracket people, and these are the people who invest. The satellite channels and financial advertising have the go

well with each other since the viewership fits the target audience of financial advertising.

The influences in securities buying the financial consultant, brokers, sub-brokers and merchant bankers. Business-based programmes are watched by these influence.

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It reaches NRI’s and with NRI reservation the satellite channel proves to be an effective medium for financial advertising.

Satellite channels offer special packages for financial advertisers. JAIN TV claims that 30 per cent of its ads revenue comes from financial programmes. Besides, certainly

some financial advertising requires more than 30-seconds and corporate films lasting 10 minutes are the way out. They may prove expensive as per tariff card rate, and so

special package is offered. JAIN also offers to make ad films for advertisers.

Fine Grain

It is the descriptive of photographic emulsion or the developer used to process it; results in a negative, which can be enlarged to a high degree without showing excessive


Fine Screen

Fine Screen in printing, a halftone screen containing 100 or more lines to the inch.


It is the quality of final work.

Firm Quotation

It is the quoted price and/or conditions which will remain unchanged, subject to previously defined criteria.

First in, First Out (FIFO)

It is a principle which is used in stock holding policy.

Fiscal Policy

It is a government policy in matters of taxation, particularly in controlling changing patterns of demand to meet other needs of the economy as a whole.

Fixed Costs

It is a accounting term which refers to costs that are not expected to vary up to a given level of output.

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Fixed Spot

It is a television spot for which a premium is paid (normally 15%) to ensure that it is transmitted within a preselected break during a programme.

Flat Rate

It is a uniform rate for advertising space or time, i.e. without allowing for discounts.

Flexible Budget

A variable amount of funds for a given purpose subject only to accountability for achievement.


It is the process or method of printing using rubber plates; cheaper but resulting in lower quality reproduction.

Flip Chart

It is a large white paper fold over pad used for conveying sales messages and making sales presentations. It is used in conferences, seminars and training courses.


It is a sheet of softened paperboard used in printing to produce a matrix.


Floorwalker is a store security officer, usually mixing with customers and attempting to spot shoplifters.

Flow Chart

It is a graphical presentation of performance.

A stages in critical path procedure.

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It is a mistake in speech, e.g. on television or radio, made in such a way as to be obvious to an audience.

Fly Posting

It means illegal fixing of posters on another's property.

FM Channel

It is a local channel with a reach of 70 km. Radius from the place of transmission. The concept is still new to most people. FM has been thrown open to private producers

from 15th August, 1993, Privatization of FM channels in the four metros is one of the best things to have happened to this medium. For radio, FM has been the kiss of life.

Though to this medium. For radio, FM has been the kiss of life. Though radio was not pronounced as dead, but in urban India it was as good as dead. It can transform a

faceless mass of listeners into more clearly defined groups, with distinct listening preferences and discerning tastes. The chosen three producers in Bombay are: Times TV,

Mid-Day Publication and Star communication. The marketing potential of the channel will depend on its ability to attract the listeners and the advertisers. In rural India, radio

is still a powerful medium where it has to play a primary role in advertising, unlike urban areas where it has a supplementary role. In urban areas, according to NRS to select

any channel or to blank out any channel. The households will be put on information high-way. The production studios will be state-of the art. There will be major career

opportunities to talented people in the electronic media. The media will affect our current life-style and sense of values. Each channel will have its own segment of audience.

There will be niche channels like, business, music and travel. General entertainment channels in Hindi-English will be broad-based. The fittest will survive possibly.

Advertisers and agencies will be able to direct their messages to homogeneous audience groups. There will be less wastage. Electronic media will become cost-effective.

Print media will brave this onslaught as it has elsewhere in the world. Its market stare in the total as spend however, will decline. But the total size of advertising revenue will

grow, and therefore, the press will continue to show growth in ad collections.

There was a magazine boom in the late 70s and early 80s. Many business magazines, sports magazines, film magazine’s, computer magazines, other specialized magazines

and special interest magazines will appear on the scene in the 90s.

In electronic media, there will be a handful of general entertainment channels, and a large number of special interest channels.

In all there were three waves in the media scenario. The TV-led revolution in India with DD as the main player was the first wave. The second wave appeared with the arrival

of STAR TV. Within half-a-decade of the second wave, we are at the door-step of the third wave consisting of interactive TV programmes. We shall soon have MMDS-based

TV transmission system.

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It is thin film of metal, usually aluminum, used in packaging. Often referred to as tin foil or silver paper.


It is numbered sheet of copy.

Following Reading Matter

It is a preferred position in advertising media for advertisers; an advertisement is placed immediately after a feature article or editorial and so attracts the attention of readers,

whose eyes are said to migrate to the advertisement.

Follow Up

It is a sales contact, telephone call or letter sometimes but not always as a result of an expression of interest by a prospect and usually after his/her receipt of an initial

promotional piece, e.g. a direct mail shot.


It indicates the length of a piece of film. Each foot contains 16 frames; 35-mm films run at 1½ feet or 24 frames per second.


It predicting future events on the basis of historical data, opinions, trends and known future variables.


Shape, size, or style of a publication.

Structure or organization of a business proposal or campaign.


It is a frame with type matter and blocks assemble in it for letterpress printing.

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It is a huge poster.

Forward Delivery

It is a deliveries booked in advance to meet fixed schedules.

Time lag between order and delivery.

Forwarding Agents

Forwarding Agents is a packaging and shipping specialists.

Forward Market

It is a market in futures, where contracts are made to buy commodities or securities at prices then ruling but for delivery at a future date.

Foul Bill of lading

It covers goods known to be defective, also known colloquially as a dirty bill.


It is a complete set of type of same face and size.

Four-Colour Set

It is a printing blocks or plates, one for each of the four major printing colours (red, yellow, blue, black) used to produce a ful colour reproduction. Term sometimes refers to

a set of colour proofs.

Four P’s

It is a shorthand way of indicating the principal factors to be included in the marketing mix, i.e. product, price, place and promotion.

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Four Sheet

It is a poster size of growing popularity, equal to four double crown posters.


One individual exposure upon a reel of film.

See sampling frame.


It is a trading agreement, most often between a supplier and a retail outlet, where co-operation and support, often of promotional facilities, are provided to the retail outlet by

the supplier as part of a contractual arrangement in return for a guarantee of sales income. A distribution device of growing, importance particularly for service industries.


It is a printing or cancellation of postage upon envelopes or lables which can be used to carry an advertising slogan.

Free Alongside Ship(FAS)

It means all charges being met by the exporter up to the point of delivering to the ship.

Free Board

Free Board means distance between main deck and the waterline.

Free Gifts

Promotional gifts:

Mail-in inviting prospective customers to send for a gift.

On-pack: gift attached to product at point of sale.

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On-pack offer: inviting purchasers to send for gift, usually with evidence of a minimum purchase.


It means journalists not on the staff of one newspaper, but usually contributing to several. It also refers to artists, writers, writers, and other self employed suppliers of

specialist services.

Free Market

Free Market is one in which forces of supply and demand are allowed to operate unhampered by government or other regulations.

Free On Board (FOB)

It means all charges being met by exporter to the point where goods are loaded onboard the transit vessel.

Free Sheets

It means local newspapers or magazines which are distributed without charge, depending for their revenue entirely on advertising support. Most of the space in these

publications is sold for advertising, leaving little room for editorial content.

Free Trade

It means international trade operating without intervention of governmental restrictions or requirements.

Freight Forward

It means convention dictating that freight charges are payable at port of destination.

Freight Liner

It is a door to door container service provided by british rail.

Front Cover

It is the first page of magazine or journal sometimes available for advertising.

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Front End Loader

It is a administrative or introductory commission charges added to the total indebtedness of a financial loan.


It refers to mistake, (2) Part of newspaper printing machine carrying second, colour for late news, or announcement on ears of front page.

Full Plate

It is a photographic print, approximate size in by 6 in sometimes known as whole plate.

Full-Line Forcing

It means selling a whole range of products as a result of maintaining a monopoly position for one or more of the constituent products, which are essential.

Full Service Agency

It is an advertising agency offering clients a wide ranges of activities and expertise over and above the normal creative and/or media facilities. Such services will include

marketing research and planning, merchandising and below-the-line sales promotion, press and or public relations, packaging, etc.


It is a basic organization term which refers to grouped activities of an enterprise, e.g. marketing, finance, production and staffing.

Functional Budget

It is the method of budgeting where funds are allocated according to distinct functions within a business, e.g. marketing, production, finance, administration.

Jargons in Advertising

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Gable End

It means poster site at end of a building.


It is the first evidence or proofs of typesetting taken prior to the make-up of pages.

Gallup-Robinson Impact Test

It is a commercial research firm which has standardized aided-recall tests to survey advertisement impact. The test employs the aided-recall method. A respondent is shown a

magazine cover and is asked whether he has read the issue. If the answer is yes, he is asked to describe anything he members seeing in that issue. The respondent qualifies as

an issue reader if he correctly reports at least one article in it. He is then given a deck of cards, on which appear the names of the brands and advertisers appearing in the issue,

and is asked to indicate which brands and advertisers he recalls seeing in the issue. He may; be examined; on the particular advertisements he is reported to have seen and the

information conveyed in such advertisements. It indicates the accuracy of the respondent’s recall and the extent of the advertisement impact on him. At the end of the test, the

respondent is shown the advertisements in the issue, and is asked to confirm whether he was thinking of the same advertisements. The respondent who qualifies as an issue

reader and successfully associates brand or advertiser with a specific advertisement is referred to as "proved Name Registration"- PNR. The Gallup-Robinson Impact Test is

capable of eliciting useful information of advertisers with a view to analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an advertisement.

Galvanometric Response

It means change in skin conductivity due to changes in moisture content (perspiration); measured by current flow as indicated on a galvanometer. This change may have a

correlation with psychological stimuli (e.g. fear or other emotion) and arguably may provide a measure of a respondent’s reaction to an advertisement.

Gap Analysis

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It is the Methodical tabulation of all known ‘consumer wants’ of a specified product category together with a cross-listing of the features of existing products which satisfy

those wants. This chart shows up any gaps, which exist, and thus provides a pointer as to where new products might find an unfulfilled demand.


It is the four page advertisement bound into a publication at one edge and folded at the other such that it open out, as with a gate, to provide a double page spread.


It is the description of capital structure in limited companies referring to proportion of capital, whether debentures, preference, or ordinary share making up total equity in the

company. High gearing refers to a greater proportion of ‘loan capital’, I.e. debentures or preference shares, to risk capital, i.e. ordinary share and vice versa with ‘low gearing;

Generic Term

Generic Term in marketing is applicable to brand name which have come to be adopted as the general descriptive term for a product, often as the result of extensive

promotion, e.g. Hoover, Biro, Linoleum.

Geographical Concentration

It means limiting of a sales or promotional campaign to a specified geographical region.

Gestation Period

It means a length of time which elapses between an initial inquiry for a product and the placing of an order. It is more often applied to capital goods where it can amount to

several years.


It stands for Guaranteed Home Impressions. A guaranteed number of television or radio advertisement impacts for a given sum of money.


1. To provide an inner view of a package or product by cutting away part of the exterior.

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2. A shadow on television film.

Giffen Goods

Giffen Goods are those goods for which demand moves in the same direction as price, instead of following the classical laws of supply and demand.

Gift Voucher

It is a special incentive to purchase, usually involving money-off against next purchase of qualifying brand or providing an opportunity for a special purchase.


It means idea or object which is novel or highly unusual with in the context in which it is used. Lend news value to promotional activity; it also helps to establish identity for

a product image.


It means inexpensive promotional piece, sometime merely a leaflet, designed for wide distribution form offices or shops or direct to prospective customers.

Give-Away Magazines

It means magazines which depends entirely on advertising for their revenues and distributed to readers free of charge.


It means synonym for business objective or aim to be achieved.

Going Rate

It means shelving carrying display of goods with aisles on either side in self-service shop or supermarket.


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Goodwill is the part or portion of the value of a business enterprise reflecting consideration of its established market connections, reputation and image. On sale, that portion

of the purchase price not accounted for by its total net assets.


(1) It means illustration or diagram in pictorial statistics.

(2) It is visual elements of communications, usually associated with artwrok, dummies, photographs in media.

Gripe Session

It is concerned with a conference or other at which sales people primarily offer complaints about company products, personnel policy or environment. Usually taken to be a

symptom of poor motivation but may also reflect of positive planning by the management.


it means retail outlet offering wide range of consumable household gods such as foodstuffs beverages, cleaning materials. Alternatively, especially in the plural usage a term

used to describe such merchandise itself.

Gross Circulation

It means total of credited circulation in-groups of media, without discounting for any duplications or errors.

Gross Cover

1. It means the product of adding the separate TVRs resulting form a number of commercials.

2. Similarly, the totalling or the separate readership figures achieved by individual advertisements.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

It means total output of goods and services by the national economy in a full year.

Gross Margin

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Variation between cost or purchase price and the selling price for a specific piece of merchandise.

Gross Opportunities To See

It means number of advertisements or commercial appearing in a series multiplied by cumulative readership or audience.

Gross Profit

It means value of difference between cost of purchase of a product and its selling price, i.e. without allowance for overheads, promotion or other expenses.

Gross Reach

It means total number of opportunities for people to see the advertisements contained in a schedule; the sum total of the readership of each publication multiplied by the total

number of insertions.

Group Discussion

It is the research technique in which a group of people is encouraged to express freely views and opinions on a selected subject. This might relate to the message contained in

an advertisement, or any other component of a campaign upon which aveiwpoint is sought. Group discussions are frequently sued as a means of dtermini8ng both overt and

subconscious attitudes and motivation and discussion may range topic is fully explored. The recorded proceedings are then subjected to further analysis.

Group Interview

It is the structured interview which is used for testing commercial or aimed at getting representative family views about a product.


It means undertaking by one party to answer for liability, or to perform a duty on the default of another, either in service or a product for which it is primarily responsible. It

generally specified the extent of the liability of the guarantee.

Gut Feeling

It means hunch, opinion based upon intuitive grasp of a situation, arising from experience rather than logical deduction.

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It means margin of a page adjacent to the fold in a publication, the vertical centre of a double page spread.

Guttman Scale

It is a scaling technique which is developed by Louis Guttman. The statements are about a product/product attribute and agreement/disagreement is elicited. A cumulative

unidimensional scale sought to be achieved. A series of statements should measure only one dimension of an attitude and for that the responses are arrayed.


A. I am over 20 years x x x x x

B. I am over 30 years x x x x

C. I am over 40 years x x x

D. I am over 50 years x x

E. I am over 60 years x

Sixty-plus people are 50 plus, 40plus, 30 plus and 20plus. Similarly over 40 means over 30, 20 and so on. Age is thus unidimensionsal. Most responses fitting the pattern

show they are unidimensional. This technique is not much in use.

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It is the words or expressions which are banal or over-used; perhaps the most familiar in marketing is ‘new’.


It is the procedure of of discussional bargaining, prior to the negotiating of prices or terms of agreement.


It is the printing block or plate of a tonal illustration, the reproduction of which is facilitated by breaking up the continuous tones to leaves a series of dots which pick up the


Halo Effect

1. It described the situation in which estimation may be coloured by the circumstances of the environment, e.g. in marketing, a company stance of frank sincerity will tend to

add to a buyer’s confidence in a product or service.

2.It is a statistical term of measurement applicable to this area.


It means form of printed advertising delivered personally into the hands of likely prospects.

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Hand Held

Hand Held means film shot made without the use of a tripod.


It means inexpensive leaflet for free distribution at exhibitions or for promotional purposes, especially at point-of-sale.

Hard-Boiled, Hard-Headed

It means buyers, often with long experience, who habitually challenges or reject any new approach, organization, product or opportunity; such behaviour may be natural to

the person or assumed in an effort to contain aggressive selling practices. Salesman must be trained to anticipates and overcome sales resistance of this kind.


It is a essence of an advertisement or commercial reaching the desired theme or objective.


It is recruitment agency which specializes in pinpointing very precisely just those few people known to be suitable for a certain vacancy, and then making person contact to

encourage their interest. A process which contrasts with the more commonplace method of placing recruitment advertisements which will probably attract more responses but

may be missed by the most suitable people for the job.


It means title of report of report of published matter.


It is a headline is a word or phrase which is more prominent and catching than the other elements of the copy, and carries an ad message either below or above it. Captions are

not headlines. It is the headline, alone which determines the redability of the ad copy. The longer the copy, the more important is the headline. Sometimes, there is no coy at

all except the headline.

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It is the most crucial part of an advertising. Basically, it is used to arrest attention and to create interest. It should go beyond being catchy or sloganising. It has, really,

speaking a lot to contribute to the style and mood of an advertisement. Headlines many times do target the advertisement to a select audience. They are inviting enough to

motivate the reader to read the advertisement copy further. Perhaps this they are able to do by being benefit-oriented. Headline is not to be take too literally. It mostly occurs

as the caption, but can occur anywhere in the body of the advertisement copy, even at the end. In a nut-shell, self-interest is the key to successful headlines do the positioning

work-they highlight a product benefit that is most important. Many headlines are musical, Quinn stresses the importance of the copywriter finding more interesting ways of

presenting basically uninteresting propositions. Every headline, he cautions, should be the best you have ever written because you are only as good as your last advertisement


Headlines, Different Forms of

It set the tone of the advertisement. As a whole they are the essence of all that you have got to say. The following are some major types of headlines. According to David

Ogilvy, the advertising guru. "The headline is the most important element in most advertising. It is the telegram which decides for the reader whether to read the copy."

1. Direct Promise Headline: Pond’s Special Baby Powder headline promises you to take good care of your baby.’ Such a advertisements indicate the benefits of the product

or service in a direct manner.

2. News Headline: It include new promises, product improvements, price reductions, premium offers etc. Parle’s Monaco was again made available in a big pack. So the

headline announces. The Big Manaco pack is back.

3. Curiosity or Provocative Headline: Sweetex, a non-sugar sweetener uses this technique very efficiently in its recent advertisement. The headline is a starting statement,

followed by a question.

There ‘s a rich, gooey chocolate cake hidden in the picture. Can you spot it?

This headline is so curious that we see what is it all about. There is only a cup of tea. There is no chocolate. We feel compelled to discover what is hidden in the copy.

The copy begins by saying: It (chocolate cake) is it all about. There is only a cup of tea. Or more precisely, in the sugar. If you drink five to six cups of tea or coffee a day,

each with 2 teaspoons of sugar, you are consuming about 2200 calories a week of sugar alone. The equivalent of half a kilo of rich chocolate cake.

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So we have arrived. Our sugar consumption is equal to an ‘x’ quantity of chocolate cake. This makes us out of shape. Sweetex comes as the short and sweethway out. You

have to cut out sugar frm your coffee and tea. And use Sweetex instead.

So these headlines invite the reader to read further.

1. Selective headlines: It holds a particular promise for a special groups. Childcare products are for mothers. The headline identifies this groups. The natural choice for

mothers who care…Childcare.

2. Humorous Headlines: Though practised with caution, sometimes it really works wonders. The headlines of the new Kwality Ice-cream having the flavour of juicy chunks

of pineapple is really mischievous but effective too. Humour, however, is a suspect element in advertising. In fact, people do not buy from clowns. But it is also true that

humour make the advertisement noticeable. But it should not be the man-slips-on-banana-peel type humour.

3. Command Headline: It is advisory in character. VIP’s feelings cotton panties have the commanding headline Say Hello with feelings. It is a great new you. You will

appreciate that it is a command but with a promise.

4. Situation Headline: Situation Headline is based on a peculiar situation like an impending war, flood earthquake, epidemic etc.

5. Label Headline: Some product like a TV set can be headlined as a label. Here there is a strong need for the product and so no other appeal is called for.

6. Challenging Headlines: Mostly a provocative question, its mental answering becomes compulsive.

7. Negative Headlines: Not very much forward, but are used occasionally to direct to the right product. The afternoon Dispatch Headline is negative.

8. Affirmative Headline: The message is not very assertive. But it is not denied either. We thus say about complan:’ Growing Children Need Complan.

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It can be prosaic or poetic. They can be matter-of-fact or musical. It all depends upon the type of product, the style of writing, the atmosphere intended to be created. There

are headlines, which form along with the visual the full copy of the advertisement. There is no other copy matter. You can well-imagine how hard such headlines have to

work to stir up the potential buyers. Headlines carry sub-headlines to make up a continuous whole.

Head-On Position

It means outdoor advertising position directly facing traffic.

Heavy Viewer

It means television viewer consistently watching for many hours each week.

Heavy Users

It means consumers or customers whose purchases of a product are larger than average. A typical yardtich is one third of consumers purchasing two thirds of the total sales.


It means negotiation of contractual arrangements intended to protect a buyer or seller against changes in price, supply or other conditions, which may be to his disadvantages.


It means an adjective used to describe an exploratory method of tackling a problem, in which the solution is discovered by evaluation of the progress made towards the final

result, e.g. guided trial and error.

Hidden Decisions

Hidden decisions means any decisions take automatically and without questions; for example, renewing a contract when due without reviewing it’s continued usefulness.

Hidden Value

It means value not obvious at first sight. Marketing activity often constitutes such a hidden value but this should not be appreciated as such by customers unless the supplier

chooses to exert to inform them.

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High Key

It means an illustration in which the majority of tones in the subject or image lie at the end of the Grey scale.

High Pressure Selling

It means aggressive selling activity to achieve sales revenue irrespective of a consumer’s real need or resources.


1. It refers to withholding money or goods from circulation for later advantage.

2. A site for poster advertising.

Hoarding Site

It means parcel of land or a building used for posters.

Holistic Evaluation

It means evaluation of an advertising or marketing campaign as a whole, quite separately from consideration of its constituent parts.

Home Market

It is a geographical area or country in which an organization’s headquarters are based, usually referred to as such by executives selling in the country where they’ll are based.

Homogeneous Goods

It means competing products or brand with little or no real differences between them.

Horizontal Market

Horizontal Market is one in which buyers from many various industries purchase a common product or service, e.g. a computer, typewriters.

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Horizontal Publication

It means business publication aimed at readers in similar job categories over a variety of different industries, e.g. Management Today.

Hot Shop

It is a creative studio which puts high value on novelty and topicality in the preparation of its advertising copy and designs.

House Account

It means significant customer, usually serviced at management level; because of the volume of business transacted, prices are keen and leave little or no opportunity for the

payment of commission on sales. In many cases, house account business makes the difference between profit and loss and the relationship therefore a usually close and

strong. They may consist of a company’s earliest customers who have grown alongwith it.

House Agency

House Agency is an advertising agency wholly owned and operated by a large business organization to which it provides services which are, however, not necessarily

exclusive to that organization. Similarly such an organization may additionally or alternatively use the services of independent agencies.

House Hold

It means designation of the single family unit for research survey purposes.

House Magazine

It is a periodical which is published by a company or other organization for public relations and /or sales promotional purposes. Usually in one of two main forms, either

purely external for influencing custom, or internal for employee motivation, although the former may be circulated internally; and the letter known by those outside the firm’s

employ. It is also called as House organ.

House Style

It means characteristic and standardized form which is applicable throughout a company to such items as letter headings, publications advertisements, vehicles and

packaging. Generally includes a distinctive logotype design for instant recognition.

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It means calling direct on potential consumers and users at their own homes for purposes of distributing or collecting information, leaving samples or direct selling.

Housewife Time

It means on radio, the time between the morning and afternoon drive times.

Hyper Market

It is a larger self service unit with minimum sales area of 2500 square metres offering an assortment of food and non-food merchandise at popular prices; often provides

extensive parking facilities and associated with out-of-town shopping; often called superstores but to be distinguished from discount houses. Operation differ between retailer

providing a number of shopping departments or, more usually, a site operation leasing space to various kinds of retail concerns.

Hypothesis Testing

It means determining or fixing the correctness of assumed parameters, generally by sampling techniques.

Jargons in Advertising


Iceberg Principle

It means psychological concept suggesting human personality is similar in appearance to that iceberg, with innate desires hidden deep down under the surface. Advertisers,

recognize that influencing people to move in any given direction frequently depends an appeal to their less apparent desires.

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It means establishing common relationship between factors.

Illustration Methods Of

For preparing illustrations there are different method. It depends upon the objectives, creativity, product, medium, etc. The following is only an illustrative list of the methods

of illustration.

(i) Symbolic Illustrations.

(ii) Comparison and Contrast Illustrations.

(iii) Product in Use Illustrations.

(iv) Magnifying the Details Illustratio

(v) Product-in-the Setting Illustration

(vi) Result-of-the-product’s use Illustration.

(vii) Product-Alone Illustration.

(viii) Dramatization of Illustration.

Symbolic Illustrations: It is very good for the presentation of abstractions.

Comparison Illustrations: "Before and after" is one type of comparison illustration. All of you may have seen the Bullworker ad copy. It shows a lean, almost starving boy

who later becomes muscular. This is a contrast and comparison ad. Similarly, comestics advertisements show the effects on complexion by giving before-and-after

illustration. In the above example, Saffola has been compared with other oils.

Product0In-Use or Action: This is a popular method of illustration. A person smoking a cigarette or a girl’s hand with nail-polish just applied are very common examples.

Textiles are always shown in use. Garden silk advertisements use persis Khambatta, a model who uses a sari. The ad becomes very convincing.

Magnification of Details: It is a salesman-like illustration which explains either the feature or applications of products in detail. Modi Threads’ recent copy is a good example

by which several illustrations explain the copy.

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Product-In-The-Setting Illustration: Casting the product against a proper background facilitates the visual communication process. The background chosen is consistent with

the product. Royal Nepal Airlines have chosen the mighty Himalayas. Johnson Ceramic Tiles, Neycer Wash Basin are also advertised in this way. You can associate a quality

image by the choice of the right backgrounds.

Result-of-a-product’s Use Illustration: The product in the above example is investment advice, which result in financial returns. See how money comes out of the computer.

To the reader, the product itself may not be as important as the satisfaction derived from its use.

Product Alone Type Illustration: Here there is no copy, but only the product with its brand name. Many advertisements use this type of illustration.

Dramatized Illustration: Either the headline or the situation is dramatised to make an impact, and the illustration assists in this dramatization. See in the above example how

swarup sampat is emerging out of the TV set in a boisterous mood. It is a televista TV advertisement copy.

