jb*mm«m iiitimi court house fine...

••<4y-*! ! ' ''i-JV'. ^&^tft*>$ <fri *t w Ste< iM^W: n&« ^jUfl oerea #f oorfoepeas^' auto eover every pitt 4v •i Uwrehea Ceettty *a*t|td 901 1 taw boo* in 4naisfn wisely weesj wowi rowesjio SJBJSSJ^SSSI •MMMMMNIpt DEMOCRAT FOUNDK) ADVANCE FODNSUSSF 1 O€toBN8B0»G, NY./* ?;SBI% 16V1026. «er X'UL. l|bi»i.>i»»il wLmm usee Court House leplao* Volvos* OMtrojNMt by Firt Attorney Thomai ftpratt Malabar of OommltUt ttat •eleeWthe Book*. CANTON. Bept. lL—Abottt $1700 worth of books were purchased for t^e St. Lawreaeo county court- house library to replace those dee- frayed at the burning of tae old Spurt house about two years ago, wtma the committee having charge t « the week. The library will m*w rahk among the boat of Its kind in | | e state, it te locate* on tk* sec- end floor of ta* aodrtiy clerks of- fice and la easily accessible to at- torneys, the coartbouee and Clerk's Office being seeonstructed as one gilding. 1 MANY FRIENDS MOURN PASSING OF ERRY HURLEY BRASHER FALLS, Sept. H— Mr. and lira. William Walsh and son and daughter of New York city who have spent the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, left for their homo today. -i-*\ M. Murray Is Improving the looks of his house by building a largo veranda.-*-OnO of the largest funeral processions held here was that of Jerry Hurley on last Satur- day. Mr. Hurley would have been 96 years old on Nov. 1st. He had always enjoyed excellent health until about five years ago when he began a decline. For about three years his eyesight had fallod and he could not get about much without help. On last Thursday he grew weaker and the end came ef the matter met In Canton dsr- peacefully on Thursday. He was most tenderly cared for during his later years by hi* son, Den Hurley, and wife and children, with whom he lived on the old farm home In the Eastern end of the town. The funeral mass was sung by Rev. Father Mahoney of Brushton, who took Father St. Jacques' place at . Membera of the eommlttee hav- North Lawrence as Father St. Ibf charge of tha purchase m :*•«»•» was away attending re these books Include: Supreme Oourt Justice John C Crapser of •aasena, County Judge Jatttea C. kyoton of Ootrvecbeur. Attorney S Ionian Bprgtt Of Ogdenshutg, At- rney George H. Bowers of Cen- tph. and James H Withered of be- Seyater, chairman of the board of •eaervlsors. Suprejne Court Jus- Ac* Edward O. Wpltmyer of Schen- ectady also aided W making selec- tion of the book* ferthe library. Mad Noif^iippoft —% / CANTON. Sept li-4ldrr* f lor dot of Pyrites, who was arretted it that place Tuesday sight for pub- lic Intoxication by Undereborlft Wlaalow was sentenced to 80 days in the county jail when arraigned brfore Justice of Hie Peace Leon 0 Craiy here yesterday. Mltchrlt Smith Ot Massena. bold for alleged violation of the national prohibition act. was admitted to ball yesterday and released from the county Jail by order or United l t a > s Commissioner Howard fc •fhompson of Potadam. B. T. Johnson of Massena, fcbn- treat of many of the clergy. The bearers were John McCarthy/ Den Lorden, John Foley, James Mur- phy, John Shlnnock and John Sulli- van. Mr. Hurley was a (Treat, good Chrlatlan man who leaves hosts of friends. He 1s survived by two sons, Den Hurley and Michael Hur- ley and two daughter, Mrs. Kitt Barnard of Utica and MIBS Joe Hur- ley. Interment was in St. Pat- rick's cemetery hero.—Miss Alice McCuln has gone to Boston and Henry McCuln has returned to Waahlngton. They will resume their studies In said cities.—Chas. McCarthy leaves today for St. Michael's college near Burlington. —Francis Hurley left today for Notre Dame, Indiana, to resumo his studies.—Mrs. Nora McNulty enter- tained four tables at bridge on Friday evening. Miss Anna Hurley won high score and Mrs. James Kelly draw favor. Dainty refresh- ments were served and a most de- lightful evening spent.—Eugene Hall has returned to Potsdam Tech tor his senior year.—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mahoney and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Qulnelle and family in Massena. —Miss Helena Lyons and Anne Lantry were home from Ogdeng- burg over the weekend.—Mrs. Emily Kagerer Is attending Pots- dam Normal where she expects to be graduated In January.—Soveral from here attended the funeral of ! Mrs. Rule in Morley yesterday. Nell Murphy and daughter, I Miss Marlon Murphy were with PASSING OF A FINE WOHJt Crottverneur Aid In Ortf( dbg Be QOUVBRNTOUR, Sept. 18. — An- nouncement toy Wsv. W. J. MoCul- lough, pastor of Baptist church, that he would deliver a sermon Mil. Hand France Diod at Ago of 40 After Lingering ninagg. DEKALB JUNCTION, Sept H + - Mra. Maud France Spencer aged 40 died at her home Monday noon^ Sept. 18, 1026, after a Utfgerfht »W nesa. She was born in the tow of Canton Feb. 87,18??, the ter of the late William and J. Reed France. She married D. Spencer Dec. 18.1001. Two dren wore born to them: WljUe** and Irene. After : their marriage VOL. hxm<m •MM iiitiMi Jb*MM«M '1 MISS (SHAVES WILL TEACH IN PANAMA NAMM. NORWOOD, Sept. 14.—Mies Lois Graves left this morning for New | York whsr* sk* will MU for Pans- 1. 0.fcabcookStiffen Painfull ** t0 uk6 ? s> , ber dutteB " teacn ^^T^L^r " " * • * ) ei th the public school.-Mn. Her ttjurif* While Two Otben Art Ifcttia^ In Fall of 20 Ttet at.Oonvetneur. 8unday on the Ku Klux Klan, filled the church, rwith many of thqae in | ^ 5^oa^"ft^iwr : ; i 6 | 4 - afc attendance being from Fowler and - ^ V9 ^ ilh untu ftbout &t4*yearl ago when they moved Into ihtt Tillage. Mrs. Spencer was ajMayj the neighboring section, wnere the the Klan has obtained, many mem- bers. v (Mr. WoCullough would eupport the hooded order in its endeavor to revive a feeling among Protes- tants for better churohgolng, and also in their claim' lor bettor law enforcement. Mr. fMoCullough a**- OOtfVEfaNiEUtR, Sept. 11. — E. &fcatocockof Clinton street suffer- 'oA a fractured leg just above the ankle yesterday afternoon when a i p n f itaglng on which he waa standing wHh tmro others, suddenlr Women. ,-~-T- -_ M Union, Woman's Relief Obrpa and- the Home Bnreau. She leave* toi mourn her lose betides her h band her mother, Mrs. Mar t France, one son William, daughter Irene, 6ne brother Sfiske and threw all three men to -—,—.• • • -.- - i -i •. , g i ^ ^ i l tmnA about'20 feet below. peered of the belief that Protestant _ solidarity is weakened by too much %£££* nrfune^'sirvlcee^ complacency and lax church etten-; heW ^^pg^^y aftemooit at dtnce - | from the home and 1 o'tjlook He attended the meeting last tno Presbyterian church, Rer. Monday at Fooler Whan the Klan had leading speaker* aao, it was largely from these speaker* that eV&oas Ba4ieoot, and Byron Bill- ing* o( the North Oouverneur road. 9h* men were painting a barn on thefcHUn**/ar4p,located about swreiL miles from Oouverneur. •tot* Babcock and Mr. Billings like athUed. B. C. Babcock the o*a*ai/>f the three, oould not arise and. was taken to his home here and treated by Dr. F. F. Drury. __ Tfte singing broke In the middle reUUvea" hero last Sunday- wftttdtft warning. They had for sev-i P r a n k o f Clayton spent Monday bort Mctlowah and three children arrived nero 6om tlew Jersey where they spent the past few weeks with Mr. McObwan who is employed there.—Miss Stella Cat- tleman came home last week from Loon* Lake where she apent the summer.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mackey have a daughter, Emma Jane, born at the Cowan maternity home 9ept. 6.