jci quatre bornes newsletter 1 2016

JCI QUATRE-BORNES E-NEWSLETTER ISSUE 1 | April 2016 Reference: acelebrationofwomen.org

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JCI Quatre-Bornes e-Newsletter Issue 1 - April 2016


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Reference: acelebrationofwomen.org

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JCI Mission To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive changes.

JCI Vision To be the leading global network of young Active Citizens.

JCI Creed We believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

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CONTENT Here’s what we have in store in our newsletter

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Editorial 4

The National President’s Corner 5

The Local President’s Voice 6

JCI Quatre-Bornes 2016 Office Bearers 7

A Generational Commitment for a Better World 8

Quotes from Leadership 9

JCI Quatre-Bornes New Members 10

Insights from our new members 11

Induction Day 12

Art of Making Speeches & Presentations 13

Trainer Profile—Mr Ravin Papiah 14

2016 JCI Mauritius Public Speaking Championship 15

Good Debaters have the Power to Change 17

2016 JCI Mauritius LOM/NOM Officers’ Training 18

The Belbin Training 19

Chronicle 20

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Dear readers,

Our Aspirations are our Possibilities ~Robert Browning

JCI Quatre-Bornes is pleased to introduce you to the online version of our first newsletter this year, sharing with you all the work of our committed and thoughtful members, senators and aspiring members.

Enjoy the reading!!!

The Editorial Committee




 E-newsletter JCI QB

Aspire to Inspire – Let’s Act Together

Issue 1 April 2016

Editorial Team

 2016 Local President Dana 2016 Local Secretary Vrinda 2016 Local Treasurer Ismael Member Anisha Kutowaroo Member Bhavinee Ramdhun Member Deepviraj Ramdhun

Aspiring Member Oudeena Mounien

A special thanks to all those contributing

to the making of our newsletter.

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Dear Readers,

Greetings from the 2016 JCI Mauritius National President.

It is with great pleasure that I am writing a few lines for the first newsletter of JCI Quatre-Bornes in 2016. Junior Chamber International has just celebrated its 100 years full of impact. Despite all the turmoil and dynamic changes happening, the motivation drives to carry the JCI Movement philosophy around the world for another 100 years is still present and is being perceived as vital. This is because JCI has propelled itself as the platform which aims at uniting all sectors of society mainly through associating itself with Local Communities and Governments in finding sustainable solutions.

In the same line, JCI is bringing forward openings in engaging the youth in participatory decision-making. Thus, we (at JCI Mauritius) are providing development opportunities to empower young people in creating positive change; we are molding Young Active Citizens and Leaders who are committed and concerned for the betterment of society and the world.

JCI Quatre Bornes has this year stepped into a journey with Aspire to Inspire, Let's Act Together as motto. When you Aspire, you are ambitiously seeking to project on the long term. When the thinking is on the long term, it also means having a vision. JCI strongly recommends to think on the long term and most importantly to think strategically.

On the other hand, when you Inspire, you want to draw forth or bring out a level of motivation that will unbelievably make another person discover his/her capacity in achieving objectives or becoming someone. These achievements can be related to personal development, doing projects for needy people and being a role model or a leader. And JCI encourages personal growth, by meeting community needs and providing opportunities to lead.

Interrelated to Aspire to Inspire, we slowly like what we do as a group and we develop a sense of togetherness. Acting Together is a learning path, a process of acceptance, a matter of trust whereby we set free our ego and is opened in seeing the bigger picture on what we want to achieve on the long run as a whole.

Nothing happens in vacuum, as human nature is composed of both ego and openness. JCI is a platform whereby we bring forward a change of mindset, where teamwork and acceptance of openness is the biggest contribution towards first self-satisfaction and then success. Believing in the leader towards a shared vision is an Act of Trust rather than a roleplay of ego.

In 2016, JCI President Paschal Dike said Just Act, so we should not try, we simply have to Act.