Sometimes, for strategic reason, the illustration is totally omitted

How to maintain the proportion between the illustration and the copy is what engages the attention of the layout artist. It depends upon the nature of the product, the results

expected and various other factors. Food products attractively presented make our desire to own the material. Here the illustration occupies a larger space than the other


Photographic ideas are worth more. Photography given authenticity in terms of news. Food and celebrities are almost always photographed. Kodak gives some useful

guidelines about photography.

ILR (Independent Local Radio)

It refers to commercial radio stations controlled by the IBA in Britain.


Image means composite mental picture formed by people about an organization or its products, E.g. brand image, conception of a product in the market place.


It is a force with which an advertising or promotional message registers in a person’s mind.

Impression Cover

It means number of insertions it takes to cover the required percentage of population actually seeing the advertisement or commercial.

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It is sign, symbol or code used in print work to identify such factors as print quantity, data, supplier or other such information.

Imputed Costs

It is the sum of opportunity costs for economic resources employed in an organization.

Incentive Marketing

It is a function of providing special additional reason for making a purchase, such as tactical pricing, competitions, premium offers, trading stamps. At one time, known as

consumer promotions. In recent years, has assumed a major importance in marketing activity.

Incentive/Reusable Packs

It is a promotional device offering attractive containers available for some subsequent use by the consumer. It frequently encountered in food and drink products.


Indent means to commence a line of type at a distance in’ from the left-hand margin.


It is the statistical term describing a method of standardizing the base for comparative data in a time series, usually equating the initial measure to 100 and then expressing all

other data in exact relation to that base; e.g. the index of wholesale prices in any year by comparison with a base year of 100 might stand at 92 or 108 to indicate a fall or rise

of 8% respectively.

Indirect Costs

Indirect Costs means any expenditure in a business other than that incurred directly by a particular cost unit.

Industrial Advertising

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It means advertising of product or services to industrial, commercial of business organizations. Generally relates to industrial or technical products but essentially refers to

any purchase of goods or services, which might be made by any such organization to distinguish it from advertising directed at consumer markets.

Industrial Selling

It means selling to industry for industrial consumption, e.g. catering or fuel products, but more usually goods required to further production, e.g. raw materials and



Inertia means resistance to change in individuals and /or organization; considered one of the major problems confronting marketing effort

Inertia Selling

According to this goods delivered to a prospect upon a sale-retuen basis without the previous consent or knowledge of the prospect. Legally, the recipient is not obliged to

retain or pay for such goods and has the right of disposal if reasonable notice is first given to the sender.

Inferior Goods

1. It is relative term which denotes goods the demand for which tends to fall as incomes of their purchasers rise.

2. It relates to goods not of a required standard.


It is an economic phenomenon in which decreasing purchasing power of a currency is caused by a persistent tendency of prices to rise, often sharply.

Informal Group

It is a association of individuals brought together by common association, without any formal organizational structure but not necessarily lacking leadership. Elton Mayo’s

researches in the USA uncovered the existence of many such groups within the industrial community.


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It means person answering or supplying answers to research questions.

Initial Sale

Initial Sale means first time purchase by a customer who then becomes a prospect for repeat purchase.

Inland Waterways

It is network of canals, rivers, and locks intended for conveyance of goods but due to the competition of faster means of transport, is often used nowadays for pleasure craft

and the provision of marinas.

Inner Pack

Inner Pack means one of a number of packs which are then stored in multiple containers, e.g. twenty individual cartons of cigarettes might be wrapped as a unit, a number of

which are then packed in a fibreboard case.


It means introduction of new thoughts, policies, products, markets, distribution, merchandising or other deliberate changes. Given that, all things being equal, all products

have a life cycle which dictates that, at some point, their usefulness will decline, innovation is an essential ingredient to long-term development of commercial enterprise and

its absence must lead to the decline of the enterprise itself.

In-Pack Premium

It is a gift offer contained within a pack, as opposed to appearing on the outside of the container, in the media or within the sales outlet.


it is the initial request from a prospective buyer or user for information, often following some form of advertising or sales promotion, usually with a particular purchase in

mind or consideration.

Inquiry Test

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It is the method of testing advertisements or media by comparing the number of inquiries received.


It is the piece of sales promotional material placed into the pages of a publication, either loosely or bound in. Sometimes encountered as ‘inset’ but this usage is not

recommended since ‘inset’ more usually refers to the insertion of a separate photograph or chart within an overall illustration.

Insertion Weights

It is used for weighting advertising expenditure; means of varying expenditure according to the impression value of alternative publication. It reflects the likelihood of an

advertisement being seen.

Instalment Selling

It involves taking an initial deposit against goods purchased and collecting the balance of the selling price over an agreed period of time in fixed instalments.


This term frequently applicable to prepared products of high convenience value, especially foodstuffs.

Institutional Advertising

It is similar to corporate advertising. Institutional advertising, however, refers especially to advertising undertaken for whole industries rather than to individual corporations,

e.g. Eat More Fruit.


It is the promotional activity located within a sales outlet.


Intanglio means printing from a depressed surface.

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Intend to Buy Test

It is a test in which the readers of a magazine are asked what the effect of ad is on their intention to buy. Once they express an intention to buy, a further probe of the element

of ad that influenced them most to do so is assessed. It is assumed that an intention to buy will be converted into actual purchase sooner or late.

Institutional Advertising or Corporate Advertising

The main aim is to build a positive image for the firm in the eyes in internal and external public in institutional advertising. It does not attempt to sell anything directly.

However, it does a lot of good to the organization as a whole. It forcefully tells how the organisation is a socially responsible institution. It also tells about the nationalistic

learning’s of the organization. It shows how its actions are consistent with overall national objectives like environmental protection, employment generation, literacy, loss

prevention, health for all etc. It is integrated to public relations function of the organisation.

Institutional advertisements may be addressed either to consumers or other groups like government, suppliers, financial institutions etc. Effective institutional advertising

evokes a positive response amongst the target group and creates goodwill. Institutional advertising may introduce products indirectly or may introduce the sales people

indirectly. Glaxo’s advertising on child health may make doctors favourably inclined to meet its medical representatives.

Institutional advertising like product advertising can be in formative, persuasive or reminder-oriented.

It's objectives is of institutional/corporate advertising are:

To make the company known.

To make its products/services known.

To make its achievements known

To make its values known.

To make socio-political/economic/moral statements.


It is a technique which is used in marketing research to endeavor to formulate a true pattern of human behavior by a process of continued patient probing into beliefs and


Intensive Selling

It is a greater volume to present customers through energetic promotional drive.

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It means meeting between two or more parties whose differing interests have in some way to be reconciled.

Intefirm Comparisons

It is the services pioneered in the UK by the British Institute of Management in which information is mutually exchange between firms, usually in the same business, upon a

confidential basis, with a view to establishing objective, practical criteria against which to evaluate comparative levels of activity and performance.

Intermedia Comparisons

It means comparing one medium against another or other according to cost, characteristics of the audience, and the atmosphere of the audience.

The following compares the different media: Creative merits and Demerits.

Newspapers : Variety of ad sizes possible, impact of black and white, immediacy, local emphasis, changes at short-notice, quick response, accountability can be fixed.

No high fidelity reproduction except in colour supplements, variations of format amongst different papers, difficult positioning.

Magazines : High fidelity reproduction, selectivity, prestigious colour reproduction graphic opportunities, permanency or message.

Constraint of size, long dead-lines, no immediacy, lack of flexibility, clutter, difficult positioning.

TV : Effective audio-visuals, movement dramatization, viewer empathy, demonstration of product, credibility, captive audience.

Time constraint, clutter, intrusive.

Radio : Audio exploration, amenable to humour, mobile medium, message can be changed, intimate medium.

No visuals, alternation span wavers, listenership data not available, fleeting nature of message.

Direct Mail : Measurable, personal, graphic flexibility.

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Postal constraints, mailinglists costly.

Posters : Graphic opportunities, size, large, high fidelity re-production, 100% visual possible.

Reminder medium, audience research not available.

Point-of Purchase : New methods.

Retailers motivation.

International Monetary Fund

It means an institution arising from the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1994, the fund being established firm 1946. Its primary object is to maintain and stabilize international

rates of exchange. It is also expected to provide facilities for arranging multilateral clearing systems and to help to eliminate restrictions on international trade. It is often used

by countries as a World Bank, particularly when facing balance of payment difficulties, each country having drawing rights against present and anticipated contributions to

the fund.

Inter-Net: Multi-Media Option

AVidesh Samachar Nigam Ltd. (VSNL) has started offering connections to Inter-net. Inter-net is also an important medium to promote products. It has 27,000 sites

internationally and 30 million users. The charges in India are Rs. 5,000 a year for individuals and RS, 10,000 for corporates. Multi-media offering text, graphics audio and

video facilities is the medium of the future. Inter-net takes a lead over TV since in TV text is a weak area. Inter-net is also an active and intelligent medium. Web crawling

makes it so (web crawling means searching across the net). If a surfer punches in appropriate key works for a particular product or information, the scrawler scans the

document on the web and makes available all the related data. Inter-net advertisements are based on the number of key words. If our ad’s words are the same as those of the

giant companies, our ad is given the same priority.

In this media, the consumer comes to the advertiser. Besides, there is no wastage at all since the ad reaches a user only if he is interested in it. Inter-nets viability in India is

linked to the growth of the PC market-particularly Inter-net ready PCs (at least a 386 PC). Ads for certain products will take off on Inter-net quickly e.g. credit card and travel

related services, pagers and mobile phone. With the Inter-net now in India, the advertising mix could well be redefined. Already, Beans talk (HCL) is being marketed on

Inter-net. The limitation of Inter-net is the population of PCs in India (only 1 million). Of course, for global products, Inter-net may prove to be an attractive proposition. The

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development of telecom and the access to graphics (now not available in India) will give further fillip to Inter-net ads. The ads on Inter-net no longer stares a consumer in the

face. He finds them out actively.

PC owners can now avail of commercial on-line services, Inter-net and prodigy. Here a PC is connected to a phone-line. The consumers can then read a magazine of their

choice electronically. They can then access to travel, financial and entertainment information. They can avail of E.Mail, and char rooms socialize. Advertisers have put their

messages online. PCs are changing the ways ad agencies do business. There were 5.2 million subscribers on line in 1994. AT & T’s Interchange online Network will carry

ads. By 1998, more than 15 million household will subscribe to at least one on-line services. Advertising Age estimate that 1% of total budget will be diverted to on-line. This

is still an experimental stage. Interactive Age survey reports majority of people do not like to see ads on computers. Despite this, advertisers are optimistic. The challenge is

to create appropriate ads. AOL and prodigy charge a flat fee of $10 a month for five free hours of use, with a charge of $3 per additional hour.


It is a mathematical terms which refers to the technique of judging a value or values between known value points. It may be used to describe the procedure of drawing

conclusions from known data.


1. It is a contact between parties, either face-to-face or through a communications medium, e.g. elephonic or postal means.

2. Market research interviewer obtaining information.

3. Salesman giving information and obtaining data as basis for a sales transaction.

Intramedia Comparisons

It means comparing publications or channels one against another or others within the same medium.


It is applicable to messages transmitted and capable of retention, such as those within newspapers or magazines. Television and /or radio messages are transient, i.e.

transitory, and although the meaning or content of the communication may be retained, it will be a matter of memory or notation rather than sight of the original message.

(This distinction may possibly become obsolete with the spread of techniques of audio/video recording).

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Introductory Offer

It is a special incentive offered to induce trial purchases on the launch of a product or service.

Invitation to Treat

Invitation to Treat means retailers putting goods on show in shop windows or display cabinets are inviting people make an offer-the retailer is not, as is popularly believed,

making any offer. Customers make the offer and, by so doing, enable the shopowner to accept. It is a legal expression for this principle which, of course, applies equally to

advertisement and to the use of illustrated catalogues as sales media.


It is the document listing the charges being set against a buyer in consideration of goods or services supplied. It is also called a bill.

Invoice Discount

It means obtaining credit on the security of book debts (money owned) as a discount. It is applicable to companies with money tied up with debtors, especially finance


Island Position

Island Position means advertisement surrounded entirely by editorial or margin. It is also called as souls position.

Island Site

It means exhibition stand surrounded on all four sides by gangways.

Issue Life

It is the period between publication dates. A publication’s life is said to have terminated once a subsequent issue of the same name has been released. Refers specifically to

newspaper and magazine advertising; of course, their text matter may be retained and subsequently consulted.

Issue Readership (Average)

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It means the number of readers, on average, who read a publication.


It is the style of typography in which a specific typeface is given a slant to the right, and sometimes a finer stroke, in order to represent emphasis.

ITCA (Independent Television Companies Association)

It is the association of programme contractors which is formed to represent their mutual interests.

ITV (Independent Television)

It refers to the organization controlled in UK by the IBA, consisting of fourteen geographically separate television areas.

Jargons in Advertising



1. It is a wide mouthed container, generally of glass, stoneware, or plastic (BS 3170).

2. The glass container generally for high viscosity material such

Jerque Note

It is the certificate which is issued by Customs when they are satisfied that cargo is in order.

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Jingle is a short tune to which the advertising message of a television, radio, or cinema commercial is sung. Not necessarily an original tune since often-different words are

sung to an already familiar tune.

Job Evaluation

It means determination of the value of a job in relative or absolute terms, generally with a view to fixing the rate of pay, but also has a motivation aspect.

Job Selling

1. It means disposing of unwanted remainders in bulk and at a low price.

2. The selling units, generally capital equipment produced in low volume, against limited demand and established specification.

Job Specification

It means definition of tasks to be undertaken in relation to a particular job category. It also includes responsibilities and functions in connection with other activities within an


Journey Planning

It means to organizing the salesman’s route, rate(s) call, and consumer priority rating so as to make his selling as cost effective as possible.

Judgement Sample

It means group selected without use of statistical methods in order to obtain its views and ideas. Generally comprises the more important figures in a particular sector. A

major constituent of the Delhi method of forecasting-see Forecasting.


It means to adjust the position of words on a printed page so that the left or the right hand margin is regular.

Jargons in Advertising

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Keen Price

It refers to low price.

Kerbside Conferences

It is the post interview discussion between a salesman and his sales supervisor, involving analysis of selling method, performance and achievement.

Key Factors

It is the essential elements of a given marketing or other situation, i.e. those factors which are crucial to achieving a determined or specified goal.

Key Prospects

It means group of buyers within a market who hold the greatest proportionate potential purchasing power.

Keyed Advertisement

It is an advertisement which is designed to cause an Enquirer to indicate the source of his information, for instance by including a code number or a particular ‘department’

within the return address.


It is the action of media in deciding not to carry an available story or news item.

Knock Down (KD)

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Knock Down means goods which are supplied in unassembled from but with all the components and instructions necessary for their completion. Has particular application to

furniture, mail order and several export shipments.

Knocking Competition

It means deriding the quality of competitors’ products or services.

Knocking Copy

It is an advertisement copy which deliberately exposes competitive products to adverse comparison(s).

Kraft Board

It is the paperboard noted for its strength and water-resistant characteristics, manufactured from bleached or unbleached sulphite wood pulp. Mainly used in packaging.

Kraft paper

It is a paper which is generally brown, and noted for its strength. It is used in packaging.

Jargons in Advertising



It is a card, tag, patch or other attachment to a product of package in order to give it a particular identity.

Laissez Faire

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It is a philosophy in which it is held that governmental involvement in business should be kept to a minimum, consistent with a basic level of legal protection regarding

breaches of contract, safety measures and fair dealing.


Laminate means two or more sheets of material bonded together either to produce simply a thicker, stronger medium, or, where different material are laminated, to combine

various desired properties. An example of the latter would be a foil-laminated board, which provides a decorative finish with a rigid base.


It describes an illustration or piece of print where the width is greater than its height.

Last in First Out (LIFO)

It is a principle which is frequently used by trade union negotiators considering redundancy plans.

Lateral Diversification

It refers to company entering a new area of business activity not related to its present field, e.g. brewers entering field of drugs (antibiotics). Compare with vertical



It is mechanically operated laundry using vending machines and often operating as part of a franchising operation or alternatively by a concessionaire arrangement.

Law of Diminishing Returns

It is a economic law it states that, while extra units of input critically increase output, perhaps more than proportionately, the rate of return will flatten out, increasing by

steadily smaller amount until ultimately more units of the same kind will have a negative effect. For example, that X spent on advertising may bring a return of Y in sales, but

twice the amount spent (*2X), may bring only * 1.5Y; the rate of return has fallen even though the overall amount of return has increased.


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It means what an architect’s plan is to a building, the layout is to an advertisement. The layout is the blue print of an advertisement. It is an arrangement of the different parts

of an advertisement called the elements of the layout. The layout may have any combination of the following elements which have been arranged alphabetically.

Advertising Art-The Layout of Advertisements

Background Decoration Name place Space

Border Heading Price Sub-heading

Caption Illustration Product Text

Coupon Mascot Slogan Trademark

As advertising space or time is quite expensive, it becomes necessary for the layout artist to prepare and pattern it a number of times before the final is approved to get the

maximum benefit out of the space or time bought.

Visualization precedes or comes before the layout. It is a mental process that takes into consideration several themes, out of which one appears as rough layout on paper.

Visualization thus precedes the layout. The first Scribbling of the layout artist is called a thmbnail sketch, which is converted into a rough, and finally into a comprehensive

layout that goes to the production people.

The rough layout is used as a basis for the final layout. Within the layout, the position of the copy and illustrations is indicated. The other elements are also positioned. The

printer’s specifications about the typography to be used about the photography-whether half-tones or line blocks-are given in the margin. The actual size is outlined. The

cutting and pasting of the elements on the rough layout convert into the final layout.


It means selling opportunity where an interest in purchasing has already been established. (Pronounced ‘leed’.)

Lead Time

Lead Time means elapsing between receipt of an order and its completion.


It is a leading article in a publication; normally a newspaper’s formal view of the events of the day.

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Leading in printing, means putting space into text or typematter usually between lines. It is achieved by locking lead blocks into the printing forme.

Leading Question

1.It is Particularly pointed question suggesting further unrevealed particulars.

2.Question in market research suggesting a particular answer is sought-otherwise known as loading a question.


It is a printed piece of paper, single or folded-over to make four pages. It can be stitched with additional sheets to make into more pages. It is generally applicable to a

publication with no more than twelve pages, i.e. three folded sheets.


It is a practice in business whereby a firm may, for a continuing consideration, obtain the use of a piece of equipment or other plant without purchasing it. Of specific interest

where new technology is likely to lead to premature obsolescence.

Legal Tender

It is a form of money which is acceptable in legal settlement of a debt. In UK, Bank of England notes of any denomination up to any amount and ‘silver’ up to *2.


Legend means title or description of an illustration.


It is a formal printed in which the name of a company is printed at the top of the paper, often in a characteristic ‘house style’. Such stationery will also include address,

telephone and telex numbers, and often names of directors, logotypes, symbols, slogans and other matter.

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Letter of Credit

It is a document which is issued by a bank supporting a transaction, usually for foreign trade. A stronger guarantee is provided by the so-called ‘irrevocable’ letter of credit.

Letter of Indeminty

Letter of Indeminty is a document guaranteeing to cover another party against loss or default.

Letter Spacing

It means insertion of space between the letters of a word in order to make it more legible, to stand out, or to take up extra space in order to ‘justify’ a line of type.


It is a form of commercial printing. It consists of raised printing surfaces bearing characters upon which ink is deposited and subsequently transferred to paper


It is the lagal arrangement to transfer the rights to manufacturer, or to market, a product to another. Such an arrangement, also known as franchising, is usually formalized by

contract in which there is a consideration, perhaps in the form of a regular fee, or of a commission or royalty. For the licencing company, it represents a means of expanding

demand from new markets, without incurring a high speculative investment. For the licencee, it reduces the need to generate new product development, facilitates lower

setting up and operating costs and thereby diminishes the degree of business risk.

Life Cycle

It is the descriptive term for the stage of life, of childhood, teenage, young marrieds with children middle age and retirement. It is used in market research.

Life Cycle (product Life Cycle)

It relates to a generally accepted hypothesis that all products are subject to a pattern of demand which after it starts, grows, stabilizes for a period, then tends to decline and

finally disappear. Whilst demand curves differ in rates of change, shape and time span, the life cycle contention is that all products have both a beginning and an end. It

indicates the need for new product development, the order of time scale determines the intensity with which such development takes place.

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Life Style

Life Style is a way of living, in the broadest sense, of a society or segment of that society. Includes both work and leisure, eating, drinking, dress, patterns of behavior and

allocation of income.

Life-Style Segmentation

It forms the basis of life-style advertising. Lifestyle is a mode of living, and helps up to understand those who are in the market in terms of their behaviors. The products

which are often sold by this approach are cars, women’s clothing, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and furnitures. An automobile marketer can make a small-family

car emphasizing safety, compactness, and economy and a car-freak for sportminded individuals who love maneuverability.

To use this segmentation, data are first collected for developing a profile of the consumer. One such approach is make use of data concerned with three major characteristics-

activities, interest and opinions (called AIO inventories) It is a addition to demographic characteristics.


It is the method of charging for classified advertising by the line.

Line Block

It is a printing block for reproducing lime illustrations. Face of metal is solid, without any halftone or screen.

Line Drawing

It is a pictorial illustration in solid lines only, without any tones.

Line Manager

He is a functional head, with powers of command and carrying executing responsibility as compared with staff appointments with merely advisory powers.


It is the legal procedure bringing the life of a company to an end.

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It is the extent to which a company has available cash resources to meet its obligations.

List Broker

List Broker can be a organization or individual supplying on commission mailing lists of specific categories of people representing markets or segments of a market, e.g.

teachers, garage owners, and doctors.

List Price

It is the basic, recommended or retail price published by the supplier, without allowance for any possible discounts.


It is the typographical error requiring correction before printing commences.


It is the form of printing process from a flat as opposed to a raised surface. Ink impression is obtained by chemical treatment of surface such that several areas retain whilst

others reject it.

Live Customers

A customers who is active are still trading and likely to continue trading with any particular company.

Live programme

It means performance and broadcast transmitted simultaneously.


Livery is a distinctive dress or appearance of staff, equipment and communications of a specific company.

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Local press

It means local newspapers, generally covering a borough or rural district. Published once or twice a week.


It is the real life setting for still or motion photography or for television filming, as opposed to an artificial setting.


It is the term which is borrowed from the military, describing the science and practice of estimating the likely flows and timings of company resources for any particular

project or campaign and providing the means to achieve them. It is used in physical distribution management and the control of materials transfer and stock holdings.


It is used to describe a company symbol, badge or name style.

London Gazette

London Gazette is a weekly bulletin which is published with acknowledged authority in which the appearance of announcements makes them official.

Long-Range plan

It is the quantitative plan of development for the future, generally at least five years.

Loose Inserts

It is the advertisements which is distributed separately with a publication, and usually inserted loosely within its pages.

Loss Leader

It means product offered at cost price or less to incline store traffic.

Lost Order Reports

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It is the reports explaining why specific or particular orders-usually contracts-have not been obtained or renewed.

Low Pressure Selling

It means concentration on winning customer’s confidence and respect for long-term gains rather than gaining one particular order. It is known as soft selling.

Lower Case

It means printing convention designating small letters, as against capital letters, which are referred to as upper case.

Loyalty Factor

It means supposition that the more a periodical is read the more likely it is that its readers will pay attention to its contents.

Jargons in Advertising


Macro Marketing

It means overview of society’s need in the interplay of marketing actions within a country’s economy.


It can be classified into general interest and special interest magazines. The general interest magazines are generally ‘news magazines’ like India Today. The Week Sunday,

The Illustrated Weekly of India and Lokprabha. Special interest magazines are of several such as film magazines, womens’ magazines, children’s magazines, computer

magazines, business magazines, investment magazines, fashion magazines, general knowledge and current affairs magazines, etc. Such special-interest publications help

advertisers to ‘segment’ their readers and thus to plan their advertising more effectively. Thus, advertising of household items can be inserted in Women’s magazines, and

toys in children’s magazines. Industrial advertisements are more likely to be noticed if they are in business magazines or in trade journals.

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It means gift offer to be claimed through the post.

Mailing List

It is the classified list of names and address suitable for distributing mailing shots. May be purchased or built up over time but requires careful maintenance to keep in an up-

to-date condition.

Mailing Price

Mailing Price means letter, leaflet or other article sent through the post on a widespread basis.

Mailing Shot

It is the single mailing operation. Two mailings to the same list would be referred to as a two shot campaign.

Mail Order

It is a distribution channel. consumer buy direct by post either in response to an advertisement or from a sales promotional catalogue. Deliveries are made through the mail,

by carrier direct from warehouse or factory, or sometimes through a local agent.


It means repeating advertisement without charge, or refunding fee, due to error in advertisement as published.


It means arrangement of type and plates in page form for advertising.

Management Audit

It means systematic assessment of all management functions and techniques of establish the current level of effectiveness, and to lay down standards for future performance.

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Management By Exception

It is a management technique based upon the comparison of performance with set budgets or targets, which enjoins action only when large enough variations are recorded.

Management By Objectives

It is the system whereby each management function is required to define the objectives each is set to achieve. Such objectives are designed in interrelate for maximum

efficiency, and require an effective feedback system to enable management to be aware of progress and to exercise adequate control.

Management Development

It is the deliberate formulation of plans to train staff and encourage them to acquire new skills in order to provide an organization with future executives, whilst at the same

time giving staff a sense of purpose.


It is a detailed list of a ship’s cargo. It is sent to Customs officials within six days of clearance outwards.


It is a printed document (of any number of pages) usually containing specific instructions, e.g. sales manual, operating or service manual, relative both to products and

services as well as company policies, regulations and practices.

Manufacturer’s Agent

It is the freelance sales agent employed by one or more manufacturers, usually on a ‘commission on sales’ basis, because of established connections in a particular market.


It is the final draft of a written document as submitted to a publisher for typesetting and subsequent reproduction. Abbreviation MS.


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Margin normally the mark up given to the cost price of a product by a distributor to cover his own costs and include some level of profit. Is sometimes referred to as the

difference between the arbitrary cost of a product and the actual selling price.

Marginal Cost

Marginal Cost means difference in costs between producing X units for sale, and X+1 units for sale. Marginal revenue is the increment in revenue when one more unit is sold.

In some firms at some times, marginal cost may be negligible and therefore, when an extra unit is sold, a greater than proportional profit is mad. Alternatively, marginal costs

may be high, e.g. when maximum output is already achieved. At such times additional sales may have the effect of reducing profit levels.