—Brastus F. Hall re- turned last week from a two months' visit with his son, Allan A. Hall, at Tillimook, Oregon.—-ROT. R. M. Fitspatrlck is attending a retreat at Cliff Haven this week. —Arthur Cardinal left for Liberty, N. Y., -Where he has a .position as commercial teacher in the public school them.—Mr*. Frances Amos returned last week from Bridge- port, Conn., where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ada Cable, and oth- er relatives.—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger of Massena were guests of Fred ? tho Baptist pastor *ut*rUra* a be-! 9pect the George A< Rich Relief, lief that tho Tttett sn!*ht develop eo that it would have a place In American community life. H. McVae officiating. BttHel * East Dekalb cemetery.—Mr*. Hi . . _ r ,„ ^. Overacker of Oouvemeur will J a ^ . J ™ * ? * been working on It and w!th hJg statert Mfg . wllUam Bart- STAR OPENS THE SEASON FRIDAY RttftlfefeLAttR FALLS. Sept. 18. —Eaateiaf- Star Chapter wUl open for the aeawon Friday evening, Sent 17M1. Th* ladies ^^ aaklag ail moaibers to contribute one dollar i to a fund to be used to beautily ___ J the chapter rooma.-^!1ie ladies of WfflBeHtldfwB«i«fltof8t.| tlw c ^? n f wt4o, ?* 1 **!*** J$* ww — #^» , wry ^ t ^ ir annual deUckms chick- en, pie sapper and'hoed a aale'ol fancy work and useful household .;™„„™. m«vr a * ir * r-i^ articles the same day, Thursday, HBUVELTON, Sept 15.-A talr < ^ ^ |a me chur ^ p«Sw- and harvest supper fos the ^nefit Thifl ftnd g|Ue w|U ^^ ^ 0 1 K/^^ " f hU1 ? 1 ^ ^ P^o « the usual church baiaar.-- ln Odd1 Fellows' ^ * Wadvai^ay.; TU ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ I T : ^ ^ ^ ! Mothodlat church Wil^aerve a aup- Baphael'i Cftmrck from 5.30 until all are served. The per In the church parlors Tuesday, public is cordially invited to attend.« ^ $u ^ ^^g^^^ mt hM p . ^ There will be sewing in the after- | Corps Wednesday afternoon* ^^^^r ft ^f^ tt ^f h0,,8e "^ 22, at 2. All members are repeat; ** "*& *» «** n t for rent ed to be p«e*ent.—Mr, and Mfcr No particular reference was p au i Qothim hnd little dauiHtef^ made by Mr. MoCullogh to attack* Audrey, Mrs. Mettle House and directed at other religions. Mr. , 8on Clayton and Mrs. Cora Stm it was thought 4o be safe. McCullough eiipressed dlssf>prOTat of the Klan entering into politics. The pastor at the end o| the ser- mon received much commendation from several in attendance at the manner In which he brought out his rather difficult subject. Horry Mills ••#-* mons of Williamson spent a few, days visiting relatives.—Mr. and' Mrs. Elmer McBride and dausjMerj Caroline of Rensselaer Falls spani- Sunday with Mr*. Carrie JbhnsonC -i-Miss Arleen Folsom, who te a^ tending school at ^Brasher Falls, spent the week-end *t her hoittb*-^ . Mrs. James Tanner called la, 'dam Tuesday af*aw**v--Mr (Mrs. * *V FsedeAhaft j dren Marjorle and Robert and #»J!*UL, ,T ^ y and daughter Vera of Ant- n U l C u I S werp were callers in town Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs; H. T. 8tre*ter re- > turned Monday after spending two aOUVERJNEUR, Bept 10. —: weeks visiting retatives in the cen- Harry Mills, son of Dr. and Mrs.'•tral part of New Vork Stat*.—Mrs. D. <M. Mills, was taken to the Hop- Albion Simmon*, who has been vis- burn hospital in Ogdenoburg yes- itlng her daughter^ Mrs. Watson terday suffering from an attack of Hill, in White Plains, returned acute' appendicitis. The young man J home Monday^—Allan S^nmon* was taken suddenly HI during Wed-[from the southern States 1* spend- Gave Afternoon ' TeA Annoiincing Engagement Urs. A. W. Veaier Hoate** At ement Party of Bar SiBter. USBQH Sept ^ - ¥ r . and Mrs. • • • <ji .Madrid Yisjtad t "samanthfl * Rey**, lett.—Reuben Morgan of Norfolk was a guest of bis sister, Mrs. Katharine Vannornum last Mon- day. P<y»j«l»'i M. fci i , Hel«n Hewitt StudiM Music With Matters .r J Mrs. Myron Burnham entertain ed her brother, Frank Austin, from Monday till Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Austin with their son and daughter and other friends just recently r e t r i - ed from a two months' crusise < <i the Mediterranean. They expect to leave New York this week for their home in Dallas, Texas.-A daugh- ter, Dorothy Jane, was <n Tues- day, Aug. -1 . to Mr. <: i Mrs. Howard Ferris.—Miss Ft-n Adrian entered Potsdam Normal Urx week. —The Volunteer Firemen's associ- ation of this village wish to ac- knowledge the receipt of ten dol- lars from A. W. Dixon. Mr. Dixon was in. Florida at the time the oth- er donation were made by the busi- ness men of the town.—Mrs. W. R. Burnside and Miss Agnes Moore are spending some time at Mrs. E. H. Northam's in Ogticnsburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert McOverey and Mrs. McOverey's mother, Mrs. M. Mcintosh of Brockviile accom pa- noon and a business meeting after- ward at 8 p. m.—The activities of the Home Bureau will begin for J.he season Friday at 1.30 p. m. Mrs, Bern**! MacMonagJe, leader,. will give a first lesson on clothing.— Mrs. Helen Weaterup, who spent the summer In California with her son Walter, arrived front her home 1 in Buffalo to spend a month with 1 her slater, Mrs. Noah Walker, and I with her daughter, Mrs* David Hol- land of Dekalb —Arden Weaiherup 'left Friday to visit la Syracuse.— j George Dodds of Monties! 1* ^pend- ing his vacation with Mrs. Dodds here. Her sister, Mrs. Rarel, and children have gone home to Mont- real.—Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Orr and their cousin, Miss Mary L. Fisher from Norwich, N. Y., who is visit- ing them, motored to Morley Sun- day afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs,; Aggie Whitney.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ginn, Mrs. C. Maloncy and Mrs. M. McKay are home from mwNM***- 1 } nesday,night. HI* father accom-ling his vacation With his parent*, ^ ^ ' fji ne g u e g ts were served Miss Helen the normal y returned has been summer u. , . . . ., r _,"onth*e riatttrday—Last Thursday | steamship "The France" of the ifliynpon Mrs. A. W. Venler of. rrench lipe, arrrvlug there about Ogoensburg gave an afternoon teaj j une n to about forty ladies, announcing the engagement of her sister, Miss Bffie Lou Wallace of Rochester to Austin .Carrol O'Grady of the same city. A two piece orchestra fur- nished music for the afternoon. The guests were met by Mis. Ruth- erford and welcomed by the host- ess, Afts: Venler, and sister. Miss fined to the county Jail here fllhce Aug. 16, last, went out Tuesday | Mrs Olght In modified sentence. Jcmn . MIBI, ton was sentenced to 120 days in M rs. Murphy'fci mother, "wtrs. Rule! Is-H and a *25 fine by Justice, Of during her sickness and death. panled him to Ogdensburg and will.) Mr. and Mrs. Albion Slmmdb*. remain there with him for a few days. , Young Mills Is a iSyracuse unlver-1 I sity student and had come <home 'within the past few days to be with his parents before he entered Syra- cuse Medical School Sept. 14 the Peace Giles A. £has* df Mas ten* on Aug. 16 for disorderly cbft- duot Bdrlck Burton of Ogdenrbttkg is In Jail to await action! or the tibp- tember grand Jury on a charge of Mrs. Rule spent several weeks each year with her daughter here and made many friends who were sad- dened to learn of her death.—Jerry Hourlhan Is very low at this writ- ing. He has been in feeble health abandonment. He was sent here by <f or 8ome time and has jiow con- Recorder D. H. Corcoran Of dg-1 tracted pneumonia.