Lets Aspire to Inspire. Connect. Rise. Lets Act Together as One JCI Mauritius and bring forward to the World that Peace Is Possible.

The National President’s Corner

~ Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain

uncommon results ~ Andrew Carnegie

Yudhish Rama

2016 JCI Mauritius National President

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The Local President’s Voice

Aspire to Inspire – Let’s ACT together

~ A team's inspiration comes from individuals' aspirations. The combined quality of individual passions makes a team's impact to excel. When you are in a team, play a part! ~ Israelmore Ayivor

Dear readers, Purpose is a sense of knowing that your life has meaning, value, and importance. Having purpose means you know for a fact that your work, your contribution, and your life make a positive impact on the lives of others. We all joined JCI because of an aspiration… an aspiration to commit oneself to serve humanity in a positive way, and that also on delivering the organisation's higher purpose. Let us take a pledge of becoming a beacon of inspiration, one who inspires and empower others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more… for you never know how and when you can reach out and touch someone else’s life by just lifting him/her by your thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit. Aspire to Inspire, let’s ACT together to bring to make this world a better place. Enjoy the reading!!! Dana Sunassee 2016 JCI Quatre-Bornes Local President

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JCI Quatre-Bornes 2016 Office Bearers

2016 Local President Name: Jordana SUNASSEE (Dana) Mobile: +230 5947 2555 Email:[email protected] / [email protected]

2016 Immediate Past President Name: Jhateen RAMNARAIN Mobile: +23057669231 Email: [email protected]

2016 Local Secretary Name: Vrinda BHUJUN Mobile: +230 57070798 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

2016 Local Treasurer Name: Ismael ESSACKJEE Mobile: +230 5 2530702 Email: [email protected]

2016 Local Vice President Name: Thaleena JOGEEDOO Mobile: +230 59141538 Email: [email protected]

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A Generational Commitment for a Better World

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Quotes from Leadership

“A threat to peace anywhere is a threat to peace everywhere, irrespective of gender, age, color, nationality or race. Ensuring peace is therefore a collective responsibility. The Peace is Possible campaign is a call to action.” — Paschal Dike, 2016 JCI President

“The Peace is Possible campaign lays a solid foundation to fulfilling Global Goal #16: Peace, justice and strong institutions by 2030. The prevalence of peace in society leads to sustainable development, which ensures human dignity and justice, and thus, reduces conflicts and strengthens institutions.” — Rania Haddad, Peace is Possible Committee Chairperson

“The Peace is Possible campaign empowers people around the world to be actors, not spectators, in building bridges of peace.” — Arrey Obenson, JCI Secretary General

“The peace that eludes the world today is man-made. If this is true, then the Peace is Possible campaign wakes our consciousness to the fact that it will also take man-made actions to restore peace if we just act.” — Paschal Dike, 2016 JCI President

“The Peace Is Possible campaign is a golden opportunity for youth to be game changers in the development agenda by partnering with like-minded stakeholders to make their voices heard, by advocating for peace with their governments, by conducting peace-related projects and by creating awareness about the crucial importance of peace in today’s world.” — Rania Haddad, Peace is Possible Committee Chairperson

“At a time when the world is plagued with conflicts, inequality, injustice, poverty and diseases, the Peace is Possible campaign inspires hope that the world can be different and better.” — Arrey Obenson, JCI Secretary General

“Respect, understanding, compromise, selflessness, accommodation, equality and care are some of the greatest ingredients of peace. The Peace is Possible campaign invites all people of the world to dine on the table of these virtues.” — Paschal Dike, 2016 JCI President

“When we accept the differences of others and appreciate the beauty and the richness in the diversity of mankind, only then will peace be possible.” — Rania Haddad, Peace is Possible Committee Chairperson

“The Peace is Possible campaign unites the people toward a powerful common purpose, a purpose that defines our common humanity.” — Arrey Obenson, JCI Secretary General E X T R A C T S   F R O M   H T T P : / / W W W . P E A C E I S P O S S I B L E . C C /  