Marginal Costing

It is the pricing of additional sales on the basis of of merely the direct cost, leaving overheads to be recovered from existing sales.

Marginal Utility

It is the amount of increased satisfaction gained from one additional purchase. In some cases, the one additional purchase may outweigh the satisfaction gained from

numerous previous purchases. For example, buying the final club to complete a set of golf clubs may bring greater satisfaction than all the previous clubs, indeed a higher

price may even be considered to ensure having the complete set.

Market Acceptance

It is the condition in which a product satisfaction a sufficient proportion of the market to continue production and possibly increase it.

Market Attrition

It is the gradual wearing away of brand loyalty over time especially in the absence of promotional stimulus.

Market Coverage

It is the measurement of extent to which advertising media reach target audiences. The same calculations may be applied to estimate: (1) the extent to which sales forces cater

for all prospective customers; and (2) sales outlets are supplying for all variable custom.

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Market Intelligence

It means information, and the network for securing it, as related to a company’s markets.

Market Leader

Market Leader means brand or product securing the greatest proportion of total sales within its field. It refers to the company marketing the brand or product concerned.

Market Overt

It refers to an accepted convention whereby sellers of goods which are exposed in bulk, and part of normal stock in trade, may pass a good title for goods, irrespective of the

title of the seller.

Market Penetration

It measures the extent to which market potential has been realized by companies supplying a market.

Market Place

It means figurative, which is applicable to any or all places where trading takes place.

Market potential

It is the estimated size of total present or future market. Alternatively, the maximum share of a market which can be reasonably achieved during a defined period.

Market Price

Market Price means ruling for a commodity in the market place. Stated by economists as the value which a purchaser places upon a product or service to satisfy his need. It is

related to the law of marginal Utility.

Market Profile

It is the facts about members of a specific market group sufficient to identify such members.

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Market Reach

It means total number of prospects it is possible to reach through a given campaign.

Market Research

It is the procedure of making investigations into the characteristics of given markets e.g. location, size, growth potential and observed attitudes.

Market Sales Potential

It means calculation fo cumulative sales value potential of a pre-determined market, taking into account different purchasing scales of preference.

Market Segmentation

It is the theory and practice of dividing a market into definable groups, usually to improve marketing performance. It is frequently different segments of a market have

individual behaviour patterns and require a different approach for success to be achieved.

Market Share

It means percentage measure of the share obtained by an individual company from the total market available.

Generally calculated upon a national basis but some international measures are in use.


It is the procedure that facilitates the exchange of goods and services between producers and users to the satisfaction of all parties. The word process is used to emphasize the

point that the marketing activity does not stop even after a sale has been made. In fact, post-sales activity is a vital part of marketing. Second, the word user is used in place of

the consumer. A food processing industry uses steel for the canning purpose. It is the user of steel but do not consume them. They are simply involved in the re-sale business.

They, in fact, use commodities and products for re-selling to retailers and actual consumers.

Marketing Audit

It is extensive rigorous study of efficiency of all marketing activities within a firm extending to evaluation of each and every functional objective and their effective co-


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Marketing Chain

It means composed of essential links between all marketing activities.

Marketing Communication

It means modern marketing is the management of the four P’s –product, price, promotion and place or distribution channel. In a sense the entire marketing process has a large

content of communication. For instance, the product communicates a distinctive image such as youthfulness, glamour or prestige. The brand name communicates physical

and psychological attributes of the product, e.g. Dreamflower talc. The package communicates to the consumer what the manufacturer thinks of his convenience and sense of

beauty. The price communicates the quality of the product. There are communications between buyers and sellers, i.e. the distribution channel. Thus each element of the m

marketing mix either helps or hinders communication and ultimately the sales effort. Marketing communication is thus a broader term than promotional strategy. However,

the most important element of marketing communication is the planned promotional communication.

The marketing communication mix (also called promotion mix) consists of four major tools:

Advertising: Any Paid form of non-personal communication of ideas, products and services by an identified sponsor.

Sales promotion: Short-term direct inducements to encourage sales of products and services.

Publicity : Non-personal stimulation of demand for a product/service or business organisation as a whole by putting commercially significant news in media to create a

favourable image. It is not paid for by the sponsor.

Personal Selling: For making sales, a salesman interacts orally with the buyer or buyers in the form of a sales presentation.

Public Relations: Marketers engage in public relations to develop a favourable image of their organizations in the eyes of public –public at large, customers, suppliers

government, media, competitors, shareholders, employees and the society.

Marketing communications Channel

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It is the means by which firms are able to communicate with their customers.

Marketing Concept

According to this philosophy the application of marketing thought to the operation of a business in all its various activities.

Marketing Functions

1. An all-embracing term covering every contributory factor in the marketing process.

2.Considered to be the responsibility of marketing management.

Marketing Information

Marketing Information means data and news relevant to a marketing operation.

Marketing Mix

It is the planned mixture of the elements of marketing in a marketing plan. It's aim is to combine them in such a way as to achieve the greatest effect at minimum cost.

Marketing Orientation

It is used to describe concerns, which seek to identify and quantify customer requirements and to plan output and profitability accordingly.

Marketing Research

It means any research activity which provides information relating to marketing operations. Whilst the term embraces conventional market research, motivation studies,

advertisement attention value, packaging effectiveness, logistics, and media research are also included, as well as analysis of internal and external statistics of relevance.

Marketing Services

This term is used to cover all marketing activities in a company other than the sales function, e.g. marketing research, advertising and public relations.

Marketing Strategy

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It is a written plan, generally comprehensive, describing all activities involved in achieving a particular market objective and their relationship to one another in both time and

magnitude. Will include short-and long term sales forecasts, production and profit targets, pricing policy, promotional and selling strategy, staffing requirements, as well as

the selected marketing mix and expense budgets.

Marketing Tools

It is the activities, processes and techniques used for implementing marketing strategies or tactics.

Marketing Upweight Discounts

It is the price concessions given to advertisers who are prepared to spend a more than proportional amount in any one or more television areas. It is also called as Booster


Markov Chain

It is the mathematical term describing a series of events in which each event is dependent upon the outcome of the previous event for its own particular result.


It means amount added to purchase price to provide a selling price.

Married Print

It is the visual and sound track made separately are ‘married’ by printing the two films onto one track.


It is a frame, usually rectangular, used to cover those parts of an illustration which are not required to be reproduced, e.g. cropping of a photograph for this purpose.

Mass Advertising

Mass Advertising means using the mass media to reach markets.

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Mass Communications

It means delivery of message to target audience utilizing mass media such as national press and television.

Mass Media

It means principally of sampling points maintained by a number of research establishments and used as a basis for final selection of samples. This practice eliminates the

expensive selection processes which would otherwise be required each time a survey or research study is commissioned.


It is the main heading or title at the top of a newspaper or magazine.

Matched Sample

It describes a technique wherein two or more samples with matching characteristics are used to provide realistic comparisons on different test subjects.


1. It is a paper or plastic mould from which duplicate printing blocks are produced.

2. It is a horizontal and vertical lines or columns used for establishing relationship between sets of data.


It is the type or copy in print or gathered together for printing purposes.

Maximum Brand Exposure

It means full communication activity, with extensive product distribution and retail promotion.

Mean Audit Date

It means date at which the average shop in a retail audit sample was visited for the purpose of a particular report.

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Measure in printing, length of line to which type is set.

Mechanical Sales Talk

It means continual use of trite expression or clinches; often contained within the company sales or technical literature. Hence, sometimes described as ‘canned’ talk or


Market Targeting

It means market segmentation gives an outline of marketing opportunities available to the organisation. The evaluation of these segments and the selection of the segments to

be served is a marketer’s decision. The evaluation is terms of the long run profit potential of each segment to decide ultimately which segments to select and how many at a


In undifferentiated marketing, segments are ignored, and the whole market is tapped with a marketing programme and a product that appeals to the widest number of buyers.

It relies on mass distribution and mass advertising. Here, the product image is invested with superiority. This approach is cost-effective. The competition later is after the

largest segments, neglecting the smaller ones. It is called ‘the majority fallacy.’

In differentiated marketing, the organization chooses to operate in several segments of the market. It then prepares a separate marketing programme for each segment. This

approach generates more total sales than the undifferentiated marketing. However, even the cost of doing business goes up. Sometimes, organisation find they have over-

segmented, and have too many brands. They then tend to make the brands broad-based, e.g., Johnson tries to target its baby shampoo and baby oil even for adults. Some

toothpastes serve two benefit segments, e.g., Colgate for fresh breath and prevention of dental caries.

Concentrated marketing is marketing for a large share of one or few sub-markets due to resource constraints, e.g. Maruti has concentrated on the small-car market. Himalaya

has concentrated on the economics and business texts market. The organisation builds up reputation in a specialised segment, and reaps the benefits of scale. This type of

marketing is not without risks. The segment can change, or the competition may enter the same segment.

Market Trend

Market Trend means direction of developments in a market.

Market Value

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It means price at which the market values product at any given point in time.

Market Weight

It is used for weighting advertising expenditure; means of varying expenditure according to the pattern of consumption by different market groups.

Media Analyst

Media Analyst is a advertising agency worker (usually) employed to maintain and collate media statistics.

Media and Vehicles

The media are the instruments or conveyances used to carry ad messages. Thus, we have the ‘print media’ such as newspapers and magazines, the ‘broadcast media’ such as

video and cable and the cinema. These three kinds of media are sometimes termed ‘the mass media’ or ‘ technological media.’ Then there are the ‘outdoor media’ such as

hoardings, posters and banners, and ‘transit’ media such as trains, buses, and other forms of public transport.

Vehicles, however, are particular conveyances within an advertising medium. Thus, within the ‘print media’ a newspaper like The Times of India is an ‘advertising vehicle.

The Indian Express is another ‘vehicle’. Among magazines, stardust is an advertising vehicle, so are Femina and Business World. Vehicles in the advertising world are,

therefore, individual publications, which provide space to carry advertisements. In the ‘broadcast’ media, advertising vehicles are individual, radio or television programmes.

In the non-broadcast media, the visual material on video cassette or in the theatre is the vehicle.’

Media Audience

The definition is depend on our perspective of the role of communication in society. If, for instance, we look upon communication as a commodity or a merchandise, and

media as tools for selling that commodity, a ‘media audience’ for us would be no better than a potential market for products and services.

On the other hand, if we consider communication to be social good and a public service, a ‘media audience’ would be a participative and dialogic community, and the media

as serving the educational, informational and cultural needs of the community. Further, if communication to us is a tool for persuasion and propaganda to promote certain

political, religions or moral views, then a ‘media audience’ is ‘the masses’ that need to be indoctrinated.

A ‘media audience’ is unlike say an audience for a political meeting, a theatrical performance, a street performance, a mela or a lecture. Sciologists like to define an audience

as a ‘conventionalized crowd, but a collectivity, an aggregate of persons who are readers, listeners, and viewers of different media or their various components.

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Media Broker

It is an independent agency, usually dealing exclusively with buying space or time in the media on behalf of a client. May or may not include media planning or other support


Media Budget

It means amount of advertising appropriation allocated to media advertising, classified by medium, vehicle and time periods.

Media Buyer

He is a executive in an advertising agency, responsible for timely and economical purchasing of media time and space (readership or audience) to discharge the requirements

of a client’s media schedule.

Media Commission

It is the commission which is allowed by publishers and television contractors to ‘recognized’ advertising agencies in consideration of the space or time they book on behalf

of their clients.

Media Data form

It is the established format for presenting data regarding a publication so as to facilitate comparison, particularly of circulation and rates. It is also available for exibitions.

Media Evaluation

It means consideration of alternative media prior to selection, to determine the significance of both qualitative and quantitative factors to advertising objectives.

Media Mix

Media Mix means explanation of amount of advertising appropriation allocated to each medium within the media budget

Media Owners

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It means publishers and contractors supplying media, including press, cinema, TV and radio broadcasting, and posters available for carrying advertising. More broadly, those

offering any channel of communication which can be used for advertising purposes.

Media Planner

Media Planner is an executive in an advertising agency responsible for formulating plans involving all types of media in such a way as a enable a client to reach out to his

potential market(s) with maximum efficiency an minimum expense.

Media Planning

It's a general term, taking within its compass all decisions regarding the time and place of advertising, in addition to the selection of the media. A ‘media plan’ thus outlines

how advertising time and space in various media will be used to achieve the marketing objectives of the company through advertising. Media planning thus involves not only

‘media selection’ but also drawing of advertising ‘schedule’ (the frequency, for instance, with which the ad or campaign will appear in the various media). Single insertions in

a single medium is rate for consumer products.

Media Research

It is concerned with collection of data on the reach and exposure of each media in general, and of vehicles within each media in particular. Such data provide quantitative and

qualitative information on the basis of which objective decisions regarding media and vehicle selection can be made.

Some of the areas that Media Research studies include:

Investigation of a single medium or a single vehicle for advertising effectiveness.

Comparison of several media, or of several vehicles of a single medium.

Studies in "media mix and ‘vehicle mix.

Basic research and methodological studies.

‘Image’ studies of media and vehicles.

Reviews and discussions of advertising strategy and research methods.

Media Schedule

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Media Schedule means chart drawn up by advertiser, usually with the aid of an advertising agency, setting out, the media to be used in a compaign indicating the weight,

timing and cost of each item.

Media Selection

It refers to the selection of a specific vehicle or a combination of vehicles, or more broadly the selection of a specific medium or a combination of media (‘the media mix’).

Thus the Times of India group of newspapers may be selected for the launch, of a new filter cigarette for upper-middle class women, or a new detergent may be introduced

into the market by ad films in the cinema and on television, with the press and outdoor media being selected as ‘reminder’ media.

Media Selection Models

It means some ad agencies and market research organizations have developed ‘media selection’ models for arriving at the ideal media or vehicles for the advertising at

minimal costs. One agency in Bombay is offering a computer software package for such media selection models. Media models are representations in mathematical terms of

inter-relation of media inputs to goals.

Two types of models that have been developed are:

1. Models based on optimizing methods such as a linear programming. Optimizing is the process of allocating resources in a way that gives maximum reach with maximum

effective-ness. Linear programming is a mathematical technique for expressing in a linear equation the relationship between the variable resources.

2. Model based on simulation, which describes how a target audience is influenced by an ad campaign, and therefore, how an advertising budget must be allocated among

various media or various vehicles of a medium.

Message Source

It means the overall impact of the advertising message depends upon how the target audience perceives the sender. Messages originating from credible sources are more

persuasive. When doctors recommend a pharmaceutical product, the credibility of the message is very high. Ex-drug addicts may warn the youngsters about the ill effects of

drug addiction. Ex-drug audicts have high credibility as they have already gone through the ordeal. Companies use celebrities to endorse the products. What factors are

behind the credibility of the source? Three very commonly identified factors are expertise, trustworthiness and likeability. Expertise means specialised knowledge which the

communicator possesses to endorse the product. The type of expert used depends upon the nature of the product. Trustworthiness is related to how objective and honest the

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source is thought to be. Friends are better trusted than strangers. Likeability describes the source’s attractiveness to the audience. Beauty, candour, humour, grace, spontaneity

make a source more likeable. The most credible source scores high on all these three dimensions.

The following points are to be kept in mind while communicating with an audience:

1. Instead of building a wall around the product, the message should create a bridge to the target audience by being presuasive.

2. Arouse the audience, and give it a reason for listening to you.

3. Make use of questions to involve the audience.

4. Use familiar words and build up points of interest.

5. Use specific and concrete words.

6. Repeat key points.

7. Convince the audience by sticking to facts.

8. Empathise with your audience.

9. Use rhyme and rhythm, for instance when waterbury’s compound is advertised they say ‘when vitality is low, Waterbury’s brings back the glow.’

10. Make use of Zeigarnnik effect, i.e., leave the message incomplete, where the audience is provoked to complete and close it by pondering over it.

11. Ask the audience to draw conclusions.

12. Let them know the implications of these conclusions.

Media Strategy

It is a part of the marketing strategy; hence the ‘media plan’ is part of the overall market plan, and media selection is the final stage in the process of the promotion of a

product through advertising. As we have often remarked, advertising is only one element in the ‘marketing mix’; the primary objective is marketing the product, and

advertising is just the means of creating a need for the product.

Media Terms: Reach and Frequency

It means the terms ‘reach’ and ‘frequency’ are key terms in understanding the extent of impact and influence of the media, and the implication of advertising as well. Both

terms are used widely in advertising and marketing and measure potential media effects on consumers. ‘Reach’ relates to the total number of people exposed to the media or

media vehicle at least once during a specific period. "Frequency" relates to the number of times a specific/target audience or readership is exposed to the media vehicle during

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a given period. Media planners are interested in measuring ‘exposure’, but they rarely go beyong looking superficially at viewers, listeners and readers (often termed

‘receivers’ or ‘consumers). In the attempt to measure TV exposure, for instance, media planners to not to worry too much about the distinction between ‘reach’ and ‘access’,

or between ‘primary’ viewers, ‘secondary’ viewers and ‘tertiary’ viewers. ‘Secondary’ and ‘tertiary’ viewers are causal viewers who busy themselves with other activities

while the TV set is on.

Further, in their attempts to measure ‘readership’ of newspapers and magazines, media planners stop at asking consumers’ Have you seen this paper or this magazine? No

wonder, ‘exposure’ figures arrived at by media planners for TV and the press are rather inflated, and hence lacking in credibility.

‘Reach’ and ‘frequency’ are weighed against costs for different media and different vehicles. The CMP (cost per million readers) for newspaper is measured according to this


Line rate for column rate X 1, 00, 0000

------------------------------------------------ = CPM

Circulation (or total readership)

The CPT (cost per thousand) for reader of a magazine measured according to this formula:

Page rate X 1, 000

CPT = ------------------------------------------

Circulation (or total readership)

The TRP strategy developed by IMRB is used to measure audiences for television.

Media Strategy

It means the amount of advertising appropriation defined by its purposes and allocated to the factors of impact, coverage, frequency and duration.


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It is used for weighting advertising expenditure; means of varying expenditure or actual decision criteria according to the value of particular media characteristics, especially

the qualitative factors. It reflects the effectiveness with which an advertisement will work in a particular medium or publication.


It is the channel of communication, e.g. press organ, television station, exhibition or direct mail. Plural form is media, often used to refer specifically to periodical

publications. See Advertising medium.

Memory Lapse

It is a natural phenomenon, which happening regularly causes a significant amount of lost sales; hence much advertising expenditure on established brands is devoted to

‘reminder’ advertising.


Merchandising means all activity directed towards selling goods once they have reached the point-of-sale, e.g. packaging, display, and pricing, special offers. May be carried

out by supplier’s salesmen, store staff or jointly operated.

Merchantable Quality

It is a implied condition that a reasonable person would, after examination, accept goods as satisfactory to complete a contract for their purchase or sale.


It means amalgamation of two or more organizations with the object of growth, Possibly to improve spending efficiency or to improve market performance but also to absorb

competition. Mergers may be referred in UK to the Monopolies commission for approval and are now increasingly affected by EEC regulations concerned with practices in

restraint of trade.

Merit Rating

It is the practice of ranking salesman or other employees for payment or advancement according to their observed ability or achievement.

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Message Format

Format means the organization, plan, style or type of ad message. The message format is the scheme by which the message content and structure strategy are implemented. It

is characterized by the type of media vehicle in which the message is delivered. In a print, ad, the message format elements are headline, body copy, illustration and colour,

whereas, in radio advertising, the format elements are words, voice qualities (speech rate, rhythm, pitch, articulation) and vocalization (pauses, sighs, yawns). The message

format is important because of good message strategy may not click if it is put in a poor format. The message format for a print ad includes such things as the position of the

headline, the position of the picture or illustration, the colour scheme, the size of the letters in the headline and the body of the message.

Mock Magazine Test

Mock Magazine Test is an alternative version of the portfolio test. It does not use a portfolio, but uses a real magazine. It introduces test ads in a magazine to an experimental

group to read. The control group is also exposed to the same magazine, but is without test ads. Later a recall test is conducted to assess the effectiveness of test ads.

Meta Marketing

It is the process or method of studying marketing and its relationship to every aspect of human life, so establishing a body of knowledge, based on experience of and with

every facet of human personalities and styles. Usually ascribed to Philip Kotler (USA).


It is related to the basis of a research design application and analysis. Commonly used as a synonym for ‘method’, but more properly should apply to a set of methods.

Micro Marketing

Micro Marketing means meeting the needs of the individual firms in terms of its objectives and its actions to achieve them.


1. It means switching from one television channel to another; may occur as a reaction to television commercials.

2. Switching attention from a feature or news item in the press to an advertisement.


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It is the measure of reaction gained from a media communication.

Milline Rate

It is the unit for comparing newspaper advertising rates in relation to circulation.


It means lowest milline rate of an average of the lowest milline rates.


It stands for Marketing information service.


Misrepresentation means inducing another party to engage in a contract upon the basis of false or inadequate information.

Missionary Salesman

It means salesman calling, for example, upon a doctor, who is not a purchasing agent, so as to promote goodwill in an effort to stimulate sales through prescriptions to a third

party, the patient, who is supplied by a chemist.

Mixed Media

It means using more than one medium is any advertising campaign. Most often used where more than one advertising objective has been set for the campaign.


Mobility means freedom with which labour, or other resources, move to other uses in an economy.


It means facsimile of package or product for use in photography for television or other visual display form.

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1. It is the mathematical representation of real life situation.

2. Person used to illustrate an advertisement.

3. Reproduction on a small scale.


Modification in product development, means to change a product or its presentation in order to effect improvement in performance, characteristics, acceptability,

Manufacturing procedure, or profitability.


It is the single product test which is used as a test of acceptance or validity as an alternative to a comparative assessment.


It means to check performance at regular intervals in relation to pre-established norms.


1. It means showing of rapid succession of scenes in television filming.

2.Bringing together into one illustration a number of different artistic materials.

Mood Advertising

It means advertising which is deliberately aimed at putting potential customers into a frame of mind conducive to acceptance of the product.


it means attitude of mind induced by surrounding conditions and considerations. Physchological state which may react, positively or negatively, to management efforts to


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It is the psychological stimulus behind the acts or courses of action adopted by individual or group of individuals. Applicable in marketing both to individual and

organizational activities as well as to consumer and user behavior.

Motivational Research

It is the study of psychological reason underlying human behaviour particularly in relation to buying situations.

Multi-Client Survey

According to this survey marketing research study financed by a collection of interested organizations.


It is usually applicable to companies conducting major business in a number of countries by means of their own local or indigenous manufacturing and/or marketing



It is the group of shops with similar merchandise and image and controlled by a single firm.

Multiple Choice Question

It is a system, in research, whereby a respondent is offered the alternative of several possible answers, already formulated, and in which he indicates which comes closest to

his point of view.

Multiple Correlation

It means marketing research tool used to measure the effect of several independent variables on one dependent variable.

Multiple Readership

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It means more than one reader per issue, usually involving secondary and tertiary readers. In trade and technical press, can amount to double figures for each copy.

Multiple Unit Pricing

It is a pricing technique, involving a number of identical items in one pack. Significant, since the introduction of multiple unit packaging encourages consumers to buy more

than they need immediately.


1. It is the keyne's term for the phenomenon of a total increase in national income being several times greater than an initial injection of investment in a community.

2. It is a ratio in investment designated to produce a given increase in employment.

Multi-Stage Sample

It is the sample assembled by combining proportionate numbers of respondents of different characteristics represented in a universe. Selection is random within each

category. Satisfactorily combines the benefits of both quota and random sampling.

Multivariate Analysis

It is the technique which is used for assessing the extent to which variables cause a number of differences in subsequent behavior patterns.


It is a editorial item which it is considered essential should appear.

Jargons in Advertising


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National Account

It is the customer of major ‘national importance, often with several locations throughout a country. May or may not operate a central purchasing operation. Sometimes

handled on a national basis by one executive or manager.

National Campaign

It is the marketing operation covering the entire country.

National Institute of Advertising (NIA), Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066.

It is set up by industry professionals to bring about a radical change in the way advertising is taught and set forth a new generation of advertising industry’s manpower ready

for the challenge ahead. It offers one year professional Diploma in Advertising Management and short-term course in the field of Direct Marketing and Sales Promotion,

Media Buying and Management, Corporate Presentation Techniques etc, for working people. The Delhi-based agency Vignette has set up this institute. Its first director is Ms.

Narmrata Suri. NIA courses costs Rs. 4100. The institute is completely on-line. It is connected to the University of Texas US through Internet. It will also organize Saturday

Specials where an agency will discuss a product launch with the students.

National Press

It is the newspapers, daily or sunday, distributed throughout the country but not necessarily enjoying a mass circulation.

National Readership Surveys (NRS)

This survey is conducted every few years by the Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB), the research unit of the multinational ad agency, Hidustan Thompson Associates,

on behalf of a syndicated body comprising advertisers, advertising agencies, the national press but and also All India Radio and Doordarshan.

It investigates the readership of about 80 major Indian publications-dailies, weeklies, bi-weeklies and monthlies-in over 475 towns of 57 regions across the length and breadth

of the country. The towns, selected, however are publication centres of dailies. By process of ‘systematic sampling,’ over 55,000 households in these towns are surveyed, the

number of households in each town proportionate to it population. All men and womenfolk above the age 15 are questioned for about half an hour on the basis of a structured


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It claimed to be the most thorough readership survey in the country. It provides exhaustive data (available to its clients on computer disks) readership, radio listenership

profile’-the socio economic characteristics of the readers of various publications, of cinema and TV viewers, and of listeners to radio, as well as the degree of duplication

among publications and between media.

Natural Break

It means requirement in broadcast media that commercial breaks occur only between normal gaps in the continuity of programmes. Almost impossible to achieve in a

network involving many different programmes being broadcast simultaneously to different geographical regions, and so operates in principle rather than being applied



It means object, service or resource which is necessary for a person’s survival, well-being or comfort. Not to be confused with Want, which see elsewhere. E.g. a person may

need a surgical operation but can hardly be said to want it. Equally, one may want an extra helping of a delicious meal, yet not need it.


It is a seeking agreement on mutually acceptable terms prior to concluding a trading agreement.

Netapps Method

It is framed from the term net-ad-produced purchases. It is developed by Daniel starch and Staff Company, requires the measurement of both readers and non-readers who

purchased and who did not purchase the brand under investigation.