—Mr. Und Mrs. denrburg. Burton IS allf ged to mtve William Hammlll and daughter abandoned his wife and family In | WGre Sunday guests of Mr. and Ogdenrburg. and was later arrest- Mrs. Dennis McCarthy—Miss Bee •d In Syracuse He was brought to Donovan has returned from Masse- Ogdensburg and thence to CahtOn „ a where she spent several days.— Jail ORANTVttLi: Grant vllle. Sept. 8.—Mr. and Mrs William Tucker and family of Racket River and Mr. and Mrs. titiy Qreen and sons. William and Ray, were recent visitors at the home of [ R e t e S t R e s u l t * i n Parley Rush and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sharlow and son Chas. Of Deferlet are vis I tn* her parents, Mr. a'nd Mrs. RcHard Farnsworth. Tim O'Brien has /eturned from Saranac Lake whore he spent the summer.—William Bacon was home from Malone over the week- end.—John Butler was home from his school at Paul Smith's for the weeje-end. West Stockholm Chas.Burrill of Border. Patrol Hurt Everett Peck in the dining room to delicious re freshments consisting of sand Since the summer school did not open until June 20, Miss Hewitt had an excellent opportunity to visit the many place* of interest in Paris and to hear some French opera. She Oppressed herself as very much pleased with the excel- lent dictation but felt that the qual- ity of voices was not as good as those found to American operas. The audiences were exceptionally enthusiastic, often shouting. Bravo, Ont., were callers at J. F. Wood- side's Sunday afternoon.—Mr. Beers, the new manager at the Model Dairy, who with his family has been boarding at L. J. Cray- ford's are now occupying the Mc- I OUlUUnUMM.IV, ULUJU DUUUII11B, WiaTU, Bravo! when parts especially ap- .-- .... „. pealed to them. Former Proprietor of tha Si- Lawrence Inn a* CrouYemetur, Who Made the Hotel Famoui I* Making Good Recovery at tha Hepburn Hospital Blinding, Glaring Headlight Cause of Ditching Hi* Oar _ tt _,„, - ^. ,. vo ^ I Everett Pock, for many years, Near Fisher'* Landing Early the popular and well liked -prOprie- nn.1 as a -* « . ±t m i tor of the St. Lawrence Inn at Thig Morning, Bmaanlng \ Q^^n^^ W hioh he made fam- Arm From Wrist to Blhow— ' ous, submitted to a eer'ous opera- « t-x ^ <~ 4. •, ». tlon at th« 'HOpburn hospital 'hies- Bronght to Hepburn Hospital: day for ne rnia on both stods of his _• body. Dr. Orant C. Madill perform- ed the operation in his usual sac- Border Patrolman Oharlcs Burrlll ce8 8ful manner and today Mr. Peek met with a serious adbldent near j s reported to be making a fine re- Fisher's landing at 1 o'clock this covery Ml^'oiady. TaekcTr %"f"lUckei * • * * • * « f Oouvemeur Com- m o ^ n *^ n ^ f t ^ There is probably no maa in in bis Ford patrolling that section gouthern 6t La Wfe i C e county, who The ted was 4 poured by Mrs. Ersel Watt and Mrs. Ralph Chandler. After ajt wore served the orchestra played "O Promise Mo*' and Wal- Miss Hewitt found the school at Fontalnebteau delightfully located in the famous forest of Fontaine* bleau and within easy acess of laco Venier and Miss Helen Venier p ar i g . she had the privilege of presented each lady with a' bou- \ -studying organ with WIdor and fltiet. Mr*. Venie> presented Mttis | harmony of music with Naida Bou- Wallace witb a corsage bouquet of j i angu . Widor is probably the great- tea roses In which was concealed« est j ivmg composer of organ music the gift of Mr. O'Grady, a beautiftil am | Na<Ma Boulangu has a marvel- diamond ring. Miss Wallace then I ous grasp of the meaning, of music received congratulations, after: f rom the most ancient to the most which all departed for their homes 1 modern. Mademoiselle Boulangu Those present from Lisbon were t possesses the ability to hold her Mrs. Elisabeth Fulton and daugh- closses spellbound by her wonder- ter, Mr*. William Hemenway, Mrs. f U i character and personality. V. A. Wallace, Mr*. Ersel Wattj tf 0 r recreation Miss Hewitt and Mrs. Morris Moore.—Mr. and adopted the French custom of bi- Mrs. Carrol Desell of Cobleskill, N. cycte rlttlttg ftnd by tb4s mea n s vis- T. f have been spending the past i t€l d many interesting points, in- week with their parents, Mr. and eluding some of the old French Mrs. A. B. Desell, and family.—-: towns on the edge of the forest Word was received here Saturday j where Robert Louis Stevenson afternoon < of the sudden death of wrote his forest notes. IVili Brown of Ogdensburg. Mr.| A t t he close of the school Miss Brown and family lived in this, Hewitt found time to visit Switzer- place many years before going to i^a an 4 cUmbed the Jungfrau, Ogdensburg and had a great many one of the moot beautiful of the friends. The funeral was held on' SDO w capped mountains. nied by Mrs. Margaret Dulmadge mn 4„ va ut a Wrt *^. «^i« ,« v« and Mrs. Wight of Smith's i W ^ J ^ X j ^ ' • • *" moot and other places of interest —MUs Bess Orr, who has been vis- iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. ]and Mrs. 8. J. Orr, left Wednesday morning in her Chase coach for Bast Orange, N. J., where she u d on , h a e t r r ^ ir^^v^'-V?^ They report a very enjoyble time, " f ~*~S ^ ^ 6 °f 7"" -Mr.. Emm. Meyer 8 and Mr«. Jen- ~ " „ ~ " ^ « tr " , womc "" }?£*« » nlc Knlffen ot Milwaukee accom- 2 E 2 2 * " * ' T ; H °^ r f;^ pauled by two friend., Mr., Keye. * 2 £ , i^"' w . it ' and Ml.. Helen Row. wore gue«t. ' S**** ^ T. ?. T"i? 7 of their nteec. Mrs. Clint Connolly. | £ 2 ? \ £ ! ,, !i J? L *~* berg s place during his nbcence.— Mrs. Frank Petrie of Syracuse epe?.t ' the past week with her cousin, Mrs. E. T. Rice.—Miss Vera Dexter has gone to her school in Syracuse.-— Born Tuesday, Sept. 7th, to Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Smith a daughter, Marlon—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stod- dard and son Harold of Fort Pkia . are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W13 ( Dart—Mr. and Mrs. Wellington ' Ginn of Canton spent Sunday wi a , her sister* Mrs. Marion NewcomU. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smithe: 3 land daughter of Heuvciton "spe t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cr *1 j Heptonatall.—Mr. and Mrs. Georje ! Beach spent the weekend in C ^ 1 dcusbupi #uesU of Hillard Mas' a . and Jay smithers families.—Mir s DoflDthy Woodcock has returned 10 Og-, her school in White Plains.—Mr*. Mra. j ThonuurJenkins has gone to Sjrrv and ? use to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. Nor-' C. Alverson—S L. Bromaghin f for a few days the past week. They were making the trip in Mrs. Mey- ers' Buick car and left Saturday morning via the Adirondacks for Elmhurst, L. I., where they would spend a week with another niece, Mrs. Claude Rose. Their sister, Mrs. Nellie Marshall, who has been at Elmhurst for th? summer, will return to Milwaukee with them.— Joseph lloss Is very low at this writing.—Miss Carrie Chandler, as- sistant at H H. S., was hastily summoned to her home at Rich- ville Tuesday afternoon by the se- rious* illness of her mother. RIVERSIDE. -Mr. of by and RIVERSIDE, Sept. 15.- Mrs. Thomas Fairbanks densburg accompanied John Wagner, son Arthur daughter Dora motored to wood and were the guests of J. L. I Massena spent Sunday at home River is spending a fbw days with 1 pletes Betest—4606 Test- Mrs. Pn'lsjr Bush—Mr. and Mrs lilr Alfred Shlrlow and Mrs. Richard ' farnsworth are visiting relatives I In Brnrkvltle, Ont.-*Arohle t*h»Hx» spent Saturday In Norfolk otl bdsi-1 aess.