jerusalem - alexandra r 5l


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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Jerusalem - Alexandra R 5L
Page 2: Jerusalem - Alexandra R 5L

The Western Wall known as the Kotel, is a place where all Jews pray. It was part of a very sacred temple, but a long time ago the Romans destroyed the temple and this is its remains. The men and the women are separated in this holy place so the men and women wont get distracted while they are praying.

Page 3: Jerusalem - Alexandra R 5L

These are the tunnels of the Kotel When You enter the Kotel you will go through these tunnels and walk all around and might even see a part of ancient history!

Page 4: Jerusalem - Alexandra R 5L

The plot of land on the elevated stone platform known as Haram Ash-Sharif on Temple Mount upon which sits the Dome of the Rock is sacred to three of the world's major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The site was first consecrated by the Israelites of Exodus. Later, according to Jewish tradition, Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac upon a rock that protruded from the centre of the platform. Later still, upon the same platform, Solomon erected his temple.

Page 5: Jerusalem - Alexandra R 5L

The City of David is the birthplace of the city of Jerusalem, the place where King David established his kingdom,

and where the history of the People of Israel was written. It is within walking

distance from the Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall, and

is one of the most exciting sites in Israel. Visitors come from all over the

world to see the strongest physical connection between the stories of the Bible and reality, the place where the

Holy City started. In the year 1004 BCE, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established his capital there. It was here where the People of Israel were united under King David’s rule, here where the Holy Ark was bought and here where the First Temple was built by King Solomon, King David’s son.

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