Net Audience

It means number of unduplicated homes, readers or viewers, etc. It is also called as net readership.

Net Cover

It is the percentage of the target audience receiving at least one exposure to a commercial or advertisement. See to Gross cover, Coverage, Four Plus, Effective cover,

Cumulative cover.

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Net Paid Circulation

It is the part of total circulation paid for by readers, i.e. after deduction of free of complimentary copies and of unbought copies published.

Net Price

It is the final price after all discounts and allowances have been deducted.

Net Rate

It is the publisher's rates after deduction of agency commission.

Net Reach

It means number of people who will have least one opportunity to see an advertisement after allowing for duplication of readership between issues and between publication.


It means plastic netting extruded as a continuous cylinder and chopped into single units which are used to hold units of merchandise and to enhance their display. Frequently

used for fruit or vegetable display in self-service stores.


Network means television or radio stations linked together for transmitting identical programmes simultaneously. It also refers to the facility by which programme may be

retransmitted by other TV regions, and thus similar to syndicated press features.

Network Analysis

It means breaking down a complex project into component requirements and recording these in a diagrammatic form which incorporates a critical time scale, so that planning

and control can be effected in the most expedient manner.


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It is applicable to indicate a novel market opportunity. Newness may vary from very slight to very large, the risk factors increasing with the actual amount of innovation, so

that many ‘new’ products fail to achieve market acceptance.

News Release

It means ad advertisement position immediately adjacent to editorial.

Niche Marketing

It means the brands today are positioned for a vacant slot called a niche in the minds of the consumers. It is important to find a niche first, Helene and Curtis, a Chicaco-based

cosmetic company introduced Vibrance – a shampoo full of life into an identified niche, working women’s need to impress by their hair shine and radiance. The brand must

be fitted into a niche and then supported with a big ad budget to insure success. In highly competitive markets, niche marketing does become necessary.

Nielsen Index

It is the retail audit of brands within pre-determined groups, classified by geographical area within regular time periods. Standard format is available to subscribers in large

and steadily increasing number of countries.

Nominal Price

Nominal Price means face value of an item, often used to indicate a minor charge being made for something of greater economic value.

Non-Broadcast Media

It refers to estimates of the number of video-cassette recorders (VCRs) and Video-cassette Players (PCPs) in India are hard to come by since most sets are imported or

smuggled into the country, and any enquiries about video-ownership are suspect. But video advertising agencies maintain that there are over two million sets and that the

average figure for each film is 2.4 million viewers. Video advertising was first restricted to exported cassettes, but since 1982 various agencies such as Prime time, Hi-

Response, Multichannel, Video Publicity, T-Series, Garware’s and the national Film Development Corporation (NFDC), a public sector undertaking, having entered the

video advertising market in a big way. Some of the agencies estimate that there are at least 50,000 video-hiring outlets in the country, comprising video libraries, video

parlours and others.

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However, it is ‘Cable TV’ that provides the widest exposure to recorded video-cassettes. It is the latest development in entertainment media in the large cities. Housing

colonies and flats in skyscrapers are wired up to central control rooms from where video-players transmit Indian and foreign films and programmes. Advertisers have lost no

time in exploiting the new medium, which reaches thousand of households, much to the annoyance of viewers. Almost every video-cassette distributed today carries

advertising messages which are interspersed throughout the films and programmes; indeed, animated versions of ads run through almost every inch of videotape. The viewer

is forced to put up with such rank opportunism on the part of advertisers. Viewers recently resort to ‘zapping’, and cable operators too indulge in ‘zapping,’ but they are

helpless when there are numerous briefs commercial ‘breaks’ and ads are superimposed on the screen. Such blatant exploitation of the video and cable media is not tolerated

anywhere in the world. One can see no advantage at all for advertisers in thus alienating viewers. But do advertising agencies really care?

Video and cable turned into the most commercialized media in India. The kind of products most exposed on these media are those that are not permitted on television-

products such as underwear, condoms, cigarettes, alcohol. Adult films on video-cassette are interspersed with these products, and children’s films advertise American toys,

Barbie dolls and nappies.

Non-Price Competition

It means concentration of competitive activity into sectors other than price, such as incentive marketing, packaging and image advertising.

Non-Traditional Media

It refers to the Nautanki of the North, and so the Tamasha of Maharashtra can be used as media for rural publicity. Magic shows have been used to promote the banking habit.

Tea-stalls have been used as meeting points for the bankers and customers.


It is the term which is used in advertisement research. Indicates that a reader’s attention was drawn to an advertisement when first looking through the newspaper or magazine

in which it appeared, though not necessarily that he read, fully understood or acted upon this stimulus.

Noting Score

It means the average number of readers found to have noted a particular advertisement or editorial item expressed as a percentage of total readerships.

National Readership Survey(NRS)

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It is the survey which is conducted under the auspices of JICNARS, to determine the readership of major national newspapers and consumer magazine in UK.

Numerical Concentration

It means selection of the most economic or effective media based on readership figures, which closely match those of the chosen target audience, after duplication and wasted

readership have been eliminated.


Objection, Overcoming

It is anticipating likely forms of sales resistance, reacting to an objection and providing real or, at least, plausible answers. These objections are sometimes, if not frequently,

contrived to provide a camouflage for the real reasons which the prospect may not care to disclose to a stranger. Hence the importance of a salesman’s technique in

identifying and dealing with the real situation.

Objective Budgeting

It is an allocating expenditure according to established objectives, rather than arbitrarily by historical precedence.

Objective Selling

It means selling against predetermined aims, e.g. to obtain in interview or a demonstration, where an immediate sale is not always possible.


It is the research technique, in which data is collected by researchers witnessing or recording the actual events which take place.


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Obsolescence means indicative of a significant relative decline in a product’s usefulness or competitiveness in the market. This occurs when alternative products become

available which have a better performance or lower price. The final stage before a product finally becomes obsolete. The phrase ‘planned obsolescence’ refers to the adoption

of a policy of relatively frequent design changes to induce users to renew their equipment more often than would otherwise be the case, e.g. motor cars.

Obsolescent Product

It means the product which are no longer representing current production.

Off-Card Rate

It is the special negotiated price for media advertising, i.e. other than that published in the official card.

Off-Peak Time

It means all airtime segments (television and radio) other than those occurring at peak time. Generally offered at significantly lower rates.


It is the first legal step in the making of a contract for the sale (or acquisition) of goods.


It is merely that portion of the process by which the image on a litho plate is transferred to a rubber sheet which then prints onto paper, thus avoiding a mirror or reversed



It is a influence exercised over a market supply by only a small number of independent companies, not necessarily acting in collusion.


It is the continuous survey which is used to cover a number of topics at the same time. Companies offering this facility invite sponsors to commission a limited number of

questions, which would not alone justify setting up a separate research study.

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It means gift or other offer or information printed on the outside surface(s) of packaged goods, particularly relating to premiums or competition entries.

On-Pack Price Reductions

Price cut, such as ‘3p off printed on the pack as a temporary promotional device aimed at securing trail purchases and increasing market penetration.

On The Air

It indicates that broadcasting is taking place.

One-Stop Shopping

It is a facility to provide shoppers with a wide range of goods from one, often covered, shopping centre, usually with parking facilities. Frequently in UK a municipal

enterprise as opposed to Hypermarkets and supermarkets operated by private firms.

Open-Ended Question

It is the formulation of question in field research which allows respondents to provide a reply in their own terms, i.e. uninfluenced by guidance within the questionnaire or

upon the part of the interviewer.

Open Pricing

It is the general circulation of pricing practices with a view to achieving conformity of prices within an industry.

Operating Budget

It is the amount of money set aside to achieve a specific objective or to finance a functional department’s activities.

Operational Research

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It is the application of mathematical processes to operational problems, having the effect of increasing the proportional of factual data, especially its use in helping to resolve

questions which are essentially subjective in its absence.


It is the categories of people whose attitudes and/or actions are held to be likely to affect those of others.

Opinion Research

It is gathers together from a statistical sample of the population, views that are taken to represent those of the entire population.

Opportunity Cost

It is value of an opportunity to use committed funds in an alternative way.

Opportunity To See (OTS)

It means average number of exposures experienced by the audience covered by a particular medium.


It is a theoretical concept for expressing the most cost-effective course of action or level of activity. The many functions in a modern business may well consider their

optimum performance to be located at different and contradictory points, thus giving rise to the idea of suboptimization and trade-off, i.e. accepting something less than the

achievement of individual optima to arrive at the best overall result.


It means IBA variant of Ceefax.


Order means instruction to supply goods or services.

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Order/Call Ratio

The relationship between the number of orders obtained and the number of call made to get them over a particular period of operation. Establishes a useful comparative tool

for sales efficiency supervision.

Organisation and Methods

It means examination of the structure of an organisation, its management and control, its procedures, and methods and their comparative efficiency in achieving

organizational objectives.

Organizational Purchasing

It is related to any purchase by an organization as opposed to an individual. Often referred to as ‘industrial purchasing’ but this can be misleading, since it implies machinery

or capital plant, whereas the purchasing procedure by an organisation can be the same for an electric generator as for a quantity of lemons, for instance with a hotel.

Outdoor Advertising

It is mainly poster and transport advertising, but including illuminated signs and outdoor displays.

Outer Pack

It is a container which holds a number of units and whose function usually is one of production during distribution. It may also be used to carry an advertising message.


It is a selling or trading unit.

Outside Broadcast

It refers to television programme transmitted from a particular location and not from the studio.


It means more than most customers would be prepared to pay.

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Cost in a business enterprise not directly attributable to specific brands or products. Normally, overheads are recovered by charging a specific amount, often percentage form,

to each unit of sale. In many organizations, an amount for overheads is included in each functional budget.


It refers to those areas of the country which are covered by two or more ITV transmitters, e.g. South London where both London and Southern programmes can be received.


It is the transparent or translucent sheet of paper laid over one piece of artwork carrying further artwork which is to be reproduced in a different colour; or for protection; or to

facilitate instructions on how it should be used or modified for production.


It means excess of type in printing, in relation to the space available.


It means superimpose one negative over another to produce one combined print.


1. It means persuading distributor or customer to order more goods than they can reasonably handle or consume.

2. Overstating the case for buying a product or service.


It is a printing term which is used when more text is set than is required to fill space available.

Over Trading

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It means transacting more business than working capital will allow to be serviced and thereby producing serious strains upon cash flow, due to the lag in payment by

customers subsequent to the placing of orders.

Own Label

It means branding of products by the outlet itself rather than the manufacturer or distributor. It is used widely by chain stores and supermarkets for goods usually sold at

lower prices than nationally advertised branded alternatives in an effort to maintain customer loyalty.


Pack (Package, Packet)

It means the product of a complete series of packaging operations or a unit consisting of a number of such products.

Package Deal

It means the combination of a number of units or range of services into one saleable unit.


There are the questions that are most commonly asked, that is, Is packaging a component of advertising? Or is it really a component of a product? . The answer to both the

questions is "Yes." We already know that packaging is an integral component of a product; but the package also plays an important role in its salability. It, therefore, becomes

partly a component of promotional advertising. Packaging is no longer a mere outer covering for the protection of the product; it is very such a contributing factor to its

increasing marketability. Ads after ads feature a beautiful package; and the product image in the minds of consumers is, to a good extent, due to attractive packaging. In the

case of the similar products, the brand difference is idea of the quality of the product, it has a value which is distinct from the value of the product. Attractive packaging is an

effective point of purchase (pop), and stimulates gift sales.

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Packaging and Sales Promotion

In Sales Promotion the product package play a vital role. Some of SP techniques used are:

1. Money-off Pack: A message of a reduced price is flashed is distinctive colour on the package.

2. Coupon Pack: Coupon can be made an integral part of the package or can be placed inside it separately. For instance, Johnson and Johnson puts coupons for redemption in

its sanitary napkins packages.

3. Pack-in Premium: A premium or gift is placed in the package, e.g., charms are placed inside Cibaca Fluoride paste.

4. Premium Package: It is a specially designed package having reuse facility or a prestige storage value, e.g., instant coffee package doubling as tumblers, tea packages later

serving as jars, alcoholic beverages later used as display items.

5. Self-Liquidator: The buyer preserves either packages or their parts as evidence of buying the product. In return, he is given a reduced price at the time of repeat purchase or

is rewarded with a different product.

6. Other Applications of packaging as a Marketing Tool: Shelf-life of a food product is an important consideration. Shelf-life can be increased by using special packaging

materials, e.g., tetra-packs. Packaging can be used to avoid direct price comparison with the competing products, e.g., Maggie Ketchup packages 400 gms. Bottle which is not

comparable immediately to industrywise norm of 500 gms. Bottles. Dhara edible oil packages are popular since they are pilfer-proof and spare the consumers the adverse

effects of adulterated oil.


It means the operation of packaging by which articles or commodities are enveloped in wrapping and / or enclosed in containers or otherwise secured.

Packing Case

It is applicable to a case constructed of soft timber for the protection of goods in transit, a common precaution in the case of heavy goods and export shipments.

Page Proofs

It is a proofs of a leaflet, brochure, magazine or book, taken at the stage when the pages have been made up and used for final review and correction before printing is


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Page Rate

Page Rate means price per page for advertising purposes.

Page Traffic

It means number of readers of a specific or particular page in a publication expressed as a percentage of the total readership of that publication.


It means numbering of pages in a printed publication.

Paired Comparison

In a Paired Comparision at a time two ad copies are compared. It is one-to-one comparison amongst test ads. More than six ad copies can also be compared by this method.

Every single ad is compared with all others, but only two (a pair) is considered at one period of time. Sources are recorded on cards. They are summed up. The winner gets

the highest score. The other ads are rated according to their scores after summation. It is easier technique than order of merits. Till ten copies, there is good accuracy; which

later decreases. The number of comparisons one is required to make with the help of the following formula:

n (n-1)

Number of comparisons = ----------


Where n is the number of ads to be tested.

Suppose 8 ads are being tested, the number of comparisons would be

n (n-1) 8 (8-1) 8(7)

= --------- = ---------- = --------

2 2 2

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= ---- = 28



It is a platform, generally of timber, upon which units are stacked, e.g. fibreboard cases, for bulk movement and transportation. It is designed to be used in conjection with

fork-lift trucks.


It is a short, printed but unbound treatise promoting a product, service, organization or idea.


It means abbreviation from panorama; slow movement of camera from left to right, or vice versa, across ka scene, with camera set-up remaining stationary.

Panel Research

Panel Research means when a researcher interviews the same sample group two or more times or secures data from them on two more occasions, we say we have panel

research. Respondents may be individual consumers, retailers, wholesalers (dealers) etc. Panel research enables the researchers to measure small changes in purchases, habits,

and other activities over a period of time. This is in contrast to the non-panel type of surveys where entirely different group is measured, each time a study is conducted.

It is made up of respondents who regularly and routinely report their buying behaviour. They keep a diary of purchases, advertising exposure, shopping activity, or any other

item under research.

1. Consumer Purchase Panel: The consumer purchase panel (continuing) is widely used. A sample of family units keeps a diary and reports on a weekly or monthly basis the

product purchases from their immediate use. The data include types, the number of units, prices, brands and sources of buying. Gift or cash prizes are given to members of

the panel with a view to motivating them to maintain diaries honestly. The consumer panel (non-continuing) is used to test and evaluate a new product, a new package etc. or

to answer question relating to a particular investigation.

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2. Dealer Panels: Panel research at the retail level may be conducted by employing the technique of store audit (shop audit). It provides extensive information about retailers.

A bimonthly check on inventory or stock in retail stores will give us particulars of the sales volume at retail level. A physical audit of sales records by trained observes will

throw light on purchases by retailers, sales to their customers, inventories, prices, and related information by individual brands, packages, size etc. A shop audit of a sample

of retailers will yield the measurement of the flow of goods at retail levels.


It is the sheet material manufactured mostly from woodpulp and used in printing and packaging in a variety of grades, e.g. Kraft, a very tough paper for bags and sacks;

glassine, a specially processed paper which is grease resistent.

Paper Board

It is also called as cardboard. Comprises a number of layers of wood fibres, sometimes of differing qualities, which are bonded together during their formation on a board


Paper Setting

It means setting of an advertisement by the printer of a periodical, usually free of charge.

Parallel Readership

Parallel Readership means reduction of the average claim period for readership research, where a second reading event occurs during original claim period so introducing

error into estimated average readership figures leading to understatement of readership.

Pass for Press

It is the final approval of a publication before printing.

Pass-on Readership

It means the number of people reading a publication over and above the primary or original readers. Of particular relevance with trade and technical publications, where the

total readership can be as high as ten times the subscribed circulation.

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Patterned Interview

It is a technique of planned selling where interview is conducted by salesmen according to a predetermined plan.

Pay-Back Period

1. It is the time taken to repay development costs of a business venture before profit is earned.

2.Period allowed for repayment of a financial loan.


It is the expected return or consideration for providing a service.

Peak Time

It refers to segment of television airtime, usually the middle part of the evening, where the highest rate is charged and, theoretically, the highest number of people are

viewing. It has similar application in radio transmissions.

Peak Time Band

Peak Time Band means in television advertising, a span of time during which it can be forecast the maximum audience will be viewing potentially applicable to radio


Pedestrians Housewife Poster

It means the poster measuring 5 foot high and 3’ 4"wide consisting of four double crown sheets. Mounted at street level where it will be seen by most shoppers. Often


Peer Group

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It is the class of people who, for one reason or another, are held in high esteem by others, i.e. they regard them as their ‘peers’. Thus, rank and file trades unionists may feel

inclined to follow their officials’ advice because they respect their experienced judgement. Some may regard peer groups as a category of opinion formers (see) and the term

has obvious connections with the purchasing behaviour that marketing is concerned to influence.


It means extent to which a product or an advertisement has been accepted by, or has registered with the total of possible users, usually expressed as a percentage.

Penetration Pricing

It is a tests which is known as Recognition/Readership/Viewership tests. They are aided recall tests dating back to 1923, and thus having a history of some 70 years. Daniel

Starch detailed them in his book principles of Advertising (Chicago: A.W. Shaw, 1923). Since then they have been conducted in the US by the Daniel Starch Organisation.

Here, the respondents are shown the issues of magazines they claim to have read. They are asked to recognize the ads, asked whether they have read them. The results are put

into three categories.

i. Noted (N0 is a person who remembers having seen the ad in the issue under study;

ii. Seen-Associated (A) is person who has not only noted the ad, but also seen or read some part of it. He may associate the ad with the product or advertiser;

iii. Read-Most (RM) is a person who has read half or more of the written material in the ad.

The above categories of readers are expressed in percentage terms.

This method is also applicable to broadcast ads where commercials on tape are played.

McGown (1979) given the following formula to calculate readers per rupee:

Per cent noted * Magazine ‘s primary readers

Readers per rupee = ----------------------------------------------------------------

Space cost

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The drawback of this method is the phenomenon of false claims on the part of the readers.

Percentage of Sales Method

It is the means of arriving at a marketing or advertising budget by applying a pre-determined percentage to the total sales turnover of the previous year to the current or future

sales target.


It means personal interpretation of what one sees, hears, smells, i.e. the reception of sensory stimuli and conscious or unconscious application of them to form an acceptable

interpretation of their meaning.

Perceptual Mapping for Positioning

It is the perceptual space map (PSM) shows the perceived relative positions of products along different dimensions. To do this, the attributes or dimensions of a product are

identified by qualitative research like depth interviews. The consumers are then asked to rank each brand along each of the dimensions, identified. Statistical techniques are

used to reduce a very large number of dimensions to a few significant dimensions.

Perceptual Meaning Studies (PMS)

It is a method which is uses time-exposure to test the ads. Tachistoscope is an instrument that may be used in this test. The respondent see the ad for a pre-determined time,

and then are subjected to a recall test-product, brand illustration and the main copy.


It is the publication which appears at regular intervals, e.g. daily, weekly, monthly.


It means goods with a limited sales life, such as fruit and vegetables.

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Personal Interview

Personal Interview means meeting between two or more people, with a view to discussing a project or propositions or eliciting answers to questions as in market research.

Personal Selling

It is the process of making oral commercial representations during a buyer/seller interview situation. Colloquially referred to as face-to-face selling. It is sometimes called as

buyer/seller interface.


1. It is the term which attempts to aggregate that combination of traits which may indicate what person will do, or how an individual will behave when placed in given or

differing situations.

2. Well-known person such as may be used to feature in an advertisement or a campaign.

Personality Promotions

1. Use of well-known persons to endorse a product or service. See Testimonial advertising.

2 .Use of readily identifiable, often gaily dressed, persons from whom a prize can be claimed of approached with the use of a promotional phrase or saying.


It is the method for two-dimensional drawing in such a way that an impression of three-dimensions is given, e.g. by drawing covering lines away from the basic outline.


It is the personal procedure with aim of changing a person’s attitude or behaviour with respect to some object. In marketing, the development in a person of a desire to

purchase a product or, service, or more properly, to acquire the perceived benefit.

Persuasive Communication

It means any form of communication which is primarily intended to exercise persuasion, e.g. advertising, editorial publicity, sales presentations, speeches, films and

filmstrips, etc.

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It is the typesetting by photographic means, in which light as transmitted through a grid bearing the outlines of lettering on to photosensitive material which can then be used

for artwork.


It refers to attractive in photographs.


It is the printing procedure in which the subject matter is photochemically etched into a polished copper cylinder. It is used widely for large-circulation colour magazines.

Picture Caption

It is the heading or description of photograph for publication.

Pictures in Advertisements

1 It is more effective than words.

2 They support the copy.

3 In visually oriented ads, they serve as the copy with only the headline appearing as the copy.

4 They are demonstrative.

5 They can make us understand technical details.

6 Associations and images are created.

7 They evoke moods.

8 Colour photographs give high fidelity to the products.

9 Background and atmosphere can be shown effectively with their use

Essentials of Good

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i. They should be suggestive.

ii. They should be clearly reproduced.

iii. They should be eye pleasing.

iv. They should be properly set in the total layout.

v. They should be relevant.

vi. They should be suitable for the product and the media.

vii. They should harmonize with the copy.

Pie Chart

It is the pictorial presentation, showing the parts of a total activity or performance as sectors of a circle. It may also be used to contrast the behaviour to two sets of variables

by comparing the angular dimensions and/or area of each piece and changes occurring over time.


It means news item of feature.


It is the test survey to check mechanical or operating details before embarking upon a major study.

Placement Test

Placement Test means, products or packs are delivered to delivered to selected usage points for trial to be followed up by interviews collecting information on performance

and attitudes towards them.


It is the procedure of selecting, organizing and implementing a choice between marketing alternatives.

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Plans Board

It is the group of senior executives, usually in an advertising agency, who meet to assess a particular campaign or proposed strategy.


Plate means printing block or litho plate.


1. It means reproduction on closed circuit of recorded material.

2. Reproduction of material, either live or recorded, through a loudspeaker to enable actors to synchronize with it.


It means wooden platform which is used as the floor of an exhibition stand.


It means promotion of product or company by medium without charge. It is used as a testimonial in conversation.


1. Unit of type- 0.0138 inches, 12 points to the pica, approximately 72 points to the inch.

2. Full –stop.


It is the arguable alternative term to point-of-sale, but may differ in some respects, e.g. in mail order where the point-of-purchase differs from the point-of-sale in terms of

time span, or where vending machines are in use.

Point-of-Purchase Advertising

Point-of-sale advertising takes many forms such as the following.

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1. Signs, door signs, window signs, signs outside petrol stations, stickers of all kinds.

2. Showcards, wall posters, window posters.

3. Banners and hangings.

4. Counter and floor; displays including display stands, self-merchandisers and self-dispensing units.

Pop advertising has as its aim catching the consumer at the moment he or she is about to buy a product. It is believed that such advertising can persuade the consumer,

especially where low-involvement products are concerned. Pop advertisements are frequently termed ‘dealer aids’ since they are meant to help the dealer or retailer to win

customers. Advertisers of consumer products offer retailers huge incentives such as providing containers, ice-boxes, baskets and even painting their shops with the colours

and names of their products.


Usually referring to retail outlet. Place at which a sale is made; also refers to publicity material used there, e.g. poster, showcards, display units, dispensers and leaflets.


1. Public opinion survey.

2. To seek information.

Popular price

It means pricing technique intended to appeal to a majority of buyers.


It means total number in a group, whether geographical area or specialized group.


It is a presentation kit which is used by salesman when interviewing prospective customers.

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Portfolio Test

In such test dummy ads are mixed with regular ads. A number of dummy ads are put in a folio along with the ad copy to be tested. The consumer-samples sees the folio. The

consumer is then asked about what he has seen in each ads. The ad giving minimum playback in considered the best. It is verified whether the adjudged ad is dummy or

regular. In case it is dummy, the actual ad is improved on the same lines.

Another version of this test divides the sample into two groups-experimental and control groups. Experimental group sees portfolio containing dummy as well regular ads.

The control group evaluates only the portfolio without test ads. Recall test is later conducted to assess reaction to test ads.

Position Media

It is the advertising media with fixed site or position, such as posters. It generally used as a blanket term to cover poster and transport advertising.

Postcall Analysis

It means reviewing achievements following sales interview.


It is a form of commercial art used mot extensively in India to advertise feature films. They are playcards or billboards put up at strategic point’s outdoors so as to catch the

public eye. Devised originally to advertise entertainment’s, a city’s restaurants and a company’s goods, posters have now come to be effectively used to make public appeals

of all kinds-commercial, social and civic.

The Bombay Municipality has used this medium effectively for social education campaigns like ‘Save Water’ and ‘Clean Bombay-Green Bombay.’

Business organizations too have gone in for expensive and campaigns using the poster medium. The major drawback of this outdoor medium is the limited number of fixed

sites. Further, it is impossible to keep track all the contracted sites, to check on the actual display of posters and whether they are kept attractive for the period contracted. It

has also to be borne in mind that posters or hoardings can easily be defaced or torn off; moreover, they are only seen at glance, and rarely read fully.

Thus the main advantages of outdoor advertisements are:

1. They; are quite powerful as reminder advertising.

2. They offer wide coverage.

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3. They cater to all types of people.

4. Colour can be employed with great effect.

The primarily limitations include the following.