—Samuel Grant Is busy filling his silo Corn cutting I* how a busy Mm* with farmers.—Mr. and Mrs. William Tucker spent Sunday at the home of Parley Bash and family—Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Pbe- II* and sla children were recent visitors of his *lster» Mrs. Parley Bush —Mr and Mrs; Alfred Shar- low and son Charlea, also Mrs. ed, 888 Reactor*. Is better known Or who he* more friends than Mr. Peck, and it will of the St. Lawrence river front, when a car coming from the oppo- j site direction with Tierce glaring j ^"^17" gratify ini^e"ws 40 "them j herd lights blinded Officer BarrttU to leftrn ^ &**% went though The retest of tuberculin cattle , ^ d ;* n J"^ 110 ', 10 *^ W "^ under tho direction of Federal and of the highway plunged headlong State, with the county cooperating, | ln w t0 * ^ ch 0 an f t ^ tted !nt0 J ne was completed Saturday, Sept. n , . aj>utonent of a bridge, smashing In the township of Stockholm. The j kls machine, end shattering his work has been Ih charge of Dr. fc.! T J* hi *"* ^ m the wrist to the elr E. Morse, federal representative,J*? w ^ d *™ r ^ of S e . 0t 5f r Car and Dr. F. J. Baker, county veterln-' ° w n o t itft, P to ««o*n*Mi the ser- arlan. Dr. Baker, Who has devoted »ottsness of Patrolman Ovrrtfrs his entire time to the work, re- m«nap but passed him under high ports that very satisfactory results I *P° W ' P«*aW? a rum runner. Richard Farnsworth spent Sunday j have been obtained and has ex- Patrolman Burrlll succeeded In at the home of Lester Grant and' perienced excellent co-operation of'freeinc hfansetf from the wreckage family—Mr. and tyrs. Lester Grant | ^kO dairymen. The retest comprts-jand arousing a farmer, who lived ed 4,606 cattle tested, representing near 4>y tha scene of the accident 251 herds; 388 reaetors were re- \ Burrlll was suffering Intense pain be able to be himself again, the hall fellow well met it was 18 years ago that Or. Ma- dill performed a, similar operation on him, but fte. hernia retained Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock from his home which was largely attend- ed, many from this vicinity. He leave* a Wife, three daughters and one son, one brother John of" this place and one slater, Mrs. Place of Morley. Much sympathy goe* out from this community to these lov- ed ones in their sorrow.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clough have returned} to their home in Brooklyn after spending two weeks with her par- ent*, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Moore- Mr, and Mrs. George Newcomb and Miss Jfewltt sailed from Havre on August* 26 on the samo boat, "The France," which carried her safely across (a June. Robinson and family Sunday.—A harvest supper was given by the Ladies' Aid society of PL Rock- away Friday evening at the pleas- ant home of Mrs. Emma Clark.— Dr. and Mrs. John Helmer left for their home in East Orange, N. J., Thursday after spending the sum- mer at their camp on Crapser's Is Miss Helen BIB, Miss Mildred Dr t and Mia* Carmen Jenkins we e home from Potsdam Normal ov r the week-end.—Miss Mildred Wc d who attended Ogdensburg Fr e academy last year, Is attendi 5 high school here this year.—The e wore |brty Who enjoyed the Cong) > gational Ladles' Aid supper at Mi *. were business callers In Massena on Baturday.—Mrs. Letter Grant visited at the heme of her btetW, m*y Faroaworta, aitd family In fcaymondvlUe recently.—Mr. end Mr*. Parley Bush and son Ralph, also Miss Gladys tucker wer* re-r &* w *° »n*P« Into it while hi* on, it Is expected some time thl* eent visitors of William Phelik and "*lfM>or sleepeth, verily he shall afternoon. Mr. ^urriri is resting which the (famed surgeon has now j granddaughter, Frances, ot Depey ster spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Newcomb' and tamily.^-Claud Middleton, who has had a position in Lake Placid during the summer, arrived home last week to attend school here,—*Mrs7 Joseph Graham of Ogdensburg was a caller here on removed forever. It was stated this afternood at the hospital that Mr, Peck «wodld fully recover and be better than ever* •VT GOING T0«C0TLAND land.—Miss Julia Malleu has gone Merkley'*, Heureieon, last Thur*- to Albany to take a business day.—It was said that there Was course.—Mr. and Mr*. William $1,800 insurance on the Larab e Boothroyd of Ogdensburg were the truck belonging* to Leslie Lyt^e guests of Mrs. Etta Putney and which burned up on tho roadsfo'a family Sunday.—M. L. Sanderson near Meuvelton a week ago Satur- aud family of Flackville were the dlay.-^-Gearge Streetor, n^thou^h in guests of his brother. Otis San-j very* poor health, secured second darson, and family Sunday, Sept Prise at the fiddling contest at De~ 6th.—George Keck and James Sim- Jsalb Grange field day which was POTSDAM, Sept 11.—Miss Jes- sie Brown, who has been living at the home of her uncle, John Fos-i ter, during the gist year, expects to sail ' front Montreal Septem- ber 17 oa the steamship LejtUla for her home. I« Haywood Scot- kind. - y$ Miss Browp will bo accompanied on the voyage by Mr*. Turnbull who will return lb Edingburg, monds are having their threH , - done today.—Mr. and Mrs. ous Sanderson and daughter, Mrs. It. W. Edwards, and son Junior were the supper guests of B. HObbs and family Ttirsday. :•<• Porteus of North Dak*/,; neld on Labor day.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gushes of Hopkintoi* spent •anday with her sisurs, Mrs. Ja*. Raymo and Mrs. Bernard . Austin. They were accompanied home by Hiram ' her mother, Mrs. Orma Bromagbhi. visited I ! Sir Kalem^ay*: The rdafeleHdth Mbnd*y^rrllra, Jay Mdore la visit this old Lady Opportunity\yr* bear' mg relative* la t^raeuse.--Mr». A. moved from l i t infected premises, and the farmer brought htm to thb|so much about Is she roamMround; a DeseU. Mrs. Auby Snyder and, Scotland to tii*it her parents and which represent* a small percent Hepburn hospital where the wound lookln' like Hard Work and com mon folks don't reoosTil*e heir. Mrs. Wallace Veitch .lie past : ^ ^ upon co^ermttoa' ak weekv-Mrs. Jay Dawloy. Mrs. My- ^ ^^ feUow . 8 obijgat,^ t m ron Putney, Mrs. Clarence Carnal 0Uf «rttles:e and Mrs. William McBath attended * ^ ' the Eastern Star chicken pie sup- ' per at Waddington Saturday eve- ninR—David Houghton, for a retest. , was dressed. 80 badly was the arm 1 Injured that an X-ray Is to <be tak- daughtar Ctmatkace and Mr. and j friend*. Mr*. TlihbuU came to |li*. Carrol Desetl *pent last Frbjpotsdam thcae years ago from family In Norwood. rule the ranch. comfortably. Forget what you've missed and grab some of the good thing* tnjtt are passing now. day in WatenoWn. tit's not the job, but ihe wat It's J don* that |ooaat*i ; Scotlaaa^td wed Mr. Turnbull, This ts beV flr*t at*R to her home The' two women wUl be accom panted to Montreal by Mr. Foster, on the boat Beta* la On the around floor will Duncan ! avail you nothnig unless you. natis Duff, Roy Binion, John and Arthur > something In your own Ujpper star v. Wagner enjoyed a blackberrying ] Unwillingness 4o learn from tJ'e trip to Parishvllle Wednesday. exper|*ace of others is the ordi- nary mail's greatest handicap. Miss Brown's sister, Mrs. Lulu Al- ley of Massena and Mrs. Turnbull's husband who will see them safely Give a rope to two man and wlH lead the other. Queer, •**<" ihv^'.-vO'.i.i-V'i ! ki'k •$$?*n*f*r «•»•***-,• i m^, tfrtF *^,^ •^MPity fe*%^ *».-Ar !*•:«* hm-Me, •:g •if- !£*'.:

