jasmine r8


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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The weather in the rainforest is quite sunny and hot or sometimes even freezing out in the

rainforest. For example 40c to 45c

And an other for example 30 to 35c20 to 25c and 15c to 10c that’s the temperature!

rainforests are in Brazil, Congo

Indonesia and Colombia and a lot of other places all over

the globe I've just named a few.

Rainforests factsRainforests can be the size of a football field and 80% of flowers in the rainforest are mostly from

Australia.Monkeys sometimes eat other Monkeys. And there is a lot more interesting fact I've just

written down a few!

There are a lot of the animal in the rainforest like tree snakes, tree frogs,

toucans, quetzalsBird wings, Leafcutter ants and Beas

And a lot of other animals that are in the rainforest I’ve just named

a few!

In rainforests there are a lot of plants!Bromeliads Stillt/prop rootBultress roots OrchidsCorniverous plants Strangle figsEpiphytes and a lot other plants! LianasSaprophytes


Strangle figs

Stillt/prop roots