1. They have a limited scope since they can only be used as supplementary advertising.

2. Their impact cannot be measured accurately.

3. They involve a lot of wastage since such advertising cannot be targeted at particular consumer groups.

4. There are no standardized rates, and the number of sites is limited.

5. They are difficult to maintain especially during the monsoon.

Post Purchase

It refers to arrangement made after a purchase has been completed.

Poster Panel

It is a fixed position for poster advertising, usually found in underground/railway trains and stations or other transportation media.

Poster Site Classifications

It is based on type of location, category of road, and degree of visibility, for each poster site.

Potential User

Potential User means likely future user.


It means preparation of all relevant material in relation to objectives prior to a selling interview.

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It means questions to be put and the possible answers which may be received in a survey are keyed to enable easy tabulation of results using a numerical coding system. This

facilitates computer analysis making possible the rapid handling of a high volume of data.


It means in television, an advertisement spot bought in advance in a particular time segment at a discount but which will not be screened if another advertiser offers to take up

that time at the full rate.

Preferred position

It is a advertisement position in a publication against which a premium charge is made.


It is the additional price charged in return for some commercial benefit over and above the product itself.

Premium offer

It is the special offers of merchandise at a reduced price in consideration of purchasing a particular product, as evidenced by the sending in of a qualifying number of labels or

coupons. It is generally conducted as a self-liquidating operation.

Preselected Campaign (psc)

It is the national poster campaign, sold as a package either aimed geographically or for a specialist category.


It refers to a form of measurement, which endeavors to indicate whether members of a target audience are actually present during the transmission of commercials as well as

the programmes within which they are slotted. Crude viewing figures require modification for translation in terms of attention value.


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Presentation means meeting in which proposals are put to an audience in a planned and usually formal manner. It is much used by advertising and research agencies but also

used by companies communicating with distributors or, for example, publishers desiring to influence main opinion formers.


It refers to all periodicals, whether national, local, trade, or technical.

Press Advertising

It means advertising in the press.

Press Cuttings

It means excepts on a particular subject out from any kind of periodical. It is used as a monitoring device to indicate the extent to which a subject is receiving publicity.

Press Date

It means date on which a publication or a section of a publication is due to be pressed for press.

Press Reception

It means meeting to which press representatives-editors, journalists reporters-are invited in order to be informed of an event, and to have the opportunity of questioning or


Press Relations

It means that part of public relations activity aimed at establishing and maintaining a favourable relationship both with and through the press.

Press Release

It is the written statement describing an event or item which is considered to be of sufficient interest to readers for an editor to publish some reference to it. It refered to as a

news release-a more appropriate term as it includes the use of broadcasting media.

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Press Visit

It is a visit by members of the press to a place of interest, usually coupled with a special event such as the official opening of a new establishment or launching of a new


Pressure Selling

It means forceful selling effort. It refers to as high pressure selling when the effort is perceived to be aggressive.


It means test of product or advertisement prior to full scale testing programme.

Pre-Testing Broadcasting Ads

In such testing some special methods are available to pre-test broadcast media ads-TV and radio ads. The techniques used are:

1. In Home Projection Tests

A movie projector screen at consumer’s home tests commercials. He is questioned before and after exposure. The questions are related to ad and the change it causes after

exposure. We can assess the strong and weak points of the ads.

2. Trailer Tests

A real life shopping environment a departmental store, a shopping centre, a parking place, front and back of shopping complexes is used to measure consumer behaviour. The

prospects are invited to the display. The invitation does give some incentive like discount coupons the purchasing displayed brands. Another group is invited, given the

coupons, but is not shown the test ads. The redemption rate of coupons may give an idea about the effectiveness of test ads.

3. Theatre Test

A captive audience collected for entertainment is administered a questionnaire. The fee tickets are later sent to them for the programme where the test ads are run. On viewing

these, they are asked to fill up anther questionnaire. It assesses product, brand and ad theme.

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4. Live Telecast Test

Here the inaccuracies of artificial testing environment are not encountered. Here ads are put; on air either by narrow casting or live telecasting. These ads are test ads, and not

the regular ads. Later, viewers are interviewed to know their reacations.

5. Sales Experiment

Before going national, a small ad company is run. It consists of either one or more ads. Two ore more test centres are selected to do so. The period for which the ads are run;

is fixed (say one to four months). The sales responses are noted. It is useful for those products which are frequently purchased and those ads who aim to motivate buyers to

immediate sales action.

6. Direct Mail Tests

Prospects from the mailing list randomly selected are sent different test ads and the orders against each lot are noted.

7.Physiological Testing

Here physiological reactions of the respondents are noted, rather than what they have to say. Three principal instruments to do so are:

Eye movement Camera: It measures the eye movement over the layout of test ads. The route taken by the eye is noted. The pauses are noted. The areas of interest and

attention can be judged.

Galvanometer: It measures skin responses to ad stimuli like perspiration by gland activity through palm. More perspiration decreases the resistance and faster current passes.

The tension is generated. The greater it is, the more effective the ad is. The technique is of limited use for ads of a very sensitive nature.

Perceptoscope or Pupilometric Devices: Record changes in pupil’s dilatation. Dilatation indicates reading and attention. Contraction shows his dislike to what is being read. It

evaluates interesting appealing visual stimuli. It is developed by Eekhard Hess and James Polk. Left eye is photographed o record dilatation.

Pre-Testing Copy

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It is a exploratory research to check the efficacy of a particular piece of advertising copy prior to its being used in an actual advertisement.


Preview means showing of a film, commercial or advertising campaign to a select audience, in advance of general public viewing.

Prime Time

It is those transmission hours in television and radio which attract the largest audiences.

Print Media

In a year 1981 the literacy rate in the country is a bare 36.2%, and that the largest concentration of literates is in the metros and minimetros. Consequently, the coverage of

press ads is limited to less 40% of the population. Almost 50% of the literate population comprises women who are by and large more fond of periodicals than daily

newspapers. Since women are the main decision-makers regarding household purchases (so advertisers believe), periodicals score over the dailies as advertising media.

However, magazines or periodicals generally have a low regular ‘life’ in the sense they are around for a longer time, and generally lack the ‘clutter’of newspaper ads. Further,

the reproduction of both colour and black-and-white visuals and copy is usually of a much higher quality. And, since there are around 21 special interest magazines catering

to various interests and lifestyles, it is easier for the advertiser to tailor his ads to target audiences and avoid a lot of wasteful advertising in general interest magazines and

daily newspapers.

Print Run

It means quantity involved in any print order or publication.

Private Brand

It means retailer’s or wholesaler’s own brand.

Private Carrier

In a private carrier, Carriers goods according to specific contracts and is under no obligation to provide scheduled services.

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It means anything that might satisfy a want or a need, and is offered to the market. It includes tangible and intangible things, persons, places, organisation and even ideas.

It is defined in terms of the benefits it offers or the need it satisfies. Lipstick is thus selling of beauty, and fertilizers put us in the business of reducing hunger. Tonics are

bought for the health promise they give, and hair dyes for the youthful appearance they offer. What the buyer really is buying? The answer gives us the core product. The

core product is an abstraction, which is turned into a reality by making it tangible. Computers, lipsticks, shampoos, management education, political candidates are all

tangible products. Tangible products have several characteristics like a level of quality, features, styling, brand name and packaging. When certain additional services and

benefits are offered to improve the functional utility of tangible products, they become augmented products, e.g. computers are sold along with installation, maintenance,

guarantees and software services. Product augmentation covers buyer’s whole consumption system.

Product Acceptance

A measurement which decide the degree of success of product launch.

Product Benefits

It means factors which go towards satisfying the requirement of a customer. Fundamentally, the purchasing decision is based upon the perceived product benefits rather than

the product itself or its specifications or performance. See Consumer want.

Product Development

It is a activity leading to a product having new or different characteristics or consumer benefits. Such developments range from an entirely new concept to meet a newly

defined consumer ‘want’ to the modification of an existing product or indeed its presentation and packaging. It forms part of a process which has to be continuous to arrest

the decline era within the intrinsic life cycle of any existing product.

Product Development Cycle

It is the chain of events leading up to the birth of a new product, i.e. concept, mock-up, prototype, preproduction batch, full production.

Product Evaluation

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It refers to particular relevance to new products, product evaluation is the means by which the value of a product to a customer is determined in advance. It is a special

importance in developing a pricing strategy but, in practice, should go much deeper in order to categorize each of the product benefits in relation to each of the market

segments. From such essential background knowledge develops not only the marketing strategy and the media mix, but also the basic selling platform and the advertising


Product Differentiation

It is the policy which emphasises those features which distinguish one product from other similar products.

Product Image

It is the concept which describes what consumers believe the product to be or do, regardless of its literal accuracy or otherwise. Often their conclusions are made on value

judgements without recourse to trial of alternative products.

Product Life Cycle

According to this each product class as a whole and an individual brand passes through several stages from its birth to its final eclipse.

When the new product is introduced in the market, the sales pick up slowly and the product comes to the notice of the customer due to heavy promotion. And then it is well

distributed. This is called the introductory stage.

Later comes the growth stage, where the sales rise quickly. The cost of distribution and promotion is spread over a large volume, and so the cost per unit is low. It is a critical

stage from the view-point of the product.

The maturity stage stabilizes the sales. The competition enters the scene. Due to this sales may be pushed down, unless promotional efforts are increased. The sales, in fact,

reach a plateau, or saturation point. Because of additional promotional expenses, profits may decline. Those who are market leaders may need no extra push.

The maturity stage is longer than other stages. The product can be revived at this stage by improving the product and by promotion. A new product mix can be thought of.

The product may be eliminated or redesigned. A revival of PLC (product Life Cycle) extends the life of the product, by starting the stages once again from introduction

onwards. The decline stage could be a result of changing consumption pattern, improved technology, availability of better substitutes. The profit take a dip, and the product

might die. It can be eliminated prior to that. Or else, its price has to be slashed. But it is also ticklish to reduce the price, when extra promotional effort is needed to jack up

the sales.

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Product Mix

It means range of products which, when viewed as a whole, provides a more than proportionate return than the sum of the individual items if marketed in isolation. Such a

return can be achieved by adding complementary products to an existing range and sold to the same market without significant additional expense. Alternatively, existing

products with minor modifications involving little further expense can find a demand in different market segments. A product mix can be such that seasonal demands for one

are offset by those of another, thereby maintaining continuity of production and distribution resources. Yet again, the mix can be so structured as to Product embrace Products

in each of the stages of the product life cycle.

Product Performance

It relates to the intrinsic attributes of a product. These may not necessarily be in line with its specification, nor for that matter, the requirements of all potential customers; of

the Anglo-French Concorde.


It means element in the product, or its presentation, which gives it an advantage over its competitors and is perceived as such by purchasers of it.

Product Positioning

It is an attempt to create and maintain in the mind of the target audience the intended image for the product/brand, relative to other brands so that the target audience

perceives the product as possessing the attributes they want.

Kotler aptly summarises positioning as the ‘act of designing the company’s offer so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the mind of the target customers.

It is not merely a statement or a slogan that creates an image. True positioning distinguishes a company/product from competitors along some real dimensions which are

relevant to customers so that the company/product becomes a preferred one.

There are two sides to positioning:

1. Market positioning:

2. Psychological positioning.

Product/Price Parity

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It mean near homogeneous products at identical prices.

Product Range

It means full list of available products made by any one firm.

Product Research

It refers to the efforts to design, develop and test new products, the efforts to improve existing products and to forecast likely trends in consumer preferences in terms of the

physical attributes of the products.

Its study includes the study of the following dimensions:

a. Raw materials used in various proportions in the final mix;

b. Attributes of the product:

c. Saleable points of the product:

d. Product appraisal:

e. Product classification:

f. Product design:

g. Product development and new product development;

h. Product packing and packaging:

i. Product planning positioning and repositioning:

j. Product branding or trade marks.

Product analysis is more concerned with the perception of the consumers about the product, than with the product as a bundle of physical and chemical attributes.

Product research includes the study of planned obsolescence of products. Products grow older and exit, and make room for new products

Positioning of a product in a customer’s mind if the end product of the process of filtering information about.

i. The product attributes

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ii. The packing

iii. The pricing

iv. The image of the product created by advertising and this may be different from the product’s functional and physical attributes.

The main components of product research are product analysis and product development. A product is analyzed for what it has (merits) what it is (features), and what it does

(functional utility and benefits drawn). The aim is product improvement in terms of its design, features, merits, uses, packing, etc.

Product Testing

It means anonymous product testing and product evaluation.

Product Vs Brands

A first one that is product is a comprehensive term. It concludes anything that may satisfy a want or a need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places,

organisation and ideas.

A brand is name, sign symbol or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller from those of competitors.

Strategy: Branding is a strategy to make individual products distinctive. Branding can add value to a product and is therefore an intrinsic aspect of product strategy.

Branding Decisions: Historically most products were unbranded. Producers sold packages containing goods without any identification make of them. Branding started when

craftsman put trade marks on their products to protect against inferior quality. Painters started signing their work. Pharmaceutical companies were the first to put brand

names. Today hardly anything is unbranded. Products from unorganized markets like vegetables, salts, fruits etc. are unbranded. But now we have branded salts too. Venky’s

has branded even chicken too successfully. In spite of a brand movement, products have been demanded in generic unbranded form in pharmaceutical and staple consumer

goods sector.

Branding and cost: Branding a product involves cost of packaging labelling and legal protection. Unbranded products are cheaper.

Branding and Loyalty: Consumers are never loyal to genetic products. However, they develop a loyalty to branded products. It gives protection from competition and greater

control in planning their marketing mix.

Branding and Segmentation: Unbranded product do not cater to specify segments, whereas brands can be developed for specific segments.

Branding and Distribution: Distributors prefer to handle branded products which represent a particular quality and are preferred by the buyers.

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Branding and Consumers: Shopping becomes more efficient if products are branded. Different brands represent different quality levels.

Advertising: Growth of advertising is due to the presence of branded products. Generic products need advertising only to stimulate primary demand. Competitive advertising

is possible when products are branded.

Image: Products do not have an image, whereas brands do have an image.

Product, Weighted Distribution: Distribution to allow for the known disproportionate influences in different outlets. Weights will usually be determined by relative

significance of factors, e.g. level of purchasing power or areas of light or heavy usage, e.g. of ‘hard’ or ‘ soft’ water.


It is a term which is used essentially in advertising and referring to the process of putting into a reproductive from illustrations or words with a view to printing, e.g. block

making, typesetting, or scripting for transmission. Also applied to the management of all mechanical processes required to achieve the reproduction of an advertising

message. Sometimes referred to within an agency as ‘traffic control.’

Production orientation

It is a condition in which a company is pre-occupied with the problems associated with producing goods with scant consideration for what the individuals contributing to the

market want or are prepared to pay.

Production Schedule

It means programme of work necessary to produce promotional or other material.


It is the detailed description of subject, often a person, or group’s subjects. Sometimes expressed as percentages against predetermined criteria, intended to make

identification of the subject, perhaps the target use or consumer, readily possible.

Profit Potential

It is the estimation of likelihood or otherwise of a particular product or venture achieving a profit.

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Progress Chasing

It means function of department responsible for the satisfactory progress of work through an organization.


It is the set of proofs taken from the individual blocks or places constituting a four-colour set for the purpose of checking clarity and correct alignment.


1. It is the forecasting procedure (extrapolation) using trends in a time series to estimate future values.

2. Psychological research technique to identify true attitudes, for example, towards a product, rather than the socially acceptable reasons which may be put forward by


Promotional Mix

It is a range of promotional activities selected for use by a company at any one time.


1. It provide a number of alternative answers in a questionnaire to enable a respondent to select the one most appropriate to his/her beliefs.

2. Mastheads or magazine covers used in readership research to help respondents remember the titles they have read, or the product they have seen advertised.


It refers to preliminary printing, usually by a manual process, to facilitate checking and approval prior to final mechanical printing.


It means dissmemination of information, promotion of a point of view, or indeed any form of publicity

associated with a doctrine. Have overtones of undesirable or underhand persuasion to convert the masses to an attitude, which they would not adopt if they were to be made

aware of all the facts of a case.

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Propensity to consume

It means keynesian measure of groups of people in relation to their purchasing intentions. Average propensity to consume refers more precisely to the total value of

expenditure on consumption goods and services divided by the national income. When applicable to individuals, it separates income spend on consumption as opposed to


Proprietary Goods

It means the goods which are manufactured and sold under standards laid down by a ruling authority, such as that for drugs and pharmaceutical preparations.


It means potential purchaser of a given product or service.


It is the first working model or initially constructed version of a product to all intents and purposes, the prototype is the product in appearance, characteristics and

performance. Its existence facilitates numerous judgements, tests and management decisions regarding future developments.

Provincial press

It means newspapers, circulating daily or weekly in a restricted geographic region, e.g. a city or country. Otherwise referred to as local press or regional press.

Pseudo product Testing

It is a testing in which the same basic product is presented in a variety of ways, e.g. different packs, to a test group who are asked to give a preference rating. This determines

customer’s capability of discerning differences, or lack of them, and gives an indication of the virtues of each form of presentation.


It is the measuring device which is used in advertising research to determine the emotional effort of advertising messages by reaction to the rate of perspiration flow exhibited

by the viewer.

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It is a technique which is devoted to the segmentation of markets using psychological criteria to distinguish between the different segments.

Psychographic Segmentation

It is the term which was first coined by Emanuel Demby, a marketing researcher some 30 years ago. His definition of psychographics is, the use of psychological,

sociological and anthropological factors, self-concept and life-style to determine how the market is segmented by the propensity of groups within the market-and their

reasons-to make particular decision about a product, person, or ideology. "Psychographic has come a long way since then

.Psychographic Segmentation, either singly or in combination with demographic segmentation, is widely used these days, dividing the buyers on the basis of their social

class, life-style and /or personality traits. The point to be appreciated is that people of the same demographic group are very much different in their psychographic profiles,

e.g., young women show different psychographic characteristics.

Social Class: In psychographic segmentation, buyer are divided on the basis of their social class, life-style and /or personality traits.

Many companies design their product offerings for different social classes, e.g., lower class, middle class or upper class. They build into their product those features that

appeal to these social classes.

Psychology of Selling

It refers to explanation of the sales procedure which lays emphasis upon the workings of psychological factors and particularly their manipulation by salesmen to secure a

favourable response to their propositions.

Publication Date

It is the officially stated date when a publication becomes available for purchase or distribution.

Public Relations

It is the conscious effort to improve and maintain an organization’s relationships of public relations is ‘the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain

mutual understanding between an organisation and its public. ‘PR is an extended arm of the management. Public Relations Advertising represents the management and

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communicates the policies, problems and performances to the public. It should therefore be objective. Public Relations Advertising is effective when the organisation

practices what it preaches because PR means 90 p.c. doing and 10 p.c. talking about it.

It generally precedes the share issues these days to creates a favourable climate for investing public.

Annual Reports of the companies and the chairman’s’ speech have also the potential of being good public Relations Advertising provided they are excellently drafted.

Public Relations Advertising addressed to customers is about the price revisions for whatever reasons customer education’s ads, notice about change in address/phone

numbers grievance redressal mechanism etc.

It is the must at the time of crisis like a fire in a factory, major accident or disaster. It then becomes an effective damage-containing device.

It may be appreciated that many areas of institutional and PR Advertising overlap. Institutional Advertising definitely has a PR content but is more indirect and philosophic.

PR Advertising on the other hand can be down-to-earth, and is a communication with any of the public with which the organisation interacts.

Public Relations Consultant

It means an individual or firm employed by an organization to advise and/or act on its behalf in the field of public relations.

Public Relations Officer

He is a executive who is responsible for planning and implementing the public policy of an organization.

Public Service Advertising

It is done as a part of social responsibility by the advertising agencies or business organization or government or social service institutions. It seeks to promote important

social issues. It is created to promote greater awareness of public causes. The examples of such social issues which have been promoted are: (a) Handicapped children and

their help, (b) female foeticide, (c) national integration, (d) drug addiction, (e) blood donation, (f) prevailing system of education.

The importance being given to Public Service Advertising can be seen by the institution of the Ashok Jain Awards and the Sunday Observer Awards where entries of ad

copies are judged against the following criteria:

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Thematic Brilliance.

Design and layout

Inspired Copywriting

A renewed vision provided for an otherwise well-known issue

Best entry from young amateurs

The drug addiction entry had the juxtaposition of grotesque images and sensitive Copywriting. The entry on blood donation has a pair of hand in various prayer modes.

Consider the following to discourage female foeticide for its thematic brilliance.


It is the process or procedure of securing public attention for messages to be imparted. See Advertising; Public relation; and Sales promotion-all of which fall to some extent

within the category indicated by this term.

Publicity Manager

A person who is responsible for managing a company’s publicity.


It is a public relations terminology describing groups of people which can readily be identified as having some special relevance to a business or other organization, e.g.

customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the local community generally.

Publisher’s Statement

It is a statement by a publishing company of the circulation and other information relating to a particular publication. Not necessarily independently audited.


It refers to business of producing books, magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals, and distributing them to the public via bookshops, newsagents, mail or other outlets.


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It is a reference by an individual or organization, generally in the media, to a product or company with the intention of providing favourable publicity.


It is a specialized paperboard carton, or wooden container, open to inspection of contents and used principally for dispensing soft fruit by weight.

Purchasing Agent/Officer

Purchasing Agent/Officer is a representative of buying firm group.

Purchasing Patterns

It refers to an individual, or collective, purchasing behaviour within a market.

Purchasing Power

It means extent to which an organization, group of people or a geographical area with funds available, whether committed or otherwise, has the ability to make purchases

during specified time periods.

Pyramid Selling

It is a form of franchising where personnel are recruited against financial standards of entry and help to establish a distribution network of commission agents. System

became almost unworkable from 1973 following parliamentary action to restrain its further development in Britain.


Quad Crown

It is poster size which is equal to two double crowns.

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Qualitative Research

It deals with data frequently difficult to quantify; often expressed as value judgements by individuals from which any collective general conclusions are difficult to draw.

Such research usually involves group discussions or interviews.

Quantity Discount

Quantity Discount means reduction from list price in consideration of the purchase of a particular (larger) quantity of a product


It is the publication which is issued after four time a year.


It is a base document for research studies, which provides the questions and the structure for an interview and ahas provision for respondents’ answers. It requires

considerable skill in design, involving understanding of human nature and communication processes.


1. It is a structure of a sample specifying number and type of parsons required for interviews.

2. Sales target figure for salesman that may be expressed as required minimum performance or act as threshold for commission payment.

Quota Sample

It is the reselected groups for interviewing constructed so as to represent the known characteristics of the whole population.


It is a specific or particular offer, verbal or written, of goods or services, the acceptance of which will form a contract.

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Jargons in advertising



Commercial were permitted on Doordarshan, radio advertising has lost importance, despite its much greater reach in both urban and rural India. Radio have an awesome

coverage (86% of land area). Advertisers argue that consumers especially in the large cities do not switch on to radio news or radio music programmes. The reach of radio at

the end of 1989 was 64% in the urban areas and 46% in the rural areas, according to market research agencies, but these figures are not very reliable. It is difficult to believe

that there are more TV than radio sets in the country. True, radio ahs become a ‘secondary’ medium for TV-owners but its potential reach is higher, especially among poorer

families in urban areas. Advertisers like to use radio as a ‘reminder’ medium.

According to Ketki Gupta media chief, HTA ‘radio is always used in addition to, not instead of, another medium.

As an advertising medium the merits of radio are as follows.

a. Radio offers local coverage on its medium wave channels; hence local markets can be tapped by local products and retail stores.

b. It reaches all sections of society.

c. It offers scope for continuous advertising day after day, and several times during the day.

d. It is a comparatively cheap medium, and has a special appeal and credibility, especially in rural


e. It does not hamper a person’s mobility.

f. As a vehicle of information it is the fastest medium.

g. Radio is a more interactive and stimulating medium than TV where the viewer is spoon-fed. Radio

allows you to think, to use your imagination. That is why nobody ever called it the idot box.

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Radio Commercials

The following sufficiently illustrative as are follows:

1. Straight Commercials

Product benefits emphasized. Sound effects used to attract and hold the attention.

2. Dialogue Commercials

Conversation between the announcer and other parties like customers, actors or experts.

3. Integrated Commercials

A star in any field of activity is invited, and he is given a free hand in presenting the message. The message gets the stamps of his personality.

4. Dramatised Commercials

It is a situation is dramatised and the product is offered as the solution.

5. Musical Commercials

Sales messages is sung as singles. They are effective because they are easy to commit to memory. Nirma's Jingle is very popular.


In which no attempt is made to line up or ‘justify’ lines of type setting, i.e. one edge both edgers are left ‘ragged’.


It is an established alternative choices in order to preference.

Rate Card

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It is a document which is issued by publishers or advertising contractors showing the charges made for various types and size of advertisement and including the relevant

mechanical data to govern advertisement production.


It is applicable especially to broadcasting media and meaning the relative audience or viewership achieved by a programme or advertisement, as compared with others, e.g. a

popularity rating. It is also used in research studies.


Rationalization in reference to products, the elimination of items in the range which bring in the minimum return and call for a disproportionate effort to sustain demand.

Rationalization leads to a concentration of resources into those products from which a maximum return can be expected.


It is a synonym for cumulative audience.


It means a someone who has ‘read’ a publication or periodical as opposed merely to having ‘received’ it. Hence the difference between circulation and readership. A person

receiving a publication whether free or at a price may never read it. Thus there could be fewer readers than the circulation or print order might imply. Equally, the opposite

might apply.

Reader Involvement

It means copywriting with the aim of gaining the participation of the reader; a particular facet of local newspapers and radio.


It means number of people who read a publication as opposed to the number of people included in its circulation.

Readership Profile

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It means classifications of readership of publications expressed in percentage form relative to total readership.

Readership Replication

It is the extension of the claim period for readership research where a second reading event occurs during or after original claim period, so introducing error into estimated

readership figures, leading to overestimation of readership.

Reading and Noting

It is a readership research index of actual audience for advertisements appearing on particular pages or average pages in specific publications. See page traffic.

Read Most

It is term which is used in assessing the effectiveness of an advertisement in the press. Respondents are asked to indicate whether, if they noted an advertisement, they then

‘read most’ of its copy. This data can then be expressed as a percentage of total readership.


1. Spontaneous: where an information’s memory is allowed to suggest information without guidance or assistance.

2. Prompted (aided recall) or assisted memory, where informant is shown possible alternatives, or part of the actual subject matter, as a memory stimulus.