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Page 1: Jb*MM«M iiitiMi Court House FINE WOHJtnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031423/1926-09-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · -i-*\ M. Murray Is Improving the looks of his house by building a largo

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^ jU f l oerea #f oorfoepeas ' auto eover every pitt 4v

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«er X'UL. l|bi»i.>i»»il wLmm usee

Court House

leplao* Volvos* OMtrojNMt by Firt Attorney Thomai ftpratt Malabar of OommltUt ttat •eleeWthe Book*.

CANTON. Bept. lL—Abottt $1700 worth of books were purchased for t^e St. Lawreaeo county court­house library to replace those dee-frayed at the burning of tae old Spurt house about two years ago, wtma the committee having charge

t « the week. The library will m*w rahk among the boat of Its kind in | | e state, it te locate* on tk* sec-end floor of ta* aodrtiy clerks of­fice and la easily accessible to at­torneys, the coartbouee and Clerk's Office being seeonstructed as one gilding. 1


BRASHER FALLS, Sept. H— Mr. and lira. William Walsh and son and daughter of New York city who have spent the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, left for their homo today. -i-*\ M. Murray Is Improving the looks of his house by building a largo veranda.-*-OnO of the largest funeral processions held here was that of Jerry Hurley on last Satur­day. Mr. Hurley would have been 96 years old on Nov. 1st. He had always enjoyed excellent health until about five years ago when he began a decline. For about three years his eyesight had fallod and he could not get about much without help. On last Thursday he grew weaker and the end came

ef the matter met In Canton dsr- peacefully on Thursday. He was most tenderly cared for during his later years by hi* son, Den Hurley, and wife and children, with whom he lived on the old farm home In the Eastern end of the town. The funeral mass was sung by Rev. Father Mahoney of Brushton, who took Father St. Jacques' place at

. Membera of the eommlttee hav- North Lawrence as Father St. Ibf charge of tha purchase m :*•«»•» was away attending re these books Include: Supreme Oourt Justice John C Crapser of •aasena, County Judge Jatttea C. kyoton of Ootrvecbeur. Attorney

SIonian Bprgtt Of Ogdenshutg, At-rney George H. Bowers of Cen-

tph. and James H Withered of be-Seyater, chairman of the board of •eaervlsors. Suprejne Court Jus-Ac* Edward O. Wpltmyer of Schen­ectady also aided W making selec­tion of the book* ferthe library.


Noif^iippoft —% /

CANTON. Sept l i -4 ldrr* f lor dot of Pyrites, who was arretted it that place Tuesday sight for pub­lic Intoxication by Undereborlft Wlaalow was sentenced to 80 days in the county jail when arraigned brfore Justice of Hie Peace Leon 0 Craiy here yesterday.

Mltchrlt Smith Ot Massena. bold for alleged violation of the national prohibition act. was admitted to ball yesterday and released from the county Jail by order or United lta>s Commissioner Howard fc •fhompson of Potadam.

B. T. Johnson of Massena, fcbn-

treat of many of the clergy. The bearers were John McCarthy/ Den Lorden, John Foley, James Mur­phy, John Shlnnock and John Sulli­van. Mr. Hurley was a (Treat, good Chrlatlan man who leaves hosts of friends. He 1s survived by two sons, Den Hurley and Michael Hur­ley and two daughter, Mrs. Kitt Barnard of Utica and MIBS Joe Hur­ley. Interment was in St. Pat­rick's cemetery hero.—Miss Alice McCuln has gone to Boston and Henry McCuln has returned to Waahlngton. They will resume their studies In said cities.—Chas. McCarthy leaves today for St. Michael's college near Burlington. —Francis Hurley left today for Notre Dame, Indiana, to resumo his studies.—Mrs. Nora McNulty enter­tained four tables at bridge on Friday evening. Miss Anna Hurley won high score and Mrs. James Kelly draw favor. Dainty refresh­ments were served and a most de­lightful evening spent.—Eugene Hall has returned to Potsdam Tech tor his senior year.—Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mahoney and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Qulnelle and family in Massena. —Miss Helena Lyons and Anne Lantry were home from Ogdeng-burg over the weekend.—Mrs. Emily Kagerer Is attending Pots­dam Normal where she expects to be graduated In January.—Soveral from here attended the funeral of ! Mrs. Rule in Morley yesterday.

Nell Murphy and daughter, I Miss Marlon Murphy were with


Crottverneur Aid In Ortf(

dbg Be

QOUVBRNTOUR, Sept. 18. — An­nouncement toy Wsv. W. J. MoCul-lough, pastor of Baptist church, that he would deliver a sermon

Mil. Hand France Diod at Ago of 40 After

Lingering ninagg.

DEKALB JUNCTION, Sept H+-Mra. Maud France Spencer aged 40 died at her home Monday noon Sept. 18, 1026, after a Utfgerfht »W nesa. She was born in the tow of Canton Feb. 87,18??, the ter of the late William and J. Reed France. She married D. Spencer Dec. 18.1001. Two dren wore born to them: WljUe** and Irene. After: their marriage

VOL. hxm<m •MM iiitiMi





NORWOOD, Sept. 14.—Mies Lois Graves left this morning for New

| York whsr* sk* will MU f o r Pans-1. 0. fcabcook Stiffen Painfull ** t0 u k 6 ?s>,ber dutteB " t e a c n

^ ^ T ^ L ^ r " " * • * ) ei th the public school.-Mn. Her ttjurif* While Two Otben Art Ifcttia^ In Fall of 20 Ttet at.Oonvetneur.

8unday on the Ku Klux Klan, filled the church, rwith many of thqae in | ^ 5 ^ o a ^ " f t ^ i w r : ; i 6 | 4 - afc attendance being from Fowler and - ^ V9^ilh u n t u ftbout &t4*yearl

ago when they moved Into ihtt Tillage. Mrs. Spencer was ajMayj

the neighboring section, wnere the the Klan has obtained, many mem­bers. v

(Mr. WoCullough would eupport the hooded order in its endeavor to revive a feeling among Protes­tants for better churohgolng, and also in their claim' lor bettor law enforcement. Mr. fMoCullough a**-

OOtfVEfaNiEUtR, Sept. 11. — E. & fcatocock of Clinton street suffer-

'oA a fractured leg just above the ankle yesterday afternoon when a i p n f itaglng on which he waa standing wHh tmro others, suddenlr

Women. ,-~-T- -_ M Union, Woman's Relief Obrpa and-the Home Bnreau. She leave* toi mourn her lose betides her h band her mother, Mrs. M a r t France, one son William, daughter Irene, 6ne brother

Sfiske and threw all three men to -—,—.• • • - . - - i -i •. , g i ^ ^ i l tmnA about'20 feet below.

peered of the belief that Protestant _ solidarity is weakened by too much %£££* nrfune^'sirvlcee^ complacency and lax church etten-;heW ^^pg^^y aftemooit at d t n c e - | from the home and 1 o'tjlook

He attended the meeting last t n o Presbyterian church, Rer. Monday at Fooler Whan the Klan had leading speaker* aao, it was largely from these speaker* that

eV&oas Ba4ieoot, and Byron Bill­ing* o( the North Oouverneur road.

9h* men were painting a barn on the fcHUn**/ar4p, located about swreiL miles from Oouverneur.

•tot* Babcock and Mr. Billings l ike athUed. B. C. Babcock the o*a*ai/>f the three, oould not arise and. was taken to his home here and treated by Dr. F. F. Drury. __

Tfte singing broke In the middle reUUvea" hero last Sunday-wftttdtft warning. They had for sev-i P r a n k o f Clayton spent Monday

bort Mctlowah and three children arrived nero 6om tlew Jersey where they spent the past few weeks with Mr. McObwan who is employed there.—Miss Stella Cat­tleman came home last week from Loon* Lake where she apent the summer.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mackey have a daughter, Emma Jane, born at the Cowan maternity home 9ept. 6.—Brastus F. Hall re­turned last week from a two months' visit with his son, Allan A. Hall, at Tillimook, Oregon.—-ROT. R. M. Fitspatrlck is attending a retreat at Cliff Haven this week. —Arthur Cardinal left for Liberty, N. Y., -Where he has a .position as commercial teacher in the public school them.—Mr*. Frances Amos returned last week from Bridge­port, Conn., where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Ada Cable, and oth­er relatives.—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger of Massena were guests of


? tho Baptist pastor *ut*rUra* a be-! 9 p e c t the George A< Rich Relief, lief that tho Tttett sn!*ht develop eo that it would have a place In American community life.