Extracts from http://www.peaceispossible.cc/

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JCI QUATRE -BORNES welcome our 2016 joiners who were sworn-in during a dinner held in honour of the 2016 JCI Vice President Kabo Garechaba, also wishing

them an enriching JCI Career Path

Pic 1

Pic 2

From left to right (pic 1): JCI Quatre-Bornes member Viraj Ramdhun, JCI Quatre-Bornes member Bhavinee Ramdhun, 2016 Local President Dana Sunassee, JCI Quatre-Bornes aspiring member Oudeena Moonien & JCI Quatre-Bornes member Anisha Kutowaroo./ From left to right (pic 2): JCI Quatre-Bornes member Viraj Ramdhun, JCI Quatre-Bornes member Bhavinee Ramdhun, 2016 Local President Dana Sunassee, 2016 JCI Vice President Kabo Garechaba, 2016 JCI Mauritius National president Yudhish Rama, JCI Quatre-Bornes aspiring member Oudeena Moonien & JCI Quatre-Bornes member Anisha Kutowaroo.

Photos Credit: Ajay Boodhoo

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My mother insists Independence Day is a symbolical day where

we renew our vows of protecting our Motherland. I, therefore,

attended the Independence Day at my schools with utmost

patriotic fervour. There was one particular Independence

Celebration, which changed my perspective of life. Our school had

selected Danielle Wong as Chief Guest to deliver the message of

the Prime Minister. As usual, I failed to grasp the PM’s iconic

INSIGHTS from our new members

message but her personal story touched my soul. Her fighter’s spirit and unfettered dedication to the

society was awe-inspiring. She talked passionately about the powerful platform of the “Jeune

Chambre Economique”. Since that day, I made it a personal resolution to follow her path and join JCI.

In March 2016, exactly a decade later, I swore in as Member of JCI Quatre Bornes among other

like-minded individuals. This was a moment of pride as I checked one box in my bucket list. I was hit

with the realisation that the JCI Member’s title will entail moments of pride, satisfaction, struggle,

tears and relief as I grow as a Jaycee. Most importantly, this “one moment” will bring more

development opportunities to sculpt myself as an agent of change.

Junior Chamber International is a unique organisation that empowers high calibre youngsters who

are fired up with a willingness to bring changes. Along with other like-minded individuals, I wish to

share my knowledge, skills and experiences to bring sustainable impact in our society. We need to

take an active stand in policy making in the country. Working with a team with different

personalities, backgrounds and perspectives, we are positioned to impact the community in a true

sustainable manner. I am particularly keen on bettering the youth’s relationship with the different

authorities in the country. To bring impactful changes, we need to be conversant with every vein and

nerve of the country.

Thus, I firmly believe, with JCI, I am one step closer to achieving my ambitions. Thanks to JCI, I stand

true to my vow to protect my Motherland every single day.

Anisha Kutowaroo

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The 20th of March 2016 was indeed a fruitful day for all the aspiring members. We were made aware of all the

formalities that we need to abide to and the Mission and Vision of JCI. Obviously we needed to know our goal, JCI’s

goal and help it to attain its goal working hand in hand with other JCI members.

JCI Achieve delivered by 2015 JCI Mauritius National President/ Senator Nousrina gave us an overview of the

organisation, how it functions and how to make the right things happen. Amazingly, we got to know each aspiring

member’s ideas with was a very enlightening session and spotted those who have common goal as us.

‘Act locally, impact globally’, these four words were reverberating in my head when I came home since they contain so

much power and motivated me to give my best in the upcoming events in order to help to create a better world.

JCI Impact conducted by 2016 National Vice President Roumesh Oomah changed our approach towards a particular

problem and taught us to search for the initial cause of the problem and to maximise our effort to uproot the cause

itself but for this to happen, the orthodox way of thinking that most people have need to be get rid of.