Reciprocal Trading

It is an arrangement between organizations whereby their roles as seller and buyer are interchangeable, i.e. they buy from and sell to each other. Commonly found between

member companies of a group but also exists between independent firms where mutual interests may thus be economically served.


1. It is the method of testing effect of advertising.

2. Advertising agencies apply to controlling media organizations (NPA, PPA, ARIC and ITCA) for recognition and are then entitled to receive commission from media

owners. It is difficult for an agency to operate if denied this form of recognition, which is most frequently a credit-rating device but may also be used as a means of applying

pressure to conform. See Above-the-line advertising.

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Recruitment Advertising

It is an advertising which is designed to recruit staff of any kind. Consists mostly of classified and semi-display advertisements.


It is the procedure of trading in redeeming coupons, vouchers, special offers, trading stamps and the like in exchange for a stated product or benefit.

Reel Fed

It is printing by reel rather than with flat sheets of paper.

Registered Design

It is a design which is legally registered thus providing protection against its unauthorized use by any other person or organization.

Reminder Advertising

It means expenditure devoted to overcoming memory lapse. Accounts for a significant proportion of advertising.


It means improvement in retention of factual over time without further relevant communications.

Repeat Purchasing

It is the products which is subjected to frequent usage, usually of low unit value and bought regularly for habitual consumption. Convenience plays a large part in such

purchasing and substitution will often occur if the preferred brand is not readily available, e.g. newspapers, tobacco office supplies.

Reply Card

It is used, for instance, in a direct mail campaign in which a card is enclosed, usually prepaid, to encourage a reply.

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It is the copies of an advertisement printed after appearance in a publication.

Repro Pulls

It means goods quality proofs of typesetting, usually for use in making up artwork, or in enlarging for display purposes.

Resale Price Maintenance

It is an agreement between trading concerns regarding prices at which goods may be sold. Prohibited in UK under the 1964 Resale Prices Act so that suppliers may now only

publish a recommended retail suppliers may now only publish a recommended retail price (RRP).

Research Questions

It is refined statements of research objectives. This may be3 illustrated with an example. An advertising manager may want a marketing researcher to investigate perceptions

of industrial buyers regarding a new line of office furniture the company is considering to introduce. A specific research objective may be to determine the awareness level of

potential buyers of the proposed office furniture with respect to the furniture brand currently being offered by the company. This research objective could be translated into

several research; questions.

What is the unaided recall of the company’s brand?

What is the aided recall of the company’s brand?

What is the awareness of specific brand features?

(e.g. price level, durability etc.)

It is further refined into one or a series of research hypotheses. Hypotheses are tentative statement about relationship between tow or more variables. E.g. " The primary

reason why housewives buy Nirma washing powder is low price:" When operational hypotheses a stated using symbolic notation, they are commonly termed ‘ statistical


Reserve price

It is the minimum selling price. It is mostly used at auctions but may occasionally apply when stock is being cleared at reduced prices.

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Response means reaction evoked by a stimulus.

Response Function

It is a set of numbers, which is often in percentage form, defining the relative value of given numbers of advertising impressions per person or section of the target


Response Rate

It means measure of advertising effectiveness, e.g. in direct mail, the number of replies per thousand; in other forms of advertising, the number of replies per insertion. Taken

in conjunction with readership/viewership figures for example, this measure enables a comparative cost per inquiry structure to be compiled for use in media selection.

Retail Outlet

It is a physical point or premises at which goods are retailed. Generally associated with a specialized service or category of business, e.g. co-operative supermarket, chemist,

general store, dairy, etc.


It means to modify a photograph or negative by hand, using paints, dyes or chemicals, in order to improve or change it in some way, or to introduce additional features or

eliminate existing ones.


1. A measure of income arising from an investment.

2. Applicable to goods returned, damaged, unsatisfactory or surplus, to a supplier for credit.

Reverse Plate

It is the printing block in which the contents-illustrations and lettering-are in white upon a black or coloured background.

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Right of Resale

It is a legal term which is used to cover circumstances under which a seller of goods still in possession may resell goods, even though he may not hold title to them. Any

surplus on the transaction accrues to the original supplier, after the expenses of the seller have been met.

Rival Brands

It is the competing brand choices, often of nearly homogeneous goods.

Robot Salesmen

1. It is purely mechanical sales effort by salesman.

2. Dispensing machines vending machines.

Role Playing

Role Playing means acting a part in a simulated face-to-face interview, usually at a sales meeting or training session.


It is a illustration or design of a layout for an advertisement or print work in rough form.

Rough Out

It is the first edited assembly of film shots in correct order and sequence according to script instructions.

Rounding Off

It is a mathematical process for eliminating small insignificant numbers or chemical of numbers, by taking the nearest significant value.


It is a detailed study of single subject by certain reporters.

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Routing Salesman

It means designing a calling pattern for salesman to ensure systematic rather than haphazard coverage.


It means solid line in printing.


1. It means period of printing an edition.

2. Quantity to be printed.

Run of Paper (ROP)

It is an instruction to a publisher indicating that no special position is sought for an advertisement, i.e. it can be placed in any convenient part of the advertising space of the

publication. A lower charge is usually payable in such circumstances than where a specific position is demanded.

Run-of-Week Spot

It is an arrangement whereby a TV contractor undertaken to transmit a commercial during a particular week but, since a discount is allowable, will not specify the exact time

of transmission.


It is a additional quantities of printed material over and above the original print order. Thus, a advertisement in a periodical can be ‘run-on’ whilst the machine is still set,

thereby providing additional copies at a relatively low price, due to there being no additional setting up charges.

Running Costs

It is the costs which incurred in operating a business or service.

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Jargons in Advertising



Sack is open ended hessian container, but now more commonly made from multiwall paper or from plastic, used largely for bulk packaging of powders or granulated


Sale or Return

According to this term only goods resold are charged to a dealer, any unsold goods being returnable for full credit. It is related to consignment selling.

Sales Aid

It means any tangible element of sales promotion, leaflet, film projector or sample, which acts as a back up to a salesman in presenting his proportion to a consumer.

Sales Approach

It is a positive proposition or theme which is adopted by salesmen to win a favourable reaction from prospects.

Sales Barometer

It is the method of comparing the level of sales performance against preset standards.

Sales Budget

It is a tabulation of anticipated accounting figures covering sales revenue and direct selling costs, shown in predetermined divisions of time, products, territory of market

segment. Used as a means of control by comparing actual with budgeted performance and taking remedial action, where possible, to restore any shortfalls.

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Sales Campaign

It means implementation of the selling strategy. Sometimes mounting a particular selling operation for a product, a market segment, or a geographical area, in isolation from

the normal sales activity.

Sales Calls

It means visits to customers or prospective customers by a sales person.

Sales Conference

It means gathering, often annual, of all the personnel involved in selling, and often sales promotion, activities in a company t review past performance and examine

targets,incentives, and techniques for the future.

Sales Control

Sales Control means use of system or process to enable supervisory personnel to monitor the performance of the selling operation, particularly in relation to the field force,

using predetermined aims of goals.

Sales Costs

It is the costs of field selling effort.

Sales Coverage

Sales Coverage means distribution of selling agents or sales outlets reaching potential markets.

Sales Drive

It refers to particularly active selling campaign.

Sales Engineer

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It is the salesman who have the knowledge of engineering or of the technical aspect of a product so as to be able to discuss intelligently the application of the product will all

the technical implications.

Sales Feature

It is a aspect of a product which can be shown as a consumer benefit.

Sales Folder

It is a portfolio of selling aids.

Sales Force

It is the group of salesman, directed by a national or regional sales manager.

Sales Forecasts

It is the projections of likely sales, given certain defined criteria and making defined assumption. Often based upon historical data. Not identical to sales targets, which relate

purely to the salesmen they concern.

Sales Goods

It means items deducted in price for quick clearance.

Sales Impact

It is the measure of response to sales activity and performance.

Sales Inquiry

It is the request from sales prospect for sales literature or quotation. (Enquiry is a general term used for requests for non-sales information.)

Sales Kit

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It means sales presentation, communicational selling aids and administrative stationery and equipment carried by the salesman for the transaction of business.

Sales Lead

Sales Lead means piece of information or a contact which may ultimately lead to a sale being transacted.

Sales Literature

Sales Literature is a pamphlets, leaflets, point-of-sale showcards, etc. which give product information to potential customers.

Sales Manager

He is a executive who is responsible for sales force management, directly through field sales mangers or through branch or area organization. Often also controls some

internal sales service, which may or may not include transport, credit repair, maintenance or other services.

Sales Management

It means an Organisation, direction, control, recruitment, training and motivation of the field selling effort within the planned marketing strategy.


It is a practice of information and persuading persons or organizations of the value of a purchase and expressing that value in actual benefits unique to each prospect.

Sales Manual

It is a guide to operating instructions, terms of employment and policy document issued to salesmen as a supplement to sales training and supervision.

Sales Meeting

Sales Meeting means gathering of salesmen usually led by a field supervisor, for a training session or for dissemination of information.

Sales Mix

It means breakdown of sales revenue by product groups and normally expressed in percentage terms.

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Sales Mobility

It indicates extent of ability and positive or negative attitude shown in responding to customers, requests for out-of-schedule visits.’

Sales Office Manager

He is a executive who is responsible for managing the sales office and, in particular, ensuring that the necessary back-up is provided to the sales force in using company

resources efficiently, thus exerting maximum persuasional effect upon customers.

Sales Organization

It is the structure and distribution of the sales personnel, head and branch offices or warehouse and possibly shops, where company-operated. It could be applicable in same

way to organization of sales staff in a mail order operation.

Sales Penetration

It is an extent to which total market potential has been realized, i.e. the proportion of people in that market who have become users consumers of a product or service.

Sales Pitch

It is content and style of salesman’s presentation to prospective customers.

Sales Planning

It means determining of fixing sales objectives and selling activity quotas in an effort to achieve pre-set targets.

Sales Platform

It is the main selling proposition upon which a specific or particular campaign is to be based.

Sales policies

It is the company policies enjoined upon the sales force in order to promote uniform achievement of marketing objectives.

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Sales Potential

Sales Potential is share of a market that a company believes is achievable when its plans and strategies have been fully implemented.

Sales Power

It means measure of company strength is selling effort and achievement compared with that of competitors’ equivalents.

Sales Promotion

It means any non-face-to-face activity concerned with the promotion of sales, but often taken also to include advertising. In customer marketing, frequently used to denote

any below-the line advertising expenditure and having close connections with in-store merchandising.

Sales Prospects

Sales Prospects are likely customers for a specific or particular company or industry.

Sales Quota

It is a goal which is set for man, product, territory, or market segment in selling activity or sales performance terms.

Sales Records

It means collection of data relating to sales achieved by product category, geographical location, customer type etc.

Sales Report

It means analysis of selling activity and performance.

Sales Research

It means study of field and office activities in an effort to discover means of improving sales force productivity.

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Sales Resistance

Sales Resistance means rational or irrational opposition to a purchasing proposition. Will either be dispelled by salesman effort or persist irrespective of how, or the extent to

which the proposition is presented.

Sales Service

It means all the productive, clerical and administrative facilities which are provided as a support to the activities of the sales force in order to service customer requirements.

Sales Strategy

It is the plan of the sales activities undertaken to achieve set objectives including territory targets, method of selling rates of calling and budgets; a subsection of established

marketing strategy.

Sales Targets

It is an quantitative sales objectives set as a positive statement of company requirements as compared with sales forecasts which are related more to an objective assessment

of anticipated events based upon external factors not within the company’s control.

Sales Territory

It means geographical area, market segment, or product group within which individual sales people are responsible for developing sales.

Sales Tools

It means synonym for sales aids.

Sales Volume

It means sales achievement expressed in quantitative, physical or volume terms.

Salvos Advertising and Marketing, Bangalore

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It is an independent south-based company associated with cinema advertising for many years. It operates primarily in four southern states, with regular arrangements with

over 1700 cinema halls for purchase for playing time. Even nationwide services are offered through branches, resident representatives and associates. Their clients include

BPL, J&J, Premier Mills, Sandoz, SPIC, TOMCO and TVs. It monitors screening by a highly trained staff. It makes prompt payments to the theatres. It couriers the prints

irrespective of locations. It allows facilities of independent checking of screenings to the client. It has penetrated the hitherto unserviced territories. It attains over 95% of

screenings of each campaign.

Same Size

It is an instruction to a printer or production house to reproduce an original in the same size. Commonly abbreviated ‘SS’.

Sample Case

It is an mobile container used, for instance, by salesmen for carriage, protection and demonstration of samples of their company’s products.

Sampling Frame

It is a control data for research study; specifies parameters and structure for each sample.

Sampling Offers

It is an invitations by manufacturers to potential customers to ‘try’ the product by taking a free sample or lower-priced trial pack.

Sampling Point

It is a geographical location convenient for contacting a predetermined cluster of informants.

Sandwich Board

It is an advertising poster carried by a person in public, usually in the of two displays, one at the front and one at the back, suspended over the shoulder and thus

‘sandwiching’ the carrier.

Sans Serif

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It is plain and simple style of lettering without serifs, e.g. this sentence is set in sans serif. Arguably not so legible as is lettering with serifs.

Satellite Agencies

Satellite Agencies means bigger agencies these days form smaller subsidiary agencies. The first such subsidiary in India was Acil, which was formed by Clarion Advertising

Agencies. Hindustan Thompson Associates (HTA) in 1979 set up Contract advertising which has now taken over Grant Kenyon & Eckhardt. Acil has since broken away

from Clarion and is now an independent agency. After contract, there was a spate of satellite agencies; OBM, Ulka, DaCunha, Everest and more recently Lintas have set up

subsidiaries. Lintas has set up Karishma as its subsidiary. The umbilical cord with the parent agency helps the subsidiaries in terms of a few initial accounts and talents to

create good copies. Subsidiaries can have fresh creative approach and can cater to smaller accounts. Subsidiaries can also take up a competing firm’s account. If HTA has lux

soap, the Contract sells Mysore Sandalwood. HTA has the Niky Tasha account and contract has Hotline’s.

Edge is an Everest-backed satellite agency. Subsidiaries consolidate business and improve market share. Ulka’s subsidiary interface handles many small accounts. There is a

break-away thinking in a subsidiary. DaCunha’s Victa dabbles into advertising that is a little bolder than normal. Artig, an OBM subsidiary, gets into fields’ complementary

of their business and away from main-stream advertising communications, public relations, direct response advertising. The tax benefit that the formation of subsidiaries gave

is not more of any consequence. Forming subsidiary does not means partitioning a little office space and putting a new sign-board. It must be totally independent resource-


Satellite Transmission Through Cable Network

It is the battle for the skies in India has just begun. The first to invade our air waves after CNN which covered the gulf war was Star TV. So far Star TV was restricted to

English speaking viewers, who constituted about 8 per cent of our population. However, the rules of the electronic medium have changed with the launch of Star TV’s Hindi

channel called Zee TV from October 2, 1992.

The ATN was yet another channel, which has round the clock transmission from pan Am Sat 4. It has also started a channel called ATN Prime.

Zee TV has also started EL TV, a Hindi Channel. It has recently started Music Asia-a-music, educational and tele shopping channel.

Star TV has an audience3 of 1.3 million in India itself which is increasing at a rate of 10,000 viewers every day. Besides, it is watched by 20 million NRI’s and other Hindi-

Urdu speaking audiences in 38 countries covered by its footprints.

We have as many 35 channels in India now.

These include ESPN, ABN, Cartoon Network or TNT, including Sony TV, Asia net in Malyalam, Sun TV in Tamil, Sun Music, Home TV etc.

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There are cable networks like City cable of Zee and In Cable net of Hinduja.

Star TV so far has an affluent up-market image. ATN is targeted towards the masses.

Doordarshan has started several satellite channels in regional languages. DD Metro is available as a satellite as well as terrestrial channel. DD has still highest reach and

penetration. DD has introduced DD3 as an elite satellite channel.

ATN’s software is mostly entertainment based. There is no dearth so soap operas and serials. Most of the viewers who switch off the DD at 10 PM since cable operators

beam a film around that time are going to be tapped by ATN and Zee Cinema who screen Hindi Movies. Hindi film industry is gearing itself to meet the production

requirements of these networks.

Star TV and BBC have been criticized for frequent returns. The English channels run dry so fast. Imagine how difficult it is going to be constantly supplying Hindi


Zee TV not only commission outside producers but produces its own programmes.

The scramble for advertising is going to be intense. ATN is trying to woo advertisers by offering competitively low rates to begin with. The rates are, however, subject to

change, depending on the increasing viewership.

Saturation Campaign

It means intensive use of mass media in a single campaign.

Saturation Point

It means level at which any further expansion of distribution in a market is unlikely to be achieved and where further sales are restricted to the potential arising from

replacement needs or population growth.


It is the rough design of layout of advertisement or other promotional material.


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It means graph with a scale for each two variables; values of variables are plotted in pairs, one for the X-axis. When a line is drawn to pass through the centre of the points, it

indicates the line of best fit. Once drawn, it can then be used to estimate the most likely level of expenditure necessary to achieve the return shown against the matching point

on the other axis.


Scheduling denotes for specifically to detailed arrangements for commercials or advertisements appearing in the media.

Scheme Advertising

It is an advertising normally of a below the line character.


Screening means procedure by which new or modified product ideas are assessed in a methodical way against key factores for success. Products not meeting the essential

criteria are thus eliminated at an early stage in their development. This is a discipline, which should be imposed early on in the concept development stage in order to

eliminate unnecessary wastage of resources on ideas, which are unlikely to be successful.


It is the text of a commercial film or broadcast.

Seasonal Discount

Seasonal Discount is the discount which is offered by media owners to encourage business during what are considered to be stack periods in the year.

Seasonal Rate

It is the rates in advertising which vary according to the time of year.

Secondary Coverage

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Secondary coverage is a area in which reception of radio or television channel is subject to difference, generally the area concerned is catered for by another channel but is

within the outer area of another.

Secondary Data

It is the information, which already exists, e.g. internal company records, government and other official statistics.

Secondary Readership

It denotes readership of a publication by location, e.g. by the members of a household whose head purchase the publication or by people in an organization which subscribes

to it, sometimes referred to as ‘pass-on readership’.

Second Generation Product

It evolves from one already on the market and eventually superseds it. It is used in areas of rapid technological development, e.g. electronics.


Segmentation means breakdown of a market into discrete and identifiable elements, each of which may have its own special requirements of a product and each of which is

likely to exhibit various habits affecting its exposure to advertising media. Other marketing factors such as optimum price, quality, packaging and distribution are likely to

differ as between one segment and another. Typical breakdowns are based upon age, social standing, income, sex, geographical location, leisure pursuits.

Selective Positioning

It is a choice and continuity of a special position within a type of advertising medium, aimed at a specific target audience.

Selective Selling

It confined to those customers and prospects, which satisfy a minimum standard of performance or some other limiting factor. Formerly a common practice for the

distribution of speciality products but breaking down as mass marketing techniques are more widely exploited.

Self-Liquidating Offer

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It is a special offer made available to purchasers of a product, and designed to yield sufficient revenue to defray the cost of the offer and also perhaps reduce the promotional

costs involved.


It is a direct mail piece that can be posted without envelope or wrapper, a form of postcard.


It means merchandise arranged in a retail store in such a way that customers may make their own choice without further assistance. The sale is then completed by a sales

assistant. Distinguished from self-service where the sale is completed at a checkout point.

Self-service Store

It is the retail outlet where customers help themselves to prepriced goods from shelves or other displays, and pay for their purchases at suitably located cash tills or in total

upon departure.

Seller’s Market

It means excess of demand over supply creating market imbalance and making sales effort less obligatory in the part of suppliers.


It is a procedure of selling goods to the retail trade prior to a consumer promotional campaign.


It is a procedure of persuasion leading to a continuing trading arrangement, initiated and perpetuated at either a personal or impersonal level but commonly confined to oral

representation supported by visual aids.

Selling Agent

Selling Agent means salesman representing an organization but not necessarily on the organization’s payroll.

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Semantic Differential

It is developed to measure attitides people have for the brand and company image. Here, a descriptive profile is developed to facilitate comparison of different items. A series

of bi-polar adjectives are used at both the ends of the scale. Five to seven levels of gradations are put to separate these adjectives. The adjectives may be good-bad, high-low,

hard-soft, beautiful-ugly etc. The following illustrates the scale:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Good - - - - - - - Bad

First position represents extremely good. The positions from the left to the right show ‘very good,’ ‘slightly good,’ both good and bad,’ slightly bad,’ ‘very bad,’ and

extremely bad.’ As you will appreciate position 4 is neutral; representing neither good nor bad.

The respondent is asked to mark his feeling about the item being rated. By indicating one of the positions on the scale, the respondent is in effect positioning the concept as a

point in semantic space.

The profile of each respondent’s selections can be developed and compared with other respondents. The entire group’s profile can be developed by finding group’s median or

mode value for each bipolar pair of adjectives. The pairs are selected keeping the purpose of the project in mind.

An insurance company wanted to assess how an illustration used in one of its ads was perceived by the respondents. The illustration should not be perceived as that of a

sad/worried m an. The adjective pairs used were: cheerful-sad, worried-unworried, rich-poor, honest-dishonest; likeable-unlikeable, intelligent, unintelligent. etc.


It refers to meeting set up for the dissemination of knowledge in which a ‘leader’ discusses a subject with his audience rather than expounding it. Frequently a small and

informal grouping in UK but can be organized on a large scale of conference proportions.


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It is an advertisement which appears on a page containing another advertisement but which is not positioned adjacent to it.


It is the research which is conducted by interviewer with guidelines but in which several questions may need to be answered.

Sentence Completion

It means establishing attitudes or opinions by providing incomplete questions that the respondent may answer in any fashion he/she chooses. Often portrays the irrational

areas of motivation that are difficult to elicit and summarize from a conventional interviewing situation.


It means taking events one at a time in an orderly fashion, generally according to some agreed process.


It refers to broadcasting, publishing, or filming of continuing story in sections, generally without a predicatable end.

Series Discount

It is the discount which is given by advertising media owner in consideration of an undertaking by an advertiser to book a series of insertions within a given minimum

number of issues.


It means tail or cross stroke in a typeface, at one or both ends of a main stroke, intended to improve readability. This book is set in a serif face.

Service Advertising

It means services are activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for sale. They are intangible, inseparable, variable and perishable. They therefore require strict quality control,

supplier credibility and adaptability.

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Personalized services like laundary, hair grooming, beauty salon, automotive repairs, when advertised, place greater emphasis on the institution offering it and the advantages

in patronising them. They may talk about congenial environment, quickness and promptness of service, economy, exclusiveness, status significance, etc. Luxury hotels and

airlines, when advertising their services, attach greater importance to service with a smile, courtesy thoughtfulness, and claim that they offer to their clientele, like the teller

system, personalized banking computer banking, etc.

Services like physical goods also use channels to make their output available and accessible, e.g., location of a hospital to cater a particular catchment area. Promotion of

services also emphasize the locational aspects.

Service Department

Service Department is a part or portion of an organization concerned with providing after-sales service to customers; frequently involved with the handling of complaints,

which required tactful replacement or rectification to avoid temporary or permanent loss of goodwill.

Service Fee

It is a charge which is made, usually on a predetermined annual basis, by an advertising or public relation agency for the service it provides. Increasingly used instead of, or

in addition to, the earlier convention of commission income.

Service Industries

Service Industries are those industries who are not directly involved with manufacturing, e.g. travel, entertainment, health, insurance, professional and personal treatment.


It means work carried out for others by an individual or organisation where no transfer of goods is involved, e.g. banking, insurance, travel.

Set Solid

It means lines of type which are set close up to one another, without any spacing.

Shelf Life

It means limit of time during which a product may be stored on a retailer’s shelves before natural deterioration will render it unfit for sale.

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Shelf Talker

It is a printed material on shelves in self-selection or self-service stores promoting particular brands and obviating the necessity for sales talk by shop assistants.

Shell Scheme

It is a standard design of individual booth provided by the organizer of an exhibition.

Shift in demand

Change in the pattern or extent of consumer demand.

Shipping Note

It is a delivery note which is used by exporters to notify the docks of an intended consignment specifying the vessel and sailing data.


It means synonym for filming in colloquial usage.

Shooting Script

It is a schedule of activities in film making which relates each part of a script to the accompanying visual and sound effect.

Shop Lifting

It means stealing from retail stores with intention to evade payment for them leading to stock ‘shrinkages’.


Shopper means retailer’s customer.

Shopping Centres

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It means urban marketing developments planned and operated under local government regulation in UK and providing for a full representation of shopping facilities in the

interests of the local community.

Shopping Goods

The goods which are purchased after a careful consideration and comparison of quality, price and suitability. Unlike convenience goods, they are infrequently purchased and

have a high unit price. Buyers do normally discuss with their spouses, friends and other family members before making a decision to buy; style is an additional factor in the

buying motive. Typical shopping goods are women’s apparel, men’s ready to wear clothing, home furnishing etc. Since customers may not have adequate product knowledge

about such goods, advertising should amply provide this, together with rational and emotional appeals about product benefits, quality and such other product features, as the

fact that they are easy to operate, are durable, and safe. Such goods have a few retail outlets which are located in the vicinity of similar other outlets so that customers may

conveniently make comparisons.

Short Rate

It means different or variation between the rate paid by an advertiser at the end of a period between the actual number of lines taken up by advertising in a publication and the

estimated lines upon which an original quotation was based.

Shoulder Time

It means time immediately preceding or following peak-time.


Shrinkage means variation between physical stock take and book stock take. It may be a result of recording or counting errors by supplier or customer but is often a

consequence of pilferage.

Shrink Wrapping

Goods are enclosed in a transparent film of plastic which is shrunk’ onto the goods by the application of heat. Often used as an alternative to an outer container where

protection is not a key factor but display is. Used especially for dispensing fresh foodstuffs in self-service stores and supermarkets.

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Side Head

It means subheading appearing to the left or right of a column.

Sight Draft

It means bill of exchange which is payable on sight.

Silent Salesman

It means point of sale material embodying display and especially attention-getting contents used as a merchandising technique. It is used to describe packaging.

Silk Screening

It is a method or process of printing by which ink is forced through a fine mesh on which have been superimposed opaque areas, representing the reverse of the design,

through which ink will not pass. Much used in the production of high quality point-of-sale material.