H. McVae officiating. BttHel * East Dekalb cemetery.—Mr*. Hi . . _ r , „ ^— . Overacker of Oouvemeur will Ja^.J™*?* been working on It and w ! t h hJg s t a t e r t M f g . w l l U a m Bart-


RttftlfefeLAttR FALLS. Sept. 18. —Eaateiaf- Star Chapter wUl open for the aeawon Friday evening, Sent 17M1. Th* ladies ^^ aaklag ail moaibers to contribute one dollar

i to a fund to be used to beautily _ _ _ J the chapter rooma.-^!1ie ladies of

WfflBeHtldfwB«i«fltof8t.|tlw c^?nfwt4o,?*1 **!*** J$* ww — # » , w r y ^ t^ir annual deUckms chick­en, pie sapper and'hoed a aale'ol fancy work and useful household

.;™„„™. m«vr a * ir * r-i articles the same day, Thursday, HBUVELTON, Sept 15.-A talr < ^ ^ | a me c h u r ^ p«Sw-

and harvest supper fos the ^nefit T h i f l ftnd g | U e w | U ^^ ^ 0 1 K / ^ ^ " f h U 1 ? 1 ^ ^ P^o « the usual church baiaar.--ln Odd1 Fellows' ^ * Wadvai^ay.; TU ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E £ ^ J ^ I T : ^ ^ ^ ! Mothodlat church Wil^aerve a aup-

Baphael'i Cftmrck

from 5.30 until all are served. The per In the church parlors Tuesday, public is cordially invited to attend.« ^ $u^ ^^g^^^ mt hM p. ^ There will be sewing in the after-

| Corps Wednesday afternoon* ^ ^ ^ ^ r f t ^ f ^ t t ^ f h 0 , , 8 e " ^ 22, at 2. All members are repeat; ** "*& *» «**nt for rent ed to be p«e*ent.—Mr, and Mfcr

No particular reference was paui Qothim hnd little dauiHtef made by Mr. MoCullogh to attack* Audrey, Mrs. Mettle House and directed at other religions. Mr. , 8 o n Clayton and Mrs. Cora Stm

it was thought 4o be safe.

McCullough eiipressed dlssf>prOTat of the Klan entering into politics. The pastor at the end o| the ser­mon received much commendation from several in attendance at the manner In which he brought out his rather difficult subject.

Horry Mills ••#-*

mons of Williamson spent a few, days visiting relatives.—Mr. and' Mrs. Elmer McBride and dausjMerj Caroline of Rensselaer Falls spani-Sunday with Mr*. Carrie JbhnsonC -i-Miss Arleen Folsom, who te a^ tending school at ^Brasher Falls, spent the week-end *t her hoittb*-^

. Mrs. James Tanner called la, 'dam Tuesday af*aw**v--Mr (Mrs. * *V FsedeAhaft j dren Marjorle and Robert and

# » J ! * U L , , T ^ y and daughter Vera of Ant-n U l C u I S werp were callers in town Sunday.

—Mr. and Mrs; H. T. 8tre*ter re-> turned Monday after spending two

aOUVERJNEUR, Bept 10. —: weeks visiting retatives in the cen-Harry Mills, son of Dr. and Mrs. '• tral part of New Vork Stat*.—Mrs. D. <M. Mills, was taken to the Hop- Albion Simmon*, who has been vis-burn hospital in Ogdenoburg yes- itlng her daughter^ Mrs. Watson terday suffering from an attack of Hill, in White Plains, returned acute' appendicitis. The young man J home Monday —Allan S^nmon* was taken suddenly HI during Wed-[from the southern States 1* spend-

Gave Afternoon ' TeA Annoiincing

Engagement Urs. A. W. Veaier Hoate** At

ement Party of Bar SiBter.

USBQH Sept ^ - ¥ r . and Mrs. — • • • <ji .Madrid Yisjtadt

" samanthfl * Rey**,

lett.—Reuben Morgan of Norfolk was a guest of bis sister, Mrs. Katharine Vannornum last Mon­day.

P < y » j « l » ' i M. fci i ,

Hel«n Hewitt StudiM Music

With Matters .rJ

Mrs. Myron Burnham entertain ed her brother, Frank Austin, from Monday till Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Austin with their son and daughter and other friends just recently retri­ed from a two months' crusise < <i the Mediterranean. They expect to leave New York this week for their home in Dallas, Texas.-A daugh­ter, Dorothy Jane, was <n Tues­day, Aug. -1 . to Mr. <: i Mrs. Howard Ferris.—Miss Ft-n Adrian entered Potsdam Normal Urx week. —The Volunteer Firemen's associ­ation of this village wish to ac­knowledge the receipt of ten dol­lars from A. W. Dixon. Mr. Dixon was in. Florida at the time the oth­er donation were made by the busi­ness men of the town.—Mrs. W. R. Burnside and Miss Agnes Moore are spending some time at Mrs. E. H. Northam's in Ogticnsburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert McOverey and Mrs. McOverey's mother, Mrs. M. Mcintosh of Brockviile accom pa-

noon and a business meeting after­ward at 8 p. m.—The activities of the Home Bureau will begin for J.he season Friday at 1.30 p. m. Mrs, Bern**! MacMonagJe, leader,. will give a first lesson on clothing.— Mrs. Helen Weaterup, who spent the summer In California with her son Walter, arrived front her home

1 in Buffalo to spend a month with 1 her slater, Mrs. Noah Walker, and I with her daughter, Mrs* David Hol­land of Dekalb —Arden Weaiherup

'left Friday to visit la Syracuse.— j George Dodds of Monties! 1* ^pend­ing his vacation with Mrs. Dodds here. Her sister, Mrs. Rarel, and children have gone home to Mont­real.—Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Orr and their cousin, Miss Mary L. Fisher from Norwich, N. Y., who is visit­ing them, motored to Morley Sun­day afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs,; Aggie Whitney.—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ginn, Mrs. C. Maloncy and Mrs. M. McKay are home from


nesday,night. HI* father accom-ling his vacation With his parent*, ^ ^ ' fjine g u e gts were served

Miss Helen the normal y returned

has been summer

u. , . . . ., r_,"onth*e riatttrday—Last Thursday | steamship "The France" of the

ifliynpon Mrs. A. W. Venler of. rrench lipe, arrrvlug there about Ogoensburg gave an afternoon teaj j u n e n to about forty ladies, announcing the engagement of her sister, Miss Bffie Lou Wallace of Rochester to Austin .Carrol O'Grady of the same city. A two piece orchestra fur­nished music for the afternoon. The guests were met by Mis. Ruth­erford and welcomed by the host­ess, Afts: Venler, and sister. Miss

fined to the county Jail here fllhce Aug. 16, last, went out Tuesday | Mrs Olght In modified sentence. Jcmn . MIBI, ton was sentenced to 120 days in Mrs. Murphy'fci mother, "wtrs. Rule! Is-H and a *25 fine by Justice, Of during her sickness and death.

panled him to Ogdensburg and will.) Mr. and Mrs. Albion Slmmdb*. remain there with him for a few days.