Not to forget that we got to learn about the Parliamentary Procedures by 2016 JCI Vice President/Senator to follow

while attending meetings of JCI and many other protocols that are primordial for us to know during our journey in


Ramdhun Viraj

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Art of Making Speeches & Presentations

Stepping into JCI Quatre Bornes soon after my High School was among the most important decisions in my life that has not only changed me, but my life, my perspective and my approach towards people. The Art of Making Speeches & Presentations is one of the best experiences that I have had during the start of my journey at JCI and I discovered that JCI does not leave any stone left unturned when it comes to the personal growth of its members. Starting from the composure, I have learnt innumerable things that will undoubtedly help me in my career as well as in JCI while delivering a speech. Also, not to forget that one's appearance, body language, facial expression plays a crucial role while talking and to capture the attention of the audience.

Having an AWESOME coach, Mr Ravin S Pappiah was a plus point because he did not miss out any opportunity to correct our mistakes and make us learn from our mistakes. His enthusiasm and motivation showed all those following his training a new path, a new hope, a new outlook.

Moreover, the content of the speech holds the same importance as the style of delivering it since all that matters is that the message of the speech is conveyed to the audience. An impact should be created at the start of the speech to make the audience aware of the depth of the topic.

The Art of Making Speeches & Presentations was no longer a nightmare for those following the training after those 5 sessions, instead, all of us are looking forward for an opportunity to voice out our opinion or ideas to be heard. Everyone came out after those 5 sessions over beaming with charisma, inspiration and some were completely metamorphosed. As we say, we do not stop learning. It is a lifelong process. -Ramdhun Bhavinee Luxmi

JCI QUATRE -BORNES wish to thank all the

participants and trainer Ravin Papiah for this AWESOME


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Presently Managing Director of the Mighty Champs Marketing Co. Ltd. and the Professional Leadership Centre Ltd., Ravin S. Papiah is a highly respected trainer and motivational speaker who has clinched numerous accolades and achievements at the national, regional & international level including the Competent Communicator, Competent Leadership, Advanced Leadership Bronze and Advanced Communicator Bronze Awards, from Toastmasters International among many others…

His training solutions are unique in their content, approach and results, whereby he provides a learning experience where participants leave with the ability to “do,” not just “know,” the concepts being taught. Ravin energizes his audiences by engaging their hearts as well as their minds. His training style is fast and fun, with the learning always tied to the practical application in the participants’ environment.

Ravin is someone who will always strive to help people discover their optimal balance and connection among their personal and professional lives.

Recipient of the 2011-2012 Executive Professional of the Year Award, representing the Business Management Industry, by Cambridge Who’s Who, USA, Ravin Papiah, graduated from the University of Mauritius with a BSc (Hons) in Business Studies. He also holds an Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management, a Diploma in Hotel Management from SHATEC, a Diploma in Management with specialisation in Marketing Management from the University of Mauritius, a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Training & Performance Management from the University of Leicester. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM, UK), a Member of the Institute of Directors (MIoD, Mauritius), a Fellow of the Institute of Sales & Marketing Management (ISMM, UK) and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, UK. He has been elevated to the rank of Chartered Marketer by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.

Ravin is currently a Founder Partner and a Certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer of the John Maxwell Team., and is also a Gitomer Certified Chartered Advisor.

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Hosted by JCI Quatre-Bornes, the ‘2016 JCI Mauritius Public Speaking Championship’ took place on Saturday 02 April 2016 in the Municipal Council Room of the Municipality of Port-Louis, with the theme 'Peace will only be achieved when those who believe it is possible take action to create peaceful communities'. That was such an interesting title in line with our JCI motto “Peace is possible” and beautifully developed and elaborated by the 12 participants, among whom were 2 of our new members, Anisha Kutowaroo and Bhavinee Ramdhun.