It means representation of one system by means of another. In particular, the representation of physical performance by computers, either equipment or models, to facilitate

the study of such system or phenomena to train operators etc.

Single Column Centimetre (Scc.)

It is the standard unit of measurement for print advertisements, one centimetre in a column.

Single Column Inch (SCI)

Single Column Inch is obsolescent measurement in newspapers and magazines in UK, based upon the depth of type matter contained in a single column.

Single Source

It means information or data received or compiled from one origin alone Most often in connection with a research study.

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Situation Report

It is the report on the current situation or circumstances in short it is written as sitrep.

Sixteen Sheet

It is the most popular size of poster consisting eight double crowns sizes.


It means distribution of data which differs from a normal distribution in that the mean and the mode are located at various points.

Skimming Price

Skimming Price is the price aimed at appealing to higher income groups.


Slant means central theme adopted by writer on a specific issue.

Sleeper Effect

It means studies, which have shown that, even after the purely factual information within it has been forgotten, attitudes may still have shifted in favour of an advertisement,

indicating that an attitude change has been effected. It is called as the sleeper effect.


It is easy to remember. It is used by copy writers continuously for the sake of establishing it. It creates an impact of repetition. It gives an identity to the company or to its

products. Slogan is a part of an advertisement copy. It is a concise but effective way of telling an idea. Many headlines have been sloganised. A slogan is kept in constant use

at least for one campaign. Some advertisements change the slogan for a new campaign. Some advertisements change the slogan for a new campaign. Mostly peole known the

slogan by heart. Slogans are short, summarized headlines. In outdoor advertisements, slogans are must. In outdoor advertisements, slogans are both the headlines and the

sales message. Slogans may use an appeal or a pleasant incident in the life of a product, a pleasant description of a product quality. Basically they draw attention to the

strength of the firm or product.

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It is direct, short easily remembered. They repeat the brand name. They are friendly phrases. Slogans can be printed or sung. They are good to conduct the re-call tests of MR.

They are funny and entertaining. Idiomatic slogans are remembered for a long time. They summarize the selling points. Bright and topical, they are a sign of a dynamic live

company. They can be charged with emotions and become psychological movers.

It is a challenging and creative task. Slogans put flesh and blood into an advertisement copy. A fresh slogan is well accepted when repeated for several times. One simple

method of creative problem solving is to restate the problem in as many ways as possible. Slogan’s value depends on what it makes the readers to understand. Good slogans

are idea-centred, rather than word-centred.

Small Order Problem

It arises from receipt of orders of insufficient unit value to justify handling; such a problem can be overcome by using dropshipment via intermediary stockists, by making

such orders subject to deposit of each price in advance of delivery or by fixing a minimum order size/value.


It means bargain.

Social Marketing

It is the application of the marketing concept to non-commercial activities such as those connected with community, welfare and social services. Thus, it can be argued that

marketing has a relevance to government, both national and local.

Soft News

Soft News means articles in newspapers and magazines with an element of news but mainly expressing the opinions of publication or a contributor.

Soft Selling

It means couching the selling message in a subtle or oblique way, as against a blatant or hard selling approach. It is known as ‘low pressure selling’.

Solus Position

It means position of isolation i.e. separated from any immediate, especially competitive, announcements of poster or press advertisement, for instance.

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Sound Track

It is the narrow area running alongside the film which carries the sound recording. It refer to the actual sound recording itself.


It is the term which is used to describe pages available for advertising purposes in a publication; constitutes the product available for safe text matter has been accommodated.

Span of Control

It means breadth of control, measured in numbers of personnel and the rigour of their duties, which a manager or executive may supervise effectively.

Special Feature

It is a part or portion of a publication, or a separate publication, devoted to particular event or interest ostensibly for readers’ benefit but often to attract associated advertising


Speciality Advertising

It involves imprinting the sponsor’s name or even a short ad message on novel or useful articles. These include calenders, pens pencils, desk-pads, paper-weights, ash-trays,

drinking cups and glasses diaries, shopping bags, memo pads, balloons, rulers, key rings, small gift items and a host of other articles. The main purpose of Speciality

advertising in the reinforcement of brand names of messages already seen in other primary media. The great advantage of these apparently minor media is that they are low-

cost and effective reminders of the company’s name. Waste in such advertising is usually minimal since carefully selected articles can be sent or handed to target groups.

Speciality Goods

Speciality Goods are those goods which are not always available in conventional outlets and sold direct to the home from leads obtained by advertising, such as double

glazing, encyclopedias, insurance. It requires speciality salesmen.

Speciality Salesman

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It refers to sales personnel who are usually confined to one product or at most a limited range of products and frequently where there is a once-only selling opportunity or at

least little likelihood of a repeat sale in the immediate future.

Special Position

It means insertion of an advertisement in what is regarded as a distinctive position in a publication, e.g. outside or inside covers, facing matter. Such a selection frequently

involves a higher charge being made to the advertiser and advance action on his part to secure it.


Specification in marketing concern with the specified characteristics and performance required of a product, expressed in quantitative as well as qualitative terms. In

production terms, specification is a schedule of parts or a list of ingredients from which a product is manufactured.

Specific Offer

It means precise proposition by the seller with a view to securing a contract to use or purchase a product or service.


1. It is the huge, outdoor electrically illuminated sign.

2. It is direct mail piece.

3. It elaborate special TV programme, irregularly scheduled.


It refers to disregard a news item.


It is a triangular poster with three faces spinning from central pivot; usually located in shopping centre or precinct.


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It is the main news story which is associated with front page of newspapers but not exclusively.

Split Credit Sales

It is the division of credit between salesmen for business obtained, where orders are secured from one sales territory but delivery is required on another. The arrangement may

also apply to orders booked via a head or branch office which are then delivered in one or more sales territories; such apportionment assists in the compilation of sales

statistics and comparisons as well as the payment of appropriate commissions to the salesman concerned.

Split Run

It means, when the identical publication is printed and distributed in two or more separate production runs and deliveries to facilitate the insertion of different advertisements

in each part run. The arrangement is often used to compare the measured effects of alternative pieces of advertising copy.

Sponsored Book

It is the book which is specially produced for an organization, which undertakes to meet all or most of the production cost to the publisher, such publications being produced

for public relations’ purposes.

Sponsored Events

Sponsored Events in marketing means a part or portion of a public relations programme to emphasize the name of an organization or product in a favourable light by paying

all or some of the costs of a public sport or spectacles, e.g. ticket or motor-racing. The technique can be used in relation to any event which is likely to be patronized or

otherwise come to the attention of the particular public the organization desire to influence.

Sponsored Television

It is the television broadcasting method where time periods are bought by companies, who then provide their own product, director, and artists for a show and during

broadcasting advertise their company products. Major method used in USA but not allowed in the UK. See also spot advertising.


It refers to single television advertisement appearance.

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Spot Lengths

It is the standard times for television commercials, e.g. 7,15,30,45 and 60 seconds; 30 seconds being the base time.


It means two facing pages in a publication over which one advertisement may be printed.

Stable Market

It shows the market where the volume of sale show little change when prices vary. Associated, but not to be confused with those products known as ‘staples’.

Stamp Trading

It is the incentive vouchers, generally in the form of stamps, issued by retailers in relation to value of purchase to encourage trading loyalty; stamps may later be redeemed for

cash (all legal requirement), or goods chosen by the consumer from a catalogue and collected from a stocking and display point. The practice has been outlawed in

N.America where it was found to be subject to abuse.

Stand Out Test

Stand Out Test in consumer goods marketing, is a package on shelf store test to determine how well the designed package shows up when compared with competitive

offerings in close proximity and display.

Standard Error

It means measurement of accuracy of statistical measurements of sample. Expressed in two dimensions; the parameters of accuracy and the confidence level at which the

study was undertaken.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

It means comprehensive listing and coding of industries and services by the UK Government’s Central Statistical Office (Central Office of Information), and published by

Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO).

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Standardized Sales Presentation

It is the prepared sales sequence following a definite course of action developed by experienced sales personnel for the benefit of new or inexperienced recruits.

Staple Product

Staple Product are those products which are essentials, inconstant demand, such as bread, milk, cigarettes, etc.


It is the expression which is used to describe highly successful, profitable products which have established competitive track records.

Starch Ratings

It is the process of measuring advertisement effectiveness in the USA.


It is the financial or fiscal document which shows the net total of outstanding accounts owing to the seller by the buyer after taking into consideration all due allowances and

payment received. Usually but not always a monthly issue.

Static Market

It means market which has a pattern over time substantially free from fluctuations, particularly of volume.

Status Inquiry

It is the form of checking upon the credit worthiness of a prospective customer, It is also called as credit rating.

Status Symbol

1. It is the non financial incentives which is offered to salesmen.

2. The prestigious products which is bought more for purposes of ostentation than for their

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utility; buyers may or may not make extensive use of such purchases.

Statute of Limitations

It means fixing period within which outstanding debts may be legally collected, outside such period the indebtedness lapses. It refers to UK legislation.


It means printing plate cast in one piece from a matrix or mould.

Sterling Area

It is the group of countries using the British pound as a reserve currency, agreeing to permit free transfer of funds amongst members and to operate joint control over

exchange of sterling area currencies for other external currencies.


Sticker means label, poster or other printed sheet intended for sticking on window, letter, envelope or other medium for display purposes.


It is the single frame printed form photograph used in a continuous film. Usually refers to a photograph rather than a movie-film as such.


It initiating step or incentive intended to provoke a predictable response.


Stockist is the stockholder of a particular range of goods for sale on behalf of a specific supplier.


It is the physical or manual counting of trading stock. It is sometimes used to describe an inventory, it includes the counting of all assets within the film and not just stock.

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Stock Turn

It is the rate at which trading stock is sold and replaced.

Stop Motion

It is the photographic technique for animating inanimate objects.

Store Demonstration

It means public demonstration of machines, product, or equipment held in a store.

Store Traffic

It means number or extent of people coming into or passing through a retail outlet.

Story Board

It is the sequence of sketches which is designed to show the main elements of television or cinema commercial.

Strategic Pricing

It is the practice for establishing the optimum price at which a product is to be offered to the market.


It is the plan, sometimes in outline only, for reaching certain objectives, usually quantified and more often on a relatively long time base.


It means structuring requirements or process laid down within a research survey questionnaire for the uniform control of interviews in such a way as to permit reliable

summaries and comparisons of results to be drawn up.

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It is the paperboard manufactured form straw rather than woodpulp. Generally used in box making and book covers due to high rigidity.

Strengths and Weaknesses

This term is used to categorize elements and characteristics of products or organization to assess positive and negative features, particularly for competitive comparisons.

Strike Through

It is the print on reverse side of a sheet showing through.


Stringer is an assitant to correspondent in media.


It is the piece of publicity matter intended for general distribution with other material such as outgoing mail or goods, e.g. ‘envelope stuffer’.


It means rules concerning spelling, grammar, punctuation, and layout in publishing or broadcasting material.


1. The preparation of copy for publication.

2. Abbreviation for sub-editor.


It is the bold type in or preceding a line of printing but inferior or secondary to a main heading.

Subliminal Projection

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It means delivery6 of an advertising message below receiver’s level of awareness, but which register in the subconscious. May be visual or audio or both. The use of

subliminal advertising is illegal in the UK and a number of other countries where it is not regarded as a fair means of exercising persuasive influence.

Sub Sample

It is the subsection of a sample.

Subscribed Circulation

It is the part or a portion of a publisher’s circulation which is paid for, as opposed to being distributed free to charge.

Suggestion Selling

It is the presenting selling arguments by suggestion, whereby the prospect may feel he has arrived at a conclusion it favourable to the selling agent as a result of his own


Super Market

1. It is the self service store of over 2000 square feet and having three or more check-out points, mostly having a wide range of fast-moving merchandise, including a high

proportion of foodstuffs, usually at premium prices.

2. It also refers to site where many traders operate their business on their own account under the same roof.


It is the huge tailor-made poster or displays, often hand-printed or cut out so as to give a three dimensional effect.


It is the special feature section of a publication.


It is the sample of ink, paint, plastic, fabric or other material for purposes of colour matching.

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Switch Selling

In Switch Selling an inferior, non-existent or non-available product is put on offer in very favourable circumstances in order to draw the attention of potential customers to

whom an alternative but less commercially attractive proposition will then be made. Rendered illegal by an order under the Fair Trading Act, 1973 and also outlawed by the

British Code of Advertising Practice.


It is the distinctive sign or graphic design denoting a company or product. Often a pictorial presentation of a company or product name.


1. It means deviation from normal, suggesting a problem.

2. It is a characteristic of a situation.


It is the multiclient project with no one client exercising exclusive rights.


It is the term which is used to identify the condition where the combined effect of two or more courses of action is greater than the sum of the individual parts. In marketing,

frequently applicable to the measure of overall effectiveness through the co-ordinated operation of the many elements comprising the marketing mix.

Jargons in Advertising


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It means newspaper with a small or a part of page area.


Tabulation means putting data into tables, generally of a numerical order.


It is a projection device in a advertising research which is used to measure the thresholds at which the features of an advertisement are registered. It can be used for measuring

visual impact of an advertisement when exposed for only a short time.

Tactical Pricing

It means short term variations or differences, usually, deductions in price, to stimulate sales.


Tallyman is a collection agent for loan insurance companies.

Target Audience

Target Audience is a group of people, or segment of a market to whom an advertising appeal is specifically addressed.

Target Group Index (TGI)

It is a continuous survey of adults in which their purchasing habits in detail are related to their media exposure, thus facilitating accurate media planning.

Target Weights

It is used for weighting advertising expenditure; a means of varying expenditure according to the influence of demographic factors.

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Task Method

It is the means of calculating the budget for an advertising campaign by relating it to the objective(s) to be achieved, rather than by using any given amount of money arrived

at in a more arbitrary fashion.

Tax Incidence

It is the point where ultimate tax burden is located.

Tax, Turnover

It means tax levied as the proportion of the price of a commodity at each level of distribution. It is known as VAT (value-added tax).


It stands for Till countermanded. Stipulation in contract that it will run until stopped by the advertiser.

Tear Sheet

It is a press advertisement torn from a newspaper or periodical and sent to an advertiser as evidence or a proof of its publication.

Tear Strip

It is a strong membrane in a head-sealed package which, when pulled, is intended to cause the package to open easily.


It is an advertisement which by withholding information about the product and/or sponsor, is designed to arouse widespread attention through the operation of curiosity.

Often takes the form of a poster or series of posters.

Technical Press

Technical Press means periodicals dealing with technical subjects. Usually grouped together as ‘trade & technical’, referring in effect to all publications directed to a non-

consumer public.

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Telegenic means characteristic of a person whose features will appear attractive on television.

Telephone Answering Service

It is the mechanical or manual servicing of calls or inquiries through the telephone network.

Telephone Selling

It is a selling operation in which the telephone is used to contact potential customers, and to solicit orders without any personal call upon customers’ premises.

Television Audience Surveys/TRP Reports

There are three methods for conducting television audience surveys are: the recall method, the ‘consumer panel and tammeters (television audience meters). Tammeteres (or

‘people meters’) are used widely in the West to record the time when the television set is ‘on’; the meters, however, do not record who was actually watching at the time the

set was switched on. The meters are connected directly to telephone line, and these in turn to central computers. Generally, this mechanical recording is combined with panel

surveys and interviews to obtain a clearer picture of audience response.

Meters have not been introduced in india because of the expense involved. AIR, Doordarshan and some market research agencies use the consumer panel method. A panel of

respondents are requested to keep a record of their viewing over a certain period. The method has its weaknesses in terms of reliability and validity. Since the panel member

has to keep a record of his viewing habits, there is very likelihood that he will watch more programmes than he would normally like to; the desire to please the marketing

agency cab be very strong. ‘This is equally true of the personal interview as a method of evaluating viewer reactions.

The recall method, claims MRAS, a marketing agency in Bombay, suffers from none of the drawbacks of the consumer panels and the meters. The justification for using it is

because ‘this methods has been used for many Years in Europe and United States to monitor viewership,’ and especially by the BBC. MRAS conducts a ‘national TV

viewership audit’ every month for the benefit of advertiser. It ‘rates television programmes according to popularity.

Television Consumer Audit

Television Consumer Audit means organization of a sample of viewers who report findings and thus enable television impact on population to be measured.

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Television Rating (TVR)

In a television rating one TVR represents 1% of the total TV audience expressed in terms of homes or individuals, so establishing a comparative unit of measure.

Television Rating Points (TRPs)

It is introduced to assess the viewership of DD programmes by IMRB. The TRP survey conducted in 9 major cities of India. The TRP system launched as a panel system has

become "the currency for buying and selling air time". The data is collected on a weekly basis. The panel consists of 3124 adult members. Each panel member records the

viewership of different TV programmes in the diary specially given to him. The data is then analyzed. The panel has two groups: Primary audience of adults from TV-owning

households and Secondary Audience of adults from non-TV owning households but who watch TV at least once a week. Programme’s rating point is the percentage of panel

members who viewed that programme. One TRP is equal to one per cent of TV audience. To illustrate, if Ramayana gets 75 TRPs it means 75 per cent panel members

watched Ramayana during that week. TRP Weekly Reports provide data on weekly viewership citywise for different programmes. The data is broken down for both the

primary audience and the total audience (primary audience plus secondary audience). T.R.P. Monthly Reports give data of frequency of viewing, overlapping of viewership

amongst programmes, cumulative reach for different episodes of the same programme. They also give viewer’s profile. TRP reports are a good help for media planners. DD

ahs also started compiling TRP’s based on panels from 16 cities, apart from metro ratings. Ratings are done weekly.

Temporary Exports

It means samples or exhibits required or needed to be re-imported within an agreed period of time.

Ten Commandments of Outdoor Creative

There are ten considerations that should go into the making of outdoor creatives.

1. A message should be big consisting of 3 – 5 words.

2. It should be legible. Capitals are used for display headings. Lowers case a suitable for

longer head-lines and sentences. Ornate lettering may reduce legibility. The minimum type height on a normal 20¢ x 10¢ hoarding should be upwards 30 cms.

3.The colours are used to contrast each other. Complementary colours, like red, green are not

readily visible.

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4. Build a uniquely recognizable format or layout and repeat it often enough. It requires

briefest eye contact to identify the brand.

5. The brand name works harder if it precedes the slogan.

6. Graphics are used to organize the text.

7. The key word or phrase can be highlighted in a colour box.

8. Faces used should not overwhelm the brand name. The pictures that are most effective are

pictures of ordinary people.

9. Teaser campaigns can be effective in outdoor, although they account for a small proportion of

outdoor campaigns.

10. The disruption of expectation: The consumer today enjoys a challenge and has the ability to deal with the abstract. The more innovative, the intriguing and the more

humourous the creative execution of an outdoor ad is, the less media weight it needs. Conversely, the more mundane the creative the more media weight it requires.

Tertiary Readership

It indicates readership of a publication seen casually during or while waiting for some other activity, normally outside the home, e.g. at hairdressers or surgery.

Test Close

It means requesting the consumer to place an order for the purpose of establishing the extent to which he is ready to purchase and thus enabling the interview to be conducted


Testing the Product

It refers to putting it on trial in terms of its functional utility, benefits and the impression it makes on the buyer. In marketing, the inescapable truth is that a product is what

the consumers perceive it to be. It means that the perceived value of the product has greater weight than the features that the product really has.

It means conducting tests in the laboratory and conducting experiments on the product, to explore the possibilities for improvement in quality, design etc.

Image Tests: It is essentially market tests concerned with market trends, and the changing expectations of the prospects.

Test marketing helps one to evaluate alternative strategies with regard to the product in terms of the marketing mix variables.

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Most of the tests are conducted by marketing research experts or consultants of advertising agencies. Testing the product is a highly specialized task. It requires trained

investigators as well as modern techniques of statistical analysis.

Test Marketing

It is a method or process of testing a marketing plan on a limited scale, simulating as nearly as possible all the factors involved in a national campaign; usually carried out in a

restricted but representative location, often a particular TV region. This process enables a marketing company to achieve or obtain an indication of likely market acceptance

without the full commitment and expense of a national launch. It also exposes the product and the plan to competitors, and consequently the results of the test can seldom be

regarded as absolutely conclusive.

Testimonial Advertisement

It is a piece of promotion, which uses the implied or explicity patronage of a product by a well-known person, or organization.

Tetra Pack

It is a four sided container usually constructed from waxed paper and designed for dispensing liquids. E.g. milk, frequently in portions for individual serving.


It is a solid typematter as distinct from headlines.

Theme Advertising

It is an advertising, normally of an above-the-line character.

Threshold Goals

Threshold Goals means Minimum level of achievement acceptable.

Thumb Nail

Thumb Nail means miniature sketch.

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Thurstone Differential Scale

Thurstone Differential Scale is also known as Thurstone’s Equal Appearing Interval scale. In the 1920’s L.L Thurstone suggested this scale. The assumption underlying this

scale is that people could distinguish differences between attitude statements and they could identify items that were close to halfway between them.

A large number of statements are collected (say 100-200) relevant to the attitude under investigation. Then a panel of judges (20 or more) is asked to rank the statement falls

into 11pile. The sorting is such that the most unfavourable statement falls into pile 1 and the most neutral statement falls in pile 6 and most favourable statement falls in pile

11. Once these judgements are made the researcher eliminates those statement which have a high variability, i.e., they have widely scattered ratings and so have been placed

in a large number of piles. Scale value for each remaining statement is determined by computing the median of the distribution of the judges’ ratings for each statement. From

each pile 2 statement are selected Thus totally 22 statements are selected (2 from each 11 piles). It composes the final scale. Items with narrowest range of ratings are


Once the final scale is ready, the respondents are asked to indicate agreement or disagreement with each statement. The scale has randomized statements. The underlying

value of the statement is not revealed. Respondent is assigned a score-median or a mean of the items he has checked. A subject’s total score is arrived by summing up the

median value of each statement with which he agrees. If the scale is well constructed, it is expected that the subject would agree with the statements which are close in scale

value. If he agrees with statement which have wide range of values, he is assumed, he is assumed to have an unorganized attitude towards the topic.

It is not very popular instrument for attitude measurement because a somewhat longer time and a great deal of effort are required to construct and administer the scales.

Time Length

It means time of a commercial spot in television or radio.

Time Segment

Time Segment means periods of time in television broadcasting during which commercials are booked. Often, each time segment has a different charging rate as audiences

are constantly changing during broadcasting periods.


It means insert, smaller than page and not bound in.

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Title or Credit Title

It means list of executives and performers in a television or film programme.

Total Audience package (TAP)

It is a Commercial spots which is spread across time segments, usually at discretion of media owner, throughout broadcasting hours.

Total System

It means service offered by British Rail involving a tote bin specially designed for the transport of goods in bulk. Particularly applicable to movement of materials in granular,

powder or liquid form.

Trade Fairs

It is a fairs which is held in a selected national-market to show and promote goods made in another country or made under licence or other arrangements in the country


Trade Marks

Trade Marks is a name, symbol or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer. A brand name varies

from a trademark in that it is that name, symbol, term, sign, or design which can be vocalized or which is utterable. Most manufacturers use both brand names and trade

marks. Every ad should contain the trade marked because the advertiser wants the consumer to remember it. It is the trademark which is an imp0ortnt element in the proudest’

brand image, and therefore, it is essential to have distinctive and easy to remember trademark. In additional to brand names and trade marks, many marketers use trade

characters, which are nothing but various symbols in the form of animals, people associate their products with themselves with the objective of enhancing their memorability

in the consumer’s mind. Airlines normally have a trade character of one type of bird or the other, indi9cativei of its flights, which are as smooth and perfect as th9ose of

birds. Of couse, Air India has the trade character of the Maharaja, which indicates the royal touch in its services. Trade characters do have an advertising significance; and

they, too, appear in advertisements.

Trade Marks and Brands

A brand means a symbol of a sign, which is adopted by a manufacturer for his product. It is used by an organization while marketing a product.

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A brand is a device by which personality is given to a product. It creates an image. It is an attempt to isolate a part of the market by creating a brand image.

Customer remember a product by its brand. Branding is a commonly accepted technique for product differentiation. Product research is concerned with branding because a

brand is a deciding factor in the marketing of that product. Brands are the passports to exclusive or protected markets.

Trade Marks and Brand Names

For developing marketing strategy for individual product, we have to decide about branding which can add value to a product and hence can be an integral part of product

strategy. First we shall understand the key words, brands and trademarks. Trade marks and brand names are much more than mere signs, symbols or names. They

communicate a lot. The brand has a great marketing significance. Brands are sold at retail stores and not the physical product. At retail counters, people do buy "Liril" and not

a bath soap, "Wills Filter" and not merely a filter cigarette, "Promise" and not merely a tooth paste. A brand name is the title given to a product by its manufacturer, which

must be distinguished from the trade name, which is the name of business firm. For example, "promise", "odomos," "odonil" are the brand names of the products

manufactured by Balsara. The trade name is "Balsara.

The brand name of a product is as necessary as the name for a newborn child for identification and communication purposes. Advertising would also be straight forward and

effective if the product is called by a name which is easy to remember. With a name, the marketing communication about a product or idea becomes easier and expeditious.

Basically, the brand helps in identifying a company’s product. Customers often specify the product by its brand name while purchasing it.

The giving of a brand name to a product is often a complex activity. This is true while choosing a trade mark. A good brand name or a trade mark, should have the following


1. It should be distinctive. There are many overworked names and overused symbols in a market. A unique and distinctive name or symbol is not only easily remembered but

also distinguishes the product from competitive brands. "Northstar" shoes have a distinct name.

2. It should be suggestive. A well-chosen name or symbol may be suggestive of quality, or may be associated with superiority or a great personality. The name "VIP Classic"

for travelwares is suggestive of a superior quality for a distinct class of people. "Promise" is suggestive of an assurance of tooth health.

3. It should be appropriate. Many products are surrounded by a several mystique in the minds of consumers. "Carefree" is an appropriate brand name of a sanitary towel;"

Superphone" for office communication system; and "Director" for a magazine for company directors, presidents, vice-presidents, executives-these are a few examples of the

appropriateness of brand names.

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4. It should be easy to remember. Trade marks and brand names should be easy to read, pronounce and easy to spell. "77," "Gold Spot" "Charminar," "Thums Ups" these are

examples of brand names that can be easily remembered.