, Young Mills Is a iSyracuse unlver-1 I sity student and had come <home 'within the past few days to be with his parents before he entered Syra­cuse Medical School Sept. 14

the Peace Giles A. £has* df Mas ten* on Aug. 16 for disorderly cbft-duot

Bdrlck Burton of Ogdenrbttkg is In Jail to await action! or the tibp-tember grand Jury on a charge of

Mrs. Rule spent several weeks each year with her daughter here and made many friends who were sad­dened to learn of her death.—Jerry Hourlhan Is very low at this writ­ing. He has been in feeble health

abandonment. He was sent here by <for 8 o m e time and has jiow con-Recorder D. H. Corcoran Of dg-1 tracted pneumonia.—Mr. Und Mrs. denrburg. Burton IS allf ged to mtve William Hammlll and daughter abandoned his wife and family In | WGre Sunday guests of Mr. and Ogdenrburg. and was later arrest- Mrs. Dennis McCarthy—Miss Bee •d In Syracuse He was brought to Donovan has returned from Masse-Ogdensburg and thence to CahtOn „a where she spent several days.— Jail


Grant vllle. Sept. 8.—Mr. and Mrs William Tucker and family of Racket River and Mr. and Mrs. titiy Qreen and sons. William and Ray, were recent visitors at the home of [ R e t e S t R e s u l t * i n Parley Rush and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sharlow and son Chas. Of Deferlet are vis I tn* her parents, Mr. a'nd Mrs. RcHard Farnsworth.

Tim O'Brien has /eturned from Saranac Lake whore he spent the summer.—William Bacon was home from Malone over the week­end.—John Butler was home from his school at Paul Smith's for the weeje-end.

West Stockholm

Chas.Burrill of Border. Patrol Hurt

Everett Peck in the dining room to delicious re freshments consisting of sand

Since the summer school did not open until June 20, Miss Hewitt had an excellent opportunity to visit the many place* of interest in Paris and to hear some French opera. She Oppressed herself as very much pleased with the excel­lent dictation but felt that the qual­ity of voices was not as good as those found to American operas. The audiences were exceptionally enthusiastic, often shouting. Bravo,

Ont., were callers at J. F. Wood-side's Sunday afternoon.—Mr. Beers, the new manager at the Model Dairy, who with his family has been boarding at L. J. Cray-ford's are now occupying the Mc-


Bravo! when parts especially ap-. - - . . . . „ . pealed to them.

Former Proprietor of tha Si-Lawrence Inn a* CrouYemetur, Who Made the Hotel Famoui I* Making Good Recovery at tha Hepburn Hospital

Blinding, Glaring Headlight Cause of Ditching Hi* Oar _ tt _ , „ , - ^. ,. vo • ^ I Everett Pock, for many years, Near Fisher'* Landing Early the popular and well liked -prOprie-nn.1 as a -* « . ±t m i tor of the St. Lawrence Inn at Thig Morning, Bmaanlng W» \ Q^^n^^ Whioh he made fam-Arm From Wrist to Blhow— ' ous, submitted to a eer'ous opera-« t-x ^ <~ 4. • , *± ». tlon a t th« 'HOpburn hospital 'hies-Bronght to Hepburn Hospital: day for nernia on both stods of his

_• body. Dr. Orant C. Madill perform­ed the operation in his usual sac-

Border Patrolman Oharlcs Burrlll ce88ful manner and today Mr. Peek met with a serious adbldent near j s reported to be making a fine re-Fisher's landing at 1 o'clock this covery

Ml^'oiady. TaekcTr %"f"lUckei * • * * • * « f Oouvemeur Com- m o ^ n * ^ n ^ f t ^ There is probably no maa in in bis Ford patrolling that section g o u t h e r n 6 t LaWfeiCe county, who

The ted was4 poured by Mrs. Ersel Watt and Mrs. Ralph Chandler. After ajt wore served the orchestra played "O Promise Mo*' and Wal-

Miss Hewitt found the school at Fontalnebteau delightfully located in the famous forest of Fontaine* bleau and within easy acess of

laco Venier and Miss Helen Venier parig. she had the privilege of presented each lady with a' bou- \ -studying organ with WIdor and fltiet. Mr*. Venie> presented Mttis | harmony of music with Naida Bou-Wallace witb a corsage bouquet of j iangu . Widor is probably the great-tea roses In which was concealed« e s t j i v m g composer of organ music the gift of Mr. O'Grady, a beautiftil a m | Na<Ma Boulangu has a marvel-diamond ring. Miss Wallace then I o u s grasp of the meaning, of music received congratulations, after: from the most ancient to the most which all departed for their homes 1 modern. Mademoiselle Boulangu Those present from Lisbon were t possesses the ability to hold her Mrs. Elisabeth Fulton and daugh- closses spellbound by her wonder-ter, Mr*. William Hemenway, Mrs. fUi character and personality. V. A. Wallace, Mr*. Ersel Wattj tf0r recreation Miss Hewitt and Mrs. Morris Moore.—Mr. and adopted the French custom of bi-Mrs. Carrol Desell of Cobleskill, N. c y c t e r l t t l t tg ftnd by t b 4 s m e ans vis-T.f have been spending the past it€ld many interesting points, in-week with their parents, Mr. and eluding some of the old French Mrs. A. B. Desell, and family.—-: towns on the edge of the forest Word was received here Saturday j where Robert Louis Stevenson afternoon < of the sudden death of wrote his forest notes. IVili Brown of Ogdensburg. Mr.| A t the close of the school Miss Brown and family lived in this, Hewitt found time to visit Switzer-place many years before going to i^a a n4 cUmbed the Jungfrau, Ogdensburg and had a great many one of the moot beautiful of the friends. The funeral was held on' SDOw capped mountains.

nied by Mrs. Margaret Dulmadge mn4„vauta Wrt*^. « i« ,« v« and Mrs. Wight of Smith's i W ^ J ^ X j ^ ' • • *"

moot and other places of interest —MUs Bess Orr, who has been vis­iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. ]and Mrs. 8. J. Orr, left Wednesday morning in her Chase coach for Bast Orange, N. J., where she

udon,haet r r ^ ir^^v^'-V?^

They report a very enjoyble time, " f ~ * ~ S ^ ^ 6 °f 7"" -Mr. . Emm. Meyer8 and Mr«. Jen- ~ " „ ~ " ^ « tr" ,womc"" }?£*« » nlc Knlffen ot Milwaukee accom- 2 E 2 2 * " * ' T ;H°^rf;^ pauled by two friend., Mr., Keye. * 2 £ , i ^ " ' w . it ' and Ml.. Helen Row. wore gue«t. ' S**** ^ T. ?. T"i? 7 of their nteec. Mrs. Clint Connolly. | £ 2 ? \ £ ! , , ! i • J? L *~*

berg s place during his nbcence.— Mrs. Frank Petrie of Syracuse epe?.t

' the past week with her cousin, Mrs. E. T. Rice.—Miss Vera Dexter has gone to her school in Syracuse.-— Born Tuesday, Sept. 7th, to Mr: and Mrs. Raymond Smith a daughter, Marlon—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stod­dard and son Harold of Fort Pkia

. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W13 (Dart—Mr. and Mrs. Wellington ' Ginn of Canton spent Sunday wi a , her sister* Mrs. Marion NewcomU. ' —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smithe: 3 land daughter of Heuvciton "spe t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cr *1

j Heptonatall.—Mr. and Mrs. Georje ! Beach spent the weekend in C ^ 1 dcusbupi #uesU of Hillard Mas' a . and Jay smithers families.—Mir s DoflDthy Woodcock has returned 10

Og-, her school in White Plains.—Mr*. Mra. j ThonuurJenkins has gone to Sjrrv and ? u s e to visit her daughter, Mrs. O. Nor-' C. Alverson—S L. Bromaghin f

for a few days the past week. They were making the trip in Mrs. Mey­ers' Buick car and left Saturday morning via the Adirondacks for Elmhurst, L. I., where they would spend a week with another niece, Mrs. Claude Rose. Their sister, Mrs. Nellie Marshall, who has been at Elmhurst for th? summer, will return to Milwaukee with them.— Joseph lloss Is very low at this writing.—Miss Carrie Chandler, as­sistant at H H. S., was hastily summoned to her home at Rich-ville Tuesday afternoon by the se­rious* illness of her mother.