Oudeena Mounien – Aspiring Member

Talking about public speaking, it might appear easy to stand in front of an audience and talk for a few minutes but only those who actually stood there on the ramp, in front of everybody, will confirm the opposite. Let alone public speaking, just speaking is becoming a suppressed activity nowadays where emails, texts, blogs and chat forums/applications are becoming the norms and emotions becoming emoticons! Just think about it; when was it, the last time you heard the voice of your friends, your grand parents, relatives, colleagues? This might seems weird but at times you do not hear your own voice in a hectic day. And now going for a public speaking contest is indeed a real challenge. Nonetheless, the participants were really awesome. We got to learn a different perspective of achieving peace from each of them. And from this tough and tight competition, JCI Quatre-Bornes succeeded bagging the first place with Anisha Kutowaroo as its winner. The 1st runner up award went to Veerendra Koosna (JCI Curepipe) and the 2nd runner up to Jevina Comaren (JCI City Plus). The jury panel for this year consisted of: Senator Nundini Akaloo, Mr Rabin Bhujun, Managing Editor of ION News, and Mr Ravin Papiah, Coach and Trainer, and Director of the Professional Leadership Centre.

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More pictures available on JCI Quatre-Bornes Mauritius

Facebook profile page.

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Have you ever been in a situation where your ideas were constantly rebutted and this undermined your confidence in what you were saying? Have you ever asked yourself, how can you bring changes when your surrounding constantly questions what you say? How you ever wondered how you could assert your ideas better?

Well…. how you ever thought about joining JCI’s National Debate Championship?

I signed up for the National Debate Championship to grow out of my reluctance to speak out, argue and stand my ground against adversities. My reluctance surfaced during my experiences as an intern. At the time, I was an overzealous student overflowing with opinions and ambitions, yet I hit the wall when it came to pushing my ideas to others. Argumentative colleagues rebutted every single proposal that I made. I was at my wits end, as no matter how much I researched or prepared, my ideas were ousted in every meeting. This lowered my self-confidence and reduced my motivation to speak out! I soon realised the problem was not my idea but the way that I presented them.

What we say needs to be complemented with how well we say it. Every time, someone rebutted my ideas, I would step back and start going downhill and relent easily. Hence, the JCI “Debate Skills – Speak your mind to win an argument”, delivered by Senator Nousrina Peerbux and by Senator Clency Magon was a great start to develop as good debater. Amazingly, one of the most important take away, apart from developing key public speaking skills, was how to listen actively. The key to making yourself assertive and prepare the best argument is to be able to paraphrase your opponent’s ideas and discuss the flaw in their logics.

The 2016 National Debate Championship itself was structured such that you are given a motion 15 minutes prior to the actual debate and are required stand by it throughout your argument. This is probably the best highlight of the debate championship as it encourages us as individuals to be open and consider different points of view. As leaders and active citizens, it is this openness as well the assertiveness that is cultivated through debate championships, which give others the ability to know who we are, what we feel and what we want, but also makes us more open to discussion.

We need to use the format of this National Debate Championship to move ahead. It would be interesting in the future, if we can come up with a new championship where instead of debating to defend, we could debate to reach a consensus by integrating opponents’ ideas. We need to remember good debaters have the power to change, while good leaders CAN debate, integrate and change.

Anisha Kutowaroo

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The 2016 JCI Mauritius LOM/NOM Officer’s Training was conducted on the 30th and 31st of January 2016 at Gold Crest Hotel, whereby a total of 26 officials participated.

The two days of training provided an opportunity for all Local Board officials as well as all National Board members present to get acquainted to peers, also creating a sense of brotherhood that would aim at facilitating exchange of ideas and collaboration during the year.

A number of driven guests were present to deliver various sessions to the attendees whereby they received a thorough insight about important aspects which would help to improve the management of their respective organization.

The sessions included:

Team Lead & Management by 2008 JCI Executive Vice President Aruna Pulton Good Governance by 1992 JCI Mauritius National President Bruneau Woomed Looking for Sponsorship by 2014 JCI Executive Vice President Henry Loo Negotiating Skills by 2016 JCI Mauritius Deputy National President Asha Auckloo Grooming by 2013 Local President Ashveena Mewa Attracting Professional Members by 2016 Executive Assistant to 2016 JCI Executive Vice President for the Africa & Middle East

It is good highlighting that training was quite interesting and full of lively conversations of all the participants, and large number of issues and new information were given to all participants. All left being more motivated not only to face and win over the challenges of their respective local organizations, but also inspired to build a network of opportunity.