Brand names chosen sometimes are based on family name, for example, the brand name of "Khaitan" fan is based on the founder’s name, "EXXON" and "Kodak" have an

interesting history behind them. When the ESSO chemical Company found it necessary to change its company name, the computer was fed various vowel and consonantal

combinations, and 44,990 four-letter and 50,000 five-letter combinations came out. EXXON was finally chose because it has distinctiveness and graphic design possibilities.

Kodak was coined by George Eastman in 1888 because he liked the letter "K" and wanted a name which could not be misspelt.

Trade Press

It strictly referring to periodicals dealing with specific or particular trades.

Trade price

Trade Price means discounted price for the benefit of another in a trading position and not usually open to a consumer.

Trade Promotion

It means mounting a marketing campaign to the retail trade in an effort to persuade retailers to stock and display the company’s products

Trade Show

Trade Show means synonym for exhibition, but often sued to describe an exhibition for non-consumer markets.

Trade Show, Exhibitions and Fairs

It offer an excellent opportunity to manufacturers to display their products and to demonstrate their use and value. Manufacturers can buy display spaces or counters at

reasonable rates-perhaps more reasonable than the exorbitant media rates for advertising. At some exhibitions and trade shows, sales counters too may be rented. These

occasions attract people interested in particular types of industrial products. For example, The National Book Trust organizes book fairs regularly. Other trade associations

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too hold annual exhibition or fairs in different parts of the country. Travel fairs, leather fairs, electronics fairs and technology fairs have become the rage-often with the sole

purpose of exploiting manufacturers’ weakness for displaying their products where the competition is is a strongest.

Transfer Prices

It is a special prices which is charged to an associated company carrying no profit and usually making no allowance for marketing costs, e.g. delivery.


It is a new term or concern which is applicable to companies transacting or managing business across national boundaries on a large scale.

Transport Advertising

It is a special form of poster advertising sited on or inside buses, main line and Tube railway trains, or other forms of transportation, e.g. taxicabs and trucks. It also refers to

posters exhibited at railway stations, bus stops, airline terminals, seaports and the like.


Trans Shipment means goods transferred to another vessel to complete the journey to their ultimate destination. A means of diversion from main transport lines to more

isolated places.

Traveller’s Cheques

It is a personalized credit forms which is issued by banks, usually for overseas travel and redeemed by signature. Replaceable in the event of loss, they reduce the necessity

for holding large amount of currency, which involves greater risk of loss.

Travelling Exhibition

It is an exhibition designed or planned to be fully mobile. May be generally mobile on a planned circuit, e.g.; by road, or confined to a rail or sea network, e.g. exhibition train

or ship.


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It is an sequential descriptive document in film making, giving a detailed outline of the form a film is likely to take. Used generally with same meaning in relation to any form

of planned communication.


Triad means test of selection, generally from three products offered to informant-one differs in some way from the other two-with an invitation to choose the one preferred.

Trial Close

It is an attempt by salesman to close an interview or assess the direction in which it is progressing by asking specifically or even indirectly for the order before the proposition

or demonstration has been completed. See Test close.

Trial Order

It is small order which is placed to judge the value or quality of a proposition, prior to placing a substantial order or sequence of orders.

Triple-Association Test (TAT)

Triple Association Test is the test which measures the degree of brand learning among its users. The advertiser attempts to know consumer association of brands with some

benefits or the other. In the triple-association test, the respondent is provided with clues or idea with which he is asked to associate a brand name. For examples, "which

toothpaste advertises superwhitenning paste and mouth was in one?" If the respondent says, "Close up," then it is correct to say that he has made the right association between

the brand name of the toothpaste and its advertisement theme. The proportion of correct answers is a measures of how effective the advertisement has been. Another example

of the triple-association test is, "which advertiser advertises that a fridge is a refrigerator and water cooler too?" If the respondent answers "Zenith," then we can rightly say

that Fedder Lloyd’s popular advertisements has succeeded in enabling the prospects to learn the brand name through an effective advertisement theme.

The test may be modified to suit newspaper, radio or television advertising for the measurement of consumer awareness and for determining the advertising stimuli which

may pertain to product features, packaging, price, easy availability and a variety of other promotional appeals.

Recall tests (whether aided or unaided) are simple to conduct and economical too. They measure to what extent the ad has penetrated (its ability to communicate) in the

consumer’s mind. But a high recall score does not necessarily lead to the buying of the product. It shows only that the consumer is impressed by the ad and so has limited


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It is a cylindrical pack which is made from soft metal, e.g. for toothpaste, rigid metal, e.g. for cigars, plastics, e.g. for cosmetics, or fibreboard, e.g. for maps.

Tube Cards

It is a type of advertisements which is inside railway compartments, particularly associated with Greater London Tube train network.


It means continuation of a news item in another column or page.


It is a commercial or industrial contract which involves certain suppliers of specialist skills to subcontracted by the main supplier.

Turnover, Rate of

It means number of times the average value of stock is sold during a period.

Formula for calculation.

Value of sales at cost

-------------------------------- x 100

Average stock at cost

Turnover of Salesman

It means number of salesmen leaving employment of a company during a certain period of time, usually expressed as a percentage of the sales force.

TV Commercial Spots

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Apart from adopting a particular or specific format, a good balance and mix of video and audio parts are equally important. The demonstration format is one of the most

potent, utilitising sight, sound and motion presentations of television broadcasting. The demonstration format is one of the most potent, utilizing sight, sound and motion

presentation of television broadcasting. The demonstration format may, however, be combined with the dramatization, the personality and even the song-and-dance format to

make it more effective and attention holding. Well-known professionals in advertising Copywriting are of the opinion that "demonstration" and "simple" are the keys to

effective TV commercials. For illustrative purposes, three TV commercials have been given in the annexure at the end of this chapter, showing details of the video and audio

parts. The commercials are on VICKS ACTION-500 and VAPO RUB, and CLEARASIL. The first two are medical preparations for cold, whereas, the last one is a product

which claims to cure facial pimples.

Amongst a well-produced commercial or TV screen these days, we can refer to the Nirma detergent cake’s commercial. Sangeeta Bijlani graciously washes clothes. Its

weight is shown (150 gms). The effect on clothes is shown. The economical character of the cake is highlighted (piggy-bank is shown as a saving symbol). The word ‘jhag’

with a visual is the most important selling point of the commercial. The jingle says ‘Iske jhagne jadu kar diya’. The singer also places a peculiar accent on the word jhag

(foam or lather). Hindustan Lever’s commercial on Surf where Lalitaji, the no-nonsense housewife lectures us on the difference between sasti cheez or asli cheez (cheap thing

and the real thing) is also equally well-made commercial. The young and attractive model who plays Lalitaji is Kavita Chowdhary, the Surf girl.


It means television rating which indicates coverage of target audiences by individual programmes or advertisement on commercial television.


It means number of colours used in printing an advertisement or publication. Generally black plus one other.

Type Area

It is a space which is available on a page in a publication for printing.


Typographer is a person who frequently but not always an employee of an advertising agency, who produces type layouts or type markup, i.e. accurate specifications from

which a printer can carry out typesetting.

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Jargons in Advertising


Ultimate Consumer

Ultimate Consumer is an individual or persons who actually consume or use a product or service, as distinct from the shopper or buyer who may be no more than a

purchasing agent, such as housewife.

Unaided Recall Tests

Unaided Recall Tests in the Daniel Starch method, and GRI test, the respondent is given clues for recalling the aid. In unaided recall tests, the respondents are not given any

help to recall the ad. Thus it is more demanding than the aided recall, and shows a greater degree of penetration of the ad.


It is one sided proposition, decision, or agreement.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

It means product benefit which can be regarded as unique as a primary selling argument.

Unit Pricing

Unit Pricing means pricing each item so that the price by volume or weight is clearly indicated. Makes price comparison easier for the shopper and has been the subject of

regulation by the office of Fair Trading and the European Community.


Universe means Population from which a research sample is drawn.

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It means disposing of goods in a market at a low or concessionary price.

Upset Price

It is the lowest price at which negotiations can begin. Often used in auctioneering as the price from which bidding is invited.

Usage Pull

It is the technique ascribed to Rosser Reeves in USA, to discern the proportionate difference in usage of a product as between those who are familiar with its advertising and

those who are not.


1. It means Psychological satisfaction obtained from purchase-the converse of the modern use of the term as defined in.

2. Below. (2) adequate to perform a prescribed function without elaboration. Utility goods prevail during emergency conditions, e.g. war.


Vacillating Customer

Vacillating Customer are those customer who are unable or unwilling to determine own needs when presented with positive proposition.

Valued impressions per Pound (VIP)

1. It can be calculated on the basis of the number of readers dividend by the advertising rate. The VIP index shows how many readers are bought for a given sum of money.

2. Weighted media target multiplied by media weight and divided by cost of advertisment.

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It is a specific or particular publication or channel which is used to carry advertising message.

Vehicle, selecting of

It is the second step after media selection, it should be appropriately selected. So, if the media selected is television, the media planner has to decide the kind of programme

the client’s advertisement should precede or follow. Should it, for instance, a film-oriented programme like.

Chhaya Geet,’ or a current-affairs programme like ‘The World This Week’ or ‘Focus,’ or even a popular soap opera or sitcom?

A important consideration in the selection of a vehicle is its ‘public image,’ and the content of the specific programme, or magazine or newspaper. There needs to be a

consistency between programme content and the product advertised. It shows poor planning and taste if luxury product are advertised in television programmes for farmers,

for instance.

A second consideration is the kind of audience or readership that the vehicle is popular with. Children’s magazines, for example, are considered ideal vehicles for advertising

toys, sweets, and children’s books. Several weekend newspapers carry supplements. Products targeted at urban children and educated urban women have a place in such


A third consideration is the data available on the vehicles of different media. Data about circulation and readership is not available for all press vehicles; audience

composition for radio, TV, or video programmes are not easily available. One has frequently to go by ‘rating’ arrived at by market research organizations. Much of this data

is, however, very expensive and available only at irregular intervals; and their reliability is often in doubt. The media planner has, therefore, to go by available data and by his

own ‘hunches’. Vehicle selection models are far too mathematical and quantitative to yield useful information.

Further, research on the effectiveness and reach of media vehicles is extremely limited.

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The most vital consideration is the vehicle costs or rates. It is difficult to compare costs of reaching audiences for radio and television with readers of newspapers and

magazines. Generally media cost are calculated in terms of CPM rates (CPM is short for ‘cost-per-thousand’). The CPM methods relates cost to exposure in terms of cost-per

thousand for readers of print media, and the cost per thousand homes for TV, radio and video.

Price of a single insertion

Cost per thousand = --------------------------

Audience in thousands

For newspapers and magazines the cost is calculated in terms of what is termed the ‘milline rate.’ The formula for arriving at this rate is

1,000,000 x per agate line

Milline rate = -----------------------------


This formula is useful for comparing the costs of advertising in different vehicles of the print media. The milline rate is the cost in rupees per line per one million circulations.

For radio and television, the cost is measured in terms of so many rupees for a ten-second, thirty-second spot, whether the ad is a slide or film.

Vehicular or Transit Advertising

It is one of type of advertising. Mainline and suburban trains, buses, taxis and autorickshaws provide ample opportunities for advertisers to peddle their products and services.

In Bombay, whole buses have been painted colourfully with visuals and message of consumer products like soft drinks, designer garments and even alcoholic drinks

(distinguished as soda advertising). Suburban trains offer excellent sites for advertising inside and outside. Godrej advertises its products in permanent sites under drawings

of the train routes; other companies’ book eye-level sites outside trains to advertise consumer products.

The advantages of vehicular or transit advertising include the following:

1. Vehicular advertising has a powerful visual impact since bright colours can be employed to show the product to advantage.

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2. As compare to electronic or print media it is the cheapest one.

3. Commuters have enough time to gaze at the advertisements while they are waiting at stations or bus stops or while travelling.

4. Vehicular advertising is an effective ‘reminder medium.’

The limitations of vehicular advertising are the following:

1. It may be annoy people who are concerned about the environment and the appearance of public

transport vehicles.

2. Sometimes people may not pay attention to the advertisements because they are in hurry.

3. Vehicular advertising lacks the selectivity of a specific or particular type of target audience: the ad is seen by people of all ages, and educational and socio-economic


Vending Machine

Vending Machine is purely automatic dispensing of solid or liquid products on insertion of specified coinage. It can be used for services, e.g. laundering.


It can be a person or organization with products or services to sell.

Vertical Circulation

It is the business publication edited for persons at all levels in a specific or particular industry or profession, e.g. British Printer.

Vertical Integration

1. It refers to the merging of companies producing different things but contributing to the same ultimate product, e.g. between a car seats producer and a wind screens


2. Company operating at more than one level in channels of distribution, typically as both

manufacturer and distributor, e.g. Boots the Chemists.

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Vertical Market

It is the market in which selling of a product or range of products restricted to one type or classification of market. Compare with Horizontal market.

Vested Interest

It means material involvement of a person or organization in the outcome of a venture or the maintenance of the status quo


It means study for inaccuracies.

Video Cassette Recording

It is the recording in which electronic signals representing sound and vision are superimposed upon a magnetic tape contained in a cassette for easy handling. The signals so

stored are subsequently available for playback via a television monitor or screen as and when required.

Video News Magazines

It is the video news magazine is a phenomenon unique to India. It is basically a video cassette of news which could be subscribed to or can be hired. The need for them was

felt primarily because television is state-controlled. Objective news on the visual media was, therefore, non-existent. These magazines has a predictable mix of politics, crime,

entertainment and sports. These cassettes promised to be good advertising vehicles. However, video newsmagazines would soon become history. The greatest threat to them

is posed by the cable TV.

India’s first news magazine Newstrack was born in the aftermath of Mandal agitation in 1990. The number of duplicated cassettes was all time high of 10,000. It spawned

others like Eyewitness, Observer Channel, Business Plus and India View. The first signs of doom were felt when CNN arrived on the scene in 1991 in the wake of the Gulf

War. It is a matter of time since then before the cable TV takes over the home video market. The launch of Star TV in May 1991 delivered a deathblow by launching five

channels in a matter of months.

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Newstrack’s duplication figures have dipped to about 6000 since Aug 1990. Advertisements are difficult to come by and they are harder to get. Ideally, to break even,

commercials should take 10 p.c of broadcast time. They are getting much less.

One specialized segment of video magazine industry is however unaffected- a sports newsmagazine.

Video Tape Recording (VTR)

It is a recording system in which Pictures and sound recorded magnetically on tape, which can then by reproduced upon a cathode ray tube. Often used for television

commercials and programmes but also suitable for many forms of instructional training and evaluation of personnel.


It means post office variant of ceefax and Oracle sources.


It means plastic matrix.

Visiting Cards

It is a business cards which identifying caller usually confined to name and organization but may also include nature of business and occasionally a sales promotion message.


It is a drawing or illustration of an advertisement or other piece of promotional material, finished to an adequate standard for presentation to a client.

Visual Communication

It is based on principle that sight is nowadays the most important human sense of communication, it has four criteria: (1) Identification of target audience; (2) Choice of best

medium of communication, (3) Presentation of message in most appropriate form; (4) Correct timing of communication.


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Visualization is a art in advertising. Visualisation, in the most simple words, is the method or process of designing the advertisement. The ultimate outcome of the process of

visualisation is the layout.

Visualisation is a mental process where the visualiser sees through the mind’s eye the end product consisting of the arrangements of the different elements of an

advertisement or its layout.

A visualiser decides about the inclusion of different elements at the beginning of his work. His questions are whether my advertisement will have a headline? Whether there

will be a sub-headline? Whether there would be a body copy? Whether to have illustration or a photograph? Whether to include slogan etc.

Visual Perception Time

It means the time is takes to ‘read’ a picture. The eye is blind to the unfamiliar. The uninitiated or the unsophisticated (as in developing countries) may not understand

elements in a picture if they are new or strange. People who are not used to looking at pictures (or films, video or TV) will comprehend them slowly and, if possible,

unfamiliar subjects should be avoided or introduced slowly. Otherwise they will be ignored or misunderstood.


Visualizer means artist who prepares ‘roughs’ expressing copy and presentation. It is Oftenly an agency art director.

Voice of America

It is the overseas United State radio service which is copied from BBC, External Services, but either so biased or suspected of being so that credibility items had to be



It means commentary by unseen speaker on film, videotape, TV commercial or TV programme.

Volume, High, Low

It means product produced in huge quantities over a period of time, such as a popular foodstuff, is a high-volume product. One that is produced in small quantities over short-

term, such as fashion wear, is a low-volume product.

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Volume Discount

Volume Discount means in TV airtime buying, special discount to agency on large expenditures. Volumes and discounts differ or varying from one programme company to


Voucher Copy, Control

It is the free copies of publications sent to advertising agencies concerned whose voucher clerk checks insertions, positions, colour and reproduction standards before paying

bills for advertisements and billing clients. Agency discusses discrepancies or complaints with publisher, partly in clients’ interests and partly because agency acts as

principal. Sent direct to advertiser where no agency is involved.


It stands for Viewdata terminal programming.



It is a narrow band of various colour which goes round exterior of bus, used as advertisement space, rear waistband’ being advertisement space n some provincial buses.

Wall Paper

It is the method or process of producing colour pages in black and white newspaper. Using photogravure, advertisement is printed in full colour, wall paper fashion without

break. When web is fed through magazine to press and black pages are printed, sheets are cut irrespective of design on colour pages with no attempt to match.

Wall Street Journal

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It is business and financial daily newspaper which is similar to financial Times. Gives statistical coverage of both New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange.

Largest circulation newspaper in United States. Launched European edition, edited Brussels, printed Netherlands, January 31, 1983, for distribution in Europe and Middle

East While roots American, not restricted to US business and aimed at executives active in international business. In the USA, have 2 million circulations, 6 million readers,

17 printing plants linked by satellite and regional editions. Also publishes The Asian Wall Street journal. Owned by Dow Jones. Europe edition receives news from American

and Asian sources in Brussels by satellite. European and Middle East transmitted from Europe to America. New Youk, Brussels.


It refers to desires which may not yet be apparent. They may be converted eventually into needs. News wants have to be anticipated by the marketer and satisfied with new

products or services. This has happened with colour television, central heating, double glazing, convenience foods and fast-foods catering, models, air travel, VCRs, tape

recorders, computers and word processors.

Wash Drawing

It is a Monochrome drawing which is painted in Grey and black.

Waste in Advertising

Wastage reduce or deduct the productivity of advertising. It makes advertising less effective, and sometimes even totally useless. Few reasons that are often responsible for

such waste are:

1. Wrong targetting: The target audience has not been properly identified, advertising messages are

addressed to other than prospects. Right targeting demands right segmentation, choosing a right

market coverage strategy, and right product positioning.

2. Wrong Direction: Identification of the right target is not sufficient. The media selected must carry the

message to the target audience. Wrong media planning leads to the delivery of the message to wrong


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3. Wrong Time Chosen for Advertising: A travel plan to a hill-resort must be advertised in summer to

generate maximum response. If we do the reverse, there would be wastage of advertising expenditure.

4. Wrong Policy: If there is no co-ordination amongst the participants in the organization, the

advertisement may fail. Imagine a customer demanding, an advertised detergent but not getting it

across the counter because the organisation has lagged behind in distribution.

5. Poor Copy: A poorly planned or designed and drafted copy results in total waste. Though the direct

responsibility for a poor copy is that of the copywriter and the visualizer, the advertiser also deserves

blame because he did not liaise properly with the advertising team. Perhaps the brief was faulty.

Perhaps there was no market research, perhaps there was hasty approval.

6. Wrong Space: In case of a outdoor advertising it must be displayed at the right side, or else it would

result in wasteful expenditure.

To stop advertising wastage and to have some utility to consumers, it must fulfill the following conditions:

1. Advertise must provide accurate and verifiable information about the use and benefits of the product or service advertised.

2. It must give the exact maximum price of the product (inclusive of all taxes).

3. It should not be unethical,

4. The information provided must enable consumers to make informed choices or decisions in the

market place.

5. It must assure consumers of satisfactory quality and service at a fair price.

6. It must respect the social and cultural values of the community.


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It is a Papermaker’s distinguishing trade mark produced by wire design during papermaking.


It is the Research problem or weakness that informants may be unable to sustain prolonged questioning, or may fail to respond to tests which place unrealistic demands on

their ability ot respond.


It is the reel of paper or other material such as plastic film to be printed, as used for long runs, principally with rotary letterpress, lithographic or photogravure machines.

Newspaper usually print from web. As distinct from printing from single sheets-web-fed instead of sheet fed.


It means Offset-litho printing from a continues web or reel of paper instead of from individual or single sheets.

What Formula

It is a Components of a news story. What has happened the intro must tell the story in a nutshell; How did it happen? The explanation should follow immediately; Amplify

each intro point in turn; Tie up all loose ends. Based on advice originally published in the comppleat Reporter by former printing and publishing Industry Training Board, and

reprinted in BAIE Editor’s Handbook.

Wildcat Problem Child Products

Wildcat Problem Child Products means ones which need heavy investment to become ‘stars’,may be better to concentrate on a few and dispose of others.

Willings press Guide

It is the comprehensive annual directory to the whole UK Press and principal publication of Europe. Far East and South East Asia, with alpbabetical listing. Thomas Skinner,

East Grinstead.

Window Display

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Window Display means the display of products in shop-windows so that passerby are attracted to enter the shop and buy the product, or at least be reminded of the products,

is termed ‘window display.’ This strategy is distinct from ‘interior display’ where the products are neatly displayed on counters or racks inside shops. ‘Window display’ is an

effective strategy for gaining the interests and attention of passerby or ‘window shoppers.’ In Bombay, shoe shop and textile stores are known for their attractive window

displays, which are changes at frequent intervals. During festival seasons, window display takes on the character and the colours of the festival being celebrated.

Departmental stores exclusive showrooms and shops have innovative windows that attract and urge window shoppers to step in. The idea of imaginative and slickly executed

window displays is catching on in India’s city centres. It appears that a new class of designers, specializing in the art of window display has emerged.

Show-cases at railway stations and airports serve a purpose similar to shop-window displays.

Window Dressing Contest

It is a prize scheme to include retailers to give window displays of product and POS material.

Window Dressing Service

It is a service which is provided by manufacturers who send window dresses to their distributors and arrange window displays of their produces.

Window into the Memory

It means the single line display or thin window on word processor or VDU, which enables operator to see what is being produced but before it is printed out.

Windscreen Stickers

It is a type or form of promotion, generally popular in travel and tourist industries, consisting of stickers placed on car windscreen, preferably inside where likely to survive

for a long time.

Wire Service

It is a News Agency service which is like Associated Press. Press Association, Reuters, UPITN, or UNS which send news to newspapers, radio and television stations

nationally, regionally or internationally by teleprinter, radio and satellite.


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It means point of sale display device, which sets out product conspicuously on counter or floor space, e.g. dispensers for paperbacks, gramophone records, batteries,

musicassettes confectionery. Necessary for supplier to identify brand or company name, as retailers are apt to misuse wire stands to display and dispense rival brands.

Wish Image

Wish Image means how company wishes to be seen by outsiders.


It means free from mechanical pulp. Printing paper made of wood pulp or chemical pulp, which has been cooked to dissolve the lignin which gives browning effect with

mechanical paper, e.g. newsprint. Pulp for white papers that stay white. Typical papers, coated wood free, Wood-free Opaques.

World Association Test

It is a research technique in which respondent is asked to state words, objects or feelings which he or she associates with the given word, e.g. cat and dog, bread and butter,

hat and coat.

Wordless Advertisements

It means there are at times bill-boards with only an inscription like Amul. Otherwise they are totally wordless. Wordless advertising is an example of non-verbal

communication. (NVC) and are pictorially-oriented. Air India perhaps has the greatest number of master pieces to its credit in this genre through its bill-board projections

starting from the early fifties. Singapore Airlines and some textile companies also attempt wordless advertisements. At one time, Churchills V-sign on posters was regarded

as the ultimate in wordless communications, but over a period of time this technique has become much more sophisticated. This technique is used occasionally, and some

products are suitable for being tried on NVC basis.

World Tourist Organisation

It is a Intergovernmental organisation which is linked to United Nations Publishers reports and statistics on growth and movement of tourists. Talks of tourism as social right

not as a privilege of well-to-do. Manila Declaration at 1982 WTO conference emphasized intangible benefits of tourism such as improving quality of life and ‘interests of the

least privileged citizens in their right to rest.’ Includes getting to know own country better, as promoted by tourist bodied in many Third World countries where mobility of

population is small.

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World Trade Centre

World Trade Centre is a headquarters of export trade and business firms and organizations including institute of Export London.

World Trade Index

It is a addresses of firms in many parts of the world. Annual, December. Eagle Publishing Hove.


It stands for World Tourist Organization.

Writers’ & Artists’ Year Book

It is a Directory of publishers’ names and addresses, with other information useful to creative people. A & C Black, London.

Jargons in Advertising



It is the height of small letter, without ascenders or descender, e.g. a,e,i. Typefaces with low x-heights are less easy to read as text or body matter type.


It is a photocopying procedure which produces prints image being transferred by light-sensitive electrostatic charge on special base.

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It is also called as ‘flicking’. Changing television channels by means of remote control. It enables viewers to change station during commercial break. Challenges agencies to

produce zap-proof or anti-zapping commercials, but solution may lie in independent or souls spots instead of commercial breaks containing a sequence of ads, which can be



This type of model is stochastic model which is used in brand choice research, assuming that brand of product lst bought does not influence the buying to be predicted

Zero-Price Advertising

This type of advertising means distribution of advertising at price which does not cover its, costs, i.e. a zero money price, while the advertised goods are marked up to finance

the advertising. Frech and Rochlin maintain that ‘when advertising is distributed at a zero price, the purchaser of the advertised product pays the cost of advertising… The

consumer does not have the chance of paying the full costs of the newspaper, the advertising and the advertised, based on advertising being a public good.


It means goods or services which are not subject to value Added Tax (VAT).

Zipper Tone

Zipper Tone means adhesive film bearing tint designs which can be applicable to artwork to achieve shaded effects, especially in letterpress printing.

Zoned Campaigns

It means advertising campaigns and marketing strategies may be limited to a specific zone or area of the country, perhaps to a television region. This may be to boost sales in

a certain area, or to launch a new product on a zonal basis spreading to other zones as sales develop or production capacity is expand.

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