-Mr. of


and RIVERSIDE, Sept. 15.-Mrs. Thomas Fairbanks densburg accompanied John Wagner, son Arthur daughter Dora motored to wood and were the guests of J. L. I Massena spent Sunday at home

River is spending a fbw days with 1 pletes Betest—4606 Test-Mrs. Pn'lsjr Bush—Mr. and Mrs

lilr Alfred Shlrlow and Mrs. Richard ' farnsworth are visiting relatives I In Brnrkvltle, Ont.-*Arohle t*h»Hx» spent Saturday In Norfolk otl bdsi-1 aess.—Samuel Grant Is busy filling his silo Corn cutting I* how a busy Mm* with farmers.—Mr. and Mrs. William Tucker spent Sunday at the home of Parley Bash and family—Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Pbe-II* and sla children were recent visitors of his *lster» Mrs. Parley Bush —Mr and Mrs; Alfred Shar­low and son Charlea, also Mrs.

ed, 888 Reactor*. Is better known Or who he* more friends than Mr. Peck, and it will

of the St. Lawrence river front, when a car coming from the oppo-

j site direction with Tierce glaring j ^"^17" gratify ini^e"ws 40 "them j herd lights blinded Officer BarrttUto l e f t r n ^ &**% went though

The retest of tuberculin cattle , ^ d ; * n J " ^ 1 1 0 ' , 1 0 * ^ W " ^ under tho direction of Federal and of the highway plunged headlong State, with the county cooperating, | lnw

t0 * ^ch0

a n f t ^ t t e d ! n t 0 J n e

was completed Saturday, Sept. n , . aj>utonent of a bridge, smashing In the township of Stockholm. The j kls machine, end shattering his work has been Ih charge of Dr. fc.! TJ*hi *"* ^ m the wrist to the elr E. Morse, federal representative,J*?w ^ d * ™ r ^ o f S e . 0t5fr Car

and Dr. F. J. Baker, county veterln-' ° w n o t itft,P t o ««o*n*Mi the ser-arlan. Dr. Baker, Who has devoted »ottsness of Patrolman Ovrrtfrs his entire time to the work, re- m«nap but passed him under high ports that very satisfactory results I *P°W' P«*aW? a rum runner.

Richard Farnsworth spent Sunday j have been obtained and has ex- Patrolman Burrlll succeeded In at the home of Lester Grant and' perienced excellent co-operation of'freeinc hfansetf from the wreckage family—Mr. and tyrs. Lester Grant | kO dairymen. The retest comprts-jand arousing a farmer, who lived

ed 4,606 cattle tested, representing near 4>y tha scene of the accident 251 herds; 388 reaetors were re- \ Burrlll was suffering Intense pain

be able to be himself again, the hall fellow well met

it was 18 years ago that Or. Ma-dill performed a, similar operation on him, but fte. hernia retained

Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock from his home which was largely attend­ed, many from this vicinity. He leave* a Wife, three daughters and one son, one brother John of" this place and one slater, Mrs. Place of Morley. Much sympathy goe* out from this community to these lov­ed ones in their sorrow.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clough have returned} to their home in Brooklyn after spending two weeks with her par­ent*, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Moore-Mr, and Mrs. George Newcomb and

Miss Jfewltt sailed from Havre on August* 26 on the samo boat, "The France," which carried her safely across (a June.

Robinson and family Sunday.—A harvest supper was given by the Ladies' Aid society of PL Rock-away Friday evening at the pleas­ant home of Mrs. Emma Clark.— Dr. and Mrs. John Helmer left for their home in East Orange, N. J., Thursday after spending the sum­mer at their camp on Crapser's Is

Miss Helen BIB, Miss Mildred Dr t and Mia* Carmen Jenkins we e home from Potsdam Normal ov r the week-end.—Miss Mildred Wc d who attended Ogdensburg Fr e academy last year, Is attendi 5 high school here this year.—The e wore |brty Who enjoyed the Cong) > gational Ladles' Aid supper at Mi *.

were business callers In Massena on Baturday.—Mrs. Letter Grant visited at the heme of her btetW, m*y Faroaworta, aitd family In fcaymondvlUe recently.—Mr. end Mr*. Parley Bush and son Ralph, also Miss Gladys tucker wer* re-r &* w*° »n*P« Into it while hi* on, it Is expected some time thl* eent visitors of William Phelik and "*lfM>or sleepeth, verily he shall afternoon. Mr. ^urriri is resting

which the (famed surgeon has now j granddaughter, Frances, ot Depey ster spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Newcomb' and tamily.^-Claud Middleton, who has had a position in Lake Placid during the summer, arrived home last week to attend school here,—*Mrs7 Joseph Graham of Ogdensburg was a caller here on

removed forever. It was stated this afternood at

the hospital that Mr, Peck «wodld fully recover and be better than ever*



land.—Miss Julia Malleu has gone Merkley'*, Heureieon, last Thur*-to Albany to take a business day.—It was said that there Was course.—Mr. and Mr*. William $1,800 insurance on the Larab e Boothroyd of Ogdensburg were the truck belonging* to Leslie Lyt e guests of Mrs. Etta Putney and which burned up on tho roadsfo'a family Sunday.—M. L. Sanderson near Meuvelton a week ago Satur-aud family of Flackville were the dlay.- -Gearge Streetor, n thou h in guests of his brother. Otis San-j very* poor health, secured second darson, and family Sunday, Sept Prise at the fiddling contest at De~ 6th.—George Keck and James Sim- Jsalb Grange field day which was

POTSDAM, Sept 11.—Miss Jes­sie Brown, who has been living at the home of her uncle, John Fos-i ter, during the gist year, expects to sail ' front Montreal Septem­ber 17 oa the steamship LejtUla for her home. I« Haywood Scot-kind. - y$

Miss Browp will bo accompanied on the voyage by Mr*. Turnbull who will return lb Edingburg,

monds are having their threH , -done today.—Mr. and Mrs. ous Sanderson and daughter, Mrs. It. W. Edwards, and son Junior were the supper guests of B. HObbs and family Ttirsday. :•<• Porteus of North Dak*/,;

neld on Labor day.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gushes of Hopkintoi* spent •anday with her sisurs, Mrs. Ja*. Raymo and Mrs. Bernard . Austin. They were accompanied home by

Hiram ' her mother, Mrs. Orma Bromagbhi. visited I !

Sir Kalem^ay*: The rdafeleHdth Mbnd*y^rrllra, Jay Mdore la visit this old Lady Opportunity\yr* bear' mg relative* la t^raeuse.--Mr». A.

moved from l i t infected premises, and the farmer brought htm to thb|so much about Is she roamMround; a DeseU. Mrs. Auby Snyder and, Scotland to tii*it her parents and which represent* a small percent Hepburn hospital where the wound lookln' like Hard Work and com

mon folks don't reoosTil*e heir.

Mrs. Wallace Veitch .lie past : ^ ^ u p o n co^ermttoa' ak weekv-Mrs. Jay Dawloy. Mrs. My- ^ ^ ^ f e U o w . 8 obijgat,^ t m

ron Putney, Mrs. Clarence Carnal 0 U f «rttles:e and Mrs. William McBath attended * ^ ' the Eastern Star chicken pie sup- ' per at Waddington Saturday eve-ninR—David Houghton,

for a retest. , was dressed. 80 badly was the arm 1 Injured that an X-ray Is to <be tak-

daughtar Ctmatkace and Mr. and j friend*. Mr*. TlihbuU came to |li*. Carrol Desetl *pent last Frbjpotsdam thcae years ago from

family In Norwood. rule the ranch. comfortably.

Forget what you've missed and grab some of the good thing* tnjtt are passing now.

day in WatenoWn.

tit's not the job, but ihe wat It's J don* that |ooaat*i;

Scotlaaa^td wed Mr. Turnbull, This ts beV flr*t at*R to her home

The' two women wUl be accom panted to Montreal by Mr. Foster, on the boat

Beta* la On the around floor will Duncan ! avail you nothnig unless you. natis

Duff, Roy Binion, John and Arthur > something In your own Ujpper star v. Wagner enjoyed a blackberrying ] Unwillingness 4o learn from tJ'e trip to Parishvllle Wednesday. exper|*ace of others is the ordi­

nary mail's greatest handicap. Miss Brown's sister, Mrs. Lulu Al­ley of Massena and Mrs. Turnbull's husband who will see them safely

Give a rope to two man and wlH lead the other. Queer,


ihv^'.-vO'.i.i-V'i ! ki'k •$$?*n*f*r «•»•***-,• im^, tfrtF *^,^ •^MPity fe*%^ *».-Ar !*•:«* hm-Me,