Ismael Essackjee

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The Belbin Training, hosted by JCI Curepipe on the 16th of January 2016, was the first training I attended this year.

It was indeed a fruitful and enriching experience. The Trainers Senator Christer B Jansson and Senator Inger Melkersson

Jansson, were really good at explaining their topic: the Belbin Theory.

What is it all about?

The Belbin Theory is one which can be applied in a team or an organisation in order to assess the strengths and

ultimately the characteristics of the team members or employees. These characteristics can be classified in what is

known as Belbin Team Roles, namely: shaper, implementer, completer finisher, co-ordinator, team worker, resource

investigator, plant, monitor evaluator and specialist.

Prior to the D-Day, an online questionnaire was sent to all the Participants of the training. They then got the results

through email itself - the Belbin Team Role they are most likely to belong to.

By understanding his/her Belbin team role, an individual can focus more on his/her strengths and carry out tasks in

which he/she is best at.

Undoubtedly, this could also be helpful to us Jaycees, who throughout the year, work on projects and in teams. As per

the Belbin Theory, if we group team members with different Belbin Team Roles, we could actually make a high

performing team. Also, it could help a team member to better understand his/her team mates, thereby reducing

possible conflicts which can arise in a team.

Theoretically, the Belbin Theory seems to work perfectly – by boosting the productivity level and at the same time

maintaining healthy relationships within the team or organisation. However, how far it can be applied in JCI is yet to be

known. So let’s try to incorporate the Belbin Theory in our projects and at our Local Organisations’ level and see if it

works. And, please do share your experience with other JCI Members and Local Organisations.

Vrinda Bhujun

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JCI QB List of Local Presidents

1989: Senator Josianne Bellerose 1990: Senator Bruno Woomed 1991: Senator Salil Roy 1992: Senator Dana Chengan 1993: Dharmanand Verrasawmy 1994: Senator Daniella Donat 1995: Senator Heymant Sonoo 1996: Gaytish Joganah 1997: Senator Vishnu Beedassy 1998: Senator Nundini Akaloo 1999: Vikash Ramdin 2000: Anielle Ramsahye 2001: Senator Aruna Pulton 2002: Avilash Ramlowat 2003: Vikram Rampersad 2004: Roshan Nothoo 2005: Senator Didier Fayd’herbe 2006: Senator Ryad Subratty 2007: Vedna Ramsaha 2008: Mohammad Jauhangeer / Myriam Cadersa 2009: Myriam Cadersa 2010: Nirmala Rewa 2011: Senator Yogesh Bappoo 2012: Indira Kayala 2013: Vrishni Poonet 2014 : Senator Kiran Bhujun 2015: Jhateen Ramnarain

JCI QB List of Senators

Josiane BELLEROSE [SENATOR 46622] Dana CHENGAN [SENATOR 53572] Salil ROY [SENATOR 54873] Akhil PEERBHAI [SENATOR 54874] Vishnu BEEDASSY [SENATOR 57410] Daniella DONAT [SENATOR 57411] Hemant SONOO [SENATOR 58011] Nundini AKALOO [SENATOR 61683] Aruna PULTON [SENATOR 65979] Ryad SUBRATTY [SENATOR 70871] Didier FAYD'HERBE [SENATOR 71413] Yogesh BAPPOO [SENATOR 72030] Kiran BHUJUN [SENATOR 74957]

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JuniorChamberInternationalQuatre‐BornesP.O. Box 77, Quatre‐Bornes, Mauritius—http://www.jci.cc/quatrebornes

To join us, send us an email on [email protected]

or contact us through our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jciquatrebornes.mauritius